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Ultimate English B2 Grammar Greek

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English Grammar and Vocabulary B2

Contents Unit Grammar Vocabulary English in Use Review Unit 1 Present simple, Entertainment Selective cloze Grammar review present continuous, and the media Key word p. 11 pages 4–12 stative verbs transformation Vocabulary review Present perfect simple, p. 12 Unit 2 present perfect Selective cloze continuous Open cloze Grammar review pages 13–21 p. 20 Past simple, past Travel and Word formation Vocabulary review Unit 3 continuous, used to holiday Key word p. 21 Past perfect simple, transformation pages 22–30 past perfect Grammar review continuous p. 29 Unit 4 Vocabulary review The future, temporals, Environmental p. 30 pages 31–39 question tags issues Grammar review p. 38 Unit 5 Modals, semi-modals, Health and Selective cloze Vocabulary review modals perfect fitness Open cloze p. 39 pages 40–48 Grammar review Gerunds and infinitives Crime and Word formation p. 47 Unit 6 punishment Key word Vocabulary review transformation p. 48 pages 49–57 Grammar review Conditionals, Careers and Selective cloze p. 56 Unit 7 mixed conditionals, employment Open cloze Vocabulary review conditionals without if, p. 57 pages 58–66 I wish/if only Word formation Grammar review Key word p. 65 Unit 8 Reported speech, Shopping and transformation Vocabulary review reporting verbs consumerism p. 66 pages 67–75 Grammar review Relative clauses, Education and Selective cloze p. 74 Unit 9 participle clauses technology Open cloze Vocabulary review p. 75 pages 76–84 The passive voice, Relationships Word formation Grammar review personal and Key word p. 83 Unit 10 impersonal passive transformation Vocabulary review structures p. 84 pages 85–93 Selective cloze Grammar review page 94 Clauses (contrast and Science and Open cloze p. 92 pages 95–96 concession, purpose innovation Vocabulary review and reason), causative p. 93 forms Spelling rules Irregular verbs 3

Reported speech, reporting verbs Grammar 1 Read and write direct speech, reported statement or reported question. Confessions of a shopaholic Donald comes home from the store with things he didn’t plan on buying and will probably never use. He has run his credit cards up to the limit. Yes, he is a shopaholic. 1 ‘My hands were sweating and the excitement was unbelievable. I was going to spend a week’s wages on a designer jacket I couldn’t afford,’ said Donald. 2 He admitted that he often hid his purchases and had to pick up a second job to pay off all of his debt. 3 He wonders how he first became obsessed with shopping. 4 He explains that he often invented excuses to escape the office and go shopping. 5 His friends asked him whether he would seek professional help to deal with his compulsive shopping and overspending problem. 6 ‘Compulsive shopping can destroy a person’s life, family and finances,’ Donald said. 58

