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Ultimate B2 Companion booklet

Published by Hamilton House Publishers, 2021-09-24 11:55:12

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Lights, Camera, Action! page 5 ❖ είδος Kiyoshi Kurosawa is considered to be one of 1.1 lights, camera, action (expr) laɪts the best directors in the horror film genre. ˈkæmərə ˈækʃən ✎ film genre the traditional cue to the members of a film crew before recording a scene 1.9 access (v) ˈækses ❖ φώτα, κάμερα, πάμε (έκφραση που to be able to use or obtain sth such as a χρησιμοποιείται στο γύρισμα μιας ταινίας) service It’s lights, camera, action for actor Josh ❖ έχω πρόσβαση σε Thomas once again. He’s back in the studio If you have a mobile Internet connection, you after more than five years, but this time can access your email account using your he’s behind the camera. smartphone. ➤ access (n), accessible (adj), inaccessible (adj) ✎ Syn: to have access to Reading pages 6–7 1.10 take for granted (expr) teɪk fə ˈgrɑːntɪd  1.2 streaming (n) ˈstriːmɪŋ  to be so used to sb/sth that you do not a method of sending or receiving data, recognise their true value anymore especially video, over a computer network ❖ θεωρώ κπ/κτ δεδομένο, παίρνω κπ/κτ για ❖ ζωντανή μετάδοση μέσω διαδικτύου δεδομένο You can watch live streaming of the The wildlife documentary had a simple presidential debate at six o’clock this message. We should not take the evening. ➤ stream (v), streamer (n) ✎ live environment for granted. streaming, audio/media streaming, digital streaming 1.11 viewing (n) ˈvjuːɪŋ  the activity of watching a television 1.3 service (n) ˈsɜːvɪs  programme or film a business that offers a particular type of help, ❖ τηλεθέαση work or a particular thing that people need A private viewing was held for the cast and ❖ υπηρεσία crew before the release of the film. Although his friends all prefer Amazon Prime ➤ view (v), viewer (n) and Hulu, Pete still thinks that Netflix is the best streaming service. ➤ service (v) 1.12 feature film (n) ˈfiːʧə fɪlm  ✎ streaming service a full-length film that has a story and is acted by professional actors 1.4 effect (n) ɪˈfekt  ❖ ταινία the result of a particular influence William Beaudine directed around 300 ❖ συνέπεια, αποτέλεσμα feature films in his lifetime. The teacher announced that the topic of next Friday’s debate would be ‘Effects of 1.13 season (n) ˈsiːzn  Modern Farming’. ➤ affect (v), effective one of several series of television (adj), effectively (adv) ✎ effect on/upon programmes with the same title and the same characters 1.5 seek (v) siːk  ❖ κύκλος to look for sb or sth Karl and Sid went to Tim’s house to binge- ❖ αναζητάω watch the final season of Broadchurch. The thunderstorm forced us to seek shelter inside a cave during our trek in the forest. 1.14 make up (phr v) meɪk ʌp  ✎ seek – sought – sought to combine together to form sth ❖ αποτελώ 1.6 relaxation (n) ˌriːlækˈseɪʃən  The Japanese language class is made up of the feeling of being relaxed six boys and eight girls. ✎ be made up of ❖ χαλάρωση Tim likes to play video games for relaxation, 1.15 episode (n) ˈepɪsəʊd especially after a long day at work. one part of a story that is broadcast on ➤ relax (v), relaxed (adj) television or radio in several parts ❖ επεισόδιο (στην τηλεόραση) 1.7 tune in (phr v) tjuːn ɪn Last Sunday’s episode of The Voice had to listen to a radio programme or watch a some of the best performances of all time. television programme ❖ συντονίζομαι, παρακολουθώ 1.16 deal with (phr v) diːl wɪð  More than nineteen million viewers tuned to be about sth in to watch the last episode of Game of ❖ αφορώ, ασχολούμαι Thrones. ✎ tune in to sth Sully’s latest book deals with the problems of the ever-increasing global temperature 1.8 genre (n) ʒɑːŋr  and environmental pollution. a particular type of art, writing, music, etc., ✎ deal – dealt – dealt which has certain features that all examples of this type share 1.17 sub-plot (n) sʌb plɒt  a part of the story of a book or play that develops separately from the main story ❖ δευτερεύουσα πλοκή, παράλληλη ιστορία UNIT 1 5

Dickens’ novel Great Expectations is a huge ❖ φορητός web made up of several sub-plots that Tony bought his niece a portable telescope develop into the main storyline. ➤ plot (n) on her fifteenth birthday. ➤ portability (n) 1.18 viewer (n) ˈvjuːə  1.28 digital (adj) ˈdɪʤɪtl  sb who is watching, or who watches, showing information in the form of an television programmes electronic image ❖ τηλεθεατής ❖ ψηφιακός Terry and his friend have decided to make George is saving money to buy the latest a television programme that will appeal to digital camera that was released last younger viewers. ➤ view (v), viewing (n) month. ➤ digit (n) ✎ digital age 1.19 relate (v) rɪˈleɪt  1.29 device (n) dɪˈvaɪs  show or make a connection between two or an object or machine that has been more things invented for a particular purpose ❖ ταυτίζομαι, νιώθω, καταλαβαίνω ❖ συσκευή John could relate to the unhappy students; For their science project, Jack and his team he remembered how it felt to study so hard are building a device that can separate and still fail. ➤ relation (n), relationship (n), metal from rubbish. relative (adj), related (adj) ✎ relate to; Syn: connect 1.30 freedom (n) ˈfriːdəm  the power or right to do or say what you 1.20 deeply (adv) ˈdiːplɪ  want without anyone stopping you very; very much ❖ ελευθερία ❖ έντονα, πολύ Self-employed people have more freedom The speaker insisted that she was deeply to choose the projects they want to concerned about education and healthcare. work on. ➤ free (adj) ➤ deep (adj), depth (n), deepen (v) 1.31 back-to-back (adj) bæk tə bæk 1.21 character (n) ˈkærɪktə happening one after another, without a person represented in a film, play or story interruption ❖ φανταστικός ήρωας, χαρακτήρας ❖ συνεχόμενος, ο ένας μετά τον άλλο Meryl Streep is well-known for playing The actors were really tired after characters that other actors would performing in back-to-back shows every generally avoid. ➤ characteristic (adj), day for a week. characteristically (adv), characterise (v) 1.32 the new normal (expr) ðə njuː ˈnɔːməl  1.22 on-demand (adj) ɒn dɪˈmɑːnd a situation that used to be unusual but is done or happening whenever sb asks now what you should expect ❖ κατά παραγγελία ❖ η νέα κανονικότητα The network has a collection of on-demand With the development of technology, digital classic films that viewers can watch any classrooms have now become the new time they want. ➤ demand (n, v) normal in some countries. 1.23 operate (v) ˈɒpəreɪt  1.33 within (prep) wɪˈðɪn If a business or system operates in a during a certain period of time particular way, it works or is used in that way. ❖ εντός ❖ δραστηριοποιούμαι, λειτουργώ The local government made sure that Lois has started a design company that the construction of the new highway was operates from offices in Chicago and New finished within six months. York. ➤ operator (n), operation (n) 1.34 binge-watch (v) ˈbɪnʤ wɒʧ  1.24 globally (adv) ˈgləʊbəlli  to watch several episodes of a television all over the world series or programme, one after another ❖ παγκοσμίως, σε όλο τον κόσμο ❖ βλέπω όλα τα επεισόδια μαζεμένα, κάνω Football is one of the few sports that are μαραθώνιο popular globally. ➤ globe (n), global (adj) Kent woke up late this morning because he binge-watched the entire season of 1.25 content (n) ˈkɒntent  WandaVision last night. everything that is contained within sth ➤ binge-watching (n) ❖ περιεχόμενο After several of its employees resigned, the 1.35 absorbed (adj) əbˈsɔːbd  network has been struggling to produce so interested or involved in sth that you do good quality content. ➤ contain (v), not notice anything else container (n) ❖ απορροφημένος, προσηλωμένος The children were so absorbed in the film 1.26 wherever (adv) weərˈevə  that they failed to hear the doorbell. to or in any or every place ➤ absorb (v), absorption (n) ❖ όπου, οπουδήποτε ✎ absorbed in sth The newborn giraffe followed its mother wherever it went. 1.36 take sth to a whole new level (expr) teɪk tʊ ə həʊl njuː ˈlevl 1.27 portable (adj) ˈpɔːtəbl to make sth better or more advanced than light and small enough to be easily carried before 6

