Welcome from the Garfield County Fair BoardThe 2015 Garfield County Fair Board is pleased to look forward to welcoming the Professional Rodeoextend another warm welcome to everyone. The Cowboys Association (PRCA) back into our event line-celebration of another exciting fair continues for up and we are proud to announce a new feature fromthe 77th year at the Garfield County Fair & Rodeo in PRCA, the Xtreme Bull Riding event. We have alreadyAugust. had a tremendous response to Gary Allan appearing asWe would like to thank everyone who contributed to headliner at our Friday night concert.making the 2014 fair a big success. We had incredible The Midway will be rocking with free music every day.support from sponsors, volunteers, Colorado State Some of the acts include Loop Rawlings, GlenwoodUniversity (CSU) Extension, 4-H and FFA families, Springs Vaudeville and Mariachi San Jose. See thethe Rifle Chamber, local law enforcement, vendors, Midway section in the fair book for details of all of theentertainers, and the families who eagerly participated activities to enjoy. Come and join in the many contestsand attended our events. and win prizes.The Garfield County Fair & Rodeo tradition has brought Foremost, the backbone of our fair is the CSUin thousands of residents from the western slope and Extension, 4-H and FFA families, and the livestocksurrounding areas to enjoy the many features of our committee who volunteer countless hours tofair and county. This year, our theme is “Planting a coordinate one of the top livestock shows and auctionsFoundation, Growing a Future” as we tip our hat to in Colorado. They’ve been the unwavering traditionour partners at the CSU Extension, our Open Class of our fair, which would not exist without them. Ourparticipants, and 4-H and FFA families. theme “Planting a Foundation, Growing a Future”Thanks to the continued support of our county celebrates the proud history of Garfield County with itscommissioners, our fairgrounds have seen several most valued assets, our youth. millions of dollars in capital improvements over the The Garfield County Fair Board invites everyone tolast two years, which make attending the fair a more become a volunteer, sponsor, or exhibitor, and comepleasant and enjoyable experience. This year, we will celebrate with us.continue the old favorites of Family Rodeo, the Summer See you at the fair!of Thunder Car Show, and the Demolition Derby. We2015 Garfield County Fair Board(L-R) - Donna Marye, Rick Shaffer, Courtney Jenkins - Fair Board Secretary, LevyBurris - Fair Board President, Eileen Sheets, Cody Smith - Fair Board Vice-President, Kelly Porter, Doug Teter, John“Brock” Hedberg.
TABLE OF CONTENTSFair Board Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Car show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29County Commissioners . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4-H/FFA Livestock Sale . . . . . . . 30-31Royalty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 Demolition Derby & ATV races . 32-33Hall of Fame & In Memoriam . . . . 8-9 Local 4H stories . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-37Schedule of events . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-13 Free Stage entertainment . . . . . . 38-41Family Rodeo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-15 Midway of Family Fun . . . . . . . . . . . 42Heritage Night . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-17 4-H/FFA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44-45Xtreme Bulls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-19 4-H/FFA Livestock Champions . . . 46PRCA/WPRA ProRodeo . . . . . . . . . . 20 Open Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49-78Concert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-25 Open Class entry form . . . . . . . . . . . 79Parade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27BUY Tickets Online This year’s shows and events are even bigger and better. Do not miss out. Order your tickets NOW at www.garfieldcountyfair.com.The mission of the Fair Board is to provide a Planting a Foundation,Garfield County Fair that embraces all ages,cultures and entities, while promoting a spirit Growing a Futureof community, family values and an educationalemphasis on our Western heritage.
4American Family Style RestaurantRestaurant hours: Mon-Sat 6am-9pm . Sun 6am-3pm .Try One of Our Delicious Daily Specials.129 E 3rd St, RifleColorado 81650(970) 625-2158
5 COUNTYCOMMISSIONERSGarfield County Board of County Commissioners (L-R) – Commissioner Tom Jankovsky; Board Chair, John Martin;Chair Pro tem, Mike Samson.To all families, friends, and guests, welcome to “I would like to extend a warm welcome to all ofthe 2015 Garfield County Garfield County Fair & our fair visitors and to invite the whole communityRodeo! to spend time enjoying the fair this year,” saidWe thank our fair board, staff, partners, Commissioner Mike Samson. “We have activitiescommittees, program chairs, volunteers, and many for all ages and an incredible lineup of events andothers, who work year-round to make the fair a entertainment. We are happy to showcase oursuccess. We know you and your families will enjoy fair and fairgrounds facilities to our residents andthe simple pleasures our fair offers, like the Family visitors.”Rodeo and the 4-H Livestock Show, or your favorite “We thank the 2015 Garfield County Fair Boardfair food. Check out the Professional Rodeo for planning this year’s event,” said CommissionerCowboys Association and Women’s Professional Tom Jankovsky. “We also thank the Colorado StateRodeo Association rodeo and Xtreme Bull Riding, University (CSU) Extension’s 4-H program, theand don’t miss Gary Allan live in concert on Friday youth in our community, the Future Farmers ofnight. America (FFA), and our Open Class program. OurCommissioner John Martin says the commissioners wonderfully dedicated volunteers and sponsors“have renewed our commitment to the Garfield are back again to celebrate another season ofCounty Fair & Rodeo as an investment in the western living and agricultural excellence.”community and its western culture. We improve As your Board of County Commissioners, we lookthis event each and every year, and we would forward to the fair and invite you to join us inlike to hear everyone’s thoughts, ideas and celebrating our western Colorado heritage!suggestions.”
6ROYALTY PROGRAMTowhfoelmifeGe,naartfnioedlbdtehCesoipruocnkoetmyspmFeaurisrnoi&tnysRofoof rdGetahorefiReGoladyrafCliteoyludnpCtryoo.guTrnahtmeyreFiasairdre&esmiRgaonndeyedoet,votehnpetrsospivniodrGetaoarffnieroolddpeCpooo,ruttnuhtneyi,twyneefsiogterhrbynoowruinnaggycounties and the state of Colorado that offer opportunities for the royalty to connect with the communitiesand professionally represent our county and fair. The Royalty Program is also designed to prepare theppaurbtliiccipspanetaskitnog,baencdomcoemfmutuunreityleraedlaetrios nosf. our community through leadership and organizational skills, Mariah Harris, Queen Makerah Harris, Junior QueenHowdy! My name is Mariah Harris, and I am very Greetings! My name is Makerah Harris and I amproud to be the 2015 Garfield County Fair & Rodeo very excited to be representing Garfield County asQueen. I’m also very excited to have my sister serve the 2014-2015 Fair & Rodeo Junior Queen. I amwith me as 2015 royalty. As a native of western currently a sophomore at Rifle High School, where IColorado, I appreciate all this area has to offer, have fun participating in team sports, like volleyballincluding our strong western heritage. I am a senior and basketball. I love raising market hogs andat Rifle High School and enjoy participating in school lambs in 4-H, and showing them at the county fair.sports, such as volleyball and basketball, where I One thing I am especially proud of, is to have wonhave lettered. As a member of the National Honor both Grand Champion Lamb and Reserve GrandSociety, I was nominated as a scholar representative Champion Swine. We are very blessed to haveto attend the Congress of Future Medical Leaders tremendous support from our local communityacademic honors program for Rifle High School and and county businesses at our livestock auction. I’dthe state of Colorado. 4-H has been an important like to personally thank all of our livestock auctionpart of my life since I enrolled at nine years of age. I buyers who continue to support us year after year.enjoy showing market lambs and pigs. My greatest As Junior Queen, I love representing the Garfieldsuccess was to win Grand Champion Market Swine. County Fair & Rodeo, and appreciate all of the hardI plan to follow my dream and pursue a formal work the community does to put on this grandeducation and career in sports medicine. event.—Mariah Harris —Makerah Harris
