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American Download Starter Students Book

Published by Hamilton House Publishers, 2020-11-17 20:49:35

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STUDENT’S BOOK Pre-A1 Starter Sarah Yu

CONTENTS UNIT Grammar Vocabulary Reading/Listening/Speaking/Writing Skills 1 ∙ subject pronouns; ∙ the alphabet ∙ spelling names correctly Meeting and possessive ∙ meeting people ∙ introductions; asking for personal Greeting adjectives ∙ adjectives ∙ question words information pages 5-14 ∙ to be: simple ∙ seasons ∙ identifying numbers correctly (listening) present ∙ countries, ∙ a nswering multiple-choice questions and 2 People, ∙ articles nationalities, comprehension questions (reading) Places, and ∙ plural nouns continents ∙ writing a personal profile Things ∙ colors ∙ there is / there are ∙ counting to 100 ∙ c ompleting sentences about a webpage pages 15-24 ∙ have ∙ c ompleting a chart to show possession ∙ possessive ’s ∙ classroom objects ∙ this / that / these / ∙ family members (listening) ∙ a dverbs of frequency ∙ reading about someone’s family and those ∙ rooms of the house ∙ the imperative ∙ computer-related completing a family tree ∙ let’s ∙ talking about your family and houses words ∙ u sing conjunctions (and, but, because, and why) ∙ writing about things on your desk ∙ multiple-matching (listening) ∙ making suggestions Progress Review 1 pages 25-26 3 ∙ present continuous ∙ times of the day / ∙ re ading about American celebrations and What are you ∙ can am / pm what people are doing doing today? ∙ adjectives ∙ c elebration-related ∙ multiple-matching (reading) pages 27-36 ∙ simple present words ∙ deciding if statements are true or false ∙ object pronouns 4 ∙ question words ∙ days of the week (listening) Lifestyles ∙ word order of ∙ m onths of the year ∙ writing a blog about your day and ∙ ordinal numbers ∙ talking about birthdays Free Time questions ∙ shoes sizes ∙ good manners: saying please and thank you pages 37-46 ∙ teen- and lifestyle- ∙ multiple-matching and answering related words comprehension questions (reading) ∙ food- and menu- ∙ pronunciation of -es in third-person singular related words verbs ∙ jobs ∙ talking about your favorite pop stars and customs in your country ∙ d eciding if statements are true or false (listening) ∙talking about your partner’s free-time activities ∙ writing about your free-time activities ∙ guessing what job your partner does Progress Review 2 pages 47-48 5 ∙ simple present and ∙ telling time ∙ reading about what people usually do and Now and present continuous ∙ verb collocations what they are doing today Then ∙ a djective opposites ∙ prepositions of time ∙ talking about what you do at certain times pages 49-58 ∙ love, like, hate on weekdays ∙ would like ∙ w riting about what people usually do and ∙ c ountable and what they are doing today uncountable nouns ∙ listening to complete a chart about what ∙ some, any people like, love, or hate doing ∙ to be: simple past ∙ answering multiple-choice questions and multiple-matching (reading) ∙ listening to complete a text about the past Progress Review 3 pages 59-60 3

1 Meeting and Greeting The alphabet 1  Listen and read. There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. These are vowels: A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y. The rest of the letters are consonants. 2  Listen and write the names. 1 Hello, my name’s .” . . . 2 “What’s your last name?” “Oh, it’s . 3 Hi, I’m 4 Her name is 5 My last name is 5

Introductions 1  Listen and read. Hello! My name is Jane. Hi, I’m Bill. What’s your name? Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. It’s Smith. What’s your last name? S - M - I - T - H. 2 Practice with a partner. Hello! My name is . Hi! I’m . What’s your name? Nice to meet you. To ask people for information, we say: Nice to meet you, too. It’s . What’s your name / nationality / What’s your last name? (Spell your last name.) address / phone number? How old are you? / When’s your birthday? When we don’t understand something, we can say: Sorry, I don’t understand. We can ask: Can you repeat that / spell that, please? GRAMMAR BANK 3 Write the missing words. Subject Pronouns Possessive Adjectives 1 This is Sophie’s brother. name is Tom. I my you your 2  am a student. name he / she / it his / her / its is Jane. we our they their 3 That’s Mary. What’s last name? They are friends. Their car is red. 4 Hello! How are ? 5 Look at the girls! are happy. 6

