Scindapsus occidentalis Poepp., 125 Stichoporella, 60 Scindapsus officinalis (Roxb.) Schott, 122, 123 Stratiotes aloides L., 36 Scindapsus perakensis Hook.f., 122 Strelitzia Banks ex Dryander, 43 Scindapsus pictus Hassk., 14, 38, 122 Strelitziaceae (K.Schum.) Hutch., 60 Scindapsus pothoides Miq., 9 Strepsanthera Raf., 103 Scindapsus pteropodus Teijsm. & Binn., 11 Stylochaeton Lepr., c/plate 114A, 17, 26, 33, 38, 45, 46, 70, 74, Scindapsus rupestris Ridl., 122, 123 Scydmaenidae, 48 151, 152 Seguinum Raf., 153 Stylochaeton sect. Cyclogyne Engl., 151 Serangium Wood ex Salisb., 123 Stylochaeton sect. Spirogyne Engl., 151 Sericulus chrysocephalus Lewin, 50 Stylochaeton sect. Stylochaeton, 151 Shuklanthus, 60 Stylochaeton bogneri Mayo, 152 Silphidae, 48 Stylochaeton borumensis N.E.Br., 152 Simuliidae, 48 Stylochaeton hypogeum Lepr., 151 Sloanea L., 52 Stylochaeton lancifolius Kotschy & Peyr., 152 Smilacaceae Vent., 61 Stylochaeton natalensis Schott, 45, 151 Sparganiaceae Rudolphi, 36, 61 Stylochaeton salaamicus N.E.Br., c/plate 114A Sparganium L., 61 Stylochaeton zenkeri Engl., 45, 151, 152 Spathantheum Schott, c/plate 116A, 14, 18, 33, 166, 167 Stylochaetoneae Schott, 20, 33, 64, 68, 70, 151 Spathantheum intermedium Bogner, c/plate 116A, 89, 166, Stylochiton Schott, 151 Swainsona Salisb., 40 167 Symplocarpeae Engl., 74 Spathantheum orbignyanum Schott, 166, 167 Symplocarpos Schult. & Schult.f., 96 Spathicarpa Hook., c/plate 116B, 33, 46, 166, 168 Symplocarpus Salisb. ex Nutt., c/plate 107D, 10, 14, 23, 30, 32, Spathicarpa burchelliana Engl. 168 Spathicarpa gardneri Schott, c/plate 116B 44, 48, 52, 55, 72, 74, 96, 97 Spathicarpa hastifolia Hook., 166, 168 Symplocarpus foetidus (L.) Nutt., 37, 73, 96, 97 Spathicarpa lanceolata Engl., 168 Symplocarpus nipponicus Makino, 96 Spathicarpeae Schott, 13, 26, 33, 68, 70, 71, 74, 75, 155 Symplocarpus renifolius Schott ex Miq., c/plate 107D, 96, 97 Spathiphylleae Engl., 15, 20, 32, 35, 44, 67, 68, 70, 73, 75, 109 Synandriospadix Engl., 163 Spathiphyllopsis Teijsm. & Binn., 109 Synandrodieae Buchet, 243 Spathiphyllum Schott, c/plate 108D, 5, 6, 14, 17, 18, 20, 31, 32, Synandrogyne Buchet, 243 Synandrospadix Engl., c/plate 115D, 33, 56, 163, 164 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 52, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 70, 73, 74, 109, 111 Synandrospadix vermitoxicus (Griseb.) Engl., c/plate 115D, Spathiphyllum sect. Amomophyllum Engl., 110 Spathiphyllum sect. Chlaenophyllum Nicolson, 110 30, 163, 164 Spathiphyllum sect. Dysspathiphyllum Engl., 110 Synantherias Schott, 235 Spathiphyllum sect. Massowia (K. Koch) Engl., 26, 110 Syngonium Schott, c/plate 121C, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, Spathiphyllum sect. Spathiphyllum, 110 Spathiphyllum beccarii Engl., 110 20, 28, 33, 44, 48, 51, 52, 55, 56, 69, 214, 215 Spathiphyllum cannifolium (Dryand.) Schott, 15, 42, 56, 81, 111 Syngonium sect. Cordata Croat, 216 Spathiphyllum ‘Clevelandii’, 111 Syngonium sect. Oblongata Croat, 216 Spathiphyllum cochlearispathum Engl., 111 Syngonium sect. Pinnatiloba Croat, 216 Spathiphyllum