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Home Explore World Religions Portfolio

World Religions Portfolio

Published by sangi12345678, 2017-01-25 10:15:18

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Rasangi Tennakoon THEV. 23PORTFOLIO January 25, 2017 TODAY’S EDITION: RELIGION

table ofcontents page three-four The Ancient Aztec’s page five-six Hinduism page seven-eight Buddhism page nine-ten Judaism page eleven-fourteen Christianity page fifteen-sixteen Islam page seventeen-eighteen Final Thoughts page seventeen-eighteen Final Thoughts page nineteen-twenty References 1


The Ancient Aztec'sFrom the Ancient Egyptians to the Ancient Greeks,there are many different Early Religions that haveimpressive cultures and traditions. However, theAncient Aztecs practiced specific and uniquecustoms that are interesting and important toexplore. 3

Out of the array of ancient religions By giving blood, you are repayingand traditions, the one that I find to be debts to the supernatural world, and thethe most intriguing are the Aztec’s and Aztecs believed that it would aid withtheir tradition of self-sacrifice and their farming, fertility, and health.bloodletting. Little detail is knownabout the people that we classify as What is most impressive about theseAztec’s, as they’re civilization that was Aztec traditions is the proof of howcentered in Mesoamerica only existed committed these individuals were tobetween the fourteenth to the sixteenth their faith and the lengths that theycentury. However, evidence collected would go to in order to appease theirthat has been dated back to this time Gods. The Aztec religion is one thatand place has been recovered to prove brings to light and is an example ofthat human sacrifice and bloodletting many different arguments aboutwere indeed practiced on a regular religion, like where we should draw thebasis in the world of the Aztec's. line between life and commitment toPrehispanic codices, and pictorial faith. The concept of self-sacrifice andmanuscripts all account for the practice bloodletting allows theologists to studyof these traditions. the justifications of actions in the name of faith, which is important if we, as aThe Aztecs believed that human bodies society, want to know the origins ofhad two selves, a “shell” and a divine religion and commitment to faith.spark which was deposited by divinebeings from birth. These “divine 4beings” refer to the countless God’sthat the Aztecs believed in, who createdthe universe and needed to beperiodically regenerated throughsacrifice. In turn, those who weresacrificed would be guaranteed to go toheaven. Bloodletting was similar insignificance, in that it is grounded uponthe reciprocity and exchange with thedeities.

Hindu Festival of Holi Hinduism Dharma (duty) is a very important and fundamental concept in Hinduism. What is dharma? What is essential dharma, and what is the essential dharma of people like your parents, teachers, friends, police officers, and even yourself? Keep reading to find out. 5

Dharma, as according to a duty, I believe that there are essentialSanskrit-English Dictionary, means dharma for different people in your life.duty, morality, religious merit, good When one becomes a parent, theirworks, and justice. In Hindu duties are to provide a positive homephilosophy, dharma is the life, make sure your child is healthy,representation of order with laws to provide them with education and laygovern creation. It is more than science down rules and consequences to notand theory, it is religious and moral abiding by those rules. Teachers havelaws that bind us in harmony with that the responsibility to prepare lessons inorder in order to be content and happy, an informative yet lively way,and to save us from suffering. In the encourage students to do the best thatHindu religion, dharma influences the they can, communicating with parentsway people live and view themselves, about their child’s progress, and beas it is the path of righteousness and enthusiastic and positive aboutliving one's life according to the learning. The duties of a friend are toreligious ethics and conduct described provide someone with a true friendship,by ancient scriptures. Some of these which entails providing care, support,conducts include truth, right conduct, love and generally treating them thepeace, love, and nonviolence. way that you would want to be treated. The role of someone like a policeHindu’s believe and accepts the officer is to responsibly and correctlyconcept of reincarnation, and this protect the citizens of their country.concept heavily involves the belief of Finally, the most important duty isgood and bad karma. The idea of karma being responsible for yourself. You aregoes hand in hand with dharma. responsible for your own success,Dharma is essentially like a cosmic self-esteem, and living life the way younorm, and if one goes against the norm want. Before you expect anything fromit can result in bad karma. So, dharma anyone else, you must learn self-careaffects the future, according to the and self-love first. When these essentialkarma accumulated. In turn, one’s dharmas are practiced in everyday lifedharmic path in the next life is the one by these specific roles, one will lead anecessary to bring to light all the results religiously correct life in the eyes of aof past karma. If dharma means Hindu. 6