7Planting a Foundation, Pfrorina Dcaeyss Growing a Future Wednesday, July 29 11 am to 1 pm Bring your little princess for a fun day of learning horsemanship, and modeling skills. Enjoy a barrel racing class with a stick horse, decorating sashes and crowns, and learn how to be a rodeo princess with the 2015 Garfield County Royalty. Princesses will also participate in a grand entry at the 2015 Family Rodeo! For more information, contact Royalty Coordinator Becky Schwartz, reschwartz2006@ gmail.com. Early registration is $20 and due by July 17, 2015; the fee is $25 for registration after that date. Ages 5-8, lunch is included.Georgia Kaye Kuersten-Weller, PrincessHello everyone! I attend school at Grand ValleyHigh School in Parachute. I raise, breed, and showCharolais and Angus cattle, both market andbreeding for the National Western Stock Show andour county fair. I am proud to have won Top JuniorShowman at National Western Stock Show my firstyear showing cattle. This year, I am taking a chanceon showing market swine at fair. I hope to attendcollege at Colorado State University to become aveterinarian, but the subject I’m looking forward tostudying the most is Equine Science.Words can’t explain how grateful I am to have theopportunity to better myself, my horse, and mycommunity throughout the royalty program. I lovethe Garfield County Fair & Rodeo because it’s a fun,safe place, where friends family and community jointogether to have a great time, so come celebrate!—Georgia Kaye Kuersten-Weller
8 HALL OF FAMEMarian SmithMarian was in 4-H and showed at the Garfield County Fair. Her motherdid too, and so did her children and grandchildren. Now her great grand-children are in 4-H showing at fairs all over the state. She believes 4-H isone of the best, well-rounded organizations for rural & city kids. She wasthe first woman to serve on Glenwood Springs City Council, including twoyears as mayor from 1980-82, and the first of only two female GarfieldCounty commissioners, serving from 1984-1998, including several years ascommission chairwoman. Kip Costanzo Kip has been a key player at the Garfield County Fair & Rodeo for over 25 years. He was born and raised in the area, growing up on a ranch. He showed his animals at the fair in 4-H and FFA. His sons Clay and Josh did too, and follow in his footsteps helping out at the fair. Kip has served the community in many ways. He served on the fair board as a member and president. He serves on the Old Timers Rodeo Museum board. He is in his 11th year on the Grand River Hospital board. Kip has also served as a volunteer fireman for 27 years.Charles and Angela RydenCharles and Angela have been involved with 4-H and the fair for decades.They have been 4-H leaders and worked with kids, horse projects, andcake decorating. They have participated in the Garfield County FarmBureau since 1963 and have served in multiple capacities. Angelaserved as the chair of the Women’s Leadership Committee for 22 years.Charles has also served on the Bookcliff Conservation District board for30 years. The Ryden’s generosity to their community included fostering120 children over 30 years. They raised seven children on their farm,including four they adopted.Roaring Fork Co-opRoaring Fork Co-op has been a loyal supporter of the fair, livestock show, and auction for years withgenerous donations. The Roaring Fork Co-op was founded in 1952 to serve the needs of local ranchers.The lifetime membership was collected to provide capital to the business and it’s still only $25 to jointoday.
9 IN MEMORIAMRuth “Ditty” PerryDitty and her husband, Bob, started the Mt. Sopris Hereford Ranch, southof Carbondale, in 1941 and continued ranching for the next 67 years. Theyraised seven children, and their door was always open to more kids, ranchhands, and ranching neighbors. Ditty was a huge supporter of the fair andthe Carbondale 4-H Club. She even held 4-H square dance competitionsin her basement. All of the Perry children showed at the fair, and one yearwon Grand Champion Beef. Bob also competed in roping at the rodeoand Ditty kept track of all his scores. Jim Knight Jim’s true passion was farming and ranching. He farmed in the West Divide Creek area. He raised cattle and pigs and supplied 4-H kids with steers and a lot of pigs. One of his pigs won Grand Champion. His two sons showed their stock at the fair in 4-H. Jim also entered his crops in the fair and won Grand Champion with his barley.Carl HaydenCarl Hayden was a very involved 4-H father and partner with hisdaughter, Hannah. He loved helping her with her 4-H projectsand pigs at the fair. He felt much joy watching the kids show theiranimals. Carl was a farrier in the valley, and well known by the horsecommunity. He was very happy to live in Carbondale and work withhis draft horses in the pasture.
102015 Fair & Rodeo Events scheduleSaturday & Sunday, July 18-198:30 am 4-H/FFA 4-H County Shooting Sports County Shoot Fairgrounds & Rifle Shooting RangeFriday, Saturday & Sunday, July 24 - 26 All Arenas North Hall8:30 am 4-H/FFA 4-H Horse Show North HallMonday, July 27 Ute Theatre5 – 8 pm Event Mutton bustin’ registration for Family Rodeo Fairgrounds 8/3/15, first 50 entries only, total Monday & Event Hall Tuesday combined North HallTuesday, July 28 Fairgrounds Indoor Arena5 – 8 pm Event Mutton bustin’ registration for Family Rodeo Indoor Arena 8/3/15, first 50 entries only, no entries after Indoor Arena this date Indoor Arena South HallThursday, July 30 Outdoor Arena3 pm 4-H/FFA 4-H County Contest Outdoor ArenaSaturday, August 1 Indoor arena South Hall8 am 4-H/FFA Fairgrounds set-up South Hall9 am - 1 pm 4-H/FFA 4-H Premier Exhibitor Interviews & Written Indoor arena tests9 am - 4 pm 4-H/FFA 4-H General Natural Resources and Family Consumer Science JudgingSunday, August 22 pm 4-H/FFA 4-H Robotics Contest & Model Rocket Launch3 pm 4-H/FFA Dog ShowMonday, August 39 am 4-H/FFA Rabbits & Poultry weigh in11 am 4-H/FFA Poultry show 4-H/FFA Rabbit show- following poultry show12 - 6 pm Open Class Open Class registration, entries accepted in all divisions, Fine Arts and Quilting entries MUST be received during this time4 pm Event Family Rodeo registration - Family Barrel Racing (FB), Family Team Roping (FTR), Family Daily Ribbon Roping (FTR), Stick Horse Races, Sibling Poles (SP), Boot Scramble6 pm Event Family Rodeo eventTuesday, August 46 am 4-H/FFA All livestock arrival starts7 – 11:30 am Open Class Registration, Needlework & Crafts7 am – 6 pm Open Class Registration, Floriculture, Floral Arrangements, Noxious Weeds, Horticulture, Field Crops, Baked Goods & Food Preservation9 am 4-H/FFA Rabbit Show continues
