Introduction President Word: Professor / Farouk Ismail \"At Ahram Canadian University (ACU) we are committed to prepare young individuals from Egypt and abroad to be leaders and intellects, and to instill in them the critical thinking that underpins responsible citizenship and social and ethical responsiveness in the global knowledge society. Prof. Farouk Ismail Dean Word: Professor / Wafaa Marzouk Prof. Wafaa Marzouk SBA as its main mission of offering a high quality education that encourages innovative culture and the focus on experimental learning that enables students to gain hands-on experience, cooperative work teams, internships and assignments that stimulates learning and leads to personal development furthermore, the experience that will enhance their ability to function effectively and immediately after moving into their career paths. Every student must make sure to comprehend all the information in this handbook and to observe the rules that must be adhered to in all cases within the university community. The university has set the rules that must be adhered to within the university campus, which includes lecture halls and applications, inside buildings and university grounds, as well as university transportation and student housing for subscribers to this service. The student's ignorance of these rules will not be taken into account in the event of any violation ..(1)..
Introduction Page Handbook contents 3 5 Contents 6 Basic Information 7 Study system 8 10 SBA Policies & Regulations 15 16 17 18 18 ..(2)..
About ACU Basic information Admission SBA Majors 1- ACU Vision ACU seeks to become a distinguished educational institution, with academic and training programs that are characterized by quality and modernity. It seeks to qualify its graduates to meet the changing labor market requirements and to participate effectively in the development of the society, and to contribute to solving its problems with emphasizing the importance of continuous learning to update their skills. 2- ACU Mission ACU is a leading modern educational institution of high international standards, employing innovative methods of education, as applied in Canadian universities, without being primarily driven by profit considerations but by academic excellence. ACU has put all its human and physical resources to prepare a graduate with a distinguished education, who is able to solve the problems of society and contribute effectively with a developed thinking in the advancement of its society, and has the ability to self-learning as well as work in a team, and absorb all innovations and advances in his main field of specialization, while taking advantage of what allows him a world of knowledge from innovations and information in the specialty field. 3- ACU Strategic objectives - To provide educational programs in new specializations in response to the students' desire and in response to the requirements of the labor market. - To provide a distinguished educational atmosphere that helps stimulate the faculties of excellence, creativity, self-learning, interaction and integration with others. - To pursuit to achieve excellence by appointing university members with high scientific and practical experience. - To emphasis continuously on the educational achievements, policies and procedures that encourage students, school members for the sustainable development of the university and all its facilities. - To upgrade and develop continuously modernization the lecture halls, laboratory equipment, educational aids, and all educational facilities. - To conduct innovative applied research in cooperation with universities inside and outside Egypt, especially Canadian universities, with regard to solving problems facing sustainable economic and social development. - To strengthen the academic and research cooperation with Canadian universities and other foreign universities by signing more agreements with them to exchange undergraduate students, and school members. 4- ACU Core Values The following values represent a set of core values that ACU members believes in, which represent the basis of all policies, procedures and activities, whether academic, administrative or financial: Integrity Honesty Respect Justice Accountability Working in a Team Credibility Transparency ..(3)..
About ACU Basic information Admission SBA Majors 5- SBA Vision School of Business Administration ABA at Ahram Canadian University ACU seeks to be one of the top colleges locally and regionally in the field of administrative sciences, providing high quality educational programs those consistent global and local standards. Therefore, it provides its graduates with local and international functional skills as we are looking forward to active participation in the welfare and progress of society through responsibility towards the nation. 6- SBA Mission The School of Business Administration at Al-Ahram Canadian University is committed to providing quality educational and research programs to prepare professionals in the field of administrative sciences to enable them to compete locally and regionally and to contribute to meeting the needs of the business environment in their respective specialization. The following are the conceptual definitions of the SBA learning goals; - To support the general educational policy by adhering to a high level of quality in the fields of education, scientific research and consulting. - To provide a free academic environment conducive for students, allowing them to exchange ideas, innovation, and knowledge in various scientific fields, and to provide students with a strong scientific and technical basis. - To prepare graduates to possess the ability to think innovative and to develop knowledge skills with the developments in the professional field. - To prepare graduates to be able to benefit from innovations and modern and successive information. - To encourage graduates to have the flexibility necessary to deal with the unexpected problems and situations that they may encounter during their work and training on them during their study period at the university. 7- International agreements and collaborations To fulfill our mission several collaborations have been made with several universities especially in Canada including Alberta University in Canada, DA Tsenov Academy in Bulgaria, Sapienza University in Rome, Montclair University of New York, and California State University. 8- SBA History Ahram Canadian University is a private, non-profit Egyptian university affiliated with the Al-Ahram Foundation that aims to raise the level of education and scientific research, and to provide specialists and technical experts in modern scientific disciplines needed by society. It was established according to Presidential Decree No. 393 of 2004 and received its first students in 2005 in different colleges including the School of Business Administration SBA. ..(4)..
