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Home Explore Hosanna Journal | Volume 1 | Number 1

Hosanna Journal | Volume 1 | Number 1

Published by Hosanna Publication, 2023-01-17 01:19:56

Description: January 2023
Volume 1 | Number 1

Copyright of Hosanna Bible Baptist Church and Ministries of Bacarra, Ilocos Norte, Inc.


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The Official Publication of Hosanna Bible Baptist Church & Ministries | Vol.1 •No.1• January 2023 “ ENLARGE OUR COAST ” From the Pastor’s Desk Dear HBBC family, partners and friends, Greetings of grace and peace in the precious Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. A BLESSED 2023! Praise God for another new and exciting year. What will make this year truly a happy one is when we continue to follow Him and walk in His ways. As HBBC family, I urge you that we open this new year with a prayer. A prayer that ex- presses our renewed commitment to pursue God’s agenda as stated in Matthew 28:19,20 and Acts 1:8. Like Jabez in the Bible, our prayer is “ENLARGE MY COAST.” In applica- tion, “Coast” refers to our spiritual influence, impact and outreach. We would like to claim more communities, campuses, companies, and countries for the Gospel of Christ. As we then expect God to answer this prayer, let us consecrate ourselves for Him. I ad- monish you all with Joshua’s instruction to the Israelites, “And Joshua said unto the peo- ple, Sanctify yourselves: for to morrow the Lord will do wonders among you.” Joshua 3:5 (KJV) May our Lord continue to grant us good health and strength, and may He prosper the works of our Hands. In the service of our Lord, Rev. PROVY R. CADELIÑA Senior Pastor HBBC and Ministries International HBBC opens 10 new mission works “If you don't evangelize, you will fossilize.” Pastor Jhune Cadeliña often say this when emphasizing the importance and urgency of soulwinning. Thus, even the pandemic did not deter the HBBC from winning souls and Members of HBBC Australia Outreach opening mission works here and abroad. started a Bible Study every Saturday. Their number grew from 2 to 12 attendees. By International Outreach Sis Gretchen Tomas and Bro. Neilsen Icat God’s grace and leading, the HBBC Australia invited their friends to join the Discipleship Mission was inaugurated on June 27, 2021, in Online Class Talk (DOC Talk), via Zoom du- Brisbane with 10 members. The HBBC- ring the pandemic. Pastor Provy Cadeliña Australia is the first mission work born out of saw that their number was growing, so he the online ministry. Continuation on p. 10 2 Speaking Engagements.. 3 YPs: Attend, Compete in 5 Testimony | Dr. Lester A. Conference Sigabu

2 January 2023 Pastor’s speaking engagements won thousands Pastor Provy Cadeliña highlights “the four things to ponder and remember on this occasion” during the MMSU Baccalaureate Service, July 15, 2022. All graduating students and University officials received gospel tracts. Numbers do not lie. lippine Institute of Civil Engineers (PICE) of the Ilocos Norte and Laoag City Chapters More than 6,000 souls have heard the gospel and the Philippine National Police (PNP) in Ptr. Provy Cadeliña’s speaking engage- invited Pastor Provy for their Civil Engi- ments this year. neering Month Celebration and PNP Moral Enhancement Program, respectively. The The biggest of which was during the PICE’s Celebration was held in Brgy. 23, Mariano Marcos State University (MMSU) Laoag City and was attended too, by civil baccalaureate service last July 15, 2022, engineering students from various schools which was attended by more than 3,000 in the province. While the PNP Moral En- graduates, honorees’ parents, and Universi- hancement was held in Camp Juan, Laoag ty officials. City. Collectively, the occasions were at- tended by more than 500 engineers, stu- His sermon was on “The Four Things to dents, and police officers. Ponder and Remember on this Occasion.” This is the second time that Pastor Provy Meanwhile, the Department of Social Wel- served as the main speaker in MMSU’s bac- fare and Development (DSWD) through its calaureate service. The first one was in April Senior Citizens Association in Bacarra re- 2015 when he talked on “Of All Thy Getting, quested Pastor Provy last November 21 to Get Wisdom.” be their speaker for their Annual General Meeting. Then on December 22, Pastor The number was followed by the Leader- Provy was invited again to the Empower- ship Congress: A Masterclass Series spon- ment and Reaffirmation of Paternal Abilities sored by the Baptist Youth Council (BYC) (ERPAT) program of the DSWD. The ER- held last November 19 and December 3 with PAT aims to capacitate fathers to accom- 2,020 National Service Training Program plish their roles and responsibilities at home (NSTP) students and faculty coordinators of and in society. The events were held in the College of Business, College of Enginee- Bacarra with 200 attendees. ring, and the College of Art and Sciences. The BYC is a registered university interest Finally, there were few social obligations club that was organized by HBBC students like birthdays, dedication services, and wed- and faculty. Both events were held in the dings throughout the year that were hosted Covered Court of MMSU. by HBBC members, of which Pastor Provy never failed to share the gospel to the host On the other hand, last November 19, two families, their guests, and their relatives. |• professional organizations namely the Phi-

