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Home Explore American Kids' Zone 1 Student's Book with Key Sample

American Kids' Zone 1 Student's Book with Key Sample

Published by Hamilton House Publishers, 2022-08-30 08:40:32

Description: American Kids' Zone 1 Student's Book with Key Sample


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Student’s Book Ruby Devon with Ann Jones

Contents Lesson Words Language Phonics Arts and Kids’ CLIL crafts planet Social studies: Hello! page 4 Transportation Science: Hello! squirrel, kite, Hello! Hi! Animal prints I’m Sammy! Math: kangaroo, ball I’m a squirrel! Numbers 1–5 Unit 1 page 7 Social studies: Classroom Lesson Toys 1 Wow! rules 1a train, plane, car, Look at this train! Lesson doll Nice (car)! 1b Goodbye! Colors 1 What’s this? CVC words: a Make a Toys yellow, red, It’s a red plane. cat, hat, man, school blue, green Sorry! van bus! CVC words: e Make a The sea Unit 2 page 17 red, bed, pen, paper world hen frog! Lesson Animals Look! A mouse 2a mouse, cat, and a cat! Lesson duck, frog Thank you! 2b Colors 2 Benny is black brown, black, and white! white, purple He’s funny! Unit 3 page 27 Lesson In the yard Look at that pink 3a tree, bird, butterfly! flower, bee, Look at me! butterfly Stop it! Look at those Lesson Numbers 1–5 birds! CVC words: i Make Busy 3b Help! fig, pin, wig a bee bees Thank you! finger puppet! Unit 4 page 37 Lesson Classroom Where’s my 4a words 1 backpack? backpack, book, Here it is! eraser, pencil Come back! Lesson Classroom Is this your CVC words: o Make The 4b words 2 classroom, fox, box, frog, pencil science classroom, Benny? log toppers! lab desk, chair, Yes, it is. teacher 2

Lesson Words Language Phonics Arts and Kids’ CLIL crafts planet Science: Dinosaurs Unit 5 page 47 Math: Numbers Lesson Family words 1 This is my mom! 1–10 5a dad, mom, Hello! Social She’s nice! studies: sister, brother This is my dad! Hello! Food He’s nice! Science: Lesson Family words 2 This is my friend! CVC words: u Make a Brothers The five 5b grandma, She’s good! cub, bug, sun photo and senses grandpa, friend, He’s good! frame! sisters pet It’s very naughty! Unit 6 page 57 Lesson Facial features Let’s make a 6a snowman, eyes, snowman! nose, mouth Good idea! I have two eyes! Lesson Parts of the He’s a robot. Digraphs: sh Make a Jobs 6b body He has two arms. fish, shell, robot! robot, head, sheep arms, legs Unit 7 page 67 Lesson Food 1 I like apples! 7a apple, banana, Me too! juice, ice cream Wait for me! Lesson Food 2 Do you like chicken? Digraphs: ch Make School 7b chicken, fish, I don’t like spaghetti! chicken, paper lunch pizza, spaghetti cherries, pizza! cheese Unit 8 page 77 Lesson Action verbs I can climb! 8a climb, fly, jump, I can’t climb. swim Lesson Sports Can you play tennis? Digraphs: th Make a Sports 8b play tennis, play Yes, I can! three, teeth, ring toss soccer, play No, I can’t! moth game! basketball Look out! Finger puppets page 87 3

Hello! 1 Look and listen. Hello! I’m Kite! Hello! I’m Katie! I’m a kite. I’m a kangaroo. Hi! I’m Sammy! Hi! I’m Benny! I’m a squirrel. I’m a ball. 2 Listen again and say. Then act. 4

3 Listen and point. Then say. 4 Listen and sing. I am Sammy! I asmquiSrareml,msyq!uirrel. I am a squirrel, I am Benny! I am Benny! I am a ball, ball, ball. I am Katie! I am Katie! kangaroo. I am a kangaroo, kangaroo, I am Kite! I am Kite! I am a kite, kite, kite. 5