112015 Fair & Rodeo Events scheduleTuesday, August 4 continued10 am Open Class Quilt Judging South Hall Indoor Arena11 am 4-H/FFA Swine, Goats and Lambs need to be in place by 11:00 am Indoor Arena South Hall12 pm 4-H/FFA Swine weigh in Indoor Arena Indoor Arena12 pm Open Class Judging, Fine Arts, Needlework & Crafts Indoor Arena Indoor Arena2 pm 4-H/FFA Goat weigh in Indoor Arena 4-H/FFA Beef need to be in place by 2:00 pm Free Stage3 pm 4-H/FFA Lamb weigh in South Hall North Hall4 pm 4-H/FFA Beef weigh in South Hall 4-H/FFA All exhibitors meeting (15 minutes following last South Hall Beef weigh in) Indoor Arena6 pm 4-H/FFA 4-H /FFA/VIP Appreciation BBQ – invitation only South Hall South HallWednesday, August 5 South Hall10 am - 10 pm Open Class Open Class Exhibits South Hall10 am - 10 pm 4-H/FFA 4-H Exhibits Outdoor Arena Track12 - 10 pm Midway Midway of Family Fun Free stage5 - 9:30 pm Midway Beer Garden Free stage7 - 9 am Open Class Open Class entries accepted for Food Preservation Free stage Outdoor Arena7 - 11:30 am Open Class Entries accepted for Baked Goods, Floriculture, Floral Arrangements, Noxious Weeds, Horticulture and Field Crops9 am 4-H/FFA Swine Show9 am Open Class Food Preservation12 pm Open Class Judging: Floriculture, Floral Arrangements, Noxious Weeds, Horticulture and Field Crops12:30 pm Open Class Judging, Baked Goods2 - 7 pm Open Class Entries accepted for Commissioners’ Cookie Jar Contest, Apple Pie Contest, and Gingerbread Creation Contest3 pm Contest Ladies Skillet Toss4:30 pm 4-H/FFA 4-H County Contest Showcase (Fashion Revue & Talent Show)5:30 pm Event Heritage Celebration - Free apple pie and ice cream6 pm Event Glenwood Vaudeville Revue7 pm Event 2015 In Memoriam7:30 pm Event PRCA Xtreme Bulls Outdoor Arena7:15 - 8:15 pm Event Ty Lenard Free stage8:45 - 10pm Event Caleb Dean Band Free stage
122015 Fair & Rodeo Events scheduleThursday, August 610 am - 10 pm Open Class Exhibits & Fine Art sale South Hall North Hall10 am - 10 pm 4-H/FFA 4-H Exhibits South Hall12 - 10 pm Midway Midway of Family Fun Indoor Arena5 - 9:30 pm Midway Beer Garden Indoor Arena8 - 11:30 am Open Class Entries accepted for Commissioners’ Cookie Jar South Hall Contest, Apple Pie Contest, and Gingerbread South Hall Creation Contest Free Stage8 am 4-H/FFA 4-H Sheep Show South Hall Free Stage 4-H/FFA 4-H Goat Show - one hour following the Sheep Free Stage Show Outdoor arena Outdoor arena12:30 pm Open Class Judging Apple Pie contest Outdoor arena Free Stage1 pm Open Class Commissioner’s Cookie Jar and Gingerbread Free Stage contest South Hall1 pm Event Loop Rawlins North Hall1:30 pm Contest Photography Shoot Out Indoor Arena Indoor Arena3:30 pm Event Loop Rawlins Wild West Show Free Stage Free Stage5 pm Event Onda band South Hall Free Stage6:30 pm Event Loop Rawlins Wild West Show Free Stage Free Stage7 pm Event Royalty Coronation Indoor Arena Free Stage7:30 pm Event PRCA ProRodeo Outdoor Arena Outdoor Arena7 - 8 pm Event Ty Lenard9 - 10 pm Event Mariachi San JoseFriday, August 710 am - 10 pm Open Class Open Class Exhibits 4-H Exhibits10 am - 11:30 pm 4-H/FFA Midway of Family Fun Beer Garden12 - 10 pm Midway Cloverbud Livestock Exhibit Event Beef Show5 - 11 pm Midway Pie Eating Contest Loop Rawlins Wild West Show9 am 4-H/FFA Photography Shoot Out Ty Lenard10 am 4-H/FFA Loop Rawlins Wild West Show Southern Ute Heritage Dancers12:30 pm Contest Round Robin Michael Aldridge1 pm Event Gary Allan Concert Fifty501:30 pm Contest2 pm Event3:30 pm Event4 pm Event4 pm 4-H/FFA5 pm Event7 pm Event10 - 11:30 pm Event
132015 Fair & Rodeo Events scheduleSaturday, August 87 - 11 am Event Kiwanis pancake breakfast Heinze Park South Hall10 am - 10 pm Open Class Exhibits & Fine Art sale North Hall10 am - 10 pm 4-H/FFA 4-H Exhibits Railroad Avenue Free Stage10 am - 11:30 pm Midway Family Fun, Food Court, Merchants Metro Park10 am Event Parade Indoor Arena11 am Event Yampa Valley Boys Free Stage Indoor Arena11 am 4-H/FFA 4-H/FFA BBQ (kids only) Arena Track South Hall11:30 am 4-H Buyers BBQ - Event Hall (Buyers only) Free Stage Free Stage12 - 11 pm Midway Beer Garden Free Stage Free Stage12 pm Event Summer of Thunder Car Show Outdoor Arena Free Stage12:30 pm 4-H/FFA Awards Announcement – Round Robin, Arena Track Herdsman, Hedberg Scholarship Outdoor Arena Free Stage12:30 pm Event Loop Rawlins Wild West Show Centennial Park1 pm 4-H Garfield County Jr. Livestock Sale1 pm Contest Redneck Relay Race1:30 pm Contest Photography Shoot Out finals1:30 pm Event Yampa Valley Boys2:30 pm Contest Watermelon Eating Contest3 pm Event Loop Rawlins Wild West Show4 pm Event Trent Hughes Band6:30 pm Event Rifle Rotary Ball Drop6:45 pm Event Yampa Valley Boys6:45 pm Event Loop Rawlins Wild West Show7 pm Event Demolition Derby9 - 11:30 pm Event LeverActionSunday, August 910 am 4-H/FFA Fairgrounds tear down10 am - 12 pm 4-H/FFA General Natural Resources and Family Consumer Science check-out11 am - 2 pm Open Class Check-out; entries not picked up during official check-out hours shall forfeit all premiums FAIR CLOSED - See you next year!6 pm Event Concert in the Park- Hell Roaring Strings Band
14FAMILY RODEO but even more fun to play in the dirt! One of the highlights of Family Rodeo night is watching the little buckaroos hang on tight and compete in the Mutton Bustin’ event! This year, at the 77th Annual Garfield County Fair & Rodeo, we continue that tradition with the Family Rodeo. Families can watch and/or compete as teams against other families in the following events: Mutton Bustin’ MON Family Barrel Racing Family Team Roping Family Dally Ribbon Roping Stick Horse Races, Stick Poles and Stick Barrels Sibling Pole Racing Monday, August 3, 6 pmOpening night of the 77th annual Garfield County This is a free community event. The 2015 FamilyFair & Rodeo features the cornerstone event of Rodeo sponsors include Rocky Mountain Baptistthe week, the Family Rodeo. Monday, August3 features a showcase of young boys and girls, Rocky Mountain Baptist Churchtheir families, friends, and the whole communityshowing off their western Colorado rodeo roots. Senior Pastor, Jim Sheets - Youth Pastor, Peter HartungEveryone is invited to join in the family friendlyrodeo competition. Family members, young Weekly schedule:and old, compete in this heritage event. Whereelse can you watch tiny ropers working with Sunday Bible study - all ages 9:15 amtheir dads or grandpas on horseback, or momsand daughters cutting corners in family barrel Awana 10:30 amracing? It’s fun for the whole family to watch, Worship 10:30am & 6:00 pm Arbaney Cattle Company & Livestock, LLC Wednesday Kids’ & Youth Ministries 6:00 pm 5646 County Road 331, Silt, CO 81652, 970-319-0749 Men’s and Women’s classes 6:15 pm Come and be a part of the many ministries and activities at RMBC I-70 Exit #87 4199 West Centennial Parkway Rifle, CO 81650 970-625-0248
15 first 50 competitors) For more information, contact: Cody Smith [email protected] 303-902-1532.Church, C&C Industries, News Channel 5, Napa Auto Parts of Rifle,and Arbaney Cattle Company & Livestock.RegistrationPre-registration for mutton bustin’ will occur on Monday, July27, and Tuesday, July 28, from 5 – 8 pm, at the Garfield CountyFairgrounds North Hall. NO ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTERTUESDAY, JULY 28, FOR MUTTON BUSTIN’. For mutton bustin’entries, only the first 50 children may register. Riders must bepresent at registration, and they have to weigh in at 50 lbs. orunder to qualify. The top five boys and top five girls in muttonbustin’ will progress to Wednesday night and ride at the PRCAProRodeo for the championship title.Competitor entry feesBooks open at 4 pm, Monday, August 3, Stick horse races – freeFamily barrel racing/sibling pole racing – $15/teamFamily team roping and family daily ribbon roping – $25/teamMutton bustin’ entries – $10/entry (50 pounds or less, limited to
