CONTENTS Student’s Book Contents__________________________________ 4 Introduction to American Download________________________ 6 Unit 1____________________________________________________ 8 Unit 2___________________________________________________17 Progress Review 1 27 Unit 3___________________________________________________30 Unit 4___________________________________________________39 Progress Review 2 48 Unit 5___________________________________________________51 Unit 6___________________________________________________61 Progress Review 3 70 Unit 7___________________________________________________72 Unit 8___________________________________________________81 Progress Review 4 90 Unit 9___________________________________________________92 Unit 10________________________________________________ 101 Progress Review 5 111 Student’s Book Recording Script________________________ 114 Extra Tasks for Early Finishers__________________________ 118 Extra Tasks for Early Finishers Key______________________ 128 Workbook Key_________________________________________ 130 Workbook Recording Script____________________________ 136 Test Book Key_________________________________________ 139 Test Book Recording Script_____________________________ 142
1 THIS IS ME! Unit Plan Reading: Multiple choice (related texts), looking for words with similar meanings in the text and in the options Vocabulary: Words related to people and the countries they come from, word formation, prepositions, collocations and expressions Grammar: Simple present, present continuous, stative verbs Listening: Multiple choice (pictures), understanding that all the pictures will be mentioned and listening carefully so you can answer correctly Speaking: Discussion and decision making, talking about friendship and characteristics, agreeing and disagreeing Writing: Email, writing about yourself, using the simple present, adverbs, and time expressions to describe what you do, using adjectives to describe appearance and personality Unit Opener (SB page 5) TOP TIP • Ask students to look at the main picture and tell you what they can see (a man is taking a photo of himself Make the most of the material in the Opener with a cell phone). Ask them if they know the English by using it to build on students’ vocabulary. word for this kind of photograph and where they think For example, here there are four activities that the word comes from (selfie; from the word \"self\" in the people are doing. This also links to the unit \"myself\"). grammar (present continuous). Point out, too, that • Ask students to read the title of the unit and say how when they describe photos in a Speaking task, it relates to the picture (The title is \"This is me!\" and they should use the present continuous. the picture shows a man who is taking a selfie). • Ask them if they have ever taken a selfie. If they Let’s talk about it! have, ask them what they did with it. DVD 1: Optional Video Activity 1 The DVD activity is optional and can be done if time • Ask students to read the instructions and check that permits. The videos can be accessed by teachers they understand what they have to do. from the IWB software and by students from their • Ask students to tell you what each person is e-book. Don’t worry if your students don’t understand doing (the boy is playing the guitar, the little girl is everything they hear on the video. They should be able drawing, and the woman is holding a bowl and using to grasp the gist of the content. chopsticks). • Tell students they are going to watch a video called • Students work individually to complete the task. “Why It’s Hard Out There for a Lefty.” Explain that a • Give them a minute to find what three of the people “lefty” is a left-handed person. have in common. Remind them that they must consider • Play the video. Then write on the board: Can you all four pictures on the page. think of other difficulties left-handed people have? • If students need help, tell them to look at the • Ask students to think about the question while they people’s hands. watch again. • They then check their answers in pairs before • Then discuss the video and the question. checking as a class. Link: watch?v=7xU7U9zZ5I0 Summary: The video points out that many left- handers have problems because many common products aren’t suitable for them: e.g., ring-binder notebooks, can openers, school desks, and scissors. The video also mentions the advantages of being left- handed, e.g., becoming richer, seeing underwater better, and being more athletic than right-handed people. There is also a special day for left-handed people to celebrate. 8
