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Ultimate English B1 Companion

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COMPANION Β1 ULTIMATE ENGLISH B1 STUDENT’S BOOKKatrina Gormley English d Katrina Gormley B1 ls, to STUDENT’S BOOK e eview 19/12/2019 14:02 r skills

Contents Note to teachers page 4 Unit 1 page 5 Unit 2 page 29 Unit 3 page 51 Unit 4 page 67 Unit 5 page 84 Unit 6 page 100 Unit 7 page 116 Unit 8 page 130 Unit 9 page 148 Unit 10 page 164 Alphabetical word list with phonetics page 178

Connections page 5 1.9 activity (n) sth that a person or group does 1.1 connection (n) a relationship in which a person or ❖ δραστηριότητα I do a lot of activities after school: thing is linked with sth else basketball, ceramics and hip-hop dancing. ❖ σχέση, σύνδεση ➤ act (v), active (adj) – What’s the connection between them? – They’re mother and daughter. page 6 ➤ connect (v) ✎ connection between 1.10 follow in sb’s footsteps (expr) to do the same thing as sb else did 1.2 relationship (n) the way in which two or more people before you ❖ ακολουθώ τα βήματα κάποιου feel and behave towards each other Toby has followed in his father’s footsteps; ❖ σχέση, συγγένεια he’s a baker too. I have a great relationship with my sister; we always have a lot of fun together. 1.11 star (v) ➤ relation (n) to be the main actor in a film, play or ✎ relationship with/between other show 1.3 spend time with sb (expr) ❖ πρωταγωνιστώ to use time doing sth or being Judy Garland starred in the famous movie The Wizard of Oz when she was just sixteen. somewhere with sb else ➤ star (n) ❖ κάνω παρέα με, περνώ ώρα με ✎ Syn: celebrity ❖ σταρ It’s important to spend time with your family and friends. 1.12 involvement (n) the act of taking part in sth 1.4 quality time (n) time that you spend with sb who is ❖ συμμετοχή, ανάμειξη L isa’s involvement in the charity has helped close to you (like your child) giving many poor families; she distributes clothes them your full attention and food to them. ❖ ποιοτικός χρόνος ➤ involve (v), involved (adj) P arents should spend as much quality time ✎ involvement in with their kids as possible, playing board games or having quiet discussions. 1.13 difficulty (n) ✎ to spend quality time with sb sth that is hard to do, a problem 1.5 rank (v) ❖ δυσκολία to arrange in order of importance, French students typically have difficulty in developing good English pronunciation. from the most important to the least ➤ difficult (adj) important ✎ have difficulty in doing sth ❖ ταξινομώ, βάζω σε σειρά – Can you rank your three favourite 1.14 raise (v) foods? – Yes, they are pizza, burgers and to take care of a person or an animal strawberry ice cream. ➤ rank (n) until they are completely grown ❖ αναθρέφω, μεγαλώνω 1.6 classmate (n) I was raised by my grandparents in the sb who is in the same class as you at countryside until I was 18. ✎ Syn: bring up (phr v) school ❖ συμμαθητής, συμμαθήτρια 1.15 celebrity (n) I enjoy speaking with my classmates sb who is famous, especially in the in English class. We can improve our pronunciation that way. entertainment business ✎ mate (n) ❖ διασημότητα T he biggest disadvantage of being a 1.7 neighbour (n) celebrity is that you don’t have much sb who lives close to you privacy. ➤ celebrated (adj) ❖ γείτονας It’s terrible having noisy neighbours; you 1.16 like father, like son (expr) can hear everything they say! A son is expected to behave like his ➤ neighbourhood (n) father. 1.8 sibling (n) ❖ κατά μάνα κατά κύρη, κατά γιο και a brother or sister θυγατέρα My father is very sporty and I am too; like ❖ αδελφός, αδελφή father, like son! Lisa Simpson has got two siblings: her brother Bart and her sister Maggie. UNIT 1 5

1.17 producer (n) 1.26 everything sb touches turns to gold (expr) sb whose job is to organise the work everything someone does or tries is and money involved in making a film, successful play, television programme, etc. ❖ ό,τι πιάνει κάποιος γίνεται χρυσός, έχει ❖ παραγωγός επιτυχία παντού The producer of the film wants it to be My best friend is successful in everything more exciting. she does: her studies, her hobbies and her ➤ produce (v), production (n) ✎ film producer social life. Everything she touches turns to gold. 1.18 rapper (n) sb who performs rap music 1.27 control (n) the power to make decisions about sth ❖ ράπερ I love rap music. Some rappers write very and decide what should happen clever lyrics. ❖ έλεγχος (μιας κατάστασης) ➤ rap (n, v) S tudents have some control over the optional subjects they study, like Art or 1.19 songwriter (n) German. sb who writes the music and words of ➤ control (v) ✎ control over sth songs 1.28 allow (v) ❖ συνθέτης τραγουδιών to let sb do or have sth I would love to be a songwriter when I grow up; I’d like to write songs for famous singers. ❖ επιτρέπω When I was a child, my parents never 1.20 comedian (n) allowed me to watch TV during the week. an actor who plays comic roles I could only watch TV at the weekend. ✎ to be allowed to (v) ❖ κωμικός ηθοποιός Charlie Chaplin was one of the best 1.29 express yourself (expr) comedians in the world. Many actors have to show your thoughts and feelings by been inspired by his physical comedy. ➤ comedy (n) speaking or writing, or in some other way: 1.21 at one point (expr) ❖ εκφράζομαι ελεύθερα at a given moment V era expresses herself very well. It’s always easy to understand what she means ❖ σε μία συγκεκριμένη φάση, σε μία and how she’s feeling. συγκεκριμένη χρονική στιγμή ➤ expression (n) When I was a child I wanted to do a lot of jobs. At one point I wanted to be an 1.30 limit (n) a ctor, but now I‘m a vet. the point beyond which sth ends ✎ at some point ❖ όριο 1.22 consider (v) – What’s the time limit for the maths to have a particular opinion about sb exam? – The exam lasts exactly an hour. ➤ limit (v) or sth ❖ θεωρώ 1.31 the sky is the limit (expr) M arie Curie is considered to be one of the used for saying that there is no limit to most important scientists in history. ➤ consideration (n) what sb can do ❖ ο ουρανός είναι το όριο, δεν υπάρχει 1.23 powerful (adj) κανένα όριο being able to control and influence T eenagers nowadays can become whatever they put their minds to; from doctor to what people do or think astronaut, the sky’s the limit! ❖ ισχυρός, που έχει επιρροή The president is often the most powerful 1.32 treat (v) person in a country. to behave towards sb in a particular way ✎ power (n) ❖ συμπεριφέρομαι, φέρομαι 1.24 independence (n) You should treat your pet cat with respect; freedom from control by someone else it’s not a toy! ➤ treatment (n) ✎ treat sb as ❖ ανεξαρτησία My favourite thing about being an adult is 1.33 mature (adj) my independence; my parents can’t tell me sb who behaves in the sensible way what to do anymore! ➤ independent (adj) ✎ Independence Day (n) that you would expect an adult to behave 1.25 Gemini (n) ❖ ώριμος one of the twelve signs of the Zodiac, Dan is much more mature than his brother Sam. Although he’s an adult, Sam behaves represented by twins like a child. ❖ Δίδυμοι ➤ maturity (n) ✎ Opp: immature M y best friend is a Gemini, she was born on 28 May. 6

1.34 individual (n) 1.43 pursuit (n) a single person when sb tries to get, achieve or find ❖ άτομο, άνθρωπος sth in a determined way Gemma is a talented individual: she’s a ❖ αναζήτηση, επιδίωξη great painter, singer and football player. Olly went on a yoga retreat in pursuit of ➤ individual (adj), individually (adv) tranquillity. He wanted to escape city life. ➤ pursue (v) ✎ the pursuit of happiness (n) 1.35 believe in (phr v) to think that an idea or a way of doing 1.44 inspire (v) to give sb the enthusiasm to do or sth is good or right ❖ πιστεύω σε κάτι create sth H elen believes in doing yoga to avoid stress. ❖ εμπνέω ➤ belief (n), believable (adj) W hen I paint watercolours, I am always inspired by nature. I love painting flowers 1.36 punishment (n) and plants. the act of making sb suffer because ➤ inspiration (n), inspired (adj), inspiring (adj) they have done sth against the law or 1.45 blueprint (n) against the rules a detailed plan for doing sth new, a ❖ τιμωρία At my school, the punishment for cheating model for how sth should be done in an exam is that they’ll call your parents ❖ μοντέλο, παράδειγμα and make you take another exam. Tom really admires his mother; he uses his ➤ punish (v) ✎ punishment for mother’s life as a blueprint for his own. 1.37 recently (adv) 1.46 have sth in common with (expr) not long ago to have the same interests or opinions ❖ πρόσφατα as sb else – Have you been to any good concerts ❖ έχω κοινά ενδιαφέροντα με κάποιον recently? – Yes, I went to a brilliant pop F riends usually have lots of things in concert last week. common, for example they share hobbies ➤ recent (adj) or listen to the same kind of music. 1.38 post (v) 1.47 hit (n) to publish sth such as a message or a successful film, record or song picture on a website or using social ❖ επιτυχία, σουξέ, χιτ media W e Will Rock You by Queen is an ❖ αναρτώ, δημοσιεύω, ποστάρω στο διαδίκτυο international hit; everybody knows it. My cousin posts twenty pictures a day on social ✎ Syn: success (n) media. We always know what she’s doing! ➤ post (n) ✎ post sth on the Internet 1.48 single (n) a record or CD that has one or two songs 1.39 come as no surprise (expr) to be expected ❖ σινγκλ M y favourite singer has just released a new ❖ (κάτι είναι) αναμενόμενο single. I can’t wait to hear her new song! It should come as no surprise that Steve failed his exam; he didn’t study for it! 1.49 whip (v) to move quickly and violently 1.40 talented (adj)  having a natural ability to do sth well ❖ χτυπώ ❖ ταλαντούχος T he wind was so strong it whipped my face. ✎ whip my hair ❖ μου πήρε τα μαλλιά ο αέρας P hil is a very talented artist. He’s even had an exhibition. 1.50 the apple doesn't fall far from the tree ➤ talent (n) (expr) A child usually has a similar character 1.41 alongside (prep) or similar qualities to his or her next to, together with parents. ❖ το μήλο κάτω από τη μηλιά θα πέσει ❖ δίπλα, στο πλευρό κάποιου Annabelle and her mother are both Brian works alongside his sister June; they excellent biologists; the apple doesn’t fall work in a restaurant together. far from the tree! ✎ The apple never falls far from the tree. 1.42 each other (pronoun) used as the object of a verb or Useful words powerful (v) allow (v) quality time (n) preposition to show that each member consider (v) responsible (adj) of a group does sth to or for the other express (v) sibling (n) members inspire (v) spoiled (adj) ❖ ο ένας τον άλλο involve (v) treat (v) C laire and I help each other with mature (adj) homework: I help Claire with English and she helps me with history. ✎ Syn: one another UNIT 1 7

page 7 1.60 clothing (n) clothes in general 1.51 honestly (adv) used to emphasise that what you are ❖ ρουχισμός If you go to a hot country, you should wear saying is true light cotton clothing. ❖ ειλικρινά ➤ cloth (n), clothes (n) – How are you? – Honestly, I don’t feel very well. 1.61 casual (adj) ➤ honest (adj) ✎ to be honest describing clothes that are comfortable 1.52 cool (adj) and suitable for wearing in informal very attractive, fashionable or situations. ❖ καθημερινός, πρόχειρος interesting I love casual clothes, they’re so comfortable. ❖ φοβερός, απίθανος, τέλειος My favourite casual outfit is jeans, a I like your new jacket, it’s really cool. sweatshirt and trainers. ✎ casual clothes 1.53 spoiled (adj) ✎ Opp: formal A spoiled a child usually behaves badly 1.62 hoodie (n) because they have always been given a sweatshirt (= cotton clothing for the what they want and allowed to do what they want. upper body) that has a hood to cover ❖ κακομαθημένος the head M y little brother is spoiled, he always gets ❖ φούτερ με κουκούλα what he wants. I always wear a hoodie when I go for a ➤ spoil (v) walk; it’s comfortable and warm. ➤ hood (n) 1.54 charity (n) money or food that is given to people 1.63 in line with sth (expr) in the same way as sth who are poor or ill so that they can live ❖ φιλανθρωπία ❖ σύμφωνα με M y grandad works for a charity to help Jonas set up an organic food shop. The homeless people; they give them warm products he sells are in line with his clothes and food. ecological ideals. ✎ charity work (n) ✎ to be in line with sth 1.55 actively (adv) 1.64 unique (adj) in a practical or enthusiastic way very special and unusual ❖ ενεργά ❖ μοναδικός P aul and Yolanda participate actively in Tim has a unique style; nobody dresses like English class; they always have interesting him. things to say. ➤ active (adj) ✎ actively involved in 1.65 gift (n) sth that you give to sb as a present 1.56 involved (adj) sb who is involved in sth takes part in it ❖ δώρο M y little sister got lots of gifts for her third ❖ εμπλεκόμενος birthday. Her favourite was a red toy car. M egan is actively involved in her drama club; ✎ Syn: present she makes the costumes for the shows. ➤ involve (v) involvement (n) ✎ involved in 1.66 responsible (adj) If sb is responsible for a mistake, it is 1.57 orphaned (adj) describing a child both of whose their fault or they can be blamed. ❖ υπεύθυνος, υπαίτιος για κάτι parents are dead Charlie isn’t responsible for breaking his ❖ ορφανός tablet. His mum dropped it and broke it. M any classic novels are about orphaned ➤ responsibility (n) ✎ responsible for children, like Oliver Twist or Anne of Green Gables. 1.67 action (n) ➤ orphan (n) sth that you do 1.58 apart from (expr) ❖ πράξη except for – You’re failing all your exams, you need to take action Vanessa. – OK Dad, I promise to ❖ εκτός από study harder. I’ve been to all the European countries apart ➤ act (v) ✎ take action from Austria. I’m going there next summer. 1.68 share (v) 1.59 known (adj) If two or more people or things share a famous quality, they have the same quality. ❖ γνωστός, ξακουστός, φημισμένος ❖ έχω, μοιράζομαι το ίδιο πράγμα T he Greek are known for their delicious food. M artina and I share an interest in football; ✎ known for we both love it. 8