BuddhismBuddhism is a complex religion that is verydifferent from other western and eastern religions.Some people call Buddhism atheistic becauseBuddhists do not believe in a god-creator of theuniverse. Buddhists are more inclined to say thatBuddhism is non-theistic, that is god has no placein their belief system. This brings up the question,is Buddhism really a religion? The followingarticle is a letter to our editor, discussing thiscentury old question. 7

Dear Editor, we heard it for a long time)… But whenReligion can be thought of as manythings. Merriam-Webster defines it as you know for yourselves -- these thingsthe service and worship of God or thesupernatural, or a personal set or are immoral, these things areinstitutionalized system of religiousattitudes, beliefs, and practices. blameworthy, these things are has a lengthydescription of religion, stating that it is by the wise, these things, whena set of beliefs concerning the cause,nature, and purpose of the universe, performed and undertaken conduce toespecially when considered as thecreation of superhuman agencies, ruin and sorrow -- then indeed do youusually involving devotional and ritualobservances, and often containing a reject them\"moral code governing the conduct ofhuman affairs. Buddhism is an With these words from the Buddha, itextraordinary system of beliefs, and forcenturies there has been a debate if it can be concluded that Buddhism doesshould be considered a philosophyrather than a religion. I believe that it is not provide us with answers to life’snot a religion, but rather a strong andinfluential philosophy. big questions, such as the beginning ofFirstly, Buddhists do not worship aGod, which, according to many the world. If it is not proven, then howdefinitions of religion, is what areligion entails. Buddhists do not seek would we know?refuge in the Buddha in hope that theywill be saved by his own personal The Buddha does not believe in apurity. Rather, the Buddha acts as ateacher, telling us that only we are cosmic potentate, omniscient andresponsible for our fulfillment andhappiness. omnipresent. In Buddhism, there are noBuddhism also does not demand blindfaith from its followers. Instead, it divine revelations or divineencourages living a confident life basedon knowledge. In his time, the Buddha messengers. A Buddhist is, therefore,once said:\"Do not accept anything on (mere) not compliant to any higherhearsay -- (i.e., thinking that thus have supernatural power which controls destiny and which arbitrarily rewards and punishes. Since Buddhists do not believe in revelations of a divine being Buddhism does not claim the monopoly of truth and does not condemn any other religion. However, Buddhism recognizes the infinite latent possibilities of man and teaches that man can gain deliverance from suffering by his own efforts independent of divine help or mediating priests. Buddhism is a philosophy because it offers a way and outlook of life that maximizes the chances of happiness, and most importantly, how to find that happiness within yourself. I hope that through this letter, you can consider it as one too. Sincerely, Rasangi Tennakoon 8

JudaismThe Ten Commandments are a fundamentalconcept in Judaism. However, they are not alwaysto easy to follow. The following article discussestwo of the Ten Commandments that seem to be themost difficult for society and individuals to follow. 9

The Ten Commandments are a set of The tenth commandment in full textbiblical principles relating to worship states that “You shall not covet yourand leading an ethical life and is a neighbor’s house. You shall not covetfundamental part of Judaism. Some your neighbor’s wife, or his male orcommandments, such as “Thou shalt female servant, or his ox or donkey ornot kill” or “Thou shalt not commit anything that belongs to youradultery” are easy to follow, however, neighbor.”others can be difficult. The first This one is hardest for individual’s tocommandment and the last are the two follow because it not only requiresthat I believe are the hardest for society self-control of actions but also controland individuals to follow. of one’s mind. Desiring something is aThe first commandment in full text hard thing to get rid of because humansstates that “Thou shalt have no other naturally strive for better than whatgods before me”. As a religious person, they already have. From a better job toplacing God first can be the greatest more money to higher grades, peoplestruggle. There are so many, people, set goals, and those goals are desiresissues and pursuits that consume us and for oneself to become better. If you areseem to seek to be the number one’s in becoming better for the benefit ofour lives. They become our focus, our yourself and others around you, thenGod’s, and in the midst of it all, we maybe breaking one of thosetend to forget about the one God and commandments wouldn’t be a badsavior. For many individuals, it is hard thing after balance faith when issues andproblems of everyday life oftentimesoverrule and make you forget about theall powerful. 10

Artwork in the Vatican Christianity The following article uses Jesus’ eight teachings of the Beatitudes (Matthew 5) and applies it to the current world. It considers what Jesus would approve of and disapprove of with regards to morality and how we treat each other. 11

