STAFF-WIDE NEWSLETTER VAN AMEYDE MARINE AUGUST 3 6 8 11 VAN AMEYDE & THE VA KROGIUS OFFICE EVER GIVEN VA MCAUSLANDS Update; claims and GERMAN MARKET RELOCATION UPDATES New office location in salvage Updates from VA Van Ameyde takes over shares in The Claims Factory GmbH, Helsinki McAuslands as Interschaden combines... Van Ameyde Marine Newsletter 1
EXPLORE THIS MONTH Upcoming Events: HANNA KIVELÄ A message from Van Ameyde Krogius Managing Director Hello all, and welcome to our opinions from every country. This Van Ameyde Marine will August newsletter in its brand- way we can bring out viewpoints be holding their golf new look! New design tools allow and ideas on a worldwide level. tournament on Tuesday us to publish high-quality digital We need to define our September 21st at Golf media documents, which are advantages and key activities Wouwse Plantation, more user-friendly to read. to set the goals. When we have Bergen op Zoom, The Like this newsletter, almost meaningful goals, we can focus everything can be developed the organisations energies in the Netherlands. further. The coronavirus right direction. And we need a ‘Marine Surveyor at pandemic has forced many high-level time plan for getting Work’ 2021 Seminar will organisations to develop and from ‘here’ to ‘there’. be going ahead in change. We have also changed Of course, we can’t predict Bovendonk, and during these past one and a half everything, no one could foresee virtually. Invites will be years. Partly our changes are the this global pandemic. However, sent out in the coming result of planning and execution even as the pandemic chaos weeks to our clients. of the re-branding project. Partly, settles, we have the future. we have changed by being Last week we experienced steps responsive to the constantly for getting back to (the new) changing situation with the virus normal. We had visitors in threat and related regulations. Helsinki, Finland from Tokio We are doing brilliant teamwork Marine, who travelled from their already in the group and clients Amsterdam office. We held are getting exceptional services meetings in our new office in several locations. Concrete building, we had a meeting at example is from the last few Nissan Nordic headquarters, and days of July when Van Ameyde we arranged a bit of sightseeing McAuslands got a call and soon to our guests. We had a after, surveyors from Van colleague with us from Van Ameyde Krogius and Van Ameyde Krogius, Estonian office, Ameyde Marine attended on the which was her first business trip same case in two different ports! since early 2020. This was also But despite the coronavirus first business trip for our guests pandemic and pressure on quick after the pandemic started. So, actions, we still have to play the we all enjoyed being able to see important slow game; where each other in person. Also, the does the organisation want to go reason for the visit was a and what is it aiming to achieve positive one. We are expanding in the long run? our cooperation and I believe In several countries we have you will be able to read more started with SWOT analysis. It is about that in the next newsletter. a simple but useful framework for I strongly believe this is not the analysing and building on what only time this Autumn that I will we do well, to address what we’re meet with colleagues and clients lacking, to minimize risks, and to in person and even after the take the greatest possible office hours around the dinner advantage of chances for table! success. Throughout the Van Take care, enjoy the rest of the Ameyde Marine companies, we summer and see you! Sooner or are gathering information and later! 2 Van Ameyde Marine Newsletter
GROUP WIDE UPDATES VAN AMEYDE STRENGTHENS POSITION IN THE GERMAN MARKET Van Ameyde takes over shaes in The Claims Factory GmbH, as Interschaden combines forces with TwentyFour and Rekon Van Ameyde has strengthened its position in the German major claims in property and liability as well as market. special claims such as commercial claims and is therefore a good addition to our Rekon regulator network, which is active in similar Interschaden will combine forces with loss segments. In addition, both service providers use adjusters TwentyFour and Rekon in order to the market-leading regulatory software from the become a leading player in the German market for Berlin provider Rocketform, which makes loss adjusting. The loss adjusting activities of integration