READING (SB pages 6-7) DOWNLOAD • Point out the Download box next to the 1 comprehension questions and tell students that these • Ask students to read the instructions and check that boxes appear throughout the book to give advice about they understand what they have to do. how to approach the tasks. • Ask students to read the adjectives and tell • Ask students to read the information. you what they mean. Explain any that they don’t • Choose a student to explain the tip in his/her own words. understand. • Explain to students that they need to look at • Practice pronunciation by modeling each adjective multiple-choice questions very carefully because the and asking students to repeat after you. Correct correct answers are often paraphrased in the text. where necessary. • Refer students to the options in Question 1 and • Students work in pairs to complete the task. ask them to look for words with similar meanings in • Time permitting, individual students can tell the the text and to find the correct answer (\"is joined\" in class about their partner. option A is the same as \"connect them\" in the text). 3 • Ask students to read the instructions and check that they understand what they have to do. Elicit that the questions are about the article and the quiz. • Ask students to read the questions and explain anything they don’t understand. • Encourage students to use the tips from the Download box when doing the task and to look for words and ideas with similar meanings in the answer options and the texts. • Students work individually to choose the best answers. • They then check their answers in pairs before checking as a class. 2 Ask students to use the adjectives in 1 to write a • Ask students to read the instructions and check that short description of a classmate, without writing they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they the person’s name. Tell them to begin \"He/She must think about their answers before they read the is … .\" Monitor and help with vocabulary and article. grammar if necessary. Ask individual students to • Ask students to skim the text and look for the read their descriptions aloud, while the rest of the answers. Explain to students that they do not need class guesses who is being described. to read in detail at this stage as they will have the opportunity to do so later. • Students work individually to complete the task. • They then check their answers in pairs before checking as a class. • Once the answers have been checked, have students do the quiz. Point out that at the end of the quiz, they can find out what their results mean. Time permitting, discuss results as a class. 4 • Ask students to read the instructions and check that they understand what they have to do. • Ask students to read the words and the questions and explain anything they don’t understand. • Students work individually to complete the task. • They then check their answers in pairs before checking as a class. UNIT 1 9
5 • Practice pronunciation by modeling each adjective • Ask students to read the instructions and check that in the orange box and asking students to repeat after they understand what they have to do. you. Correct where necessary. • Students discuss the puzzle in pairs. • Tell students to read the whole text first to get a • Monitor and help with vocabulary and grammar if general understanding before writing their answers. necessary. • Students work individually to complete the task. • Make a note of any mistakes to go over with the class • They then check their answers in pairs before afterwards. checking as a class. • When students are ready, ask them for their answers. • Discuss the correct answer. Then ask students which part of the brain deals with such questions of logic (the left). VOCABULARY 1 (SB page 8) 3 • Ask students to read the instructions and check that 1 they understand what they have to do. Elicit that there • Ask students to read the instructions and check that are two parts to the task. First, they must write the they understand what they have to do. Elicit that there nationality adjective for each country. Then they need to are two parts to the task. First, they need to match the think of something that is associated with the country. opposite pairs, and then they have to write sentences • Students work individually to complete the task. using the adjectives in their notebooks. • They then check their answers in pairs before • Students work individually to match the adjectives. checking as a class. • They then check their answers in pairs before • Practice pronunciation by modeling each of the checking as a class. countries and adjectives and asking students to repeat • Practice pronunciation by modeling each adjective after you. Correct where necessary. and asking students to repeat after you. Correct where necessary. Books closed. Divide the class into two teams and choose a \"secretary\" for each one; this person will write down their team’s answers. Say an adjective from 1; the teams must write down its opposite. Continue until all eight pairs have been covered. Then say a country from 3; the teams must write down its adjective. Continue until all nine countries have been covered. The team with the most points wins. 2 Extra Task (for Early Finishers) • Ask students to read the instructions and check that See photocopiable material on page 118. they understand what they have to do. • Ask students to read the text and explain anything GRAMMAR 1 (SB page 9) they don’t understand. Before you read Grammar 1 10 • Review the simple present and present continuous: affirmative, negative, question form, and short answers. Then elicit some adverbs of frequency and time expressions that are used with each.