❖ οδηγώ κάτι σε εντελώς νέα επίπεδα having a strong effect By adding three new spices, the chef took ❖ ένταση, σφοδρότητα this common dish to a whole new level. The intensity of the cyclone reduced greatly before it reached the land. 1.37 identification (n) aɪˌdentɪfɪˈkeɪʃən  ➤ intense (adj), intensely (adv) a strong feeling of sympathy with sb that makes you able to share their feelings 1.46 squeeze (v) skwiːz  ❖ ταύτιση to try to make sth fit into a space that is Mandy focused her essay on her too small identification with the main female ❖ στριμώχνω character in The Return of the Native. The three boys squeezed into the back seat ➤ identify (v), identifiable (adj), of the school bus on their way home. unidentified (adj) ✎ identification with ✎ squeeze into 1.38 fair (adj) feə  1.47 amount (n) əˈmaʊnt reasonable and morally right a quantity of sth ❖ δίκαιος ❖ ποσότητα The duty of a judge is to be objective and The students were scheduled to spend fair while deciding a case. equal amounts of time in London and Paris ➤ fairness (n), fairly (adv), unfair (adj), before returning to the United States. unfairly (adv) ✎ to be fair 1.48 in order (for sb/sth) to do sth (expr) ɪn 1.39 social (adj) ˈsəʊʃəl  ˈɔːdə tə duː  relating to meeting people, forming so that sb can do sth or sth can happen relationships with them and spending time ❖ προκειμένου, για να with them In order for people to understand you, you ❖ κοινωνικός must speak clearly and slowly. It is important to maintain a healthy balance between one’s professional and 1.49 dialogue (n) ˈdaɪəlɒg  social life. ➤ socially (adv), socialise (v), conversation between the characters in a society (n) book, play or film ❖ διάλογος 1.40 similarly (adv) ˈsɪmɪləlɪ  Most of the film consists of long dialogues in a similar way between the main characters in their living ❖ παρόμοια, με παρόμοιο τρόπο room. France won two track and field events. Similarly, the top two places in swimming 1.50 visual (n) ˈvɪzjʊəl  went to French swimmers too. sth such as a drawing, photograph or part ➤ similar (adj), similarity (n) of film that helps to explain sth or have a particular effect 1.41 identify with (phr v) aɪˈdentɪfaɪ wɪð ❖ εικόνα to feel that you can understand and share What makes the documentary interesting to sb else’s feelings watch is that it has great visuals and strong ❖ ταυτίζομαι narration. ➤ visual (adj), visually (adv), The most popular characters in literature are visualise (v) ones that people can easily identify with. ➤ identification (n), identifiable (adj), 1.51 having said that (conj) ˈhəvɪŋ sed ðæt  unidentifiable (adj) used to say that sth is true in spite of what you have just said 1.42 background (n) ˈbækgraʊnd  ❖ παρ’ όλα αυτά the general situation in which sth happens Kyle is a forgetful man, but having said ❖ πλαίσιο, υπόβαθρο that, he always remembers his children’s The detective who investigated the museum birthdays. robbery received all the background information on the case before she started. 1.52 industry (n) ˈɪndəstrɪ  the people and activities involved in one 1.43 leave out (phr v) liːv aʊt  type of business to not include sb or sth ❖ βιομηχανία ❖ παραλείπω Sophie got a job in the publishing industry The teacher advised the students to not after completing her studies. leave out any of the topics discussed in ➤ industrial (adj), industrially (adv), class while preparing for their test. industrialise (v), industrialisation (n) ✎ leave – left – left; Syn: omit 1.53 version (n) ˈvɜːʃən  1.44 unfold (v) ˈʌnˈfəʊld  a form of sth that is different from other If a situation or story unfolds, it develops or forms or from the original becomes clear to other people. ❖ εκδοχή ❖ εκτυλίσσομαι The English version of the novel was written As Mr Stuart’s story unfolded, the by a well-known translator. ✎ version of sth excitement of his listeners grew. 1.54 franchise (n) ˈfrænʧaɪz 1.45 intensity (n) ɪnˈtensɪtɪ  a series of films that have similar titles and the quality of being felt very strongly or are about the same characters UNIT 1 7

❖ σειρά ταινιών Newborn animals need constant care and The Lord of the Rings is one of the most attention from their mother. popular film franchises of the past twenty ➤ constantly (adv) years. 1.64 rate (n) reɪt  1.55 full-length (adj) ˈfʊlˈleŋθ  the speed at which sth happens, or the A full-length book, film, etc. is the normal number of times it happens in a particular length, not shorter. period of time ❖ μεγάλου μήκους ❖ ρυθμός, δείκτης The award-winning director announced The evening news reported that small his next full-length documentary would be businesses were closing down at a rate of about blue whales. ✎ full-length play/book/ ten to fifteen per week. film, etc. 1.65 despite (prep) dɪsˈpaɪt  1.56 revolutionise (v) ˌrevəˈluːʃnaɪz  in spite of to completely change the way people do sth ❖ παρά or think about sth Despite the heavy rain, the children ❖ φέρνω την επανάσταση continued playing outside. Social media have revolutionised the way people interact with each other. 1.66 ultimate (adj) ˈʌltɪmɪt  ➤ revolution (n), revolutionary (adj) the best or most extreme example of its kind ❖ τέλειος, ιδανικός 1.57 wave (n) weɪv  Volleyball is the ultimate team sport. Players a sudden increase in a particular activity or aren’t allowed to touch the ball twice in feeling succession and have to pass the ball to ❖ κύμα (μεταφορικά) another payer after one contact. A wave of excitement and joy swept through ➤ ultimately (adv) the audience as the actors appeared on stage. ✎ wave of sth 1.67 comparison (n) kəmˈpærɪsn  the process of considering how things 1.58 creativity (n) kriːeɪˈtɪvɪtɪ  or people are similar and how they are the ability to produce or use original and different unusual ideas ❖ σύγκριση, αντιπαραβολή ❖ δημιουργικότητα Stella is now looking for a dress that is The company is looking for candidates who cheaper in comparison to the one she saw can use their creativity to help produce good yesterday. ➤ compare (v), comparative quality content. ➤ create (v), creative (adj), (adj), comparatively (adv) creation (n), creator (n) ✎ make/draw a comparison, comparison between/of 1.59 unlimited (adj) ʌnˈlɪmɪtɪd  not limited; having the greatest possible 1.68 structure (v) ˈstrʌkʧə amount, number or level to arrange or organise sth into a system or ❖ απεριόριστος pattern Not all students have unlimited potential; ❖ συγκροτώ, οργανώνω others achieve results through hard work. The teacher structured the lessons well. ➤ limit (n, v) ✎ Opp: limited It helped the students to understand the concepts better. ➤ structure (n), restructure 1.60 grow (v) grəʊ  (v), structural (adj), structurally (adv) to increase in amount, size, number or strength 1.69 express (v) ɪksˈpres  ❖ αυξάνομαι to show a feeling, opinion or fact The number of social media users has grown ❖ εκφράζω, εκφράζομαι drastically over the last few years. Kate wrote a letter to her friend expressing ➤ growth (n) ✎ Opp: shrink her gratitude for being able to stay with her when she visited London last year. 1.61 continually (adv) kənˈtɪnjʊəlli ➤ expression (n), expressive (adj) all the time without stopping ❖ συνέχεια, συνεχώς 1.70 concern (n) kənˈsɜːn  New electronic gadgets are continually a feeling of worry being developed by companies all around ❖ λόγος ανησυχίας the world. ➤ continue (v), continual (adj), Sid’s main concern was that they would continuity (n), continuation (n) not be able to finish the project on time if they took too many breaks. ➤ concern (v), 1.62 release (v) rɪˈliːs  concerned (adj) ✎ concern about to make a film, recording or other product available to the public 1.71 prevent (v) prɪˈvent  ❖ κυκλοφορώ to stop sb from doing sth or to stop sth from A film based on the book Little Women will happening be released next year. ➤ release (n) ❖ αποτρέπω, εμποδίζω Stretching before exercising is 1.63 constant (adj) ˈkɒnstənt  recommended in order to prevent injuries. happening all the time or repeatedly ➤ prevention (n) ✎ prevent from ❖ συνεχής, αδιάκοπος 8