easier. Interschaden become a subsidiary of the We are planning an intensive cooperation between Cologne-based The Claims Factory GmbH, to which our companies, especially in the area of training Rekon and TwentyFour already belong. In and further education for claims adjusters as well return, Van Ameyde Group takes over shares in as in quality management. We also hope for input The Claims factory GmbH. from the cross-border exchange with other Together, the companies form the largest market-leading claims service providers from the independent network of claims adjusters in the Van Ameyde Group. “ field, with over 200 adjusters and most major Gerd Neumann, Managing Director Interschaden German insurers in its client portfolio. Außenregulierung GmbH and Alexander Dietrich, The Claims Factory was founded by Michael Trier Managing Director Van Ameyde in Germany: and Thomas Fenstermacher, who will lead the path Since the beginning of our joint discussions, we to further growth of the company in the coming have been convinced that we will be able to make years. Alexander Dietrich will join the board of the a difference in the future with this cooperation. company as well. Both sides bring decades of know-how and Through this transaction, Van Ameyde is well innovative ideas to the partnership. We look positioned in Germany to fulfil its growth strategy forward to this collaboration with absolute experts in both onsite and desktop claims management. in the field of external regulation. The aim of this Michael Trier, managing partner of Twentyfour partnership is to be able to offer the greatest GmbH and partner of The Claims Factory GmbH possible coverage, the best possible flexibility & and Thomas Fenstermacher, founder and partner of service and external settlement activities from Twentyfour GmbH and The Claims Factory GmbH: simple to very complex claims for the market and “Interschaden is active in the area of settling customers. Van Ameyde Marine Newsletter 3
Report Writing COMMON GRAMMAR GAFFES Dictionaries have been around since the 1600s and today, the click of a mouse will tell us pretty much everything that we need to know. Yet, despite the guidance of modern spellcheckers, there’s still a lot that can’t be autocorrected because it is context-dependent. For instance, capitalisations. Because, who’s to say “Vessel” isn’t in fact the name of a product. This month we will look at a many capitalised words. Often, we see that the few of the common errors that names of almost everything are capitalised. You continue to show in our reports. only need to capitalise words where they begin a sentence or are a proper noun – that is, a specific name for a person, place, or thing. In our work, that usually means a person, personified team (e.g. “We discussed the matter with the Technical Department”), place, company, product, country, institution or 1. Missing or misplaced apostrophes. (depending on which style you follow) The multiple of ship is ships. Anything that someone’s title when accompanied by their “belongs” to the ship requires an apostrophe. So name. That’s it. We met with the ships master should be – We However, most of us also extend capitalisations met with the ship’s master. We inspected the to things that are important to us – something vessels hatch covers should be – We inspected often referred to as deferential capitalisation. the vessel’s hatch covers. Finally, few reminders that will help us all It can become slightly confusing if you were produce better quality reports: looking at the hatch covers of more than one Please ensure that your report is in the past vessel. In that case, it would be We inspected tense – throughout. Too many instances of the vessels’ hatch covers. things that will happen are still featuring. 2. Mistakenly using “&” as shorthand for Choose your wording carefully. “and” If a representative is from a company then There is only one use for the ampersand and make sure the name of that company is correct. that’s to conjoin two names like Johnson & Be consistent with numbering etc. Johnson or even H&M. In all other instances, Follow the templates. Caption photos used in use “and.” Even in headlines. An exception the body of the report and try to avoid including might be if using “and” in a list might be lots of pictures of the same thing at the end. confusing then “&” could be used. For example, Stick to the remit. Personal opinions are still “Rock, pop and rhythm & blues.” creeping in. Read it back to yourself and try to 3. Capitalising things that seem important make it as accurate as possible before This is very common with reports containing submitting for peer review. 4 Van Ameyde Marine Newsletter