floribundum N.E.Br., c/plate 108D, 56 Syngonium sect. Syngonium, 216 Spathiphyllum humboldtii Schott, 111 Syngonium armigerum (Standl. & L.O. Williams) Croat, 215 Spathiphyllum kochii Engl. & K. Krause, 12 Syngonium auritum (L.) Schott, 214 Spathiphyllum laeve Engl., 111 Syngonium neglectum Schott, 215 Spathiphyllum lanceifolium (Jacq.) Schott, 109 Syngonium podophyllum Schott, 56, 215 Spathiphyllum solomonense Nicolson, 110 Syngonium podophyllum Schott var. peliocladum (Schott) Croat, Spathyema Raf., 96 Spaticarpa Schott, 166 17 Sphaeroceridae, 48 Syngonium schottianum H. Wendl. ex Schott, 214, 215 Sphagnum L., 146 Syngonium steyermarkii Croat, c/plate 121C, 214, 215 Spirodela Schleid., 10, 22, 58, 63 Syngonium vellozianum Schott, 215 Spirospatha Raf., 177 Syrphidae, 48 Staphylinidae, 48 Stauromatum Endl., 263 T Staurostigma Scheidw., 160 Stemonaceae Engl., 61 Tacca leontopetaloides (L.) Kuntze, 158 Stenospermation Schott, c/plate 110C, 14, 15, 16, 18, 32, 45, 58, Taccaceae Dumort., 61 Taccarum Brongn. ex Schott, c/plate 115A, 33, 56, 158, 159 128, 129 Taccarum caudatum Rusby, 89, 158 Stenospermation angustifolium Hemsl., 129 Taccarum warmingii Engl., 159 Stenospermation columbiense Engelh., 58 Taccarum weddellianum Brongn. ex Schott, c/plate 115A, 158, Stenospermation mathewsii Schott, 128 Stenospermation multiovulatum (Engl.) N.E.Br., c/plate 110C 159 Stenospermation rusbyi N.E.Br., 129 Tapanava Adans., 98 Stenospermation ulei K. Krause, 128, 129 Tapinocarpus Dalzell, 260 Stenospermatium Schott, 128 Teichosperma spadiciflorum Renner, 59 Stenozeugmaticae Schott, 72 Telipodus Raf., 169 Stenurus Salisb., 266 Thaumatophyllum Schott, 169 Steudnera K. Koch, c/plate 129C, 22, 34, 44, 69, 278, 279 Theaceae D. Don, 60 Steudnera colocasiifolia K. Koch, c/plate 129C, 21, 278 Theriophonum Blume, 26, 34, 56, 260, 261 Steudnera colocasioides Hook.f., 279 Theriophonum crenatum (Wight) Blume, 260 Steudnera discolor W. Bull, 279 Theriophonum infaustum N.E.Br., 261 Steudnera henryana Engl., 279 Theriophonum minutum (Willd.) Baill., 30, 261 Theriophonum sivaganganum (Ramam. & Sebastine) Bogner, 261 Thomsonia Wall., 235 340 T H E G E N E R A O F A R A C E A E
Thomsonieae Blume, 7, 13, 26, 34, 40, 49, 69, 74, 75, 235 X C Tofieldia Huds., 66, 68, 71 Tornelia Gutierrez ex Schott, 123 Xanthosoma Schott, c/plate 121A, 6, 7, 13, 16, 21, 29, 33, 35, 44, Trichopodaceae Hutch., 61 47, 48, 53, 55, 58, 69, 209, 212 Tricyrtidaceae, 36 Trilliaceae Lindl., 61 Xanthosoma sect. Acontias (Schott) Engl., 56, 211 Triuridiflorae Dahlgren, Clifford & Yeo, 43 Xanthosoma sect. Xanthosoma, 57, 211 Tupistra Ker Gawl., 61 Xanthosoma atrovirens K. Koch & Bouché, 53 Turdus merula L., 50 Xanthosoma brasiliense (Desf.) Engl., 53 Typhaceae Juss., 29 Xanthosoma caracu K. Koch & Bouché, 53 Typhales Dumort., 61 Xanthosoma helleborifolium (Jacq.) Schott, 212 Typhonium Schott, c/plate 128A, 10, 17, 31, 34, 46, 48, 52, 56, Xanthosoma lindenii (André) Engl., 40 Xanthosoma mafaffa Schott, 53 260, 262 Xanthosoma plowmanii Bogner, 89, 211, 212 Typhonium sect. Diversifolia Sriboonma & J. Murata, 263 Xanthosoma