1.69 quality (n) 1.78 twin (adj) characteristic either of two children born to the same ❖ χαρακτηριστικό mother at the same time T he best qualities in a friend are kindness ❖ δίδυμος and a good sense of humour. Ned and Josh are identical twin brothers. They look exactly the same but have very 1.70 career (n) different personalities. the job or jobs that you do during your ✎ twin brother, twin sister working life 1.79 murder (n) ❖ καριέρα the crime of intentionally killing a person Will Smith has had a successful career as a rapper, actor and producer. ❖ φόνος My grandma loves murder mystery novels; 1.71 compose (v) her favourite author is Agatha Christie. to write a piece of music ➤ murder (v), murderer (n) ❖ συνθέτω (μουσική) 1.80 achieve (v) B eethoven composed some of the most to succeed in finishing sth after a lot of beautiful music in the world. One of my favourite pieces is Für Elise. effort ➤ composer (n), composition (v) ❖ κατορθώνω, καταφέρνω If you work hard you can achieve your dreams. 1.72 keen (adj) ➤ achievement (n) very interested 1.81 similar (adj) ❖ λάτρης, παθιασμένος almost the same I’ve always been keen on Egyptology; I love ancient civilisations. ❖ παρόμοιος ✎ keen on sth C arla is very similar to her sister Fiona: they both have dark curly hair and green eyes. 1.73 designer (n) ➤ similarity (n) ✎ similar to ✎ Syn: alike a person who imagines how sth could 1.82 set up (phr v) be made and draws plans for it to start sth new ❖ σχεδιαστής Alexis could be a fashion designer; his ❖ ιδρύω, δημιουργώ (μια επιχείρηση) drawings are fantastic and really original. D imitri set up his website three years ago. It ➤ design (v) gets visitors from all over the world. ✎ fashion designer ✎ set up a business/website 1.74 expect (v) page 8 to think that sth will happen 1.83 extended family (n) ❖ αναμένω, περιμένω a family group that includes L ook at those black clouds. I expect it’ll rain soon. grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, ➤ expected (adj), expectation (n) uncles, etc. in addition to parents and ✎ as expected children ❖ οικογένεια, σόι 1.75 weather (n) A nna has a large extended family, she has the conditions in the air above the earth twenty-seven cousins! such as wind, rain or temperature 1.84 nuclear family (n) ❖ καιρός a family that consists of two parents M editerranean weather is very pleasant in May; it’s sunny and it hardly ever rains. and their children ❖ πυρηνική οικογένεια 1.76 respect (n) Nowadays the nuclear family is smaller than politeness towards sb or sth that is it was eighty years ago. People often had considered important four or five children then. ❖ σεβασμός 1.85 triplets (n) Teachers should respect their students and three children born to the same mother always be polite. ➤ respect (v), respectful (adj) at the same time ✎ Opp: disrespect ❖ τρίδυμα Bob and Micaela have just had triplets. They 1.77 clearly (adv) are very busy with three babies at home! in a way that is easy to understand 1.86 mother-in-law (n) ❖ ξεκάθαρα, με σαφήνεια the mother of your husband or wife M y maths teacher explains geometry very ❖ πεθερά clearly, I always understand everything in M y mother-in-law is great; she’s very her lessons. helpful when she visits. My husband is lucky ➤ clear (adj) ✎ crystal clear to have such a nice mother. ✎ father-in-law UNIT 1 9

1.87 niece (n) 1.95 have sth in common with sb (expr) the daughter of your brother or sister, to have the same interests or opinions or the daughter of your wife’s or as sb else husband’s brother or sister ❖ έχω κοινά (ενδιαφέροντα) ❖ ανηψιά F riends usually have lots of things in M y sister just had a baby girl – my niece’s common; for example they share hobbies or name is Olivia. I’m very happy to be an listen to the same kind of music. aunt. 1.96 realise (v) 1.88 nephew (n) to know and understand sth the son of your brother or sister, or the ❖ συνειδητοποιώ, καταλαβαίνω son of your husband’s or wife’s brother I realised I was good at singing when my or sister music teacher said I had a lovely voice. ❖ ανηψιός ➤ realisation (n) ✎ Syn: understand My brother has two sons – my nephews Darren and Alex are five and seven years 1.97 unfortunately (adv) old. used when you are mentioning a fact 1.89 relative (n) that you wish was not true a member of your family ❖ δυστυχώς I love milkshakes. Unfortunately, I’m ❖ συγγενής lactose-intolerant, so I can’t have any. Every year we have a big family reunion; all ➤ unfortunate (adj) ✎ Opp: fortunately our relatives come, so I see all my aunts, uncles and cousins. 1.98 hear (v) ➤ relate (v) to be told or find out a piece of ✎ close relative information 1.90 close (adj) ❖ μαθαίνω, πληροφορούμαι If two people are close, they like or – Have you heard the news? Penny’s getting married. – That’s fantastic! love each other very much. ✎ hear the news ❖ στενός (φίλος) I’m very close to my sister. We tell each 1.99 table (n) other everything and get on very well. a written set of facts and figures ✎ close friend ✎ be close to sb arranged in columns and rows ❖ πίνακας 1.91 make friends (expr) – How do you learn your irregular verbs? – I to form friendships put them into a table with three columns for the infinitive, the past simple and the past ❖ κάνω φίλους participle. Y ou should be nice to new students. It isn’t ✎ Syn: list, chart always easy to make new friends when you change school. 1.100 argue (v) ✎ make friends with If people argue, they speak to each 1.92 get to know (expr) other in an angry way because they to start to be familiar with sb or sth disagree. ❖ καβγαδίζω, τσακώνομαι, μαλώνω ❖ εξοικειώνομαι, γνωρίζομαι (με κάποιον) My brother and I argue a lot about what to I met my best friend when I was 11. We got watch on TV; we don’t enjoy the same type to know each other when we started taking of shows. tennis lessons together. ➤ argument (n) ❖ καυγάς ✎ get to know each other ✎ argue with sb ✎ argue about sth 1.93 in touch with sb (expr) 1.101 confuse (v) If you are in touch with sb, you see, to think wrongly that a person or thing speak to or write to sb regularly. is sb or sth else ❖ σε επικοινωνία (με κάποιον) ❖ μπερδεύω M ark and Carlos live in different countries. Don’t confuse turtles with tortoises: turtles They stay in touch by email and social usually live in the water and tortoises live media; they write to each other every week. on land. ✎ get in touch with ❖ έρχομαι σε επαφή/σε ➤ confused (adj), confusing (adj), επικοινωνία με κάποιον confusion (n) ✎ confuse sb/sth with sb/sth 1.94 lose touch with sb (expr) to stop communicating with sb 1.102 connect (v) to join two or more things together ❖ χάνω επαφή, χάνομαι με κάποιον My mum has lost touch with her childhood ❖ συνδέω, ενώνω friend. She hasn’t heard from her for forty – I don’t have Wi-Fi here. – Try connecting years. your computer directly to the modem. ➤ connection (n) ✎ Syn: join 10

1.103 develop (v) 1.112 bring up sb (phr v) to grow into a better, larger or stronger to look after a child until he or she form becomes an adult ❖ αναπτύσσω ❖ αναθρέφω, μεγαλώνω (ένα παιδί) Listening to podcasts is an excellent way to Dan and Sonia were brought up in a loving, develop your English listening skills. You’ll caring family. It shows in the way they bring improve really fast. up their own children. ➤ development (n) ✎ Syn: raise ✎ Syn: grow 1.113 fit in (phr v) 1.104 discuss (v) to be accepted by the other people in a to talk about sth with sb group ❖ συζητώ ❖ ταιριάζω με κάποιον We always discuss interesting topics in It’s easier to fit in with a group of people if history class. you have the same interests. ➤ discussion (n) ✎ fit in with ✎ discuss sth with sb 1.114 member (n) 1.105 generate (v) a person who is part of a group to cause to exist, produce ❖ μέλος ❖ παράγω, δημιουργώ Louis is a member of the gym. He can go The solar panels on the roof of the there whenever he likes. university generate a lot of electricity. ➤ membership (n) ➤ generation (n) ✎ member of 1.106 permit (v) 1.115 look up to sb (phr v) to allow sth to admire or respect sb ❖ επιτρέπω, δίνω την άδεια ❖ θαυμάζω, εκτιμώ κάποιον Eating in class is not permitted at our Lily really looks up to her mother; she school. respects and admires her. ➤ permission (n) 1.116 care for sb (phr v) 1.107 relate (v) to look after sb who is not able to look If two things relate, they are connected after themselves in some way. ❖ προσέχω, φροντίζω κάποιον ❖ έχω σχέση (με κάτι) M y dad always cares for me when I’m ill; he Julia’s in a band. Her music and the words makes me chicken soup and sings to me. to her songs relate to her life in California. ✎ Syn: take care of ➤ relation (n) relative (n) ✎ relate to 1.117 elderly (adj) an elderly person is old 1.108 retire (v) to stop working because you are too old ❖ ηλικιωμένος We must respect elderly people. They have a to work lot of life experience and can teach us a lot. ❖ παίρνω σύνταξη My dad used to be a teacher but he retired Useful words when he was 60. He’s enjoying all his free be close to sb (expr) time now. bring up (phr v) ➤ retired (adj), retirement (n) care for (phr v) ✎ retire from fit in (phr v) get in touch with sb (expr) 1.109 take after sb (phr v) get to know sb (expr) to look or behave like an older relative have sth in common with sb (expr) look after (phr v) ❖ μοιάζω σε κάποιον, έχω πάρει (από κάποιο look up to (phr v) συγγενή) lose touch with sb (expr) My daughter takes after me. She’s very make friends (expr) stubborn, just like me! take after (phr v) 1.110 way (n) page 9 a method for doing sth 1.118 accept (v) ❖ τρόπος to take sth that sb gives you Reading books in English is a good way to improve your vocabulary. ❖ δέχομαι I accepted my friend’s invitation to his 1.111 look after sb or sth (phr v) birthday party. It’ll be fun! to take care of sb or sth ➤ acceptable (adj) ❖ φροντίζω κάποιον ή κάτι UNIT 1 11 B ecca sometimes looks after her little cousin while his parents are at work. She plays with him and makes his dinner.

1.119 except (prep) 1.128 benefit (n) not including, but not an advantage you get from a situation ❖ εκτός ❖ πλεονέκτημα, προνόμιο I like all types of vegetables except for T he main benefit of speaking English is that aubergines; I really don’t like them. you can communicate with people all around ✎ except for the world. ➤ benefit (v), beneficial (adj) 1.120 deserve (v) ✎ benefit of to have earned sth because of the 1.129 bond (n) qualities you have close connection, relatioship ❖ αξίζω Kathy studied really hard for her exam; she ❖ δεσμός, σχέση deserved to get a good mark. N ew mothers have a special bond with their baby; it’s a physical and emotional 1.121 advise (v) connection. to tell sb what you think they should do ➤ bond (v) ✎ bond with/between ❖ συμβουλεύω 1.130 relation (n) The hairdresser advised me to use a person who is in the same family as conditioner every week; he said my hair would be much softer. sb else ➤ advice (n) ❖ συγγενής Paul has a large extended family. Many of 1.122 born and bred (expr) his relations live abroad. born and having grown up in a ➤ relationship (n) ✎ Syn: relative particular place 1.131 multiple (adj) ❖ γέννημα, θρέμα many things of the same type R hiannon was born and bred in Wales; she’s spent her whole life there. ❖ πολλοί, πολλαπλός I have multiple hobbies: chess, skiing and 1.123 aloud (adv) rollerblading. loud enough for other people to hear 1.132 household (n) ❖ δυνατά, φωναχτά all the people who live together in one W hen I was in primary school, we had to read poems aloud for the teacher. She house listened and helped us with intonation. ❖ σπίτι, νοικοκυριό ✎ Syn: out loud T here are six people in Will’s household: Will, his parents and his three siblings. 1.124 sensible (adj) ✎ Syn: house reasonable and showing good judgment 1.133 as well as (expr) ❖ λογικός in addition It is sensible to wear a helmet when you are cycling; it’s a good idea in case you have an ❖ επίσης accident. Federica is inviting her friends to her party ➤ sensibility (n) as well as her cousins and neighbours. It’ll ✎ Opp: insensible be a big party! 1.125 sensitive (adj) 1.134 adult (n) able to understand other people’s a fully-grown person feelings and problems ❖ ενήλικας ❖ ευαίσθητος Louis is eighteen years old; he’s an adult now! M y brother is very sensitive; he always cries ➤ adulthood (n) when he watches romantic comedies. ➤ sensitivity (n)  1.135 encourage (v) ✎ Opp: insensitive to help sb to feel confident and able to 1.126 alike (adj) do sth very similar ❖ ενθαρρύνω, παροτρύνω A good teacher should encourage their ❖ όμοιος students; they should help and motivate them. T ina and her cousin Jenny are much alike; ➤ encouragement (n) encouraging (adj) they both have curly red hair and big blue encouraged (adj) eyes. ✎ Opp: discourage ✎ look alike ❖ μοιάζω 1.136 on the other hand (expr) 1.127 personality (n) used to give another opinion that the type of person you are should be considered ❖ προσωπικότητα ❖ από την άλλη πλευρά Kassandra is great to work with. As well as On the one hand skiing is a very exciting sport. On the other hand, it can be quite being very professional, she has a lovely dangerous. personality. ✎ on the one hand … on the other hand … ➤ person (n), personal (adj) 12

