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Published by shifrahoffmanbooks, 2021-05-26 20:10:34

Description: By SHIFRA HOFFMAN


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BS'D With much gratitude and humility, I dedicate this book to The G-D of ISRAEL, BLESSED IS HE, for helping me 'every step of the way' through both tragedy and triumph on the miraculous journey of my life. Shifra Hoffman 3


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FOR “ASK NOT WHY, MY PEOPLE” The publication of this book could not have been accomplished without the expertise and exemplary dedication of Ron (Yoseph Feivel) Wiseman whose gentle manner of encouragement served to motivate me to hasten it’s completion. Simultaneously, I want to thank my friends, Bat Sheva Abraham, Darla (Devorah) Stone for using their literary talents for suggestions and corrections which enhanced my writing. 5

TABLE OF CONTENTS Israel Activism 9 The Supreme Court or the Supreme Being? 10 Forgiving the unforgivable 13 Independence or Dependence? 15 Israel's Image 17 Israel's Fatal Attraction 19 Waking Up Late 21 Israel's Split Personality 23 When Leaders Fail 25 Nothing Sacred? 27 Divesting From Disengagement 29 Lacking Wisdom 32 A Recipe for Disaster 34 Ode to a Jewish \"Settler\" 36 Illusions and Delusions 39 Searching for Answers 41 Israel's Image 43 Little People Big Ideas 45 Anti Semitism 48 What Does it Take to Get Them Here? 50 The Die has been Cast 52 Wall Street or the Western Wall? 54 Wailing at the Wall 57 Laws and Outlaws 59 Can a Holocaust Happen in America? 61 Rabbi Kahane (Z’Z’L) 63 Wisdom is Like Rain 64 In Memoriam: Rabbi Meir Kahane 67 Then There Was One 70 Holidays 75 Who Will Ask Forgiveness? 74 In Every Generation... 76 ‘And for the Sin of....’ 78 A 'PurimShpiel' for Real 80 6

Defying G-d 83 Defying G-d 84 The War Against G-d in Israel 86 G-d Always Wins 88 Jewish Destiny 90 \"Judging\" G-d's Ways 92 For Elul: Israel's Most Powerful Weapon 95 The Silence of the Jewish Lambs 97 Fair Weather Faith 99 The Humiliation of the Jewish People 101 A Policy of Dishonesty 102 What We Become 104 Where There Is No Vision 107 Are Jews Really Smart? 109 History's Eternal Scapegoat 111 A Time to Mourn 113 Photographs and Personal Remembrance 117 Poetry 129 To Be A Jew 131 Ode to Rabbi Meir 132 Obstacles 133 The Legacy 14 Israel Stands Alone 135 Homeward Bound 136 HaKotel HaKodesh Sheli (My Holy Wall) 137 The Eternal Jewish Flame 138 Forty Years – Through Joy and Tears 139 Israel is Seventy 140 A Prince in Poverty 141 Ask Not Why My People 142 Peace 143 Reviews 144 7


ASK NOT WHY MY PEOPLE Selected writings of a Contemporary Jewish Activist 9


ISRAEL ACTIVISM Shifra Hoffman at a demonstration against giving up parts of Israel to the Arabs. 11

The Supreme Court or the Supreme Being? It seems surreal, to say the least, that after the traumatic expulsion of thousands of Jews from their homes in Gush Katif, that Israel, the Jewish homeland, has been ordered by the Supreme Court to destroy Amona, a so-called 'settlement' in Eretz Yisrael and to expel the brave and devoted Jewish families who have lived there for decades from their homes . Never mind that each new expulsion emboldens the implacable Arab enemies, whose raison d'etre is to destroy Israel entirely, to continue their nefarious terrorist attacks against innocent Israeli Jewish men women and children! Never mind that countless Arabs who claim Jewish homes were built on \"their property\"(sic) are squatters who migrated to Israel seeking employment after the Jewish State was reborn, in 1948. Never mind that no one has come forward to claim the land, except for 1 or 2 dunams out of 500 and that the granting of it to Jordanians by King Hussein was illegal. Never mind that more than a few Arabs and the Palestinian Authority media have publicly declared that Tel Aviv, Haifa, Jaffa 12

and Jerusalem are also \"occupied territory\" which belong to them, as do areas where some of the judges in Israel's High Court of Justice who ordered the destruction of Amona now reside. Should Arabs making such claims decide to seek legal action- will Israel's Supreme Court also rule in their favor? The Government of Israel's past ill-fated decision to destroy Yamit, Gush Katif and other similar outrageous expulsions of idealistic Jews who built their homes and their lives in good faith in Medinat Yisrael did not bring 'peace'. Ironically, instead it launched a marked increase in Arab terrorist attacks. But the 'learned' justices of Israel's Supreme Court, in their present odious decision to destroy Amona, have not absorbed the lesson of the wise adage \"He who does not learn from history, is doomed to repeat it.” To my mind, there exists a much deeper and more significant aspect to the recent ruling concerning Amona as well as many other detrimental decisions handed down by Israel's Supreme Court which are in direct conflict with Torah-true Judaism.. The Tanach the Bible upon which Israel bases its claim for sovereignty in our one Jewish country, unequivocally teaches that G-D commanded Jews to settle everywhere in the holy land which He deeded to the Jewish people as an eternal inheritance. We are admonished to \"drive out the enemy before he becomes pricks in your eyes and thorns in your sides and will vex you in the land in which you live\". This deep-seated problem which has never been resolved since the establishment of the State of Yisrael, namely whether Israel should be governed according to secular law or Torah Law, now threatens to pit Jew against Jew and brings us closer to a dangerous civil war. In rendering their contemporary decisions, the Government of Israel should remember the long and painful history of the Jewish people! 13

It is not the secular laws such as those espoused by Israel's Supreme Court, but rather obedience to the time honored and wise Torah Laws of the Supreme Being which ultimately insure Jewish survival. 14

