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Healthy Times Magazine - Living Long and Healthy

Published by susonosono, 2015-07-27 22:03:06

Description: Healthy Times Magazine - Living Long and Healthy issue 3

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distribution contentsthe BEACON summer 2013 southeastern indiana editioneditorHeather Carota 2 urgent care -vs- emergency room written by: trent austin, mdcreative staff 4 momentum physical therapyBeyond Cyber Concepts written by: michael del re, dpt Mark Lutz Anita Murphystaff photographer 6 living a long healthy lifeWaltz Photography cover story written by: mimi kirk AJ Waltzdevelopment staff 8 pc health and maintenance tipsHeather Carota written by: jeff priceApril Dawn Niece 10 look left then right written by: marcus cobb, mdcopy editor 10 hepatitis C is becoming epidemicTony Carota written by: ginny heffeimire, rn 12 find natural fuel in the fridgeproduction written by: linda baierBeyond Cyber Concepts Mark Lutz Anita Murphyprinter 13 fitness around townBright Graphics community calendarcontributors 64 8 12Trent Austin MD, MichaelDel Re DPT, Mimi Kirk, Jeff Price,Marcus Cobb, Ginny Heffelmire RN,Linda Baiercontact informationwww.healthytimesmagazine.com575 Main St. Ste CLawrenceburg, IN 47025phone: [email protected]“Healthy Times Magazine” is a free independent publication that is distributed quarterly through “the BEACON.” No part of this publication may be usedwithout permission of the editor or production department. We reserve the right to edit or reject advertisements at our sole discretion & without notice.from the editor Well, summer is here! Hopefully you have found some new activities to help keep you healthy while it is hot outside, like swimming inthe pool! I continue to learn new things about health and being well. I am so excited that I am able toconnect with such a wide variety of people and share what I learn with you. I am so blessed to have metso many people who are out there just like me promoting health and wellness. By working together, wecan share so much with you!We hope that you have learned new things while reading the pages of Healthy Times and that this in-formation has helped you to live better. We are excited to have a combination of local and internationalauthors included within this issue. Remember that health encompasses a wide variety of areas from thephysical, mental, spiritual, social, economical, and emotional. So go spend sometime with your friendsand family to work on your social health and have some fun this summer while being healthy and well.Until next time!

2 urgent care -vs- emergency room by trent austin, mdYou just cut your hand with a kitchen knife. Now ference could often be over $1000. A visit to anwhat? The thought of long waiting time and a high ER can result in many bills mailed over severalbill from an emergency room is not appealing. But months, whereas an Urgent Care center will typi-what choice do you have? Urgent Care! cally present a patient with one bill covering all of the services for the visit.Sitting in a cold, drab hospital waiting room isnot a fun experience. The average ER visit tops Generally, if you can walk in (or limp in), Urgent4 hours. Urgent Care visits are usually one hour Care can help. Services include treatment foror less. Urgent Care centers see patients with no cuts and lacerations, sprains and fractures (bro-appointment and offer convenient hours. Urgent ken bones), illnesses like cough, sore throat, flu,Cares are open 7 days a week, with extended eve- urinary tract infection, poison ivy, whiplash, sportsning, weekend and holiday hours. injuries, falls, abscess drainage, small burns and skin lesions. In addition, Urgent Care providesSo a friend takes you to the nearest Urgent Care Occupational Health Services such as on-site drugcenter and you have a brief wait. Luckily, the screens, physicals, and treatment for injured work-Urgent Care can provide a tetanus shot and can ers.x-ray the hand on-site to make sure you have notcut the bone. The medical professionals at the What types of problems should go to an emergen-Urgent Care center will stitch your hand, give you cy room instead of Urgent Care? A recent study,a prescription for an antibiotic and plan to check the “Avoidable Emergency Department Usagethe wound in three days. If the wound is compli- Analysis,” found that 71 % of ER visits actuallycated, the Urgent Care center has connections to did not require immediate attention in the emer-local specialists. They can make a referral and set gency room. However, if a problem is life-threat-up appointments. Also, your bill will generally be ening, it should be seen in an emergency room.much less than if you visited the ER. Examples include heart attacks, strokes, altered mental status, respiratory distress, or any problemUrgent Care centers free up emergency depart- requiring ambulance transport.ments for people who are extremely ill. UrgentCare generally offers lower prices with lower co- Urgent Care centers do not compete with primarypays and out-of-pocket costs for most insurance. care physicians. You need a primary care physicianA typical urgent care visit cost is $110 to $150 (PCP) to care for your overall wellness and health.compared to ER costs of $550 to $750. If you do not have a primary care physician, an Ur- gent Care center will recommend one. When yourInsurance co-pays can vary by insurance plan, PCP is unable to see you, an Urgent Care centerbut urgent care patients usually pay $35 to $50, can care for your medical needs and can communi-compared to typical ER co-pays of $100 to $200 cate with your PCP.or more. For high deductible plans, the cost dif- Urgent Care fills the gap between PCPs and the emergency department. Urgent Care centers understand that you do not get sick or injured by appointment. Trent Austin, M.D. is the medical director of AccuDoc Urgent Care with locations in Batesville, Greendale and Greensburg. AccuDoc is a family owned, locally operated company.