About ACU Basic information Admission SBA Majors School of Business Administration (SBA) offers bachelor’s degree based on credit hours system that is not just recognized and approved by Supreme Council of Universities in Egypt, but also, consistent with requirements of international curriculum especially in Canada. The Bachelor’s Degree is given after completion of 144 credit hours throughout eight semesters in one of four programs that are essential in any business organization they are: 1- Accounting Program: Studying in the accounting major allows students to acquire many intellectual, analytical and practical skills that qualify students for promising career opportunities such as but not inclusive to; working in the financial sector in several types of organizations (e.g., business organizations, public sector organizations, government institutions, and financial institutions such as banks, insurance companies, and brokerage companies), in addition students may also own their own office to practice the profession of accounting and they may also work in the field of consulting and training. 2- Financial Economics Program: Financial Economics is one of the unique majors in SBA at ACU, as this major combines between both the principles of economics and the concepts of modern finance science. This major enables the student to gain a deep familiarity with everything related to institutions, theories and quantitative practices in addition to his ability to financial analysis as a result of his in-depth study of the history of the most important areas of financial economics. Therefore, graduates of this major will be qualified to work in fields such as private equity, corporate finance, banking or asset management. 3- Marketing Program: Marketing is a practical, career-oriented major that provide students with analytical, logical, and creativity skills. This major qualifies students to work in several positions related to marketing such as; Brand Management, Industrial Marketing, International Marketing, Marketing Research and Product Development. With the rise of online advertising and the rise of social media, combining traditional marketing concepts and new paradigms makes the field of study rich and dynamic. 4- Human Resource & Management Program: SBA at ACU offers a variety of specialized courses in the field of management and human resources, including, for example, recruitment, selection, human resource planning, performance evaluation, compensation and rewards, in accordance with the highest international standards to provide our students with all the knowledge, skills and competencies required to be the best suitable candidate for jobs in this the field. This will enable graduates to develop and maximizes their capabilities to advance to the highest level of management in large organizations, and to work in positions such as Administrative Services Specialist, Compensation & Benefits Specialist, Human Resources Specialist, Training & Development specialist, etc. ..(5)..
About ACU Basic information Admission SBA Majors 1- Reasons for choosing SBA at ACU - Joining SBA at ACU means joining a large family that governs the relationship between its members of mutual respect and trust, and in which the spirit of familiarity reigns in a way that creates the proper atmosphere for creativity and innovation and achieving the desired progress in your academic and professional career. - Continuous academic devising to ensure your excellence at the academic level, which is the basis for achieving a distinguished career path. - We believe that your academic and professional success is our ultimate goal that we adhere to in order to achieve the desired distinction and strong competitive position between Egyptian and foreign universities. - SBA at ACUY offers you a variety of specializations programs, which increases your available opportunities. 2- Admission rules and procedures Students apply directly through the students’ affairs office. They are required to submit the originals of Thanawaya Amma certificates or any equivalent to open a file for each student. After that, internal coordination is conducted according to the instructions of the ministry of higher education. An English Language placement test is conducted to determine the level of English for the applicants. Admission to SBA starts in August every year, and there is also the possibility of early reservations. 3- Transfers from other universities - A student, who is enrolled in one of the faculties of recognized Egyptian or foreign universities, or private institutes, may be transferred if his high school grades or its equivalent are not less than the minimum for admission to the school after passing the admission and aptitude tests in accordance with the rules specified by the University Council. - The student may be exempted from attending some academic courses, if it is proven that he attended equivalent courses and successfully performed the exams for them in another college with study programs equivalent to the school’s programs. Limit of 50% of the total credit hours for the academic program (72 hours), provided that the equivalent courses are not less than good or a GPA 2. ..(6)..
Study system Assessment System Credit hours Academic advising Courses 1- Credit hours system Credit hour is a unit that gives weight to the value, level or time requirements of an academic course taken. The student will be transferred from one level to the next after completion of 25% of total credit hours required regardless which courses are completed. One of the most advantages of credit hours system is that a student doesn’t have to re-exam in all courses again if he fails in two or more courses, instead he/she will only re-enroll in courses that he/she failed. 2- Academic semesters The academic year is divided into two main academic semesters (Fall and Spring semester), in addition to summer semester. Semester Approximate dates and duration Maximum hours Fall semester Starts on September and lasts for 15 weeks 18 Hours Spring semester Starts on February and lasts for 15 weeks 18 Hours Summer semester Starts on July and lasts for 6 weeks 6 Hours Registration starts one week before the beginning of the semester and the University determines the last date to drop/add course(s) and the last date for withdrawal. 3- Study period The study of Bachelor’s degree in the SBA is four-year period; however, a student can complete the graduation requirements (144 credit hours) in a shorter period, provided that it is not less than 3.5 years. 4- Study language Study languages in SBA is English. Each student who is newly enrolled in the school must take a test to determine the level of the English language organized by the university, and in the event that the student does not pass the required level, he must study a course in the English language as a condition for study and enrollment in the first semester, and credit hours for this course are not counted for him. ..(7)..