1.72 socialise (v) ˈsəʊʃəlaɪz  subject, etc. in which people express to meet and spend time with people in a different opinions friendly way ❖ συζήτηση, διάλογος ❖ συναναστρέφομαι με άλλους The annual debate competition is one of the Kerry tends not to socialise with people from most popular programmes conducted by the work. ➤ socialisation (n) school’s social clubs. ➤ debatable (adj) 1.73 attached (adj) əˈtæʧt  ✎ debate over/about sth, have/hold/conduct liking sb/sth very much a debate ❖ δεμένος (συναισθηματικά) Betsy’s children are very attached to their 1.82 turn (n) tɜːn  grandparents. ➤ attach (v), attachment (n) an opportunity or a duty to do sth at a ✎ attached to particular time or in a particular order ❖ σειρά 1.74 s ignificant (adj) sɪgˈnɪfɪkənt Everyone agreed that it was Ron’s turn to important or noticeable set the table tonight. ✎ take turns ❖ σημαντικός The new government is going to suggest 1.83 present (v) prɪˈzent significant changes in the education sector. to show or offer sth for other people to look ➤ significance (n), significantly (adv) at or consider ✎ Opp: insignificant ❖ παρουσιάζω The teacher gave each student ten 1.75 author (n) ˈɔːθə  minutes to present their ideas on wildlife the writer of a book, article, play, etc. conservation. ➤ presentation (n) ❖ συγγραφέας Neil Gaiman is one of the most prolific 1.84 argument (n) ˈɑːgjʊmənt  science fiction authors in recent times. a reason why you support an idea ➤ author (v), authorship (n) ❖ επιχείρημα The speaker provided quite a few arguments 1.76 rely (v) rɪˈlaɪ  in favour of digital classrooms. ➤ argue (v), to need or depend on sb/sth argumentative (adj) ❖ βασίζομαι The teachers can rely on the lecture notes 1.85 convenience (n) kənˈviːnjəns  provided by the publisher to help them the state of being convenient, i.e. useful, teach. ➤ reliable (adj), unreliable (adj), easy or suitable for your purposes reliability (n) ✎ rely on sb/sth ❖ ευκολία Being able to work from home has been a 1.77 develop (v) dɪˈveləp  real convenience for a lot of people. to think of or produce a new idea, product, ➤ convenient (adj), conveniently (adv) etc. and make it successful ✎ Opp: inconvenience ❖ φτιάχνω, αναπτύσσω Mira Nair is developing a television series on 1.86 entertaining (adj) ˌentəˈteɪnɪŋ the novel A Suitable Boy. ➤ development funny and enjoyable (n), developer (n), developed (adj), ❖ διασκεδαστικός, ψυχαγωγικός developing (adj) ✎ Syn: make The school play was quite long, but very entertaining. 1.78 cancel (v) ˈkænsəl  ➤ entertain (v), entertainer (n), to decide that sth that was officially planned entertainment (n) will not happen ❖ ακυρώνω, ματαιώνω Vocabulary in Use pages 8–9 Tomorrow’s football match has been cancelled because of bad weather. 1.87 media (n pl) ˈmedɪə  ➤ cancellation (n) ✎ cancelling, cancelled; the Internet, newspapers, magazines, Syn: call off television, etc., considered as a group ❖ μέσα μαζικής ενημέρωσης 1.79 inappropriate (adj) ˌɪnəˈprəʊprɪɪt  No matter what we say, the media has a unsuitable powerful influence on public opinion. ❖ ακατάλληλος, ανάρμοστος ✎ mass media An incorrect diagnosis by the doctor can lead to inappropriate treatment. 1.88 cast (n) kɑːst  ➤ inappropriately (adv) ✎ Opp: appropriate all the performers in a film, play, etc. ❖ οι ηθοποιοί μιας ταινίας, θίασος 1.80 based (adj) beɪst The Sherlock Holmes films always had a If one thing is based on another, it is strong supporting cast. ➤ cast (v) developed from it. ❖ στηριζόμενος, βασισμένος 1.89 costume (n) ˈkɒstjuːm  The book Red Joan was based on the true set of clothes story of Melita Norwood, a British agent. ❖ στολή, φορεσιά ➤ base (v), basic (adj), basically (adv) The play’s director wanted to do a final ✎ be based on rehearsal with the cast in full costume. ✎ costume designer 1.81 debate (n) dɪˈbeɪt  a formal discussion of a particular problem, UNIT 1 9

1.90 crew (n) kruː  1.99 step (n) step  a group of people working together with one of a series of actions that you do in special skills order to achieve a particular aim ❖ (κινηματογραφικό) συνεργείο ❖ βήμα, στάδιο Reed Timmer and his crew film storms for a Karl said his next step would be to buy a living. Today, they are tracking a dangerous nice house in a suburban area. ➤ step (v) one in Oklahoma. ✎ film crew ✎ take steps, step by step 1.91 performance (n) pəˈfɔːməns  1.100 involve (v) ɪnˈvɒlv the act of performing a play, concert or to include sb or sth some other form of entertainment ❖ περιλαμβάνω ❖ παράσταση The activity proposed by the teacher Almost everyone in the audience loved involves group discussions and surveys. Diana’s performance. ➤ perform (v), ➤ involvement (n) ✎ be/get involved in performer (n) ✎ give a performance 1.101 rough (adj) rʌf  1.92 producer (n) prəˈdjuːsə  not exact or detailed sb whose job is to organise the work and ❖ πρόχειρος (όχι λεπτομερής) money involved in making a film, play, Tom asked me to give him a rough idea television programme, etc. about the plot since he hadn’t read the play ❖ παραγωγός before coming to class. ➤ roughly (adv) Maddie quit her corporate job in banking to become a film producer. 1.102 guide (n) gaɪd  ➤ produce (v), production (n) sth that helps you to make a judgment ✎ film producer about sth ❖ οδηγός 1.93 rehearsal (n) rɪˈhɜːsəl Public polls are often used as a guide to time that is spent practising a play, piece determine what the common people think of music, etc. in preparation for a public about an issue. ➤ guide (v), guidance (n) performance ❖ πρόβα 1.103 development (n) dɪˈveləpmənt  The drama club meets in the auditorium for the process in which sb or sth grows or rehearsals after school on Mondays. changes and becomes more advanced ➤ rehearse (v) ❖ ανάπτυξη, εξέλιξη The internship at the end of the semester 1.94 scene (n) siːn  will offer students opportunities for a part of a play or film in which the action professional development. ➤ develop (v), stays in one place for a continuous period of developed (adj), developing (adj) time ❖ σκηνή (ταινίας) 1.104 stage (n) steɪʤ  We missed the opening scene of the film a part of an activity because we couldn’t find a parking place. ❖ στάδιο The company’s new product is at the design 1.95 script (n) skrɪpt  stage and will be released early next year. the written form of a speech, play, film, etc. ❖ σενάριο 1.105 budget (v) ˈbʌʤɪt  Actors usually receive their scripts long to plan to spend an amount of money for a before the day of the shooting. particular purpose ❖ κάνω προϋπολογισμό 1.96 soundtrack (n) ˈsaʊndtræk  The annual dance committee will have to the music that is played during a film or budget carefully after overspending last television programme year. ➤ budget (n) ❖ μουσική επένδυση The film Black Panther had great 1.106 preparation (n) ˌprepəˈreɪʃən  visuals accompanied by an even greater the process of making sb or sth ready for sth soundtrack. ❖ προετοιμασία Communications training is good 1.97 that’s a wrap (expr) ðæts ə ˈræp  preparation for any career. ➤ prepare (v), used to say that the filming of a film or prepared (adj), unprepared (adj) television show or one of its scenes is finished 1.107 project (n) ˈprɒʤekt ❖ Τελειώσαμε! Αυτό ήταν! a piece of planned work or an activity that is As soon as the actor finished speaking his finished over a period of time and intended lines, the director said, ‘Cut! That’s a wrap’. to achieve a particular purpose ❖ έργο 1.98 wonder (v) ˈwʌndə  The students have been asked to work in to ask yourself questions or express a wish groups to complete their final semester to know about sth project. ❖ αναρωτιέμαι The film tries to make the audience wonder 1.108 take off (phr v) teɪk ɒf about the role of grandparents in modern to become successful or popular very fast families. ❖ απογειώνομαι (μεταφορικά) Mina was excited to see her friend’s acting 10

career take off after having seen her make-up artists. struggle for years. ➤ make-up (n) 1.109 draw up (phr v) drɔː ʌp  1.118 coach (v) kəʊʧ  to prepare and write sth such as a document to teach sb a special skill, especially one or plan connected with performing in public ❖ γράφω, συντάσσω ❖ καθοδηγώ, κοουτσάρω She asked the architect firm to draw up a Kate, who is not Irish, hired an accent coach contract for the building of her new house. to help her prepare for her role in a new film. ➤ coach (n) 1.110 dramatically (adv) drəˈmætɪkəlɪ very suddenly or to a very great and often 1.119 complete (adj) kəmˈpliːt  surprising degree If sth such as a job or process is complete, ❖ δραματικά it has finished. The average house price in this town has ❖ ολοκληρωμένος dropped dramatically in the last two years. The article will be sent to the editor once it ➤ dramatic (adv) is complete and photos have been added. ➤ completely (adv), completion (n) 1.111 actual (adj) ˈækʧʊəl  used to emphasise that sth is real or exact 1.120 editing (n) ˈedɪtɪŋ  ❖ πραγματικός, αληθινός cutting, sequencing for a film Shelby’s story is based on an actual incident ❖ μοντάζ ταινίας that occurred twenty years ago. While filming took only three months, ➤ actually (adv) editing took almost five. ➤ edit (v), editor (n) 1.112 shooting (n) ˈʃuːtɪŋ  the process of taking photographs or making 1.121 special effect (n) ˈspeʃəl ɪˈfekt a film an unusual piece of action in a film, or an ❖ φωτογράφιση, γύρισμα ταινίας entertainment on a stage, created by using The cast rehearsed for a full month before particular equipment the shooting began. ➤ shoot (n, v) ❖ ειδικά εφέ ✎ special effects Avatar was one of the most popular films of 1.113 co-ordinate (v) kəʊˈɔːdɪneɪt 2009 due to its amazing special effects. to organise the different parts of a job or plan so that the people involved work 1.122 mix (v) mɪks  together effectively to control the amounts of various sounds ❖ συντονίζω, οργανώνω, διοργανώνω that are combined on a recording The teachers and parents are working ❖ μιξάρω (ήχο, μουσική) together to co-ordinate activities for Ginny went to a recording school to learn this year’s Fun Day. ➤ coordinator (n), how to mix sound for films. coordination (n) ➤ mix (n), mixture (n) 1.114 lighting (n) ˈlaɪtɪŋ 1.123 average (adj) ˈævərɪʤ  the arrangement of lights used in a room, around a usual or ordinary level or standard house, theatre, etc. ❖ συνήθης, μέσος, κοινός ❖ φωτισμός The director described the character as a As a photographer, Lola was impressed that woman in her late thirties and of average the house had such great lighting. height. ➤ average (n) ➤ light (n, adj) 1.124 wrap up (phr v) ræp ʌp  1.115 technician (n) tekˈnɪʃən  to finish a job, meeting, etc. a worker trained with special skills, ❖ τελειώνω especially in science or engineering The production team is hoping to wrap up ❖ τεχνικός shooting by the end of the month. Rob runs a computer repair shop with three technicians and a supervisor. ➤ technique 1.125 a nimated film (n) ˈænɪmeɪtɪd fɪlm  (n), technical (adj), technically (adv) a film or programme that shows pictures, clay models, etc. that seem to be really 1.116 operator (n) ˈɒpəreɪtə  moving sb whose job is to use and control a ❖ ταινία κινουμένων σχεδίων machine or vehicle Spirited Away is considered one of the best ❖ χειριστής animated films of all time. The hotel has a very old lift that is run by ➤ animation (n), animate (v) an operator. ➤ operate (v), operation (n), operational (adj), operationally (adv) 1.126 incredible (adj) ɪnˈkredəbl  ✎ camera operator very difficult to believe ❖ απίστευτος, απίθανος 1.117 make-up artist (n) ˈmeɪkʌp ˈɑːtɪst  The scientist announced that she had made sb who is skilled at putting make-up on an incredible discovery about the behaviour people, especially sb who does this as a job of gorillas. ❖ μακιγιέρ ➤ incredibly (adv) The actors in the film looked amazing ✎ Opp: credible; Syn: unbelievable because the production team hired excellent UNIT 1 11