pubescens Poepp., 16, 209 Typhonium sect. Gigantea Sriboonma & J. Murata, 263 Xanthosoma robustum Schott, 42, 53 Typhonium sect. Hirsuta Sriboonma & J. Murata, 263 Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott, 22, 52, 53, 55, 209, 211 Typhonium sect. Pedata Sriboonma & J. Murata, 263 Xanthosoma striatipes (Kunth) Madison, 212 Typhonium sect. Typhonium, 263 Xanthosoma tarapotense Engl., 13 Typhonium albispathum Bogner, 45, 263 Xanthosoma violaceum Schott, c/plate 121A, 17, 53, 212 Typhonium blumei Nicolson & Sivad., 57 Xanthosoma viviparum Madison, 209 Typhonium brownii Schott, 38, 262 Xenophya Schott, 283 Typhonium bulbiferum Dalzell, 18 Typhonium fultum Ridl., 260 Z Typhonium giganteum Engl., 262 Typhonium hayatae Sriboonma & J. Murata, 260 Zala Lour., 286 Typhonium hirsutum (S.Y. Hu) J. Murata & Mayo, 87, 260, 262, Zamia L., 149 Zamioculcadeae Engl., 13, 18, 20, 33, 35, 64, 68, 70, 73, 74, 75, 263 Typhonium nudibaccatum A. Hay, 260 146 Typhonium trilobatum (L.) Schott, c/plate 128A, 260, 262, 263 Zamioculcas Schott, c/plate 113C, 7, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 23, 26, Typhonium violifolium Gagnep., 18 Typhonodoreae Engl., 245 33, 62, 146, 148 Typhonodorum Schott, c/plate 126B, 6, 14, 17, 26, 28, 34, 46, 51, Zamioculcas boivinii Decne., 149 Zamioculcas loddigesii Schott, 146 52, 58, 247, 249 Zamioculcas zamiifolia (Lodd.) Engl., c/plate 113C, 18, 46, 146, Typhonodorum lindleyanum Schott, c/plate 126B, 54, 55, 247, 148 249 Zantedeschia Spreng., c/plate 124A, 10, 11, 14, 17, 18, 22, 24, 29, U 34, 47, 48, 55, 56, 232, 233 Zantedeschia aethiopica (L.) Spreng., c/plate 124A, ix, 38, 40, Ulearum Engl., c/plate 120A, 31, 33, 69, 202, 203 Ulearum reconditum Madison, 155 41, 47, 52, 56, 57, 230, 232, 233 Ulearum sagittatum Engl., 31, 202, 203 Zantedeschia albomaculata (Hook.f.) Baill., 56 Ulearum sagittatum Engl. var. viridispadix Bogner, c/plate 120A Zantedeschia albomaculata (Hook.f.) Baill. subsp. albomaculata, Uromyces sparganii, 61 Urophyllum K. Koch, 144 233 Urospatha Schott, c/plate 113A, 32, 48, 56, 73, 144, 145 Zantedeschia odorata P.L. Perry, 232 Urospatha angustiloba Engl., 145 Zantedeschia rehmannii Engl., 38, 40, 233 Urospatha desciscens Schott, 130 Zantedeschieae Engl., 13, 18, 26, 34, 68, 230 Urospatha sagittifolia (Rudge) Schott, 144, 145 Zingiberaceae Lindl., 42, 60 Urospatha tonduzii Engl., c/plate 113A Zingiberales Nakai, 36, 65 Urospatha wurdackii (G.S. Bunting) A. Hay, 144, 145 Zingiberiflorae Dahlgren, Clifford & Yeo, 43 Urospathella G.S. Bunting, 144 Zomicarpa Schott, c/plate 119C, 28, 33, 69, 74, 199, 200 Urospathella wurdackii G.S. Bunting, 144 Zomicarpa pythonium (Mart.) Schott, 199 Urospathites Gregor & Bogner, 59 Zomicarpa riedeliana Schott, c/plate 119C Urospathites dalgasii (Hartz) Gregor & Bogner, 59 Zomicarpa steigeriana Schott, 199 Urticaceae Juss., 41 Zomicarpeae Schott, 13, 20, 26, 33, 66, 71, 199 Zomicarpella N.E.Br., c/plate 119D, 33, 69, 199, 201 V Zomicarpella amazonica Bogner, c/plate 119D, 45, 199, 201, Vallisneria spiralis L., 36 202 Viracarpon Sahni, 60 Zomicarpella maculata N.E.Br., 199, 201, 202 Viracarpon elongatum Sahni, 60 Zosteraceae Dumort., 63 Viracarpon hexaspermum Sahni, 60 Zyganthera N.E.Br., 221 Visnea L., 60 I N D E X T O S C I E N T I F I C N A M E S 341
