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Home Explore Unit 1 Heroes and Villians Excercise

Unit 1 Heroes and Villians Excercise

Published by achara chuenjai, 2021-06-14 11:34:43

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Nickname: Student Number: Class Number: Mathayom 4 Exercise – Heroes & Villains 1. The main character who is good is the? a. Villain b. Superpower c. Hero d. Talent 2. Having different skills, such as drawing, singing, or dancing is also called what? a. Hero b. Talent c. Superpower d. Intelligence 3. The superpower where you can travel in the past, present, and future is? a. Teleportation b. Time-travel c. Strength d. Flexibility 4. The superpower where you cannot be seen is? a. Talent b. Flight c. Speed d. Invisibility 5. This facial hair is below the nose and above the lips a. Mustache b. Curly hair c. Beard d. Pointed 6. An elf has this type of ears a. Always b. Pointed c. Never d. Talent 7. Someone who does not have straight hair, but instead has _______ hair? a. Pointed b. Beard c. Red d. Curly 8. Someone who would cause harm or do something bad like a criminal is? a. Dangerous b. Kind c. Vain d. Honest 9. Someone who would never lie and always tells the truth is? a. Considerate b. Honest c. Greedy d. Daring 10. Someone who has very selfish desires, such as money is? a. Greedy b. Daring c. Dangerous d. Considerate

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