1.127 be worth sth (expr) biː wɜːθ  ❖ στο προσκήνιο, στην επικαιρότητα to be important or interesting enough to While some actors hate being the focus of receive a particular action public attention, others love being in the ❖ αξίζω limelight. Sometimes a little bit of common sense is worth more than a lot of knowledge. 1.137 release (n) rɪˈliːs  ➤ worth (n, adj) the action of making a new film, game or other product available for people to use, 1.128 romantic comedy (n) reʊˈmæntɪk ˈkɒmɪdɪ see or buy a film which is intended to make people ❖ κυκλοφορία laugh and which involves a love story The film’s release had to be postponed due ❖ ρομαντική κομεντί to delays during the editing stage. Most people would rather watch romantic ➤ release (v) comedies than horror films or thrillers. 1.138 steal the show (expr) stiːl ðə ʃəʊ  1.129 review (n) rɪˈvjuː  to get more attention and praise than an article in which sb gives their opinion of anyone else by being the best, most a play, book, etc. impressive, etc. at doing sth ❖ κριτική αξιολόγηση ❖ κλέβω την παράσταση Pam’s review of the play was published in Maggie Smith stole the show with her yesterday’s newspaper. performance in the film The Lady in the Van. ➤ review (v) 1.139 break a leg (expr) breɪk ə leg  1.130 leading role (n) ˈliːdɪŋ rəʊl  used for wishing sb good luck, especially the most important acting part in a film or play before a performance ❖ πρωταγωνιστικός ρόλος ❖ καλή τύχη (στη θεατρική παράσταση) Over three thousand young men auditioned ‘Break a leg!’, whispered the director to the for the leading role in Ang Lee’s Life of Pi. actors right before they took the stage. ✎ leading character, leading actor 1.140 set the scene (expr) set ðə siːn  1.131 opening scene (n) ˈəʊpnɪŋ siːn  to describe the situation before you begin to the first scene at the beginning of a play or tell a story film ❖ περιγράφω το σκηνικό ❖ πρώτη σκηνή Anna carefully set the scene for the story The opening scene of Macbeth is significant she was about to tell us. because it establishes the dark mood of the play. 1.141 sing your heart out (expr) sɪŋ jə hɑːt aʊt  If you sing your heart out, you do it with all 1.132 smash (n) smæʃ  your energy or emotion. sth such as a play, film or song that is ❖ τραγουδάω δυνατά και με πάθος extremely successful When we were young, Alice and I would ❖ επιτυχία, που σπάει ταμεία have sleepovers where we would play CDs Hamilton is the latest box-office smash on and sing our hearts out. Broadway and everyone is talking about it. ✎ smash hit 1.142 live up to one’s expectations (expr) lɪv ʌp tə wʌnz ˌekspekˈteɪʃənz 1.133 b ox office (n) ˈbɒksˈɒfɪs  be as good as anticipated the place in a theatre, cinema, etc. ❖ ανταποκρίνομαι στις προσδοκίες where tickets are sold; a measure of how We’ve heard so much about the new financially successful a film or actor is restaurant next to the office. We hope it’ll ❖ ταμείο των κινηματογράφων live up to our expectations. If you don’t get tickets online, you can buy them at the box office. 1.143 half-way through (expr) ˈhɑːfˈweɪ θruː  ✎ a box-office smash/hit in the middle of an activity, process or period of time 1.134 complicated (adj) ˈkɒmplɪkeɪtɪd  ❖ στη μέση, στα μισά involving many different things that are Jen and Mona were half-way through the film difficult to understand when the TV screen suddenly went black. ❖ πολύπλοκος Scythe by Neal Shusterman is a novel 1.144 disappoint (v) ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪnt  with a complicated plot. ➤ complicate (v), to make sb unhappy because you haven’t complication (n) satisfied their expectations about sth ❖ απογοητεύω 1.135 cinemagoer (n) ˈsɪnəməˌgəʊə Τhe upcoming sequel of A Quiet Place won’t sb who goes to the cinema to see a film disappoint cinmagoers. ❖ κινηματογραφόφιλος ➤ disappointment (n), disappointed (adj), Many cinemagoers were eagerly waiting for disappointing (adj) ✎ Syn: dissatisfy the release of the sequel. ➤ cinemagoing (n, adj) 1.145 get the show on the road (expr) get ðə ʃəʊ ɒn ðə rəʊd  1.136 in the limelight (expr) ɪn ðə ˈlaɪmlaɪt  to begin a particular activity a situation in which you are getting a lot of ❖ ξεκινάω κάτι interest and attention from the newspapers, After months of rehearsals, the dancers television, etc. were eager to get the show on the road. 12

1.146 a hard act to follow (expr) ə hɑːd ækt tə As it turned out, Amy was delayed and ˈfɒləʊ  didn’t arrive until four. ✎ turn out to be sth to do sth so well that others who do it after you do not feel very confident about being 1.156 suspect (v) sʌsˈpekt successful to think that sb is probably guilty of a crime ❖ δύσκολο να αντικατασταθεί (από κάποιον ❖ υποψιάζομαι εξίσου καλό) No one suspected Chris of stealing money Jenna was a great tennis team captain; from the company’s accounts, but he was she’ll be a hard act to follow. guilty. ➤ suspect (n), suspicious (adj), suspiciously (adv) 1.147 turn sth down (phr v) tɜːn daʊn  ✎ suspect sb of (doing) sth to turn the switch on a machine such as an oven, radio etc. so that it produces less 1.157 turn to (phr v) tɜːn tʊ heat, sound etc. to try to get help, advice or sympathy from sb ❖ χαμηλώνω ❖ καταφεύγω, απευθύνομαι Ted got a bowl of popcorn and turned the After struggling with her scholarship essay lights down before starting the film. for some time, Jessica turned to her sister ✎ Opp: turn up for help. 1.148 turn up/out (phr v) tɜːn ʌp/aʊt  1.158 amuse (v) əˈmjuːz  to arrive to make sb laugh or smile ❖ εμφανίζομαι, παρουσιάζομαι, πηγαίνω ❖ διασκεδάζω Pam got stuck in traffic and didn't turn up The clown made funny faces to amuse the for the meeting today. children at the birthday party. ➤ amused (adj), amusing (adj), amusement (n) 1.149 turn into (phr v) tɜːn ˈɪntuː to change from one thing to another 1.159 amusement (n) əˈmjuːzmənt  ❖ μετατρέπομαι the feeling that you have when you enjoy The children found it hard to believe when sth that is funny the teacher told them that a caterpillar turns ❖ διασκέδαση into a butterfly. On rainy days, we would turn to playing Pictionary or board games for amusement. 1.150 binge (n) bɪnʤ ➤ amused (adj), amusing (adj), amuse (v) a short period when you do too much of sth, such as eating or drinking 1.160 amusing (adj) əˈmjuːzɪŋ  ❖ κραιπάλη funny, entertaining Alan and his friends went on a video game ❖ διασκεδαστικός binge after their final exams. ✎ on a binge I enjoyed reading Lucky Jim. It is an amusing book by Kingsley Amis. 1.151 turn sb away (phr v) tɜːn əˈweɪ  ➤ amuse (v), amused (adj), amusement (n) to refuse to let sb come into a place ❖ διώχνω, απομακρύνω 1.161 confuse (v) kənˈfjuːz  The stadium was so crowded on the day of to think wrongly that a person or thing is sb the final match that the authorities had to or sth else turn people away. ❖ μπερδεύω Due to the similarity in their appearance, 1.152 audition (v) ɔːˈdɪʃən  the two products can easily be confused. to take part in an audition ➤ confused (adj), confusing (adj), confusion ❖ περνώ από ακρόαση (n) ✎ confuse sb/sth with sb/sth Jen auditioned for the leading role, but she was offered a supporting part. ➤ audition (n) 1.162 confused (adj) kənˈfjuːzd  unable to think clearly or to understand 1.153 turn down (phr v) tɜːn daʊn  what is happening to not accept an offer or request ❖ σαστισμένος, μπερδεμένος ❖ απορρίπτω All the streets in the town looked the same Dean turned down a job offer from the New and Midge felt thoroughly confused. York-based company because he didn’t want ➤ confuse (v), confusion (n), confusing (adj) to move there. ✎ Syn: reject 1.163 confusing (adj) kənˈfjuːzɪŋ 1.154 turn round/around (phr v) tɜːn raʊnd/ unclear and difficult to understand əˈraʊnd  ❖ που μπερδεύει, που προκαλεί σύγχυση to change position or direction so as to face To a first-time user, a smartphone can be the other way a confusing device. ➤ confuse (v) confused ❖ γυρίζω πίσω (adj), confusion (n) Pip turned around to check if the sound of the mice was coming from somewhere 1.164 disappointing (adj) ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪŋ  behind him. making you feel disappointed ❖ απογοητευτικός 1.155 turn out (phr v) tɜːn aʊt  Despite last night’s disappointing to happen in a particular way, or to have a performance, the play was generally particular result, especially one that you did well-received. ➤ disappointment (n), not expect disappoint (v), disappointed (adj) ❖ καταλήγω UNIT 1 13

