Boutique Nigel Who? King Tut Line Like his Facebook page Boutique nigel Who?
been in fashion photography people and be in the right for less than 2 years. He places to where he was giv- has an extraordinary eye en opportunities to partici- and gift for it. pate in professional shoots. “I sold all of my guitars and “People always ask me what said goodbye to rock music are you going to shoot? so that I could buy my first What’s your specific plan?” Troy explained. “When I go professional camera,” Troy said. “The band I was in did out into the city, I don’t a lot of 80s music and it did have a particular plan. I just go with what the city not give me a lot of stabil- ity. Photography gave me gives me and as it unfolds I more of that.” make it happen.” It seems like Troy is a go He got lucky when he start- ed shooting fashion as he getter and has been doing was able to meet the right that very thing with his tal-
Troy in his Rock Band Days ent most of his life, taking what life offers him and making things happen. The depth of his photography relays a distinc- tion to each of his subjects reflecting a richness that only an eye from a master can produce. He is, in fact a creative genius making one masterpiece after another appear from his cam- era’s lens.
Diet Pills, Atkins, exercising, Lou Quigley tried it all. Every time Lou turned around it seemed she was trying to find a way to lose weight and find the illusive butterfly of health and fit- ness that would make her happy and feel fulfilled. In November, 2012, she got really sick with strep, but the pain her throat was She tried a lot of nothing compared to the pain in her weight loss plans, but heart when she got up on the scale and when her heart was realized she weighed 226 pounds. ready to meet her Shocked and dismayed, she went into mind with the dedica- Thanksgiving wanting to do something tion to make the change, Lou found her to lose the weight. Her sister in law success story. gave her some information about a pro- gram that was sure to work. Shortly
after she was hosting a party for wraps and after combining both programs she saw some progress after six weeks, her clothes were getting loose and she had lost six inches. But it was not enough for Lou. On January 13, 2013, she woke up with a determination, she was going to make the changes necessary to get fit. Suddenly things fell into place and there was a clicking of victory and order in Lou’s life. She cut out soda, junk food and cut her calories to 1200 a day. She stated drinking 80 to 100 ounces of water a day and ate grilled chicken, sal- ad, veggies and breakfast every morn- ing. She also started a fitness pro- gram; Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred was her workout of choice for six weeks then added jogging with the wii every morning. Lou was on a roll. “It was really easy and fun when my clothes started falling off of me liter-
ally,” Lou said about her trans- person anymore.” formation. “I think the thing Looking back on her journey to I remember most is how my become fit Lou says there youngest son started mimick- were several high points, but ing me.” remember two as being what Every day was a highpoint for she considers super. The first Lou, trying on clothing in her was running a mile. It was a closet became a motivational fun run with her 9 year old ritual, she would try on a piece son. She ran the entire length of clothing and it would fall without stopping and when she off. When she went down an- got to the end she felt abso- other notch on her belt or the lutely incredible. belt didn’t fit any more, Lou Super High Point number 2 declared this as a high point. was when she had a smaller The more she lost the more waist than her hubby, a fete her confidence increased. Lou had never experienced and “I still struggle at points with the joy of such an accomplish- the person in the mirror and ment gave her a true medal of still see the old body,” Lou honor. told me. “But then I go to my “Even when I was skinny, when closet and look at my clothes. we first met he was smaller I realize that I’m not that than me,” Lou recalls thinking
back to her dating days. “For a while in the spring I was wear- ing a pair of his Levis that don’t fit him right not. That was the top of the top.” By the summer, Lou had reached her goal of 80 pounds and when she and her family went on vacation she was thrilled to be wearing a two piece bathing suit. She says it was pretty awesome and she wore it the entire week they were away, never being ashamed of her 42 year old body that she had worked so hard to achieve. When I asked Lou about the difference in her life since she lost the 80 pounds this is what she had to say.