1.137 one another (pronoun) 1.147 temporary (adj) each other not lasting or needed for very long ❖ ο ένας τον άλλο ❖ προσωρινός J im and Greta have been married for 50 I’m living with my grandparents for three years; they love one another very much. months. It’s only temporary, I’ll soon move 1.138 cause (v) into my own flat. to make sth happen, especially sth bad ✎ Opp: permanent ❖ προκαλώ 1.148 situation (n) Detectives found that a broken electrical the set of things that exist at a cable had caused the fire. particular time in a particular place ➤ cause (n) ❖ αιτία ✎ cause a problem ❖ κατάσταση 1.139 key (n) T om is in a difficult situation: He has to the most important part of achieving choose between two jobs that he likes. sth ✎ to be in a difficult situation ❖ κλειδί, μυστικό 1.149 state (n) The key to a healthy lifestyle is eating well the condition of sth at a particular time ❖ φάση, κατάσταση and doing regular exercise. W e’ve bought a house in the country. ✎ key to However, we’ll need to fix it up as it’s in a 1.140 main (adj) bad state. more important than others of the same ✎ to be in a good/bad state kind 1.150 annoying (adj) ❖ κύριος, βασικός T he main character in The Lord of the Rings making you feel slightly angry is Bilbo Baggins, the hobbit. ❖ ενοχλητικός 1.141 BFF (abbreviation) The neighbours always play loud music in best friend forever the evening. It’s really annoying! ❖ ο καλύτερος μου φίλος ➤ annoy (v), annoyance (n), annoyed (adj) Ana is my BFF; we’ll always be best friends! 1.151 habit (n) 1.142 mean (v) sth that you do often and regularly to communicate a particular meaning ❖ συνήθεια ❖ σημαίνω Everybody should get into the habit of – What does BFF mean? – It means Best washing their hands often. It’s important to Friend Forever. always do it before meals. ✎ mean to sb ✎ get into the habit of 1.152 regularly (adv) 1.143 red carpet (n) often a long, red floor covering that is put ❖ συχνά, τακτικά down for an important guest to walk on I see my grandparents regularly, at least ❖ κόκκινο χαλί once a week. Celebrities usually wear designer clothes to ➤ regular (adj) walk down the red carpet at the Oscars. 1.153 timetable (v) to plan that sth will happen at a page 10 particular time in the future 1.144 rise (v) ❖ σχεδιάζω, προγραμματίζω, κανονίζω to move upwards O ur class is timetabled to visit the ❖ ανατέλλω, ανεβαίνω Archaeological Museum on Thursday and the T he price of bus tickets has just risen, it was National Art Gallery on Friday. €2 and now it’s €2.20. ➤ timetable (n) ➤ rise (n) ✎ sunrise ✎ Opp: set ✎ timetabled ❖ προγραμματισμένος 1.145 east (n) 1.154 event (n) the direction from which the sun rises sth that happens, especially sth that in the morning involves several people ❖ ανατολή ❖ (προγραμματισμένη) εκδήλωση Spain is to the east of Portugal. I have a family event next weekend; I’m ➤ eastern (adj) going to my cousin’s wedding. ✎ the East ❖ Ανατολή 1.155 arrangement (n) 1.146 run (v) a plan and preparation that you must to be in control of sth make so that sth can happen ❖ λειτουργώ ❖ κάτι που έχω κανονίσει C harlotte runs her own business; she owns Sarah needs to make arrangements for her a small bakery. holiday; she needs to book a hotel and rent ✎ run a business a car. ➤ arrange (v) ✎ make arrangements UNIT 1 13

1.156 bossy (adj) 1.165 match (v) A bossy person is always telling people If two things match, they look what to do. attractive together. ❖ αυταρχικός ❖ ταιριάζω Nicola is very bossy; she’s always telling us – Do you like my new scarf? – Yes, it really what to do. matches your coat; they’re both a beautiful dark green. 1.157 depart (v) to leave and start a journey 1.166 talk show (n) a television programme in which ❖ αναχωρώ The plane departs at 9.30 tomorrow famous people answer questions about morning; we mustn’t be late! themselves ➤ departure (n) ❖ τηλεοπτικό πρόγραμμα, τοκ σόου ✎ depart from/for T he singer of my favourite band appeared on a talk show on Channel 2 to promote her 1.158 turn (v) new album. I watched it and she was great! to start to have a different quality 1.167 reliable (adj) ❖ γίνομαι A reliable person is sb you can trust or Wow, look at that sunset! The sky is turning red and pink. depend on. ❖ αξιόπιστος 1.159 melt (v) I can always trust Sophie to do her work, If sth melts, it becomes liquid. she’s very reliable. ➤ rely (v) ✎ Opp: unreliable ❖ λιώνω Eat your ice cream quickly before it melts! 1.168 what’s the matter (expr) used for asking sb if there is a problem 1.160 stand (v) to be able to accept or deal well with a ❖ τι συμβαίνει – You don’t look very well. What’s the difficult situation matter? – I have a terrible headache. ❖ ανέχομαι Please turn off your music! It’s too loud, I 1.169 learner (n) can’t stand it! sb who is learning sth ✎ Syn: tolerate ✎ can’t stand ❖ μαθητής, σπουδαστής Beverly learnt how to dance Swing in a page 11 month, she’s a quick learner! ➤ learner (n) 1.161 fur (n) ✎ quick learner ❖ (ο μαθητής) που μαθαίνει the thick soft hair that covers the γρήγορα bodies of some animals 1.170 delicious (adj) ❖ γούνα, τρίχωμα very pleasant to taste or smell P olar bears have got white fur while grizzly bears have got brown fur. ❖ νόστιμος, γευστικός ➤ furry (adj) Y ou should try my mum’s chocolate cake; it’s delicious! Yummy! 1.162 childhood (n) ✎ Syn: tasty the time when sb is a child 1.171 recipe (n) ❖ παιδική ηλικία a set of instructions for cooking or I love seeing photos from my mum’s childhood. She was very cute as a child! preparing a particular food ➤ child (n) ❖ συνταγή (φαγητού) How do you make this delicious risotto? 1.163 appear (v) Could you send me the recipe? to perform publicly in a play, film or 1.172 company (n) show when you are with other people and not ❖ εμφανίζομαι (στην τηλεόραση) S hona is very nervous about appearing in alone her school play. All her family and friends ❖ παρέα will be in the audience. I love spending time with Melissa, she’s ➤ appearance (n) great company. ✎ keep sb company 1.164 disgusting (adj) extremely unpleasant and making you page 12 feel sick 1.173 top (n) ❖ αηδιαστικός the highest place or part Have you ever tried durian? It’s a fruit which smells disgusting, but it tastes delicious! ❖ κορυφή ➤ disgust (v, n), disgusted (adj) L ast summer Matt and Tammy climbed to the top of Teide, the highest mountain in Spain. 14

1.174 human (adj) 1.184 supportive (adj) relating to people helpful ❖ ανθρώπινος ❖ υποστηρικτικός I bought a book about the human body, it’s It’s important for teachers to be supportive; full of fascinating facts. students often need help. ➤ humanity (n) ➤ support (v, n) ✎ Opp: inhuman ✎ I’m only human. 1.185 patient (adj) 1.175 fan (n) If you are patient, you do not get angry sb who admires and supports a person, or annoyed very easily. sport, sports team, etc.: ❖ υπομονετικός ❖ θαυμαστής, οπαδός, λάτρης – I’m hungry! – Lunch is in half an hour, be I’m a big fan of Manchester City FC; I watch patient. every match! ➤ patience (n) ✎ Syn: admirer ✎ Opp: impatient ✎ patient with 1.176 especially (adv) very much, more than usual 1.186 rebel (n) a person who does not like to obey ❖ ιδιαιτέρως Danny loves Italian food, especially lasagne; rules it’s his favourite Italian dish. ❖ επαναστάτης Cynthia is a rebel; she often disobeys her 1.177 huge (adj) parents! extremely large in size ➤ rebel (v), rebellion (n) ❖ πελώριος, τεράστιος 1.187 troublemaker (n) H is house is huge; it’s got eight bedrooms! a persom who causes problems ➤ hugely (adv) ❖ ταραξίας 1.178 massive (adj) Jasper is a troublemaker; he always talks in very large class and arrives late. ➤ trouble (n) ❖ τεράστιος, ογκώδης The Amazon rainforest is massive; it covers 1.188 extremely (adv) nearly 60% of South America. very ➤ mass (n) ❖ πολύ, υπερβολικά 1.179 pile (n) It is extremely important to respect each other. a lot of things, one on top of the other ➤ extreme (adj) ❖ σωρός, στοίβα 1.189 intelligent (adj) There’s a pile of books on my desk; I have clever to study them for my exam! ➤ pile (v) ✎ pile up (phr v) ❖ ευφυής Chimpanzees are very intelligent animals; 1.180 all-time (adj) they can communicate using sign language! of any time ➤ intelligence (n) ✎ Syn: smart, bright ❖ όλων των εποχών, διαχρονικός 1.190 vegetarian (n) Marilyn Monroe is my all-time favourite a person who does not eat meat for actor; she was amazing. ✎ all-time classic health reasons or because they want to avoid being cruel to animals 1.181 consist of sth (phr v) ❖ χορτοφάγος to be made of specific things N ed is vegetarian; he doesn’t eat any meat or fish. ❖ αποτελούμαι A football team consists of eleven players. 1.191 naughty (adj) When children are naughty, they 1.182 devoted (adj) extremely loving behave badly. ❖ άτακτος ❖ αφοσιωμένος A lfie is a naughty boy; he took a bar of J oanne is devoted to her baby daughter; chocolate from the fridge without telling his she loves and cares for her so much! mum! ➤ devote (v) ✎ devoted father/mother ✎ naughty child 1.183 overprotective (adj) 1.192 brave (adj) too worried about sb’s safety, sb who wants to do things which are especially a child’s dangerous and does not show fear in ❖ υπερπροστατευτικός difficult situations K aren is overprotective of her little brother; ❖ γενναίος, θαρραλέος she’s worried he’ll hurt himself if she doesn’t P oppy is a brave little girl. Even though she hold his hand. hurt her knee, she didn’t cry. ➤ overprotect (v), overprotection (n), ➤ bravery (n) ✎ brave soldier overprotected (adj) ✎ an overprotective mother UNIT 1 15

1.193 cave (n) 1.203 courageous (adj) a large hole in the side of a cliff very brave ❖ σπηλιά ❖ θαρραλέος Bats live in caves; they like to be in a dark Z iya saved a boy from drowning; it was a and cool place. very courageous thing to do. ➤ caveman (n) ➤ courage (n) 1.194 lifestyle (n) 1.204 emergency (n) way of living a dangerous and serious situation, such ❖ τρόπος ζωής as an accident A my and Scott have a very healthy lifestyle: ❖ επείγον περιστατικό they do a lot of exercise, eat well and sleep In an emergency, you must call 112 to get eight hours a night. help. ✎ in an emergency 1.195 however (conj) nevertheless, but 1.205 typical (adj) having the usual features or qualities of ❖ ωστόσο, όμως I love chocolate. However, if you eat too a particular group much of it, you could feel ill. ❖ χαρακτηριστικός M y typical workday starts at 9 and finishes 1.196 totally (adv) at 5, but sometimes I work later. completely ➤ typically (adv) ✎ a typical day ❖ εντελώς – The new James Bond film is great. – I 1.206 hang out (phr v) totally agree! I really enjoyed it. to spend a lot of time in a particular ➤ total (adj) place or with particular people 1.197 dedicated (adj) ❖ κάνω παρέα με κάποιον spending all your time and effort on one Jenna hangs out with her best friend every day after school; they usually have a drink, particular purpose go for a walk or play computer games. ❖ αφοσιωμένος ✎ hang out with sb F ranck is dedicated to his art; he paints all day long. 1.207 get into trouble (expr) ➤ dedicate (v), dedication (n) to get in a situation with a lot of ✎ dedicated to problems 1.198 loving (adj) ❖ έχω μπλεξίματα feeling or showing love and affection Rose got into trouble when she didn’t do her homework. The teacher called her parents for sb about it. ❖ στοργικός ✎ in serious/big trouble My grandma is very loving; she hugs me and tells me she loves me every time I see her. 1.208 competitive (adj) ➤ love (n) ✎ loving parents always trying to be more successful 1.199 catchphrase (n) than other people a popular or well-known phrase ❖ ανταγωνιστικός I’m quite competitive at ping pong; I always ❖ ατάκα, σλόγκαν like to win. Homer Simpson’s catchphrase is “Doh!”; he ➤ compete (v), competition (n) always says it when he realises he’s done something stupid. 1.209 insert (v) to put sth inside sth else 1.200 adventure (n) an unusual and exciting activity ❖ εισάγω, βάζω Irene inserted her key into the lock and ❖ περιπέτεια opened the door. Josh went travelling by himself to the Sahara Desert. What an adventure! 1.210 project (n) ➤ adventurous (adj) a study of a particular subject 1.201 smart (adj) ❖ εργασία, μελέτη intelligent, clever Paul has got to do a project on the Himalayas for his geography class; he has ❖ έξυπνος to do research, write about it and include M y niece could read and write at the age of some pictures. four; she’s very smart. ✎ project on ✎ Opp: stupid (adj) 1.211 silly (adj) 1.202 creative (adj) not serious, not clever a person who produces original ideas ❖ χαζός, ανόητος ❖ δημιουργικός – Oh no! I forgot to add salt to the soup. – Sharon is extremely creative; she writes Oh, that was silly of you! very good songs and poems. ➤ create (v), creation (n), creativity (n) 16

