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Yeti and Friends Junior B Pupils Book Sample

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Pupil’s Book Jennifer Heath and Friends FREE SAMPLE not for sale Junior B

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Pupil’s Book and Friends Primary 2

Contents Vocabulary Grammar Page 4 Lesson family to be – present simple affirmative and negative 8 Hello! adjectives to be – present simple interrogative 1 Grandpa George clothes have/has, What’s this/that? 10 2 Is Yeti young? What are these/those? 12 3 The snowman possessions possessive adjectives, Whose …? possessive ’s weather adjectives 14 4 Favourite things CLIL: Geography 16 5 Weather Lessons 1-5 present continuous – affirmative and negative 18 Review 1 STEM: Science present continuous - interrogative 20 Writing 1 verbs imperative, Let’s 22 Story 1 can, can’t, Can …? 24 6 We’re laughing! races object pronouns costumes 26 7 Go-karts free time (1) there is/are, there isn’t/aren’t 28 8 Let’s dress up! instruments some, any, lots of 30 9 I can sail. CLIL: Music must/mustn’t 32 10 Music Lessons 6-10 present simple – affirmative adverbs of frequency 34 Review 2 STEM: Technology present simple – negative 36 Writing 2 places in town present simple – interrogative 38 Story 2 40 11 Yeti’s town verbs routines (1) 42 12 You mustn’t shout! 44 13 Tina’s day routines (2) 46 14 We don’t have any time sandwiches. CLIL: Maths 48 Lessons 11-15 15 Kids' TV! 50 STEM: Maths 52 Review 3 54 Writing 3 Story 3 2

Lesson Vocabulary Grammar Page 16 Chef school food (1) countable and uncountable nouns 56 regular plurals -es, -ies 17 Yeti goes to a party. food (2) Is there? Are there? 58 How much? How many? 18 The animal race animals (1) comparatives 60 19 The smallest animal animals (2) superlatives 62 20 Alice’s homework face and body irregular plurals 64 CLIL: Art Review 4 Lessons 16-20 to be – past simple affirmative 66 Writing 4 to be – past simple negative 68 Story 4 STEM: Science to be – past simple interrogative 70 21 Hide and seek numbers 20-100 there was/wasn’t 72 22 The quiz ordinal numbers there were/weren’t 74 23 The rollercoaster months past simple – affirmative and negative 76 24 Yeti’s holidays seasons, nature regular verbs 78 25 Dinosaurs nature past simple – affirmative and negative 80 CLIL: Maths irregular verbs Review 5 Lessons 21-25 past simple - interrogative 82 Writing 5 regular and irregular verbs 84 Story 5 STEM: Science be going to – affirmative and negative 86 26 A day at the beach verbs 88 be going to – interrogative 27 Tony’s photos free time (2) future simple – affirmative, negative 90 and interrogative 28 I’m going to fly transport 92 a helicopter! jobs (1) 94 29 What are you going to be? jobs (2) 96 30 When I grow up CLIL: English Lessons 26-30 98 Review 6 100 Writing 6 STEM: Engineering 102 Story 6 104 Irregular verbs list 105 Masks and finger puppets 3

Hello! Hi! I’m Tony! Hello! I’m Lucky. Welcome back! This is my friend. 1 Listen and read. Hello! I’m Tina. This is my brother. 4

2 Listen and say. Hi! I’m Yeti. This is our Hi! I’m Lucas. Hello! scrapbook! Let’s have fun! This is my I’m Darla. friend. 3 Listen, write and sing. ABC D E F G abc de f g H I J K LM N h i j k lmn OPQR S TU opqr s tu VWX Y Z vwx y z 5

Hello! 4 Write. 5 Circle. 6 Match. 1 o n_ e_ 1 eleven / fifteen 1 white red blue 2 t w_ o_ 2 twelve / twenty a b c 3 t _h _r e_ e_ 3 eleven / thirteen 2 green yellow purple sixteen / fourteen 4 f o_ u_ r_ 4 fifteen / nineteen sixteen / seventeen 5 f _i _v e_ 5 a b c 6 s _i _x 6 3 black orange pink 7 s _e v_ e_ n_ 7 twelve / seventeen a b c 8 e _i g_ h_ t_ 8 thirteen / eighteen 4 brown grey 9 n _i _n _e 9 nineteen / fourteen 10 t _e _n 10 twenty / sixteen a b 7 Listen and write. Friday 1 Monday 2 Tuesday Monday Saturday 3 Wednesday 4 Thursday Thursday Sunday 5 Friday 6 Saturday 7 Sunday Tuesday Wednesday 6

8 Look and write. eraser pen pencils rulers table teacher whiteboard This is a classroom. There’s a big (1) whiteboard and th ere’s a brow n (2 ) table . Professor Finn is the (3) teacher . What’s on the table? There’ s a bl ue (4) pen . There’s an (5) eraser . There are two yellow (6) pencils a nd two blue (7) rulers . 9 Write. 1 football badminton 2 baseball 1 2 3 baseball 3 basketball basketball 4 badminton football hockey 5 hockey 4 5 6 tennis 6 tennis 10 Listen and sing. 7 What’s your name? I’m Tina. What’s your name? I’m Tony. What’s your name? I’m Lucky. What’s your name? I’m Yeti. Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello!