“I can do anything and every- I was so out of shape and mis- thing this year. I am in such erable. I was depressed and I great shape. I don't get tired didn't want to go anywhere or going up stairs or the boat ramp do anything. I didn't go to the at the lake. I can do a push up Christmas party at the College now. I can do planks. Everything where I work because none of has changed in me. My rela- my dress pants fit me at the tionship with my hubby is so time. I laid in bed and cried. much better. I feel like I can My kids look up to me now and I accomplish anything now. I want can see how proud they are of to train this spring to do a 5K.” me. They follow in my footsteps and that is a great feeling. My Needless to say, Lou’s confi- hubby looks at me and I feel dence has peaked with her warm and loved. He is so proud transformation. She loves of me also.” shopping now. When she began her journey she was in an 18/20 And why wouldn’t they be? Lou and now she slips into an 8/10. has done an incredible thing, she has boldly gone where so “I went to Victoria Secret and many have dreamed of going and I'm a size M!” Lots of twinkle accomplished the very thing a in her eye when she made that lot of folks just talk about. She report. She went on to say, “I did not need magic, no drugs or would of never of guessed that I would be this size a year ago. surgery; she saw a need in her life and gathered her strength,
putting one foot in front of the night. There is no miracle cure other, she walked the walk and or pill. You have to cut the made it happen. crap out of your diet and get moving for this to really hap- “The one thing that I learned pen. It really is a lifestyle through my journey all these change and only you can make it years is it is not doing the work happen.” until your heart and mind are together. When both come to- Looking at what Lou has done is gether you can accomplish any- truly inspirational and today thing. Keep moving and keep she continues to motivate oth- going. Don't give up. And re- ers to follow her lead and take member. You didn't gain all of the challenge to get fit to be- this weight overnight so it is come the best that you can be. not going to come off over-
Sergio Ribeiro loved food, he did not think much about It, he just enjoyed the flavors, the textures, the social aspects of food. It was never a huge is- sue, food was just the thing he went to for comfort, when he got stressed or nervous; it helped him deal with difficult situations. One summer while visiting his father in Brazil, Sergio saw a doctor for a physi- cal and the doctor was a bit concerned about Sergio’s size and encouraged him to lose When opportunity presented some weight. Now in the midst itself, Sergio Ribiero grabbed it and made some life altering of his teen years, he found a changes. way to make a connection with health and fitness and Sergio
lost one hundred pounds. The weight loss did a lot for Sergio and he managed to maintain the loss well into his adult years when he got married and was set to live happily ever after. As 2013 rolled in, Sergio was working a new job with differ- ent people and when the world was setting goals and making resolutions they hoped would stick, an opportunity presented itself for Sergio to get fit again and to start a workout program. Sergio was deter- mined to not just get strong, but to become lean and fit. He
did not just want to go on a habits and fitness routine. diet, he wanted to change his It’s been a year now and he is life. He entered the contest still minus 60 pounds and at his school and got busy. feeling great and stronger He was counting calories and than ever. exercising daily. “I struggle with the weight He did not hire a dietitian or issues still,” Sergio says. retain a trainer, Sergio did it “But I am much more disci- all on his own. He created his plined. If you need to lose own program going to the gym weight and get fit my advice for workouts disciplining him- would be to not give up. It self and making himself ac- takes time, perseverance and countable. But it did not stop a positive attitude. The at the gym, Sergio did it all; weight does not come off im- he walked, ran, did free mediately it is a test of en- weights at the end of the durance and perseverance, contest he had lost 60 but the end results are worth pounds. it. Stay positive, keep fo- Sergio didn’t fall off the wag- cused and be determined. on once the contest was over, You can because you will, you he was full steam ahead con- will because you can!” tinuing with his healthy eating
Did You Know???? We don’t realize how little things can make such big chang- es. Things we don’t even think about! For example if you al- ways took your coffee black and suddenly changed to adding just 2 teaspoons of sugar and 2 teaspoons of full fat cream how much do you think you would gain in a year weight wise? Assuming of course that you change nothing else in your diet you would gain 10 lbs in a year!! That is unreal right for just your coffee now think of all other “tiny” changes we make to our diet thinking it won’t make a difference think again!! Now in order to combat just the added sugar you need to work out an extra 20 minutes a day! Oh just an FYI soda has 10 teaspoons of sugar in a can! I have taken to thinking before I put anything in my mouth something’s ( during the holidays) I deem worth it but I know I have to work extra hard to work off any things I eat or drink that are out of the norm. Here is one more for you. Did you know that a Big Mac meal (burger, large fries and a coke) takes 6 hours to walk off, I am not talking power walking just regular walking. If someone said to you “Hay I want to take you for lunch but it will take 6 hours to burn off the calories.” Would you go? If you did go would you make it a habit of going weekly or what about daily