1.212 at times (adv) 1.222 amusing (adj) sometimes funny, entertaining ❖ κάποιες φορές ❖ διασκεδαστικός D avid enjoys living alone. He misses his I saw a funny film last night, it was very family at times, but he’s usually fine. amusing. ➤ amuse (v), amused (adj), amusement (n) 1.213 spiked (adj) with sharp points 1.223 tear (n) a drop of salty liquid that comes out of ❖ με καρφιά It was very common for punks in the 1980s your eyes when you are crying to have multi-coloured, spiked hair. ❖ δάκρυ ➤ spike (v, n), spiky (adj) ✎ spiked hair Lily fell over and burst into tears. She cried a lot because she bumped her head. 1.214 trivial (adj) ✎ burst into tears not important 1.224 stream (v) ❖ ασήμαντος to flow Damon often gets stressed about trivial things. ✎ trivial matter ❖ ρέω, κυλάω T he storm was very strong! The rain was 1.215 be made up of sth (phr v) streaming down the windows for hours. to consist of ✎ stream down ❖ αποτελούμαι 1.225 on my own (expr) Ben’s family is made up of Ben, his parents alone and his sister. ❖ μόνος μου 1.216 get on (phr v) Greg prefers shopping on his own than with to like friends because he can take his time. ❖ ταιριάζω, τα πάω καλά με κάποιον 1.226 model (n) S he gets on very well with her sister; they an extremely good example of sth hardly ever argue. ✎ get on with ❖ μοντέλο, δείγμα, υπόδειγμα A bdul is an excellent student. He’s a model page 14 for the rest of the class. 1.217 underline (v) 1.227 hear from sb (phr v) to draw a line underneath a word to get a letter, email or phone call from sb ❖ υπογραμμίζω ❖ έχω νέα από κάποιον We need to underline the most difficult I haven’t heard from Sandra; she hasn’t words in the text with a green pen. texted me for a long time. I hope she’s all ➤ line (n) right. 1.218 reply (v) 1.228 definitely (adv) to answer without any doubt ❖ απαντώ ❖ αναμφίβολα, οπωσδήποτε, σίγουρα I need to reply to my boss’s email; he’s Strawberries are definitely my favourite expecting an answer. fruit; there’s no doubt about it! ➤ reply (n) ✎ reply to sb ➤ definite (adj) 1.219 topic (n) 1.229 bright (adj) a subject that you discuss or write about full of light, shining ❖ θέμα ❖ λαμπερός, φωτεινός M s Henderson always covers interesting Pop art is famous for using bright colours topics in her science class; at the moment like red and yellow. we’re studying astrophysics. ✎ a topic of discussion 1.230 beside (prep) next to 1.220 task (n) a piece of work, sth that you have to do ❖ δίπλα – Who were you sitting next to at the ❖ εργασία cinema? – I was sitting beside Fred. In English class we often have to do different types of tasks, like reading a text 1.231 sleepover (n) or doing a grammar exercise. the occasion when a child sleeps for ✎ a simple/difficult task one night in a friend’s home 1.221 supporting (adj) ❖ διανυκτέρευση ενός παιδιού στο σπίτι ενός helping φίλου W hen I was a child, I loved sleepovers. ❖ βοηθητικός, υποστηρικτικός I used to sleep at my friend Ana’s house He was brilliant in the film as the main every week! character’s father. In fact, he won an award ➤ sleep (v) for best supporting actor. ➤ support (v, n) UNIT 1 17

1.232 trustworthy (adj) 1.241 generous (adj) sb who can be trusted completely, giving people more than is usually reliable, responsible expected ❖ αξιόπιστος ❖ γενναιόδωρος G eorge is very trustworthy; I can tell him a My parents are extremely generous; they secret and he won’t tell anyone. always give us lots of presents and spend ➤ trust (n) quality time with us. ➤ generosity (n) ✎ Opp: mean 1.233 take care (expr) used for saying goodbye to sb in a 1.242 shy (adj) nervous or embarrassed about meeting friendly way ❖ να προσέχεις τον εαυτό σου and speaking to other people – Bye, see you soon! – Bye bye, take care! ❖ ντροπαλός, ➤ care (v, n), careful (adj) I don’t enjoy giving presentations in front of my classmates because I’m shy. page 15 ➤ shyness (n) 1.234 curly (adj) 1.243 plump (adj) having curls or a curved shape slightly fat ❖ σγουρός ❖ παχουλός My best friend has got very curly hair, W hat a lovely plump baby! He must be whereas I’ve got straight hair. heavy. ➤ curl (v, n) ✎ curly hair ✎ often used to avoid saying the word ‘fat’ 1.235 sparkle (v) 1.244 well-built (adj) shine brightly A well-built person is large and strong. ❖ λάμπω, αστράφτω ❖ γεροδεμένος The stars are sparkling in the sky tonight; Ivan is tall and well-built; he’s very strong they’re so bright! and muscular! ➤ sparkle (n) 1.245 expressive (adj) 1.236 sociable (adj) showing very clearly what sb thinks or friendly, enjoying meeting and feels spending time with other people ❖ εκφραστικός ❖ κοινωνικός Claire has got such an expressive face! It’s Carina is very sociable; she enjoys meeting clear that she’s feeling annoyed. and talking to new people at parties. ➤ express (v), expression (n), ✎ Opp: unsociable expressively (adv) ✎ Opp: inexpressive 1.237 serious (adj) not joking of making fun of sth 1.246 handsome (adj) good-looking (for a man) ❖ σοβαρός My uncle is a serious man; he hardly ever ❖ γοητευτικός, ωραίος laughs. In my opinion, Elvis Presley was a very ➤ seriously (adv) handsome man – he was better looking than most of the singers and movie stars of his 1.238 in need (expr) time. not having enough food, money, ✎ handsome man/boy clothing or other things that are 1.247 join (v) necessary for life to connect two things ❖ που έχει ανάγκη I work for a charity for children in need. We ❖ ενώνω collect clothes, food and toys for them. V alentina learnt how to join the pieces of a ✎ children in need puzzle together when she was four years old. 1.239 volunteer (adj) 1.248 repeat (v) working without expecting payment say sth more than once ❖ εθελοντικός ❖ επαναλαμβάνω E veryone should do some volunteer work C ould you repeat that, please? I didn’t hear such as helping elderly people with their you the first time. shopping. ➤ repetition (n), repetitive (adj) ➤ volunteer (n), voluntary (adj) ✎ voluntary work 1.249 professional (adj) doing an activity as a job rather than as 1.240 checklist (n) a list of things that you must think a hobby ❖ επαγγελματίας about, or that you must remember to do F ederico is a professional pianist; he gets paid ❖ λίστα ελέγχου to play in a jazz clubs on Saturday nights. I write a checklist of things I need to do ➤ profession (n) every day to help me remember. ✎ a professional football player 18

1.250 appearance (n) 1.257 special (adj) the way sb looks to other people not ordinary or usual ❖ εμφάνιση ❖ ξεχωριστός, ιδιαίτερος A ppearance is important in a job interview; E lla always makes a special cake for her you should look smart. son’s birthday. This year it was in the shape ➤ appear (v) ✎ physical appearance of a panda! 1.251 introduce (v) 1.258 ordinary (adj) to tell sb another person’s name when usual they meet for the first time ❖ συνηθισμένος ❖ συστήνω It has been a very ordinary day, nothing – Let me introduce you to Xavier; he’s a special happened. colleague. – Nice to meet you, Xavier. ➤ introduction (n) 1.259 data (n pl) facts or information Useful words intelligent (adj) brave (adj) naughty (adj) ❖ στοιχεία, δεδομένα competitive (adj) over-protective (adj) Yasmin is collecting data for her project; courageous (adj) patient (adj) creative (adj) sensible (adj) she’s interviewing people and researching curly (adj) sensitive (adj) the topic on the internet. dedicated (adj) serious (adj) devoted (adj) smart (adj) 1.260 telepathy (n) expressive (adj) sociable (adj) the ability to know what is in sb else’s generous (adj) supportive (adj) handsome (adj) well-built (adj) mind human (adj) ❖ τηλεπάθεια If I could have a superpower, I’d choose page 16 telepathy. I’ve always wanted to know what other people are thinking. 1.252 rude (adj) behaving in a way that is not polite 1.261 experience (v) If you experience sth, it happens to ❖ αγενής Tom is quite rude; he hardly ever says you. ‘please’ or ‘thank you’. ❖ αισθάνομαι, νιώθω, βιώνω ➤ rudeness (n) ✎ Opp: polite B ungee jumping is the most exciting thing I’ve ever experienced. 1.253 argument (n) ➤ experience (n) a disagreement 1.262 sensation (n) ❖ διαφωνία, καυγάς feeling D anny had an argument with his brother yesterday; they’re not speaking to each ❖ αίσθηση other anymore. It’s a great sensation when you pass an ➤ argue (v) exam, you feel so good! ➤ sense (v, n) 1.254 wedding (n) a ceremony in which two people get 1.263 severe (adj) very bad, intense married ❖ γαμήλια τελετή ❖ σοβαρός, έντονος V iolet and Mark are getting married next If you experience severe pain in your back, month and I’m invited to their wedding. you should see a specialist. ✎ wedding ceremony ➤ severity (n), severely (adv) ✎ severe pain 1.255 mix up (phr v) 1.264 heart attack (n) confuse a sudden serious medical condition in ❖ μπερδεύω which sb’s heart stops working People often mix up ships with boats. Ships ❖ καρδιακή προσβολή are much bigger than boats. You should do plenty of exercise and eat ➤ mix-up (n) healthily to avoid a heart attack. page 17 1.265 perform (v) to do an action 1.256 be associated with sth (phr v) to be related to a particular subject ❖ κάνω, παρουσιάζω, εκτελώ Sebastian and his friends performed a dance ❖ σχετίζομαι με κάτι choreography for their teacher. F or most people, the smell of the sea is ➤ performance (n) ✎ perform an action associated with holidays. ➤ associate (v), association (n) 1.266 apart (adj) being in a different place ❖ που δεν είναι πια μαζί R ob’s dad lives in a different country; it’s hard to be apart and they miss each other very much. ✎ to be apart from sb UNIT 1 19

1.267 order (v) 1.276 animated (adj) to ask for sth to be made in a Αn animated film is one in which restaurant or shop puppets or drawings appear to move. ❖ παραγγέλνω ❖ κινούμενος – Are you ready to order? – Yes, I’ll have M y favourite kind of films are animated the margherita pizza and an orange juice, films, like The Incredibles or The Smurfs. please. ➤ animate (v), animation (n) ➤ order (n) ✎ animated film 1.268 exact (adj) 1.277 crime (n) used for emphasising that you are an illegal activity referring to one particular thing and no ❖ έγκλημα other I’ve never committed a crime or done ❖ ακριβής anything illegal. Lisa and Peter got me the exact same ➤ criminal (n) ✎ commit a crime present for my birthday. They both got me the same T-shirt. 1.278 fight (v) ➤ exactly (adv) ✎ the exact same thing to use a lot of effort to achieve sth 1.269 report (v) ❖ αγωνίζομαι to give a description of sth N elson Mandela fought for the end of racial segregation in South Africa. ❖ αναφέρω ➤ fight (n) T he boy reported that he’d seen the thieves ✎ fight – fought – fought steal the car. ✎ fight for/against ➤ report (n) 1.279 force (v) 1.270 crisis (n) to make sb do sth a difficult and dangerous situation ❖ αναγκάζω ❖ κρίση K aren’s mother forces her to do household Agatha is very good in a crisis; she always chores, such as making her bed; she has no knows what to do even when things get choice! very difficult. ➤ force (n) ✎ in crisis 1.280 top secret (adj) 1.271 scientific (adj) very important and secret information relating to science ❖ άκρως απόρρητος ❖ επιστημονικός The new soft drink flavour is top secret; not Biology is the scientific study of living even the director knows what it tastes like! organisms. ✎ top secret information ➤ science (n), scientist (n) 1.281 mission (n) 1.272 proof (n) an important job that involves information that shows sth is true travelling somewhere ❖ απόδειξη ❖ αποστολή The police used the video as proof that The astronauts’ mission was to replace solar the thieves were there when the robbery panels on the International Space Station. happened. ✎ mission to ➤ prove (v) 1.282 effort (n) 1.273 predict (v) when you try hard to do sth to say that sth will happen in the future ❖ προσπάθεια ❖ προβλέπω P enny and Victoria gave an excellent T he weather forecast is predicting rain for presentation; they made a lot of effort to do tomorrow. it well. ➤ prediction (n) ✎ make an effort 1.274 community (n) 1.283 rescue (v) the people who live in an area to help sb out of a dangerous situation ❖ κοινότητα ❖ σώζω T he Portuguese community of Greenville meet My uncle’s cat couldn’t get down from a for dinner every Friday at this restaurant. tree last week, so my uncle climbed up and rescued it. page 18 ➤ rescue (n) ✎ rescue team 1.275 incredible (adj) 1.284 total (adj) very difficult to believe complete, including everything ❖ απίστευτος, απίθανος ❖ απόλυτος, ολοκληρωτικός, συνολικός – Did you know that dolphins can recognise Sonia worked on Saturday and Sunday from themselves in the mirror? – Really? That’s 8am to 1pm. She worked ten hours in total. incredible! ➤ total (n) ➤ incredibly (adv) ✎ Syn: unbelievable 20