1 • Read through the grammar theory with the class. • Ask students to look back at the text in Reading and to identify the verb form that is used throughout (simple present). Ask them why (because the text is about facts and general truths). • Ask individual students to give you sentences to show the different uses of both verb forms. 5 • Ask students to read the instructions and check that they understand what they have to do. • Ask students to read the text and explain anything they don’t understand. • Ask students to look at 1 and elicit what clues will help them to choose the correct form (\"live in Italy\" describes something that is always true) and elicit that they will need the simple present here. • Ask students to read the rest of the text carefully and to underline any time expressions or other clues that will help them to choose the correct form. • Students work individually to complete the task. • They then check their answers in pairs before checking as a class. 2 • Ask students to read the instructions and check that they understand what they have to do. Refer them to the grammar theory to help them answer the question. • Check answer as a class. Read 1.1-1.2 of the Grammar Reference on pages 135- Ask students to write their own gapped sentences 136 with your students. requiring either the simple present or the present continuous. Refer them to the grammar theory 3 if they need help. When students are ready, • Ask students to read the instructions and check that they exchange work and complete each other's they understand what they have to do. sentences. • Ask students to read the sentences and explain anything they don’t understand. Extra Task (for Early Finishers) • Remind students that adverbs of frequency come See photocopiable material on page 118. before the main verb but after the verb to be. • Students work individually to complete the VOCABULARY 2 (SB page 10) sentences. • They then check their answers in pairs before 1 checking as a class. • Ask students to read the instructions and check that they understand what they have to do. Point out that 4 two of the nouns (boredom and interest) have two • Ask students to read the instructions and check that adjective forms each. they understand what they have to do. • Students work individually to write the adjectives. • Ask students to read the sentences and explain • They then check their answers in pairs before anything they don’t understand. checking as a class. • Students work individually to complete the • Practice pronunciation by modeling each word in the sentences. chart and asking students to repeat after you. Correct • They then check their answers in pairs before where necessary. checking as a class. UNIT 1 11
2 GRAMMAR 2 (SB page 11) • Ask students to read the instructions and check that they understand what they have to do. Before you read Grammar 2 • Ask students to read the texts and explain anything • Write the following sentences on the board and ask they don’t understand. students if they are correct (they are all incorrect). • Tell students to read the whole sentence first and then Elicit/Explain that the verbs in the sentences are to look at the chart in 1 before writing their answers. stative: that is, they describe states (not actions) and • Students work individually to complete the texts. they can't be used in the continuous. • They then check their answers in pairs before I’m understanding the question. checking as a class. They aren’t knowing the answer. He’s loving to play the guitar. 3 • Write the following sentence pairs on the board and • Ask students to read the instructions and check that ask students if they are correct or not (the sentences they understand what they have to do. are all correct). Explain that some verbs have two • Ask students to read the sentences and explain meanings: one that describes a state and one that anything they don’t understand. describes an action. Action verbs can be used in • Tell them to look carefully at the words before and continuous forms; stative verbs can't. after the preposition in order to make the correct She looks tired today. / I’m looking at my book. choice. Sometimes the preposition goes with the word They have three cars. / They’re having breakfast now. before it and at other times it depends on the word(s) I think you're great! / He’s thinking of buying a new after it. bicycle. • Students work individually to choose the prepositions. • They then check their answers in pairs before 1 checking as a class. • Read through the grammar theory with the class. • Emphasize that some verbs are only stative, while others can be both stative and active, but with a change in meaning. 2 • Ask students to read the instructions and check that they understand what they have to do. Refer them to the grammar theory to help them answer the questions. • Check answers as a class. • Ask a strong student to explain the two different meanings of the verb see in the sentences (in 1 it means \"meet\"; in 2 it means \"see with your eyes\"). 4 Read 1.3 of the Grammar Reference on page 136 with • Ask students to read the instructions and check that your students. they understand what they have to do. • Ask students to read the sentences and explain 3 anything they don’t understand. • Ask students to read the instructions and check that • Explain to students that the expressions they will be they understand what they have to do. looking at are formed with two verbs that are often • Ask students to read the sentences and explain confused. anything they don’t understand. • Students work individually to complete the task. • Ask students to look at the first sentence and elicit • They then check their answers in pairs before that seem is a stative verb and that they will need the checking as a class. simple present here. • Encourage students to look back at verbs with two Divide the class into two teams. Write the meanings in the grammar theory in order to decide prepositions about, at, by, for, from, in on the which form to use. board. One by one, read out the phrases from 3. • Students work individually to complete the sentences. The first team to correctly name the preposition • They then check their answers in pairs before for each phrase wins a point. Continue until all the checking as a class. expressions have been used. The team with the most points wins. 4 • Ask students to read the instructions and check Extra Task (for Early Finishers) that they understand what they have to do. Elicit that See photocopiable material on page 118. 12