Hello! 34 5 Listen and match. Then say. 12 a bc d 6 Write. Sammy Katie 6

Unit This is my toy plane! My Zone Color and trace. Check that students have used the correct colors. plane 7

a 1 Listen and point. Then say. train plane car doll 2 Look and listen. 1 Look at this train, Sammy! 2 Look at this plane, Benny! Wow! Nice plane! Wow! Nice train! 3 Look at this doll, Benny! 4 Look at this car, Benny! Goodbye, Katie! Wow! Nice doll, Katie! Goodbye! Nice car, Sammy! 3 Listen again and say. Then act. 8

4 Match and say. 3 4 12 ab cd 5 Listen and chant. Then write. doll train car plane 6 Point and say. Wow! Nice plane. Sing + Dance Look at this plane! 9

b 1 Listen and point. Then say. yellow red blue green 2 Look and listen. 2 What’s this, 1 What’s this, Sammy? Sammy? It’s a yellow train. It’s a red plane. 34 What’s this, What’s this, Sammy? Benny? It’s a blue car. It’s a green squirrel! Sorry, Sammy! 10 3 Listen again and say. Then act.

4 Listen and circle. Then say. Check that students circle 12 the pictures in this order: 2 (example); 4; 3; 1 34 5 Listen and stick. Then write. Check that students have put the stickers in the correct place. green blue car doll red yellow plane train 6 Listen and sing. Look! Look! yellow car! A red and Look! Look! Look! A blue and green plane! Look! Look! blue doll! A yellow and LAoogkr!eeLnooak!ndLoyoekl!low train! 11

Phonics 1 Listen, point and repeat. cat hat man van 2 Listen and chant. A cat with a hat, cat, hat. A man in a van, man, van. A cat with a hat, cat, hat. A man in a van, man, van. 3 Read the chant. Circle the a in the middle of the words. 4 Listen, circle and write. 12 3 4 van man cat hat van man cat hat van hat man cat 12

anAd rCtrsafSeetvsideo. Materials Make a school bus! See TB. • Egg carton • Scissors • Yellow paint • Glue 1 • Paintbrush • Gray/Black card • White paper • Two bottle caps • Markers 2 34 56 13

Kpliadnest' Toys 1 Listen and read. Then write the names. 1 Hello! I’m Bob. Look at my car! It’s my favorite toy. 2 Hi! I’m Ann. Look at my robot! It’s my favorite toy. 3 Hello! I’m Tom. Look at my drone! It’s my favorite toy. 2 Listen again and circle. Favorite toys 1 Bob 2 Ann 3 Tom 3 Check ✔ your favorite toy. Students look at the toys and 14 check their favorite one(s).


CSoLcIiaLl studies Transportation 4 1 Look, listen and point. 3 12 car plane train boat 2 Look. Then find the stickers and write. Check that students have put the stickers in the correct place. plane boat car train 16

Student’s Book American Kids’ Zone is a brand new and exciting multi-level course for young learners in primary school classes. American Kids’ Zone progresses gradually, helping your students reach the required vocabulary and language skill level to continue smoothly into secondary school classes. American Kids’ Zone 1 features: ●   e xciting unit profile pages with striking visuals that engage students through personalized warm-up tasks ●  clearly-structured, easy-to-follow lessons organized to fit the teaching year ●  all the key language required for primary school students, transparently presented and methodically practiced ●  fun and achievable activities smoothly introducing students to all four skills ● c arefully graded Phonics lessons ●  s pecial Arts and Crafts pages with video ● t heme-related Kids’ Planet pages with engaging real-life topics ● s timulating CLIL pages focussing on other school subjects such as math and science in English, which aim to enrich the learners’ experience ●  memorable songs, chants and special sing-and-dance videos American Kids’ Zone for the student: • Student’s Book with stickers • Workbook in full color • Interactive e-book

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