Lesson 2 Yeti is their friend. Tina! Tony! I’m here! 1 Grandpa George uncle 1 Listen and read. 1 Tony and Tina are brother and sister. It’s our scrapbook. Where’s Yeti? He isn’t here. aunt 3 Look! Dad, Mum and Uncle Jim. Jim is Mum’s brother. 4 Hello, Yeti! twins Aunt Julia and the twins, Leo and Henry. They’re six. Yeti! How are you? They aren’t six. They’re five. And Grandma and Grandpa. Grandma’s name is Mary. Grandpa’s name is … ... George! grandpa I’m fine, thanks, Grandpa George! grandma 5 He isn’t your grandpa, 6 And this is my scrapbook! Yeti. He’s our grandpa! I’m not Yeti’s grandpa. I’m his friend! 8 Wow! What?

2 Match. to be – present simple affirmative Let’s remember! 1 brother and sister and negative brother sister friend 2 Grandma and Grandpa dad mum 3 twins a Mary and George b Tony and Tina 4 uncle and aunt c Jim and Julia d Leo and Henry 3 Circle. 12 3 4 mum / dad brothers / twins aunt / uncle grandma / grandpa Look and learn 4 Write. They’re sisters. She’s my aunt. I’m 1 they / sisters I’m Leo. you’re/we’re/they’re 2 she / my aunt We’re friends. he’s/she’s/it’s 3 I / Leo You’re Yeti. I’m = I am 4 we / friends He’s my uncle. you’re = you are 5 you / Yeti he’s = he is 6 he / my uncle Look and learn 5 Write ’m not, isn’t or aren’t. I’m not 1 We aren't brothers. you/we/they aren’t 2 Bob isn’t my uncle. he/she/it isn’t 3 I ’m not Henry. aren’t = are not 4 You aren’t Lucky. isn’t = is not 5 It isn’t a cat. 6 They aren’t twins. 9

Lesson Yes, I am. I’m not old in this photo. 2 Is Yeti young? 2 Are you in this I’m young. photo, Grandpa? 1 Listen and read. 1 Is it your scrapbook, Yes, it is. Look! Grandpa? That’s my name. George. photo old 3 Look at Yeti in this Is Yeti young? You’re handsome, too! young 4 Are you young, No, I’m not. Yeti? Are you old? I’m magic! Are you magic? photo! He’s strong! No, he isn’t. What? handsome Is he old? No, he isn’t. No, we aren't. strong 5 Yeti is magic. My scrapbook is 6 Are you happy? Yes, we are! magic. Now it’s your scrapbook. Thanks, Grandpa! Let’s go! 10 See you later!

2 Circle. to be – present simple interrogative 1 Grandpa’s name is George. Yes / No Let’s remember! 2 He’s old in the photo. Yes / No happy magic 3 Yeti is strong. Yes / No 4 Tony and Tina are magic. Yes / No 5 The scrapbook is magic. Yes / No 3 Circle. 1 He’s handsome / old. 12 3 2 She’s young / old. 3 They’re old / young. 4 I’m strong / magic. 45 5 It’s a photo / scrapbook. Look and learn 4 Write. Am I ...? Yes, you are. 1 Is it magic? No, you aren’t. Yes, it is . Are you ...? Yes, I am/we are. 2 Are you happy? No, I’m not/we aren’t. Yes, I am . Is he/she/it ...? Yes, he/she/it is. 3 Is he strong? No, he/she/it isn’t. No, he isn’t . Are we ...? Yes, you are. 4 Are they handsome? No, you aren’t. Yes, they are . Are they ...? Yes, they are. 5 Are you old? No, they aren’t. No, we aren’t . 6 Are you young? 5 No, I ’m not . See you later! 11

Lesson It’s a hat. It’s for Tony. 3 The snowman 2 What’s this? These gloves are 1 Listen and read. for Tony, too. 1 Hello, Lucky! Brr! It’s cold. Brr! I’m cold! cold clothes Hello! I have some clothes for you in this box. I have a green jacket, green jacket gloves and a green hat! 3 Thanks, Lucky. Let’s make 4 I’m not cold now. a snowman! The snowman has two eyes and a nose. What are those, Tony? They’re arms. hat gloves 5 This is his hat! What a cool snowman! 6 What’s that, Lucky? It’s a scarf. snowman Hello! I’m Sam the snowman. Hello, Sam. scarf Wow! 12