Forgiving the unforgivable Only the victim can forgive and there is no cause for him to do so, even if he survives. The recent visit to Auschwitz by Pope Francis whose solitary prayer at the infamous site where millions of Jews were slaughtered during the unspeakable Holocaust was seemingly an attempt to forge better relations between Jews and the Catholic Church. Following his meeting with Jewish survivors, the Pope declared such atrocities are still happening today, with prisoners being tortured (sic)as well as war being waged in many parts of the world. He reportedly also questioned \"Where is G-D when innocents suffer from violence and terrorism? As I read and re-read his statements, I asked myself if he, the Pontiff a religious leader of millions of Catholics throughout the globe, seeks to blame G-D for the indescribable atrocities that were perpetrated by many of his co- religionists, the bestial German Nazis. Was the prayer recited by the Pope who then asked for forgiveness, a message to contemporary Jews to forgive the burning, starvation and gassing of one third of the Jewish people, while today he allegedly espouses the cause of the so-. called \"Palestinians\" despite the daily murderous attacks by those \"palestinian\" Arab terrorists in Israel? These questions reminded me of the theme of Simon Wiesenthal's classic book \"The Sunflower\" in which the famed author describes his crisis of conscience when he was interred in a concentration camp and brought to the bedside of a dying Nazi who asked that a 15

Jew forgive him. In remaining silent, Wiesenthal's answer was that which Judaism teaches \"only the victims can forgive.\" To my mind, the trial today of an elderly Nazi in his nineties, and other similar trials conducted in Germany, who received a four-year prison sentence not a case of \"justice being served.\" These bestial Nazis that were part of Hitler's \"final solution,\" were able to live long lives, unlike the victims whom they helped to annihilate! Even more unconscionable are media reports of a survivor who accepted a kiss and apology from a former German concentration camp guard who was standing trial and said she forgives him, although her close family was put to death during the Holocaust. Can one truly forgive the unforgivable? I believe not! Such undeserved absolution cheapens the supreme sacrifice of the millions of martyred Jewish souls, those precious people lost forever to the Jewish nation, whom we must never, never forget. 16

Independence or Dependence? Israel faces a dilemma Is Israel truly independent? In today's world, the search to end global conflicts and violent confrontations between nations has, ostensibly, become an urgent priority. Ironically, Israel the Jewish homeland that was reborn with G-D's help after the unspeakable Holocaust and which for more than six decades has endeavored to negotiate a peaceful solution to the Arab Israeli now being singled out as the \"obstacle to peace\". With every passing day, ugly invective emerges from the mouths of leaders of so called 'cultured and civilized 'countries as well as from the 'bright lights in academic universities, condemning Israel as a 'racist apartheid state' and declaring it has no right to exist! No matter! Despite their vile efforts to boycott, to isolate, and to destroy Medinat Yisrael which is the aim of the accelerating Arab terrorist attacks, Israel is celebrating its 68th year of independence as a strong and sovereign Jewish State! By relying on the 'peace plans' of nations that are at best indifferent to of our fate, and at worst, want to see Israel altogether eliminated, the Jewish State is courting unparalleled disaster! Still, the question arises \"Is Israel truly independent?' More often than not, the decisions made by successive Israeli governments that affect the Jewish State, are based on the premise \"ma yomru hagoyim\" (What will the nations say\"?)This craven capitulation to the dictates of leaders of foreign governments such as U.S. 17

President Obama has often proved detrimental and caused more pressure to be exerted on Israel to make additional dangerous concessions to implacable Arab enemies. Among other self-flagellating rituals in which Israel regularly engages that tend to belie her claim to independence, is the seemingly chronic need to explain every action that is undertaken by the IDF to defend and protect the Jewish homeland. (Perhaps what is needed is a \"Minister of Explanation)\". These futile attempts to 'explain' Israel's justified defensive actions only succeed in eliciting condemnations by that bastion of \"morality\" (sic),the United Nations, which continues to turn a \"blind eye\" to the multitude of Arab atrocities that are being perpetrated upon innocent Jewish men, women and children - and their own fellow- Arabs and Muslims. Despite the fact that Israel is reported to be the main superpower in the Middle East, I believe the obtuse policy of its leaders in allowing those Arabs who display hostility to the existence of the state, to remain in the country for fear of negative world opinion, is yet another glaring example of Israel's non independence. By relying on the 'peace plans' of nations that are at best indifferent to of our fate, and at worst, want to see Israel altogether eliminated, the Jewish State is courting unparalleled disaster! In the final analysis, as the prophecies of our Holy Torah clearly record, Israel was reborn when G-D, Blessed is His Name, mercifully ended the millennia long and painful exile to return the Jewish people to our ancient homeland, Eretz Yisrael. Therefore, Israel should cease its foolish and non-productive attempts to curry favor with the world that for generations has persecuted Jews in pogroms, Crusades, Inquisitions and 'the final solution\" of Nazi, Germany. To be truly independent, Israel can only depend on our one Eternal ally, and begin to do whatever must be done for the survival of Israel - the Jewish Homeland. 18

Israel's Image \"What will the nations say?\" If the events being played out in the Middle East today were not so potentially tragic, then the scenario could provide an astute author with enough satiric humor to fill volumes. As the situation in Gaza worsens and has become a flashpoint for worldwide media, a recent directive was issued by the Olmert government to launch a campaign aimed at changing Israel's image. Presumably, the rationale for this public relations effort is an attempt to \"win friends and influence nations,\" in order to stem the tide of universal condemnation leveled at Israel's retaliatory actions in Gaza, despite the government's ongoing policy of restraint. Apparently, the age-old curse, \"What will the nations say?\" is alive and well in the \"sovereign\" Jewish State. Ironically, it is the Arab enemies who have discovered this Achilles' heel of the Jews. In a classic example of the adage about the youth who killed his parents and then asked the court for mercy because he was an orphan, the murderous Hamas terrorists continue to bombard Sderot and other Israeli cities with non-stop Kassam rockets, while accusing Israel of violating their human (read: Haman) rights by holding back fuel and electricity in Gaza. Predictably, an outcry ensued from the European Union, the United Nations, and other such \"impartial observers\" - those that 19

consistently turn a blind eye to the Arab terrorist slaughter and wounding of Jews - against the \"collective punishment of innocent civilians\" in Gaza. Needless to say, the daily bombardment of innocent Jewish civilians in their own homeland, which has made life a living hell for them, in the jaundiced view of those same \"impartial observers,\" is not considered \"collective punishment.\" More detrimental to Israel and its image in the world, however, is the fact that Israel's Defense Minister Ehud Barak immediately capitulated and decided to once again allow shipments of fuel and other supplies into Gaza. It is, indeed, high time for Israel to change its image. Enough of trying to placate, appease or explain to the world the actions deemed necessary for our survival. (I have often said in my past lectures that the only ministry lacking in the government is the Ministry of Explanation.) No normal country sacrifices the welfare of its citizens in order to gain approval or acceptance by the world. Israel must change its image to project strength and self-respect, the very qualities that are sadly missing in its leadership today. In the final analysis, the Jewish people - which wandered the face of the Earth for two millennia suffering untold persecution in crusades, inquisitions, pogroms and the unspeakable Holocaust, until, with G-d's help, we returned to rebuild our ancient homeland in Eretz Yisrael - owes the world nothing. Instead of attempting to change its image to influence nations that are, at best, indifferent and, at worst, hostile to Israel's existence, let us remember that Jews must only win favor in the eyes of the Almighty, blessed be He, on whom our survival depends. In the timeless words of the great King David, \"Oh L-rd, in Thee I do trust....Let not my enemies triumph over me.\" (Tehilim [Psalms] 25) 20