16HERITAGE NIGHT Celebrating our HeritageSource: Rifle Creek Museum – First prize float, Apple Pie Parade c.1925The Garfield County Fair & Rodeo has its oldest were planted over the years, and 4-H/FFA becameroots beginning in the 1890s with Watermelon the foundation of the fair with the livestockDays. City and county folks got together to share shows and auction. For a while it was calledtheir bounty and socialize. It became a popular the Garfield/Pitkin County Fair because the 4-Hannual event. In 1909 the event was renamed youth in Pitkin County didn’t have a county fair toApple Pie Day to honor Rifle’s biggest cash crop. show their animals and exhibits. They still don’tGrowers donated the apples and housewivesmade over 1,000 pies for free samples to serve allof their guests along Railroad Avenue. Festivitiesbegan with a ballgame and also included a horserace, pony race, bicycle race, tug-of-war and awheelbarrow race. That evening there was a dancein the building at East Avenue and Third Streetwhere the Rifle Orchestra played.Apple Pie Days brought people together asa community to celebrate their hard work,achievements, and to take pride in what theyproduced. The event grew to include rodeo events,music, more exhibits of other crops, and homearts. The exhibits moved to the fairgrounds in1938, and the Garfield County Fair was officiallyborn. The Cooperative Extension office, ExtensionHomemakers, and 4-H became more involved withplanning and producing the fair. The traditions
17and are welcome to enter in the Garfield County Fair & Rodeo. The 80’s and 90’ssaw a decline in county fairs across the nation. The tradition was kept alive by theranching families, 4-H/FFA, and the Colorado State University (CSU) Extension officeover the years.In the past decade or so the Garfield County Fair & Rodeo has been growing its future. The livestockshow and auction proceeds in 2014 were within about $20,000 of those at the Colorado State Fair. TheOpen Class exhibits continue to expand and are an important part of the fair where people of all ages canenter whatever they have created, grown, sewn, or canned. There are lots of activities and all the favoritefair food. The rodeo events have increased to include professional sanctioned rodeos. Entertainment andbig headliner concerts have brought in guests from across the state and out of state.The fairgrounds have changed and the people have changed over the years. The one constant isthe tradition of celebrating our western, agricultural heritage. That foundation is firmly planted andmemories of past fairs will always remain. The sky is thelimit for growing a future. Come celebrate with us thisyear!The schedule includes:4:30 pm Free Stage - 4-H fashion revue and talent show5:30 pm Free Stage – free apple pie and ice cream6 pm Free Stage – Glenwood Vaudeville Revue7 pm Outdoor Arena – PRCA Xtreme Bulls7:15 – 8:15 pm Free stage – Ty Lenard Band8:45 - 10 pm Free Stage – Caleb Dean Band WE HAVE THE Best ToolsWHEN IT COMES TO AGRICULTUREWhen it’s time to work on the financial side of your farm or ranch operation, stop by Bank of Colorado.With our specialized ag products and experienced bankers we can help with all your financing needs:• Operating loans and lines of credit • Real Estate loans for constructing new buildings,• Equipment Loans making improvements or refinancing your current farm mortgage.• Loans for specific livestock purchases or seasonal needs • CADA LoansRIFLE 1200 Railroad Avenue, 970.625.1266 • bankofcolorado.com THE WAY BANKING SHOULD BE MEMBER FDIC 5/15/15 10:47 AM15_BC82_RIFLE_FAIR_AD.indd 1
18 XTREME BULLS Wednesday, August 5, the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) brings a new and ex- citing event to the Garfield County Fair and Rodeo – Xtreme Bulls, with Coors as a national sponsor. Professional bull riding is a fierce, rough, and gruel- ing sport with roots deeply imbedded in American culture. It’s America’s original extreme sport. The evening will feature nationally-ranked bulls and talented professional cowboys. Annually, the PRCA sanctions about 600 of the most elite multiple-event rodeos on the continent, in 37 states and three Canadian provinces – the cream of the crop among thousands of rodeo-relat- ed events that take place each year in North Amer- ica. The Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA), headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colo- rado, is the largest and oldest rodeo-sanctioning body in the world. The recognized leader in profes- sional rodeo, the PRCA is committed to maintaining the highest standards in the industry in every area, from improving working conditions for contestants and monitoring livestock welfare to boosting enter- tainment value and promoting sponsors.©2015 COORS BREWING COMPANY, GOLDEN, CO©2015 PRCA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
19The PRCA showcases the world’s best cowboys bytelevising the sport’s premier events, including theWrangler Champions Challenge Tour presented byJustin Boots, the Justin Boots Playoffs and Cham-pionships, Ram National Circuit Finals Rodeo, AllAmerican ProRodeo Finals, PRCA Xtreme Bulls Tourand the world-renowned Wrangler National FinalsRodeo.You won’t want to miss this captivating and adren-aline charged sporting event that features someof the best bulls and cowboys around. It is thetoughest sport on dirt!Tickets are $15 for adults age 13 and over; $10 forseniors (65+) and youth 4-12 (3 and under free).Purchase online at www.garfieldcountyfair.com,telephone 800-626-TIXS (8497), buy them in per-son at Trendz Clothing Co. at 424 Railroad Avenuein Rifle, or at the gate until this event sells out. Wednesday, August 5, 7 pm
20PRCA/WPRA RODEOGarfield County Fair & Rodeo welcomes the Profes- Timed events include steer wrestling, team roping,sional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) ProRo- and tie-down roping. These events require highlydeo and Women’s Professional Rodeo Association trained horses working in sync with their riderss(WpoPnRsAo)r sopfotnhseoPreRdCAb.y Coors, an official national PttooropcfaoetssctshitohanenadflaRcsootendstetrootilAmcsaestotilnceia.thtAieocinroenpvtreeessntetasnn.ttWs’sbogamorraeelnlis’rsac- ing, which requires a horse and rider to complete Thursday, August 6 - Garfield County a cloverleaf pattern around three barrels and the Fair & Rodeo Royalty Coronation, 7 pm fastest time wins.PRCA ProRodeo, 7:30 pm Participants earn money in PRCA ProRodeo, so they aim to show Garfield County Fair & Rodeo crowdsRodeo is a true American sport, based on the needs their best skills.and customs of those who settled the great Amer-Aticiosasnnoinwcigaetbsitoo,ndaynisdintththeheeoPlwdroeofsretldsps.riToohnfeiasslsyRieooandrae’slorPoCRdoCewAo/b-WsoayPnsRcA- fTtrhhoeemasntMoimcoknacltsaoninnatrt.ahTcehteororsdtfooercokP. SRcaoCnnAktreisaycSPtaornorkRceaoyrdePesroofoRbrouadylesl,oofProRodeo includes roughstock events, timed breeds, raises, feeds, and transports all livestock forevents, and women’s barrel racing. Spectators will the PRCA. The highest standards are required byiabncegti,aoRmno.ayTzaehldteyacQnroudwetehnnrinilaglenoddfaPtshrietnhcseepsraosredksleinfoogjr,u2pm0rep1cs5isibnioetong-inrisd- PRCA for the stock contractor to provide care andthe night, followed by the action-packed rodeo thaukminagnpeatrrteiantmtheenPtRfCorAtrhoedteoop.-performing livestock Tickets are $10 for adults age 13 and over; $5 for seniors (65+) and youth 4-12 (3 and under free). Purchase online at www.garfieldcountyfair.com, telephone 800-626-TIXS (8497), events. buy them in person at TrendzTHThUurRsday, August 6, 7 pmbRoaruegbhasctkocrkideinvge,nstasdindcleludecborownbcoryid’sinskgi,llaannddbsutlalyriindginpgo. wRoeurgfohrsteoicgkhtmsaetccohnedssa tChloetghainteg uCnot.ial tth4i2s4evReaniltrosealdlsAovuetn.ue in Rifle, or atagainst a bucking horse’s or bull’s determination toremove the rider. If the rider touches the animal See you August 6 at the PRCA/WPRA ProRodeo!with his free hand, he is disqualified.