1.165 entertained (adj) ˌentəˈteɪnd  1.174 inspiring (adj) ɪnˈspaɪəɪŋ amused giving people a feeling of excitement and a ❖ που περνάει όμορφα, που ψυχαγωγείται desire to do sth great The audience was entertained by Tom’s ❖ συγκλονιστικός, συναρπαστικός funny dance in the school play. Most people can name one inspiring film or ➤ entertain (v), entertainer (n), speech that had an influence on them. entertainment (n), entertaining (adj) ➤ inspire (v), inspirational (adj), inspiration (n), inspired (adj) 1.166 frighten (v) ˈfraɪtn  to make sb suddenly feel afraid 1.175 stimulate (v) ˈstɪmjʊleɪt  ❖ τρομάζω, φοβίζω to encourage sth to happen, develop or Insects such as spiders can easily frighten improve people. ➤ frightening (adj), frightened (adj), ❖ κινώ το ενδιαφέρον fright (n), frightful (adj), frightfully (adv) With his gift for public speaking, Gandhi stimulated debate about the rights of poor 1.167 fright (n) fraɪt  people. ➤ stimulation (n), stimulated (adj), a sudden feeling of fear stimulating (adj) ❖ τρόμος, φόβος I got an awful fright when I bumped into 1.176 stimulated (adj) ˈstɪmjʊleɪtɪd  Max in the dark. ➤ frightening (adj), If you are stimulated by sth, it makes you frightened (adj), frighten (v), frightful (adj), feel full of ideas and enthusiasm. frightfully (adv) ✎ stage fright ❖ κινητοποιημένος, με αυξημένο ενδιαφέρον The students were stimulated by the project 1.168 frightened (adj) ˈfraɪtnd topic that the teacher assigned. scared ➤ stimulation (n), stimulate (v), ❖ τρομαγμένος stimulating (adj) Ginny was frightened when her friends suggested going on a ride on the London 1.177 stimulating (adj) ˈstɪmjʊleɪtɪŋ  Eye. ➤ frightening (adj), frighten (v), exciting or full of new ideas fright (n), frightful (adj), frightfully (adv) ❖ συναρπαστικός I have always found the magazine Education 1.169 frustrate (v) frʌsˈtreɪt  Today to be most informative, stimulating to make sb feel annoyed or impatient and interesting. ➤ stimulation (n), stimulate because they cannot do or achieve what (v), stimulated (adj) ✎ Opp: boring they want ❖ απογοητεύω, αποθαρρύνω, ενοχλώ 1.178 appeal (v) əˈpiːl  The frequent traffic jams during rush to attract or interest sb hour frustrated people. ➤ frustration (n), ❖ είμαι ελκυστικός, αρέσω frustrated (adj), frustrating (adj) The idea of volunteering and helping people in need appeals to me. ➤ appeal (n), 1.170 frustrating (adj) frʌsˈtreɪtɪŋ  appealing (adj) ✎ appeal to sb causing you to feel annoyed and impatient because you cannot do or achieve what you 1.179 noticeable (adj) ˈnəʊtɪsəbl  want easy to see ❖ απογοητευτικός, κουραστικός ❖ αισθητός, αξιοσημείωτος Learning to use electronic gadgets can be The museum is being renovated and frustrating for some people. noticeable changes will be made to the ➤ frustration (n), frustrate (v), frustrated (adj) exhibits. ➤ notice (v, n), noticeably (adv) ✎ noticeable difference/change/increase, etc. 1.171 frustrated (adj) frʌsˈtreɪtɪd  feeling annoyed or less confident because 1.180 influence (v) ˈɪnflʊəns  you cannot achieve what you want to affect the way that sb thinks or behaves ❖ απογοητευμένος, ενοχλημένος ❖ επηρεάζω When you fail at new things, you must not The works of authors such as J. R. R. Tolkien get frustrated and give up so easily. and Jane Austen influenced her own writing ➤ frustration (n), frustrate (v), style. ➤ influence (n), influential (adj) frustrating (adj) 1.181 vary (v) ˈveərɪ 1.172 inspiration (n) ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃən  to be different from each other sb or sth that gives you ideas for doing sth ❖ ποικίλλω, διαφοροποιούμαι ❖ έμπνευση Customs and traditions vary from place to The designer got his inspiration from place. ➤ variety (n), various (adj) popular fashion trends of the nineteen seventies. ➤ inspire (v), inspirational (adj), 1.182 widely (adv) ˈwaɪdli  inspired (adj), inspiring (adj) to a large degree ❖ σε μεγάλο βαθμό, εκτεταμένα 1.173 inspired (adj) ɪnˈspaɪəd  YouTube and photo-sharing apps are widely having very exciting special qualities that regarded as the most popular social media are better than anyone or anything else among teenagers. ➤ wide (adj) ❖ εμπνευσμένος ✎ vary/differ widely What an inspired performance the actor gave yesterday! He really was amazing to 1.183 the press (n) ðə pres watch. ➤ inspire (v), inspirational (adj), newspapers and magazines, and those parts inspiration (n), inspiring (adj) of television and radio that broadcast news, 14

or reporters and photographers who work ❖ ύπαρξη for them Scientists have recently confirmed the ❖ ο τύπος existence of a completely new species of owl The press relentlessly followed Prince Harry in Indonesia. ➤ exist (v), existent (adj) and his wife Meghan everywhere they went. 1.193 nevertheless (adv) ˌnevəðəˈles  1.184 queue up (phr v) kjuː ʌp  despite sth that you have just mentioned to wait for sth in a queue ❖ ωστόσο, όμως ❖ στήνομαι στην ουρά Stephen stopped working as a teacher in We didn’t have to queue up at passport 1978. Nevertheless, he continued to train control when we arrived this morning. and advise schools until recently. ➤ queue (n) ✎ Syn: however Grammar in Use pages 10–11 1.194 grow out of (phr v) grəʊ aʊt əv to stop being interested in or doing sth as 1.185 gain (v) geɪn  you become older to get sth that is useful ❖ ξεπερνάω ❖ αποκτώ, κερδίζω When Chloe was little she loved keeping Working at the museum will provide him different insects in a box in her room. Her with an opportunity to gain experience and mum was very happy when she grew out of knowledge. it! ✎ Syn: outgrow 1.186 grime (n) graɪm 1.195 community (n) kəˈmjuːnɪtɪ  a type of British popular music with a fast the feeling of sharing things and belonging beat to a group ❖ είδος μουσικής ❖ κοινότητα After its emergence in the UK in the early The students were encouraged to participate 2000s, grime became quite popular in in activities and events that helped them Canada during the mid-2010s. build a community that welcomed everyone. ➤ communal (adj) 1.187 indie (n) ˈɪndi used to refer to popular music produced by, 1.196 shift (n) ʃɪft  or groups belonging to, small, independent a change in sth, for example in sb’s ideas or companies rather than major record opinions companies ❖ μετακίνηση, μετατόπιση ❖ είδος μουσικής Over the years, we have seen a significant Young the Giant is a famous American indie shift in classroom teaching practices. rock band that formed in 2004. ✎ indie music ➤ shift (v) 1.188 categorise (v) ˈkætɪgəraɪz  Listening p age 12 to put people or things into groups according to their qualities 1.197 quality (n) ˈkwɒlɪtɪ  ❖ κατηγοριοποιώ how good or bad sth is Our biology teacher asked us to categorise ❖ ποιότητα the plants into four groups. ➤ category (n), The farmers managed to grow two different categorisation (n) crops even though much of the land was of poor quality. 1.189 hooked (adj) hʊkt  enjoying sth so much that you are unable to 1.198 lack (v) læk  stop having it, watching it, doing it, etc. to have none or not enough of sth ❖ κολλημένος με κάτι ❖ δεν έχω, έχω έλλειψη Theo first got hooked on surfing when he The station is very small and lacks basic was twelve years old. ➤ hook (v, n) facilities, like an indoor waiting area. ➤ lack (n) 1.190 stuntman (n) ˈstʌntmæn 1.199 risk (n) rɪsk  a man who is employed to take the place of the possibility of sth bad happening at some an actor when sth dangerous has to be done time in the future in a film ❖ κίνδυνος, ρίσκο ❖ κασκαντέρ Exercising daily can reduce the risk of heart Bobby Holland Hanton is one of the most disease. ✎ take a risk in-demand Hollywood stuntmen. ➤ stunt (n) 1.200 humorous (adj) ˈhjuːmərəs 1.191 partly (adv) ˈpɑːtlɪ  funny; showing a sense of humour to some degree, but not completely ❖ χιουμοριστικός, κωμικός ❖ μερικώς The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a The road near the school was partly blocked humorous account of life seen through the by a fallen tree. ➤ part (n) eyes of a child. ➤ humour (n), humorously (adv) 1.192 existence (n) ɪgˈzɪstəns  the state of being a real or living thing, or of 1.201 concerned (adj) kənˈsɜːnd  being present in a particular place, time or worried situation ❖ ανήσυχος Tina is a confident woman. She is never UNIT 1 15