Reported statements: tense changes Direct speech Reported speech Present simple Past simple ‘I hate shopping in department stores,’ she said. She said (that) she hated shopping in department stores. Present perfect simple Past perfect simple ‘I have bought a new tablet,’ Mark said. Mark said (that) he had bought a new tablet. Present perfect continuous Past perfect continuous ‘I’ve been waiting for hours,’ he told us. He told us (that) he had been waiting for hours. Past simple Past perfect simple ‘I spent all my money on clothes,’ Ellie said. Ellie said (that) she had spent all her money on clothes. Past continuous Past perfect continuous ‘I was having dinner then,’ Susan said. Susan said (that) she had been having dinner then. Future simple Would + bare infinitive ‘I’ll ask for a refund,’ Peter said. Peter told me (that) he would ask for a refund. Future continuous Would + be + verb -ing ‘James will be staying with friends,’ he said. He said (that) James would be staying with friends. Be going to Was / Were going to ‘Ed is going to complain to the manager,’ Tim told us. Tim told us (that) Ed was going to complain to the manager. Imperative (Προστακτική) Full infinitive ‘Wait for James, Ted,’ Mary said. Mary told Ted to wait for James. ‘Don’t delete the file, Anna,’ Dan said. Dan told Anna not to delete the file. ‘Turn on the printer, please,’ Mark said. Mark asked me to turn on the printer. ‘Please don’t talk,’ the teacher said. The teacher asked them not to talk. Modal / Semi-modal Past form of modal ‘You can take a day off,’ my boss said. My boss told me (that) I could take a day off. ‘You must be on time,’ Ed said. Ed told me (that) I had to be on time. ‘I have to have a licence,’ she said. She said (that) she had to have a licence. ‘They may not agree,’ Charles said. Charles said (that) they might not agree. First conditional Second conditional ‘If we don’t leave soon, we’ll miss the bus,’ Rob said. Rob said (that) if they didn’t leave soon, they would miss the bus. Reported statements: no tense changes Direct speech Reported speech Past perfect tenses She said that they had already replied to the email. ‘We had already replied to the email,’ she said. He said that he had been worrying for a long time. ‘I’d been worrying for a long time,’ he said. Adam told Wendy that she looked happy because she must have Could, should, would, might, ought to, must (για heard the good news. υποθέσεις, εικασίες) Ben said that she must be furious. ‘You look happy. You must have heard the good news,’ Second and third conditionals Adam said to Wendy. She said that if she were rich, she would travel round the world. ‘She must be furious,’ Ben said. Helen said that if she had seen Mary, she would have told her. Second and third conditionals ‘If I were rich, I would travel round the world,’ she said. ‘If I had seen Mary, I would have told her,’ Helen said. Reported statements: other changes Direct speech Reported speech today / tonight that day / that night yesterday the previous day / the day before tomorrow the next day / the following day / the day after next month the following month last year the previous year a week/month/year ago the week/month/year before here there now then this / these that / those come go 59

Reported speech, reporting verbs Reported questions Use • Οι ερωτήσεις στον πλάγιο λόγο (reported questions) έχουν τις ίδιες αλλαγές στους χρόνους και στις λέξεις όπως και οι πλάγιες καταφατικές και αρνητικές προτάσεις. • Το ρήμα στον πλάγιο λόγο είναι στον καταφατικό και όχι στον ερωτηματικό τύπο. Αυτό συμβαίνει επειδή ο ομιλητής μεταφέρει την ερώτηση που έκανε κάποιος άλλος, δε ρωτά ο ίδιος κάτι. • Τα πιο συχνά reporting verbs στις ερωτηματικές προτάσεις είναι asked ή wanted to know. Form Example With a question word ‘How often do you shop for clothes?’ my friend asked. question word + subject + verb ➝ My friend asked (me) how often I shopped for clothes. ‘Where did you buy your sneakers?’ he asked. ➝ He wanted to know where I had bought my sneakers. Without a question word ‘Has Mike arrived yet?’ she asked me. if / whether + subject + verb ➝ She asked me if Mike had arrived yet. ‘Did you ask for a discount?’ she asked. ➝ She wanted to know if I had asked for a discount. Reporting verbs Direct speech ➝ Reported speech Form Paul said, ‘I’m sorry I disrupted your dinner.’ ➝ Paul apologised for disrupting their dinner. Verb + (object) + preposition + gerund/noun They said, ‘You shouldn’t become an actor.’ accuse someone of ➝ They discouraged him from becoming an actor. advise someone against ‘I understand why she resigned,’ he said. apologise for ➝ He didn’t blame her for resigning. blame someone for congratulate someone on ‘You must report the theft to the police,’ Ken said. criticise someone for ➝ Ken recommended reporting the theft to the police. discourage someone from ‘Let’s change the name of the company,’ the manager said. insist on ➝ The manager proposed changing the name of the company. warn someone about/against ‘Will you pick me up from the airport?’ Chris asked his sister. Verb + gerund ➝ Chris asked his sister to pick him up from the airport. admit deny propose ‘I’ll do the dishes,’ said Tracy. recommend suggest ➝ Tracy offered to do the dishes. ‘Come on; you have to enter the competition,’ he said. Verb + (object) + full infinitive ➝ He persuaded me to enter the competition. advise sb agree ask sb beg sb encourage sb instruct sb invite sb ‘Yes, I was wrong about Helen,’ he said. offer order sb persuade sb ➝ He admitted that he had been wrong about Helen. promise refuse remind sb ‘You might lose your job,’ she said. threaten warn sb ➝ She warned me that I might lose my job. Verb + (object) (+ that) + clause ‘You should get some professional advice,’ Bill said. admit agree complain deny explain ➝ Bill recommended that I (should) get some professional advice. promise remind warn ‘How about taking a short break?’ Mark said. ➝ Mark suggested that we (should) take a short break. Verb (+ that) + subject (+ should) + bare infinitive demand insist propose recommend request suggest 60