Israel's Fatal Attraction In what undoubtedly ranks as the apex of masochism, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has decided to participate in a so-called \"peace conference\" in November, at the behest of US President George Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. The Americans let it be known in advance that they want to see serious movement by Israel towards the establishment of a \"Palestinian state.\" Also scheduled to take part in this \"hanging party\" for the Jewish State is Abu Mazen, the ostensible \"moderate\" (sic) Arab leader, who demands that Israel retreat from no less than 92% of Jewish land, including Jerusalem, and that Israel concede the \"right of return\" for millions of refugees. Note that not one of the myriad of Arab countries scheduled to attend the conference are willing to absorb their own refugees in the same manner that Israel absorbed our refugees from the Holocaust, the former Soviet Union, Ethiopia, as well as thousands of Jews who were expelled from Arab countries, where they had lived for generations. Logically, then, you may ask why the Prime Minister of this sovereign country would subject himself and the Jewish people to such a demeaning and serf-like situation, in which the decks are stacked against Israel. The answer, I believe, lies in the fatal attraction Israel's leaders have always displayed in their willingness, even anxiousness, to be included in the \"family of nations.\" However, this is in direct 21

contradiction to the admonition of our holy Torah, which declares that Jews are to be \"a nation that dwells alone.\" Never mind that no nation other than Israel is called to task for defending itself, in this case, against a daily onslaught of Kassams and Katuyshas. Never mind that no nation other than Israel has to justify the right to its capital, Jerusalem. Never mind that no nation other than Israel is pressured to concede lands liberated in wars initiated by implacable Arab enemies, and to cede those lands to these very same enemies. The neurotic need to be \"loved\" and accepted by the world, seemingly, is sufficient reason for Israel's leaders to endure all the slings and arrows (not to mention outright threats to Israel's survival) that will undoubtedly be the order of the day at the November \"peace conference.\" If Olmert had one iota of Jewish pride and dignity, then he would boycott this and all other conferences that are convened to make Israel the scapegoat in efforts to appease Arab nations and the terrorists they support and harbor. Rather than succumbing to the fatal attraction of capitulating to the \"powers that be,\" Olmert should embrace the words of the great King David, who understood that Jews can only rely upon on our one true ally, the G-D of Israel, blessed be His holy Name: \"Wherefore do nations rage and people meditate a vain thing? The kings of the earth raise themselves up and rulers take counsel together against the L-rd and against His anointed. He who dwelleth in the Heavens will laugh... and in His displeasure He will terrify them.\" (From Tehillim, the Book of Psalms) 22

Waking Up Late This year, in what was seen as an unprecedented surprise departure from its usual format, TIME Magazine's recent edition chose to by-pass a famous or infamous personality. Instead the publication dedicated its popular 'Person of the Year' Award to: You. By way of explanation, the editors decided to bestow this honor upon the average American citizen whose contribution to society was thus far overlooked, and now, could be duly recognized. Reading the article here, in Israel, it occurred to me that such a choice would never be made by any of the Israeli media who fall all over themselves in their frenzy to spotlight, ad nauseam, the myriad of politicians whose contributions to the welfare of Israeli society at this critical juncture are, at best minimal, and at worst, truly disastrous. Ironically, the countless devoted and courageous Jews who selflessly dedicate themselves to Israel's survival without seeking financial gain or self-aggrandizement, are not only never singled out for recognition, but, indeed, are reviled as enemies of \" peace\" It is a sure bet that not one of the thousands of courageous Jews known as 'settlers' who have been demonized for choosing to live in the liberated, (not occupied) territories, will ever merit the positive coverage and outright adulation showered upon so-called 'peace makers' by the Israeli press. Never mind that the wiley Condalezza Rice and her obtuse Jewish counter-part Tzippy Livni both advocate a two-state [FINAL?] solution, with the establishment of a 'palestinian' state on Israel's border. 23

Under the leadership of Fatah's moderate [sic] Holocaust denier, Mohammed Abbas, who exhorts his people to fight Israel, not each other, the already innumerable Arab terrorist attacks which have claimed thousands of Israeli victims, can then continue with impunity. No Matter. Rice and Livni are the Israeli media's 'Persons of the Year' as it were, for supporting the road map to peace. However, there is no peace, just pieces of exploded Kassams lobbed into Israel, and pieces of our sacred land being given up to the implacable Arab enemies. What will it take to awaken the Jewish people to this imminent danger? The Arab-Israeli conflict is a religious war. It cannot be solved by weak and power hungry Israeli politicians whose inane solutions of concessions and appeasement are truly the core of the problem. The only hope for the survival of the Jewish people and our homeland is Teshuva and SHUVA, a return to Torah Judaism and a mass immigration of Diaspora Jewry to Eretz Israel. Although time is running out, such a leap of Jewish faith is urgently needed which hopefully, will merit G-D'S beneficent mercy that Am Yisrael will not awaken too late. 24

Israel's Split Personality If there is one repetitive expression that is consistently trotted out by Israeli leaders, both Right and Left, as justification for their often detrimental political decisions, it is the hackneyed phrase, \"Israel is both a democratic and Jewish State.\" On the surface, if one is not a very deep thinker, this may seem to be true. After all, religiously there is national observance of the Sabbath and Jewish holidays, while the Knesset, Israel's parliament, is ostensibly the bastion of secular democracy. However, what transpires when these two concepts come into conflict with each other (a crucial issue that was first raised by the late, great Rabbi Meir Kahane, of blessed memory), I believe, threatens the very existence of the Jewish homeland in Eretz Israel. Let us, for example, analyze a few basic facts that characterize the much-touted \"both Jewish and democratic state\". It is well known that other than Druze or Bedouin, Arabs are not permitted to be recruited into the Israel Defense Forces. \"Why?\" you may ask. Because, says conventional Israeli wisdom, they cannot be trusted. That being the case, an additional \"uncomfortable question\" arises: Why, then, are Arabs permitted to serve in the Knesset, and granted immunity from prosecution even when they meet with Israel's enemies such as Hamas, the terrorist organization sworn to Israel's destruction? Another case in point (among many others) illustrating official government policies attempting to defend the split personality concept of Israel, as both democratic and Jewish, is the illogical, if not altogether deranged, idea that a Jewish State which, with G-d's help, came into being after two millennia of Gentile crusades, inquisitions, pogroms and the unspeakable Holocaust - can 25