EMPLOYEE SPOTLIGHT PAIGE CONLAN Where were you born? Hull Did you enjoy school? No apart from anything sport related and I quite Any random facts you could share with us? liked geography. If I could go back to school now I would do it very different and make the most of it. What was your first paid work? So much easier than adult life! Where do you live now? What’s the best place you’ve visited? When I was 16 I tried to get in the army but got And the worst place you’ve visited? knocked back for being 1.5cm too small! I passed all the physical training. True story! What is your go-to meal? Tell us something about yourself that I worked in a pub as a waitress would surprise us. Top three life highlights? Thorngumbald Thailand, it was amazing! Skegness! It was a short visit whilst passing through. Never again! Curry or Burger! I can’t choose. I cry at absolutely anything sad or even happy! Meeting my partner Megan Moving into our perfect 2nd home I have to say getting a job at McAuslands! What advice would you give to 16-year old Do the things you want to do and don’t hold back! you? Don’t worry about rejection because there is al- ways something better around the corner. What’s the best concert you’ve been to? Seeing Royal Blood and Kings of Leon at the Big Weekend concert. Van Ameyde Marine 5
VA KROGIUS VANHNEWEALMLSEOINYCKDAIETOIKOFRNFOIFCGOEIRUS Van Ameyde Krogius Helsinki office has moved location. We will officially start in the new address from 1st of September 2021. Helsinki office was re-located to newly renovated office building which offers variety of flexible working solutions. The is picture from the entrance door, furniture and files are being organized by the end of the month in our own office space on the 4th floor. The office space is open office style and we have a little bit less square meters, but the number of desks remains the same. We gave up our own kitchen and have shared kitchen in the same floor with couple of other companies. The building has café and a restaurant. In addition there is the possibility to use meeting rooms, the auditorium, event space, sauna and single working desks in the silent working area on a pay-per-use basis. Now we look forward to have an opportunity for a get-together with all colleagues in the office! 6 Van Ameyde Marine
VA MCAUSLANDS MCAUSLANDS PEOPLES TEAM UPDATE Van Ameyde McAuslands Peoples Team have now conducted 1519 Covid tests for crew to-date and are now working on vaccinating seafarers in the UK COVID-19 VACCINATIONS FOR SEAFARERS IN THE UK We look forward to managing your Covid19 requirements. We are pleased to announce that we can now CONTACT OUR coordinate vaccinations for your crew in the UK on a CREW CARE TEAM country-wide basis. This is in addition to our existing PCR testing services. We are highly experienced in 24/7 infection control management and the safe working processes of crew transfers throughout the T +44 (0)7785 73 46 33 covid pandemic. We offer a single-service (airport E [email protected] transport, hotel, PCR testing, vaccination & transport to the ship) for on-and-off signing crew. Minimising risks to your crew and potential vessel down time. We have a 100% success rate of covid safe crew transfers, book your crew transfers today with the Peoples Team at Van Ameyde McAuslands. UK BORDER FORCE CONTRACT WIN Van Ameyde McAuslands to carry out annual surveys on five Border Force Cutter Vessels. Van Ameyde McAuslands to carry out annual surveys on five Border Force Cutter Vessels. McAuslands (Southampton office) were connected with UK Border Force (UKBF) through our client, Ambrey, following an apparent poor performance from UKBF current surveyors. There was a brief discussion and a proposal was made for McAuslands to be awarded the contract to work on all five Border Force vessels. Hopefully, this will open the door to further government work. Van Ameyde Marine 7