It doesn’t have to just be the place ‘to go’. The bathroom can be a place to relax in, to take long luxurious baths, invig- orating hot showers that change your mood from grumpy and tired to revitalized and refreshed. It’s the place where beauty takes place, facials, hair coloring, hair styling and in many houses this is where all of the make up and hair prod- ucts are stored and the lady of the house gets her beauty on in front of the brightly lit mirror. It is also the place where the scale lives, where we run in the morning to jump on and see what magical number will spin to life and either make our day or break our mood. This year, make a resolution to make the bathroom a spe- cial place. Keep it clean and sanitized, put up some nice cur- tains on the windows as well as over the tub, go for a bright color scheme and display some fluffy towels that coordinate with the rugs on the floor. Maybe you could put a couple of hanging plants hear the window, some candles on the back of the toilet and always keep a fresh supply of bubble bath and bath salts. The bathroom can and should be a happy place.
bles, reflective hazard triangles, and reflective safety vests. Now don't worry, it's a fair sized Since this is the New Year, peo- list and is not limited to these ple are all about resolutions. Well, items, but basic kits with most of this edition of Under The Hood is these things can be found in an all about safety, a resolution actual kit sold in stores. Use your worth adding to your list! This be- best judgement whether you want ing the winter months (no matter to make this yourself or not. Per- where you live), it never hurts to sonally, all items I have I keep be prepared. I have a list of es- centralized in a milk crate in my sentials best for your everyday trunk so I can save space and survival and just-in-case scenari- know where everything is! os: More Add-Ons: In addition to the The Basic Car Kit: A basic kit to basic kit, there are a few things to keep in your car should include a add if you're in a snowy/icy area. warm blanket (or a few for the Rock salt and de-icing fluid can families out there), flashlight(s), be great to rid your home surfac- spare batteries, cell phone es of ice and snow, but carrying charger, flares, a small shovel kitty litter in the car can help you (commonly found in the camping if your vehicle gets stuck in a section of Wal-mart or like- snowy situation. It acts like dirt, stores), bottled water, jumper ca- and can give your tires the grip it
needs to get out of the slippery that your key locks get too frozen terrain. Yes, I also recommend for your key to go into (I lived in snow chains if your car can have Alaska, yes this happens), just them (not all cars are designed to spray WD40 into the locks to pre- have chains installed). vent them from freezing. This wonderful chemical also works Extra Tips: Yes! There's a bonus great on tight, creaking car door section, you lucky readers! Some other great tips you may not know hinges. Remember I mentioned the cell phone charger? If I get about for cold weather: Do you spend extra time while the car is enough requests for it, I might just tell you all how you can make a warming up to scrape your front and back windshields? You can portable charger to use if there's no wall power in sight! avoid this by folding an old thin sheet across the windshield, mak- ing sure it's long enough to close That's all for this month. I have a into both doors. This will eliminate few projects I can't wait to share frost from building on the wind- with you, so please “stay tuned” shield over night. NOTE: Please for more. Everyone be safe this remove the sheet before driving! winter season, and I hope you Lastly, WD40. Yes, the very had a happy holiday. Thanks for same. If you're area gets so cold reading! ~UTH
When we start a work out, or eating plan we all have such plans to be highly dedicated and everything will run perfectly right? Then a week maybe a month in and things start to fizzle. How do we pre- vent that? I have two ways that I personally stay accountable. Number one is my white board. I have a huge white board screwed into my pantry door, it is visible for everyone in my house to see on it I track me daily food, water, work outs etc. every time I do anything I have to walk passed that board and I can see if I am on track that day. I take a picture daily and post it in an accounta- bility group that is my number two an online group of men and woman all in a similar boat we keep each other accountable with our foods, work outs and even emotional problems. Using these tools I have found a lot of success and so have many others, as people we do better in a supportive group environment I
believe that is why programs like weight watchers have success because weekly you have to go and face that scale and the people there. With that in mind we are starting a new accountability group on Fa- cebook starting Jan 2nd. Anyone who is serious about losing weight is welcome to join; it is for everyone whether you have 10 lbs to lose or 200 lbs to lose. We will be doing assessments before you start and fins which plan suits you best. We will be helping with nutrition and working out we are going to do this as a group. If this is something you are interested in let us know we will do your as- sessment and get you started ASAP!