January 2023 3 YPs: attend, compete in conference Anneli Sophia Manzanillo of Timothy, Jabez, Nehemiah, and David—not the popular Bible Dingras Outreach spikes the heroes but teams in the Youth Conference 2022 held last way of the Green Team in December 26-27 in the HBBC Sanctuary in Bacarra and bagging the championship F. Camaquin Integrated School in Vintar. title in the women's volley- The Youth Conference was attended by almost 200 youngsters ball. The game ended in 2-1 from the different churches and outreaches in Cagayan and against the Yellow Team. Ilocos Norte. First day opened with three powerful messages from Pastor Jhune Cadeliña, Pastor Dennis Caliyo and Pastor Vher Saballa. Pastor Jhune emphasized on the “Keys to Stay Faithful to God” and the lifelong benefits of having a “Daily Quiet Time with God,” while Pastor Dennis highlighted “Counted to be Accountable,” and Pastor Vher outlined ‘How to be an Abishai.” It ended with all participants cleaning the Sanctuary. A Sports Festival was conducted on the second day to engage the youth in different sports and physical activities to foster the values of camaraderie, sportsmanship, and teamwork. Among other sports and games that were played were basket- ball, volleyball, badminton, variety of board games and Laro ng Lahi. Team Timothy pulverized teams Jabez, Nehemiah, and David by winning strategically. Team Jabez pounded all teams in the sports events but lost the champion spot in the Laro ng Lahi. Meanwhile, Team Nehemiah peeled the rest in the team- building contests, but the team’s effort was not enough to pin down the muscular Jabez. Team David did not kill the other team giants landing only in third place, but the members enjoyed the conference the most. They did not join to fight but only to have fun. The Youth Conference helped them to grow holistically, espe- cially in their spiritual journey of becoming good stewards and assets for the Lord's Ministry.|• Sports Fest 2022 held at FCIS, Vintar, Ilocos Norte. Four teams compete in Laro ng Lahi, team- building activities and various sports events.