EVER GIVEN EVER GIVEN UPDATE written by Walter Dekkers We all know the story behind As it appears, a lot of UK-based and Dutch law the MV EVER GIVEN and firms on the case are likely earning a lot of money on this event. The vessel did obtain a temporary it will always be known as seaworthiness certificate from Class at Port Said to sail at lower speeds and only call at Rotterdam the container carrier that and Felixstowe (no longer Hamburg). Some ballast tanks were leaking (likely occurred during the blocked the major shipping lane in Egypt, salvage operations). called Suez Canal. She was in the Port of Rotterdam from 29th July until 2nd August and from 3rd – 5th August she This caused a big disruption to the global shipping was in Felixstowe. Currently she is underway, industry but as well to the world’s economy due to empty, to the Far East for repairs. the biggest traffic jam in shipping history; namely hundreds of ships waiting for a week or more, at Van Ameyde Marine in The Netherlands got so far, both sides, before able to pass through the about 12 assignments, covering roughly 40 canal. Some took the much longer route around containers. These were jointly inspected with cargo the Southern tip of Africa! surveyors at various locations in The Netherlands. It was decided not to carry out any inspections at When the vessel, which carries cargo between Asia the terminal but forward all, as usual, to the and Europe, was finally freed it was held up again consignee’s premises and await a claim, if any. for months until an agreement between Japanese owner, Shoei Kisen Kaisha, and Egypt Authorities It was mentioned in the news that the cargo inside was reached over compensation. Allegedly around all containers have an estimated value of 775M 500-600 million USD plus a new tugboat has been USD, part of which holds fruit and vegetables. agreed but other sources say it was much less and ‘only’ a few hundred million. We had claims on garlic, ginger, and vegetable oils. Apart from that, claims were also received How did it eventually work out for us in relation to involving dry box containers containing spices in revenue? bulk bags, electronics or in some instances, Canon It is hard to tell at the moment with surveys still printers / inks. Some of the reefer cargo container on-going but it has not had the impact which we all garlic needs to be destroyed. Some claims still expected or had hoped for. under investigation and some claim false (no damage observed). Van Ameyde Marine as well as Van Ameyde McAuslands were appointed by Gard on behalf of Furthermore, containers are still present on the Evergreen Marine Corp. VAMN was approached by terminal and have not been collected for one Owner’s P&I as well as CMA-CGM, OOCL and reason or another, so it cannot be excluded that we COSCO - all sub charterers - but had to decline get involved in salvage sale. such requests in order to avoid conflict of interest. 8 Van Ameyde Marine
PS WAVERLEY PPS&WI ASUVERRVLEEYY The Science Centre, Plantation Wharf, Glasgow, Scotland written by Eric Casson This indeed was a unique opportunity to survey a well preserved, restored and maintained piece of history in the form of a working seagoing paddle steamer the ‘Waverley’ on the 12th. July 2021. Being unique there were many aspects of her that were historic in nature which of course have been superseded by modern technology but nevertheless provided a timeless reminder of a bygone age when seafaring enjoyed a golden age whereby ‘Britannia ruled the waves’. Needless to say, there is a lot of brass to polish... Having completed the survey we definitely recommend a visit to the Clyde and day’s cruising onboard the Waverley which will be both a pleasure and indeed memorable for all ages. Van Ameyde Marine 9
PS WAVERLEY It is the centre piece which is truly awe inspiring and mesmerising - the open triple expansion reciprocating steam engine which has the makers emblem, as part of its very structure, in the form of brass eagles: The Waverley is named after Sir Walter local authorities. Scott’s Waverley novels. She was built to 2017 marked 70 years since Waverley’s replace the 1899 Waverley which was sunk by maiden voyage on June 16, 1947. In May enemy action on May 29, 1940, at Dunkirk. 