Meet Mark 1 D iscuss the picture. What do you see? Circle the words. bicycle headphones laptop notebook sneakers sunglasses 2  Listen and read. Carmen and Lisa are high school students. They are best friends. Mark is a new student. It’s the first day of school, and they are very happy. CLMLCMiaisasaraaramrmr::kke : e:n n :: LHHYHTioseihe,ualaylL,’o,rtit’e,stshhaMligeu.srarcNeierksao’kysMt,.!!awASaPprherieckiecan.’wnsriHecieacsneii’v’!aeJmsroptkheuentdcrhssleaioosnsnntsa..i?fstemrnyotoena.chLiesra. and I are excited! 3 Make true sentences. Match 1-4 with a-d. 1 Carmen a is Mark’s teacher. 2 Mark b is Carmen’s classmate. 3 Mrs. Johnson c is a new student. 4 Lisa d is Lisa’s best friend. GRAMMAR BANK To Be: Simple Present AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE QUESTIONS SHORT ANSWERS I am (I’m) I am not (I’m not) Am I ...? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not You are (You’re) You are not (You aren’t) Are you ...? Yes, you are. / No, you aren’t. Is he ...? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t. He is (He’s) He is not (He isn’t) Is she ...? Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t. She is (She’s) She is not (She isn’t) Is it ...? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. Are we ...? Yes, we are. / No, we aren’t. It is (It’s) It is not (It isn’t) Are they ...? Yes, they are. / No they aren’t. We are (We’re) We are not (We aren’t) They are (They’re) They are not (They aren’t) 4  Circle the answers. Then listen and check. 5 Complete each sentence. Use am, is, or are. 1 Carmen and Lisa is / are best friends. 1 Carmen and Lisa in the 2 I ’m / ’re not happy with my teacher. same class. 3 Is / Are Mark and Lisa in the same class? 4 My books isn’t / aren’t heavy. 2 “ you happy?” 5 They is / are very good students. “Yes, I .” 3 Mark in Mrs. Johnson’s class. 4 “ Mrs. Johnson a bad teacher?” “No, she .” 5 “ Carmen and Lisa excited?” “Yes, they .” UNIT 1 7

In the Park 2 Circle the correct answer. 1  Listen and read. 1 W here are Carmen, Lisa, and Mark? It’s later in the day. Carmen, Lisa, and Mark are in the park. a in Canada CMLaisaramr:ke: n : MITs’mohacarcftkre’so,rmw?inhtTeeorrreeosantrtieon.gyI!ot’uWs fahraoctmi’tsy?yionuCrahnoabdbay.? Is it playing b in the park MLMCLMiiasasaaararrmr:kk:k: :e : n : NRJMHHieomeeya,rylifCl!tamyaTv?ioosronrvmWre’iitetyoh.e.sroIHraaoliicerskwet’esyreiworswsueosamarntilyfcdslyahebEvifrniomurfgrtunmhilnmt!deayao!aSyvH.ctieotHeosn’os!re?w.alSashobeoC’suatvneaardmyiatoanvl.ieented! night? 2 Where is Mark from? Lisa: That’s a great idea! When is your birthday, Carmen? a Mexico b Canada Carmen: It’s July 19th. summer! Mark: Oh, in the summer. 3 What is Mark’s hobby? a listening to music b watching movies 4 Who is Jim Carrey? a Mark’s favorite actor b Lisa’s favorite actor 5 When is Mark’s birthday? a in the summer b tomorrow I love the 3 Find these words in 1. Write them in your own language. 1 interesting 2 favorite 3 funny 4 talented 5 wonderful 8

4 Complete. Write question words. 1 is your favorite actor? Question Words 2 are you from? Who for people 3 is your favorite hobby? What for things 4 is your birthday? Where for places When for time 5 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions. 4 • What are your hobbies? • Who is your favorite actor? • What is your favorite movie? • When is your birthday? • Where are you from? 6 Look at each picture. Write the season. fall spring summer winter 1 23 GRAMMAR BANK Articles Use a with singular nouns that begin with a consonant sound. a movie Use an with singular nouns that begin with a vowel sound. an actor Use the with specific nouns. the park 7 Write a, an, or the. 1 She is actress. 2 He is teacher. 3 My birthday is in winter. UNIT 1 9

Countries and Nationalities 1  Listen and read. 2 3 1 Hi! My name is Matt. I am This is Laura. She is from Hi, I’m Gloria. I am from from Canada. I’m Canadian. England. She’s English. Mexico. I’m Mexican. 4 5 6 Al is from the United States Chang and Fen are from This is Tristan. He is from of America. He’s American. China. They’re Chinese. France. He’s French. 2  Listen and write the country. Then look at the box and write the nationality. American Austrian Dutch German Greek Korean Russian Scottish Spanish Swedish 1 Johann is from Austria . He’s Austrian . 2 Zoe is from . She’s . They’re . 3 Sue-Jin is from 4 Rosa and Carlos are from . She’s . They’re . 5 Nils is from . 6 Karl is from . He’s 7 Olga and Vlad are from . He’s . 8 Emma is from . 9 Nate is from . She’s 10 Jill is from . He’s . . She’s . . . The Continents and Colors 3 W ork in pairs. Look at the map. Match the continents (1-6) to the colors (a-f). Then take turns. Make sentences like North America is green. 1 North America a blue 2 South America b green 3 Africa c orange 4 Europe d yellow 5 Asia e red 6 Australia f purple blue green orange purple red yellow 10

