Sarah Yu NOCN B2 PRACTICE TESTS 10 Practice Tests
Contents Introduction: The NOCN B2: An Overview 4 Practice Test 1 9 Practice Test 2 25 Practice Test 3 41 Practice Test 4 57 Practice Test 5 73 Practice Test 6 89 Practice Test 7 105 Practice Test 8 121 Practice Test 9 137 Practice Test 10 153 Model compositions 169 Speaking Tests: Notes for Teachers 184 Audio script 194 nocn Level B2 3
Introduction NOCN B2 (Independent User Level): An Overview The NOCN examinations are administered twice a year by the National Open College Network, UK. The NOCN B2 consists of four sections: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. The four sections are weighed as follows: Speaking: 20% Listening: 20% Reading: 30% Writing: 30% The marks are added together and graded as follows: Distinction 80% and above Merit 65-79% Pass 51-64% Refer 50% or less In order to pass the NOCN examinations, the candidate must score an overall passing mark (51% and higher), as well as a passing mark in each section. In the writing section, both writing tasks must receive marks. Parts that do not achieve the pass mark are referred. Only the referred parts need to be taken again in case of failure, and all parts that are passed will be banked for three years. There is no limit to the number of times a candidate may re-sit any part of the examination in this period. NOCN Structure Listening Duration Parts Number of Total All items are heard 35 minutes questions Marks twice. All questions are three-option multiple 10 31 choice questions 5+5 6+5 10 Part 1: Listen and respond Candidates hear 10 statements or questions 10 and choose the best response or ending to each one. 11 Part 2: Listen for detail Candidates hear two conversations and choose the correct answer according to what they have heard. Part 3: Extract key information Candidates hear two short broadcasts and use key information to answer the questions. 4 Introduction
Reading Duration Parts Number of Total questions Marks Four texts of varying lengths 60 minutes 31 followed by three-option 10 multiple choice questions 10 5 Text 1 10 6 Questions based on comprehension of 10 the passage and on syntax, vocabulary, 5 spelling and grammar 6 Text 2 Questions based on comprehension of the passage and on syntax, vocabulary, spelling and grammar Text 3 Questions based on comprehension and vocabulary Text 4 Questions based on comprehension and vocabulary Writing Duration Description of task Length Total 100 - 150 Marks Two pieces of writing from 60 minutes A letter, email, leaflet, article, report or the three topics given. argument for a specific audience. The words 24 Task 1 - Formal candidate is expected to include at least 150 - 200 12 (Choose one of the two two content points. There are two topics, topics) of which the candidate must choose one. words 12 A letter or email to a friend inviting, Task 2 - Informal describing, persuading, expressing opinion, (One topic given – evaluating an idea or justifying an opinion. no choice) There is one topic that the candidate must answer. No choice of topics is given. Speaking Duration Parts Description Number of Total questions Marks One candidate is 10 3 8 33 examined by one minutes interlocutor. The interview is recorded. 1.5 1 Communicating personal information: 5 9 minutes Five questions about the candidate’s life, preferences, plans, relatives, hobbies, etc. 3.5 2 Communicating appropriately in social 2 12 minutes situations: Two scenarios that are suitable to the candidate’s age. The candidate must pretend that they are in the hypothetical situation and respond appropriately. The candidate should give at least four sentences in answer to each situation. 5 3 Exchanging information and opinions: 1 12 minutes Candidates are given a scenario on a prompt sheet and have two minutes to prepare for it. They may make notes. They will then hold a discussion with the interlocutor. There should be a minimum of six exchanges. nocn Level B2 5