Study system Assessment System Credit hours Academic advising Courses Academic advising is one of the elements of education quality, which basically aims to assist the student by introducing him to the study system in his major and the study opportunities it provides, developing the student’s abilities and helping him to set up his academic career during his university studies, which is the basis for his professional career after graduation, and helping him to overcome the problems or obstacles that he might encounter during his study at the school, through a relationship based on respect, mutual trust, and common goals between the academic advisor and the student. 1- Academic advisor tasks Academic advisor is assigned for every student to guide him/her through the registration process during the eight academic semesters. Academic advisor is expected to: - Provide the student with correct information about the school, educational policy, available study resources and programs, guidance for what can benefit him in the labor market after graduating from the university, and assist the student to be familiar with university atmosphere. - Help student to choose and register to the courses in each semester, and guide him in the event of drop, addition, or withdrawal from the course. - Follow-up and evaluate student progress reports in order to improve his study skills, identify weaknesses and support him to overcome them, as well as overcome any academic difficulties that meet him. - Contribute in building the student’s personality through proper guidance and counseling. - Inspire the student’s values, traditions and norms in the university student’s behavior, through the mentor’s personality as an example. - Strengthening the student’s capabilities in his main fields and developing his abilities to manage his affairs and play a positive role in university life. - Discuss the available job opportunities and their needs and help the student to join the labor market The opinion of the academic advisor is considered advisory and the student is directly responsible for the courses in which he registers based on his desire. ..(8)..
Study system Assessment System Credit hours Academic advising Courses 2- Registration, Add and drop, and Withdrawal - At the beginning of each semester, the student registers the academic courses he/she chooses, subject to passing the perquisite courses, with the help of the academic advisor and at the times determined by the university administration before the start of the study period and for a maximum of one week from the start of the study. - The minimum credit hours for registration in each semester are (12) hours, and the normal course load is (18) credit hours for one semester (fall or spring). The registration limit for the semester may be raised to (21) credit hours, i.e. an addition (3) credit hours per semester, after approval of the School Board (or the Dean of the School) in the following cases: The reasons for graduation, if the student will graduate immediately in this semester. In the case of the outstanding student (whose GPA is more than 3) - After completing the procedures for registering the courses that the student has chosen, the student may withdraw from one or more courses during the period specified for withdrawal in the university calendar, and in this case the student is not considered to have failed the courses from which he withdrew and a grade of “withdrawn W” is given to that course with no refund policy. 3- Attendance Attending lecture and tutorial is an integral part of the university study process. So, in order to sit for the final exam, a student must achieve an attendance percentage of not less than 75% of the lectures as well as the tutorials. If the student exceeds the 25% absence limit for unacceptable reason, the school council has the right to deprive him/her after warning from sitting for the final exam. The student will get “Zero- F” as the final exam grad. 4-Academic probation - The student is academically warned if his/her cumulative GPA is less than 2.0, the course load will be reduced to 15 credit hours, and he/she will be placed under academic probation and must rise his/her GPA to 2.0 minimum within maximum period of two consecutive academic semesters. - Students under academic probation receive individualized recommendations, professional guidance, and academic intervention to help them take the appropriate steps to enhance academic progress. ..(9)..
Study system Assessment System Credit hours Academic advising Courses 1-Teaching and learning strategies Lecturers and their assistants in SBA depend in their teaching of academic courses on a set of methods that complement each other to ensure that the student understands these courses in an easy and direct way that enables them to acquire the knowledge, intellectual, and practical skills necessary to pass the course as required and encourage the student to innovate, create and express opinion. Teaching and learning strategies include the following: - Cooperative learning strategies using workgroups - Individual learning strategy using scientific projects. - Learning strategy based on information technology Lecturers and their assistants in SBA depend on a set of methods, including lectures, applications, E-learning, seminars, and field visits. 2-Courses classifications Course in SBA are classified into four groups: 1- University common core courses, in which the student studies general courses in social sciences and English 2- SBA common core courses, in which the student studies basic business administration courses that all graduates must acquire. 3- Major courses, in which the student studies a set of specialized courses that end with the student’s obtaining a bachelor’s degree in one of the offered majors (accounting - financial economics - marketing - human resources and management). 4- Elective courses, in which the student chooses a set of courses to complete the quorum of the credit hours related to his major. The following table shows the number of credit hours of SBA distributed according to the course classification and the academic level: Level First Second Third Fourth Total Course classification University common core 12 - - - 12 SBA common core 24 30 12 9 75 Major courses - - 18 21 39 Elective courses - 6 6 6 18 Total 36 36 36 36 144 3-Courses distribution The following tables present the courses during the study years for all majors of SBA ..(10)..