2019 she was withdrawn from service and Waverley’s keel was laid on December 27, a capital appeal was launched to raise £2.3 1945, but due to material shortages after the million to allow her boilers to be replaced and war, she was not ready for launch until re-commission Waverley for further service. October 2, 1946. It wasn’t until the In December 2019 it was announced that the following year on January 20, 1947, that she appeal target had been reached. was towed to Greenock for the installation of Despite delays to the boiler refit due to the her boiler and engines. Her maiden voyage COVID-19 pandemic Waverley returned to was on June 16, 1947. service in August 2020 and operated a short Waverley was built for the route up Loch Goil season on the Firth of Clyde. and Loch Long from Craigendoran & Arrochar in West Scotland. She now visits several areas The Stats & Technical Data of the UK offering regular trips on the Clyde, The Hull The Western Isles, the Thames, South Coast of England and the Bristol Channel with calls Construction: Riveted steel. Hull designed by at Liverpool & Llandudno. A&J Inglis at Glasgow in 1946, built 1947 by Waverley is the world’s last seagoing paddle A. & J. Inglis Ltd. at Pointhouse. steamer. In 1974, at the end of her working LOA: 240′ 0″, Beam: 58′ 0″, Draft: 6′ 0″, life, she was famously gifted for £1 to the Displacement: 1524600 lbs. Hull Number Paddle Steamer Preservation Society. 1330P. The ‘P’ signifies the Pointhouse yard Waverley Steam Navigation Co. Ltd., a charity as A&J Inglis was by that time part of Harland registered in Scotland, was set up to own and and Wolff in Belfast. Originally certificated to operate the ship. Waverley then began a carry 1350 passengers. With almost 70 years second career as one of the country’s of updates to worldwide passenger carrying best-loved tourist attractions. Since she has regulations and safety policies in place, been in operational preservation, she has Waverley’s carrying capacity has gradually been awarded four stars by Visit Scotland, an been reduced and she can now carry up to engineering heritage award, and has carried 860 passengers. over 6 million passengers from over 60 ports around the UK. 2003 saw the completion of a £7m Heritage Rebuild which returned Waverley to the original 1940s style in which she was built. This was made possible with major grants from the Heritage Lottery Fund and the Paddle Steamer Preservation Society (PSPS). Contributions also came from Glasgow City Council, Scottish Enterprise Glasgow, the European Regional Development Fund and 10 Van Ameyde Marine
PS WAVERLEY The Engine the South Coast of England, London and the Steam power: Waverley has everything to Thames Estuary. offer the steam enthusiast. At the heart of Paddle Steamers also made a significant the Ship is her magnificent 2100 horsepower, contribution to the war effort as triple expansion reciprocating steam engine, minesweepers in both World Wars, and indeed open to full public view as depicted above. Waverley is named after and was built to Diagonal Triple Expansion. 24″ + 39″ + 62″ replace the previous Waverley who performed X 66″ Built 1947 by Rankin & Blackmore Ltd. a heroic role at Dunkirk in May 1940 before at Greenock Design: Paddle Inside PV on HP. being sunk by enemy action. Outside PV on MP. Bal SV on LP valve. Stephenson valve gear. Power: 2100 HP With a few exceptions, the Clyde Engine Number 520. Normal service speed of steamers were owned and operated by 13 knots at 44 rpm. Maximum speed 18 knots railway companies. These were largely at 57 rpm. Shell and tube surface condenser. commuter ferries linking all the villages with Full set of steam auxiliaries. the nearest railhead for onward travel. There are two other operational paddle The Boilers steamers in the UK – PS Kingswear Castle 3 pass wetback reversal chamber built and and PS Monarch. Kingswear Castle sails on designed by Cochran of Annan, installed April the River Dart in Devon and Monarch 2020. Fuel: Marine Gas Oil, Pressure: 180 operates from Wareham in Dorset. psi, Output: 22500 lbs/hr, 105″ dia X 199″ long Steel barrel. 184 X 2″ dia Steel tubes. Welded with rolled in fire tubes construction, condensing, forced draft fan, steam feed pump, electric feed pump, feed water heater, whistle, originally fitted with a double ended Scotch boiler, this was replaced in 1981 with a Babcock Steam bloc boiler. The Paddles On deck, the crew operate Waverley’s steam Are also visible through portholes in the ship’s powered Windlass at the bow and the hull are Waverley’s famous paddle wheels, as Capstan aft as the ship arrives and berths at shown below, hear the clang of the telegraph the various piers visited. as the Captain sends instructions to turn the Almost all of Waverley’s machinery including paddles ahead or astern. 8 Feathering floats. the steering and all the main pumps are 216″ diameter, 132″ wide. Each paddle float powered by steam from her two massive is 36″ deep. There are always two full floats oil-fired boilers. worth in the water at any one time. Each float is 33 square feet in area. Paddle steamer history In 1812, when Henry Bell’s paddle steamer Comet became the world’s first commercial steamship to operate in coastal waters, a tradition was started which remains alive today only in the form of the world’s last seagoing paddle steamer, Waverley. From the 1860’s onward, paddle steamers developed an important niche in the coastal passenger and excursion trade. Large fleets served the cities, towns, villages and resorts of the Firth of Clyde, the Bristol Channel, Van Ameyde Marine 11