21 YourBrand ofCountry Presents KMTS welcomes you to the 77th Annual Garfield County Fair and is the &proud sponsor of Gary Allan McKenna Faith . Friday, August 7, 7:00 pm
22 CONCERT - GARY ALLAN albums. Five of those songs reached the number one spot. In 2003 “Man to Man” and “Tough Little Boys” reached number one, in 2004 “Nothing on But The Radio”, in 2007 “Watching Airplanes” and in 2013 “Every Storm (Runs Out of Rain)” all reached the number one spot. In addition, seven of Allan’s songs broke into the top ten on the charts. Friday night’s entertainment begins at 6:30 pm on the track with the Loop Rawlins Wild West Show, followed at 7 pm by the young, up and coming star, McKenna Faith. Faith is a 20-year-old country music singer/songwriter and Nashville Recording Artist from northern California. She tours the nation sharing the stage with country’s biggest stars, and was the #1 Selling Independent Female Country Artist on iTunes in 2013. International concert promoters rave that, “McKenna Faith delivers first class, high-energy, boot stomping country music.” Then, things heat up when music superstar Gary Allan takes the stage! As a performing artist, Allan has sold out venues as a headliner from coast to coast and has appeared on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, Live with Kelly and Michael, and Jimmy Kimmel Live. He has appeared on magazine covers of Country Weekly, Pollstar, andThe Garfield County Fair & Rodeo, along with People magazine.partnering concert sponsors, KMTS, BighornToyota, Parr Sound and Lighting, Hy-Way Feed & Tickets are: $15.00 for Grandstands (Adult) andRanch Supply, and Jay’s Steak House, welcomes $10 for seniors (65+) and youth grandstands (agescountry music star Gary Allan will headlineFriday, August 7, 7 pmthe main concert August 7!A fixture in the country music industryfor nearly two decades, Gary Allan has sold more 4 -12). Seating in the track bleachers is $25. Arenathan seven million albums throughout his career. general admission (standing only) $35.00, arenaHis albums have been certified platinum and gold pit (standing only) $50.00, and arena premiumfive times in a row, and he topped the Billboard seating $60.00. Buy tickets online atCountry Albums Chart with a trio of back-to-back www.garfieldcountyfair.com, call 800-626-TIXSalbums. His latest album “Set you Free” topped (8497), get them in person at Trendz Clothing Co.both the Billboard Country Albums Chart and the at 424 Railroad Ave., Rifle, or at the gate until thisBillboard 200 (Pop Chart). event sells out.FRI Gary Allan has produced 26 singles on the Billboard Hot Country Songs charts over nine
23Options shown. 970.945.6544130 Center Drive(, G9len7wo0od )Spr9ings45-6544, 130 Center Drive, Glenwood Springs
24McKenna Faith Concert seating chartMcKenna Faith is a 20-year-old country music Order tickets online now at:singer/songwriter and Nashville Recording Artist www.garfieldcountyfair.comfrom northern California. She has toured thenation, shared the stage with country’s biggeststars, and was the #1 Selling Independent FemaleCountry Artist on iTunes in 2013.“McKenna Faith delivers first class, high-energy,boot stomping country music.” – Blake SheltonCruise Promoters. www.mckenna-faith.com SAY HELLO TO YOUR FUTURELENDING I LEASING I INSURANCECall 800.799.6545 or visit AgLoan.com A part of the Farm Credit System. Equal Opportunity Lender.
27GARFIELD COUNTY SATFAIR PARADEOne of the most historic events in American historyis the local parade. People of all ages enjoy liningup and down the street waiting to see which float isaround the corner. Get there early and find a spotalong the parade route to enjoy your favorite float.Or better yet, enter your group’s float, classic car, ormarching band to be part of the parade. The paradewill run along Railroad Avenue, from 16th Streetdown to 3rd Street.Groups or people who participate in the paradecan win 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place in each of fivecategories: Float, Vehicle, Classic Auto, MarchingUnit, Horse Entry. To enter, register with theparade coordinator, the RifleSaturday, August 8, 10 amChamber of Commerce.970-625-2085 ext. 3 “Best of the Parade” will be awarded. Register [email protected] www.riflechamber.com and click on events to enterTwo honorable mention awards and the coveted, the Saturday, August 8 parade.Open till 8 pm on Fridays710 Wapitit Avenue, Suite #ARifle, CO 81650(970) 625-5120 Own it.
29SUMMER OF THUNDER CAR SHOW SATSaturday,August 8, 12 pmThe rumble of big block engines, polished All early entries will be allowed to participate in thechrome reflecting in the sunshine, and the fine parade at no additional expense. Vehicles must becraftsmanship of restoration go hand-in-hand with street legal and have proof of insurance. Driversa beautiful summer day. Come out and see some of cannot exhibit speed, burnouts, or squealing tiresthe best looking cars on the western slope at the during the parade. Entrants not adhering to theseSummer of Thunder Car Show, Saturday, August 8 rules will be removed from the parade.at noon. Get up close to the stunning array of these The show is sponsored by local area businesses,beautiful machines and hear all of the stories from including NAPA Auto Parts of Rifle and Greasetheir owners. Monkey.From rat rods testifying to days of long ago, to Prizes will be awarded to the top twenty cars. The30’s hot rods, classic 50’s body off restorations, winner of the Best of Show award will be determinedrumbling 60’s muscle cars, and even today’s would- by a panel of judges. The People’s Choice award willbe street racers, all are polished and on show! After also be chosen by the spectators. So don’t forgetthe last parade float rolls by, head to Metro Park for to cast your vote! Come look, talk, and dream oflive music during the sixth year of the Summer of restoring your own, but remember, don’t touch theThunder Car Show. cars.The Summer of Thunder Car Show is open to all For more information, please contact Levy Burris atentries. Early registration is $20 and registration [email protected], or 970-876-0653.the day of the event is $25. Car show entrants willreceive a barbecue lunch, a grab bag, t-shirt, anddash plaque. Entry forms are available online atwww.garfieldcountyfair.com/car-show.html.
30LIVESTOCK SALE starting at 11:30 am, Saturday, August 8Why support the sale? • Ringside seating for the sale at 1 pmThe Garfield County Junior Livestock Sale is the • Recognition in the 2015 Sale Programculmination of the year’s work for 4-H and FFA • Recognition in print mediamembers. They have spent months • Recognition on the Garfield County Fair websiteselecting, training, and feeding their • Recognition in the 2016 Garfield County Fairanimals in preparation for the fair. The booksale also provides youth the funds • Grand Champion and Reserve Champion Buyersto begin the next year’s projects. will receive a complimentary color photo of theirMany of these youth save a portion purchase with the 4-H/ FFA memberof these funds for their upcoming • Tremendous gratitude from the 2015 4-H & FFAcollege careers. Ultimately, your Livestock project membershelp supports a unique educationalprogram in agriculture. You support aprogram that emphasizes involvementin projects that teach strong moralsand values, a program that provides adrug free environment, and a programthat promotes citizenship, leadershipand community involvement. Throughtheir involvement, young people learnhow to produce food for your table,as well as how to be in business forthemselves. The price you pay today encouragesyouth participation and is a small investment inthe future of American agriculture.• Buyers are invited to the best barbeque in town Livestock Sale participation Individuals may obtain top-quality beef, pork, lamb, goat, rabbit, and poultry for your freezer to enjoy all year long. You pay the total sale price bid at the time of the sale. You will need to designate where you will want the animal processed and fill out a cutting instruction sheet. Bid price does not include processing. Split Buying If a whole animal is too much, you can split with a friend or relative in halves or quarters. Two or more individuals, families, businesses, or organizations may wish to split the cost of an animal. This reduces the cost to any one person or group, and reduces the amount of meat each will receive. Buy Back SAT Buyers not wanting to keep their purchased animal pay only the difference between the final bid price and the Buy Back price listed in the front of the Sale Order brochure.
