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Home Explore Activate your Writing for B2 with answer key

Activate your Writing for B2 with answer key

Published by Hamilton House Publishers, 2023-06-13 13:18:52

Description: Activate your Writing for B2 with answer key


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B2 Assessing writing performance Content: ✓ This focuses on how well the candidate has managed to fulfil the task, ie whether they have done what is asked of them. Communicative Achievement: ✓ This focuses on how appropriate the writing is for the task and whether the suitable register has been implemented. ✓ The student uses the conventions of the communicative task to hold the target reader’s attention and communicate straightforward ideas. Organisation ✓ This focuses on the way the candidate composes the piece of writing, ie whether it is in a logical order. ✓ Text is generally well-organised and coherent, using a variety of linking words and cohesive devices. Language ✓ This focuses on the lexis and grammar used, including range and accuracy ✓ T he student uses a range of everyday vocabulary appropriately, with occasional inappropriate use of less common lexis. A range of simple and some complex grammatical forms are used with a good degree of control. Errors do not impede communication. STUDENT SELF-ASSESSMENT No CONTENT Is the content relevant to the task Yes COMMUNICATIVE ACHIEVEMENT No Does the writer use the conventions of the task to hold the reader’s attention? Yes Does the writer communicate straightforward and complex ideas? Yes No ORGANISATION No Is the text generally well-organised and coherent? Yes 102

Does the writer use a variety of linking words No and cohesive devices? Yes LANGUAGE No Does the writer use a range of everyday vocabulary appropriately? Yes Does the writer use a range of simple and No complex grammatical forms with a good degree of control? Yes How far do errors impede communication? Impeding errors Non-impeding errors ‘CAN DO’ STATEMENT AT B2 LEVEL ✓ C an understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation. ✓ C an interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. ✓ C an produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options. 103

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