2 Choose the correct answers. 1 Jenny claimed that she buy any more clothes for a full year. A wasn’t going to B won’t C isn’t going to 2 The customer admitted that she the receipt. A has lost B must have lost C had to lose 3 The clerk said he when the parcel would be delivered. A hadn’t known B doesn’t know C didn’t know 4 My father told my entire allowance on junk food. A me not to spend B me to not spend C don’t spend 5 Darren promised that he me back the following week. A will have paid B will pay C would pay 6 The salesperson explained that we off the fridge within a year. A could pay B can pay C have paid 7 The manager said we any new stock until the following month. A won’t get B won’t be getting C wouldn’t be getting 8 Naomi said she was tired because she shelves all morning. A was stocking B has stocked C had been stocking 9 The customer insisted that the shop assistant rude. A was B had been C has been 10 The company announced that the chain store a new outlet the following year. A would be opening B will open C will be opening 3 Report the questions. 1 ‘Will you please increase my allowance?’ Shana asked her parents. Shana asked her parents if / whether they would increase her allowance. 2 ‘Does the shop offer a free gift-wrapping service?’ Marion asked the salesgirl. 3 ‘How long have you been waiting in the queue for the changing room?’ Jill asked me. 4 ‘Did you check that the website was secure?’ Ian asked his wife. 5 ‘Can I exchange this shirt for a larger size?’ the customer asked. 6 ‘What are the benefits of having a loyalty card?’ Peter asked the cashier. 7 ‘Are you coming to the mall with us tomorrow morning?’ my friends asked. 8 ‘Where did you find these amazing earrings?’ Carol asked Sarah. 4 Circle the correct answers. 1 Martin proposed / agreed to meet his friends for lunch. 2 Mum suggested / reminded me that I should remove the price tag from my new jacket. 3 The customer was upset and insisted / demanded on speaking to the manager. 4 The hotel receptionist apologised / admitted that she had made a mistake with the bill. 5 The employee denied / refused having taken money from the cash register. 6 Jenna encouraged / recommended spending the afternoon browsing in second-hand clothes shops. 7 Tony’s dad complained / criticised him for spending so much money on trainers. 8 The security guard warned / explained us that security tags left in clothes would set off the alarm. 61

Reported speech, reporting verbs 5 Complete the sentences with these reporting verbs. apologised begged explained offered refused suggested threatened warned 1 ‘Don’t let me catch you shoplifting again, or I’ll call 5 ‘Let me help you carry the groceries into the house.’ the police.’ threatened James to help his mother The shopkeeper to call the carry the groceries into the house. police if he caught the young woman shoplifting 6 ‘You should never make online purchases from again. websites that are not secure.’ 2 ‘Please, Dad! Take us to the toy store this afternoon!’ The speaker against The children their father to purchasing items from websites that aren't secure. take them to the toy store that afternoon. 7 ‘Let’s go bargain hunting next weekend.’ 3 ‘I’m sorry, but I’ve given you the wrong change.’ Jasmine we go bargain The cashier for giving the hunting the following weekend. customer the wrong change. 8 ‘We won’t pay for the Wi-Fi service because the 4 ‘This dress is from the new collection, so it’s not Internet connection was unreliable.’ on sale.’ The hotel guests to pay for The salesperson that that the Wi-Fi service because the Internet connection dress was from the new collection, so it wasn’t on sale. was unreliable. 6 Rewrite the sentences in direct speech. 1 The customers complained that they had been waiting in the queue for over half an hour. ‘We’ve been waiting in the queue for over half an hour,’ the customers complained. 2 Mum told me not to spend my allowance on clothes that I wasn’t going to wear. 3 The technician said he would repair my laptop right away, and I could pick it up that evening. 4 My brother said he was going for a job interview, and asked me what I thought he should wear. 5 Anne asked me if I knew what time the farmers’ market opened the following morning. 6 Dad told me that if I saved up half the money for a bike, he would pay the other half. 7 Read and report what the people said. The birthday present Amanda: I’m afraid that 1 I’m a compulsive shopper. When Amanda admitted 1 being / that she was Judy: 2 I’ll help you kick the habit. 3 Let’s go a compulsive shopper, her friend, Judy, offered shopping at the mall together, but 4 you won’t buy anything for yourself. 2 kick the habit. Judy Amanda: OK, 5 I won’t spend any money on myself. Amanda secretly bought a pretty bracelet and while suggested 3 shopping at they were having coffee, the box with the bracelet fell out of Amanda’s handbag. the mall together and made Amanda promise Judy: What’s that? 6 Let me see it! 7 You broke your promise, didn’t you! 4 anything for herself. Amanda: 8I picked it up for your birthday next week. 9 Open it! Amanda agreed 5 any Judy: Thank you so much! 10 I love it! 11 I’m so sorry that I doubted you. money on herself. 62 Amanda secretly bought a pretty bracelet and while they were having coffee, the box with the bracelet fell out of Amanda’s handbag. Judy demanded 6 what it was and accused Amanda 7 her promise. Amanda explained that she 8 it up for Judy’s birthday the following week and asked Judy 9 the box. Judy was very grateful for the gift and said that she 10 it. She also apologised 11 Amanda.