'democratically' (sic) uproot thousands of its own citizens and cause them to become refugees in their own country. The raison d'etre for the Jewish State, as expressed in Israel's national anthem, Hatikvah (The Hope), is for Jews to be a \"free people in in our land, the land of Zion....\" Indeed, the Bible, the very source upon which Israel stakes its claim to Eretz Yisrael, clearly elucidates G-D's Promise to Abraham, the first Jew: \"Unto thee and thy seed after thee do I give this land as an eternal inheritance.\" This everlasting covenant between the Almighty and the Jewish people does not mention 'democratic rights' of others to any part of the Jewish homeland. The ongoing conflict over Israel's split personality in attempting to be \"both democratic and Jewish\" - 'serving two masters', as it were - has resulted in a deep-seated rift in Israeli society between observant Jews and Hellenized secularists. Tragically, the ominous spectre of a civil war between brothers looms large on the horizon At this critical juncture, it is instructive to remember that throughout the long and painful trek of Jewish history, it was always the Jews of uncompromising faith who remained loyal to the teachings of Torah Judaism that helped ensure Jewish survival. 26

When Leaders Fail In the aftermath of the forced expulsion of the Jews of Gaza, which was followed by the obscene burning of remaining synagogues by frenzied Arab mobs, it is instructive to note the reaction, or lack of same, by world Jewry. With the notable exception of former Chief Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu, who called for the tearing of one's garment as a sign of mourning, there was no call by the myriad of rabbinic organizations for a collective outpouring of grief and anguish to mark this historic Jewish tragedy. As for the 'leaders' of secular Jewish organizations - apparently they are too preoccupied with raising funds for the victims of Hurricane Katrina to provide aid and comfort for the many traumatized Israeli victims of Gush Katif, whose 'painful sacrifices' won Ariel Sharon his coveted applause at the United Nations. And what is the reaction of world Jewry when the prime minister of the Jewish State - which has suffered from decades of bestial Arab terrorist attacks that have resulted in the murder and wounding of thousands of Jews - declares before this \"unbiased\" body of United Nations' representatives that he \"respects the Palestinian people\" and \"they deserve a State of their own\"? For the most part, a deafening silence. Or worse, a literal and figurative embrace of Sharon as a 'courageous leader' who is 'bringing peace to the Middle East.' Such undeserved adulation flies in the face of reality, as Kassam rockets continue to be lobbed into Israel and IDF soldiers are threatened to be kidnapped in exchange for the release of Arab prisoners. Nevertheless, Diaspora Jewry, by and large, remains undaunted as Sharon promises to follow the Road Map leading to a 'Palestinian state', which is endorsed by the so-called Quartet of 27

nations whose concern for Arab oil takes precedence over Jewish survival. Jews, wake up! Israel is being destroyed! As the battle rages between Sharon and his arch-rival, Benjamin Netanyanu, to become the captain of the ship of state, a ship which is rapidly sinking. Tragically, neither they nor any Israeli political 'leader' has the foresight or fortitude to steer it to safety. Neither they nor any Israeli politician seem to understand that the war of terror being waged against Israel - and indeed, against the West - is not political. It is a religious war against all 'infidels' who do not subscribe to the teachings of the Koran. The myriad of insane concessions made by Israel to its implacable enemies should have made it abundantly clear that no amount of appeasement will ever bring 'peace' with Arabs who seek to Islamize the world, utilizing terror as their most potent weapon. There is only one solution to prevent another 'final solution' from annihilating Israel. The Talmud teaches, \"when one comes to slay you, you must slay him first.\" The Israel Defense Forces must act, not re-act, to prevent murderous attacks against innocent men, women and children, regardless of ‘world opinion'. On Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, a special blessing is recited before eating the head of a fish, symbolizing that Jews should be the 'head' and not the 'tail'. Tragically, Israel's 'leaders' fail to recognize this and, G-D forbid, are bringing the Jewish homeland, Eretz Yisrael, to the brink of unprecedented disaster. 28

Nothing Sacred? If truth be told, the precarious situation in which Israel finds itself today is a disaster of our own making. Ultimately, the dreaded scenario did happen. What was once unthinkable and unimaginable - the expulsion of Jews in a sovereign Jewish State - was carried out by Jewish soldiers and police, on the express orders of a Jewish prime minister. Who can erase from memory the soul-searing images that flashed across television screens as the courageous residents of Gush Katif - whose plaintive pleas to their brethren in the Israel Defense Forces not to participate in this evil act fell on deaf ears - were forcibly removed from their homes? Like their lives, those homes would now be forever shattered. Worldwide media scavengers milled around each settlement, jockeying for the best angle to capture tearful, screaming mothers clutching their infants, and fathers together with sons bravely attempting to resist the overpowering, burly police force sent to expel them. Homegrown Israeli television reporters provided a blow-by-blow commentary on these highly charged emotional scenes, as if they were covering a prime-time sports event. How and why this could happen are questions that reverberate not only in Israel, but indeed, throughout the Jewish world. How could the Jewish State, which was looked upon universally with such respect and admiration, fall so far from grace? Why, after experiencing unparalleled gentile persecution through expulsions, Inquisitions, crusades, pogroms and the unspeakable Holocaust, would leaders of the Jewish State vote in the Knesset to uproot fellow Jews from \"settlements\" in Gaza, Judea and Samaria? And perhaps the most disturbing query of all: why does HaShem Yitbarach, the G-d of Israel, allow His chosen people to suffer again? Far be it from me to arrogantly assert that I have answers to these burning questions, which seem to elude much greater Jewish minds. Yet, if truth be told, the precarious situation in which Israel finds itself today is a disaster of our own making. Who, if not the State of Israel, resurrected the late and unlamented chief terrorist Yasser Arafat, making him a 'partner for peace' (sic), providing him with legitimacy in the world arena? Who, if not the 29

