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TENTS BOARD OF MANAGEMENT--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 Chairlady’s Word---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 Kenya Academy of Sports Director of Talent Development and Capacity Building--------5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 ACTIVITY REPORT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Games----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 Players----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 Training--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 HUMAN RESOURCE REPORT------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 Staff Base------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 Summary of FC Talanta Personnel, Responsibilities, and Qualifications----------------------12 FINANCIAL REPORT-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13 Budget Performance---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13 Cash Flow Statement--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13 INSTITUTIONAL REFORMS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------14 ANY OTHER INFORMATION RELEVANT FOR THE AUTHORITY-----------------------------------14 Notable Achievements of the Club--------------------------------------------------------------------14 CONCLUSION------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15 FIRST QUARTER REPORT JANUARY - MARCH 2019 FC TALANTA| 3

BOARD OF MANAGEMENT Chairlady’s Word One of the first things that we did in September 2018, was to address the dismal performance of the club and in which we set out our vision for the Club in the 2018-2019 season; a vision which was to celebrate and respect FC Talanta’s rich heritage whilst focusing on building a bright future. We had a clear sense of the elements required to deliver a sustainable and successful organization on-and-off-the pitch, and sought a strategy through which that vision could be realized. At this point, Coach Abdallah and his team do not know what success is to come; nor can they anticipate the teammates and facilities with whom and in which they will play and train, and the changes which are to be made at the Club and in the wider community Most of the developments visible today are the result of a carefully crafted strategy – one in which organic evolution has also been allowed to thrive – and I have come to be as proud of many of those evolutionary elements of the plan. We have been able to transplant our playing style, our approach to youth development, our commercial know-how and, significantly, our Club in the Community DNA to far flung reaches of the football world. We have 30 players in FC Talanta playing and training in the beautiful football model and positively contributing to the development of football. Importantly we have also developed programs which stretches to all counties, empowering young people through football. As a result of that partnership, the economic and The 2018-19 season will go down in history because environmental outcomes from developments of the last of the incredible football we are witnessing, and we are 5 years will be generational and we as a Club should be filled with an extraordinary sense of pride in the hard incredibly proud of the improved educational, health and work of Juma Abdallah, the players, and the staff who sporting opportunities we have created in our community. work tirelessly to support them. Our aim is obviously Whilst more than 30 young male players train and play to build on the achievements of the last year, and we in world-class facilities and emerging homegrown young know that it takes a tremendous combination of factors talent begin to make their mark. We have not diverted in and effort to continuously achieve success at this any way from our strategy for on-field success within a level. Despite all of the wonderful developments and a commercially and financially sustainable organization. The foreseeable incredible season, we will always strive for past years has also seen the voices of our fans helping to more. Our journey is not complete and we have more significantly shape our development. targets to fulfil. There should be no doubt that we are Less overt, but hopefully equally obviously, we have looking forward to the challenges of this new season remained true to our promise to “ensure that FC Talanta and those beyond it with equal commitment and loses none of its role in beyond football” and “continue[s] determination to the eight seasons that came before. to contribute to the community it represents.”The quarter These milestones, to which we look forward and will be under review having played 23 games the team has scored honored to mark, serve as a useful reminder that we are 38 points and 27 goals, breaking long-standing club and all stewards of a club that has existed through multiple league records as they go. lifetimes and we must all remain as committed as ever to ensuring that it continues to grow and evolve for multiple generations of future fans to enjoy 4 | FC TALANTA FIRST QUARTER REPORT JANUARY - MARCH 2019

Director, Talent and Capacity Building’s WORD FC Talanta endeavours to extend their unrivalled role in talent development which is one of pillars of the department at the Kenya Academy of Sports (KAS). The initiative has seen KAS through FC Talanta boost several sports talent programs within Nairobi and other counties with the sole intention of motivating and encouraging the beneficiaries of the programs who are the grass-root based players The initiative has proved to bear fruit as members of FC Talanta technical bench scouted two players during the Kenya Youth Inter-County Sports games held in Makueni last year and have since settled in the team. The exercise was also extended to the Korogocho based academy ACAKORO where three players have since been empowered by playing football as a full time job at Talanta. Even as we take pride in the success of identifying and nurturing grass-root based raw talent,we are elated to have on our player summoned for the National Under 23 team,Emerging Stars for the 2020 Olympic qualifiers. On behalf of management, we are dedicated in ensuring a holistically developed players who have adequate life skill lessons as well as players who can serve as role models to their juniors out there. The board is making effort to ensure more partners are brought on board to help shoulder our values for the benefit of the club and the young generation. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY During the first quarter of 2019, FC Talanta During the 2019 first league season, there were salary related played a total of eighteen league matches closing delays but all salaries were paid by March end month. It is also the quarter with 38 points in position 6. Out of important to note that it is becoming increasingly difficult to the eighteen matches played, the club won seven retain best performing players since they are easily lured to other matches, drew five, and lost four league matches. No clubs which offer better remuneration and allowances. During match was rescheduled. the 2019 first league season, the club lost three key players, which During the quarter under review, the club received a resulted in decline in performance. lot of suitors who wanted to buy most of the players. FIRST QUARTER REPORT JANUARY - MARCH 2019 FC TALANTA| 5