Nominal Christians around the world.The Beatitudes are the eight example, a humble person would notdeclarations of blessedness that were brag about how far he could kick a balltold by Jesus Christ. Each of these but would use his talents to teachstatements, all also starting with someone else. A real world scenario in“Blessed are…” can apply to many which this Beatitude can be applied issocial justice issues of today. someone who donates and gives to homeless shelters whenever they can,The first Beatitude states that, “Blessed no matter what people say.are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the When comparing a Beatitude to thekingdom heaven.” An application of current world, I feel that the fourth hasthis can be a person who gives up all of the most relevance. It states thathis or her free time in order to “Blessed are they who hunger andvolunteer in countries of need. thirst for righteousness for they shallThe second Beatitude is as follows, be satisfied.” An excellent example of“Blessed are they who mourn, for they this can be people who peacefullyshall be comforted.” An event that is a march against injustices. On Januarygood example of this Beatitude could 20th, 2017, thousands of people aroundbe the unrest of the people of Ferguson, the world participated in the Women’swho mourned the death of Michael March to advocate for women’s rights.Brown in 2014, who was shot by a It became the largest worldwide protestpolice officer. Those who mourned will in history. These people were hungrybe comforted when justice comes to his for justice and equality for women alltragic death, whether it is in this life, over the world and spoke up for theirthough the actions of others, or beyond. beliefs. In turn, they shall be satisfied.The third Beatitude states that, “Blessed are the merciful, for they“Blessed are the meek, for they will shall receive mercy,” is the fifthinherit the Earth.” To be meek is to be Beatitude.humble, gentle, and non-violent. For 12

To be merciful is to show forgiveness This Beatitude is very in depth and canand compassion. Someone who was an be interpreted many different ways.excellent example of Beatitude was Persecuted, by definition, means thatNelson Mandela. During his time as someone is subjected to hostility or illPresident of South Africa, he treatment because of their beliefs,showcased to the world his miraculous especially ones that are racial, politicalcapacity of forgiveness. He had an or religious in nature. In July of 2016,unbelievable ability to rise above activists were protesting in Batonbitterness and anger and made the right Rouge, Louisiana in the aftermath ofand conscious decision that forgiveness the shooting of Alton Sterling. Theywas the best route for the liberation of were protesting against police brutalityblack Africans. and the unjust treatment of AfricanThe sixth Beatitude states that “Blessed Americans throughout the country. Inare the pure of heart, for they shall see the midst of the chaos, many peacefulGod.” Someone who is pure of heart protesters were arrested and detaineddoes something without the intent of without reasoning, including famousgaining anything back. Individuals like activist DeRay Mckesson. Mckessonthese are hard to find these days, but stated that it was clear he was not beingany celebrity who donates a portion of detained for actual charges, and it felttheir earnings to charities without more like he was being detained forpublicizing it for their own benefit can fighting for what he believes an example of this.The seventh Beatitude claims that So, this brings up the question, what“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they would Jesus think? What would Heshall be called children of God.” Being make of this world that we have growna peacemaker is fundamental for the up in, lived in, and endured? Based offprogression and growth of countries. of these blessings, I believe that HeWorld leaders working together in would be satisfied with humanity andorder to move forward, such as Justin people’s ability to stand up for theirTrudeau and the president of the United beliefs, and being able to stay humbleStates, Donald Trump. Even though and keeping our morals at the samethey have many different views, time. Although there are individualsTrudeau is willing to work together to who keep us from moving forward, themaintain the peaceful attitudes the two power of the people will always keepcountries have had towards each other generations to come inspired to dofor decades. better and be better. If they are able toThe eighth and final Beatitude goes as do it keeping faith in mind and usingfollows, “Blessed are they who are the teachings of the bible in a lovingpersecuted for the sake of and compassionate way, Christ wouldrighteousness, for theirs is the kingdom indeed be proud.of heaven.” 13

Black Lives Matter Protester, 2015 14

IslamThis section explores my personal reactions toIslam. It lists all the aspects that I find admirableabout this religion, from the teachings, traditions,values and beliefs. Then, I list the elements that Ifeel are objectionable, using stories and newsreports that I’ve have seen on television aboutMuslims, and how that heavily impacts not onlymy own perception of Islam, but other people’s. 15