State of Israel, created the so-called Palestinian Authority, ceding to them Jewish land, Jewish weapons and millions of Jewish shekels? And who, if not the State of Israel, continues to follow a 'Road Map', supported by the United States, leading to a 'Palestinian state', which Arab enemies openly declare will put an end to the Jewish State? In the final analysis, the admonition in the Book of Psalms clearly foretold the dire consequences engendered by despicable acts such as Ariel Sharon's disastrous Disengagement Plan, under which nothing is sacred. It includes the dismantling of synagogues, yeshivas and even removing deceased Jews, many of them victims of Arab terrorist attacks, from their graves. \"There is no knowledge in the workers of wickedness...They do not call on G-D; There... they were terrified with terror where there was no terror...\" (Psalms 53:5-6) 30

Divesting From Disengagement In a welcome departure from the daily news fare offered by Israeli media, recently, a major television station and newspaper both featured stories concerning the phenomenon of multitudinous correspondence which arrives each year addressed to \"G-d in Jerusalem\". Highlighting the in-depth report was an interview with the rabbi of the Western Wall, who devotedly places each of the thousands of letters, containing heartfelt requests to the Almighty, into the crevices of the Kotel HaMaaravi. As I watched the unusual newscast, it occurred to me that it is a true and simple faith that, tragically, is lacking in the leaders of Israel. They, who are legends in their own minds, for the most part either grudgingly tolerate, or inwardly scoff at, the Jewish belief in a Supreme Being, the G-d of Israel, to whom Jews should turn for solutions to individual or national problems. Yet, history clearly records that many of the greatest catastrophes that befell the Jewish people were caused by their rebelling against G-d's will. Indeed, in our present day, the ill-fated Oslo Accords and the subsequent so-called 'peace process' endorsed by successive Israeli governments are in direct contradiction to the Torah commandments. Jews are forbidden to give up one inch of our sacred land in Eretz Yisrael. 31

Tell that to the prime minister of Israel who advocates giving up Gush Katif and other areas in Judea and Samaria to pave the way for an enemy 'Palestinian state' on Israel's border. Jews are forbidden to hate their brothers. Tell that to the Jewish soldiers and police who arrest and forcefully beat men, women and children for peacefully protesting Ariel Sharon's 'Disengagement' policy. Jews are responsible one for another. Tell that to the renegade leftists and their ilk who support Arab enemies while ignoring the suffering of thousands of Jewish victims of Arab terrorist attacks. Indeed, the wisest of all men, King Solomon, in a sage admonition to future generations, declared, \"Unless G-D builds the house, the laborers labor in vain.\" Israelis must stop looking for the 'knight on the white horse' (or in the white house) to save us. We have only one true Ally - our Father in Heaven - on whom we can rely. With each passing day, the desperate voices of those who perceive the disaster facing Israel are silenced by the Sharon government, which tramples both democracy and Judaism. The government is forging ahead to remove not only the courageous Jewish residents of Gaza from their homes, but, incredibly, also the bodies of loved ones from their graves. While in Israel there are plans to mobilize the entire nation to thwart Sharon's evil plan, Jews in the Diaspora as well, particularly in America, have an important role to play. Utilizing the theme \"Divest from Disengagement\" the Victims of Arab Terror International organization (VAT) calls upon American Jews to immediately begin an urgent campaign to contact their Congressmen and Senators and tell them not to provide Prime Minister Sharon with the more than one billion dollars he is now seeking from the United States to offset the cost of transferring the Jews of Gaza, Judea and Samaria from their homes in the Jewish state. American Jews and non- Jewish supporters of Israel must lobby their elected representatives by phone, fax or email, to vote against providing their taxes for the 'blood money' that will help to reward Arab terrorists for their ongoing murder 32

An anonymous philosopher once declared, \"The answer to prayer is often the beginning of resolve.\" Thus, with faith in AL-MIGHTY G- D that He will help us defeat our enemies from without and within, a determined, united Jewry must resolve not to allow Sharon's disastrous disengagement to become reality. 33

Lacking Wisdom In today's world, one of the most popular methods utilized by democratic countries to gauge public opinion concerning a myriad of subjects, particularly in the realm of politics, is by conducting a poll. Israel, of course, is no exception to this phenomenon. Indeed, many of the decisions made by Knesset members on crucial issues affecting the lives of Israelis are often predicated on the results of a poll which, more often than not, determines which way they vote. It is, therefore, quite amazing (but not amusing) to witness the sudden chameleon-like change occurring in politicians such as former (and once-again wanna-be) Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu. Having voted in favor of Sharon's disastrous disengagement plan several times, Bibi, sensing a shift in the wind as new polls show a marked decrease in public support for the expulsion of Jews from Gush Katif,) now vociferously informs the citizens of Israel about the dangers of increased Arab terrorist attacks should the evacuation from Gaza be implemented. More ludicrous (and hypocritical) is the notion that polls being conducted in Jewish communities in the Diaspora, particularly in the United States, can be influential in deciding the fate of the residents of Gush Katif. While living in relative quiet and comfort, far removed from the thousands of Kassam rockets that incredibly have not caused these courageous Jews to flee their homes, American Jews are being asked whether or not they favor Sharon's expulsion plan. Well, as the saying goes...\"turnabout is fair play\". Why not conduct a poll in Israel among the 8,000 Israelis of these threatened communities who are slated to be forcibly removed from their homes by the Sharon government,... asking if they are in favor or against expelling American Jews from New York, California, Chicago and other \"Jewish populated areas\" in the United States, so that President Bush can implement his 'road map' for \"peace\"? What on earth has happened to the Jewish mind? How can any Jew, knowing our long and painful history of expulsions, Inquisitions, Crusades, pogroms, and the unspeakable HOLOCAUST which was 34