4 January 2023 BYC, NOT EASY AS 1-2-3

January 2023 5 Through it All, God’s been Good | Bro. Lester A. Sigabu I t was in Sunday School that I was asked the question, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” I never dreamed to be a doctor. I always wanted to be a builder, a house builder, possibly a carpenter, I thought, which is practical, or an architect, even a civil engi- neer, since I was artsy and always tinkering. It was poverty that influenced me to be- come a doctor. I am highly aware of people who cannot afford and have limited access to medicines and health services. It is not cliché to desire to help the underprivileged without expecting anything in return. Be- sides, Jesus Christ helped the poor and seek Him first, not because of the “all these needy. Becoming a doctor is not having a things shall be added unto” me but God title or wearing a white coat but it is exten- commanded I seek Him. And the best way ding the love of Jesus to everyone who to seek Him is to serve Him. needs my services for their wellness and health. Yes, I am a Christian who happened Having a ministry brought me closer to to be a doctor. God. Singing in the choir fortified the bibli- cal principles I heard from the pulpit. Our I am not a perfect Christian, I am a work in training albeit rigid effected me to always progress. I was in grade four when I give my best and most excellent service to accepted the Lord God, which conse- quently made me give Jesus Christ as my “I never dreamed my best in school and Lord and personal Savior. I grew up as a to be a doctor; it in the hospital. I have Sunday School kid. It was God who become more cautious was not easy. Siguro, with my actions and decisions. But most among the Sunday made me one.” importantly it made schoolers I had the most number of disci- me closer to fellow believers and Pastor. plers at that time. I was a hard-headed disciple. I closed our doors and windows on Saturday visitations so my I need our Pastor, more than he needs me. discipler would assume I was not around. I I passed the Physician Licensure Examina- ran away from Bible teachers and made a tion because all throughout, I sought Pastor long list of excuses not to attend Bible Provy and Pastor Jhune’s prayer, approval, studies. guidance, and advice. I passed because I have my family and the church who sup- A disciplined person follows the leading ported me and prayed for me. My victory is of the Holy Spirit. Pastor Provy once said, our victory, a testimony of God’s reality. My which burned my heart – “Hindi ka kailangan victory is only for God’s glory. ng ministry, IKAW ang nangangailangan ng ministry” (The ministry does not need you, I never dreamed to be a doctor; it was God it is YOU who needs a ministry). I decided who made me one. My prayer has always to surrender all to what God leads me. been, “God, it was you who put me in med Medical school demands rigorous training, school, I know you will allow me to pass the hours of reading and learning, but – I had to exam because you have an amazing plan for have a ministry. I need to serve the Lord, to me to be a doctor.”|•

A MONUMENT OF Glorious. That’s the best word to describe the new HBBC Sanctuary. This magnificent house of worship was dedicat- ed to God last December 25, 2022, in celebration of its 39th anniversary. Rev. Provy Cadeliña, our Senior Pastor, and Rev. Alejandro Cadeliña, Jr., our Patriarch, led the dedication and more than 1300 members witnessed this momentous and historical event. About 600 members from Cagayan to Manila came for the onsite inaugu- ration and another 700 more joined online. Then when the HBBC Choir sang, and the Selah Orchestra played, everyone was moved, closed their eyes, and in silence, greatly worshiped God and genuinely thanked Him for this bless- ing of a great edifice. Laborious. It took almost a year to build the new house of worship. It took six months for the Choir mem- bers to practice the musical pieces. Seventy men and Pastor Jhune labored from Monday to Sat- urday. Fifty Choir members and Ma’am Kaye, the choir director and beloved wife of Pastor Provy, trained and practiced daily. Thirty adult men, young people from HBBC-Pasuquin, Bacarra, Laoag, and Bro. Kirk Cadeliña, son of Pastor Provy, volunteered to work. Mothers, ladies, and Ma’am Cora Cadeliña, wife of Pas- tor Jhune, prepared, cooked, and served at no cost. Three civil engineers, one architect, two electrical engineers, one electronics and com- munications engineer, one Pastor Jhune, Pastor Provy, and Preacher Glenn, joined minds and skills for the design, redesign, and construction. Members here and abroad sacrificially gave and committed amounts, services, goods, and prayers for the building to rise. Continuation on p. 8