C 32 S U B J E C T I N D E X A carbohydrates, 36 Carvell, W.N., 5 adventitious roots, 10 Catherine, E., ix, xi alkaloidal glycosidase inhibitors (AGIs), 40 chemotaxonomy, 43 amines, 41 cataphylls, 6 amphivasal stem vascular bundles, 15 chira take, 53 anastomosing laticifers, 20 chiroko, 53 anchor roots, 9, 45 Chrétien, L., 5 Andrade, I.M., 5 chromosomes, primary basic number, 31 aneuploidy, 31 Chung, M., 5 animal dispersal, 50 cladistics of Araceae, 61-71 anterior division of leaf, 7, 8 classifications, previous, 72 anther, 26 cocoyam, 53, 55, 211 anthocyanins, 38 colocasioid venation, 8, 311 aperigoniate Aroideae, 72 common bush tanager, 50 appendix, terminal, 26, 48 common palm civet, 50 aquatic and subaquatic ornamentals, 55 compound stem vascular bundles, 14-16 aquatics, free-floating, 46 connectives, 26 aquatics, submerged or periodically submerged, 46 conservation, 57 Araceae, paraphyly of, 65 contact dermatitis, 40 Araceae, phylogenetic relationships with other monocots, 61 continuation shoot, 6 Araceae, phylogenetic relationships within family, 66 contractile roots, 6, 10 Araceae, primitive characters, 62 Copenhagen, 5 Araceae, relationships with Acoraceae, 61 cortical stem vascular bundles, 13 Araceae, relationships with Alismatiflorae, 62 cotyledonar hyperphyll, 29 Araceae, relationships with Lemnaceae, 63-65 cotyledonar sheath, 29 arborescent plants, 6 cpDNA characters, 5, 61, 66 aril, 28 crassinucellate ovules, 30 Aroideana, 5 Croat, T.B., 5 articles, 6 crop species, 53, 55 asarone, 42 crystal idioblasts, 22 axial stem bundles, 14 crystal sand, 22 cultivated aroids, 55 B cut flowers, ix, 56 cuticle, 17 Barabé, D., 5 cyanogenic glucosides, 38 Barros, C., 5 cytology, 31 basal rib, 7, 8 Berlin, 4, 5 D Besse, L., xi bicchu-shu, 53 dimorphic roots, 6, 9 biforines, 23 dispersal, 50 biogenic amines and alkaloids, 41 DNA studies, 67, 70 birds of paradise, 50 Dodoens, R., 2 Birdsey, M., 5 dormancy, seasonal, of growth, 45, 56 blackbirds, 50 dracontioid leaf form, 7 Blanc, P., 5, 6 druses, 23 Blume, C.L., 3 bog gardens, 55 E Bogner, J., ix, xi, 5, 73, 74, Bown, D., ix ecology and life forms, 44 Boyce, P.C., ix, 5 eddoe, 283 Brazil, 5 egumi-taste, 41 Brown, N.E., 4 elephant yam, 53, 55 Buchet, S., ix embryogeny types in Araceae, 30 bud traces, 16 embryology, 30 bulbils, 6 endemism, 52 bulbul bird, 50 endodermis of root, 12 Bunting, G.S., ix, 5 endodermis of stem, 14 endosperm, 28, 30 C endosperm development, 30, 62 endothecial thickenings, 27 C-glycoflavones, 38 endothelium, 30 calcium oxalate crystals, 22, 36 Engler, A., 3-4, 72-73 Calicut, 5 epicuticular waxes, 43 342 T H E G E N E R A O F A R A C E A E