the lot of the Jewish people before the AL-MIGHTY in HIS great mercy brought us back to Eretz Yisrael, ...even harbor the thought of uprooting a Jew from his home in his own homeland? Even the horror of increasing Arab terrorist attacks after the ill-fated Oslo Accords, which has resulted in more than l,700 Israelis murdered and over 6,000 wounded, seemingly cannot sway successive Prime Ministers both, left and right from the 'policy of folly' of capitulation to the demands of Arab enemies! Having already given up the entire Sinai, Jericho Bethlehem, and 80 percent of the Sacred City of our Patriarchs, HEBRON, for the non- existent 'peace' (sic) ... Israel's 'leaders' (as the great visionary Zev Jabotinsky, of blessed memory warned before the HOLOCAUST) keep \"rushing madly toward the precipice\" of destruction. 'Eyes they have...but see not; ears they have, but hear not\". What does it take for the obtuse ' Prime Minister Sharon, Minister of Defense (or the fence) Mofaz, Ehud Olmert and all the other power- hungry Knesset Members who are in favor of 'disengagement' understand that appeasement and weakness will never bring peace. The conflict between Israel and the Arab enemies not political! It is a religious war dictated by the Koran against 'infidels\"...meaning first the Jews, (and, by the way, President Bush) ... also the Americans! To be victorious, wars must be won with faith and strength, not fear and flight! It is truly incredible to see how Abu Abbas, Arafat's alter ego successor, is able to keep a straight face as he assures our gullible 'leaders' that each new concession will ensure peace with the 'Palestinians' ...even as terror continues. In the final analysis, I believe the words expressed by our Torah Sages, best explain the reason that the thousands of grass root Jews who oppose Sharon’s disastrous disengagement plan can clearly see the ominous danger ahead, while, he the Prime Minister of the Jewish State and others who blindly follow his 'leadership' not! \"If you have wisdom...what do you lack; if you lack wisdom, what do you have?\" 35

A Recipe for Disaster The sage adage \"many true words are spoken in jest\" has long been utilized by popular comedians, as well as writers of satire, who understand that truth couched in humor can often convey a strong message to the public. Admittedly, I do not fall into either of the above categories. Nevertheless, in seeking to impart a 'wake-up call' to those still optimistic Jews who have not yet awoken to the dangerous \"disengagement\" (retreat) policy that the Israeli government is determined to foist upon the citizens of Israel, I was reminded of the following anecdote. It is intended to convey a humorous, albeit painful, truth. The story centers on Leibel, an impoverished Jew living in a shtetl (hamlet) in Europe, who was invited to a rich man's home one evening. There, he was served a plate of delectable fish, seasoned to perfection with various spices, the likes of which he had never tasted. Complementing the hostess profusely, he asked if it would be possible to acquire the recipe, which she graciously supplied for him. For weeks on end, Leibel skimped, saved and fantasized about the day he could go to the marketplace to purchase the special fish, and prepare it according to the recipe he had been given. Finally, the great day arrived. Leibel purchased the expensive fish and made his way homeward, daydreaming about how he would soon again experience the “taam of Gan Eden” (the taste of Paradise) of this delicacy. Tragically, just before reaching his abode 36

a cat jumped out of an alley, grabbed the package containing the coveted fish and ran off, leaving Leibel devastated and in tears. A short time later, after recovering slightly from the initial shock of his loss, our hero began to smile. \"Aha!\" he exclaimed to the vanished cat. \"You think you're so smart. You may have the fish - but I have the recipe!\" This humorous story, however, is not laughable, but rather potentially tragic, when understood as a parable for the flawed policies of Prime Minister Sharon and his plan to uproot Jewish citizens from their homes in Eretz Yisrael. Attempting to justify the transfer of Jews from settlements in Gush Katif, Judea and Samaria, he declares it necessary in order for the world to \"allow\" Israel to keep the larger blocks of settlements. In this way, Sharon is emulating the shtetl Jew who lost his prized fish, but kept the recipe. How tragic that the prime minister of the State of Israel, which came into being, with G-D's help, after two millennia of persecution of the Jewish people, still believes he must make \"painful concessions\" of our sacred land to Arab enemies, in order for \"the world\" to allow\" (sic) Jews to live in our one Jewish homeland. How tragic that the prime minister of Israel seems not to have learned from Jewish history. There will be no end to the pressure on Israel for more and more suicidal concessions. \"The world\", which by and large sides with the so-called 'palestinians', couldn't care less if, Heaven forbid, Israel ceases to exist. It is high time for the Jews of the world to understand that Sharon's \"disengagement\" policy is a recipe for disaster. They must, therefore, become involved in thwarting his ill-conceived and dangerous plan. 37

Ode to a Jewish \"Settler\" \"Two men look at life through bars; One sees mud, the other, stars.\" These words, written by an anonymous poet, so accurately describe the opposing views of Israelis today, and indeed of Jews throughout the world, concerning the right of the Jewish people to settle everywhere in the Land of Israel. This burning issue has become a bizarre cause celebre for leftists of every ilk and stripe, many who literally 'climb the barricade' and put themselves in harm's way in order to prevent Jews from building homes in the so-called 'occupied territories', as well as calling for the demolition of those already established. In the muddied and muddled view of these renegade leftists, it is solely Jewish \"settlers\" and the \"settlements\" that are obstacles to peace with Israel's 'docile' Arab neighbors. It would, of course, be an exercise in futility to ask these \"peace- now-pay-later\" proponents to explain why Arabs launched numerous wars of aggression and continuous nefarious terrorist attacks against the Jewish State prior to l967 - decades before there were Jewish settlements in Gaza, Judea and Samaria. No matter. The recent outrageous decision by the Prime Minister of Israel, Ariel Sharon, to uproot and transfer Jewish residents from their homes in Gush Katif is providing additional grist for the mill for the myriad die- hard leftists; those who apparently believe their brother is the enemy, and the enemy is their brother. 38

But what of Jews like myself that see the \"settlers\" as shining Jewish stars who embody the heart and soul of the Torah-true Zionist dream - the ideal for which countless generations of our people longed, sacrificed and paid the supreme price of martyrdom? Can one adequately pay tribute to such courageous Jews, who - despite having to suffer the \"slings and arrows\" of being demonized, maligned and made a scapegoat for Israel's power-hungry politicians who dance to the tune dictated by gentile nations - nevertheless have chosen to blaze a trail of greatness for the sanctity of Eretz Yisrael? Can one truly appreciate the dedication of these noble Jewish sons and daughters, who, unlike many of their Israeli brethren with values that center on a villa and Volvo, often reside in remote areas of the Jewish State in order to ensure its security. They have to face life- threatening travels to and from their homes, where they are considered 'fair game' targets for Arab so-called \"peace partners\". What in the world possesses any Jew, much less the prime minister of a Jewish government, to deny Jewish citizens the right to live where they choose, thus making a mockery of the words in Israel's national anthem, Hatikvah - \"...lihiot am hofshib'artzenu....\" (\" be a free people in our land....\") During these summer months, when most youngsters are enjoying the fun and sun associated with vacation, it is especially painful to observe how the youth of Gush Katif and their families must now spend endless days and nights devoting all their energies to activities aimed at preventing Sharon's \"disengagement\" plan of retreat. Those who have had to endure more than 4,000 missiles lobbed into their surroundings, as well as innumerable shooting, stoning and stabbing terrorist attacks, have to prevent Sharon from expelling them from their homes, synagogues and businesses. All of which, with G-d's help, was built to fulfill His commandment, \"Go up and settle the land.\" After all, was not that the raison d'etre for the creation of the Jewish State? 39