31For donation The Voice of Agriculture forDonate the meat from your purchase to one or Garfield Countymore non-profit organizations. Youth benefit fromyour support, while you get the promotion, as well www.coloradofarmbureau.com/garfieldas the satisfaction of knowing that your favoriteorganization gets the meat. You may also donatethe processing fees or arrange with the recipientto pay the processing fees.Add-OnsAdd-ons are a good way to support a specificyouth or group of youth, if you are unable topurchase an animal. Add-ons are a flat fee, largeor small. Add-on money is added on top of thesale price. You do need to be a registered buyer.Add-ons can be done at the time of the sale or atthe completion of the sale.For more information, contact the Garfield CountyExtension Office at 970-625-3969.Livestock sale1 pm - Indoor Arena Proudly Supporting the 2015 Garfield County Fair and 4H’ers! Total Insurance Solutions Farm and Ranch Home Auto Business Worker’s Compensation Group Employee Benefits Serving Western Colorado since 1985 201 Centennial, 4th Floor Glenwood Springs, CO 970-945-9111 Toll-Free 800-255-6390 www.neil-garing.com
32 DEMOLITION DERBY ATV/4-WHEELER RACESSaturday, August 8, 7 pmAt 7 pm on Saturday night, the air quickly fills with` at 424 Railroad Avenue, Rifle, or at the gate untilthe sound of crashing metal and the sight of mud this event sells out, which happens each year!flying through the air. Every year the tickets sellout, the stands fill up, and the non-stop excitementbegins! The Demolition Derby and ATV/4-wheelerraces are one of the local highlights to fair week. It’s fun to try and pick out whichSAT car you think will be the last one standing.Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for seniors (65+)and youth (7 and under free). Purchase online atwww.garfieldcountyfair.com, call 800-626-TIXS(8497), buy tickets in person at Trendz Clothing Co.
33Want to compete?The pit opens at 4:30 pm. All vehicles and drivers • Experts in dieselmust be registered by 6 pm for the mandatory • Competitive pricingdrivers meeting. There is a $50 entrance fee forthe demolition derby and $25 entrance fee forthe ATV/4-wheeler races. Find the rules and entryforms at www.garfieldcountyFAIR.com. For moreinformation, contact Roger Coombs at 970-379-4460, or email [email protected]. PROUD SUPPORTER OF • Honest & dependableTHE GARFIELD COUNTY FAIR • Experienced technicians • High-performance upgrades 970-945-5080 3710 Highway 82, #4 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 (970) 945-9605 • www.printing4you.com www.prodieselandauto.com1526 Grand Avenue • Glenwood Springs, CO
34Creative EngineeringWhen July Wiese was a young boy, his grandfatherbought him a present that would impact his lifemore than he knew, a model rocket. In line with thisyear’s fair theme, “Planting a Foundation, Growinga Future,” this rocket kit did just that. July beganto be fascinated with the mechanics of how thingswork, and that has held true.In 2014, at the age of 15, July entered the GarfieldCounty Fair & Rodeo for the first time and wonGrand Champion in Robotics and Rocketry.Encouraged to participate from his friends, Julyentered the fair with no anticipation of winning, hejust thought it would be fun. In addition to winninglocally, a few months later he would win first placeat the Colorado State Fair.“I like to fix things and work with my hands. It justfeels good when your project works,” says July.His state-winning robotics project consisted of ahand and arm made of wood and plastic syringesthat act as hydraulics. There was a lot of trial anderror before the final product shares July, “I had tocreate four or five complete arms and hands before I even started getting it right.” One of the biggest challenges he faced was the gripping mechanism of the hand. After months of refining the project he started getting it right. The little details are what made the difference to July, even putting small pieces of sand paper on the finger tips for better grip. He attributes his success to being resourceful, creative, and dedicated. One of the ideas that drew July to this project was the idea of a new challenge, he had never done anything like this before. The lessons that he learned from this project, were the ability to problem solve and a better understanding of how hydraulics work. Next year in school he is looking forward to studying physics and applying it to his projects. Robotics isn’t the only skill that July shares with the community. He also went to the Colorado State Fair for rocketry and shooting. When asked what kind of advice he would offer to other competitors, he shares some very mature words of wisdom, “take pride in everything you do.”
35 (970)-625-2251Congratulations to all fairparticipants! [email protected]
36 C&C Industries, LLCWelding, CWI and Consulting Chance & Courtney Jenkins 5435 CR 311, New Castle, CO (970)379-3589 AWS Certified welding inspection, industrial construction consultation
37Hardworking girls are friendly and always willing to help answer questions,” claims Karly. They have made lots ofMost young high school girls don’t dream of getting new friends over the years in the 4-H community.up early to feed goats and lambs. And probably the One unique aspect of showing animals is that it islast thing they want to do after school is come home a family activity. It doesn’t matter if you’re a boy orto feed and work with the animals even more. Work girl, mom or dad, everybody is involved and havingmust be done every day of the year, rain or shine, fun.summer and winter, without exception. But Katy One of the hardest things about showing animalsand Karly Manuppella are two young ladies, who is selling the ones that you’ve grown attachedare willing to roll up their sleeves and get some to. “Especially goats, they each have their ownhard work done. personality,” says Katy. The positive side of sellingBeginning showing animals at the age of nine, it an animal, is that this is their summer job. Thewas their family friend Annie, a senior 4-H member, money from those sales gives the girls money forwho planted a foundation, to grow a future. Over the rest of the year, and for new animals. In fact,the past six years, the girls have won multiple last year they sold a goat to a little girl who showedtitles at the Garfield County Fair & Rodeo, as well at the 2013 Garfield County Fair & Rodeo, and sheas competitions throughout Colorado, including at got Reserve Grand Champion Market Goat. Thethe Colorado State Fair. In 2014, between the two little girl was so happy, and so were Katy and Karly.of them, they won many honors, including MarketLamb Grand Champion, Champion Producer MarketGoat, Champion Intermediate Goat Showmen, andOverall reserve Sheep Showman.It’s not all rainbows and sunshine. “Showing animalshas taught me a lot about being responsible in life,”shares Karly, “Some days are easier than others.”This past winter, the girls recall when 17 kids (babygoats) were born over two days. Katy commented,“That was a lot of work!”Katy is quick to follow with, “But it’s fun too! Somedays are really hard, but I enjoy it.” And one ofthe reasons the two girls enjoy it so much, is thecommunity they have become a part of. “The people
38 FREE STAGE ENTERTAINMENTCaleb Dean BandCaleb Dean Band is a straight-up traditional/western swing country band performing songs fromthe legends: Hank Williams, Waylon, Haggard, BobWills, George Strait, Garth Brooks, Alan Jackson,Randy Travis, Chris LeDoux just to mention a few.Plus, the Caleb Dean Band has a new record out thissummer featuring songs that we’ll be performing atour shows! Mariachi San Jose Mariachi San Jose delivers the music of Mexico. This integrated ensemble includes Javier de los Santos: artistic director, guitar, vocals; Miriam Arnold- Martin: vocals; Amanda Milner: violin; Rachel Lavadie: violin; Rachel Ham: violin; Sandra Rivera: violin; Jeff Pearson: trumpet; Mark Assay: trumpet; Daniel Kell: trumpet; Daniel Olson: trumpet; and Dale Rocco: bass.Loop RawlinsLoop Rawlins is one of the most versatile western Singer/songwriter/lead guitarist Michael Aldridgeperformers in the world today. His Wild West Show delivers today’s best country music to stages all& Act of Trick Roping, Whip Cracking, & Fancy around. In May, the group released “All or Nothing,”Gun Spinning has thrilled thousands of audiences. a full-length CD now available on iTunes and duringFrom performing with Cirque Du Soleil, to high-end the show at the fair. For more, visit www.Michael-events, rodeos, TV shows overseas, fundraisers and Aldridge.com.charities, Loop Rawlins has done it all.