epidermal cells, 10, 13, 16 hypocotyl, 29 epiphytes, 6, 45 hypodermis, of leaf, 17 essential oils, 42 hypodermis, sclerotic, of root, 11 exine ornamentation, 35 hypogeal stolons, 6 extrafloral nectaries and punctations, 22 I F Icones Aroidearum, 2 feeder roots, 9, 45 indoles, 41 fibres, useful, 54 inflorescence anatomy, 27 first leaf, 7, 29 inflorescence morphology, 25 flagelliform shoots, 6, 45 inflorescence odours, 41, 47 flavones, 38 infructescence, 28, 50 flavonoids, 38 infructescence, fossils of, 59 flavonols, 38 inner cortex of root, 11 floral anatomy, 27 International Aroid Society, 5 floral morphology, 25 internode development, 16 floral sympodium, 6 intravaginal squamules, 22 Florida, 5 irritants, 40-41 flowers, 26 food plants, 53 J Forget, S., 5 fossil aroids, 58 Jacobsen, N., 5 fossils, excluded from Araceae, 60 Jacquin, N.J., 3 free-floating aquatics, 46 Jumelle, H., ix French, J.C., x, 5, 9, 75 Jussieu, A.L., 2 fruit presentation, 50 fruits, 28 K fruits, fossil, 59 Fuchs, L., 2 Kagoshima, 5 funicle trichomes, 26 keladi, 207 Kew, 4, 5 G Kite, G., 5 kolokasia, 283 Gagnepain, F., ix konjac, 53 Genera Aroidearum, 2 Krause, K., 3, 4 geniculum, 18 Kunming, 5 geography, 52 Kunth, C.S., 3 geophytes, 6, 45 Kyoto, 5 giant taro, 52, 53, 55 glucomannans, 36 L Gonçalves, E.G., 5 Grayum, M.H., 5, 74 Labrecque, M., 5 guttation, 22 latex, 21 gynoecium, 26 latex cytology, 21 laticifers, 20 H leaf blade shape, 7, 313 leaf epidermis, 16 half hardy species, 55 leaf fossils, 58 hardy species, 55 leaf mesophyll, 17 Harvard Forest, 5 leaf morphology, 7-8 haustorium, 29 leaf punctations, 22 Hay, A., ix, 5, 75 leaf structure of Acorus, 19 Hegnauer, R., x, 36 leaf tubercles and regeneration, 18 helophytes, 46 leaf vasculature, 18 hemiepiphytes, 6, 46 leaf venation, 8, 18, 311 Hernandez, F., 2 Li Heng, 5 heteroblasty, 7, 45 life forms, 44 Hetterscheid, W., 5 ligule, 19 higher order leaf venation, 8, 18, 311 Linnaeus, C., 2 honeyeater birds, 50 Lins, A., 5 Hooker, J.D., 5, 73 lithophytes, 45 hornbills, 50 long-tailed manakin, 50 Hotta, M., ix, 5, 74 houseplants, ix, 55 M Humboldt, A. von, 3 Hur, Y., 5 Mabberley, D., 5, 75 Hutchinson, J., 5, 73 Madison, M.T., ix, 5 hybrids, 56 magical and ritual uses, 54 hydathodes, 22 Major Group Proto-Araceae, 66 hydrochory, 51 Major Group True Araceae, 67 hydroculture, 55 Marchant, C., 5, 74 hydrophytes, 46 S U B J E C T I N D E X 343
Martius, C.F.P. von, 3 phytochemistry, 36 Mayo, S.J., ix, 5 phytosterols, 42 medicinal uses, 54 pistil, see gynoecium megaspore tetrads, 30 pistillodes, 49 Meletemata botanica, 2, 72 placentation, 26 mesophytic habit, 48 plumule, 28, 29 mesophyll, leaf, 17 Pohl, J., 3 midrib, 7 pollen aperture type, 35 Mikan, J.C., 3 pollen, fossil, 59 mineral crystals, 22 pollen grain size, 35 mineral deposits and primary metabolites, 36 pollen mother cell division, 30 molecular studies, 5, 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, 70, 71, 75 pollen shape, 35 monkey dispersal, 51 pollen starch, 35 Monographiae Phanerogamarum, 3, 73 pollination biology, 47 Moscow, 5 polyhydroxy alkaloids, 40 mucilage cells, canals, and cavities, 21 polyploidy, 31 mucilages, 36 pond gardens, 55 Munich, 4, 5 posterior divisions, 7, 8 Murata, J., 5 prickles, 17 myrmecochory, 51 primary lateral veins, 7, 18 primary root, 9 N primitive characters in Araceae, 62 prisms, 22 Nadruz