It is my fervent prayer that the AL-MIGHTY will continue to bless Am Yisrael with many more wonderful \"settlers\". May their unique idealism and courage impel Jews throughout the world to join their valiant struggle; not only in Gush Katif, but everywhere that Jewish settlement in Eretz Yisrael is threatened by 'leaders' with myopic vision who, as the poet so sagely observed, \"see mud instead of stars.\" 40

Illusions and Delusions Hear Ye! Hear Ye! I think I have found the answer to the troubling questions on the mind of most Jews today, regarding the perceived irrational policies of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and the Israeli government. Seemingly there is no logical explanation as to why Sharon, leader of a sovereign nation, the State of Israel, would agree to accept the disastrous 'road map', which calls for the establishment of an enemy 'palestinian' state on Israel's border. Equally incomprehensible is his willingness to negotiate further Israel Defence Force withdrawals from so-called 'palestinian areas' even as terrorist attacks continue, as well as to authorize the release of hundreds of imprisoned Arab terrorists. However, through deductive reasoning I have come to the conclusion that the motivation for these bizarre acts by Israel's Prime Minister, is that Sharon has become a Harry Potter addict. This seems to explain the reason that despite Judaism's explicit prohibition against practicing the occult, Sharon ostensibly believes that he, too, like Harry Potter, can utilize magic and wizardry to solve Israel's problems. Ergo, with a shake of the hand (instead of a wand), Abu Mazen, long time terrorist compatriot of Arafat and Holocaust denier, becomes 'magically' transformed to Prime Minister Abbas, a new and acceptable 'peace partner'. Similarly, Mohammed Dahlan, planner and executor of countless terrorist attacks is instantly converted, hocus pocus, into the 'palestinian' Chief of Security responsible for preventing Arab terrorist attacks. Continuing this policy of magical illusions (or delusions), Prime Minister Sharon declares that freeing hundreds of Arab prisoners is a beneficial 'good will' gesture, designed to help Abu Mazen convince Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the myriad of other murderous terrorist groups, to 'hold their fire' for at least three months. Never mind that the just-released killer known as the 'refrigerator bomber', who murdered l7 Israelis, received a hero's welcome in Gaza and was immediately rewarded with the title of 'advisor to Yasser Arafat', for his contribution to the 'palestinian people' (sic). Never mind that statistics show a majority of Arab prisoners who were freed in earlier 'good will' gestures by equally delusional Israeli governments 41

returned to join their terrorist compatriots and, in more than a few instances, murdered other Israelis. What is seemingly important to Sharon is that by implementing the 'road map' he will win favor with the United States. Israel will then, hopefully, receive millions of dollars in requested financial aid. (Another illusion?) Ironically, the establishment of a PLO enemy state on Israel's border, which Sharon endorsed, does not seem to be a matter of great concern. It is high time that Prime Minister of Israel faces reality and ceases to pretend that there can be a magical solution through the dangerous 'road map' and its ominous ramifications for Israel and the Jewish people. As the great sage, the Kotzker Rebbe, admonished, \"It is a sin to delude others, but a crime to delude oneself!\" 42

Searching for Answers One need not be a pollster to gauge the mood of most Jews who reside in the Jewish State today. The anxiety and stress mirrored on the faces of passersby hurrying to and fro in their daily activities, or nervously glancing at fellow bus travelers to discern if an Arab terrorist is among us clearly speaks volumes. What can be done to alter this depressing matzav (situation) that has struck fear in the hearts and minds of formerly fearless Israelis and weakened the life line of Israel's tourist industry? This is the overriding question that continues to generate hours of debate by members of the Knesset, as well as grassroots citizens. Seemingly, every effort to solve and put an end to these critical problems has been unsuccessful. Despite a myriad of valiant operations by the Israel Defense Forces to thwart terrorist attacks, Arab terrorist carnage against Israelis continues without abating. In a desperate search to find answers to the plague of ongoing Arab terror, Israeli military experts are interviewed ad infinitum in the press, on radio and TV talk shows, where their opinions and erstwhile solutions abound: ‘Exile Arafat and the terror will stop!’ ‘Do not exile Arafat, for the terror will accelerate!’ ‘Accept the ‘road map’ or Israel will be in danger!’ ‘Do not accept the ‘road map’, it endangers Israel!’ One hardly knows whether to laugh or cry at the Kafkaesque scenario being played out today in the Holy Land. After suffering the most devastating persecution known to mankind during two millennia of wandering, the Jewish people were miraculously returned to their ancient homeland, Eretz Yisrael, where five decades ago, with G-D’s help, we established an independent Jewish State and declared \"Never Again\" would Jews be victims of anti-Semitic hate. Here at last, in Medinat Yisrael, Jews would be free to carve out their own destiny. 43

Fast forward to the present time. After implementing the disastrous Oslo ‘peace’ (sic) accords, a succession of Israeli governments from both left and right agreed to cede vast areas of our sacred Jewish homeland land to Yasser Arafat, resulting in the slaughter of more than l,300 Israeli men, women and children and the wounding of over 5,000 others. Incredibly, this suicidal policy was followed by giving the chief PLO terrorist Arafat and his murderous henchmen caches of Israeli weapons and humongous amounts of funds, both of which, not surprisingly, he is utilizing to continue killing Jews. Now, reportedly, the present Prime Minister of the ‘independent’ State of Israel, has agreed to ‘accept in principle’ the ‘road map’ formulated by a quartet of such stalwart friends of Israel as England, France, Russia and our ostensible only ‘true ally’, the United States. Never mind that this ‘road map’ calls for Israel to retreat to the borders of l967, which the late, dovish Abba Eban called ‘Auschwitz borders’. Never mind that this suicidal-for-Israel ‘road map’ calls for the establishment of a ‘palestinian state’, which, aside from rewarding Arab terror (and despite Sharon's myopic requests to Bush to include Israel's objections), will allow the influx of millions of Arab so-called ‘right-of-return refugees’, thereby putting an end to the Jewish State. It is high time that the leaders of Israel and United Jewish Appeasers everywhere cease their shameful capitulation to gentile nations, whose main concern is not Jewish blood, but Arab oil. The Arab war of terror cannot be solved through ‘negotiations’ or concessions, for the conflict is not political... it is a religious war between Islam and Judaism, and, indeed, between Islam and the world. In searching for answers to the grave problems confronting Israel, just as our Biblical ancestors were also forced to fight the enemies of their day understood that the source of Jewish truth is our Holy Torah, so today Jews throughout the world, showing faith, not fear, should return to live in our Holy Land, Eretz Yisrael, remembering G-d’s promise: ‘If ye walk in My statutes and keep My commandments, I will bring peace to the Land.’ (Parashat Bechukotai) 44