Introduction General Comments All parts of the NOCN examination are answered in blue or black pen, NOT PENCIL. Although you may write in the test booklet, all answers must be recorded on the mark sheet. Time is allotted for this at the end of every section. Listening In the Listening Section, you will hear English spoken at a natural speed. You should be able to understand a range of formal and informal interactions, such as conversations, narratives, explanations, descriptions and instructions. There may be some idiomatic expressions as well. You will need to extract key information, identify purpose, gist and details from the extracts, as well as understand feelings and opinions of the speakers based on intonation and stress. Each question, conversation and broadcast is heard twice, allowing you to check your answers the second time. Two minutes is given to read over the questions for each section, and another two minutes is given between the parts. You are allowed to make notes in the Test Booklet and transfer answers into the Answer Booklet afterwards, although if you do so, be sure to transfer them correctly. In Part 1, make sure your answer is an appropriate response to the question or statement heard. The best answer may be very general. Do not choose an answer simply because it repeats a word or tense heard in the question. The questions and statements are generally taken from everyday speech. Some wrong options may be grammatically incorrect, and can therefore be eliminated before hearing the audio. In Part 2, you hear two conversations. Each conversation is repeated immediately after it is played the first time. Many of the questions are based on simple facts, such as the names of the speakers or a company, a price, a size, etc. The questions are presented in the order they appear in the conversation. The English is everyday language, and the conversations take place between friends and family, or in slightly more formal situations between two strangers, such as a delivery person and a customer. In Part 3, you hear two radio broadcasts. The language is more formal. Again, most of the questions are based on details or facts, but there are also questions which require general comprehension or reading between the lines, such as identifying what type of broadcast is being heard or how people were feeling. Reading In the Reading Section, there are four texts covering a wide variety of topics, written in different styles and for different purposes. Candidates should be able to identify the main ideas, understand feelings and opinions, and grasp a broad range of vocabulary. Some of the texts will be lengthy and contain complex instructions or explanations. There may be a question requiring you to identify the purpose or nature of the text, such as to inform, convince, describe, instruct, etc. There are no trick questions; many questions are based on straightforward facts. As always, when in doubt, use the process of elimination, rejecting the options that are obviously incorrect. In the first two texts, there are four to six questions which test grammar, spelling, punctuation and vocabulary. If you come across an obvious error while reading the text, circle it so as to save time when you start answering the questions. In the third and fourth texts, there are only five and six questions respectively, based only on comprehension and vocabulary. 6 Introduction
Writing In the Writing Section, there are two tasks: a formal one and an informal one. In Task 1, the formal writing, there is a choice between two topics, which may be descriptions, arguments, reports, formal letters or articles. In Task 2, which is always an informal letter or email, there is no choice of topic. Prompts are given, and it is recommended that you address all of them, and if possible, add one or two of your own. It is also important to use the appropriate register, vocabulary and punctuation. Although the informal task is required to be longer than the formal one, both tasks are weighed equally in terms of marks so it is advisable to spend 30 minutes on each one. In the formal task, select the topic you prefer quickly, so as not to waste time. Remember that emails and letters generally contain more paragraphs than formal writing, with each main point having its own paragraph. Register is very important – formal letters should not contain contractions or informal expressions. It is a good idea to have practised using a variety of set expressions that could be used in both formal and informal emails, including salutations and signing off. Make sure you leave time at the end to check for mistakes. The Marking Scheme is as follows: WRITING B2 MARK SCHEME TASK 1: 100 – 150 WORDS AND TASK 2: 150 – 200 WORDS Points range from 0 –12 Marks 3 2 1 0 Range of Learner demonstrates Learner demonstrates Learner demonstrates Illegible text and vocabulary effective use of nouns some appropriate limited use of incorrect use and with 80% accuracy use of vocabulary. appropriate of vocabulary spelling in spellings of Nouns are used well vocabulary. 