American English C1/C2 Ideal for ECPE / MSU-CELP Exam Classes!
American English C1/C2 Ideal for ECPE / MSU-CELP Exam Classes!
All American C1/C2 For C1/C2 Exam Classes All American is an exciting new course that combines fresh, motivating content with solid exam preparation for students at C1–C2 levels. All American • engages students with an array of stimulating topics that reflect modern-day life and 21st-century issues. • in cludes thought-provoking texts with inspiring visuals in a fresh design that enables students to focus on their own learning. • stimulates the student’s attention with specially-made videos and builds up their knowledge in all key thematic and lexical fields. • offers careful development of listening and speaking skills, ranging from guided practice to realistic exam tasks. • guides students through the process and requirements of writing at an advanced level through systematic analysis and support. • provides thorough training in all aspects of common C2 examinations in American English. Sample pages taken from All American C1/C2 Student’s Book COMPONENTS American English MISnuolttie-frptlaawtcftoairvmree All American for the Student All American for the Teacher ONLINE • Student’s Book • Teacher’s Book • Workbook • C lass Audio, Workbook Audio, and Test Book Audio PLATFORM • Test Book • IWB Software • Companion • T eacher’s editions of Student’s Book, Workbook, • e-book Grammar and Test Book
American English C1/C2 All American C1/C2 For C1/C2 Exam Classes All American is an exciting new course that combines fresh, motivating content with solid exam preparation for students at C1–C2 levels. All American • engages students with an array of stimulating topics that reflect modern-day life and 21st century issues. • in cludes thought-provoking texts with inspiring visuals in a fresh design that enables students to focus on their own learning. • stimulates the student’s attention with specially- made videos and builds up their knowledge in all key thematic and lexical fields. • offers careful development of listening and speaking skills, ranging from guided practice to realistic exam tasks. • guides students through the process and requirements of writing at an advanced level through systematic analysis and support. • provides thorough training in all aspects of common C2 examinations in American English. Ideal for ECPE / MSU-CELP Exam Classes! All American C1/C2 Student’s Book includes: • ten units covering all key thematic areas commonly • grammar practice carefully focused on advanced found in international C1/C2 examinations, with clearly language areas, with supporting Tips. organised sections for each skill. • a dedicated section on Cloze passages linked to the • a thorough system of training and support in the first half thematic area, offering preparation for common of the Student’s Book, with Exam strategies, Tips and exam tasks. Language banks. • Listening and Speaking sections developing skills • realistic exam-level practice in the second half of the and focusing on specific aspects of exams at an Student’s Book, with helpful Tips. advanced level. • a ppealing Opener pages that engage students in • extensive Writing sections with a comprehensive contemporary issues in the Point of View sections, and programme of skills development and exam training, raise their vocabulary awareness through interactive tasks. including in-depth analysis of commonly tested genres, brainstorming, language and register use, text • special emphasis on reading on a variety of organisation, etc. stimulating topics. • a Practice section after every two units with realistic • a separate Vocabulary section that expands on the exam tasks, consolidating grammar and vocabulary in lexical field and lays emphasis on derivation and new contexts while offering valuable exam practice. accurate use of phrasal verbs, idioms, collocations, etc.
ECIdx1eaa/lCmfo2r Classes! Sample pages taken from All American C1/C2 Student’s Book
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