Counting to 100 1  Listen and repeat. Then write the missing numbers. one two four five six seven nine ten eleven thirteen fourteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty 2 Go around the class. Count by tens. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 3  Listen. Circle the numbers you hear. 30 / 13 19 / 90 17 / 70 15 / 50 80 / 18 16 /60 GRAMMAR BANK boy – boys box – boxes Plural Nouns potato – potatoes To make a singular noun plural, we usually add -s. baby – babies If the noun ends in -s, -x, -z, -ch, or -sh, add -es. If the noun ends in consonant + -o, add -es. If the noun ends in consonant+ -y, delete the -y and add -ies. Some nouns are irregular. child – children person – people man – men woman – women 4 H ow many are there? Look at each picture. Write a number and the plural of one of these nouns. car child puppy tomato woman 1 There are eight children . 1 2 There are . 3 There are . 4 There are . 5 There are . 24 3 5 UNIT 1 11

Internet Friends 1  Listen and read about a website. Write the missing numbers and words. This is It’s a website to make friends. There are 1 thousand people on our website. They are from 70 2 around the world. This is a website for people who are 13 to 3 years old. Our members have lots of hobbies, and they love games and competitions. They also love music, sports, movies, and books. is free, and it’s very 4 to use. It’s a great way to make new friends! 2  Listen again. Circle the answers. 1 What is a a website for friends b a sports website c a music website 2 Where are the members from? a 70 cities around the world b 70 countries around the world c 17 countries around the world 3 Who is this website for? a only adults b all children c only teenagers 12

Hi! I’m Paul, and I’m 15. I’m from Dallas, Texas, Hey! I’m Kumiko, and I’m from Tokyo, Japan. I in the USA. I love sports, and I’m on a basketball love skateboarding, and most of my friends are team. I’m a very good player. What’s my favorite skateboarders, too. My favorite place in Tokyo is team? The Dallas Rockets! Planet Park. It’s a great place for skaters! Hello! My name is Julia, and I’m from Orlando, Hi! I’m Dieter. I’m 18 years old, and I’m from Florida, in the USA. I’m sixteen years old. I love Germany. I like reading books. I’m a big fan of dancing, and I’m a student at a dance school. My the Harry Potter books. My favorite hobby is favorite pop star is Beyoncé. She’s very beautiful, bowling. It’s a lot of fun! and she’s an excellent dancer. 3  Listen and read the profiles above. Then answer the questions. 1 What is Paul’s favorite sport? 2 Who is a skateboarder? 3 Who loves reading? 4 Where is Planet Park? 5 How old is Paul? 6 Where is Tokyo? 7 Who is Beyoncé? 4 Write your own profile for Finish the sentences. Hi, my name is 1 . . I am from 2 I am 3 years old. My favorite place / singer / is 4 . My favorite hobby is 5 . UNIT 1 13

RELOAD 1 1 Choose the correct answer. 7 Madrid and Barcelona are Spanish . a city b citys c cities 1 Dan and Chris classmates. a is b are c be 8 This is not my book. This is book, Tom. a you b your c its 2 Sarah is an actress. movies are funny! a His b Her c Their 9 There are two on the table. a watches b watch c watchs 3 Mark is a basketball player. He’s on team. a a b an c the 10 “ is your best friend?” “My sister, Laura.” a What b Who c Where 4 is your favorite sport? a Who b When c What 11 “Where is the dog?” “ in the living room.” a They’re b I’m c It’s 5 Mrs. Johnson my favorite teacher. a aren’t b isn’t c are 12 Central Park is beautiful park. a a b an c the 6 Tim and Andrew aren’t here. are at the park. a They b He c You 2 Write the numbers as words. 3 27 69 12 30 54 84 23 3 Write the colors. 5 Write the missing words. 4 Write the missing nationalities. . Subject Pronouns Possessive Adjectives . I your 1 She’s from England. She’s her 2 He’s from Canada. He’s . he our 3 They’re from Mexico. They’re . 4 She’s from China. She’s . it 5 He’s from Spain. He’s 6 They’re from Russia. They’re . they 14

Pre-A1 Starter STUDENT’S BOOK American Download is an exciting new multi-level course. The Pre-A1 Starter level is suitable for students who are about to have their first contact with English or for students who need a quick refresher course before moving into American Download A1. Key features • 5 units containing carefully developed tasks designed to motivate students and to get them reading, writing, listening, and speaking from the very first lesson. • 5 Reload sections, one at the end of each unit, to reinforce the vocabulary and grammar presented • 3 Progress Reviews, one after every two units and a final one, to consolidate the vocabulary and grammar in the units A course in American Download Pre-A1 Starter, a complete package American English for pre-A1 students: based on the requirements American Download Pre-A1 Starter Student’s Book and standards of the American Download Pre-A1 Starter Workbook Common European American Download Pre-A1 Starter e-book American Download Pre-A1 Starter Teacher’s Book Framework of Reference American Download Pre-A1 Starter Class Audio CD American Download Pre-A1 Starter Interactive Whiteboard Software

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