1.285 destruction (n) 1.294 lift (v) the act of destroying sth to move sth upwards ❖ καταστροφή ❖ σηκώνω T he hurricane left destruction behind it; W hen she lifted her face towards the sky, there were no trees or houses left standing. she saw a beautiful full moon. ➤ destroy (v), destructive (adj), destructively (adv) 1.295 heavy (adj) weighing a lot 1.286 suit (n) a set of clothes made of the same material ❖ βαρύς Teenagers have to carry very heavy bags to ❖ κοστούμι school every day; they have a lot of books. M any businesspeople have to wear a suit for ➤ heavily (adv) work. ✎ heavy object 1.287 boot (n) 1.296 object (n) a type of shoe that covers the whole a thing that you can see and touch that foot and the lower part of the leg is not alive ❖ μπότα ❖ αντικείμενο, πράγμα – Oh no it’s raining! – You should wear your The new shop on my street sells different rain boots so that you don’t get your feet wet. kinds of objects, like cups, cards and 1.288 glove (n) interesting books. It’s a great shop to buy a piece of clothing that is worn on presents. the hand and wrist for warmth or 1.297 confident (adj) protection, with separate parts for each certain of your abilities finger ❖ γάντι ❖ σίγουρος για τον εαυτό μου, γεμάτος It’s very cold outside. I think I’ll wear my αυτοπεποίθηση gloves to keep my hands warm. T heo is a confident boy; he is not afraid of 1.289 stretch (v) speaking in front of his classmates. to make your arms and legs straight so ➤ confidence (n) that they are as long as possible ✎ self-confident ❖ τεντώνω 1.298 fireproof (adj) It’s important to stretch your muscles before unable to be damaged by fire ❖ πυρίμαχος, doing exercise. You should stretch your F irefighters wear fireproof clothes to avoid arms, legs and back. getting burnt. 1.290 parachute (n) 1.299 jumpsuit (n) sth that makes sb fall slowly and safely when they are dropped from an a piece of clothing that covers the body, aeroplane legs and arms ❖ αλεξίπτωτο ❖ ολόσωμη φόρμα T ammy went parachuting last weekend! If you go parachuting, you must wear a She jumped from the plane, opened her jumpsuit to protect your whole body. parachute and said it was an incredible 1.300 parenthood (n) experience. being a parent ✎ parachute jump ❖ το να είσαι γονιός 1.291 rubber (adj) People learn a lot from being a parent. made of a strong and elastic substance Parenthood teaches us patience and unconditional love. ❖ λαστιχένιος, από καουτσούκ ➤ parent (n) It’s a good idea to wear rubber gloves to protect your hands when you clean the 1.301 attack (v) house. to use violence to harm a person, ➤ rubber (n) animal or place 1.292 fit in (phr v) ❖ επιτίθεμαι to feel that you belong to a particular The new nature documentary about Africa is excellent. The part when the lions attack the group zebras is incredible. ❖ ταιριάζω ➤ attack (n) It’s more difficult to fit in with a new group of people if you’re not very sociable. 1.302 reshape (v) to shape differently 1.293 invisible (adj) sth that can’t be seen ❖ αλλάζω σχήμα Chloe made a snake out of plasticine. Then ❖ αόρατος she reshaped it into an an elephant. Bacteria are invisible to humans; you need ➤ shape (v, n) to look through a microscope to see them. ➤ visibility (n) ✎ Opp: visible UNIT 1 21

1.303 variety (n) W1.5 peaceful (adj) several different sorts of the same thing calm and quiet ❖ ποικιλία ❖ γαλήνιος, ήσυχος That shop sells a variety of fruit and It’s so peaceful in the garden early in the vegetables; there are many different ones morning; all you hear are the birds singing. to choose from. ➤ peace (n) ➤ various (adj), vary (v) W1.6 non-violent (adj) 1.304 design (v) not involving fighting or the use of to make or draw plans for sth, for physical force example clothes or buildings ❖ μη βίαιος, ειρηνιστής ❖ σχεδιάζω M ahatma Gandhi is famous for the non- M aura’s job is to design websites; she violent protests he led in India. makes them for other companies. ➤ violent (adj), violence (n) ➤ design (v, n), designer (n) W1.7 convince (v) 1.305 strength (n) to make sb believe that sth is true physical power ❖ πείθω ❖ δύναμη M y aunt has been ill since last week. I tried Dario didn’t have the strength to move to convince her to go and see the doctor, the sofa on his own; he had to ask his but she is refusing to go. neighbour to help him. ➤ convincing (adj), convinced (adj) ➤ strong (adj) W1.8 force (n) 1.306 source (n) the influence or powerful effect that the place where sth starts from sb has ❖ πηγή ❖ δύναμη Our bottled water is taken directly from the I can’t save the planet on my own, and source. That’s why it’s so pure. neither can you. Let’s join forces and save the planet together! 1.307 extraordinary (adj) ➤ force (v), forceful (adj) very unusual ✎ join forces ❖ ασυνήθιστος page 5 T his art is extraordinary; I’ve never seen anything like it. ➤ ordinary (adj) WORKBOOK W1.9 spoil (v) to give a child everything they want or page 4 let them do whatever they want, often W1.1 climate change (n) with the result that they behave badly changes in the world’s weather ❖ κακομαθαίνω Pamela spoils her grandchildren; she gives ❖ κλιματική αλλαγή them so many presents! C limate change may be responsible for more ➤ spoilt (adj) extreme temperatures. W1.10 treatment (n) W1.2 protest (v) a way of behaving towards or dealing to disagree strongly with sth, often by with a person or thing making a formal statement ❖ συμπεριφορά ❖ διαμαρτύρομαι R hea’s treatment of her little brother shows Women all over the world protest against what a nice girl she is. She’s so caring. inequality every year on 8 March. ➤ treat (v) ➤ protest (n) ✎ protest against W1.11 cheat (v) W1.3 freedom (n) to behave in a dishonest way in order to the power or right to do or say what win or to get an advantage, especially you want without anyone stopping you in a competition, game or examination ❖ ελευθερία ❖ κλέβω, αντιγράφω It is important to give teenagers some You cheated! I saw you looking at my cards. freedom to decide what they want to study. ➤ free (adj) W1.12 punish (v) to make sb suffer because they have W1.4 survive (v) to continue to live normally in spite of done sth wrong or broken the law ❖ τιμωρώ many problems My parents punished me for lying to them; ❖ επιβιώνω I’m not allowed to use my phone for a week. The lion attacked the zebra, but the zebra ➤ punishment (n) survived! It managed to escape. ➤ survival (n), survivor (n) 22

page 6 W1.21 definition (n) a phrase or sentence that says exactly W1.13 identical (adj) similar in every detail what a word, phrase or idea means ❖ ορισμός ❖ ολόιδιος C an you look for the definition of ‘twin’ in The two celebrities were wearing the exact the dictionary, please? same dress at the Oscars’ ceremony; they ➤ define (v), definite (adj) were identical! ➤ identically (adv) ✎ identical twins W1.22 confusing (adj) unclear and difficult to understand W1.14 impressive (adj) if sth is impressive, you admire it ❖ που μπερδεύει, που προκαλεί σύγχυση Eleanor’s bought a new washing machine, ❖ εντυπωσιακός but she doesn’t know how to use it because T he Great Wall of China is very impressive – the instructions are very confusing. it’s 5000 kilometres long! ➤ confuse (v), confused (adj), confusion (n) ➤ impress (v), impressed (adj), impression (n), impressively (adv) W1.23 increase (n) a rise in the number, amount or degree page 7 of sth W1.15 male (adj) ❖ αύξηση relating to men There has been a big increase in the number of tourists who visit Barcelona. ❖ αρσενικός ➤ increase (v) ✎ increase in My cat had four kittens last night: two males and two females. W1.24 industry (n) ➤ male (n) ✎ Opp: female the production of goods W1.16 female (adj) ❖ βιομηχανία relating to women The film industry offers many different jobs, from sound technician to make-up artist. ❖ θηλυκός F emale bears are very protective of their young. W1.25 natural (adj) They’ll attack any animal that comes near. normal, as you would expect ➤ female (n) ✎ Opp: male ❖ φυσικός W1.17 universe (n) It’s natural for babies to cry when they’re everything that exists hungry. ➤ nature (n), naturally (adv) ❖ σύμπαν ✎ Opp: unnatural N o one knows if there are other forms of life in the universe. W1.26 expert (n) ➤ universal (adj), universally (adv) sb who has special knowledge of a W1.18 development (n) subject change or improvement over a period ❖ ειδήμονας M y father is an expert in astronomy; he of time knows where all the constellations are. ❖ ανάπτυξη ➤ expertise (n) W e can communicate easily with people all around the world thanks to the development W1.27 look for (phr v) of the Internet. to try to find sth ➤ develop (v), developing (adj), developed (adj) ❖ ψάχνω, αναζητώ Irene is looking for a job as a lawyer. She’s page 8 got an interview tomorrow. I hope she gets the job. W1.19 update (v) to make sth more modern by adding page 11 new parts, etc. W1.28 informal (adj) ❖ αναβαθμίζω relaxed and friendly Otis updates his status every day on his social media profile. ❖ ανεπίσημος, άτυπος ➤ update (n) In her company she can wear informal clothes every day, like jeans and a T-shirt. page 10 ➤ informally (adv) ✎ Syn: formal W1.20 search (n) the process of using a computer to find W1.29 option (n) sth that you can choose in a particular information, especially on the Internet ❖ αναζήτηση situation – Do you know how to make a chocolate ❖ επιλογή cake? – I’m afraid not. Why don’t you do a What shall we have for dinner? There are search for a recipe on the Internet? two options: spaghetti Bolognese or pizza. ➤ search (v) ✎ do a search ➤ opt (v) optional (adj), optionally (adv) UNIT 1 23

W1.30 traditional (adj) W1.37 excursion (n) typical of what people have usually done a short journey arranged so that a ❖ συνήθης, παραδοσιακός group of people can visit a place, In Great Britain it is traditional to eat especially while they are on holiday Christmas dinner on 25 December. ❖ εκδρομή ➤ tradition (n), traditionally (adv) We’re going on an excursion to the Natural History Museum with school. W1.31 environment (n) the air, water and land in which we live W1.38 particularly (adv) especially ❖ περιβάλλον Recycling and saving electricity are two ❖ ιδιαίτερα ways of protecting the environment. J ack is particularly good at making cakes; ➤ environmental (adj), they’re always so tasty. environmentally (adv) ➤ particular (adj) page 12 W1.39 peace of mind (expr) a feeling of calm or not being worried W1.32 confused (adj) unable to think clearly or to understand ❖ ήρεμος, ασφαλής Knowing that my parents live nearby gives what is happening me peace of mind. I can help them if they ❖ σαστισμένος, μπερδεμένος need it. I’m confused. What do we have to do in this exercise? W1.40 react (v) ➤ confuse (v), confusion (n), confusing (adj) to behave in a particular way because W1.33 mental (adj) of sth that has happened or been said happening in the mind ❖ αντιδρώ, ανταποκρίνομαι She reacted well to finding out she was ❖ πνευματικός, νοερός losing her job. She said she was looking for I find mental arithmetic easy. I don’t need a a change anyway. calculator. ➤ reaction (n) ➤ mentally (adv), mentality (n) ✎ Syn: respond W1.34 positive (adj) page 13 good or useful W1.41 contact (v) ❖ θετικός to write to or telephone sb Demetri has such a positive attitude, he’s always optimistic. ❖ επικοινωνώ (με κάποιον) ➤ positively (adv) ✎ Opp: negative P lease contact me by email if you need any help. W1.35 energy (n) ➤ contact (n) physical power that you have for doing W1.42 accent (n) things that need physical effort a way of saying words that shows what ❖ ενέργεια I’m very tired, I have no energy left. country or region sb comes from ➤ energetic (adj) ❖ προφορά I didn’t understand him at first because of W1.36 take up (phr v) his accent, but now I have no problem. to become interested in a new activity ❖ ξεκινώ, αρχίζω (ένα καινούργιο χόμπυ) Y asmin recently took up judo and she really enjoys it. ✎ take up a new hobby 24