39 FREE LIVE MUSICLeverActionLeverAction is comprised of five talented localmusicians, Jimmy Snowden, Scott Mueller, DennisWard, Steve Harding, and Mike Deere. They are agroup of down-home Colorado boys making theirown brand of southern and country rock. Onda Onda (Spanish for “vibe”) is a seven-piece Latin dance band that quickly made a name for itself on the Boulder scene. Onda’s sound is wonderful mixFifty50 of originals, traditional Latin standards and afro- Cuban rhythms blended with funk, salsa, jazz, R&B,Fifty50 is a local Roaring Fork Valley band, recipient reggae and modern jam arrangements. Their showsof many Local’s Choice Awards. Members include are diverse and eclectic, and easy on the ear andDave Stoltzfus, Beth Getzen Stoltzfus, Dale Loper, feet.Jerry Larsen, and Tom Mercer. From classic andmodern rock and roll, to their own creative originals,Fifty50’s unique harmonies, and instrumentalenergy, they will make an outstanding show!Yampa Valley Boys Southern Ute Heritage DancersSteve Jones and John Fisher have been performing The Southern Ute Indian Tribe has a rich, culturalas the Yampa Valley Boys for 15 years. They were tradition and perform their Pow-Wow Dance. Thenamed “best duo” in 2010 by the Western Music performers include dancers, singers, drummersAssociation. Great songs, stories and good humor and Southern Ute Royalty in colorful, traditionalmake them a success with audiences of all ages. dress. The Ute people are the oldest residents of Colorado. They inhabited the mountains, including our valley, until white settlers came and discovered silver and other precious metals. The Utes were then relocated to a reservation in the southern part of the state.
40Tyrel Lenard Trent Hughes BandTyrel Lenard is a local singer/songwriter from Rifle,Colorado. He records, mixes, and produces all of the Trent Hughes is an aspiring performer who embracesindividual vocal, guitar, bass guitar, and piano parts time honored traditions, while forging the directionfor all of his originals. His originals range in genre of today’s country music. THB’s style includes oldfrom soft acoustic rock, to harder alternative rock, school country, southern rock, new country, andand even an occasional acoustic-guitar centered some Stevie Ray Vaughn and Bon Jovi thrown in thepop sound. facebook.com/tyrellenardmusic. mix. Featured Uses Marathons, fairs & festivals, weddings, emergency, construction, outdoor events, farms & vinyards, government, home remodeling, backyard barbeques Mention this ad and receive $25.00 off your next septic service • Restroom Trailers • Portable Toilets • Septic Service • Temporary Fencing • Handwashing Stations and more Rifle: Office - 970-625-5556 Mobile - 303-229-4100 FAX - 970-625-2106Website: unitedsiteservices.com, Facebook: fb.com/unitedsiteservices,Blog: unitedsiteservices.com/blog, Free quote: unitedsiteservices.com/quote,Phone: 1-800-toilets [email protected]
41Gonzales is a recording artist, singer, andsongwriter from Los Angeles, who resides in theWestern Colorado River Valley. Gonzales releasesher new self-titled album “Gonzales” on August7th to coincide with singing the national anthemat the Garfield County Fair & Rodeo (singing August7 & 8). Find her new album on iTunes and onlinedigital music stores. You can also follow along onFacebook or Instagram at Gonzales Music. Website- Gonzalesmusic.com
42 MIDWAY OF FAMILY FUNFood, family, fun!At the Midway of Family Fun, there’s something for everyone! Fairgoers of all ages will enjoy the return oftheir favorite activities, such as clowns, face painting, pony rides, and jugglers. For the little tykes, we haveNoah’s Ark Petting Zoo. New adventures await your family for hours of affordable fun, including YoungGuns Wild West Park, where every child is a winner. For those feeling a little more adventurous, we’ll alsohave mechanical bull riding and High Fly Bungee Jump!Savor the different tastes of the fair with traditional cotton candy and funnel cakes. If you forget yourcowboy hat, don’t worry, you’ll be able to buy another one. Relax in the cool shade as your kids play closeby. Take in the free entertainment every night of the fair on the Free Stage. Enjoy the abundance of localtalent and even kick up your heels if you feel like it. Ladies Skillet Throwing Contest – Wednesday, August 5, 3 pm - Outdoor arena track The winner gets a $100 gift card! No husbands will be injured in this contest.Redneck Relay Race – Saturday, August 8, 1 pm – Photography Shoot Out - Preliminary contestsFree Stage -Thursday, August 7, 1:30 pm and Friday, AugustCan be individual or team of up to five. Toss four 8, 1:30 pm – South Hall. Bring a photo you haveears of corn in a bucket; run a designated distance taken at this year’s fair to the South Hall by 1:30.while balancing eggs on a spoon; “shear a sheep” It can be on your cell and we can print it wirelesslyby shaving a balloon; transfer “moonshine” (water) for you. Each day’s winner will receive a photofrom mason jars to an olive container; then carry a frame and will be entered in the Saturday final“greased pig” (a Crisco-covered watermelon) to the judging at 1:30. New entries will also be acceptedfinish line. Jeff Foxworthy would be proud. Saturday until 1:30 pm. The finalist will receive aThe winner(s) get $100 gift card! (Shared if team) $100 gift card! Apple Pie Eating Contest – Friday, August 7, 12:30pm – Free Stage The winner gets a $100 gift card! Watermelon Eating Contest – Saturday, August 8, 2:30 pm – Free Stage The winner gets a $100 gift card!
43 hold on tiGht.Good things are going to happen. Plant a foundation. Grow a future. 1317 Grand Avenue | Suite 216 | Glenwood Springs CO 81601 970.945.7210 | 970.945.7315 fax | libertyhomefinancial.com NMLS # 143385
44GARFIELD COUNTYCSU EXTENSIONCarla Farrand, Extension Associate/ Pat McCarty, Extension Agent Alice Smith, AdministrativeCounty Liaison, 4-H Youth Agriculture, Horticulture & Natural AssistantDevelopment ResourcesDo you want to make a difference in your as we “make the best better!”community? Do you have a talent to share, a skill In addition to the 4-H program, Colorado Stateto teach, or a favorite hobby? Do you want to be University Extension also provides education andinvolved in one of the largest, most long-standing, information in the areas of agriculture, horticulture,and positive youth development programs in the and natural resources. Through multiple countycountry? If so, become a 4-H volunteer! efforts, we are also your source for programs in theWe are always looking for adult volunteer leaders family and consumer sciences, helping communityto serve as mentors and role models for the youth members become Master Food Safety Advisorsin our community. Whether it’s coordinating a and Certified Gardeners. If you have a problem,club meeting or educational program, helping 4-H Colorado State University Extension has themembers complete their projects, or lending a solution!hand during Garfield County Fair & Rodeo, the 4-Hprogram could not exist without the support and PO Box 1112, Rifle, CO 81650dedication of its adult volunteers. Please contact Phone: 970.625.3969 - Fax: 970.625.3917your local Extension Office, or visit the national www.extension.colostate.edu/garfifieldcounty/volunteer web site (http://www.4-h.org/) for moreinformation. We would love for you to be involved Trust. Relationships matter. It’s why Bryan Hotard at WPX works closely with ranchers Betty and Ivo Lindauer. Together, we’re building a brighter energy future. ©2015 WPX Energy, Inc.