4 momentum physical therapy a sports orthopedic clinic, specializing in post-surgical care and injury management by michael del re, dptOver the last five years, the doctors of Spine and You don’t have to hurt. Often people associate the aches andNeuromuscular Associates SEI have created and cultivated pains of life with aging. While it is true that we are moreone of the best-kept secrets in Dearborn County and prone to hurting as we age from conditions like osteoar-South East Indiana. We have created a comprehensive thritis, joint degeneration, peripheral vascular disease, andphysical therapy department that treats all of your fibromyalgia, we don’t have to hurt. We can improve andmusculoskeletal needs. And now, due to demand, we have minimize the effects of all of these conditions with a healthygiven our department a name so that it can stand out and be musculoskeletal system.recognized for the exceptional service that we provide. Wehave chosen our name because of the ever-increasing rate What could you possibly do for osteoarthritis pain?of business that is patient-driven. You are the reason we are We don’t treat osteoarthritis. We don’t have to.growing. We thank you for inspiring us to be MomentumPhysical Therapy. Often we give arthritis too much credit. It’s one of thoseMomentum Physical Therapy is not a new practice. We things that everybody has, but not everybody hurts from.have been quietly servicing all of Cincinnati’s largest Why? This is because osteoarthritis is typically a painorthopedic surgical groups for the last five years. Why drive magnifier, not a pain generator. Only in later stages doesto the city after surgery? Our Doctors of Physical Therapy arthritis cause pain. In early to moderate development,have been the choice of many patients for post-surgical after arthritis will take what used to be stiffness and maybe acare, sports injury management & recovery, auto accidents, little achiness from activity and turn it into higher-levelworkers comp, frequent falling, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, pain. Did you know that most of the pain attributed toand many other conditions. If it hurts, we can help. arthritis isn’t even amplified by arthritis? A majority of our joint pain is from the soft tissue (tendons, ligaments, The Momentum Physical Therapy way fascia, and joint lining) around our joints. Our soft tissue hurts because it doesn’t like how the joint is behaving. The point is we can make your joints happier so that arthritis doesn’t rule your life.At Momentum, we don’t treat patients, we treat family. Wedon’t lecture you, we teach you. We believe in the power of So…What is causing my joint pain?optimism and laughter with hard work. We believe in treat- Weakness, muscle imbalance, and poor blood profusioning the entire problem instead of only the source of your to your joints. All of these are easily improved withpain. We believe that you should leave feeling better than physical therapy. You don’t have to wait until a jointbefore you were ever hurt. We feel your time is important— replacement is necessary for pain relief.our average wait time is less than 1 minute. We believe youabsolutely have to lay your hands on the patient to improve How can you help with fibromyalgia?them. We believe in setting the standards that other clinics Fibromyalgia is often a pain problem associated withhave to live up to. myofascial pain syndrome. The fascia develops adhesions (a plaque) that often generate pain points along the muscle. Pain points increase as the muscle terminates into tendon at a joint. This plaque reduces superficial blood flow. A lack of blood flow starves the tissue, causing pain. The nerve fi- bers send out a distress signal. The more weakness a person develops the more they stress the tendons and fascia, this advances the problem. Why does this happen? It’s our lifestyle. We sit more and we have jobs or do tasks with a fixed posture and repetitive movements. We can improve blood flow into the fascia and we can strengthen the tissue. Getting started For Physical Therapy, all you need is an order from your family physician, chiropractor, surgeon, podiatrist, or den-