VA MCAUSLANDS HULL OFFICE REFURBISHMENT Van Ameyde McAuslands Hull office has recently gone through a refurbishment and have replaced their old signs on the building. Van Ameyde McAuslands Hull office has recently gone through a refurbishment and have replaced their old signs on the building to reflect the new branding that we are all now following. The office has undergone extensive refurbishment over the last few months take advantage of it being mostly empty while people worked from home. A new paint job and old lights have been replaced with energy efficient LED lights making the whole place fresh and SIMON RAPLEYready to welcome everyone back. We are sorry that we have to announce that Simon will be leaving McAuslands shortly. Whilst we are sad to see Simon go after only being with us for a short time, we are excited to share that Simon has accepted the role of Director of Loss Prevention at the Britannia Club. This came out of the blue and was something that Simon knew that he would be unable to turn down this opportunity. However, we hope to see a continued partnership with Simon in his new role and many new instructions to come! Simon has definitely enjoyed his time with us and we wish FEEDBACKhim good luck with the new venture. Reaching out to clients for feedback on JOB recent instructions. WELL Lucy now sends out feedback questionnaires GOOD DONE! each week which has kept the feedback rolling WORK! in on a regular basis. We are pleased to report that, so far, not only have we had a 100% positive feedback rating, it has all been at the top-end, demonstrating that we are performing at a level our clients expect. We encourage you all to continue to send out the feedback questionnaires after finalising instructions. 12 Van Ameyde Marine
VA MCAUSLANDS NEW STARTERS WITH VA MCAUSLANDS AKHIL JOSEPH Akhil joined McAuslands in August, and is an independent surveyor with over five years’ experience as a Marine Surveyor and has worked alongside major shipping companies worldwide as well as local authorities. He is an Associate Member at IIMS. Expertise includes break-bulk cargo inspections, dangerous goods, PAT testing, heavy-lift cargoes, and yacht load/unloading. Akhil has also had quality experience as a banksman and doing quayside operations. Akhil works with the People’s Team at Van Ameyde as well as assisting with cargo surveys. Having also worked in the healthcare industry progressing with NVQ in Health Care, Akhil has helped implementing Covid PCR testing in the primary health sector. Akhil is proficient in providing empathetic support and guidance whilst simultaneously providing the investigative and logistical skills required by shipping clients. NIXON JOSEPH Nixon holds a BEng(Hons) in Mechanical and Marine engineering and EOOW III/1 unlimited. He started his career as an engineer on Maersk line container ships and MSC cruise liners. Nixon joined Van Ameyde McCauslands in 2021 as a Marine Surveyor. Van Ameyde Marine 12
VA MCAUSLANDS Thank you for reading this months newsletter! We hope you are all enjoying reading our staff newsletter and want to spread the word to our client base, and will therefore soon start putting together news articles and updates for our client newsletter. What we now need is a name for this newsletter. We would like everyone to be involved in thinking of a name, and would therefore ask that you put forward your suggestions, a shortlist of the best names will be included in our next newsletter for you to vote on. The person whos winning name is picked will win a bottle of fine champagne as a prize. Get your thinking caps on, and get the names rolling in. Follow the link below to put forward your entry! NewsyMcNewsFace will NOT be allowed… 13 Van Ameyde Marine
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