really concerned about her appearance. 1.212 take in (phr v) teɪk ɪn  ➤ concern (n, v) ✎ concerned about to go to see an entertainment or sport ❖ βλέπω Speaking page 13 I generally try to take in a show when I’m in London on business. 1.202 range (n) reɪnʤ  a set of similar things B2 Practice 1 pages 17–18 ❖ επιλογή, ποικιλία, εύρος The company recently launched a complete 1.213 aim (v) eɪm  range of personal care products. ✎ wide range to intend or hope to achieve sth ❖ σκοπεύω, στοχεύω 1.203 misunderstand (v) ˈmɪsʌndəˈstænd  The city council aims to reduce traffic during to fail to understand sb or sth correctly peak periods. ➤ aim (n) ✎ aim at ❖ παρανοώ, παρερμηνεύω, δεν καταλαβαίνω She spoke clearly and slowly so as not to be 1.214 curiously (adv) ˈkjʊərɪəslɪ misunderstood. ➤ misunderstanding (n), strangely or unusually misunderstood (adj) ❖ περιέργως, κατά περίεργο τρόπο ✎ misunderstand – misunderstood – The sea looked curiously calm right before misunderstood; Opp: understand the storm began. ➤ curious (adj) Writing pages 14–15 1.215 on the edge of your seat (expr) ɒn ðiː eʤ əv jə siːt  1.204 end (v) end  very excited and giving your full attention to finish to sth ❖ τελειώνω ❖ παρακολουθώ με αγωνία The organisers will end the discussion by The new Jurassic Park film is thrilling and inviting a few questions from the audience. will keep you on the edge of your seat the ➤ end (n) whole time. 1.205 recommendation (n) ˌrekəmenˈdeɪʃən  1.216 reunite (v) ˈriːjuːˈnaɪt  a suggestion that sth is good for a particular (of two or more people) to come together purpose again after being separated for a long time ❖ πρόταση, σύσταση ❖ επανασυνδέομαι, ξαναβρίσκομαι This book was a recommendation made by Fiona was happy that she was able to our English teacher. ➤ recommend (v) reunite with her parents in London after living in China for two years. ➤ reunion (n) 1.206 give it a go (expr) gɪv ɪt ə gəʊ  ✎ be reunited with sb to attempt sth ❖ κάνω μια προσπάθεια, κάνω μια απόπειρα 1.217 disturbing (adj) dɪsˈtɜːbɪŋ  Even though I don’t enjoy reading historical making you feel anxious and upset or fiction, I finally decided to give it a go. shocked ❖ ανησυχητικός, δυσάρεστος 1.207 let (sb) know (expr) let nəʊ The play did not seem to be as disturbing to tell sb sth as everyone made it out to be. ➤ disturbed ❖ ενημερώνω (adj), disturbance (n) Finn asked me to let him know in case I needed help with my geography project. 1.218 spooky (adj) ˈspʊːkɪ frightening in a way that makes you nervous 1.208 look forward to (phr v) lʊk ˈfɔːwəd tə  because it involves things that do not seem to feel happy and excited about sth that is natural and cannot be explained by science going to happen ❖ ανατριχιαστικός, τρομακτικός ❖ ανυπομονώ, περιμένω με ανυπομονησία The woods behind the farm looked spooky Most schoolchildren look forward to summer on full moon nights. vacations every year. ✎ look forward to + -ing form 1.219 revolve around sb/sth (phr v) rɪˈvɒlv əˈraʊnd 1.209 with regard to (expr) wɪð rɪˈgɑːd tə  to have sb or sth as the main or most concerning a particular subject important interest or subject ❖ σχετικά με, αναφορικά με ❖ περιστρέφομαι γύρω από κάποιον/κάτι The company announced a new policy with The novel revolves around a young girl who regard to health insurance benefits for its chases a rabbit down a hole. employees. ✎ Syn: in regard to 1.220 struggle (v) ˈstrʌgl 1.210 Yours sincerely (expr) jɔːz sɪnˈsɪəli  to try hard to do sth that you find very used before your name as a way of ending a difficult formal letter ❖ παλεύω, αγωνίζομαι, προσπαθώ σκληρά ❖ μετά τιμής The tiny bear cub struggled to keep up with James ended the letter with ‘Yours its mother as they swam across the river. sincerely,’ instead of ‘Yours faithfully,’. ➤ struggle (n) 1.211 contraction (n) kənˈtrækʃən  1.221 acceptance (n) əkˈseptəns  a short form of a word or combination of words the act of agreeing with sth and approving ❖ συναίρεση of it ‘Couldn’t’ is a contraction of ‘could not’. 16

❖ αποδοχή, παραδοχή ❖ τελικά A new theory concerning climate change is The mother rocked her baby until, eventually, slowly gaining acceptance in the scientific it stopped crying. ➤ eventual (adj) community. ➤ accept (v), acceptable (adj), unacceptable (adj) W1.4 generate (v) ˈʤenəreɪt  to cause to exist, produce 1.222 loneliness (n) ˈləʊnlɪnɪs ❖ παράγω, δημιουργώ a feeling of being unhappy because you It is believed that the new factory will have no friends or people to talk to generate hundreds of jobs for people in the ❖ μοναξιά town. ➤ generation (n), generator (n) Social animals, such as dolphins, can experience loneliness just as humans do. W1.5 increasingly (adv) ɪnˈkriːsɪŋlɪ  ➤ lonely (adj) more and more all the time ❖ όλο και περισσότερο 1.223 contemporary (adj) kənˈtempərərɪ  Many companies are becoming increasingly belonging to the present time dependent on part-time and seasonal staff. ❖ σύγχρονος ➤ increase (n, v), increasing (adj) This week’s exhibition features paintings and sketches by contemporary artists. Vocabulary in Use pages 6–7 ➤ contemporarily (adv) W1.6 manage (v) ˈmænɪʤ 1.224 unwise (adj) ˈʌnˈwaɪz  to be responsible for controlling or not based on good judgment organising sb or sth, especially a business or ❖ ανόητος employees Everyone told Liam that it would be unwise ❖ είμαι υπεύθυνος για κάτι not to accept the job offer from the company Tyson’s job is to manage a team of in Paris. ➤ unwisely (adv) ✎ Opp: wise engineers at the Manchester office. ➤ manager (n), management (n) 1.225 devour (v) dɪˈvaʊə  to read sth quickly and eagerly, or watch sth W1.7 predictable (adj) prɪˈdɪktəbəl with great interest If sth is predictable, you know in advance ❖ καταβροχθίζω (βιβλίο, κτλ.) that it will happen or what it will be like. Beck devoured the new books his uncle ❖ προβλέψιμος gave him on his sixteenth birthday. By season 3, the series had become quite predictable and boring. ➤ predict (v), 1.226 determine (v) dɪˈtɜːmɪn  prediction (n) ✎ Opp: unpredictable to find out the facts about sth ❖ καθορίζω W1.8 obvious (adj) ˈɒbvɪəs  A survey was conducted to determine how easy to see or understand much water is used for agriculture. ❖ προφανής, σαφής ➤ determination (n), determined (adj) One of the obvious benefits of working out is weight loss. ➤ obviously (adv) 1.227 congratulate (v) kənˈgrætjʊleɪt to tell sb that you are pleased about their W1.9 unrealistic (adj) ˌʌnrɪəˈlɪstɪk success or achievements not showing or accepting things as they are ❖ συγχαίρω ❖ μη πειστικός The queen met the astronauts and Critics noted that the plot twist at the end of congratulated them on their successful the film was unrealistic. mission. ➤ congratulations (n pl) ➤ unrealistically (adv) ✎ Opp: realistic ✎ congratulate sb on sth W1.10 decrease (v) diˈkriːs  WORKBOOK to become less ❖ μειώνομαι, ελαττώνομαι Reading pages 4–5 The number of people who like to read newspapers has decreased over the years. W1.1 screen (v) skriːn  ➤ decrease (n) to broadcast a television programme, or to show a film W1.11 handle (v) ˈhændl  ❖ προβάλλω (σε οθόνη) to deal with a situation or problem by The new Avengers film was screened for the behaving in a particular way and making press prior to its worldwide release. particular decisions ➤ screen (n) ❖ αντιμετωπίζω, διαχειρίζομαι Only two agents were hired by the company W1.2 martial art (n) ˈmɑːʃəl ɑːt  to handle inquiries and complaints from a sport such as judo or karate, in which you customers. fight with your hands and feet ❖ πολεμική τέχνη Grammar in Use pages 8–9 Martial arts teach us that discipline is the key to success in life. W1.12 reachable (adj) riːʧəbl that is possible to reach W1.3 eventually (adv) ɪˈvenʧəlɪ  ❖ εφικτός, προσιτός in the end Our teacher always encourages us to set UNIT 1 17

