Seep Ma’am के Mind Maps
Seep Ma’am के Mind Maps
Seep Ma’am के Mind Maps
Seep Ma’am के Mind Maps
Seep Ma’am के Mind Maps
Seep Ma’am के Mind Maps
Seep Ma’am के Mind Maps
Seep Ma’am के Mind Maps
Seep Ma’am के Mind Maps
Seep Ma’am के Mind Maps
Seep Ma’am के Mind Maps Female ReproductiveSystem ofPair ibex organ → ovaries Ovary → Solid structure STROMA END ÷ Inner CT →Fica Atbugriea Outer MEDULLA cortex by- Attached to Dorsal wall MES0vAR1UM_
Seep Ma’am के Mind Maps 3° follicle 2%111'Ve epithelium ¥÷i÷;E¥¥÷÷÷st✓A Albuginea ow corpus corpus luteum graafian follicle Albicans
SeepFMOa’LaUmCकेUMLiOndGMEa.pMs E2#°Tfoifolellide- 0§8qC8⑧80ot8qs%o→ioGoracnuylostaebells *g* MThecabdb . 088%8%88 Royle ¥É¥÷÷÷÷¥÷:E÷:¥Tertiarytolideq.E #8Eqog?Thecadnterna→→ Theca ExteArnntarum :*:*00 . Cumulus Graafian follicle oophorus
Seep Ma’am के Mind Maps FALLOPIAN TUBE ¥ i¥uIÉ#→ Ampulla AM L Tidnfundibulum thhffsfimboiae www.%Ff?f-edepithe-ium
Seep Ma’am के Mind Maps Uteroonibkystera → Inverted fear 3parts → Fundus Corpus cervix ÷÷:÷E¥thymusPerimetoium ← Endometrium - a- Hysterectomy unit Neck of uterus → cervix → sphincter ]Certical Canal BIRTH vag1-inal Canal CANAL
SseeepeMpa-’PamaNhaकngे nMayBindidMo✗agvp-asgginva-l EÉATN CAMIL f- BIRTH CANAL )twiter cervix vaginal orifice - Is tamed → can break Not a ① Coitus ② Exercise reliable Cycling③ Horse Riding , Indicator ④ Insertion of Tampons . of virginity
SeEexpteMrnaal’amGENकEे TIMC1Ain/dµVMLvaAp_s É# Moms PUBIS CLITORIS :¥ii¥€D ;;.I-*A% al opening LABIA MINORA → Perineum . ice → And opening
Seep Ma’am के Mind Maps MAMMARY GLANDS → Milk giving glands TcATÑ→T¥?g÷¥\" A lobes as - Arena → Pectoralis \"\" ?T¥°{⑤ NIPPLE HORMONE ÷¥( ÷| ÷ ④\"④LDacutcifterous ÷ \"¥ tIo¥ ③Ampulla formation ejeocftion ②Mammary @my of Milk Milk
Seep Ma’am के Mind Maps É%%\"%u÷ng and 0 oogonia n) Mouth of gestation . d) MITOSIS Colac → gestation Primary oocytetoe 0 0 d- 1- t5Lac→ Birth life J )Meiosis-T Cdn Plb-usPpenndaedseatI) d %BER_60k-80kt Puberty 1st Polar •✓ follicular Body 02° oocyteln) Atresia / Meiosis I suspended @ -0 Metaphase I 08ham• → 2° polar
µypotyam?Ñ^ISÉeephMtaL’aam क-े ④Mind Maps Endometrium GnRH - [Ist → Menarche g- Last → Menopause 145 -55ps) IAnt. P.ituitary Fast LH AMenoorheafolliculogeuese.SIofAbsence Menstruation - g- Peak Maintain Pregnancy GiEvesstrogenHormonal Imbalance feedback)→ Lactation a Corpus )stress ovulation toe luteum ⑨⑦ fue feedback
Seep Ma’am के Mind Maps _#ovary Ant .±!÷x÷÷¥¥÷ovary ① ①⑧ C) }Corpus luteum • 0 Co Corpus Albicans . o , \\wÉÑTTuterus I→j- ¥40FEE 'veMenstrual C- n1-OLLICULAR → ←LUTEAL →
Seep Ma’am के Mind Maps LH - MAINTAINS CORPUS LUTEUM If LH LL Corpus luteum le BIEN degenerate d Dominant No progesterone L d Menstruation ⑨ Aft Dominant ④