1 – 2 throughout. No and spelling basic adjectives used evidence of adjectives. unfamiliar vocabulary. vocabulary is correct, correctly and spelling Conjunctions are used Appropriate use and although spelling errors of complex ineffectively. Spelling range of vocabulary errors do occur in words do not exceed is weak; around relevant to the complex structures 40%. Conjunctions are 50% misspellings in level and context but these do not used effectively and unfamiliar vocabulary. throughout. Uses exceed 30%. Despite more complex linking B2 writing is present tense forms errors, vocabulary is words are mostly unaccomplished. Final accurately and 3 – 5 correctly applied to accurate with 3 – 4 product is insufficient. adjectives correctly. content. Uses 2 – 3 errors. adjectives correctly. Accuracy Learner produces Learner uses basic No errors at B2. Learner does and text using basic grammar accurately. 40% of errors occur not produce a Grammar grammar accurately, 30% of errors occur in more complex comprehensible and 20% of errors with more complex grammatical forms, text. Several errors occur with more grammatical forms. punctuation and word in punctuation. Little complex grammatical Errors do not order. Tense forms or no understanding forms. Errors do impede general may be inaccurate but of grammatical not impede general comprehension. there are attempts at forms and tenses are comprehension. Punctuation errors a range of complex inaccurate throughout Punctuation is used occur and attempts structures, although 50% and above. accurately throughout at a range of complex some comprehension with accurate word verb forms shows is impeded. order. Attempts range evidence of errors. of verb forms. Shows understanding of phrasal verbs and conditionals at B2. nocn Level B2 7
Introduction Format Learner recognises Learner demonstrates Learner may not No demonstration of the difference awareness of the demonstrate the awareness of the between formal and difference between awareness of the difference between informal texts and formal and informal difference between formal and informal can demonstrate texts and can formal and informal texts and unable use of appropriate demonstrate use of texts but can to demonstrate salutations and style/ appropriate salutations demonstrate use appropriate genre of language. and style/genre of of appropriate salutations. No Effective use of language, though this salutations in most evidence of effective paragraphs showing may not be maintained instances; there may paragraphing to logical cohesion and throughout the text. be errors with style/ show logical cohesion organisation of ideas 30% of errors with genre of language. and organisation at all times. Fluid and format: Paragraphs 40% of errors with of ideas. No basic smooth sentences. are used showing format: Paragraphs sentence structure in, Correct punctuation. logical cohesion and do not always show or understanding of, organisation of ideas logical cohesion and formal/informal texts. most of the time and organisation of ideas sentences are fluid but are punctuated. and smooth with punctuation. Content Learner demonstrates Learner demonstrates Learner demonstrates Learner does not a thorough some understanding limited understanding produce text relevant understanding and and awareness of and awareness of the to the context awareness of the task, the task. Learner task yet understands of the task. No and content is relevant understands the the question. Unable understanding or with coherently question but response to execute an awareness of the linked ideas. Learner is limited in depth and effective answer. Two task requirements. understands the ideas are not written points are covered for Attempted answer question and at length, but showing B2. Untidy, illegible does not fully meet provides answers with some elaboration at writing. the word count elaborated ideas. B2. Untidy, illegible required and is Writing is tidy and writing. incomplete. Untidy legible. and illegible writing. Speaking In the Speaking Section, there are three main parts. The first part consists of five personal questions, two of which ask for three points. Each point is given a mark, so be sure to provide three points for these questions. Parts 2 and 3 are given a maximum of three marks for each of the following categories: register, accuracy, pronunciation and effective communication. In Parts 2 and 3, the candidate is given a prompt sheet with the questions written on them. Read the question over carefully. In Part 3, it is a good idea to take some notes to help you think of what you want to say. To do well in the Speaking Section, you are expected to speak smoothly and spontaneously. Avoid long pauses, use a wide