goals that are realistic and reachable. W1.22 unwilling (adj) ˈʌnˈwɪlɪŋ  ➤ reach (v) ✎ reachable goal not wanting to do sth and refusing to do it ❖ διστακτικός, απρόθυμος W1.13 apparently (adv) əˈpærəntlɪ  Some of the students were unwilling according to what you have heard or read; participants in the debate at first, but they according to the way sth appears soon became interested. ❖ προφανώς ➤ unwillingness (n), unwillingly (adv) The garden shed apparently wasn’t ✎ Opp: willing damaged in the storm last night. ➤ appear (v), apparent (adj), appearance (n) W1.23 unique (adj) juːˈniːk  very special and unusual W1.14 impatient (adj) ɪmˈpeɪʃənt  ❖ μοναδικός annoyed because sth is not happening as The clear weather provided a unique quickly as you want or in the way you want opportunity for the team to explore the ❖ ανυπόμονος forest. Some children can grow impatient very ➤ uniquely (adv) quickly. ➤ impatiently (adv) ✎ Opp: patient W1.24 A-list (adj) eɪ lɪst  used for describing people who are the most W1.15 compete (v) kəmˈpiːt  famous to try to be more successful than sb or sth else ❖ διάσημος ❖ συναγωνίζομαι Marc’s talent agency represents dozens of Dara Torres has competed against a A-list Hollywood celebrities. number of younger swimmers and won. ✎ A-list celebrities ➤ competitive (adj), competitively (adv), competition (n) W1.25 associate (v) əˈsəʊʃɪɪt  to make a connection in your mind between W1.16 occasionally (adv) əˈkeɪʒnəlɪ  one thing or person and another sometimes but not often ❖ συνδέω, συσχετίζω ❖ περιστασιακά Studies have shown that buyers tend to Tom and I occasionally meet for dinner after associate certain brands with high quality. work. ➤ occasion (n), occasional (adj) ➤ association (n) ✎ associate with W1.17 deliver (v) dɪˈlɪvə  to give a speech, talk, performance, etc. or W1.26 commercial (adj) kəˈmɜːʃəl to make an official statement related to business and the buying and ❖ βγάζω (λόγο) selling of goods and services The Queen of England delivered her first ❖ εμπορικός televised speech in 1957. The mayor’s top priority is to ensure the ➤ delivery (n) city’s commercial growth by encouraging and supporting new businesses. W1.18 lines (n pl) laɪnz ➤ commerce (n), commercially (adv) the words spoken by an actor in a play or film ❖ ατάκα, λόγια W1.27 imitator (n) ˈɪmɪteɪtə  Scott is a good actor, but he takes ages to sb who copies sb else learn his lines. ❖ μιμητής Tom Hiddleston is an outstanding imitator B2 Practice 1 pages 12–13 who can copy almost anybody’s voice. ➤ imitate (v), imitation (n) W1.19 voice-over (adj) vɔɪs ˈəʊvə  information or comments in a film, television W1.28 action-packed (adj) ˈækʃən pækt  programme, etc. that are given by a person full of activity or exciting events who is not seen on the screen ❖ γεμάτος δράση ❖ σπικάζ, επιγλώττιση Claire Danes always wanted to act in an The voice-over for the documentary was action-packed adventure film. provided by none other than Sir Richard Attenborough. W1.29 chain (n) ʧeɪn  a group of businesses such as shops, hotels W1.20 blockbuster (n) ˈblɒkˌbʌstə  or restaurants that all belong to the same a book or film that is very good or successful person or company ❖ μεγάλη εισπρακτική επιτυχία ❖ (εμπορική) αλυσίδα Angelina Jolie’s new blockbuster took in Gina and her sister own a famous fast-food millions in its first weekend. restaurant chain in the United States. W1.21 traditionally (adv) trəˈdɪʃnəlɪ  W1.30 loyal (adj) ˈlɔɪəl by following older or accepted methods and remaining constant in your support of sb/sth ideas rather than modern or different ones ❖ πιστός ❖ παραδοσιακά Dean has been a loyal supporter of Chelsea The arrival of spring is traditionally Football Club for many years. celebrated with a village event called the ➤ loyalty (n) Maypole dance. ✎ loyal friend, loyal customer; Opp: disloyal ➤ tradition (n), traditional (adj) 18

Present simple Form Use Example • γ ενικές αλήθειες και μόνιμες καταστάσεις She works as a costume designer in I / You / We / They work. Hollywood films. He / She / It works. • γεγονότα και νόμους της φύσης The Nile flows into the Mediterranean Sea. I / You / We / They do not (don’t) • συνήθειες και ρουτίνες (συχνά με How often do you go to the cinema? work. επιρρήματα συχνότητας) He / She / It does not (doesn’t) Film shows start at 6 p.m. on Fridays. work. • προγράμματα, ώρες άφιξης ή αναχώρησης, και προγραμματισμένα γεγονότα στο μέλλον Rooney gets into position, shoots, Do I / you / we / they work? and scores! Does he / she / it work? • κριτικές, ιστορίες και περιγραφές αθλητικών γεγονότων Time expressions Adverbs of frequency Κάποιες χρονικές εκφράσεις που χρησιμοποιούμε Με τον present simple χρησιμoποιούμε συχνά επιρρήματα συχνά με τον present simple είναι: every morning/ συχνότητας (adverbs of frequency) όπως: always, usually, month, in the afternoon/evening, at night, at the often, sometimes, rarely, hardly ever, seldom, κλπ. Τα adverbs of weekend, on Friday, in (the) summer, in March, once/ frequency μπαίνουν πριν από το κύριο ρήμα. Όταν όμως κύριο twice/three times a week, κλπ. ρήμα της πρότασης είναι το ρήμα to be, τα adverbs of frequency μπαίνουν μετά από αυτό. Present continuous Emma never watches horror films. James is never late for work. Form Use Example • κάτι που συμβαίνει τώρα, την ώρα που She’s on stage right now; she’s I am (’m) watching. auditioning for the new TV series. You / We / They are (’re) watching. μιλάμε The director is working on the sequel He / She / It is (’s) watching. • προσωρινές καταστάσεις these days. Good stuntmen are getting harder to I am not (I’m not) watching. • καταστάσεις που αλλάζουν find. You / We / They are not (aren’t) He’s always forgetting his lines! watching. • ενοχλητικές συνήθειες (συχνά με He / She / It is not (isn’t) watching. επιρρήματα όπως always, forever, They are starting the film shoot continuously, κλπ.) tomorrow morning. Am I watching? Are you / we / they watching? • σχέδια και προγράμματα που έχουμε Is he / she / it watching? κανονίσει για το μέλλον Time expressions Με τον present continuous χρησιμoποιούμε συχνά χρονικές εκφράσεις όπως: now, right now, at the moment, today/ tonight, these days, this month, at present, nowadays, for now, for the time being. Stative verbs Τα stative verbs περιγράφουν καταστάσεις και όχι πράξεις, και δεν τα χρησιμοποιούμε σε χρόνους continuous, ακόμα και αν θέλουμε να μιλήσουμε για κάτι που συμβαίνει τώρα. Stative verbs Examples • ρήματα αισθήσεων: see, hear, smell, taste, That stunt looks very dangerous. ✓ That stunt is looking very dangerous. ✗ feel, look, κλπ. • ρήματα αντίληψης ή νόησης: believe, I don’t remember what I said. ✓ understand, know, think, remember, notice, I’m not remembering what I said. ✗ realise, κλπ. • ρήματα συναισθημάτων: dislike, enjoy, I don’t mind helping you rehearse your lines. ✓ hate, love, like, mind, prefer, κλπ. I’m not minding helping you rehearse your lines. ✗ • άλλα ρήματα: be, belong, appear, cost, This film seems interesting. ✓ seem, need, own, want, weigh, κλπ. This film is seeming interesting. ✗ State or action? Andy thinks Timothée Chalamet is an amazing actor. (πιστεύει) Ορισμένα από αυτά τα ρήματα μπορούν Andy is thinking of going to a concert tonight. (σκέφτεται) να περιγράψουν καταστάσεις αλλά και The famous actor has a holiday home in Malibu. (έχει) πράξεις. Όταν περιγράφουν πράξεις, The famous actor is having a party at his holiday home tonight. (οργανώνει) μπορούμε να τα χρησιμοποιήσουμε σε Lily sees her voice coach twice a week. (συναντά) χρόνους continuous. Lily is seeing her voice coach this afternoon. (έχει ραντεβού με) UNIT 1 19