they have to use the same verb in the simple present conversation, but in an exam situation they will only (stative meaning) and present continuous (active hear it. Therefore, it is important that they listen very meaning) to complete the pairs of sentences. carefully to what they hear. • Ask students to read the sentences and explain • Play the recording and ask students to choose their anything they don’t understand. answer. Then ask students to discuss their answer with • Encourage students to look back at verbs with two a partner and to justify their answer if it is different. meanings in the grammar theory in order to decide • They then check their answer in pairs before checking which form to use. as a class. • Students work individually to complete the sentences. • They then check their answers in pairs before checking as a class. See the recording script on page 114. Ask students to choose a stative verb with two DOWNLOAD meanings from the Grammar Reference and to write • Ask students to read the information in Download. two sentences that show the different meanings. • Choose a student to explain the tip in his/her own words. Extra Task (for Early Finishers) • Explain that in picture-based listening tasks, they See photocopiable material on page 118. should read the question and look at the pictures before the recording starts so that they have an idea LISTENING (SB page 12) what it will be about. Remind them that they will probably hear all three options, but that only one is 1 correct and that they must listen carefully to decide • Ask students to read the instructions and check that which is correct. they understand what they have to do. • Ask them to look at the pictures and to decide what 4 one item appears in all three pictures. • Ask students to read the instructions and check that • Students work individually to complete the task. they understand what they have to do. • They then check their answer in pairs before checking • Ask students to look at the pictures and explain as a class. anything they don’t understand. • Encourage students to think about what the pictures in each question have in common, and to be careful when choosing their answers as all three options will probably be mentioned. • Play the recording and ask students to choose their answers. Then ask students to discuss their answers with a partner and to justify any answers that are different. • Play the recording again if necessary, and check answers as a class. 2 See the recording script on page 114. • Ask students to read the instructions and check that they understand what they have to do. SPEAKING (SB page 13) • Ask students to read the conversation and explain anything they don’t understand. 1 • Ask them to read the conversation again and to • Ask students to read the three questions and answer underline the places shown in the pictures. any queries they may have about them. • Students work individually to complete the task. • Students work in pairs to ask and answer the • They then check their answers in pairs before questions. checking as a class. • Monitor and help with vocabulary, but do not interrupt fluency. Make a note of any mistakes to go 3 over with the class afterwards. • Ask students to read the instructions and check that • Ask each pair to ask and answer one of the questions they understand what they have to do. and continue around the class until each pair has had • Point out that in tasks like these, all of the options a turn. will be mentioned to some extent, but only one is correct. Here they have the benefit of seeing the UNIT 1 13
• Deal with any language mistakes and pronunciation a teenager to have these characteristics) and that they problems that come up. are not being asked to describe the pictures. Elicit that there is a second part to the task that requires them TOP TIP to reach a decision about the two characteristics they think are the most important. Time permitting, these pair-work tasks can be • Point out that there are no right or wrong answers, turned into a class discussion or students can be and that the important thing is to justify what they say. asked to report back to the class on what they • Students work in pairs to do the exercise. talked about in pairs. Alternatively, students • Monitor and help with vocabulary, but do not can be asked to report back to the class what interrupt fluency. Make a note of any mistakes to go their partner said, in which case they should be over with the class afterwards. encouraged to take brief notes. • Ask one pair to demonstrate the task in front of the class. • Time permitting, repeat until all pairs have had a turn. 2 5 • Ask students to read the instructions and check that • Ask students to read the questions and explain they understand what they have to do. anything they don’t understand. • Ask students to read the conversations and explain • Students work in pairs to ask and answer the anything they don’t understand. questions. • Explain to students that they should carefully read • Monitor and help with vocabulary, but do not what B says to see if the speaker agrees or disagrees interrupt fluency. Make a note of any mistakes to go with A. over with the class afterwards. • Students work individually to complete the task. • Time permitting, you may want to discuss the • They then check their answers in pairs before questions more extensively as a class. checking as a class. 