tist. It has been reported that in July of 2013, patients willbe able to see a physical therapist directly without an order.Simply call with your order and schedule an evaluation. Asa courtesy, we will call your insurance company for yourbenefit information. Also, we have very reasonable time ofservices rates for people without insurance.Dr. Michael Del Re dpt is certified by the State Boards ofNorth Carolina, Kentucky and Indiana, and offers a uniqueblend of exercise training, balance training and high intensi-ty training protocols. He specializes in orthopedic rehabili-tation, spine rehabilitation, and disorders affecting balanceand gait. 812.537.5616

6 living a long healthy life by mimi kirkThere are many reasons why people change their diets pressure was under control. The twenty-two pounds I hadthroughout their lives. Many men and women gain weight gained were history.over the years and health may decline as they age. I started I started my raw food adventure at the age of sixty-ninemy search several years ago to see how one could live a long and now at seventy-five I feel younger than I did backhealthy life and avoid the usual old age illnesses and the then. I’m told by friends and family that I even lookmedication that goes along with each disease. younger than I did six years ago. I certainly feel younger.What started me on this path was a simple routine check up I have more energy, wake up with out any aches or pains,with my doctor. I was told my blood pressure and choles- and never seem to tire.terol were high. I had also been feeling arthritic pains in my Research claims that one out of every three Americansjoints. Needless to say, I was not happy leaving his office with has health concerns and many accept the fact that it’sa prescription in hand. Taking drugs the rest of my life did because of aging or genes. New data claims that genes arenot appeal to me so I started to research what natural meth- only 5 percent of how well or long we live, and there areods I could use to improve my health. many places around the world where people live to beOne of the most interesting discoveries was information over a hundred and are still active. The following are sixregarding a plant-based diet, which included vegetarian, habits of people who live to be over one hundred.vegan and most intriguing, a raw food diet. A raw food 1. Diet. Most of these centenarians eat mainly a plant-diet had many claims stating it cured a list of diseases and based diet. Those who consume meat only eat a card-health conditions. deck-sized portion once or twice per week. My suggestionI had a big decision to make if I didn’t want to go the way is to stop eating processed foods and to try to consume anof my family’s health history that included high blood 80% raw foods diet. Processed foods are almost anythingpressure, heart disease, cancer, Parkinson’s, diabetes, and in a can, box, pouch, or bag. Everything on the shelvesmuch more. (except in the produce section) at your grocery store isI decided to start with a juice-cleanse, which consisted likely processed. Read labels before you put anything intoof celery, spinach, cucumber, and apple. At the end of a your shopping cart. If you can’t pronounce it or don’t7-day juice-cleanse I felt amazingly energetic and even know what an ingredient is, put it back on the shelf. Eat-lost some weight.I decided to continue with a raw food diet, now that I hadeducated myself about it. A raw plant-based diet consistsof fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. It is gluten free, withno dairy or animal products. Raw food can be warmed,but is never heated over 115 degrees because cooking fooddestroys the enzymes that we need for proper digestion.I know many people might think raw food is carrot sticksand celery, but let me tempt you with some of the rawfoods I prepare. My pasta noodles are made from zucchiniand a special tool that helps them look like standard pastanoodles. (see photo) I make nut-based cheeses with nodairy (see photo), and desserts that are much better thanthe standard desserts containing sugar, flour and eggs (seephoto references.)After six months of eating a raw food diet, I decidedto visit my doctor again to see if there were any chang-es. I was delighted to hear that my cholesterol droppedtwenty-six points, I had no arthritic pains and my blood