Let’s remember! have/has box eyes nose arms What’s this/that? What are these/those? 2 Circle. 3 Find and stick. Pupils stick the correct stickers. 1 It is / isn’t cold. 2 Tina’s jacket is blue / green. 1 2 3 4 3 Tony has blue / green gloves. 4 The snowman has one clothes gloves jacket cold nose / arm. 5 The snowman’s name is 567 Wow / Sam. Look and learn hat snowman scarf I/you/we/they have 4 Write have or has. he/she/it has Tina has a green hat. 1 I have blue eyes. The boys have blue gloves. 2 He has a yellow scarf. 3 We have purple gloves. Look and learn 4 They have a brown box. 5 Anna has a white hat. What’s this? 6 The cats have pink noses. What’s that? It’s a snowman. 5 Write. Then ask and answer. What are these? What are those? 1 What’s this ? They’re clothes. 1 2 2 What are these ? They’re gloves. ’s that ? 3 What 4 IWt’s 3 4 They’re clothes. those ? Number 1. 13 What’s this? It’s a scarf.

Lesson things 2 This is my watch. It’s ... ... your favourite 4 Favourite thing! It’s cool! 1 Listen and read. 1 Our favourite things are here. This is Lucky’s clock. clock Thanks. watch It’s my favourite thing. It’s big. Yes, they are. jigsaw That board game is 3 Whose jigsaw It’s Professor Finn’s 4 Are they their favourite thing. is this? jigsaw. It’s his rabbits? favourite thing. board game scooter 5 What are your favourite things? 6 Thanks! roller You’re welcome! skates 14 My scooter. My roller skates.

Let’s remember! possessive adjectives Whose ...? possessive ’s 2 Match. big cool rabbit 3 Write. 1 Lucky has a a scooter. board game clock jigsaw 2 Yeti has b a clock. roller skates scooter watch 3 Professor Finn has c a jigsaw. 1 2 3 4 The rabbits have d roller skates. 5 Tony has e a watch. 6 Tina has f a board game. 56 4 Look and learn 4 Circle. 1 scooter 4 board game 2 clock 5 watch I ➟ my 3 roller skates 6 jigsaw you ➟ your he ➟ his 1 He has a watch. It’s his / her favourite thing. she ➟ her it ➟ its 2 W e have a board game. It’s your / our favourite thing. we ➟ our you ➟ your 3 She has a scooter. It’s their / her favourite thing. they ➟ their This is my scooter. 4 They have a clock. It’s our / their favourite thing. Whose book is this? It’s Fred’s book. 5 You have roller skates.They’re your / our favourite things. 6 Ihave a jigsaw. It’s my / its favourite thing. 5 Listen, write and sing. Is Whose cool watch is this? 6 it Tony’s watch? Thanks! You’re welcome! Oh no, Yiteitsin’s’t. It’s cool watch! Whose big clock is this? 15 Is it Tina’s clock? Oh no, it isn’t. It’s Lucky’s big clock!

Lesson Geography – What’s the weather like? 5 Weather 1 Listen and read. sun I’m Tom. I have a cool camera. cloud These are my weather photos. suTnhiasnpdhowthoitheacslothueds. This is my town. Look at the snow! snow This is a cool photo of rain. rain wind This is ma yphcootuosion’fswkiinted.. pThhoistoi.sItm’syafarvaoinubroitwe ! rainbow That’s Let’s remember! 16 2 Match. 1 cloud camera town kite 2 sun a 3 rain d 4 snow e b 5 wind 6 rainbow f c

adjectives Look and learn 3 Write. It’s cloudy. 1 it / wind It’s windy. It’s windy. 2 it / sun It’s sunny. It’s sunny. 3 it / rain It’s raining. It’s raining. 4 it / cloud It’s cloudy. It’s snowing. 5 it / snow It’s snowing. 4 Ask and answer. Number 1. 1 23 What’s the 5 weather like? 2 It’s sunny. It’s snowing. 3 It’s windy. 6 Make it! 4 It’s raining. 5 It’s cloudy. 4 5 Wear the right clothes! 17

Review 1 -Lessons 1 5 1 Write. 1 wind 2 jigsaw 3 rainbow 4 cloud clock 5 clock 6 sun 7 gloves cloud gloves jigsaw rainbow sun wind 2 Write. 12 3 45 g _r a _n _d p a_ g r a_ n_ d m_ a u n_ c_ l e_ a u_ n _t t w_ i _n _s 3 Circle. 2 3 1 roller skates / scooter / board game 2 old / young / cold 1 3 snowman / rain / snow 4 strong / cold / handsome 4 56 5 hat / scarf / jacket 6 clothes / photo / watch 4 Write. It’s magic. You’re young. 1 it / magic He’s happy. 2 you / young We’re cool. 3 he / happy I’m strong. 4 we / cool 18 5 I / strong