range of appropriate vocabulary, aim for grammatical accuracy and interact with the interlocutor. Always explain or expand what you say. The interlocutor will ask you ‘why’, but it is better if you explain your answer without being asked. Ask for rephrasing or explanations of any words or expressions you do not understand; the interlocutor is obliged to assist you in understanding the tasks, and even give you examples if you still do not understand. In Part 3, pretend that the scenario is real and try to make your answer as imaginative as possible. The interlocutor will respond to your points, so the exercise must be like a natural dialogue with at least six exchanges. Make sure you maintain eye contact and elaborate your answers. 8 Introduction
Model Compositions nocn TEST 1 Level B2 Option 1 Formal Writing Task 1 Option 2 Formal Writing Task 1 (100 – 150 words) (100 – 150 words) Write an article for a local magazine about the You see an announcement about a job at need for a park in the area where you live. a pet shop and decide to write a letter applying for the position. You could write about: • Why parks are important You could write about: • W hat the park would be like – playground, • Why you would like this job • What experience you have with animals football field, etc. • Days and hours you could work • Who the park would be for The Manager As teenagers, we are constantly being told to Pet Corner go outside and get some fresh air. The problem 80 Station Road is there are not many places to do this in my London area, which is why I feel we need to build a park. 20 May 2019 Having greenery is very important in urban Dear Sir / Madam, areas. Trees provide oxygen and make cities more beautiful. But parks in particular are My name is Sophie Smith and I am writing to essential because they are a place for people to apply for a job at your pet shop. I am sixteen meet, for children to play and they bring nature years old and in the last year of high school. into our everyday lives. To begin with, I have a great deal of experience That’s why a park with a large playground for with animals, as my family has always had young children and a football field would be a variety of pets. At present, we have two amazing. There should also be a bicycle path cats and a dog, but in the past, we have had and tennis and basketball courts. That way, tortoises, birds and a rabbit. In general, I have everyone could do something they enjoy. always been the one who takes care of them since my parents are very busy. Let’s petition the local council and talk to our politicians. Our community needs a beautiful I would love to do this job because in the park with activities for people of all ages. future, I want to be a veterinarian or work in a profession that deals with animals. I am available in the afternoons after school and all day Saturday. Ideally, I would like to work two or three days a week. Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to your reply. Yours faithfully, Sophie Smith, nocn Level B2 169
Speaking Tests: Notes for Teachers TEST 1 Level B2 Interlocutor: This is Part 2 of the Speaking Examination. My name is……………… and this is the NOCN (Approximately 3.5 minutes) Speaking Examination at Independent User For each of the two situations, give the learner Level B2. Today is …………….. (date). the relevant prompt sheet. It is expected that the learner give a minimum of four sentences ‘This is the NOCN ESOL International Spoken to respond to each situation, including at least examination, (level), (date) for (learner’s name)’. one complex sentence. The interlocutor may ask Please state your name for the recording supplementary questions to gain a sufficiently ………………. (learner name). detailed response. If the vocabulary used is not understood by the learner, the interlocutor may This is Part 1 of the Speaking Examination. explain the concept. (Approximately 1.5 minutes) Situation 1: Your best friend is going to spend In Part 1, the interlocutor may ask additional the weekend with you. Tell your friend what you questions to probe or clarify (e.g. to extend the want to do together and where you will go. What learner’s answer if they have just given very short would you say? answers), or to check that they have understood The learner may be prompted about things they what the learner has said. The questions may be could do at home, places they could go together rephrased slightly to ensure that, in questions nearby, and where they will sleep in their home. where there are two parts, the learner responds fully. Situation 2: You