Study system Assessment System Credit hours Academic advising Courses Accounting Program First Level (All Programs) Semester 1: LANG101 Semester 2: LANG102 BUSGB100 BUSGB114 6 Hrs. Univ. common core 6 Hrs. Univ. common core 1 English 101 BUSGB101 1 English 102 BUSFE110 2 Business Ethics BUSGB102 2 Critical Thinking BUSAC111 BUSAC100 BUSGB115 12 Hrs. SBA common core BUSGB103 12 Hrs. SBA common core BUSGB116 3 Introduction to Management I 3 Microeconomics 4 Mathematics for Business &Economics 4 Financial Accounting II 5 Financial Accounting I 5 Organizational Behavior 6 Communication Skills 6 Introduction to Management II Second Level (All Programs) Semester 1: Semester 2: 15 Hrs. SBA common core 15 Hrs. SBA common core 1 Macroeconomics 2 Business Law BUSFE200 1 Financial Reporting II BUSAC211 3 Principles of Marketing BUSGB200 4 Financial Reporting I BUSMK200 2 Mathematics of Finance &Investment BUSGB213 5 Public Administration BUSAC200 BUSGB201 3 Introduction to Finance BUSFE211 3 Hrs. Elective (Choose ONLY ONE) Sociology BUSGB220 4 Introduction to H.R. Management BUSGB212 6 BUSGB221 Business Computer Applications 5 Money & Banking BUSFE212 3 Hrs. Elective (Choose ONLY ONE) H.R. Planning BUSGB222 6 BUSFE220 Introduction to Banking Third Level (Accounting Program) Semester 1: Semester 2: 6 Hrs. SBA common core 6 Hrs. SBA common core 1 Corporate Finance I 2 Quantitative Analysis for Business BUSFE300 1 Production & Operations Management BUSGB314 BUSGB300 2 Managerial Accounting BUSAC312 9 Hrs. Major Requirement 3 Purchasing Management BUSGB301 9 Hrs. Major Requirement BUSAC300 4 Cost Accounting BUSAC301 3 Corporate Accounting II BUSAC313 5 Corporate Accounting I BUSGB320 Accounting for Public Sector and 3 Hrs. Elective (Choose ONLY ONE) BUSMK320 4 BUSAC314 Technical Paper Writing Non-Profit Organizations 6 Promotion Strategy 5 Auditing BUSAC315 3 Hrs. Elective (Choose ONLY ONE) Business Analysis & Valuation BUSGB321 6 Public Finance BUSFE321 Risk Management & Insurance BUSGB322 Fourth Level (Accounting Program) Semester 1: Semester 2: 6 Hrs. SBA common core BUSGB400 6 Hrs. SBA common core BUSGB415 1 Strategic Management I BUSGB401 1 Strategic Management II 2 Operations Research BUSAC400 9 Hrs. Major Requirement 9 Hrs. Major Requirement BUSAC401 3 Advanced Auditing BUSAC402 2 International Accounting BUSAC413 4 Taxation 5 Graduation Project I BUSGB403 3 Advanced Managerial Accounting BUSAC414 BUSMK420 3 Hrs. Elective (Choose ONLY ONE) 4 Accounting Information Systems BUSAC415 Performance Management 6 5 Graduation Project II BUSAC416 Special Topics in Marketing 3 Hrs. Elective (Choose ONLY ONE) Mergers and Acquisitions BUSFE420 6 BUSGB417 Compensation and Reward ..(11)..
Study system Assessment System Credit hours Academic advising Courses Financial Economics Program First Level (All Programs) Semester 1: Semester 2: 6 Hrs. Univ. common core LANG101 6 Hrs. Univ. common core LANG102 1 English 101 BUSGB100 1 English 102 BUSGB114 2 Business Ethics 2 Critical Thinking BUSGB101 BUSFE110 12 Hrs. SBA common core BUSGB102 12 Hrs. SBA common core BUSAC111 3 Introduction to Management I BUSAC100 3 Microeconomics BUSGB115 4 Mathematics for Business &Economics BUSGB103 4 Financial Accounting II BUSGB116 5 Financial Accounting I 5 Organizational Behavior 6 Communication Skills 6 Introduction to Management II Second Level (All Programs) Semester 1: Semester 2: 15 Hrs. SBA common core 15 Hrs. SBA common core 1 Macroeconomics 2 Business Law BUSFE200 1 Financial Reporting II BUSAC211 3 Principles of Marketing BUSGB200 4 Financial Reporting I BUSMK200 2 Mathematics of Finance &Investment BUSGB213 5 Public Administration BUSAC200 BUSGB201 3 Introduction to Finance BUSFE211 3 Hrs. Elective (Choose ONLY ONE) Sociology BUSGB220 4 Introduction to H.R. Management BUSGB212 6 BUSGB221 Business Computer Applications 5 Money & Banking BUSFE212 3 Hrs. Elective (Choose ONLY ONE) H.R. Planning BUSGB222 6 BUSFE220 Introduction to Banking Third Level (Financial Economics Program) Semester 1: Semester 2: 6 Hrs. SBA common core 6 Hrs. SBA common core 1 Corporate