Seep Ma’am के Mind Maps LUTEALP-HA.SE - fixed - 14 days Dayofovulatiou = n - 14 1430=- day= 16th Nou poimateinammal estrous cycle
\" FSeretielips aMtioan’a- mS के Mind Maps SYNGAMY d erie ofs events → tH✗ f-utilise ① Capacitating → Hypera6c-t7ivihtyrsof sperms . , → g- Tract Undulating Movement → whiplash - Cholesterol ✗ - Influx of Ca -+ ② Chemo attraction fertiliiu Iie- - → → el- e g ra m 0 a Seep Pahwja Biology /Autifutiliziu CODE I for SEEP Live personal guidance
Seep Ma’am के Mind Maps A malRxu_ 0000000T¥5spe→¥n Cortical granules Zona pellucida ① Hyaluronidase 000000 # Plasma ② CPE -6 Binding ioilh -00 * -00 • 808 8%%( \"÷L??fast to of oocyte block to pen. , poiyspermy space ③ Zona Lysin/ A☒N
Seep Ma’am के Mind Maps Biz of sperm tondoocgte Meiubrane my EGG ACTIVATION - 02° oocyte ① Mpf ✗- d) • ② APC - ✓ 0 2nd polar CORTICAL Aferfttielisration ovom -body REAµCTl0N_ by pdsyysnpgeasmrmyg① sEloxwocytgBolsroiacsknouftoleCortical 20mA HARDEN - LOST Receptor
Seep Ma’am क✓े Mind Maps Tex determination stNGAMY_ Diploid @n) Fg ① xx → os zygote . cLEAvAGE_- HOLOBLASTIC : ' Yolkx =) ROTATIONAL ¥(§ → na pellucida B sT°M& M°R°LA_ ( 16 - Zygote I÷:÷:[Inner Cell H\"\"\"' Meridional Mass Blastocyst Plane CAVITY
SSEEePe-pPAMHUaJ’AaBmio-कOे faÉÉ?ÉgÉ→6-7_dags M 20mA D# HATCHING after . Monozygotic Twins Decidua Basalis Decidua T•P¥as+ ÷→Capsulate's Decidua parietals . ECTOPIC h£G_ Blood-staGirnavideexdtest TuBAL_
Seep Ma’am कqqे .Mggi:n9d4?Mcea1p1ssofRaubu- EPIBLAST → Embryonic g£u÷n}f→→ 8ery1ay→3 HYPOBLAST 3 Mn ENDODERM MESdeODERM L ECTODERM (Morphogenetic Movement start , primitive streak stops obliteration of Blastocoel
Seep Ma’am के MinÉd PMAapHs I¥→ Chono - Atlantic cnlutritive tissue DECIDUATE - - Maemo Mother Decidua Basalis . Temporary Endocrine - foetus → chorion & - Allantois - EPhsrcotrgosgeesnte ro n e - - Retain - het → cretinism 0¥y - hee - HDL
Seep Ma’am के Mind Maps MATERNAL Blood Umbilical Blood vessels f%É¥Ai cord BLOOD Artery (2)Umbilical Umbilical vein Deoxy OF
Seep Ma’am के Mind Maps GESTATION PERIOD 266 days from fertilisation - - 280 - Last 9M Menstrual F. cycle Ist 2nd [¥?¥f?÷3rd Trimester Trimester Trimester 139,9) 11,2, 3) 145,6) PHOCOMELIA - - , Most crucial
Seep Ma’am के Mind Maps PARTURITION sf.TL?EyIYTF-uuytosmedtoetus- Placenta PLACENTA ① foetus Ejection Reflex Ik ⑥I - oRxyetcoecpintor - → MILD CONTRACTIONS →- 0×+1%-1^1 → Maternal pituitary iuorecoutractiou → cH1LDBlR ①
Seep Ma’am के Mind Maps LACTATFIOEN-SEBRDE-AI.SN,I GS hormones Milk → PROLACTIN ¥0mMilk → O✗tT ejection(Milk let down Ist Milk → c0L¥TRuM_ IgA_ Passive Immunity
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