were going to the post office The interlocutor may also give an example if it and took a wrong turn. You stop an adult and ask is clear that the learner is struggling to think of for directions. What would you say? ideas. Interlocutors should be aiming to guide The learner may be prompted by being asked the learner towards language structures expected to explain the problem and for directions to the at this level. post office. Additional questions are provided for the teacher Thank the learner. in this book to prompt fuller responses. This is Part 3 of the Speaking Examination. I am now going to ask you some questions: (Approximately 5 minutes) The interlocutor gives the learner one scenario 1. C an you describe the area you live in? (Do you on a prompt sheet. like it? What things are there to do there?) Interlocutor: You will now take part in a conversation. You will have two minutes to 2. N ame three wild animals you like and say why. prepare the conversation. You may make (Are these animals in danger? have you ever notes. seen any of these animals up close?) Scenario: You and your friend are going to a party, and he / she has chosen to wear a strange 3. W hat do you like to do when you feel stressed? outfit. Say what you don’t like about the outfit Why? (Do you prefer to be indoors or out? Do and suggest he / she wear something else. you want company or to be alone?) You will have two minutes to prepare for the conversation. You may make notes. I will play the 4. T ell me about your three favourite subjects part of your friend. at school. (Are you good at them? Are the What don’t you like about the outfit? teachers of these subjects your favourite Why don’t you think it is appropriate for the teachers as well?) party? What would be better for me to wear? 5. W hat would you change about your daily Thank the learner. schedule if you could? (The time you wake up / go to school? The amount of homework you have? A hobby or sport you’d like?) Thank the learner. 184 Speaking Tests
Audio script Instructions are written in underlined italics You will then have two minutes to check your and should not be recorded. answers. Play the conversation TEST 1 Interviewer: T oday I have a very interesting This is the NOCN ESOL International person with me in the studio. Janet Independent User Level B2 Listening examination. Saunders is the youngest swimmer to Please check that your name and other details are have won a gold medal (1) in the City on your mark sheet. Swim Competition. She is only twelve The invigilator will have explained how to fill in years old! Welcome Janet. the mark sheet. Janet: Hello, and thank you for inviting me. Do not write on your examination paper. Interviewer: S o tell us about your life, Janet. I’m Put your answers on the mark sheet. guessing that you train very hard. The Listening examination will now begin. Janet: Yes, I do, but I love it. I wake up at Part 1 five a.m. for my morning training, You will hear ten sentences. which lasts for fifty minutes. (2) It’s Read the replies on your examination paper. my favourite time of day. Everything You have two minutes to read the replies on your is peaceful! examination paper. Interviewer: I used to be on my track and field Pause for two minutes team when I was eleven years old, Listen to the sentences. You will hear the and I also loved training in the sentences in full twice. Choose the best reply for morning. But I got up at six. (3) And the situation. You will then have two minutes to I thought that was early! So, do you check your answers. train in the afternoons as well? Play the sentences Janet: Rain or shine! I even train on New 1. Would you like to join me for lunch? Year’s Day. 2. Are your kids going to summer camp? Interviewer: E ven if you’re ill? 3. You seem anxious. Is something wrong? Janet: Oh, luckily, I never get sick. Well, 4. Is he going to bed? almost never. (4) There was one time 5. That joke wasn’t very funny, was it? when I came down with flu. But it 6. That new comedy is on at the cinema. only lasted for two days. 7. Do you have this shirt in a larger size? Interviewer: T hat’s very impressive. You’ve only 8. My laptop is not working properly. been ill once? It must be all that 9. Did you hear that the price of petrol is going up? swimming. 