Coelho, M.A., 5 procyanidins, 38 Nakai, T., 5 Prodromus systematis Aroidearum, 2, 72 nama konjaku, 53 prophyll, 6 Natterer, K., 3 protection of developing fruits and seeds, 28 naturalized taxa, 52 proto-Araceae, 66 nest roots, 10 protogyny, 49 Nicolson, D.H., ix, 5, 74 pseudomonomery, of gynoecia, 27 non-allergenic skin irritations, 41 pseudostem, 6 Ntépé-Nyame, C., 5 pulvinus, of leaf, 18 nucellar cap, 30 punctations, leaf, 22 O Q odours, of inflorescence, 41, 47 qolqas, 283 Oesterreiches Botanisches Wochenblatt, 2 Oesterreichische Botanische Zeitschrift, 2 R operculum, 28 origin of aroids, 61 Ramalho, F.C., 5 ornamental Araceae, 55 range disjunctions, 52 ornamental plants, 54, 55, 56 raphides, 22-23, 36, 41 ornithochory, 50 Ray, J., 2 osmophores, 26, 27, 49, Ray, T., 5, 6 ovular trichomes, 26, 27 regant bowerbird, 50 ovule morphology, 26 regeneration, from leaf, 18 ovule vasculature, 27 resin canals and cavities, 21 oxalic acid, 36 resplendent quetzal, 50 reticulate leaf venation, 8, 18, 311 P rheophytes, 46 rheophytes, cultivation, 56 palisade parenchyma, of leaf, 17 rhizoids, 29 palynology, 35 Riedl, H., 3, 5 paper-making, 54 Rio de Janeiro, 3 parallel-pinnate leaf venation, 8, 18, 311 robins, 50 paraphyly, 65 rock gardens, 55 pectins, 37 root anatomy, 9-12 peduncle, 25 root apex, 12 perforated (fenestrate) leaves, 7 root collar, 29 periderm formation, 12 root cortex, 11 perigoniate Aroideae, 70 root epidermis, 10 periplasmodial anther tapetum, 30 root exodermis, 11 perisperm, 30 root growth, 10 Petersen, G., 5, 31 root hairs, 10-11 petiole anatomy, 18, 19 root morphology, 6 Pflanzenfamilien, die natürlichen, 3 root periderm formation, 12 Pflanzenreich, Das, 3 root vascular cylinder, 12 phenolic compounds, 38 rosulate plants, 6 phloem cytology, 24 rust fungus, 61 phylogenetic relationships with other monocots, 61 Rutgers, 5 phylogenetic relationships within Araceae, 66 344 T H E G E N E R A O F A R A C E A E
S T C Sakuragui, C.M., 5 tannia, 211 saponins, 37 tapetum, types, 30 Sarasota, 5 taro, 36, 53, 55, 283 Schönbrunn, 2, 3 tawny-capped euphonia, 54 Schott, H.W., 2-3, 72 temperate ornamental species, 55 sclerotic hypodermis of root, 11 tenuinucellate ovules, 30 seasonally dormant genera, cultivation, 56 tepals, 26 secondary metabolites, 37 terminal appendix, of spadix, 26, 48 secretory anther tapetum, 30 testa, 28 seed morphology, 28 Thanikaimoni, G., 5, 73 seedling morphology, 29 theca dehiscence, 26 seeds, fossil, 59 Theophrastus, 2 Serebryanyi, M., 5 thermogenesis, 48 Seubert, E., 5, 23, 29 threatened species, 57 shina-shu, 53 Tillich, H.-J., 5, 29 shingle plants, 7, 45 Tokyo, 5 shoot organization, 6 Tomlinson, P.B., 5 sister group relationships of Araceae, 61-65 Tournefort, J.P. de, 2 Sivadasan, M., 5 toxic effects, 40, 54 skin irritation, non-allergenic, 41 trichomes, 16-17 skototropism, 45 trichosclereids, 19 Soares, M.L., 5 triglochinin, 40 spadix, 25 triterpenes, 42 spadix fossils, 59 tropical aquatics and helophytes, 56 spadix stipe, 25 tropical ornamental species, 55-56 spathe constriction, 25, 49 true Araceae, 67 spathe, 32 tubercles, 18 