Present simple and present continuous Present simple Affirmative Negative Question Present continuous Sam checks his emails Sam doesn’t check his Does Sam check his every morning. emails every morning. emails every morning? Sam is checking his Sam isn’t checking his Is Sam checking his emails now. emails now. emails now? Present simple Use Χρησιμοποιούμε τον present simple: • για να μιλήσουμε για μια συνήθεια, κάτι που κάνουμε συχνά. • για να μιλήσουμε για προγράμματα Shannon usually gets home at five o’clock in the afternoon. (κινηματογράφου, θεάτρου κλπ.), • γ ια να αναφερθούμε σε μόνιμες καταστάσεις. δρομολόγια (πλοίων, τρένων κλπ.). People exercise to keep fit. The boat arrives in ten minutes. • γ ια να αναφερθούμε σε γενικές αλήθειες. • όταν αφηγούμαστε ή περιγράφουμε κάτι Banana plants grow in warm climates. (π.χ. μια ιστορία, έναν αγώνα, κλπ.). Ben passes to Will, he shoots and scores! Time expressions • Με τον present simple χρησιμoποιούμε συχνά επιρρήματα συχνότητας (adverbs of frequency) όπως always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never, hardly ever, seldom. Τα adverbs of frequency μπαίνουν πριν από το κύριο ρήμα. Όταν όμως κύριο ρήμα της πρότασης είναι το ρήμα to be, τα adverbs of frequency μπαίνουν μετά από αυτό. Mary rarely goes to bed after 11 o’clock. Harry is always late for school. • Κ άποιες άλλες χρονικές εκφράσεις που χρησιμοποιούμε συχνά με τον present simple είναι: every day / week / year, in the morning / afternoon / evening, at night, at the weekend, on Monday, on Fridays, in (the) winter, in August, once / twice / three times a week, κλπ. Αυτές οι χρονικές εκφράσεις μπαίνουν συνήθως στην αρχή ή το τέλος της πρότασης. On Friday evenings I hang out with my friends. Betty doesn’t work at the weekend. Present continuous Use • για να περιγράψουμε μια επαναλαμβανόμενη Χρησιμοποιούμε τον present continuous: πράξη, μια συνήθεια που μας ενοχλεί και θέλουμε να σταματήσει. Σε αυτήν την • γ ια να μιλήσουμε για κάτι που γίνεται τώρα, τη στιγμή που περίπτωση χρησιμοποιούμε συχνά το μιλάμε. επίρρημα always. Are you listening to the radio or do you want me to turn Jean is always complaining about the weather! it off? • για να μιλήσουμε για κάτι που έχουμε • γ ια να μιλήσουμε για κάτι που γίνεται για λίγο, προσωρινά. προγραμματίσει να κάνουμε στο άμεσο μέλλον. Susan is staying with us for a few days. I’m having dinner with some friends tonight. • για να περιγράψουμε καταστάσεις που αλλάζουν ή εξελίσσονται. Your work is getting better! Time expressions Με τον present continuous χρησιμoποιούμε συχνά χρονικές εκφράσεις όπως now, right now, at the moment, today / tonight, these days, this week, at present, nowadays, for now, for the time being. Matt is working part-time in a bookshop this summer. Προσέχουμε ότι ο present simple περιγράφει κάτι που γίνεται συχνά, κάτι που ισχύει πάντα ή κάτι που επαναλαμβάνεται. Ο present continuous περιγράφει κάτι που γίνεται τώρα ή που ισχύει για λίγο, που είναι προσωρινό. Συγκρίνετε τις παρακάτω προτάσεις: Kate goes for a walk after work. Today she’s going straight home because she has a lot of chores to do. Fay rarely goes out on Sundays but today she’s going to a birthday party. UNIT 1 25

Stative verbs Κάποια ρήματα δεν περιγράφουν πράξεις και δε χρησιμοποιούνται με χρόνους διαρκείας, ακόμα και όταν αναφέρονται στη στιγμή που μιλάμε. Τα ρήματα αυτά ονομάζονται stative verbs και ορισμένα από αυτά είναι: • ρήματα αισθήσεων: feel, hear, see, smell, taste • ρήματα αντίληψης: know, notice, realise, remember, think, understand • ρήματα που εκφράζουν αρέσκεια ή δυσαρέσκεια: dislike, hate, like, love, not mind, prefer • ά λλα ρήματα, όπως appear (= φαίνομαι), be, believe, belong, cost, forget, have (= έχω), hope, look (= φαίνομαι), mean, need, own, seem, sound, want This rucksack belongs to me. The food needs more salt. Κάποια από τα παραπάνω ρήματα μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν και με χρόνους διαρκείας. Στην περίπτωση αυτή όμως, η έννοιά τους αλλάζει γιατί περιγράφουν πράξεις και όχι καταστάσεις. Ας συγκρίνουμε τα παρακάτω παραδείγματα: The water feels warm. The mother is feeling the baby’s head. (feel = έχω συγκεκριμένη υφή) (feel = αγγίζω) Do you see the clouds in the sky? I’m seeing Peter and John in half an hour. (see = βλέπω) (see = συναντώ) The kitchen smells of freshly baked bread. She is smelling the roses. (smell = έχω μια μυρωδιά) (smell = μυρίζω κάτι) This apple pie tastes delicious. She is tasting the chilli sauce to see if it's spicy (taste = έχω συγκεκριμένη γεύση) enough. (taste = δοκιμάζω κάτι) I think Marty is a nurse. He’s thinking about buying a smartwatch. (think = νομίζω, πιστεύω) (think = σκέφτομαι) I don’t have a pen with me. Paul is having a salad for lunch. (have = έχω) (have = τρώω) She looks beautiful in that dress. They’re looking at the pictures of their holiday. (look = φαίνομαι) (look = κοιτώ) She appears to be a very clever girl. He’s appearing at the National Theatre tonight. (appear = φαίνομαι) (appear = εμφανίζομαι) The boys are at school. You’re being very annoying. Stop it! (be = είμαι) (be = συμπεριφέρομαι σε μια περίσταση) 26

Vocabulary practice 1 Complete the sentences with these words. allow argument generations keen mature qualities responsible treat 1 Which of the two drivers is responsible for the accident? 2 I could hear the twins having a(n) about whose turn it was on the PlayStation®. 3 My niece is very on collecting rare flowers. 4 I can’t you to walk home alone in this weather. 5 There were at least three – grandparents, parents and children – at my sister’s birthday party. 6 Danny is the most of the triplets. He behaves like an adult. 7 My parents still me like a child, even though I’m 25 years old. 8 My cousin Jim has a lot of good ; he’s kind, patient and helpful. 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. 1 It is said that twins share a special connection . (connect) 2 After his , he sold his flat in the city centre and moved to the country. (retire) 3 The key to making a relationship work is to have good . (communicate) 4 Who gave you to come in here? (permit) 5 My grandfather spent his in a small village in the mountains. (child) 6 Your means a lot to me! I'm really happy that you're my friend. (friend) 7 When my dad travels to his hometown, he always visits old friends and . (relate) 8 Big family parties encourage the of strong bonds between family members. (develop) 3 Circle the correct words. 1 My nephew / niece George, who’s my sister’s son, is studying computer science. 2 Looking up to / after three young children is very hard work. 3 A(n) nuclear / extended family usually has four members: two parents and two children. 4 Even though Jess and Julie are twins, they have very little in touch / common. 5 Penny takes after / for her mother; she’s creative and independent like her. 6 Kate and her cousin Penny look like / alike. They both have straight brown hair and grey eyes. UNIT 1 27

Grammar practice 1 Put the words in the correct order. 1 the shopping / does / on Friday afternoons / rarely / She She rarely does the shopping on Friday afternoons. 2 Lucy / every day? / hang out / with her classmates / Does 3 sleepovers / sometimes / We / at the weekend / have 4 football practice / The twins / after school / go to / usually 5 always / Why / Troy / late / for class? / is 6 has / Pam / a big breakfast / never 2 Complete. Use the present simple or the present continuous. 1 Owls hardly ever fly (fly) during the day. 2 Annie has a tablet, but she (not use) it very often. 3 Hello! (anyone / listen) to me? Or are you all thinking about your weekend plans? 4 Your marks (get) better and better and your maths teacher is very pleased. 5 What (you / do) over there? Come here, please. 6 Please switch off your phones! The show (start) in a few minutes. 7 Children often (follow) in their parents’ footsteps. 8 My baby brother always (sleep) after his last meal. 9 A: ‘How much (it / cost)?’ B: ‘£20.’ 10 No, Dad (not sleep) at the moment. He’s in the garden. 3 Are these sentences right or wrong? Tick ✔ or cross ✘. ✘ 1 The two brothers are sounding exactly the same on the phone. 2 This carrot cake tastes delicious. 3 I’m not thinking you are right! 4 Your sister looks exactly like you. Are you twins? 5 Are you preferring hot or cold weather? 6 Our neighbours have a garden party tonight. 7 My favourite rock band is appearing live next Saturday. 8 I don’t know how to thank you for your help. 28

A Work of Art page 147 page 148 10.1 charming (adj) 10.9 footprint (n) very pleasant or attractive a mark left on a surface by a person’s ❖ γοητευτικός, ελκυστικός Oliver is a charming young man; everyone foot or shoe ❖ πατημασιά, χνάρι, ίχνος likes him. Respect nature: walk everywhere, but ➤ charm (n) leave only footprints. 10.2 colourful (adj) 10.10 taste (n) having bright colours or a lot of what a person likes or prefers ❖ γούστο different colours Rachel developed a taste for blue cheese ❖ πολύχρωμος, χρωματιστός The male peacock is more colourful than when she was living in Paris. the female. ➤ taste (v), tasteful (adj) ➤ colourfully (adv) ✎ to sb’s taste 10.3 confusing (adj) 10.11 abstract (adj) unclear and difficult to understand not representing people or things in ❖ που μπερδεύει, που προκαλεί σύγχυση I need your help with the cooking a realistic way, but expressing the artist’s ideas about them instructions; they are confusing. ❖ αφηρημένος ➤ confuse (v), confused (adj), It’s an abstract paintings of birds, or confusion (n) maybe they’re bees. It’s hard to tell. ✎ abstract art 10.4 imaginative (adj) having or showing new and exciting 10.12 term (n) a word or phrase used as the name of ideas ❖ ευφάνταστος, ευρηματικός sth Students should be encouraged to be ❖ όρος imaginative and creative. The term ‘anatomy’ refers to the study of ➤ imagine (v), imagination (n), the human body. imaginatively (adv) ✎ Opp: unimaginative 10.13 splashy (adj) ✎ Syn: creative attracting a lot of attention ❖ κραυγαλέος 10.5 inspiring (adj) Karen did not want her birthday party to exciting and encouraging you to do or be too big and splashy. feel sth ❖ συγκλονιστικός, συναρπαστικός 10.14 messy (adj) The politician’s speech was inspiring and untidy effective. ❖ ακατάστατος ➤ inspire (v), inspiration (n) I know my office looks messy, but I know ✎ Opp: uninspiring where everything is. 10.6 magnificent (adj) ➤ mess (n) very impressive and beautiful ❖ έξοχος, εξαιρετικός, σπουδαίος 10.15 a bit (adv) The Taj Mahal is considered to be one slightly ❖ λίγο of the most magnificent buildings in the The film wasn’t very good. I thought it was world. ➤ magnificently (adv) a bit silly, actually. ✎ a little 10.7 metallic (adj) A metallic sound, appearance or taste 10.16 careless (adj) not giving enough attention and is like metal ❖ μεταλλικός thought to what you are doing Tim’s car is painted in a beautiful metallic ❖ απρόσεχτος red. A careless driver is a dangerous driver. ➤ metal (n) ➤ care (n, v) ✎ Opp: careful 10.8 shiny (adj) sth that is shiny has a bright surface 10.17 childish (adj) typical of a child that reflects light ❖ παιδαριώδης, παιδιάστικος ❖ που λάμπει, που γυαλίζει Rob can sometimes be childish and Ali wore a black suit and shiny leather shoes to the office party. immature for his age. ➤ shine (v) ➤ child (n), childhood (n) 164

10.18 drop (n) 10.28 force (n) a very small amount of liquid with a physical power ❖ δύναμη round shape Even though we applied great force, we ❖ σταγόνα Add a few drops of olive oil to the potatoes could not push open the door. and they will be ready to serve. ➤ drop (v) ➤ forceful (adj), forcefully (adv) ✎ with great force 10.19 represent (v) to show or describe sth 10.29 land (v) ❖ απεικονίζω to cause to arrive on the ground The dove is a symbol: it represents peace ❖ προσγειώνομαι, πέφτω Steve lost control of his skateboard, fell and calm. ➤ representation (n) forward and landed on his face. Ouch! 10.20 identify (v) 10.30 energetic (adj) to recognise sth that exists having or needing a lot of energy or ❖ αναγνωρίζω determination The police showed me a photo and asked if ❖ δραστήριος I could identify the men in the picture. I like exercising in the morning. That’s ➤ identification (n) when I am the most energetic. 10.21 splash (n) ➤ energy (n) a small amount of liquid that falls onto 10.31 landscape (n) sth and the mark that this makes a painting of a view of the countryside ❖ πιτσιλιά ❖ τοπίο He had decorated the walls of his room David Hockney paints landscapes directly with splashes of red and blue paint. on an iPad®. The results are surprising. ➤ splash (v) 10.32 portrait (n) 10.22 dribble (n) a painting, drawing or photograph of liquid that has come out of your mouth a person, especially of the head and ❖ σταγόνα shoulders Tom quickly wiped the dribble off his chin ❖ πορτρέτο and hoped that no one noticed. Rembrandt painted portraits of other ➤ dribble (v) people, but he is most famous for his 10.23 canvas (n) self-portaits. Those are amazingly a strong heavy material used by artists realistic. for painting on 10.33 emotion (n) ❖ καμβάς a strong human feeling He stood for hours in front of the canvas ❖ συναίσθημα, αίσθημα but could not think of anything to paint. It’s not a bad thing to let your emotions 10.24 easel (n) show once in a while. a wooden frame that you put a ➤ emotional (adj) painting on while you paint it 10.34 reveal (v) ❖ καβαλέτο to make known or show sth I am still working on the portrait you saw ❖ αποκαλύπτω, φανερώνω on the easel in my study. The letters he wrote his daughter from 10.25 can (n) prison revealed a lot about his past life. a metal container ➤ revelation (n) ❖ δοχείο 10.35 confused (adj) We will need to buy three cans of paint and unable to think clearly or to a couple of brushes to paint the room. understand what is happening 10.26 step (v) ❖ σαστισμένος, μπερδεμένος I’m confused. I thought you said to come to lift your foot and move it in a by bus, so that’s why I left my bike at home. particular direction ➤ confuse (v), confusion (n), ❖ πατάω confusing (adj) Oh, I stepped on your foot. I’m so sorry! ➤ step (n) 10.27 flick (v) 10.36 viewer (n) to make sth move quickly and sb who looks at a picture, photograph suddenly, especially with a quick or piece of art, or watches television ❖ θεατής movement of the hand ❖ τινάζω The boxing match was shown on TV and Theo flicked the insect off his leg. He was attracted thousands of paying viewers. frightened of bugs. ➤ flick (n) ➤ view (v) UNIT 10 165