Vocabulary Shopping and consumerism 1 Read the text and circle the correct words. Why shopping online isn’t the best E-shopping might be a great alternative, but nothing beats the real-life shopping experience, and there’s definitely no 1 comparison / confirmation when it comes to buying clothes. For many of us, it’s hard to control our 2 saving / spending online, simply because it’s so easy – just click and add an item to the 3 trolley / cart. But is it possible to choose only one item, when we are tempted by so many choices, not to mention all the 4 discounts / refunds and special offers? And, if we add enough items, we can also ‘save’ money by avoiding delivery 5 charges / prices. Before realising it, we’ve spent a small 6 allowance / fortune on things we don’t need and may never wear. For those of us on a tight 7 stock / budget, this can become a serious problem when the 8 loyalty / credit card bill arrives. What we see isn’t always what we get either. After waiting days or weeks for delivery, we realise that items looked better on the website, or that they don’t fit well. And nothing can be more frustrating than trying to get a 9 refund / change from an e-shop. Things like that don’t happen when shopping in real life. We are able to see and feel the quality of the products 10 first-hand / second-hand. We can try things 11 out / on for size and get a friend’s opinion on how they look. Yes, we might still be tempted by sales offers, but it’s easier to keep track of our purchases. And, even when we don’t find anything we fancy, we’ve had a fun day out 12 browsing / looking in stores and socialising with friends. 2 Complete the sentences. Write one preposition in each gap. 1 I got a new pair of ski boots and skis for my birthday! I’ve tried on the ski boots and they fit perfectly. This weekend I’ll try my new skis on our family trip to the mountains. 2 Roger said he couldn’t pay me the full €500 this month, so we’ve agreed that he’ll give me €100 a month until he’s paid his debt. 3 Will you please go to the supermarket and pick some cereal? You can pick any brand you like as long as it’s low in sugar. 4 Have you heard that the electronics store is selling all its old stock at a 75% discount? You said you were looking for a tablet, so you should check it out before the better ones are sold . 5 For every £100 customers spent, the furniture store was throwing a free beach towel. Along with the coffee table I bought today, we now have four new beach towels, so we can throw the old ones. 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. 1 Recently, I’ve heard many consumers’ complaints (complain) about the cosmetics company because they test their (produce) on animals. 2 If you want some good (advise), I recommend checking out some websites that help you make (compare) before buying a new car. 3 After discussing the pros and cons of online shopping in great (deep), we discovered that we share many of the same (believe) on the topic. 4 Because of his (high), Alex has difficulty finding trousers that are the right (long). 5 The children felt a great sense of (proud) when they raised nearly £3,000 for a local charity from their annual bake (sell) and bazaar. 6 This wardrobe would look perfect in the bedroom, but I’m not sure about the (wide) of it. I’ll have to measure the room for (confirm). 63