Spix, J.B. von, 3 tubers, 6, 13, 45 spongy mesophyll, 17 squamules, intravaginal, 22 U St. Louis, 5 stamens, 26, 49 useful aroids, 53-54 stamen vasculature, 27 staminodes, 49 V starch grain morphology, 24, 37 starch in leaves, 36 vascular system, 12, 14-16, 18 starch sources, 53 vegetative anatomy, 9-24 starch storage, 37 venation, leaf, 8, 18, 311 stem anatomy, 13-16 vessels, 24 stem central cylinder, organization of, 14 Vienna, 2, 3 stem cortex, 13 volatile amines and indoles, 41 stem endodermis, 14 stem epidermis, 13 W stem morphology, 6-7 stem vascular bundles, course of, 15 Waechter, J., 5 sticky seeds, 28 Washington DC., 5 stigma, 26 Waterbury, Betty, xi stomata, 17 wax crystalloids, 17 strophiole, 28 Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunst, Literatur, Theater und Mode, 2 stylar region, 26 Wit, H.C.D. de, 5 styloids, 22 wood thrush, 50 submerged aquatics, 46 woodland gardens, 55 subsidiary cells of stomata, 17 successive pollen mother cell division, 30 Y swamp taro, 53, 55 Sydney, 5 Yaoundé, 5 sympodial leaf, 6 sympodial units, 6 Z sympodium, 6 synandria, 26 zairai-shu, 53 syncarp, 28 synhospitality, 47 S U B J E C T I N D E X 345
C 33 D E S C R I P T I O N S O F N E W TA X A Subfamily Orontioideae Mayo, Bogner & P.C. Boyce, sub- fam. nov. Typus: Orontium L. Herbae palustres; caudex rhizomatosus, crassus, erectus, sympodialis, sympodii ramus novus ex axilla folii supremi ortus; petiolus apice non geniculatus, petioli vagina longa; folii lamina integer, oblongo-elliptica, venae tenues reticu- latae; flores bisexuales, perigonio instructi; tepala libera, fornicata, stamina filamentis distinctis munita; antherae ter- minales; connectivum gracile; thecae longitudinaliter dehiscentes; pollinis granum unisulcatum; seminis testa lae- vis, tenuis vel maturitate nulla; embryo grandis; endospermium vix adest vel omnino abest. Schismatoglottis convolvula P.C. Boyce, sp. nov. Typus: Malaysia, Sarawak, J. Mamit S.42101 (SAR!, holotypus; L!, US!, isotypi). See p. 183 (Plate 49 (i) E). Schismatoglottis convolvula ab omnibus speciebus generis ceteris caulibus longis tenuis repentibus folios dispersos fer- entibus distinguitur. Caules, ab origine vulgari orientes, hapaxanthi videntur, caule quoque vel paene ita basaliter innovationes post anthesin parienti, tum morientes. 346 T H E G E N E R A O F A R A C E A E
CA B CD Plate 107. A, Gymnostachys anceps; B, Orontium aquaticum; C, Lysichiton camtschatcensis; D, Symplocarpus renifolius. C O L O U R P L A T E S 347
CA B CD Plate 108. A, Pothos macrocephalus; B, Pedicellarum paiei ; C, Anthurium flavolineatum; D, Spathiphyllum floribundum. 348 T H E G E N E R A O F A R A C E A E
CA B CD Plate 109. A, Amydrium medium; B, Rhaphidophora foraminifera; C, Epipremnum falcifolium; D, Scindapsus beccarii. C O L O U R P L A T E S 349
CA B CD Plate 110. A, Monstera adansonii; B, Rhodospatha perezii; C, Stenospermation multiovulatum; D, Dracontium changuango. 350 T H E G E N E R A O F A R A C E A E
CA B CD Plate 111. A, Dracontioides desciscens; B, Anaphyllopsis americana; C, Pycnospatha arietina; D, Anaphyllum beddomei. C O L O U R P L A T E S 351