10.37 message (n) 10.47 turn out (phr v) the most important idea that you want to be discovered to be ❖ αποδεικνύομαι ότι to tell people about It turned out that I was wrong. We did not ❖ μήνυμα, νόημα The film’s message is that there is no place have a test yesterday. like home. 10.48 copy (n) sth that is made to be exactly like page 149 another thing 10.38 artwork (n) ❖ αντίγραφο work of art The Rodin museum shop sells copies of The ❖ έργο τέχνης Thinker in six different sizes. Lisa owns a number of beautiful artworks, ➤ copy (v) including some that she inherited from her 10.49 glance (v) grandmother in Italy. to give a quick short look ❖ ρίχνω μία ματιά 10.39 pale (adj) Carl kept glancing at his watch throughout light in colour the film. ❖ απαλός, ανοιχτός, ανοιχτόχρωμος ➤ glance (n) Beth looked pale as if she were ill. 10.50 stare (v) to look at sb/sth for a long time 10.40 lively (adj) ❖ κοιτάζω επίμονα (of colours) bright and strong The curious little boy stared at the old man ❖ ζωηρός Stuart painted his abstract mural using a who was seated beside him. ➤ stare (n) lively combination of blues and greens. ✎ stare at page 150 10.51 embarrassed (adj) feeling uncomfortable or nervous and 10.41 background (n) worrying about what people think of the area that is behind the main thing you ❖ σε αμηχανία, που ντρέπεται that you are looking at, especially in a Joe was embarrassed that he had forgotten his parents’ wedding anniversary. picture ➤ embarrass (v), embarrassment (n), ❖ φόντο embarrassing (adj) If you look closely, you will notice a small 10.52 observe (v) hut in the background. ✎ in the background to watch sb/sth carefully in order to 10.42 fake (n) learn more about that person or thing ❖ παρατηρώ, παρακολουθώ an object that is made to look real in The scientist spent years studying and observing the behaviour of gorillas. order to deceive people ➤ observation (n), observer (n), ❖ απομίμηση observant (adj) On close examination, the document was 10.53 warm up (phr v) found to have been a fake. ➤ fake (n, v) to prepare for physical exercise ❖ προθερμαίνομαι, κάνω ζέσταμα 10.43 masterpiece (n) To avoid muscle injury, warm up before a work of art that is an excellent you exercise and cool down at the end. example of the artist’s work ➤ warm-up (n) ❖ αριστούργημα Many people consider the Mona Lisa to be 10.54 view (v) Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece. to look at or watch sth ❖ βλέπω 10.44 original (n) The best place to view the birds is from a painting or other piece of art that this hiding place. They scare easily if you stand in the open. was done by the artist, not a copy of it ➤ view (n) ❖ πρωτότυπο 10.55 tank (n) Mark is an expert in art history. He can a large container ❖ δεξαμενή usually tell an original from a copy. Marvin has got two fish tanks, one for ➤ original (adj) saltwater fish and a smaller one for 10.45 replica (n) freshwater fish. ✎ water tank a very good or exact copy of sth ❖ αντίγραφο There are many replicas of the Satue of Liberty all over the world. 10.46 sculpture (n) an object made out of stone, wood, clay, etc. by an artist ❖ γλυπτό Steve and his brother are making a sculpture of an elephant in their garden. 166 ➤ sculpt (v)

10.56 hurry (n) 10.65 sculptor (n) the need to move or do things more an artist who makes sculptures ❖ γλύπτης quickly than normal ❖ βιασύνη It took the sculptor six years to complete Ned walks as if he is always in a hurry. the marble statue. ➤ hurry (v) ✎ in a hurry ➤ sculpture (n) page 151 10.66 exhibit (n) an object that is shown to the public in 10.57 glue (n) a sticky substance that is used for a museum, etc. ❖ έκθεμα joining things together permanently The Winged Victory is one of the most ❖ κόλλα famous exhibits in the Louvre museum. The teacher asked us to bring some paper ➤ exhibit (v), exhibition (n) and glue for the arts and crafts class tomorrow. 10.67 renew (v) ➤ glue (v) to make sth legally acceptable for a 10.58 cardboard (n) further period of time thick brown paper, used especially for ❖ ανανεώνω Magazine subscriptions must be renewed making boxes every year. ❖ χαρτόνι ➤ new (adj), renewal (n), renewable (adj) You can use glue to stick the two pieces of cardboard together. 10.68 membership (n) the state of belonging to an 10.59 latest (adj) newest or most recent organisation ❖ τελευταίος ❖ το να ανήκω, το να είμαι μέλος Have you read the latest book by Ali Sethi? You need to renew your membership at the tennis club. I have heard it is really good. ➤ member (n) 10.60 display (v) 10.69 technical (adj) to show sth to people connected with the skills needed for a ❖ εκθέτω Test results will be displayed on the school particular job, sport, art, etc. ❖ τεχνικός website. My computer broke down and I don’t have ➤ display (n) ✎ Syn: exhibit the technical knowledge to fix it. ➤ technique (n), technician (n), 10.61 respect (v) technically (adv) to feel admiration for sb because of 10.70 side (n) their personal qualities one part of sb’s character ❖ εκτιμώ, σέβομαι ❖ πλευρά, όψη (του χαρακτήρα) Everyone in the office respected him for his You didn’t see Diane’s best side today. honesty. ➤ respect (n), respectful (adj), She’s normally kind, patient and generous respectable (adj) with her time. 10.62 square (n) 10.71 theft (n) a large open area in the centre of a the crime of stealing sth from a person town or city or place ❖ πλατεία ❖ κλοπή Our Beijing office is located just off the We installed new locks and security main square of Tiananmen. cameras for protection against theft. ➤ thief (n) 10.63 sell out (phr v) If products, tickets for an event, etc. 10.72 armed (adj) involving the use of weapons sell out, they are all sold and there are ❖ ένοπλος none left. The bank is protected by armed security ❖ ξεπουλάω We could not get seats because the match guards. was sold out. ➤ unarmed (adj) ✎ have/be sold out ✎ armed forces / armed robbery 10.64 bronze (n) 10.73 robbery (n) a dark red-brown metal made by the crime of stealing money or things mixing copper and tin from a bank, shop, etc. ❖ μπρούντζος ❖ ληστεία These statues are made of bronze and not An armed gang carried out the robbery in gold. broad daylight. ➤ bronze (adj) ➤ rob (v), robber (n) UNIT 10 167

10.74 reward (n) page 153 sth that you receive because of sth 10.80 publisher (n) good that you have done a person or company that prepares ❖ ανταμοιβή The lady gave Timmy a reward for and prints books, magazines, returning the bag that she had lost. newspapers or electronic products and ➤ reward (v), rewarding (adj) makes them available to the public ✎ reward for ✎ as a reward ❖ εκδότης A number of publishers turned down 10.75 collection (n) J. K. Rowling’s first book. Eventually, a group of objects of the same sort Bloomsbury published it and made a fortune on the Harry Potter series. that have been collected ➤ publish (v), publication (n) ❖ συλλογή Basil has a wonderful collection of comics 10.81 hairdresser (n) that his father started. a person who cuts people’s hair and ➤ collect (v), collector (n) puts it into a style 10.76 historian (n) ❖ κομμωτής, κομμώτρια a person who studies or writes about My sister and I have been going to the same hairdresser since we were 13. history ➤ hairdressing (n) ❖ ιστορικός ✎ at the hairdresser’s Historians look into the past in order to understand the present. 10.82 technician (n) ➤ history (n), historical (adj) a person whose job is keeping a Useful words particular type of equipment or charming (adj) machine in good condition confusing (adj) ❖ τεχνικός display (v) I requested help from a technician to fix dull (adj) my computer. embarrassed (adj) ➤ technical (adj) force (v) glance (v) 10.83 therapy (n) identify (v) the treatment of a physical problem or inspiring (adj) lively (adj) an illness magnificent (adj) ❖ θεραπεία observe (v) Clara needed physical therapy after her car represent (v) accident. respect (v) ✎ art therapy, group therapy, shopping stare (v) therapy page 152 10.84 self-portrait (n) a picture, photograph or piece of 10.77 thief (n) a person who steals writing that you make of yourself ❖ κλέφτης ❖ πορτραίτο του ίδιου του καλλιτέχνη My father always said, ’A liar is worse than Vincent van Gogh’s self-portrait may be his last painting. a thief’. ➤ theft (n) 10.85 symbolise (v) to represent sth 10.78 opening (n) ❖ συμβολίζω a ceremony to celebrate the start of a The red and black colours in the painting public event symbolise pain and anger. ❖ εγκαίνια, έναρξη ➤ symbol (n), symbolism (n) We watched the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games with our friends. 10.86 joy (n) ➤ open (v) ✎ opening ceremony great happiness and pleasure ❖ χαρά 10.79 tear (v) I was filled with joy when I heard that to damage sth by pulling it apart or Emma gave birth to twin girls. into pieces ✎ filled with joy ❖ σχίζω This is a very old book. Please be careful 10.87 threat (n) no to tear the pages when you turn them. a danger that something unpleasant ✎ tear – torn - torn might happen 168 ❖ απειλή The threat of going to jail stopped him from committing the crime. ➤ threaten (v), threatening (adj) ✎ under threat

10.88 means (n) 10.98 make out (phr v) a way of doing sth to be just able to see or hear sth ❖ τρόπος ❖ διακρίνω, ξεχωρίζω Sign language is a means of His voice was so faint on the call that I communication. could not make out what he was saying. 10.89 artistic (adj) 10.99 intention (n) showing a natural skill or pleasure in art a plan or desire to do sth ❖ καλλιτεχνικός ❖ πρόθεση He paints really well. I had no idea that he She wrote a letter with the intention to was so artistic. ➤ art (n), artist (n), artistically (adv) complain about poor cutomer service. ➤ intend (v) 10.90 require (v) 10.100 criticise (v) to need sth or make sth necessary to express disapproval of sb or sth ❖ χρειάζομαι ❖ επικρίνω, κατακρίνω You can always call me if you require any The newspaper strongly criticised the help packing and moving. government for neglecting border security. ➤ requirement (n) ➤ criticism (n) page 154 10.101 vandalism (n) the crime of intentionally damaging 10.91 graffiti (n) words or drawings on walls, doors, property belonging to other people ❖ βανδαλισμός etc. in public places Is graffiti art or vandalism? ❖ γκράφιτι ➤ vandal (n), vandalise (v) The stadium walls are covered with graffiti. ✎ graffiti artist 10.102 vandal (n) a person who intentionally damages 10.92 mural (n) a large painting done on a wall property belonging to other people ❖ τοιχογραφία ❖ βάνδαλος The theme of the mural is friendship and Security cameras have been installed to stop vandals from destroying public peace between nations. property. ➤ vandalism (n) 10.93 respectable (adj) socially acceptable 10.103 contrast (n) ❖ αξιοσέβαστος an obvious difference between two or Larry went to a respectable boarding more things school near London. ❖ αντίθεση ➤ respect (n, v), respectful (adj) In the desert, there is a big contrast between day and night temperatures. 10.94 protest (n) ➤ contrast (v) a strong complaint expressing ✎ in contrast to disagreement 10.104 reaction (n) ❖ διαμαρτυρία the way that you feel or behave as a The people in the city organised a protest against air pollution. result of sth that happens ➤ protest (v) ❖ αντίδραση What was your father’s reaction when you 10.95 conquer (v) told him that you got the job? Was he to become very successful in a place happy? ❖ επικρατώ, κυριαρχώ ➤ react (v) Apple, under Steve Jobs, conquered 10.105 fence (n) markets all over the world. ➤ conqueror (n) a structure made of wood, metal, etc. 10.96 pavement (n) that surrounds a piece of land a flat part at the side of a road for ❖ φράχτης The ball fell on the other side of the fence. people to walk on There was no way of getting it back. ❖ πεζοδρόμιο Stuart fell off his skateboard and hit his 10.106 response (n) head on the pavement. an answer or reaction ✎ on the pavement ❖ απάντηση, απόκριση I applied for a job at the university. I am 10.97 identity (n) who a person is still waiting for a response. ❖ ταυτότητα ➤ respond (v) It was an anonymous phone call and we do ✎ response to not know the identity of the caller. ➤ identify (v), identification (n) UNIT 10 169