ACTIVITY REPORT Games The quarter under review ended in 31st March 2019 with FC Talanta at sixth-place having played 16 more National Super League matches and garnering 31 more points to bring the tally to 38 points after 23 matches. The table below summarizes the matches played during the first quarter of 2019 Date /Day Venue Teams 1 Results 0 6/01/2019 Camp Toyoyo FC Talanta vs Kenya Police 1 Date /Day Venue Teams Results 12/01/2019 Thika Stadium Fortune Sacco vs FC Talanta 2 Date /Day Venue Teams 3 Results 2 16/01/2019 Camp Toyoyo Fc Talanta vs. Green Commandos 0 Date /Day Venue Teams Results 20/01/2019 Thika Stadium Thika United vs FC Talanta 2 Date /Day Venue Teams 1 Results 1 26/01/2019 Camp Toyoyo FC Talanta vs Administration Police 1 Date /Day Venue Teams Results 30/01/2019 Karuturi Grounds Nairobi Stima vs FC Talanta 0 Date /Day Venue Teams 2 Results 0 03/02/2019 Camp Toyoyo FC Talanta vs Ushuru 1 Date /Day Venue Teams Results 09/02/2019 Camp Toyoyo Fc Talanta vs. ST. Joseph’s Youth 0 Date /Day Venue Teams 1 Results 1 13/02/2019 Camp Toyoyo Nairobi City vs Talanta 2 Date /Day Venue Teams Results 17/02/2019 Camp Toyoyo FC Talanta vs Kangemi Allstars 3 6 | FC TALANTA FIRST QUARTER REPORT JANUARY - MARCH 2019

Date /Day Venue Teams 1 Results 0 23/02/2019 Awendo Stadium Migori Youth vs FC Talanta 1 Date /Day Venue Teams Results 27/02/2019 Camp Toyoyo FC Talanta vs Kibera Black Stars 3 Date /Day Venue Teams 1 Results 1 04/03/2019 Camp Toyoyo Wazito FC vs FC Talanta 3 Date /Day Venue Teams Results 09/03/2019 Camp Toyoyo Fc Talanta vs. Shabana Fc 1 Date /Day Venue Teams Results 13/03/2019 Eldoret Show ground Eldoret Youth vs. Fc Talanta 2 0 Date /Day Venue Teams Results 18/03/2019 Camp Toyoyo Fc Talanta vs. Bidco Utd 11 Date /Day Venue Teams 1 Results 3 24/03/2019 Camp Toyoyo Fc Talanta vs. Kisumu Allstars 1 Date /Day Venue Teams Results 29/03/2019 Mbaraki Sports Ground Coast Stima vs. Fc Talanta 1 Date /Day Venue Teams 2 Results 2 03/04/2019 Camp Toyoyo Fc Talanta vs. Modern Coast 0 Date /Day Venue Teams Results 06/04/2019 Karuturi Grounds Kenya Police vs. Fc Talanta 2 FIRST QUARTER REPORT JANUARY - MARCH 2019 FC TALANTA| 7

FC TALANTA PLAYERS During the first quarter of 2019, there were two changes in the playing unit. The club maintained the number at 30 players. The club released one player during the quarter under review. The club composition is summarized below. Item Description Number Comments a. Total Number of players 30 • A youthful team including four players from Acakoro Football Academy, 2 players from Secondary school games b. Number of new players and 2 under 20 players from different academies 2 • Two players joined the team c. Number of players exited 1 • He was released by the technical bench due to within the quarter/reasons for absenteeism exit 8 | FC TALANTA FIRST QUARTER REPORT JANUARY - MARCH 2019

FC TALANTA PLAYERS TRAINING The team currently trains at Moi International Sports Centre Kasarani. The training schedule is flexible to ensure maximal output from the players as well as allow adequate rest. The training session include but not limited to; field sessions, closed-door sessions, and physical training sessions besides recovery sessions. The club has also endeavored to facilitate talks on sports nutrition, sports and doping, financial management and saving, HIV/AIDS among others. In the quarter under review, the club was not able to organize a training for the players due to the tight fixture. PLAYERS TRAINING TIMETABLE The training schedule is flexible in such a way DAY ACTIVITY that it provides an opportunity for autonomy to the players training while addressing individual SUNDAY Training/Rest needs. The standard training schedule for the MONDAY Field Training players is summarized as shown . TUESDAY Field Training/Gym WEDNESDAY Field Training/Match Day THURSDAY Field Training/Gym/Rest FRIDAY Field Training SATURDAY Match Day FIRST QUARTER REPORT JANUARY - MARCH 2019 FC TALANTA| 9

