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Home Explore Fun Box Pre-Primary sample

Fun Box Pre-Primary sample

Published by Hamilton House Publishers, 2022-05-26 12:01:20

Description: Fun Box Pre-Primary sample


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Fun Pupil’s Book Box Pre-Primary Jennifer Heath

Contents Lesson Letter and Vocabulary Key Language Page 1 Hello, Goodbye, Fifi, Robbie What’s your name? I’m Robbie. 6 Hi! 2 apple, banana, pizza, cake, honey, jam I like apples. 8 3 mouse, rabbit, fish, monkey, duck, frog Look! 10 4 book, pencil, ruler, eraser, bag What’s this? It’s a pencil. 12 5 eye, ear, nose, mouth I have one nose. 14 1, 2, 3 I have two eyes. Review 1 Lessons 1-5 16 Story time 1 18 6 red, yellow, pink, blue, green circle, square, What colour is it? Yes. No. Well done! 20 triangle 7 teddy, doll, ball, car I like my teddy. 22 4, 5 I can count. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 8 trousers, T-shirt, socks, hat, dress A blue dress. 24 My favourite colour is red. 9 Mum, Dad, brother, sister Eight bananas. 26 6, 7, 8 This is Mark. Hello. 10 bedroom, bed, lamp, curtains 1-10 28 9, 10 Good night. Review 2 Lessons 6-10 30 Story time 2 32 11 Aa, ant, actor My name’s Nick. 34 12 Bb, boy, bike Where’s the bike? 36 13 Cc, cat, carpet I can see a cat. 38 14 Dd, door, deer Thank you. 40 15 Ee, egg, elephant What’s that? It’s an egg. 42 Review 3 Lessons 11-15 44 Story time 3 46 16 Ff, flower, face I can see a flower. 48 17 Gg, garden, girl Let’s play! 50 18 Hh, horse, hair This is a horse. 52 19 Ii, igloo, insects I’m cold. I’m hot. 54 20 Jj, jeans, jacket Look at my jeans. 56 Review 4 Lessons 16-20 58 Story time 4 60 4

Lesson Letter and Vocabulary Key Language Page This is for you. Thanks. 21 Kk, kite, kangaroo Look at the lion. 62 Bye. See you later. 64 22 Ll, lion, lemon I can see a nest. 66 Good morning. 68 23 Mm, milk, man 70 Look! It’s a pizza. 72 24 Nn, night, nest Be quiet. I can see a rainbow. 74 25 Oo, octopus, omelette How are you? I’m fine, thanks. 76 What’s on the table? 78 Review 5 Lessons 21-25 80 It’s rainy. It’s sunny. 82 Story time 5 Let’s play volleyball. 84 Come in. 86 26 Pp, pen, paper What’s in the box? How old are you? I’m five. 88 27 Qq, queen, quick Well done. 90 92 28 Rr, river, rainbow 94 96 29 Ss, sky, sun 98 100 30 Tt, table, tomato 102 Review 6 Lessons 26-30 104 106 Story time 6 31 Uu, umbrella, up 32 Vv, violin, volleyball 33 Ww, window, worm 34 Xx, box, fox 35 Yy, yoghurt, yoyo 36 Zz, zebra, zero Review 7 Lessons 31-36 Story time 7 Alphabet & Songs 5

Hello! I'm Robbie. 1 Look and listen. 1 2 1 Look at the pictures and listen. 6

2 Listen and say. 3 Stick and say. Hello. Fifi. Robbie. Goodbye. 4 Sing. Say it! 2 Listen and say the words. 3 Stick the stickers. Say Fifi, Robbie. 4 Sing the song. Say it! Hi! 7

2 Apples and bananas 1 Look and listen. 1 2 1 Look at the pictures and listen. 8

2 Listen and say. pizza honey jam cake apple banana 3 Draw and say. 4 Look and say. Say it! 2 Listen and say the words. 3 Trace the lines and say apple, pizza, jam, banana, honey, cake. 4 Look at the flashcards and say Yummy! or Yuck! Say it! I like apples! 9

Review games Fun and 1 Play. 1 Close your eyes and pick 1, 2 or 3 from your number cards. Look and move 1, 2 or 3 spaces. Say the word you land on. If you forget a word, go back to the start. 16

2 Listen and circle. 1 2345 3 Sing. 4 Make. 2 Listen and circle the picture that matches the word you hear. 3 Sing the song. 4 Colour and cut out 6 cards. Play Bingo! 17

Story time 1 Look and listen. Luke and Lucy 1 23 18

45 67 2 Play a game. 1 Listen to the story. 3 Listen and say. 2 Play a game. 3 Say a rhyme. 19

Fun Pupil’s Book Box Pre-Primary Toys come alive in Fun Box, the fantastic new primary course for young learners! As children follow the exciting and humorous adventures of a group of loveable toy characters, they are gently introduced to the English language. Fun Box Pre-Primary is the perfect introduction to the Fun Box course for young learners or any other course at that level. Fun Box Pre-Primary provides pupils with a carefully graded introduction to English which develops their vocabulary and teaches the alphabet through fun stories, clear and user-friendly lesson organisation and ample practice and revision. Fun Box Pre-Primary features: ●  clearly-structured, easy-to-follow lessons organised to fit the teaching year. ●  essential vocabulary and key language required at pre-primary level, transparently presented and methodically practised. ●  a range of fun and achievable activities developing listening, speaking, letter writing and passive reading skills. ●  stickers, songs and chants to maintain a high level of motivation. ●  r egular revision sections. ●  a cartoon story after every review to entertain pupils and revise vocabulary and language from the lessons. ●  fun games, crafts and rhymes. Fun Box for the pupil: Fun Box for the teacher: • P upil’s Book with colour stickers, • Teacher’s Book with embedded Pupil’s Book and Photocopiable craft pages a free Picture Dictionary and • Class Audio a downloadable e-book • Vocabulary Flashcard Pack • Activity Book with colour stickers • Alphabet Flashcard Pack • Interactive Whiteboard Software

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