3 WRITING (SB pages 14-15) • Ask students what sort of questions we can ask to see if someone agrees or disagrees with what we are Email: Writing about Yourself saying. Make a list on the board. • Ask students to read the information on emails and • Ask students to read the instructions and check that writing about themselves. they understand what they have to do. • Explain to students that when they write to • Students work individually to complete the task. someone for the first time, they should provide certain • Check answers as a class. information about themselves so that their reader can get an idea of who they are. Explain that they should write about their appearance, their friends and family, and what they do in their free time. • Remind students that we use the simple present with adverbs of frequency and time expressions to say what we do and how often we do it. DOWNLOAD 1 • Ask students to read the information in Download. • Ask students to read the instructions and check that • Choose a student to explain the tip in his/her own words. they understand what they have to do. • Emphasize the importance of listening carefully to • Ask students to read the sentences and explain one's partner before replying to make sure they answer anything they don’t understand. the question being asked. • Ask students to read the sentences and to tell you • Tell students there are various phrases they can use what the paragraph is about (what someone does on to agree or disagree with what someone is saying. weekends). Tell them/Elicit that the starting sentence should be the one that introduces the topic of the 4 paragraph (I’m never home on weekends) and that • Go through the Language Bank with the students everything else should follow logically from this one. and make sure they understand the phrases and how • Point out that for 5 and 6 there are two possible to use them. Ask them to look back at 2 to see which answers. phrases were used. • Students work individually to complete the task. • Ask students to read the instructions and check that • Check answers as a class. they understand what they have to do. Spend some time explaining that they must discuss all the pictures within the context of the task (… how important it is for 14
2 5 • Ask students to read the instructions and check that • Ask students to read the instructions and check that they understand what they have to do. they understand what they have to do. Elicit that there • Elicit that they must circle the adverbs of frequency are two parts to the task. First, they must find the and underline the time expressions. adjectives in the email and write them in the correct • Students work individually to complete the task. column. Then they must add other adjectives that • Check answers as a class. describe appearance and personality. • Students work individually to complete the first part of the task. • They then check their answers in pairs before checking as a class. • Once answers have been checked, students do the second part of the task. • They then check their answers in pairs before checking as a class. 3 6 • Ask students to read the instructions and check • Ask students to read the instructions and check that that they understand what they have to do. Elicit that they understand what they have to do. they have to read the task and check (✓) only the • Ask them how we can begin and end an email (Hello, information they can include in their email. Hi, Bye for now, etc.). • Ask students to read the writing task and answer any • Draw students’ attention to the Language Bank. Go queries they might have about it. through the words and phrases for beginnings and • Ask students to look at the task again and to endings. underline the information that must be included in • Students work individually to complete the task. the email. Then tell them to look for the pieces of • They then check their answers in pairs before information in the list that are relevant. checking as a class. • Students work individually to complete the task. • They then check their answers in pairs before checking as a class. 4 LANGUAGE BANK • Ask students to read the instructions and check that • Quickly go through the other words and phrases in they understand what they have to do. the Language Bank. • Elicit that the email in 4 has been written in answer • Explain that students can use words and phrases to the writing task in 3. from the Language Bank as well as their own phrases • Explain that they need to circle the adverbs of in their emails. frequency and underline the time expressions. • Remind them to use words and phrases from all of • Ask students to read the email and explain anything the sections in the Language Bank. they don’t understand. • Students work individually to complete the task. 7 • Encourage them to look back at 1 if they need • Read the task out to students and explain anything help distinguishing adverbs of frequency from time they don’t understand. Elicit that they must write an expressions. email. • They then check their answers in pairs before • Go over the Plan with the students. Remind them to checking as a class. write three short paragraphs about the three topics in the task. • Remind students to use the present simple tense with adverbs of frequency and time expressions when they write about themselves and their hobbies. Remind them also to use adjectives when describing appearance and personality, and to begin and end their emails appropriately. • Assign the writing task for homework. DOWNLOAD • Read the information in the Download box. UNIT 1 15