Finance I BUSFE300 Production & Operations BUSGB300 1 BUSGB314 2 Quantitative Analysis for Business 9 Hrs. Major Requirement BUSGB301 Management BUSFE301 3 Purchasing Management BUSFE302 2 Managerial Accounting BUSAC312 4 Finance Theory 5 Intermediate Macroeconomics BUSGB320 9 Hrs. Major Requirement BUSMK320 3 Hrs. Elective (Choose ONLY ONE) 3 International Finance BUSFE313 Technical Paper Writing 6 Promotion Strategy 4 Intermediate Microeconomics BUSFE314 5 International Economics BUSFE315 3 Hrs. Elective (Choose ONLY ONE) Business Analysis & Valuation BUSGB321 6 Public Finance BUSFE321 Risk Management & Insurance BUSGB322 Fourth Level (Financial Economics Program) Semester 1: Semester 2: 6 Hrs. SBA common core BUSGB400 6 Hrs. SBA common core BUSGB415 1 Strategic Management I BUSGB401 1 Strategic Management II 2 Operations Research BUSFE400 9 Hrs. Major Requirement 9 Hrs. Major Requirement BUSFE401 3 Securities Analysis BUSFE402 2 Portfolio Theory and Management BUSFE413 4 Financial Economics BUSGB403 3 Corporate Finance II BUSFE414 5 Graduation Project I (Economics) BUSMK420 Special Topics in Financial 3 Hrs. Elective (Choose ONLY ONE) 4 Economics Performance Management BUSFE415 6 Special Topics in Marketing 5 Graduation Project II (Finance) BUSFE416 3 Hrs. Elective (Choose ONLY ONE) Mergers and Acquisitions BUSFE420 6 BUSGB417 Compensation and Reward ..(12)..
Study system Assessment System Credit hours Academic advising Courses Marketing Program First Level (All Programs) Semester 1: LANG101 Semester 2: LANG102 BUSGB100 BUSGB114 6 Hrs. Univ. common core 6 Hrs. Univ. common core 1 English 101 BUSGB101 1 English 102 BUSFE110 2 Business Ethics BUSGB102 2 Critical Thinking BUSAC111 BUSAC100 BUSGB115 12 Hrs. SBA common core BUSGB103 12 Hrs. SBA common core BUSGB116 3 Introduction to Management I 3 Microeconomics 4 Mathematics for Business &Economics 4 Financial Accounting II 5 Financial Accounting I 5 Organizational Behavior 6 Communication Skills 6 Introduction to Management II Second Level (All Programs) Semester 1: Semester 2: 15 Hrs. SBA common core 15 Hrs. SBA common core 1 Macroeconomics 2 Business Law BUSFE200 1 Financial Reporting II BUSAC211 3 Principles of Marketing BUSGB200 4 Financial Reporting I BUSMK200 2 Mathematics of Finance &Investment BUSGB213 5 Public Administration BUSAC200 BUSGB201 3 Introduction to Finance BUSFE211 3 Hrs. Elective (Choose ONLY ONE) Sociology BUSGB220 4 Introduction to H.R. Management BUSGB212 6 BUSGB221 Business Computer Applications 5 Money & Banking BUSFE212 3 Hrs. Elective (Choose ONLY ONE) H.R. Planning BUSGB222 6 BUSFE220 Introduction to Banking Third Level (Marketing Program) Semester 1: Semester 2: 6 Hrs. SBA common core 6 Hrs. SBA common core 1 Corporate Finance I BUSFE300 Production & Operations BUSGB300 1 Management BUSGB314 2 Quantitative Analysis for Business 9 Hrs. Major Requirement BUSGB301 2 Managerial Accounting BUSAC312 BUSMK300 3 Purchasing Management BUSMK301 9 Hrs. Major Requirement 4 Marketing Research 5 Marketing Management BUSGB320 3 Consumer Behavior BUSMK312 BUSMK320 3 Hrs. Elective (Choose ONLY ONE) 4 Sales Management BUSMK313 Technical Paper Writing 6 5 E-Marketing BUSMK314 Promotion Strategy 3 Hrs. Elective (Choose ONLY ONE) Business Analysis & Valuation BUSGB321 6 Public Finance BUSFE321 Risk Management & Insurance BUSGB322 Fourth Level (Marketing Program) Semester 1: BUSGB400 Semester 2: BUSGB415 BUSGB401 6 Hrs. SBA common core 6 Hrs. SBA common core 1 Strategic Management I BUSMK400 1 Strategic Management II 2 Operations Research BUSMK401 BUSMK402 9 Hrs. Major Requirement 9 Hrs. Major Requirement 3 Service Marketing 2 New Product Management BUSMK413 4 Marketing Communications 5 Graduation Project I 3 Strategic Marketing Management BUSMK414 4 International Marketing BUSMK415 5 Graduation Project II BUSMK416 3 Hrs. Elective (Choose ONLY ONE) 3 Hrs. Elective (Choose ONLY ONE) Performance Management BUSGB403 Mergers and Acquisitions BUSFE420 6 Accounting for Public Sector and Non- 6 Compensation and Reward BUSGB417 BUSAC314 Profit Organizations ..(13)..