CA B CD Plate 112. A, Cyrtosperma carrii; B, Lasimorpha senegalensis; C, Podolasia stipitata; D, Lasia spinosa (form with entire leaf blades). 352 T H E G E N E R A O F A R A C E A E
CA B CD Plate 113. A, Urospatha tonduzii; B, Calla palustris ; C, Zamioculcas zamiifolia; D, Gonatopus marattioides. C O L O U R P L A T E S 353
CA B CD Plate 114. A, Stylochaeton salaamicus; B, Dieffenbachia maculata; C, Bognera recondita; D, Mangonia tweedieana. 354 T H E G E N E R A O F A R A C E A E
CA B CD Plate 115. A, Taccarum weddellianum; B, Asterostigma riedelianum; C, Gorgonidium vermicidum; D, Synandrospadix vermitoxicus. C O L O U R P L A T E S 355
CA B CD Plate 116. A, Spathantheum intermedium; B, Spathicarpa gardneri; C, Philodendron rugosum; D, Furtadoa sumatrensis. 356 T H E G E N E R A O F A R A C E A E
CA B CD Plate 117. A, Homalomena geniculata; B, Anubias gigantea; C, Schismatoglottis ferruginea; D, Piptospatha burbidgei. C O L O U R P L A T E S 357
CA B CD Plate 118. A, Hottarum lucens; B, Bucephalandra motleyana; C, Phymatarum borneense; D, Aridarum annae. 358 T H E G E N E R A O F A R A C E A E
CA B CD Plate 119. A, Lagenandra nairii; B, Cryptocoryne longicauda; C, Zomicarpa riedeliana; D, Zomicarpella amazonica. C O L O U R P L A T E S 359
CA B CD Plate 120. A, Ulearum sagittatum; B, Scaphispatha gracilis; C, Caladium tuberosum; D, Jasarum steyermarkii. 360 T H E G E N E R A O F A R A C E A E
CA B CD Plate 121. A, Xanthosoma violaceum; B, Chlorospatha longipoda; C, Syngonium steyermarkii; D, Hapaline celatrix C O L O U R P L A T E S 361
CA B CD Plate 122. A, Nephthytis afzelii var. graboensis ; B, Anchomanes abbreviatus ; C, Pseudohydrosme gabunensis ; D, Aglaonema tenuipes. 362 T H E G E N E R A O F A R A C E A E
CA B CD Plate 123. A, Aglaodorum griffithii ; B, Culcasia saxatilis ; C, Cercestis ivorensis ; D, Montrichardia linifera. C O L O U R P L A T E S 363
CA B CD Plate 124. A, Zantedeschia aethiopica; B, Callopsis volkensii; C, Amorphophallus prainii; D, Amorphophallus aphyllus. 364 T H E G E N E R A O F A R A C E A E
CA B CD Plate 125. A, Pseudodracontium lacourii; B, Arophyton crassifolium; C, Carlephyton glaucophyllum; D, Colletogyne perrieri. C O L O U R P L A T E S 365
CA B CD Plate 126. A, Peltandra virginica (mature infructescences); B, Typhonodorum lindleyanum; C, Arisarum simorrhinum; D, Ambrosina bassii. 366 T H E G E N E R A O F A R A C E A E
CA B CD Plate 127. A, Arum maculatum; B, Eminium lehmannii; C, Dracunculus vulgaris; D, Helicodiceros muscivorus. C O L O U R P L A T E S 367
CA B CD Plate 128. A, Typhonium trilobatum; B, Sauromatum venosum; C, Biarum ditschianum; D, Pinellia cordata. 368 T H E G E N E R A O F A R A C E A E
CA B CD Plate 129. A, Arisaema ovale var. ovale; B, Ariopsis peltata; C, Steudnera colocasiifolia; D, Remusatia vivipara. C O L O U R P L A T E S 369
CA B CD Plate 130. A, Colocasia esculenta; B, Alocasia brisbanensis; C, Pistia stratiotes; D, Acorus calamus (mature infructescence). 370 T H E G E N E R A O F A R A C E A E
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