ing fresh produce, especially organic, is the first step to are enjoying better health and quality of life. Those withstarting or maintaining a healthy diet. negative views about aging fulfill their own prognosis.2. Exercise. You don’t need to join a gym or run mar- Scientists think that optimism may alter the chemicalathons, but you must do something to get your body balance of our body and that is a good reason to be happymoving every day. Walk to the store, friends, or places of and laugh as much as possible.worship. Try some yoga stretches to keep you limber. Parkfar from the entrance of the market or shopping mall so Mimi Kirk is a raw food chef, health consultant, and theyou can take the opportunity to walk. Work in your gar- author of LIVE RAW, Raw Food Recipes for Good Healthden, climb stairs and get outside in the fresh air as much and Timeless Beauty, and soon to be released LIVE RAWas possible and don’t forget to breathe deeply to expand AROUND THE WORLD. She has been interviewed byyour lungs. NBC, KUSI, and Fox and has appeared on national TV,3. Family and Friends. Work on being in a happy, com- “The Doctors,” and appears in two documentary films.mitted relationship. Give your children time and love. She has been interviewed hundreds of times and appearedSurround yourself with the right social circle of friends. on the cover of many magazines around the world.When I say right, I mean studies show that smoking, obe- Mimi can be seen on her YouTube channel demonstrat-sity, happiness, and even loneliness are all contagious. ing how to prepare healthy raw food recipes. Mimi is a4. Purpose. Knowing your sense of purpose can add sought-after lecturer and travels the world sharing herextra years to your life. Learn how to share your gifts and secrets on how to live a long healthy life.purpose, and you will raise your wellbeing. Studies have www.youngonrawfood.comshown that people who can articulate their life purpose in Find Mimi on Facebook at:one sentence are 20% happier than those who can’t.5. Stress. Avoid dwelling on negative thoughts. A positive brings positive results into your life just as neg-ative patterns bring negative results. Be grateful daily forwhat you have. Stress leads to inflammation in the body,which is associated with many age-related disease. Try astress reliever like meditation, golf, painting, or any otherhobbies that work for you.6. Attitude. Change how you think about aging. Re-searchers agree that there is a link between mind andbody. People with high expectations of their senior years