8 January 2023 A MONUMENT OF GOD’S GRACE continued “With the love and sacrifice of faithful men and women of the church, God has blessed our collective efforts to build the beautiful and majestic main sanctuary of the Hosanna Bible Baptist Church and Ministries,” Pastor Provy testified. The New HBBC sanctuary has a 700-seating capacity. But when the believers met last December 25, it afforded little space to move. This is marvelous. The building went through extensive upgrades. It was fitted with a new and expanded raised altar with colossal pillars. There are two centerpieces on the altar. First, is the solid wood pulpit etched with intricate designs that radiate the glory of God and the Baptistry that highlights the heart of HBBC which is to “go and teach all nations.” The building is also equipped with redesigned ceilings adorned with glorious chandeliers and modernized light and state-of-the-art sound system. Added also into the sanctuary is a mezzanine to accom- modate more worshipers. The facade and grand stairs leading to the sanctuary are embel- lished with stainless railings which accentuate the granite tiles that blanketed the vast wor- ship floor. Also, a four-person-capacity glass elevator is being installed. “We believe that HBBC sanctuary is the first worship place amongst other denominations in Ilocandia to have this facility,’’ Pastor Jhune attested. The sanctuary is overwhelmingly grandiose. “If seasoned engineers and contractors will assess the project, they will surely estimate the total cost of the building and all fittings to 70 million,” Bro. Dino Acidera, the head engineer of the project reckoned. The projected amount is overwhelming, but, with the God-given wisdom and foresight of Pastor Jhune, who supervised the overall construction of the building, the church was able to save a large amount of money. One of the most sophisticated parts of the structure is the audio and visual ministry room that houses state-of-the-art computers, monitors, and cameras. Since the pandemic, this facility has become an imperative part of the worship service. The Livestream ministry has reached over 50 key cities and countries with baptized members and international partners tuning in and worshipping as one. “We recognize Preacher Glenn, my brother, who initiated and designed the AV system, and the AV room, and even purchased the best equipment,” Pastor Provy exclaimed. Preacher Glenn of HBBC Waipahu installed and supervised the setup of the whole AV system last August 2022. By God's goodness and faithfulness, this newly built sanctuary is a monument of God’s amazing grace, a testimony of how God works wonders in the lives of their members, and a milestone in the history of Hosanna Bible Baptist Church and Ministries of Bacarra, Ilocos Norte. “Amid the pandemic, when others thought it would be impossible, our church has held on to our faith and we attempted great things for God, and He blessed us,” Pastor Provy ex- claimed. Indeed, God greatly blessed HBBC, for it endeavors that with the new sanctuary more people will be ushered to Him. |•

January 2023 9 Committed Even Down Under | Sis. Glaiza A. delos Santos F irst, I thank God for the salvation and gift of eternal life. Second, for the blessing of being a member of the HBBC. And third, for the rich and life- changing preaching of Rev. Provy Cadeliña, our beloved Pastor, from which I have learned a lot and wanted to enumerate a few. Commitment & Conviction to serve - Our Answered Prayer. Sis.Glaiza, Bro.Michael and Pastor always reminds us not to incline Akyree finally together in Australia. ourselves with the trends of this world just offerings, and we respond quickly to what- to be “in” but unto the Lord. This conviction ever the church needs. Trusting God’s word to please the Lord is the very reason why that if I and my husband will put God first my colleagues question me at work, espe- in our giving and living, He will meet all cially the way I dress up, handle situations, our needs. As a result, Bro. Michael’s salary and deal with stress. But the greatest com- increased twice within two months, which mitment is for me to share with my col- companies never do. With his salary now, I leagues how good our God is, consistently can now enroll in a nursing program, and and constantly, regardless of what they say. “Life overseas is not Sis.Glaiza’s Earthly Reward. Through her com- easy for most of the mitment, she was able to usher her whole family time I am over- in the church. whelmed with situa- tions, our family needs, our daughter Akyree’s schooling needs will and multiple bills, but I be met, too. God did not stop here, for Bro. have learned to trust Michael’s company, again, gave him a bo- God’s promise in Mat- nus we never expected, last December. And thew 6:33.” Akyree, will be joining us in Australia be- fore the year ends which is earlier than we Trust and confidence in God - Nothing is anticipated, in this way, we can serve God impossible with God, as what Pastor Provy as a family. is always telling us “Where God guides, He provides.” Life overseas is not easy for most I have learned then that a good life is a of the time I am overwhelmed with Christ-committed life not so much really on situations, our family needs, and multiple money, mansions, and material posse- bills, but I have learned to trust God’s prom- ssions.|• ise in Matthew 6:33. Bro. Michael, my hus- band, and I put God first with our tithes and