DOES WORLD OPINION COUNT?BS'D As the situation in Gaza becomes a flashpoint for worldwide media which true to form, portray Israel as the evil oppressors of the so- called 'palestinians' while ignoring the thousands of Israelis who were murdered or wounded in Arab terrorist attacks since the Oslo so-called 'peace' Agreement a recent directive was reportedly issued by the Foreign Ministry to launch a campaign aimed at changing Israel's image. Presumably, the rationale for this public relations effort is an attempt to \"win friends and influence nations\" in order to stem the tide of universal condemnation being leveled at the Israel Defense Forces for their long overdue and justified military incursion into Gaza. Apparently, the age-old worry, \"ma yomru hagoyim\" (what will the world say) is still alive and well in the 'sovereign 'Jewish State. Ironically, the Arab enemies have discovered the Achilles heel of the Jew and are utilizing it to their best public relations advantage. In a classic example of the adage about the youth who killed his parents and then asked the court for mercy because he was now an orphan, the murderous Hamas terrorists continue to bombard Sderet, Askelon, Be'er Sheva and other Israeli cities with non-stop Kassam rockets...while accusing Israel of violating their \"human (read Haman) rights by closing the border and destroying tunnels from which weapons are smuggled to kill Jews! Predictably, the European Union, the United Nations and other such ostensible impartial observers\" raised a hue and cry against what they declare is collective punishment of innocent civilians, despite Israel's inane decision to supply 'humanitarian aid' to the Gazan population in the midst of the Hamas onslaught. Needless to say, in the jaundiced view of those condemning Israel, more than eight years of lobbing deadly missiles by Hamas against innocent Jewish civilians which has made their lives a daily hell....does not constitute \"collective punishment\". It is indeed high time to change Israel's image. 45

Enough of trying to placate, appease or explain to the world the actions deemed necessary for our survival. It seems the only Ministry lacking in the government of Israel is a\" Ministry of Explanation\"! We, the Jewish people who wandered the face of the Earth for two millennia, suffering untold persecution in Crusades, Inquisitions, Pogroms and the unspeakable HOLOCAUST...until with G-D'S help, we returned to rebuild our ancient and reborn homeland, ...OWE THE WORLD NOTHING!!! Instead of attempting to influence nations who are, at best, indifferent, and at worst hostile to our existence, Jews must once again embark upon the tried and true TORAH ROAD MAP to win favor in the eyes of the AL-MIGHTY upon whom our survival depends. In the timeless wisdom of the great Psalmist, King David, Oh L-RD In Thee I do Trust...Let Not My Enemies Triumph Over Me\" (TEHILLIM...PSALM 25) 46

Little People Big Ideas Ambition can be a double-edged sword. It is, undoubtedly, a most desirable quality when channeled toward productive ethical, and indeed, moral Jewish values. If coupled with an implacably demanding ego – the ravenous need to project oneself above all else – ambition becomes a ruthless tool for little people with big ideas. I have encountered more of my share of these non-entities in Jewish life, particularly in Jewish activism. In the beginning they hitch on to a fast-moving vehicle, ostensibly propelled by the cause. Here they sit, ‘on board’ or, on a board, each increasingly impressed with his own status, while ‘eying up’ the next rung on the ladder of ambitious ascent. If one were to tally up the number of hours and vast amount of wasted energies spent at these oft-convened meetings were merits or lack of merits of other members are bandied about in place of the critical situation to be acted upon, the results would be truly mind-boggling! At a moment in Jewish history when a dark spectre of Jew-hatred once again looms over us (this time here in the United States) such quarreling is devastating! Yet, there is something to be learned from these little people. Without possessing a degree in psychology, one can readily perceive to what lengths they are willing to go for that which may garner them a step closer to power – a little bit of recognition – the chance to receive (and deceive) kovod (honor) which they so sorely crave! Thus the charade continues. Yes, they do get involved and yes, they do have commitment – up to a point “the point of no returns” on their investment which to these tiny Lilliputians means “what’s in it for me?” Should, however, the final line between “having the name without playing the game be crossed,” then, it is all over! 47

What compels me to bring this matter out into the open, especially now when there are so many overriding issues of concern to the Jewish people? Simply because I believe (and which can be attested to by most individuals in public life,) such kleine mentschelech (little people) are more detrimental to the cause of Jewish survival than perhaps even the overt enemies so easily recognized! Certainly you the reader at some point in your own life have come across the stereotype epitomized by the following: the malcontent, the frantic frannies, the wheeler dealers, who would sell their soul and other Jewish souls for a moment in the spotlight! And, by all means, let us never forget the stereotype users who are really losers, who cannot make it on their own, who sell not their birthright but far worse, themselves, for a flickering moment of recognition. These are the insipid characters who use people to further their own name rather than the cause. Yes, these are the phonies who spend years at a ‘friend’s’ home pretending true friendship – and afterward stand by idly during the confrontation not wanting to rock the boat and get involved. Can anyone doubt that these self-same stereotype Jews would do when facing a crisis that calls for the choice of protecting or selling out other Jews? And all for what? For the price of a little bit of’ limelight.’ How foolish are these little people with big ideas! One cannot steal honor and respect from Jews or, for that matter, from anyone else. Like our daily bread, - honor and kavod must be earned! It is then given freely and lovingly by those who understand the difference between little people with big ideas and, big people with little need for false friends, false adulation, and above all – false Jewish values! 48


Shifra Hoffman visiting a small museum erected by a Holocaust survivor in his home in Philadelphia Visiting a Holocaust museum which a survivor of Hitler’s final solution set up in his home in Philadelphia. The American Nazi party contacted him and warned him that Jews should leave America before they take over and he will really have something to put in his ridiculous little Holocaust museum. 50

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