HUMAN RESOURCE REPORT Staff Base The club has a total of one employee currently employed by the club on a contract basis, the Operations Manager is on an acting capacity. The acting Operations Manager and the Accounts Assistant are deployed from the Kenya Academy of Sports. The technical bench is made of three coaches, a physiotherapist and kit manager. Including the driver, the number of staff stands at 8 Item Description Number Comment a. Total Number of staff 8 All the employees are salaried and the rates are pegged on academic qualifications and academic experience. b. Number of Coaches 3 Head coach, Assistant Coach, and Goal Keeper Trainer c. Number of New Staff 0 No new staff joined the club during the quarter under review. 0 No staff exited during the quarter under review. d. Number of Staff exited within the quarter and the reasons for exit 10 | FC TALANTA FIRST QUARTER REPORT JANUARY - MARCH 2019

Summary of FC Talanta Personnel, Responsibilities, and Qualifications No. Name of Personnel Position Summary of duties Qualifications 1. David Chweya Responsible for the day to Dip. Business Administration 2. Daisy Kipkech day smooth running of the 3. Abdallah Juma Ag. Operations Manager club. 4. Ayub Hungai Inziani Accounts Assistant Maintaining the books Dip. Banking and Finance Head Coach of accounts, weekly CPA Sec 5 budgetary estimates, and financial reports. CAF ‘A’ Certificate Responsible for the training and performance of the team in the league. Assists the head coach in CAF ‘A’ Certificate the coaching of the team. Assistant Coach Assists the head coach and KCSE assistant coach in training 5. Ramadhan Abdallah Goalkeeper Trainer the goalkeepers 6. Francis Kahil Kit Care Taker Responsible for the KCSE 7. Peter Muchoki Team Physiotherapist maintaining and the HND Sports Therapy proper care of the team’s sports equipment. Management of injuries and diseases To operate and maintain KCSE club’s bus including proper 8. Maxwell Gethin Driver records on travel plans FIRST QUARTER REPORT JANUARY - MARCH 2019 FC TALANTA| 11

FINANCIAL REPORT The club is continually being prudent in its financial management ensuring that all staff and players are promptly paid their salaries and allowances. The club’s expenditure during the period under review is summarized below. FC TALANTA INCOME AND EXPENDITURE FOR THE 3 MONTHS ENDING 31STDEC. 2018 INCOME FOR THE PERIOD 4,740,702.00 other income 78,893 TOTAL INCOME EXPENDITURE 7,119,595.00 Salary 3,228,813.00 Games operations/Expenses 1,651,500.00 Stationeries 11,650 Travel and Accomonation 19,265 Winning allowances 200,000 Sports gear 485,250.00 Board meetings 140,000 Motor vehicle repairs 144,000 Consultancy 220,000 Internet & Airtime 4,500 Tax payable 5,834 Bank Charges 19,099.00 Total expenditure 6,129,911.00 SURPLUS for the period. 989,684.00 12 | FC TALANTA FIRST QUARTER REPORT JANUARY - MARCH 2019

INSTITUTIONAL REFORMS INSTITUTIONAL REFORMS To actualize program delivery and efficiency, the following institutional reforms have been improved Communication The management has improved in the production of Quarterly reports to be shared by the Publicity sponsors and stakeholders. Weekly update will be provided to the sponsor and the board. The management has managed to publicize Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) effectively, 80% of our league matches have been highlighted in local newspapers including and not limited to The Standard, The Star and People Daily. Out of the 22 NSL matches played 16 matches have been beamed/streamed live on Bamba Sports across all their platforms. The club also managed to procure 4 banners, 2 for the sponsor and 2 for the club, to be used during broadcasted and non-broadcasted matches. ANY OTHER INFORMATION RELEVANT FOR THE AUTHORITY In the year of 2018, the club made notable strides, Shortly after our sponsor Communications Authority cushioned the delay in payments, the team produced massive six wins in the ten matches played in the specified period to see them enter the top ten bracket. We managed to pick three draws and lost once in the ten matches played.The impetus the team generated from the runners up finish in the KECOSO games held in August deserved a pat on the back as we produced back to back wins courtesy of the experience of playing top flight sides at the knockout stages of the tournament. Although we narrowly lost 4-3 to Posta Rangers in the finals, we picked vital lessons which proved helpful upon resumption of the league matches. NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE CLUB during the ongoing 2018-2019 season the club has made several notable achievements which include; • finishing at position 6 at the end of the quarter under review • An active social media page (facebook) with over 2,500 followers • A young team with an average age of 22 years. It is important to note that the club should review its remuneration policies to match other clubs and to be able to retain the best players to ensure better performance. FIRST QUARTER REPORT JANUARY - MARCH 2019 FC TALANTA| 13

CONCLUSION The results achieved during the specified period were linked to motivation in the playing unit. FC Talanta values the financial and technical support received thus far from Communication Authority of Kenya. Through proper recruitment of gifted footballers, we undertake to continually train and develop a disciplined crop of young talented footballers. The strategic plan developed for the club has informed and formed a basis of the management and growth of the club. It is our prayer that our reacquisition for renewal of sponsorship and additional funding will meet your consideration for the boys to achieve positive results on the pitch as well cater for their lives and their dependents. 14 | FC TALANTA FIRST QUARTER REPORT JANUARY - MARCH 2019



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