Study system Assessment System Credit hours Academic advising Courses Human Resources & Management Program First Level (All Programs) Semester 1: LANG101 Semester 2: LANG102 BUSGB100 BUSGB114 6 Hrs. Univ. common core 6 Hrs. Univ. common core 1 English 101 BUSGB101 1 English 102 BUSFE110 2 Business Ethics BUSGB102 2 Critical Thinking BUSAC111 BUSAC100 BUSGB115 12 Hrs. SBA common core BUSGB103 12 Hrs. SBA common core BUSGB116 3 Introduction to Management I 3 Microeconomics 4 Mathematics for Business &Economics 4 Financial Accounting II 5 Financial Accounting I 5 Organizational Behavior 6 Communication Skills 6 Introduction to Management II Second Level (All Programs) Semester 1: Semester 2: 15 Hrs. SBA common core 15 Hrs. SBA common core 1 Macroeconomics 2 Business Law BUSFE200 1 Financial Reporting II BUSAC211 3 Principles of Marketing BUSGB200 4 Financial Reporting I BUSMK200 2 Mathematics of Finance &Investment BUSGB213 5 Public Administration BUSAC200 BUSGB201 3 Introduction to Finance BUSFE211 3 Hrs. Elective (Choose ONLY ONE) Sociology BUSGB220 4 Introduction to H.R. Management BUSGB212 6 BUSGB221 Business Computer Applications 5 Money & Banking BUSFE212 3 Hrs. Elective (Choose ONLY ONE) H.R. Planning BUSGB222 6 BUSFE220 Introduction to Banking Third Level (Human Resources & Management Program) Semester 1: Semester 2: 6 Hrs. SBA common core 6 Hrs. SBA common core 1 Corporate Finance I BUSFE300 Production & Operations BUSGB300 1 Management BUSGB314 2 Quantitative Analysis for Business 9 Hrs. Major Requirement BUSGB301 2 Managerial Accounting BUSAC312 BUSGB302 3 Purchasing Management BUSGB303 9 Hrs. Major Requirement 4 Recruitment & Selection 5 Labor Market Issues BUSGB320 3 Entrepreneurship & Small Business BUSGB315 BUSMK320 3 Hrs. Elective (Choose ONLY ONE) 4 Management Information System BUSGB316 Technical Paper Writing 6 5 International Business BUSGB317 Promotion Strategy 3 Hrs. Elective (Choose ONLY ONE) Business Analysis & Valuation BUSGB321 6 Public Finance BUSFE321 Risk Management & Insurance BUSGB322 Fourth Level (Human Resources & Management Program) Semester 1: BUSGB400 Semester 2: BUSGB415 BUSGB401 6 Hrs. SBA common core 6 Hrs. SBA common core 1 Strategic Management I BUSGB402 1 Strategic Management II 2 Operations Research BUSGB403 BUSGB404 9 Hrs. Major Requirement 9 Hrs. Major Requirement 3 Advanced Human Resource Management 2 Advanced Topics in Management BUSGB416 4 Performance Management 5 Graduation Project I 3 Compensation & Reward BUSGB417 4 Total Quality Management BUSGB418 5 Graduation Project II BUSGB419 3 Hrs. Elective (Choose ONLY ONE) 3 Hrs. Elective (Choose ONLY ONE) Accounting for Public Sector and Non- Mergers and Acquisitions BUSFE420 BUSAC314 6 6 Profit Organizations Special Topics in Marketing BUSMK420 International Marketing BUSMK415 ..(14)..
Study system Assessment System Credit hours Academic advising Courses 1- Assessment system Each course will be graded out of 100 marks that is allocated as follows: 30% Course work including quizzes and assignments during the semester 30% Mid-term exam 40% Final-term exam 2- Grading system The following table shows the equivalency between letter grades earned and their corresponding quality points, percentage and general appreciation Appreciation Excellent Very good Good Pass Percentage 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 53% 50% <50% Letter grade A A– B+ B B– C+ C C– D+ D F Points 4 3.7 3.3 3 2.7 2.3 2 1.7 1.3 1 0 The overall GPA of a student should not be less than 2.0 at graduation. If the student completed the total credit hours for the Bachelor’s degree of a specific major (144 Credit Hours) and didn’t meet the required overall GPA, he/she should choose appropriate courses as per the advising regulations each semester to raise the overall GPA to 2.0 in order to reach the minimum requirement for graduation. 3- Calculating GPA (Grad Point Average) 1. The grade point for each course (the points shown in the table) is multiplied by the number of credit hours for this course to obtain the weighted points for each course. 2. Weighted points are collected for all courses in which the student is registered for. 3. The total weighted points are divided by the total credit hours registered for the student to obtain the GPA as follows: Total no. of weighted points GPA = Total no. of registered credit hours 4- Missing exams: The student who misses the final exam of any course - without an acceptable excuse - is given a grade \"F fail\" in this course. 5- Appeals: The student’s result may be modified based on the student’s appeal request. 6- Schedules of Lectures and exams The SBA Board sets schedules for lectures, mid-term exams, and final exams, and announces them to students at an appropriate time through various official media, whether physical or electronic means. ..(15)..