8 pc health and maintenance tips by jeff priceComputer health and maintenance is as important as list at the end of this article. Most importantly though noany doctor visit. Forget everything you know about matter which method you use, save everything in multiple“optimization software”. Forget about those online locations not just one place and keep it updated at least everyadvertisements claiming to speed your system up by 300%. 3-6 months.Most of these packages really do more harm than good and The next point of advice is the one that brings dread in therarely work. You can keep your PC up and running in mostcases with minimal effort and little to hearts of many - reformatting yourno cost. system! It’s inevitable that your newJust a few years ago, all you had computer or notebook will start to feelto worry about was catching that sluggish after a few years of use. Thislatest computer virus you heard happens to even the most cautiousabout on the news and whether or user.not internet cookies were on your Reformatting your system can bring itsystem. back to those instant internet loadingFast forward to 2013. Today, we have times, quick starts and make it feelspyware tracking your every move like you just bought a new one (savingon the internet, barraging you with $800). If you don’t feel comfortablead after ad and simply keeping a list doing it yourself, speak with yourof where you go. Watch for malware local tech. They should be able to do(“bad software”), which is software it relatively cheaply. There are alsomainly through the web whose entire software solutions that may help ifpurpose is to disrupt your browsing none of these options are availableexperience. New antivirus software to you. (This is where all those backpackages now test for all of this and ups come in handy)more. Unfortunately, it’s an impossible task to keep up with Tip #1everything without some help. Antivirus/Malware SoftwareWhether you’re using antivirus software that is free online or -Norton System Works/ Norton Antivirus ($50-$120)pre-packaged in the store, keep it updated. If your software is -AVG (Available free online or upgraded for a small fee)over a year old, it’s best to either pay for that upgrade or get -Avast (Available free online or upgraded for a small feesomething new. Statistically, after a year, your system is only Tip #280% effective and loses about 10% every three months. What Back up, Back up, Back updoes this mean? It means your system isn’t as protected as - USB thumb Drive ($10-$50)you might think. - Save to an SD card ($20-$50)Consider what you have saved on that phone and hard drive. - External Hard Drive ($100)With more and more people saving thousands of images, -,, (Facebookvideos, and other personal information on their phones and reduces quality and is not recommend)hard drives, data storage is also a bigger issue than ever. It is - Back up in MULTIPLE locationscritical that backups are made on a regular basis. Hard drives Tip #3do not sometimes fail; they will always fail. Most hard drives Reformattingare slated to last 5-10 years with normal use and if you’re like - Contact a local technicianmost people, you would like to keep your data longer than - Friend or relativethat. - Software solutionsFortunately, there are many options available to make sure - Windows System backupyou keep Aunt Connie’s wedding day or your child’s first - Norton Ghoststeps. The most efficient way is to use either a USB flashdrive or a memory card from your camera or phone. Why? Jeff Price has a,A.A.S Programming; M.B.A Market-Fewer moving parts means more durability and less chance ing; Comptia A+ & Network+,currently Director ofof failure. Other options include online services which I will Programming at Beyond Cyber Concepts.

ask the pharmacist how do I get a healthy tan?Despite spending almost $1 billion yearly on sunscreen products,the rate of deadly melanoma cancer has risen nearly 2 percent ayear since 2000. To improve sunscreen safety, the Food and DrugAdministration (FDA) issued new rules that all sunscreens mustnow protect from both UVA and UVB radiation.UVA penetrates deeper into the skin. It causes tanning, alongwith brown spots, wrinkles, and skin cancer. Melanoma is lifethreatening and can appear decades before consumers, particu-larly young women, think they have to “start worrying” aboutthe effects of sun damage.Look for a product that says “broad spectrum” on the label,with a rating of SPF 30 and above.So how to get a golden glow? Tanned skin is damaged skin.The only way to get a healthy tan is to use sunless tannerswhich come in lotions, gels, mousses, sprays, even towlettes.Those are the secret to fashion models’ and movie stars’great looks. Written by: “Our Ask the Pharmacist”