It’s that time of year again, time we start thinking of our New Year’s Resolutions ( eekk). How do you decide what yours is going to be? I used to be so bad I was looking at it all the wrong way I was always determined to quit something or lose (x) pounds , to me that was like telling myself that I cannot have something and for me I wanted it more ended up giving up be- cause it was “ just too hard”. Try changing your perspective in- stead of looking at it in a negative way change it to a positive. Do not tell yourself “ I must/will to lose (x) pounds this year” say “ my goal this year is to make it to the top of the stairs at ( insert location) without being winded or stopping and I want to do it in the size ( x) work out pants I fell in love with at (x) “ Let’s break that down so it is the same goal in general BUT you have given yourself no number to reach no chance to fail at that number and have given yourself little incentives including a shopping reward. Now let’s say you make it to the top of the stairs stopping twice but not getting winded you would still be over the moon for reaching a part of your goal had you said I must lose 100 lbs but only lost 60 you would just be disappoint- ed . Do you see where I am going with this? Make it impossible to fail!
The point of a resolution is because there is something about yourself that you want to change and the beginning of a new year is the perfect opportunity to do so. We must be realistic though, I could tell you my resolutions are to lose another 100lbs, run a marathon, finish my classes with no less than a 4.0 and never touch even one French fry. I can tell you now that would crumble very fast. Instead my resolutions are to complete at least 4 more beach body work outs , to run 2 miles without dying, to turn in all my assignments on time and limit my fast food to no more that once every 3 months. Just by changing the expectations of myself I have given myself room to improve on my goals but also enough of dose of real- ism that in 365 days they are all totally doable! Here it comes: I challenge you to rewrite your resolutions. Make them doable, leave room to impress yourself! Tell me what you I can’t wait to hear.
New Year, New Resolution and sometimes that means purchasing a piece of exercise equipment to help you reach your fitness goals. The first thing to consider when going into the sporting good section of the store to make your purchase is what kind of exercise you enjoy. If you are into walking, jogging or running, the choice for you might be a treadmill. If you are more of a biker, a stationary cycle might be more your speed. If you are given to injuries in the back or knees, you might prefer the suspended pedal movement on an oval shaped track, the Elliptical Machine, that eliminates stress on the spine and joints.
New Year, New Resolution and sometimes that means purchasing a piece of exercise equipment to help you reach your fitness goals. The first thing to consider when going into the sporting good section of the store to make your purchase is what kind of exercise you enjoy. If you are into walking, jogging or running, the choice for you might be a treadmill. If you are more of a biker, a stationary cycle might be more your speed. If you are given to injuries in the back or knees, you might prefer the suspended pedal movement on an oval shaped track, the Elliptical Machine, that eliminates stress on the spine and joints. Here are some guidelines to follow when choosing a fit- ness machine. Are you going to have time to actually use the machine? How many pieces of equipment get purchased with the best of intentions and then wind up in the corner of the living room taking up space and collecting dust? So be- fore you buy it, consider how time you will actually be spending on it. Where are you going to store it? You may think having it in the living room will work for you, but once you start stubbing your toe on it, running into it, having to move it
because it’s in your TV view—it might bum you out and make you want to pitch it to the garage. What about the variety of the machine? Will it offer you the speed and programs you need from a workout? Will you be able to increase or decrease your activity level as need- ed? How reliable is the brand? Research the equipment find out the quality with ratings, reviews and e-opinions on the prod- uct from the internet.