SBA Policies & Regulations Exams rules Activities Behaviors Dropout 1- Regulations for students during the exam - The student will not enter the exam hall without his university ID, so please whoever has lost his\\her ID should ask for another one before the exams. - The student must show his\\her university ID to the superintendent when asked to do so. - The student will not be allowed to enter after 30 minutes of the start of the test, so please stick to the appointment. The student is not allowed to leave the exam before one hour has passed. It is not allowed to leave the exam room during the last 15 minutes except in coordination with the superintendent in order to organize the process of receiving the answer sheet. - The student is not allowed to use mobile phones or any electronic devices, and it must be switched off and not placed on the bench. The mere presence of the mobile in front of the student is considered to be an attempt to cheat. The student who is seized in possession of a mobile phone or an electronic device is considered in the event of an attempt to cheat, and the course exam during which he was seized (and one or more of the other courses) will be canceled and referred to the investigation, provided that the phone is confiscated until the end of the exam period and the investigation procedures are completed for a period of 60 days. Any student is excluded from this decision for any reason or justification. - The student is not allowed to enter the exam room accompanied by any books, notes, references, or any papers of any kind, as well as the invalidity of any tools or bags other than what is necessary to answer the questions. Provided that all special items not related to the examination are placed in a suitable place as directed by the superintendent. - Every student should bring the tools necessary for selection, as no tools will be exchanged within the committees, especially calculators. - Every student must adhere to the following: o Ensure that his\\her name and seat number are written on the answer sheet. o Write the answers only inside the answer sheet. o Not to write any answer on the question paper, whatever it is. o Answer each question at the beginning of a separate page. 2- Penalties for violations of exam instructions In case of the student cheats or attempts to cheat in the exam, he will be dismissed from the exam hall and referred to the investigation, and the punishment is as follows: • In the event of attempts to cheat: The previous or next two exams shall be canceled based on the circumstances. • In the event of cheating: All the semester exams will be canceled completely, and in the event of repeated cheating the school year will be canceled. ..(16)..
SBA Policies & Regulations Exams rules Activities Behaviors Dropout 1- Students union The Student Union acts as a representative for SBA students and aims to: - Develop spiritual and moral values, consolidating national and national awareness, raising the value of belonging and loyalty, strengthen the foundations of democracy, human rights and citizenship among students, and working in a team spirit while ensuring the freedom to express their views within the framework of university traditions and norms. - Refine students ’talents, developing their abilities, and employing them for the benefit of the student, the university and the nation. - Form families, societies and scientific clubs while organizing the method of utilizing the energies and skills of students and working to support their activities. - Organize student activities, sports, social, scouting, artistic, cultural, technology, etc., expanding the base of participation, and motivating and encouraging distinguished students. 2- Conditions for joining the Student Union Those who apply for membership in federations councils' committees must: - Be characterized by good character, values and reputation. - have cumulative GPA not less than (2) or its equivalent for new students. - Have not any financial obligation to university . - Have continuous activity in the field of work of the committee in which he is applied for. - Have never been a subject to any of the penalties - Have never been sentenced to a custodial penalty. 3- Students Union Committees - Families Committee: It is mainly concerned with encouraging family formation. - Sports Committee: It is mainly concerned with organizing and encouraging the practice of sports activities, forming sports teams and holding competitions. - The Cultural and Media Activity Committee: It is mainly concerned with developing political awareness in a way that consolidates the concepts of citizenship. - Artistic Activity Committee: It is mainly concerned with organizing artistic activities that enable students to highlight their talents. - The Rover Scout and Public Service Committee: It is mainly concerned with supporting the scout movement and participating in public service projects. - The Social Activity and Trips Committee: It is mainly concerned with organizing social, cultural trips and camps with the aim of developing social ties and spreading the spirit of cooperation between students, faculty members and workers. - Scientific and Technological Activity Committee: It is mainly concerned with holding scientific seminars and lectures with the aim of developing scientific and technological capabilities and disseminating knowledge in production and application through science clubs and scientific societies. Each committee is formed of two students for each study group, who are directly elected, provided that a secretary and assistant secretary are elected from them at the school level. ..(17)..