10 look left then right hepatitis C by marcus cobb, md is becoming epidemic by ginny heffelmire, rn Besides eating and being scratched, my dog’s According to the CDC, there are 7 different types of Hepati-favorite activity is his daily walk on the leash. Our favorite tis (A through G) that affect the liver. So how does hepatitisplace to walk him is on the long grassy knoll that borders the affect us? Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. Hep-woods across the street. No matter how excited he is about atitis C Virus (HCV) is the most common hepatitis todaycrossing to the grassy knoll, I never fail to practice what I probably due to blood transfusions prior to 1992, drug use,was taught as a child. First look left, then right, then left and unsanitary tattoo needles. When drug use increased inagain before crossing the street. We would do well to prac- the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s, individuals experimented with drugs;tice this wisdom as it pertains to breast cancer prevention therefore, they possibly now have the disease and do not(yes, I said prevention, not just awareness). know it. There are not always symptoms. New breast cancer cases number almost 300,000 Hepatitis C signs and symptoms might be exhibited bya year. Nearly 40,000 women die per year from it. So abdominal pain, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, loss ofAngelina Jolie did all of us a favor back in May when she appetite, muscle aches and pains. If the hepatitis hasused her star power to generate societal discussion about progressed, you will experience dark colored urine (teathe BRCA gene and her decision to have a double mastec- colored) along with your skin turning a yellowish colortomy. However, since the BRCA gene accounts for little and intense itching. There is no cure at present for Hepa-more than 5% of all breast cancer cases, that’s sort of like titis C, only antiviral treatment. This hepatitis can lead tostepping out into the street while turning one’s head ex- cirrhosis which can result in liver transplants or death.clusively to the right. This is still better than what we’ve HCV is contracted through exposure of blood or bodi-been doing - namely, crossing the street with our eyes ly fluids that contain the virus of another person. Thisclosed, just hoping we won’t get struck. This is why 1 in 8 might happen through sharing dirty needles, sex withwomen DO get breast cancer. an infected person, needle sticks involving an infected What all adults should be doing is testing their person, or from an infected mother to her baby duringestrogen metabolism. This would allow the vast major- birth, also sharing personal items such as razors, or tooth-ity of women to avoid the collision altogether, instead of brushes (which might happen in dormitories). Also betrying to recover after getting struck. By the way, this cautious of reusing nail clippers. Just remember that anyapplies equally to men and prostate cancer. And the pre- tool re used that can cut skin can be a possible transmitterventive measures involve powerful nutraceuticals insteadof toxic pharmaceuticals. No reasonable adult would dream of launchingout into the street without first looking to the left, in orderto prevent a collision. It’s time we start applying this soundprinciple to our health. Find a skilled practitioner, and getyour estrogen metabolism tested.Dr. Cobb founded Healthy Pursuit Medical Center and it isnow located inside The Spine and Neuromuscular Asso-ciates of Southeastern Indiana. He follows what he haslearned from the Fellowship in Anti-Aging, Functional &Regenerative Medicine model. This involves a shift from thedisease-based allopathic model practiced by most Americanphysicians to a wellness-based model that seeks to optimizethe health of the individual. To schedule an appointmentwith him call 812-537-5616.

of HCV. Transmission cannot occur through causal con-tact like dancing, hugging, shaking hands, using the sametoilet, donating blood or swimming in the same pool.Note that:• 500 million people worldwide are currently infected with the HCV• This is 10 times more than those infected with HIV/ AIDS• HBV and HCV kill 1.5 million people a year• 1 out of every 3 people have been exposed• Most of the 500 million infected – DO NOT know• There were over 5,000 reported cases in Indiana in the year 2007. According to the CDC Who should be tested for HCV infection?HCV testing is recommended for anyone at increased riskfor HCV infection, including:• Persons born from 1945 through 1965• Persons who have ever injected illegal drugs, including those who injected only once many years ago• Recipients of clotting factor concentrates made before 1987• Recipients of blood transfusions or solid organ transplants before July 1992• Patients who have ever received long-term hemodialysis treatment• Persons with known exposures to HCV, such as: health care workers after needlesticks recipients of blood or organs from a donor• All persons with HIV infection• Patients with signs or symptoms of liver disease (e.g., abnormal liver enzyme tests)• Children born to HCV-positive mothers (to avoid de- tecting maternal antibody, these children should not be tested before age 18 months)Please consider getting a blood test if you have any doubtsyou might have the virus.Ginny Heffelmire is also a member of Dearborn CountyCASA (Citizens Against Substance Abuse). They are thelocal coordinating council working with the Governor’sCommission for a Drug Free Indiana. Heroin use is drivingthe increase in HEP C cases in Dearborn County. CASAinvites you to become part of the solution. They meet thefirst Monday of every month at 11:30 am in Classroom A ofthe Lawrenceburg Community Center. For more informationcontact Donna Thacker at 812-532-3538 or check