What about the price? Some equipment can cost up to $5000 and in many households this is entirely not afforda- ble so you’re going to have to shop around to find what you’re looking for in your budget and you might find that buying it used is more appropriate. Whatever you’re looking for to help you meet your New Year’s goals and resolution, be sure to find a machine to suit your physical requirements and one that will fit in your space and workout time.
Whether or not your team makes it to the Super Bowl or not, it is an event everyone wants to take part in. Your team may not make it, but suddenly you find yourself pulling for somebody and making a party to celebrate the outcome. So here are my predictions and a sam- pling of foods we think might be on the coffee table as fans across America cheer on their teams. Seattle is famous for it’s Salmon and seafood so in honor of the Sea- hawks we’ve made some salmon patties with pickles, tomato and special sauce. First Pick: Seattle Seahawks vs the Denver Broncos
Whether or not your team makes it to the Super Bowl or not, it is an event everyone wants to take part in. Your team may not make it, but suddenly you find yourself pulling for somebody and making a party to celebrate the outcome. So here are my predictions and a sam- pling of foods we think might be on the coffee table as fans across America cheer on their teams. Who can think of Denver without envisioning their Denver omelets? So for a twist, we put the omelet ingredients in dough, rolled them up and cut them up into pinwheels and gave them a light fry. First Pick: Seattle Seahawks vs the Denver Broncos
What says New Orleans better than Jambalaya? Here I’ve made a quick Shrimp Jambalaya and poured it over French bread and cov- ered it with cheese for a quick pizza snack.
Chili can be claimed by a lot of cities, but who else pours it over spaghetti but Bengal fans in Cincinatti? I got this recipe from the biggest Bengal fan in Columbus, Ohio.
If Kansas City makes it to the Super bowl, there will be a lot of grills stacked with ribs in honor of their triumph. Here’s my take on a simple rub for some good ribs right off the grill.
What else do you serve the folks from Green Bay? They wear blocks of cheese on their heads to the games. Why would you go beyond the call of dairy, one of my favorite snacks, for the biggest party of the year? If the Packers make it to the Super Bowl, a cheese plate is all it will take to honor them. .
San Diego boasts of it’s lean and healthy fish tacos made with a low fat white fish, they can be fried or baked with fresh vegetables and a tangy sauce.
The thing that sets San Francisco apart from everyone else is the famous Irish Coffee served only at the historical Buena Vista. If the 49ers make it to the Super Bowl we’ll be cheering them on with one of these.
Seattle Salmon Sliders Denver Omelet Pinwheels 1 pound of canned Salmon 1 package of refrigerator pie 1 small onion diced dough 1 egg 1 small bell pepper, chopped 1/4 cup breadcrumbs 1 small onion, minced Salt and pepper 1 pound cooked ham, chopped Combine all ingredients in a 3 scrambled eggs, diced bowl and mix well, form into 1 1/2 cup cheddar cheese small patties and place on baking sheet and bake until 1/2 cup oil done. Roll the pie dough out into a Place your patties in slider square. Layer your ingredi- bun, with Seattle Sauce, pick- ents over the dough, pepper, le and tomato. onion, ham, egg, an finally cheese. Tightly roll the Seattle Sauce dough up, making sure to wet 1/4 cup of mayonnaise the edge of the dough to seal 2 tablespoons of cream it. With a sharp knife, slice the roll into 1/2 inch slices. cheese (room temperature) In a frying pan, heat oil. 1/4 teaspoon of dill Place wheels in oil and cook 1 teaspoon of lemon zest until golden brown on each side. Remove from oil and A shake of garlic salt place on paper towels to blot Fresh ground pepper up excess oil before serving.