10 January 2023 HBBC OPENS 10 NEW MISSION WORKS continued Local Outreaches Cagayan. In January 2022, one faithful vie- wer, Mrs. Evelyn Villena, a 72-year-old re- tired teacher, became God's instrument for the start of a mission in northern Cagayan. The worship place was Mrs. Evelyn’s dormi- tory, which she then offered to be used for the ministry. Subsequently, the HBBC-Aparri Pastor Jhune Cadeliña inaugurates Aparri Mission. Mission was finally inaugurated last January God showed another possible house for an 25. It now has nine baptized members. outreach station. It was one of the brethren’s Lasam. Just like Mrs. Evelyn in Aparri, Mrs. family houses which became HBBC-Dingras Lydia Agatep, another retired teacher be- Outreach 2. Preacher Rogel Aguinaldo and came an instrument to revive the HBBC Sis. Malou, his wife, and Bro. Rey Agonoy work in Lasam. Ptr. Jhune advised Mrs. and their family served as the key people in Lydia, a fruit of HBBC Facebook Livestream the area. Twenty-five adults and children are ministry, to coordinate with Bro. Elmer Gala- being ministered to, and they join online may, a long-time member of HBBC from services every Sunday and Wednesday Alannay, so she can join his family for Sun- prayer meetings. day services. HBBC-Lasam Outreach was Sarrat. The Leaño family who lives in the inaugurated on August 14. Pastor Dennis United States has been faithfully joining the Caliyo, HBBC-Claveria's resident Pastor, church services online. Mrs. Erlinda, the Preacher Alfier Calma, and other brethren mother of the Leaño’s graciously extended regularly visit Lasam for Bible studies, disci- their family house for ministry use. The pleship, and soul winning activities. HBBC-Sarrat Outreach was inaugurated on Dingras. Pastor Jhune realized that HBBC July 17. It now has 15 attendees. should focus more on reaching out other Pasuquin. God used one of the foremen, Bro. municipalities in Ilocos Norte. Coincidental- Sonny Aguba, who was working in the cons- ly, someone from Dingras sent a message to truction of the church building then, to start the HBBC Facebook page inquiring where an outreach in Caruan, Pasuquin, Ilocos the HBBC worship place is and if Pastor can Norte. God put a desire in Bro. Sonny’s heart start a Good News Club in her home. Pastor to use his lot as an extension of the ministry. Provy remembered her when he and Pastor The HBBC-Caruan Outreach is now avera- Jhune were planning for the Dingras mission ging 20 in attendance. opening. So, Pastor Provy and Pastor Jhune went to meet and see Sis. Liberty Manzanillo San Nicolas. Another residence was inaugu- in her residence in Bacsil, Dingras. Sis. Liber- rated last July 3. The HBBC Outreach-San ty is a retired PNP personnel. Little did they Nicolas is housed in the residence of Bro. know that this will be the start of a marvel- Ferdinand and his wife, Sis. May Simon, in ous chain of God's favor and leading to start Brgy. 13. The Outreach began with three families - the Simon’s, Abiva’s, and the outreaches. Lagasca’s. These families are members of With no time to lose, Pastor Jhune advised HBBC. and supervised the construction of a tempo- rary worship place right in front of JA Vintar. On August 2, Pastor Provy and Pas- Abiva's Electrical Supply, in Albano, tor Jhune conducted a Bible Study at Labay Dingras. The Store is owned by Bro. Joenel Restaurant. It was attended by 56 senior citi- Abiva and Sis. Rogelie, his wife. It was then zens invited by Mrs. Pearl Semana. officially inaugurated as HBBC-Dingras Mis- After the Bible Study, Pastor Jhune sion 1 on July 10. Continuation on p. 11