Reported speech, reporting verbs English in Use 1 Read and complete the text with the correct form of the words given. The grandma challenge I admire my grandmother, mostly for her 1 of STRONG character, but also for her amazing ability to turn average-looking PROUD HIGH clothes into fashionable outfits. Ever since I can remember, she has LONG taken 2 in her appearance and has always looked ADVISE DEEP chic – whether attending an event, visiting a friend or just working in HAND BELIEVE the garden. She once told me that at the 3 of her career, she had been the first woman in her office to wear full- 4 trousers. I find it amusing to imagine Grandma, in her fifties at the time, as a fashion influencer. Grandma pays attention to what I’m wearing and suggests ways to improve my look. So, one day, I challenged her to be my fashion 5 for a week. For each day, she proposed a theme outfit, which I had to put together from my existing wardrobe. I must admit that it got me digging into the 6 of my closet, trying to combine brand-name items with 7 clothes. At the end of the week, I was anxious to see if I had lived up to her expectations – based on her 8 that fashion should be simple, yet elegant. As she was flipping through the photos on my phone, she whispered ‘beautiful and chic’. 2 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first, using the word given. Do not change the word. Use between two and five words. 1 ‘If I were you, Penny, I’d wait until the dress goes on sale,’ said Lydia. ADVISED Lydia until the dress went on sale. 2 ‘You really should try on shoes before you buy them,’ said the shop assistant. THAT The shop assistant recommended shoes before I bought them. 3 ‘I have already returned the money that I borrowed,’ I insisted. BACK the money I had borrowed. I insisted that 4 ‘The sleeves are too long,’ complained the customer. THE The customer of the sleeves. 5 ‘I’m sorry that I’ve kept you waiting so long,’ said the waiter. KEEPING The waiter so long. 6 ‘We won’t give you a refund for the web camera,’ the shop assistant told me. TO The shop assistant a refund for the web camera. 7 ‘Would you like to join us to dinner this evening?’ Emily asked my sister and me. WHETHER Emily like to join them to dinner that evening. 8 ‘New stock will be arriving next week,’ said the manager. WOULD The manager said that new stock week. 64

Grammar review Choose the correct answers. 1 Theo’s grandfather him to wait until he was 18 11 M y best friend against shopping from that site before buying a scooter. because its products were of poor quality. A demanded B suggested A instructed me C persuaded B insisted me D promised C explained to me D warned me 2 She asked me to pay in cash. 12 Many customers have the service at the A if I wanted restaurant was too slow. B do I want C whether I want A complained about D did I want B criticised for C criticised that 3 The accountant advised her clients all of their D complained that business receipts. 13 W e refused the delivery charges because the A to keep goods had arrived a week late. B keeping C to keeping A paying D that they keep B to pay C that we would pay 4 I asked my friends whether any bargains in the D that we pay sales. 14 The retail store owners agreed that if sales didn’t A did they find increase, they close down. B they found C they had found A have to D had they found B would have to C will have to 5 My parents threatened my allowance if I didn’t D had had to help with household chores. 15 B illy asked the bank manager why increase the A stopping limit on his credit card. B me to stop C to stop A he couldn’t D they will B couldn’t he C he can’t 6 Julia wanted to know if she the new jumper her D can’t he sister had recently bought. 16 The sign said that customers for parking if they A can borrow made a minimum purchase of £10. B were able to borrow C could have borrowed A needn’t pay D could borrow B didn’t need to pay C needn’t have paid 7 Alice reminded her husband his suit from the D wouldn’t pay dry-cleaner’s. 17 Charles wanted to try on the tracksuit, so he asked the shop assistant where . A picking up B to pick up A is the changing room C for picking up B was the changing room D that he pick up C the changing room was D the changing room is 8 The shop owner asked me how much to pay for the second-hand laptop. 18 ‘Why is Fiona upset?’ ‘She told me that she graduation dresses all day, A I was willing B was I willing but couldn’t find one she liked.’ C am I willing D I am willing A was trying on B had been trying on 9 Iasked the salesman whether calling another C has been trying on D had tried on branch to see if it had the item in stock. 19 H er father recommended prices before she A he would mind B he minds picked out a new smartphone. C would he mind D did he mind A she comparing B her to compare 10 The manager congratulated the Employee of the C compare D that she compare Month Award. 20 T he angry passenger a full refund for being A that he won B him to win made to wait six hours on the plane. C him on winning D him winning A insisted to get B demanding getting C demanded to get 65 D requested getting