Jambalaya French Bread Pizza Cincinnati Chili Spaghetti 1 fresh French bread, sliced in 1 small onion half 1 pound of ground beef 1 12 ounce can diced tomatoes 2 tbsp butter 8 oz Andouille sausage, sliced 1 teaspoon of cumin 1 teaspoon of chili powder 2 cups mozzarella cheese 1/4 cup jalapenos peppers 1 tbsp ground cumin 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper 1 can of chili beans 1/2 tsp fresh ground black Salt and pepper pepper 1 small onion diced, set aside 1 tsp salt 2 cups of cheddar cheese, shredded 1/2 cup diced tomato, fresh or canned 1/2 pound of spaghetti, cooked 1 large green bell pepper, In a crock pot, put all of the in- diced gredients up to the diced onion, 2 ribs celery, sliced 1/4\" thick 1 pound large shrimp, peeled set aside. Let this simmer on and deveined medium for 3 to 4 hours. Once In a deep pot, Sautee vegeta- your chili is finished, place your bles in butter then add toma- spaghetti on a large plate and toes followed by seasoning and cover with chili. Next sprinkle meats. Let simmer for 12 the reserved onions over the minutes. Ladle over French chili and pasta followed by a bread an cover with cheese. good sprinkling of cheese.
KC’s Dry Rub For Ribs An Assortment of Cheeses 1 Cup of Brown Sugar an Fruit 1/2 cup of paprika Go to the store and find a flavorful assortment of 1 tablespoon garlic powder cheeses, cut them into bite 1 tablespoon onion powder size pieces and put them on 1 Tablespoon cayenne powder a platter. At it’s center add a variety of your favorite 1 tablespoon of salt fruit, apples pair nicely with 1 tablespoon of black pepper cheeses, grapes, pears, ber- Mix all of the ingredients to- ries. There is something gether and keep in a air tight wonderfully appealing about container until used. Make sure the combination of the your ribs are blotted dry, then sharp, saltiness of cheese cover ribs with rub, massage and the snappy sweetness of into the meat and let marinate fruit. A simple snack that is for 2 to 4 hours. Grill ribs as guaranteed to please. usual.
Fish Tacos Irish Coffee 1 pound of cod Salt and pepper 2 tablespoons brown sugar Cabbage, shredded 1 ounce of whisky Tomato, diced 12 ounces freshly brewed Onions, chopped coffee Taco Sauce 1/4 cup of heavy whipping 6 tortillas cream Salt and pepper cod and In a large glass cup, stir sug- bake. Let cool, fill tortilla with fish, cabbage, toma- ar into whisky until dissolved. toes, onions and dollops of Pour hot coffee over it. sauce. Turn a large tablespoon up- Taco Sauce: side down and pour 1/4 up of 1/2 cup mayo cream over it into the cup of 1/2 cup sour cream coffee slowly until it covers the top of the coffee. 1 teaspoon each of minced jalapenos, cumin, cilantro Enjoy. Salt and pepper to taste
One of the most unused rooms in the house is the din- ing room. It usually gets turned into a sewing room, a crafting room, a workout room, a store room even. It was designed as a place for families to sit together and eat but most of the time we’re lugging our plates into the living room and eating in front of the television. Some studies show that eating at the table without the television and enjoying conversation will improve your chances of eating less and more efficiently. This year, make a resolution to make use of the dining room. It on- ly takes about thirty minutes to consume a meal and missing 30 minutes of television isn’t going to break any- body, so turn the television off and call the family to the table. It might just become the start of something wonderful.
Keep the fridge stocked with healthy snacks kept easily assessable with Consider having a second refrigerator identifiable calories. for just produce. It will make storing much easier and help you choose and eat fresh. This year make a resolution to keep your kitchen neat and organized with healthy foods and snacks that are easily accessible. It will make staying on track easier.
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