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Home Explore Vps Profile

Vps Profile

Published by trismedia07, 2016-10-19 08:28:32

Description: Vps Profile


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About us “Shout out to our clients! We want you to know we truly appreciate your business, your loyalty and friendship; most of all, we appreciateVertex Prime Services Limited specializes that of all the choices you have you choose Vertex Prime Services Ltd.”in the provision of cost effective productsand services ranging from supply of officeand school stationeries, toiletries, food stuffs,beverages, home and office Cleaning Materialsamong others.We are focused on delivering quality to ourcustomers at very suitable prices. Our aim is todeliver beyond the expectations of our clients.We have a highly committed team that is ready to serveand partner with you, helping you achieve yourorganization goal effectively and with great efficiency.Our goal is to simplify the lives of our customers. Weunderstand that our customers are judged by the higheststandards of quality and service. The facilities they care for areexpected to be hygienic and environmentally sound - anever-changing, never-ending challenge. We promise to be a fullpartner in helping our customers meet and exceed theseexpectations.

OUR VISIONTo become a leading company offering the best, reliable, valued added solutions toour customers and stakeholders.MISSION• To provide quality services at affordable prices.• To achieve substantial growth for the company, it’s employees and stakeholders.• To become a leader in the global market.• To maintain harmony with all those involved with the company in order to sustain relationships that would be mutually beneficial to both parties.VALUESThe company upholds the following values as a guideline to itsoperation and business transactions:- Integrity and ethics- Responsibility and accountability- Responding to our clients needs and adding qualitative value toservices- Logistic & technology as a tool for improvement andembracing innovative Solution for the enhancement ofservices- Employing dependable feedback as a guide to improveservices- Trained and qualified staffWe will maintain and promote the highest standard ofintegrity, ethics and professional conduct in all dealing.- We maintain loyalty to our employer while pursuingour objectives in ways that are consistent with publicinterest and that are fair to our esteemedcustomers.

CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY preventing pollution and continual improvement in environmentalVertex services take an approach to performancebusiness that is not only focused on We will establish mutualthe delivery of a profit to its communication with our stakeholdersshareholders, but must incorporate, in order to build and sustain favorablebroad based economic, ecological and relationships with them. We aim tosocial factors. respond quickly to their demands onOur company works with employees, our economic and socialsuppliers and customers to protect and responsibilities. We will also be \"aenhance the environment. We pride good corporate citizen\" and dedicateourselves with being environmentally ourselves to society's development.friendlyOur Environmental Policy provides asystematic approach for environmentalmanagement across the business,having regard to sustainability,

Products Accessories We have a wide range of office accessories to complement your office. These include bins, paper trays, coat hangers, printing papers, writing pads, paper punches, shorthand notebooks, pens, envelopes, tack push pins and much much more Educational supplies We supply organizations with - Printing paper - Files - Photocopying papers - Notebooks - Pencils - Crayons - Pens - Geometric sets - Erasers - Colour Pencils - Office Glue - Rulers - Chalk - Sharpeners -Counter Books

CLEANING MATERIALS • Scrubbers • Buckets • Polishers • Bins • Wipes • Bin Line • Brooms • Brush ware • Mops

TOILETRIES• Facial Tissue• Toilet Rolls• Towels• Dispensers.

Food stuffs and BeveragesWe offer customers a comprehensive fresh produce solution to suit any business. Customers can beguaranteed that only the best quality produce is sourced so that it arrives crisp and fresh to your door. Witha wide selection of: • Fresh fruit and vegetables • Cereals • Meat • EggsWe also supply water and soft drinks.

Support and servicesVertex boasts the ability to deliver the full set of pre and postsales support services required to make a true difference toyour business and service delivery needs. We don’t just sellproducts. We support every sale with realistic advice andinformation aimed at improving labour productivity andreducing your overall cost base. Our Staff will assist your Staff innew innovations being released onto the market and provideinformation regarding these products.Our business is operated on the basis of our capacity to be ableto accomplish our committed activities.• We buy from reputable manufacturers and agents that through their own quality control measures can assure us that what we sell will work.• We seek external advice on Industry best practice. We commit to achievable time frames for our clients that can be met.• We continually review the business with restless discontent, always striving for a marketable edge that is based on ensuring that quality is the most outcome our clients seek.

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