• Choose a student to explain the tips in his/her own • 3: Practice prepositions. Write these words and words. prepositions on the board: responsible, interested, • Tell students this box acts as a reminder for what surprised, bad, different, excited, common, about, at, they have to do when they write their email. by, for, from, in. Then ask individual students to come • Remind them to use the simple present with adverbs to the board and match the words with the prepositions of frequency and time expressions, adjectives to they are used with. Ask students to give you example describe appearance and personality, and appropriate sentences using the phrases. beginnings and endings. • 4: Practice collocations and expressions. Write the • Remind them to look back at 4 for an example of a verbs do and make on the board. Read out the words model email that covers all of the important details in that can go with these verbs one at a time. Each time, the task. a student comes to the board and writes the word next to the correct verb. Practice all of the verb/word Time permitting, students can make brief notes for combinations. the three paragraphs of their email. Monitor and help with vocabulary if necessary. Grammar Review RELOAD 1 (SB page 16) Grammar 1 Practice the simple present and the present continuous. Objectives • Ask students to tell you when we use the simple • To review vocabulary and grammar from Unit 1. present and the present continuous. Read, one by one, the uses of the simple present and the present Review continuous, and ask students to give you examples • Explain to students that there will be a review at the for each use (simple present – habits and things that end of each unit in American Download. Tell them that happen regularly, things that are always or usually Reload 1 reviews the material they saw in Unit 1. true, permanent situations, facts and general truths, • Explain to students that they can ask you for help schedules and future programmed events; present with the questions or refer back to the relevant continuous – something that is happening now, at sections of the unit if they’re not sure about an answer. this moment, temporary situations, future plans and Stress that the Reload section is not a test. arrangements). • Decide how the review will be carried out. Students • Ask students to tell you which time expressions we could do the vocabulary items first and then correct use with each verb form. Write them on the board in them immediately, or they could do all the items two columns. Or, write the time expressions on the together and correct them at the end. board (in mixed-up order) and ask students to tell you • Give students about 20 minutes to complete the which are used with each verb form. review. Reduce this progressively as you work through the book. Grammar 2 • Tell students to answer every question. When Practice stative verbs. checking their answers, make a note of any problem • Remind students that stative verbs are used to talk areas in vocabulary and grammar they still have. about states and not actions. Assign some time to deal with these areas. • Remind students that some verbs have stative and active meanings. Vocabulary Review • Ask students to name some stative verbs. Write them on the board. Vocabulary 1 • Ask students for example sentences using the verbs. • 1: Review the adjectives and their opposites by writing them on the board in two columns and asking • Students are now ready to do Reload 1. students to come to the board and match them. • Set a time limit and let students know every so • 2: Write the adjectives on the board and ask often how much time they have left to complete the individual students to use them in sentences. questions. • 3: Say the countries, one by one, and ask individual • Check answers as a class. students to come to the board and write the adjective forms. Vocabulary 2 • 1 and 2: Practice word formation. Write the nouns on the board and ask students to write the adjective forms. 16
American Download is an exciting new multi-level course especially written to appeal to teenagers and young adults alike. This level is suitable for students working to achieve an A2 level of competence within the Common European Framework. American Download A2 Teacher’s Book provides everything the teacher needs to make best use of the material in American Download A2 Student’s Book. American Download A2 Teacher’s Book contains: • c lear lesson plans with detailed instructions and the key to all tasks from American Download A2 Student’s Book. • suggestions for extension tasks and teaching tips. • the recording script with justification underlined for the listening tasks included in American Download A2 Student’s Book. • photocopiable tasks for use with students who finish early in class, as a way of reviewing prior to a test, or as extra practice of the vocabulary and grammar in the student’s book. •the keys and recording scripts (justification underlined) for American Download A2 Workbook and American Download A2 Test Book. A course in American Download A2, a complete package American English for Pre-Intermediate students: based on the requirements American Download A2 Student’s Book and standards of the American Download A2 Workbook Common European American Download A2 Grammar American Download A2 Test Book Framework of Reference American Download A2 e-book American Download A2 Teacher’s Book American Download A2 Class Audio CD, Workbook Audio CD, and Test Book Audio CD American Download A2 Interactive Whiteboard Software
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