5 Write ’m not, aren’t or isn’t. 9 Listen and sing. 1 She isn't old. Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! 2 I ’m not happy. It’s sunny here today! 3 They aren’t brothers. Let’s wear our roller skates! 4 He isn’t handsome. Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! 5 You aren’t magic. Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! It’s snowing here today. 6 Write. Let’s make a big snowman. Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! 1 Are you eight? Yes, I am . Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! 2 Is he your brother? No, he isn’t . It’s windy here today! 3 Are you young? Yes, we are . Let’s fly a rainbow kite! 4 Are they twins? No, they aren’t . Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! 5 Are you old? No, I ’m not . 19 7 Circle. 1 What’s that / those? It’s a hat. 2 What are these? It’s / They’re gloves. 3 I have / has blue eyes. 4 Tina have / has red hair. 5 They have / has pink noses! 8 Circle. 1 He’s my brother. His / Her name is Jim. 2 I’m ten and our / my sister is six. 3 W hose / How scrapbook is this? 4 Look! It’s cloud / cloudy! 5 The sun / sunny is yellow.

Writing 1 1 Read. My family I’m Tilly. I’m nine years old.This is my family. My dad is handsome. His name is Bob. My mum is beautiful! Her name is Kelly. I have a sister. She’s six. Her name is Natalie. My grandpa’s name is John. He’s old. He has a cat. Its name is Kitty. It has blue eyes. I have an aunt and an uncle.Their names are Mila and Ben. They’re young and they’re cool! 20

2 Circle. My name is Ryan. I’m / He’s nine years old. My mum is handsome / beautiful. His / Her name is Arya. I have / has a brother. He’s twelve years old. His / Her name is Samar. I have a grandma. He’s / She’s old. She have / has a rabbit. Its name is Bunny. 3 Write about your family. My family 21

Story 1 Edinburgh castle The rainbow at 1 Listen and read. 1 Mum, Dad, Sanjay and Ella are in Edinburgh, 2 Scotland. There’s an old castle in Edinburgh. That’s a good photo, Sanjay. Thanks, Dad. Smile! Let’s go in the castle! Look, Mum. It’s sunny, Yes. but there’s a cloud. 3 4 These things are old! They’re cool! It’s raining! It’s cold I have my jacket! but I have my jacket! I’m not cold. We have umbrellas, 22 too! We aren’t wet!

5 Wow! A rainbow! It’s beautiful! Science In class a d 1 Match. 6 It isn’t raining now. Mum and Dad like the photos. 1 c2 3 b4 a two grey clouds b a cloud and rain c a cloud and the sun d a cloud and snow 2 Watch. At home 3 Make. What great photos! Well done, children! Thanks! 23

Irregular verbs list buy bought make made catch caught put on put on do did read read draw drew ride rode drink drank run ran drive drove see saw eat ate sing sang find found sit sat fly flew sleep slept get got swim swam give gave take took go went throw threw have had wake up woke up hear heard wear wore hit hit win won know knew write wrote 104

Finger puppets 105

Finger puppets 107

Masks Cut out the Yeti mask and stick it onto card. 109

Masks Cut out the Lucky mask and stick it onto card. 111

Primary 2 and Friends Pupil’s Book Yeti and Friends! is a super new three-level course for young learners.The adventures of Yeti, Lucky,Tina and Tony with their magic scrapbook will entertain pupils and make learning English lots of fun! Yeti and Friends! stories, activities and songs provide a carefully-graded syllabus with step-by-step development of vocabulary and language skills.The user-friendly lesson organisation gives pupils ample practice and revision. Yeti and Friends! features: ● clearly-structured, easy-to-follow lessons organised to fit the school year. ● essential vocabulary and key grammar structures required at primary level, clearly presented, practised and revised. ● a range of fun and achievable activities developing listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. ● stickers and songs to maintain a high level of motivation. ● regular revision lessons. ● guided writing lessons ● fun and achievable crafts with video demonstrations. ● extra stories to encourage interest in places around the world. ● level-appropriate CLIL, STEM and Values activities. Yeti and Friends! for the Pupil Yeti and Friends! for the Teacher • P upil’s Book with Picture Dictionary and stickers • T eacher’s Book with embedded • A lphabet & Starter Book Pupil’s Book and Photocopiable Tests • Activity Book • L anguage Booster • Class Audio • F lashcard Pack (companion and grammar combined) • IWB Software • e-book • T eacher’s editions of Pupil’s Book, • Test Book • C elebrations booklet Activity Book, Alphabet & Starter Book and Language Booster Extra components • Pupil’s Scrapbook • Amazing interactive classroom posters • Fun reward stickers • R eward stamps • Interactive Talking Pen

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