10. This milk tastes funny. Janet: Yes, they say that swimming in cold Pause for five seconds after the first reading temperatures strengthens your Now listen to the sentences again. immune system. Or maybe I’m just Play the sentences again lucky. Now check your answers. You have two minutes Interviewer: I doubt luck has anything to do with to check your answers. it. You must be in fantastic shape. Pause for two minutes after the second Janet: I only have ten percent body fat. If it reading goes any higher, my coach yells at me. Part 2 – Conversations Interviewer: S o I guess no junk food for you. You will hear two conversations. Read the Janet: I can’t stand junk food. It makes me questions and answers on your examination feel awful if I ever eat it. But I do miss paper for both conversations. You have two having sweets sometimes. I’m allowed minutes to read them. to have dark chocolate but not cakes Pause for two minutes or puddings, which I love! (5) Listen to Conversation 1. You will hear the Interviewer: I don’t know if I could be so conversation twice. Answer the questions. disciplined! Thank you so much Janet for being on our show! Pause for five seconds after the first reading. Now listen to the conversation again. Play the conversation again. Now check your answers. You have two minutes to check your answers. 194 Audio script
GLOSSARY LISTENING proper (adj) σωστός Practice Test 1 parenting (n) ανατροφή Instructions to learners technique (n) τεχνική check (v) ελέγχω properly (adv) σωστά complete (v) συμπληρώνω carry out (phr v) διεξάγω mark sheet (n) φύλλο απαντήσεων psychologist (n) ψυχολόγος record (v) καταγράφω medical doctor (n) γιατρός mark (n) βαθμός experienced (adj) έμπειρος available (adj) διαθέσιμος cling (v) είμαι προσκολλημένος finish (v) τελειώνω misbehave (v) συμπεριφέρομαι άσχημα examination (n) εξέταση percentage (n) ποσοστό purpose (n) σκοπός Part 1 advise (v) συμβουλεύω scold (v) επιπλήττω, κατσαδιάζω join (v) συμμετέχω advertise (v) διαφημίζω holiday (n) διακοπές probably (adv) πιθανώς, μάλλον Broadcast 2 poorly (adv) άσχημα, κακά tour (n) ξενάγηση receive (v) λαμβάνω set (n) σκηνικό award (n) βραβείο actor (n) ηθοποιός joke (n) ανέκδοτο exhibit (n) έκθεμα funny (adj) αστείος opportunity (n) ευκαιρία check (v) ελέγχω serve (v) σερβίρω prefer (v) προτιμώ Y fix (v) επιδιορθώνω grateful (adj) ευγνώμων READING surprised (adj) έκπληκτος humorous (adj) αστείος, με χιούμορ Instructions to learners understand (v) καταλαβαίνω check (v) ελέγχω go off (phr v) χαλάω correct (adj) σωστός complete (v) συμπληρώνω Part 2 information (n) πληροφορίες dictionary (n) λεξικό Conversation 1 answer (v) απαντώ gold (adj) χρυσός record (v) καταγράφω medal (n) μετάλλιο silver (adj) ασημένιος Text 1 cash (n) μετρητά, χρήματα prize (n) βραβείο believe (v) πιστεύω training (n) εκπαίδευση fast-paced (adj) με γρήγορους ρυθμούς hardly ever (adv) σχεδόν ποτέ still (adv) ακόμα miss (v) μου λείπει popular (adj) δημοφιλής junk food (n) πρόχειρο / έτοιμο φαγητό interesting (adj) ενδιαφέρων staff (n) προσωπικό, εργαζόμενοι Conversation 2 member (n) μέλος suitcase (n) βαλίτσα since (prep) από τότε που lose (v) χάνω fascinating (adj) συναρπαστικός address (n) διεύθυνση cuisine (n) κουζίνα, φαγητό mention (v) αναφέρω delightful (adj) απολαυστικός mix (n) μείγμα, μίξη Part 3 establish (v) εγκαθιδρύω heritage (n) κληρονομιά (πολιτιστική) Broadcast 1 born and raised (expr) γέννημα - θρέμμα broadcast (n) μετάδοση, εκπομπή flee (v) το σκάω, δραπετεύω dependent (adj) εξαρτώμενος revolution (n) επανάσταση learning difficulty (n) μαθησιακή δυσκολία arrive (v) φθάνω stand for (phr v) σημαίνω know-how (n) τεχνογνωσία parental (adj) γονικός cook (v) μαγειρεύω PRACTICE TEST 1 u 5
NOCN Also available: B2 Activate your Grammar & PRACTICE TESTS Vocabulary B2 Hamilton House NOCN B2 Practice Tests has been speciÿ cally written to re° ect the latest tests for the NOCN Independent User Level (B2) examination. The tests have been designed to familiarise students with the format and style of the examination as well as to ensure that students are thoroughly prepared for the examination. Key features: ● 10 complete practice tests for the NOCN B2 examination ● an overview of the examination ● detailed information about each section of the examination as well as helpful tips to assist the student to achieve the highest possible score ● model essays for all the writing tasks found in the Writing section of each exam ● The Teacher’s Book contains the overprinted key and justiÿ cation to the reading tasks as well as a complete Listening audio script with underlined answers. NOCN B2 Practice Tests consists of: NOCN B2 Practice Tests Student’s Book NOCN B2 Practice TestsTeacher’s Book NOCN B2 Practice Tests Glossary NOCN B2 Practice Tests Audio CDs NOCN B2 Practice Tests Interactive Whiteboard Software
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