January 2023 11 2022 Annual Report - WORSHIP PLACE - Souls Won 5,377 BACARRA, ILOCOS NORTE Tracts Distributed 13,978 Brgy. 4 San Simon 1, Bacarra, Ilocos Norte (0936-588-4432) | [email protected] Bible Study 134 HBBC MINISTRIES Discipleship 363 ILOCOS NORTE Good News Club 66 • HBBC Laoag - - - - - - - - - - (0923-088-5425) Baptism 113 First Time Visitors 680 Brgy.15 A. Castro, St., 2900 Laoag City Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing • HBBC Pasuquin - - - - - - - -(0929-265-0124) them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Brgy.4 Poblacion, Pasuquin, 2917 Ilocos Norte Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you • Caruan Outreach - - - - - - -(0929-265-0124) alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Brgy. Caruan, Pasuquin, 2917 Ilocos Norte Matthew 28:19-20 (KJV) (Sonny Aguba Residence) HBBC OPENS 10 NEW MISSION WORKS continued • Vintar Outreach - - - - - - - -(0915-434-8630) encouraged them to join the online services at Brgy.2 San Nicolas, Vintar, 2915 Ilocos Norte Labay’s. The first-ever worship service was (Labay Restaurant) held there on August 21. • San Nicolas Outreach - - - - (0998-998-6795) City of Batac. Pastor Provy always has a burning desire to reach out to the younger Valdez St., Brgy.13 San Eugenio, generation, specifically students of Mariano San Nicolas, 2901 Ilocos Norte Marcos State University (MMSU). He shared (Ferdinand Simon Residence) this burden during a worship service. The believers working and studying at MMSU • Sarrat Outreach - - - - - - - -(0915-434-8630) responded to the challenge, hence, the organi- zation of Baptist Youth Council (BYC) as an Brgy.24 San Roque (Vintar Road), interest club. BYC was recognized last Sep- Sarrat, 2914 Ilocos Norte tember 2022. • Dingras Outreach (1) - - - - (0961-977-0105) Europe and Canada Mission Trips Dingras-Marcos Road, Brgy. Albano (Pob.), HBBC has members, friends, and partners in Dingras, 2913 Ilocos Norte the key cities of Europe, Australia, and Cana- (Infront of J.A Abiva Electrical Supply) da who watch the FB Livestream every Sun- day and Wednesday. They signified their • Dingras Outreach (2) - - - - (0910-612-6070) willingness to become instruments for the start of mission outreaches in their respective Sitio Cabaruan, Brgy.Peralta, locations. Members are asked to pray for Dingras, 2913 Ilocos Norte God’s leading when to start HBBC outreaches (Felix Basig Residence) in these key cities. CAGAYAN This February, Pastor Provy and his family will visit Hong Kong for the opening of HBBC • HBBC Claveria - - - - - - - - (0995-725-4772) -Hong Kong Outreach. |• Azcarraga Co. Pilipinas St.,Centro 1, Claveria, 3519 Cagayan • Lasam Outreach - - - - - - - -(0917-400-9633) Zone 4, Alannay, Lasam, 3524 Cagayan (Galamay Residence) • Aparri Mission- - - - - - - - - (0936-420-3098) 121 Rizal Street, Maura, Aparri, 3515 Cagayan ABROAD • HAWAII - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (808) 429-0570 94-333 Waipahu Depot St #202,203 Waipahu, HI 96797 • AUSTRALIA - - - - - - - - - - - (0410890110) Unit 2/36 Alderwood Street, Acacia Ridge, QLD 4110

JANUARY 1 New Year Service 8 Stewardship Sunday (Firstfruit Commitment Sunday) 15 Baptist Sunday (National Baptist Day Celebration) 22 HBBC Aparri Outreach Inaugural Celebration 29 Bible Celebration Sunday (National Bible Celebration) FEBRUARY 12 Friends’ Sunday 19 Senior Citizens Sunday MARCH 12 Loved Ones' Sunday APRIL 5-7 Family Conference 9 HBBC Laoag Anniversary MAY 7 Pastor's Sunday 14 Mother's Sunday 21 HBBC Pasuquin Anniversary JUNE 4 HBBC Bacarra Anniversary 11 Patriotic Celebration Sunday 18 Father's Sunday 25 HBBC Australia Outreach Anniversary Celebration JULY 2 Graduates’ Sunday 9 HBBC Dingras Outreach Inaugural Celebration 16 HBBC Sarrat Outreach Inaugural Celebration AUGUST 6 HBBC Vintar Inaugural Celebration 13 HBBC Lasam Inaugural Celebration 20 HBBC Caruan Inaugural Celebration 21 Youth Revival SEPTEMBER 3 Back to School Sunday 23 Patriarch’s Sunday OCTOBER 5 Teachers Sunday 15 Elderly Sunday NOVEMBER 2 Youth Conference 5 HBBC Claveria Anniversary Celebration 5 HBBC Waipahu Anniversary Celebration 26 Firstfruit Giving Sunday DECEMBER 24 Thanksgiving Sunday 25-28 Youth Camp

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