12 find natural fuel in the fridge6 energy-boosting food tips by linda baierMid-day personal power outages have sparked an entire The list of good choices sounds like a wondrously greenenergy-boosting industry. The day starts with a Starbucks, farmer’s market. Kale, collards, spinach, asparagus,maintains with a Mountain Dew, and wraps up with a Red broccoli, arugula, bok choy, swiss chard, and yes, seaBull. vegetables. The darker and greener, the better.What’s missing from this picture? Food fuel. When your 4. Use gentle sweets. Naturally sweet foods can satisfy yourcalories come from a cup, can or bottle, it’s no wonder that sweet tooth and quiet those caloric cravings. Carrots,the kick never lasts. You’re left feeling empty, still tired and onions, sweet potatoes, red peppers, beets and fruit arenow you’re hungry to boot. both sweet and nutritious. In fact, fruits and berries are an underrated and underused source of nutritionYou can do better for your body. and energy. If you must have chocolate (and make no mistake, some of us must), dark chocolate usually usesIf you’re facing a busy day, skip the taco truck and stick to less sugar than milk chocolate.these tips. You’ll get the energy you need to make it through 5. Tame the animal foods. You don’t have to be aa long day. vegetarian to eat for energy. Animal proteins in your1. Eat real food. Real, as in high quality and nutrient diet serve a purpose, boosting your long-term energy and strength. But fruits and veggies should be the dense. Avoid cans or boxes; the processing strips out foundation, not meat, dairy, chicken and eggs. Next nutrients and loads your lunch with empty calories time you load up your plate, add more from the garden, and sodium. Look for whole foods whenever possible less from the barn. (veggies, fruits and whole grains). If the label lists high- 6. Drink more water. Soft drinks are America’s #1 source fructose corn syrup or a long list of unpronounceable of added sugar. Meanwhile, water is nature’s most ingredients, that’s not a good sign. abundant, most effective source of life and vitality. And2. Cut down or cut out caffeine. Every substance you it’s practically free. Let’s not make this complicated: put in your body either increases or decreases your Your brain is 70% water. When it dries up, so does your energy. Caffeine might pretend to be your friend energy. To feel awake and alert, you don’t need a miracle with a quick energy boost. But before you can say substance or brain-boosting additives. You may just “triple espresso,” it makes off with your body’s much- need a glass of water. needed minerals and nutrients, leaving you dog-tired, So go ahead and focus on energy. After all, we all need it. dehydrated and moody. Just be smart about your food choices. And leave the pillow3. Eat dark, leafy green vegetables. Veggies get your blood and jammies at home. flowing, boost your immune system and give you long- lasting energy. Look for organic, clean and naturally Linda Baier is a certified health and wellness coach and raised food items. In other words, buy food that’s “alive.” owner of Isaiah’s Way Nutrition. She can be reached at 859-630-9554.

fitness around Photo: Waltz PhotographyLocations Mondays Tuesdays Wednesday Thursday Friday SaturdayL’burg Community 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 9:00 am Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga YogaCenter Yoga 6:00 pm 9:00 am 6:00 pm 9:00am 10:00 am312 Walnut St.,L’burg 9:00 am Zumba Body Toning Zumba Body Toning ZumbaPhone: 812.532.3535 Body Toning Sunday No Scheduled Classes 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am Stretch & Tone Stretch & Tone Stretch & Tone 11:00 am 11:00 am 11:00 am Silver Sneakers Silver Sneakers Silver Sneakers 6:00 pm 6:00 pm Zumba ZumbaZen Zone 4:30 pm 4:30 pm 12:00 pm575 Main St., L’burg Pilates Playtime Pilates Playtime Pilates PlaytimePhone: 859.496.0128 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:45 pm Yoga Yoga YogaDearborn Adult 5:30 pm 7:00 am 5:30 pm 9:00 am 8:30 amCenter Yin Yoga Yin Yoga Yin Yoga *S.S Strength Cardio Crunch311 Tate St.,L’burgPhone: 812.537.3113 5:30 pm 8:00 am 7:15 pm 6:00 pm 9:30 am Cardio Crunch Cardio Crunch Tae Kwon Do Cardio Crunch Yin Yoga*S.S. Strength = 9:00 am 7:15 pmSilver Sneakers Strength *S.S Strength Tae Kwon Do *Please check with individual facilities for more details and to confirm schedule.

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