Islam is a religion of peace and mercy, because you’re not just giving to theand the second largest religion in the religion or place of worship, butworld at that. Some core beliefs is that you're giving to those in need. Thisthere is only one God, that you must promotes generosity and motivatesonly engage in righteous actions, that others to do the same.all God’s creation is “Muslim”, that all These are just a few elements of Islamchildren are born without sin and are that I find praiseworthy, for there areMuslim, that God created humans with much more. However, with moderna body and soul, and that everyone is day media and news, it can beequal, universality of the call. Apart expected that there are parts of thisfrom these fundamental beliefs, there religion that can be consideredare many other elements of this sacred objectionable by outsiders. Forreligion that are very admirable. example, there are many cases in which women have been fired fromFirstly, Muslims care about personal jobs, asked to leave school because ofmorality. Some of the most primary wearing a hijab. A hijab, worn bycharacter traits expected of a Muslim is Muslim women that cover their headholiness, humility and a profound sense and neck, may seem objectionable toof submission to God. A Muslim is people outside of this faith group ifexpected to be humble before God and they haven’t done prior research onwith other people. Islam also enjoins the meaning and significance of theupon every Muslim to exercise control practice. So, since I do not knowof their passions and desires. From every single part of Islam as a whole,ensuring that they pray five times a day I cannot decide what is fasting, the amount of dedication thatMuslims have towards their faith The main problem has increasinglyshould be admired by religiouspractitioners across the world. become the media and how theyThe Third Pillar of Islam is zakat,otherwise known as mandatory charity. portray Islam. When people see aProviding for people in need and beingcharitable is an important part of being picture painted of a group of people ina Muslim. Islam asks their followers todonate 2.5% of their income as a part a certain way, that will become theof their obligatory charity. Sadaqa isvoluntary charity, which can be given only way they see that group ofto anyone in any form, from a smile toadvice. The fact that charity and giving people. If media outlets continue tois such a fundamental part of Islam isincredibly admirable, especially pair acts of negativity with the name Islam, people begin to associate negative and tragic events with Islam. This type of thinking is toxic, and individuals must take it upon themselves to ensure that they do research before making assumptions on an entire group of people, based off of the media. 16

FinalThoughts 17

Writing this segment for The Portfolio should be understood by others inhas expanded my knowledge on terms of that individual's own culture.different world religions more than For example, if you trying to learnever before. Rather than simply about Buddhism, the effectiveness ofcollecting general facts and your research will be minimal if youinformation, I was able to critically are judging Buddhist beliefs from aanalyze different beliefs, customs, and purely Christian point of view, andtraditions. Instead of giving statistics the same applies to any religion.about Islam in comparison to otherreligions, in its section I provided the In addition, throughout this course, Ireader an opportunity to gain insight on had the opportunity to hear thesome of the different beliefs of Islam as opinions of people who werean individual religion. members of religions outside of my own. Almost every day, I was able toThis method of learning is one learn something new from my peersimportant strategy that I have learned and take into consideration theirover the course of this class. When views of many controversial topics,considering and analyzing one religion, which has allowed me to shape andyou must look at that religion by itself refine my own opinions. That beingand ensure that you do not compare it said, I can conclude that mostto any other in the process. Each and important thing that I learned byevery religion is different and has their writing this portfolio and taking thisown set of beliefs unique to them. In class is the value of opinion and theorder to truly understand the religion in influence it has. It has allowed me toquestion, you must practice cultural become more open-minded, andrelativism, which is the principle that challenge my own perspectives,an individual's beliefs and activities which I think is the most important part of learning about religion. 18

References \"9 Positive Effects of Donating Money to Charity.\" The Life You Can Save.N.p., 13 July 2015. Web. 24 Jan. 2017. \"Aztec Human Sacrifices.\" Aztec Human Sacrifices | Aztec Sacrifices. N.p.,n.d. Web. 24 Jan. 2017. Carrasco, David. \"Human Sacrifice in Aztec Culture.\" Serious Science. N.p.,13 Oct. 2016. Web. 24 Jan. 2017. Danderson, Steven. \"Seven Admirable Things About Islam.\" FairMormonBlog. N.p., 3 May 2008. Web. 24 Jan. 2017. Das, Subhamoy. \"Dharma: The Path of Righteousness for Hindus.\" About.comReligion & Spirituality. N.p., 05 Oct. 2016. Web. 24 Jan. 2017. \"Dharma (Hinduism).\" Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs.N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Jan. 2017. \"Morality & Ethics in Islam.\" WhyIslam. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Jan. 2017. 19

Prebish, Charles. \"Is Buddhism a Religion?\" Lion's Roar. N.p., 19 Aug. 2016.Web. 24 Jan. 2017. Subramanian, Ramnath. \"The Dharma Dilemma: The Challenge of CompetingDuties.\" The Huffington Post., 13 May 2011. Web. 24 Jan.2017. Thera, Narada. \"Is Buddhism a Religion.\" Buddhism in a Nutshell. N.p., n.d.Web. 24 Jan. 2017. V, Jayaram. \"Dharma, the Moral and Religious Duties of Hinduism.\" Dharma,the Moral and Religious Duties of Hinduism. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Jan. 2017. 20

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