Vocabulary review Choose the correct answers. 1 The cashier insisted that he had put the in the 11 W ith any purchase over £50, the sports shop will grocery bag, but I couldn’t find it. a T-shirt for free. A delivery A throw out B receipt B throw to C confirmation C throw for D price tag D throw in 2 Many customers express when they have to wait 12 Could I please this pair of jeans for a smaller in long queues at the bank. size? A complaint A exchange B complain B return C anger C refund D angry D change 3 Department stores usually refund customers if they 13 The manufacturer takes great in producing are not satisfied with a . fashionable clothes and accessories. A producer B production A belief C produce B advice D product C pride D choice 4 Janet couldn’t decide which shoes to for her 14 The best place in London to go hunting is sister’s wedding. Camden Market with its many vintage shops. A try on A loyalty B pick out B sale C try out C discount D pick on D bargain 5 The shop announcement said another line would 15 I’m not sure about the of these high boots; they be opening shortly. feel a bit tight around my legs. A checkout A length B register B width C counter C height D trolley D depth 6 When you make purchases from an online store, 16 Idon’t have a credit card, so would it be possible to they always send you a email. pay by when I receive the items? A delivery A cash on delivery B comparison B delivery charges C confirmation C loyalty card D receipt D cash register 7 They were expected to their bank loan by the 17 Black Friday began taking place in the US, and end of last year. since then it has spread round the world. A pay off A annually B sell off B loyally C sell out C especially D pay for D first-hand 8 My sister and I enjoy in vintage clothing shops at 18 My uncle was a victim of cyberfraud because he didn’t use a secure when shopping online. weekends. A address A purchasing B browser B browsing C site C choosing D icon D surfing 9 As a marketing strategy, many retailers frequently 19 The retail shop didn’t have the right size jeans offer on selected products. in , so they called another branch. A refunds A stock B discounts B shelves C fortunes C budget D bargains D counter 10 W hich stores are most popular with young 20 I heard that the clothing store is last season’s people in your country? stock at half price. A brand A paying off B footwear B picking out C department C throwing out D sales D selling off 66

English B2 GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY Ultimate English is an innovative, multi-level course that takes students from B1 to B2 level of the Common European Framework. Thanks to its rich, engaging content and forward-thinking approach, it motivates learners to achieve a high level of language competence while preparing them effectively for all established English language exams at this level. This exciting new course includes up-to-date topics that will stimulate the learners’ interest while offering an effective and clearly laid out language development and support programme. Ultimate English also gives emphasis to 21st-century skills, such as critical thinking and co-operative learning, while developing all language skills within a truly motivating context. Ultimate English B2 Grammar and Vocabulary has been specially written to precisely reflect the topics, grammar areas and lexical fields in Ultimate English B2 Student’s Book. Language is presented through engaging visuals and motivating texts to expose learners to the natural use of language and to offer good models for its effective and accurate use. Ultimate English B2 Grammar and Vocabulary features: • Fresh and thought-provoking reading texts, carefully developed to recycle vocabulary areas of the respective unit in the Student’s Book while offering an ideal, context-based presentation of the key grammar. • Detailed grammar tables with complete reference, explanation and examples on all grammar areas included in the Student’s Book and required in all established B2 examinations. • A large range of practice exercises for every grammar point, leading up to exam-level tasks. • A separate section on Vocabulary with an array of activities that reflect the Student’s Book topic vocabulary and expand further upon it to enrich the students’ lexical ability. • E xtra English in Use sections that focus on natural language use and offer B2-level exam practice in established exam task types. • A t the end of every unit, Grammar and Vocabulary Review sections that offer an opportunity for revision and self-assessment. Ultimate English B2, a complete package CEFR level Ultimate English B2 for Upper Intermediate students: B2 Ultimate English B1+ B1+ Ultimate English B1 Ultimate English B2 Student’s Book B1 Ultimate English B2 Workbook Ultimate English B2 Grammar and Vocabulary Ultimate English B2 Companion Ultimate English B2 Test Book Ultimate English B2 e-book Ultimate English B2 Teacher’s Book Ultimate English B2 Class Audio Set Ultimate English B2 Interactive Whiteboard Software

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