45THANK YOU, VOLUNTEERSAlan Thate Donald Metzler Julie Hurst-Farnham Philip Rice Alexandria Casey Dustin Sandidge Kaycee Manuppella Ragina Shoup Alice Smith Elise Belvedere Keith Petree Rebecca MariaAlison Teter Elizabeth Chandler Keri Johnson Ramthun Amanda Rice Eric Lovato Kim O’Neill Rebecca Schwartz Angellee Pilkerton Erin Stephens Kip Constanzo Rick Ettles Ann Walker Ethan Ball Kresta Hill Rob Matthews Billi Vagneur Gennivieve Nalley Kristi Gill Robert MacLaughlin Brandon Scott Gregorio Rios Aguilar Kristie Radel Rochelle Hitchcock Brett Jolley Gregory Shaner Kyle Costanzo Roger Coombs Brian Capraro Heather Beattie- Larry Bernat Ronald McNeal Bruce Collins Morganstein Larry McCown Russel Franke Buddy McNeel Heather Scott Leah Frink Ryan Frink Carla Farrand Heather Tucksen Levy Burris Scott Corbett Carol McNeel Holly Bosley Levy E. Burris Scott Ghan Charles Lewis Holly Gardner Lisa Jenkins (D&L) Sheri McNeal Charles Pruett Jack Ramthun Lisa Neil Stephanie Hinkley Cherri wall Jackie Stuart Lisa Nieslanik, L&M Susan Lynch Cindy Chelewski Jacque Burris Lolita Shaffer Sylvia MacLaughlin Clinton Sheridan Janel Carnahan Lydia Rios LaBelle Teena Morford Cori Rider Jana Farris Mary Kingen Tina McCray Cynthia Murr Janet Sheridan Melinda Lewis Tom Slappey Damon Bond Jason Neil Melissa Langfield Trey Fonner Dan Bagett Jay Rickstrew* Melissa Sever Vera Bott David Davis Jeff Nalley Micah Daniels Veronica Capraro Dawn Capwell Jennifer Burris Michael Kuhn Wayne Balderston Deb Ghan Jennifer Matthews Michael Morford Wendy Chapman Deborah Martin Jennifer Shepherd Michele Monger Wendy Hayden Denise Stewart Jillian Mello Molly Mendoza Desiree Smith Jim Bailey Niki Smith And all other whoDiana Casey Johanna Ball Nikl Mackey volunteered!Diana Metzler John Farnham Patricia Coombs Dieter Martin John P Chapman Patrick McCarty * = honorary announcer forDonald Jenkins Jonathan Smith Peggy Thate part of the livestock show
46GRAND CHAMPIONSGrand Champion Beef - Grand Champion Goat - Grand Champion Swine - Ivy Truelove Camron Shepherd, Buyer - Mariah Harris Buyer - Alpine Bank Dalby, Wendland & Co. Buyer - Alpine Bank Grand Champion Lamb - Grand Champion Poultry - Grand Champion Rabbit - Katy Manupella, Buyer - Lee Timothy Ghan, Buyer - Rocky Josey MorfordKrauth, Stampfel Construction Mountain Baptist Church Buyer - Electrical Outfitters & Grand River HospitalRESERVE GRAND CHAMPIONSReserve Grand Champion Beef Reserve Grand Champion Reserve Grand Champion - Kyle Lynch Goat - Ashley Jewell Swine - Malachi Rider Buyer - Wells Fargo Buyer - Williams Midstream Buyer- S2M Construction & Johnston Construction Reserve Grand Champion Reserve Grand Champion Reserve Grand ChampionLamb - Tyler Smith, Buyer - BuyPeoru-lWtryill-iaKmai’lseMy Fidlysntrneam BRuayebrbi-tM- CashteeyrePnenteroSletounmer& Bank of Colorado, Rifle Neil Garing Insurance
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492015 OPEN CLASSWelcomeThe Open Class departments of the Garfield County Fair & Rodeo give valley residents the opportunity tobrag and say, “See what I can do!”Adults and children have the opportunity to enter exhibits in categories ranging from cake decorating tocut flowers, from home canning to wood carving.Exhibits are judged on their own merit by a professional judge. First, second, and third place ribbons areawarded at the discretion of the judge.Premiums are paid in each department. Superintendent of Open Class Grand Champion - $10 Best of Fair - $6 Mary Jane Hangs First Place - $3 [email protected] Second Place - $2 970-876-2271 Third Place - $1 Fair Coordinator Doreen Herriott [email protected] 970-945-1377, extension 4002A. FINE ARTS Proud Sponsor of theB. QUILTING Garfield County Fair & RodeoC. NEEDLEWORKD. CRAFTS Natural Gas:E. FOOD PRESERVATION CheaperF. BAKED GOODS SaferG. FLORICULTURE CleanerH. FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS AbundantI. NOXIOUS WEED DISPLAY AmericanJ. FIELD CROPSK. HORTICULTURE - FRUITL. HORTICULTURE – VEGETABLESM. SPECIAL CONTESTSPre-registration is 1.800.563.0012highly encouraged SourceGas.comSubmit your entry forms by July 30, 2015.Email: [email protected]: Garfield County Fair & Rodeo, 201 8thStreet, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601Fax: 970-384-5009
50Open Class General Rules1. All residents of Garfield County and adjoining as follows. counties are invited to exhibit at the Garfield Division# Description County Fair & Rodeo. 1 Youth – 18 Years & Under2. Each department has individual rules 2 Adult – 19 to 79 years of age regarding age of exhibitors. 3 Senior – 80 Years & Over Some departments, sections, and classes3. All entries must be made by close of entry may have special age categories. time. No late entries will be accepted. 15. Special contests will have age divisions as stated in their individual rules.4. Pre-registration is highly encouraged. The 16. First, second, and third place ribbons will be Open Class exhibits continue to grow each awarded in each class at the discretion of the year. The dedicated volunteer staff can keep judge. things running smoothly if exhibitors pre-enter 17. A best of fair ribbon may be awarded per by July 30, 2015. Submit entry to dherriott@ department section at the discretion of the garfield-county.com or mail to Garfield County judge. Fair & Rodeo, 201 8th Street, Glenwood 18. A grand champion ribbon may be awarded in Springs, CO 81601 or fax 970-384-5009 a department at the discretion of the judge. 19. All articles must be entered in the name of the5. Entry tags will be available at the CSU maker. Extension office after July 1 for those 20. No article previously shown is eligible to be exhibitors who would like to fill out their tags shown again. prior to fair. 21. If more than three of a kind not previously listed are entered, a new class can be6. Entry tags must have the same exact name on formed at the discretion of the department the entry form and good telephone number. superintendent.7. Classes may be created or combined at the CONNECTTOEOD UR discretion of the superintendent or judges. COMMUNITIES8. Any articles not picked up during official LINN supports organizations that enrich check-out hours shall forfeit all premiums. the lives of people in the communities where we live and work.9. Each exhibitor may make no more than five entries in each section of each department Visit www.linnenergy.com or call 281.840.4000 (example: exhibitor may enter a total of five to learn more about LINN. entries in Section 1 Cookies under Baked Goods).10. Exhibitors may make two entries in each class (example: exhibitor may enter 5 different classes of cookies and 2 different entries in class 101 – Bar Cookies), and may only receive two premiums in any individual class.11. Entries must be variety named.12. 4-H club members and other youth are encouraged to enter in open classes. Items entered in 4-H are not allowed to show in the open class since 4-H exhibits can now win premiums.13. The Garfield County Fair & Rodeo and its agents are not responsible for theft of or damage to exhibits.14. All main departments will have age divisions