Present perfect simple Form Use Example I / You / We / They have (’ve) gone. • κάτι που ξεκίνησε στο παρελθόν και They have released only two films since the He / She / It has (’s) gone. συνεχίζεται ως τώρα (since, for) beginning of the year. He has turned down the leading role twice. Have I / you / we / they • κάτι που έχει συμβεί στο παρελθόν αλλά gone? δε γνωρίζουμε ή δεν αναφέρουμε πότε She’s only received bad reviews from critics, Has he / she / it gone? so she’s thinking of quitting. • κάτι που έχει συμβεί στο παρελθόν και They’ve just called me about an audition I / You / We / They have not επηρεάζει το παρόν next week. (haven’t) gone. She has never had a serious accident in her He / She / It has not (hasn’t) • κάτι που έγινε ή τελείωσε πριν λίγο, job as a stuntwoman. gone. συχνά με το just They have cancelled the last season of the series. have been vs have gone • εμπειρίες και πράγματα που έχουμε ή This is the second time he has arrived late δεν έχουμε κάνει στη ζωή μας for rehearsals. • για να ανακοινώσουμε πρόσφατα νέα I have been to a Dua Lipa concert at Wembley Stadium. (Πήγα και επέστρεψα.) • μετά από υπερθετικό βαθμό ή εκφράσεις όπως it/this is the first/ He has gone to the Dua Lipa concert at second time Wembley Stadium. (Δεν έχει επιστρέψει ακόμα.) Χρησιμoποιούμε το have been to όταν κάποιος έχει πάει κάπου και έχει επιστρέψει. Χρησιμoποιούμε το have gone to όταν κάποιος έχει πάει κάπου αλλά δεν έχει επιστρέψει ακόμα. Time expressions Με τον present perfect simple χρησιμoποιούμε συχνά χρονικές εκφράσεις όπως: already, ever, never, for, for a long time, for ages, just, recently, in recent years, since 2020/July, so far, once, twice, three times, until now, yet, κλπ. Present perfect continuous Form Use Example • πράξεις που ξεκίνησαν στο παρελθόν She’s been working as a costume designer I / You / We / They have (’ve) for years. been waiting. και είναι ακόμα σε εξέλιξη He / She / It has (’s) been I’m so bored! We’ve been watching this waiting. • πράξεις με διάρκεια που έγιναν series all day long. στο παρελθόν και έχουν τελειώσει Have I / you / we / they been πρόσφατα, αλλά έχουν αποτέλεσμα ή We’ve been rehearsing the same scene for waiting? επίδραση στο παρόν hours. We need a break! Has he / she / it been waiting? • όταν θέλουμε να τονίσουμε για πόσο καιρό μια πράξη βρίσκεται σε εξέλιξη I / You / We / They have not (haven’t) been waiting. He / She / It has not (hasn’t) been waiting. Time expressions Με τον present perfect continuous χρησιμoποιούμε συχνά χρονικές εκφράσεις όπως: all day/morning/evening/night/ week, for months/a long time/ages, lately, recently, since, How long ...? (σε ερωτηματικές προτάσεις), και for (very) long (σε καταφατικές και αρνητικές προτάσεις), κλπ. 20

Vocabulary practice 1 Complete the sentences with these words. act crews effects rehearsals role scene scripts smash 1 The film’s opening was so surprising that I couldn’t wait to see what would happen next! 2 We were all surprised when she accepted the leading in a horror film. Before that, she’d only played in comedies. 3 The classic film was a huge hit, so the producers of the modern version knew it would be a hard to follow. 4 The actors all received their at the very last minute, so there wasn’t much time to learn their lines. 5 When a film is released, everyone involved prays it will be a box-office . 6 Even though they do all their work behind the camera, film also play an important role in a film’s success. 7 Jessica and her friends enjoyed the film’s plot, but thought that the special were disappointing. 8 They only had time for two before the performance. 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. 1 I really enjoyed the stimulating conversation I had with your sister yesterday. She’s so interesting to talk to! (stimulate) 2 When Lynn’s parents came home and found her playing video games instead of studying, they weren’t very . (amuse) 3 I’m sure that even famous painters like Picasso sometimes struggled to find . (inspire) 4 The more the teacher tried to explain, the more the children got. (confuse) 5 It’s very when someone tells you how a film ends before you’ve had the chance to see it. (frustrate) 6 Jason couldn’t hide his when he didn’t get the job. (disappoint) 7 When the police came, they found her sitting in a corner, shaking with . (frighten) 8 Even though none of the actors were professionals, the show was very . (entertain) 3 Circle the correct words. 1 You better turn up / away tomorrow! Mel will be really upset if you miss her birthday party. 2 He was offered a job in a big advertising firm, but he turned it out / down. 3 After she lost her job, her house and all her money, she didn’t know who to turn at / to for help. 4 When they first met Jim, they thought he was a bad person, but he turned up / out to be a really good guy. 5 Luke heard someone call his name and turned round / up to see who it was. 6 Even though they were playing their music softly, their neighbours still asked them to turn it up / down. 7 The most frightening scene in the film was when the little boy turned into / to a huge monster and killed everyone. 8 When she arrived for her appointment with the film’s producer, they turned her away / around and wouldn’t even tell her why. UNIT 1 21

Grammar practice 1 Complete. Use the present simple or the present continuous. 1 Timothée Chalamet is such an amazing actor! I love (love) all his films. 2 This dish (not taste) like it’s supposed to. I think we used the wrong spices. 3 How often (you / watch) this series? 4 I (work) as a waiter for the time being, but I’m sure I’ll find a better job soon. 5 (the sun / rise) in the east or in the west? 6 The film (start) at nine o’clock. Please try not to be late. 7 (you / go) to the concert tomorrow night? 8 Houses in this neighbourhood (get) more and more expensive. There’s no way I’ll be able to buy one here. 2 Circle the correct answers. 1 They still / already haven’t decided which play to perform in class. 2 In the summer, we sleep with the doors open at night / tonight. 3 The cast is worried because the leading actor hasn’t arrived lately / yet. 4 Even though the film was only released yesterday, they have already / just seen it twice! 5 On Fridays / This Friday we all meet at a coffee shop after work. 6 Only two people have got her autograph so far / yet. 7 I haven’t seen any good plays lately / already, have you? 8 We’ve been rehearsing this scene for / since hours! Let’s take a break. 3 Complete. Use the present perfect simple or the present perfect continuous. 1 I have been trying (try) to learn Chinese for years, but I still understand very little. 2 (you / always / write) with your left hand? 3 Kylie and Lee (know) each other since they were five years old. 4 Why (he / stay) at your place? Doesn’t he have anywhere else to go? 5 You look so calm! What music (you / listen) to today? 6 Is it my imagination, or (he / avoid) me? 7 I (just / be) to the bakery. You’ll never guess who I saw there! 8 It (take) her five years to write this script. I hope it’s a success! 22

Contents Note to teachers page 4 Unit 1 page 5 Unit 2 page 23 Unit 3 page 37 Unit 4 page 52 Unit 5 page 67 Unit 6 page 83 Unit 7 page 97 Unit 8 page 110 Unit 9 page 123 Unit 10 page 135 Alphabetical word list page 149

English B2 COMPANION Ultimate English is an innovative, multi-level course that takes students from B1 to B2 level of the Common European Framework. Thanks to its rich, engaging content and forward-thinking approach, it motivates learners to achieve a high level of language competence while preparing them effectively for all established English language exams at this level. This new exciting course includes up-to-date topics that will stimulate the learners’ interest while offering an effective and clearly laid out language development and support programme. Ultimate English also gives emphasis to 21st-century skills, such as critical thinking and co-operative learning, while developing all language skills within a truly motivating context. The Ultimate English Companion has been specially written to help students using the Ultimate English Student’s Book and Workbook. It includes definitions and helpful notes for all the lexical items included in the Student’s Book and Workbook that are useful to students at this level, as well as vocabulary and grammar reference and practice. Ultimate English Companion includes: • all words and expressions in the Student’s Book and Workbook, that the students at this level would find useful to learn or revise, listed in order of appearance, with key vocabulary items highlighted. • an accurate definition of each word or expression in simple English, with phonetic transcription and translation in modern Greek. • a n example for each headword, specially written to be at the right language level and to reflect the meaning in the context of the Student’s Book or Workbook. • additional coverage of associated words, derivatives, synonyms, opposites and special notes where useful. • a complete grammar reference section in each unit, with grammar theory translated in Greek. • a Practice section in every unit including additional exercises on key items of vocabulary and grammar. • a separate Alphabetical word list for ease of reference. Ultimate English B2, a complete package CEFR level Ultimate English B2 for Upper Intermediate students: B2 Ultimate English B1+ B1+ Ultimate English B1 Ultimate English B2 Student’s Book B1 Ultimate English B2 Workbook Ultimate English B2 Grammar and Vocabulary Ultimate English B2 Companion Ultimate English B2 Test Book Ultimate English B2 e-book Ultimate English B2 Teacher’s Book Ultimate English B2 Class Audio Set Ultimate English B2 Interactive Whiteboard Software

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