SBA Policies & Regulations Exams rules Activities Behaviors Dropout The student discipline system at ACU is derived from the Egyptian Universities Organization Law and its executive regulations issued in 2006: 1- the following actions are considered disciplinary violation of University laws, regulations and traditions - Actions violating the school system or university facilities. - Disruption of studies or instigation to refrain from attending lessons, exams, and other university work. - Every act that is inconsistent with good manner and behavior inside the university campus or its facilities. - Every action that violate exams rules, attempting to cheat or cheating. - Distributing flyers or issuing wall newspapers in any form and posting them in the faculty without prior permission from the SBA Dean. - A sit-in inside university buildings. - Smoking inside the university halls and buildings. 2- Disciplinary sanctions - Verbal and written warning. - Deprivation from students activities - Deprivation from attending one of more courses for a month at maximum. - Deprivation from entering exam for one or more courses. - Deprivation from entering exam for one or more semesters - Canceling exam in one or more courses. - Dismissal from the school for a month. - Dismissal from the school for one academic semester. - Final termination from the university. A student is considered to have dropped out of studies if he does not register for a semester or withdraws from all semester courses without an acceptable excuse. A student may drop out of school (with an acceptable excuse) for two consecutive semesters or three non-consecutive semesters, at maximum. He is dismissed from the school if he stops studying for a longer period without an accepted excuse by the university president. A student may submit a request to suspend enrollment in one or more semesters according to the conditions and controls set by the university. ..(18)..
SBA Policies & Regulations Exams rules Activities Behaviors Dropout 1- Students union The Student Union acts as a representative for SBA students and aims to: - Develop spiritual and moral values, consolidating national and national awareness, raising the value of belonging and loyalty, strengthen the foundations of democracy, human rights and citizenship among students, and working in a team spirit while ensuring the freedom to express their views within the framework of university traditions and norms. - Refine students ’talents, developing their abilities, and employing them for the benefit of the student, the university and the nation. - Form families, societies and scientific clubs while organizing the method of utilizing the energies and skills of students and working to support their activities. - Organize student activities, sports, social, scouting, artistic, cultural, technology, etc., expanding the base of participation, and motivating and encouraging distinguished students. 2- Conditions for joining the Student Union Those who apply for membership in federations councils' committees must: - Be characterized by good character, values and reputation. - have cumulative GPA not less than (2) or its equivalent for new students. - Have not any financial obligation to university . - Have continuous activity in the field of work of the committee in which he is applied for. - Have never been a subject to any of the penalties - Have never been sentenced to a custodial penalty. 3- Students Union Committees - Families Committee: It is mainly concerned with encouraging family formation. - Sports Committee: It is mainly concerned with organizing and encouraging the practice of sports activities, forming sports teams and holding competitions. - The Cultural and Media Activity Committee: It is mainly concerned with developing political awareness in a way that consolidates the concepts of citizenship. - Artistic Activity Committee: It is mainly concerned with organizing artistic activities that enable students to highlight their talents. - The Rover Scout and Public Service Committee: It is mainly concerned with supporting the scout movement and participating in public service projects. - The Social Activity and Trips Committee: It is mainly concerned with organizing social, cultural trips and camps with the aim of developing social ties and spreading the spirit of cooperation between students, faculty members and workers. - Scientific and Technological Activity Committee: It is mainly concerned with holding scientific seminars and lectures with the aim of developing scientific and technological capabilities and disseminating knowledge in production and application through science clubs and scientific societies. Each committee is formed of two students for each study group, who are directly elected, provided that a secretary and assistant secretary are elected from them at the school level. ..(19)..
SBA Policies & Regulations Exams rules Activities Behaviors Dropout The student discipline system at ACU is derived from the Egyptian Universities Organization Law and its executive regulations issued in 2006: 1- the following actions are considered disciplinary violation of University laws, regulations and traditions - Actions violating the school system or university facilities. - Disruption of studies or instigation to refrain from attending lessons, exams, and other university work. - Every act that is inconsistent with good manner and behavior inside the university campus or its facilities. - Every action that violate exams rules, attempting to cheat or cheating. - Distributing flyers or issuing wall newspapers in any form and posting them in the faculty without prior permission from the SBA Dean. - A sit-in inside university buildings. - Smoking inside the university halls and buildings. 2- Disciplinary sanctions - Verbal and written warning. - Deprivation from students activities - Deprivation from attending one of more courses for a month at maximum. - Deprivation from entering exam for one or more courses. - Deprivation from entering exam for one or more semesters - Canceling exam in one or more courses. - Dismissal from the school for a month. - Dismissal from the school for one academic semester. - Final termination from the university. A student is considered to have dropped out of studies if he does not register for a semester or withdraws from all semester courses without an acceptable excuse. A student may drop out of school (with an acceptable excuse) for two consecutive semesters or three non-consecutive semesters, at maximum. He is dismissed from the school if he stops studying for a longer period without an accepted excuse by the university president. A student may submit a request to suspend enrollment in one or more semesters according to the conditions and controls set by the university. ..(20)..
Buildings at SBA Buildings at School of Business Administration ..(21)..
جامعة الأهراو انكندية دنيم انطانب الجامعى 2021 / 2020 كهية إد .ا).ر2ة.(2ا.لأعمـال
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