page 155 10.115 transport (v) to take sth/sb from one place to 10.107 leader (n) a person who leads a group of people another in a vehicle ❖ αρχηγός, ηγέτης ❖ μεταφέρω Bono is the leader of the rock band U2. He We hired a moving company to transport our furniture to our new house. also leads various humanitarian efforts. ➤ transport (n), transportation (n) ➤ lead (v), leadership (n) 10.116 interactive (adj) 10.108 generalisation (n) that allows you to communicate a general statement that seems to directly with it and does things in be true in most cases but may not be reaction to your actions completely true in all cases ❖ διαδραστικός ❖ γενίκευση The most popular online games are Statistics help us make generalisations interactive. ➤ interact (v), interaction (n) about different age groups. ➤ general (adj), generally (adv), 10.117 interact (v) generalise (v) to communicate with or react to ❖ αλληλεπιδρώ 10.109 accessible (adj) Whales interact with each other by sound. that can be reached, entered, used, Their calls travel for hundreds of miles seen, etc. under water. ❖ προσβάσιμος, προσιτός ➤ interaction (n), interactive (adj) Don’t keep sharp tools in places that are easily accessible to children. 10.118 growing (adj) ➤ access (n, v) increasing in size or quantity ✎ accessible to ❖ στην ανάπτυξη The growing market for sporting goods page 156 shows that more people are trying to 10.110 nowadays (adv) keep fit and are taking their health more at the present time, in comparison to seriously. ➤ grow (v), growth (n) the past 10.119 set sth on fire (expr) ❖ σήμερα, τώρα to do sth that creates a lot of interest People don’t even want a landline nowadays. Mobile phones are enough. or excitement ❖ προκαλώ ενθουσιασμό 10.111 examine (v) Billy’s speech on environmental pollution to consider or study an idea, a subject, set the audience’s minds on fire. etc. very carefully 10.120 installation (n) ❖ εξετάζω, ερευνώ the act of fixing equipment in position This book examines the causes of the war in Syria. so that it can be used ➤ examiner (n), examination (n) ❖ εγκατάσταση, τοποθέτηση The installation of a webcam only takes 10.112 rhetorical question (n) minutes. ➤ install (v) a question asked only to make a page 157 statement or to produce an effect rather than to get an answer 10.121 recognise (v) ❖ ρητορική ερώτηση to admit or to be aware that sth exists Teachers ask rhetorical questions to keep the class interested. or is true ❖ αναγνωρίζω, παραδέχομαι 10.113 imperative (n) People must recognise the importance of the form of a verb that is usually used waste management before it is too late. ➤ recognition (n) for giving orders ❖ προστακτική 10.122 opening (adj) In the phrase ‘Go to your room!’, the verb relating to the beginning of sth ‘go’ is an imperative. ❖ αρχικός, πρώτος ➤ imperative (adj) The opening sentence was so interesting 10.114 display (n) that it made me want to read the rest of a collection of objects or pictures the article. ➤ open (v) arranged for people to look at 10.123 catchy (adj) ❖ έκθεση that attracts your attention and is easy The museum had an amazing display of sculptures by Donatello. to remember ➤ display (v) ❖ πιασάρικος ✎ on display The song became extremely popular among teens because of its catchy tune. ➤ catch (v) 170

page 159 10.132 value (n) how much sth is worth in money or other 10.124 statue (n) an image of a person or animal that is goods for which it can be exchanged ❖ αξία made of solid material such as stone I do not know the exact value of this or metal and is usually large watch. The jeweller will tell us. ❖ άγαλμα ➤ valuable (adj), invaluable (adj) There’s a beautiful marble statue of an angel on the fountain in the park. 10.133 collector (n) ✎ Syn: sculpture a person who collects things ❖ συλλέκτης 10.125 visible (adj) Mr Smith is an art collector. He has a able to be seen ❖ ορατός wonderful collection of nineteenth-century It was so foggy that cars coming from the paintings. ➤ collect (v), collection (n) opposite side were barely visible. page 162 ➤ visibility (n), vision (n) ✎ Opp: invisible 10.134 problem-solving (n) the act of finding ways of dealing with 10.126 angle (n) a position from which you look at sth problems ❖ επίλυση προβλημάτων or photograph it Teachers often use activities that require ❖ γωνία students to develop their skills in problem- He moved to his left to photograph the solving. statue from a different angle. page 163 10.127 swap (v) to give sth to sb and receive sth in 10.135 figure (n) the shape of a person exchange ❖ φιγούρα ❖ ανταλλάσσω It was too dark to make out whether the Would you like to swap your motorbike for my car? figure was a man or woman. ➤ swap (n) ✎ swap sth with sb 10.136 shake (v) ✎ swap sth for sth else If you are shaking, your body makes 10.128 edit (v) quick short movements. to make changes to text ❖ τρέμω ❖ διορθώνω I was shaking with laughter when she The newspaper edits the letters readers started telling joke after joke. ✎ shake – shook - shaken send in before printing them. ➤ editor (n), edition (n) 10.137 amazement (n) a feeling of great surprise page 160 ❖ έκπληξη Jim looked at the bright stars in 10.129 valuable (adj) worth a lot of money amazement. He had never seen such a ❖ πολύτιμος, μεγάλης αξίας clear night sky in the city. I am only carrying things that are essential ➤ amaze (v), amazed (adj), amazing (adj) ✎ in amazement for the trip, nothing valuable. ➤ value (n), invaluable (adj) page 164 10.130 elegant (adj) 10.138 impatient (adj) attractive and designed well wanting to do sth soon ❖ σικάτος, στυλάτος ❖ ανυπόμονος The restaurant has three small but elegant He grew impatient after being made to sit dining rooms. in the waiting room for almost an hour. ➤ elegance (n) ✎ Syn: stylish ➤ impatience (n), patient (adj), patience (n) ✎ Opp: patient page 161 Useful words response (n) 10.131 originally (adv) accessible (adj) swap (v) used to describe the situation that impatient (adj) theft (n) intention (n) thief (n) existed at the beginning of a particular interactive (adj) valuable (adj) period or activity nowadays (adv) visible (adj) ❖ αρχικά, πρώτα recognise (v) The office was originally on two floors, but we expanded and added a third floor last year. ➤ origin (n), original (adj) UNIT 10 171

WORKBOOK W10.9 privacy (n) the state of being alone page 102 ❖ ησυχία, ηρεμία, απομόνωση You shouldn’t make phone calls on the bus W10.1 selfie (n) a photo of yourself that you take, as there is no privacy. ➤ private (adj), privately (adv) typically with a smartphone or webcam, and usually put on social media W10.10 pick (v) ❖ σέλφι to choose According to some researchers, people use ❖ διαλέγω selfies to improve their confidence or their It’s my nephew’s birthday. Can you please mood. help me pick a good book for him? W10.2 educated (adj) having had a high standard of education page 108 ❖ μορφωμένος W10.11 drawing room (n) Fifty years ago, women weren’t as highly a room in a large house in which educated as men. ➤ educate (v), education (n) people relax and guests are ✎ Opp: uneducated entertained ❖ σαλόνι, καθιστικό W10.3 legal (adj) They had dinner in the formal dining room allowed by the law and played cards in the drawing room ❖ νόμιμος afterwards. Paying income tax is a legal obligation. ➤ legally (adv) ✎ Opp: illegal page 110 W10.4 popularity (n) W10.12 dustbin (n) a situation in which sb or sth is a large container outside your house, popular with many people used for holding waste until it is taken ❖ δημοτικότητα, το να είμαι δημοφιλής away Many young people take selfies to gain ❖ σκουπιδοτενεκές popularity on social media. We have recently replaced our metal ➤ popular (adj) dustbins with plastic ones. page 105 W10.13 tyre (n) a thick rubber ring that fits around the W10.5 strip (n) a piece of sth, such as cloth or paper, wheel of a car, bicycle, etc. ❖ λάστιχο which is much longer than it is wide We called road assistance to change our flat ❖ λωρίδα tyre and they came within fifteen minutes. The teacher asked the students to write their names on a strip of paper. W10.14 sack (n) a large bag made of strong cloth, W10.6 anonymous (adj) with a name that is not known or that paper or plastic, used to store large amounts of sth is not made public ❖ σακί ❖ ανώνυμος The sack of potatoes was too heavy for a The writer of the article on corruption child to carry. wishes to remain anonymous. ➤ anonymity (n) W10.15 spice (n) one of the various types of powder or page 106 seed that come from plants and are W10.7 delete (v) used in cooking to remove sth that has been written ❖ μπαχαρικό Curry powder is made using different spices, down or stored in a computer like chili, turmeric and coriander seeds. ❖ διαγράφω, σβήνω ➤ spicy (adj) I deleted some files on my computer by mistake. Is there any way of getting them W10.16 satisfaction (n) back? the feeling of pleasure that you get page 107 when you achieve or obtain sth that you want W10.8 remodel (v) ❖ ικανοποίηση to change the structure or shape of sth Going to medical school gave Linda a sense ❖ ανακαινίζω of pride and satisfaction. Rob wanted to remodel his office and make ➤ satisfy (v), satisfactory, (adj), unsatisfactory (adj), satisfied (adj), it larger. ✎ Syn: redecorate, renovate dissatisfied (adj) 172

W10.17 value (n) page 112 the quality of being useful or W10.20 do sth up (phr v) important to fasten sth ❖ αξία ❖ κουμπώνω We only know the value of something when Nora asked her daughter to do her coat up we no longer have it. ➤ valuable (adj), invaluable (adj) as it was cold outside. page 111 W10.21 zip (n) a thing that you use to fasten clothes, W10.18 erase (v) to remove sth, especially a pencil mark bags, etc. ❖ φερμουάρ by rubbing it The zip on this bag is broken, so I can't ❖ σβήνω close it. Write the answers in pencil in case you need to erase and correct them later. W10.22 accessory (n) ➤ eraser (n) a thing that you can wear or carry that W10.19 attach (v) matches your clothes to fasten or join one thing to another ❖ αξεσουάρ ❖ συνδέω, τοποθετώ Belt, shoes, hats and handbags are fashion You should attach a ribbon to the ornament accessories. if you want to hang it on the Christmas tree. ➤ attachment (n) UNIT 10 173

The passive Active Passive They build their new house. Their new house is built. Present simple They are building their new house. Their new house is being built. Present continuous They built their new house. Their new house was built. Past simple They were building their new house. Their new house was being built. Past continuous They have built their new house. Their new house has been built. Present perfect simple They had built their new house. Their new house had been built. Past perfect simple They will build their new house. Their new house will be built. Future simple They will have built their new house. Their new house will have been built. Future perfect simple They are going to build their new house. Their new house is going to be built. Be going to They must build their new house. Their new house must be built. Modal verbs Form • Σ χηματίζουμε την παθητική φωνή (passive voice) με το ρήμα to be στο σωστό χρόνο και την παθητική μετοχή (past participle) του κύριου ρήματος. Their house was damaged by the hurricane. • Σ την άρνηση προσθέτουμε not μετά από το ρήμα to be. Their house was not damaged by the hurricane. • Στην ερώτηση βάζουμε το ρήμα to be στην αρχή της πρότασης. Was their house damaged by the hurricane? • Μπορούμε επίσης να χρησιμοποιήσουμε το ρήμα to get αντί για το to be στην παθητική φωνή. Συνήθως το χρησιμοποιούμε στον καθημερινό λόγο, για να αναφερθούμε σε κάτι δυσάρεστο που συμβαίνει τυχαία ή απρόσμενα. He got stuck in the lift. Use Χρησιμοποιούμε την παθητική φωνή όταν αυτό που μας ενδιαφέρει περισσότερο σε μια πρόταση είναι η ίδια η πράξη και όχι αυτός που την κάνει. Συνήθως δε γνωρίζουμε ή δε μας ενδιαφέρει ποιος την κάνει, γι’ αυτό και δίνουμε έμφαση στην πράξη. This table is made of plastic. The website has been updated. Agent • Σ υχνά χρειάζεται να αναφέρουμε από ποιον έγινε μια πράξη, χρειάζεται, δηλαδή, να αναφέρουμε το agent. Σε αυτήν την περίπτωση, χρησιμοποιούμε τη λέξη by και ένα όνομα, ένα ουσιαστικό ή μια αντωνυμία. Her portrait was painted by a famous artist. • Π ροσέχουμε ότι αναφέρουμε το agent μόνο όταν γνωρίζουμε ποιος έκανε την πράξη που περιγράφουμε, και μόνο όταν αυτό είναι σημαντικό. Συγκρίνετε τις παρακάτω προτάσεις: The paintings were stolen. (Δεν ξέρουμε ποιος τους έκλεψε. Δεν αναφέρουμε το agent.) All flights were cancelled. (Η σημαντική πληροφορία είναι ότι ακυρώθηκαν. Δε μας ενδιαφέρει ποιος τις ακύρωσε. Δεν αναφέρουμε το agent.) The man was arrested. (Εννοείται ότι τον συνέλαβε η αστυνομία. Δε χρειάζεται να αναφέρουμε το agent.) The car was destroyed by vandals. (Το agent μας δίνει σημαντικές πληροφορίες, γι’ αυτό και το αναφέρουμε.) • Προσέχουμε ότι όταν θέλουμε να αναφερθούμε στο αντικείμενο ή στο υλικό που χρησιμοποιήθηκε για μια πράξη, χρησιμοποιούμε with και όχι by. Harry Potter was written by J.K. Rowling. The man was threatened with a knife. Active and passive sentences Αλλάζουμε μια πρόταση από την ενεργητική φωνή (active voice) στην παθητική φωνή (passive voice) ως εξής: • Το αντικείμενο της ενεργητικής πρότασης γίνεται υποκείμενο της παθητικής πρότασης. Ken Lane gave the talk. ➝ The talk was given by Ken Lane. • Χ ρησιμοποιούμε το ρήμα to be στον ανάλογο χρόνο και την παθητική μετοχή του ρήματος που είχαμε στην ενεργητική πρόταση. Ken Lane will give the talk. ➝ The talk will be given by Ken Lane. • Α ν θέλουμε να αναφέρουμε το agent, στο τέλος της πρότασης βάζουμε τη λέξη by και το υποκείμενο της ενεργητικής πρότασης. Spain beat Brazil in the final. ➝ Brazil was beaten by Spain in the final. 174

Causative form We have the car serviced every six months. We are having the car serviced at the moment. Present simple We had the car serviced last month. Present continuous We were having the car serviced at the time. Past simple We have just had the car serviced. Past continuous We have been having the car serviced. Present perfect simple We had already had the car serviced by then. Present perfect continuous We had been having the car serviced for days. Past perfect simple We will have the car serviced soon. Past perfect continuous We will be having the car serviced when you come. Future simple We will have had the car serviced by September. Future continuous We are going to have the car serviced next week. Future perfect simple We must have the car serviced soon. Be going to Modal verbs Form • Σ χηματίζουμε το causative form με το ρήμα have στο σωστό χρόνο, το αντικείμενο και την παθητική μετοχή (past participle) του κύριου ρήματος. Χρησιμοποιούμε δηλαδή τον εξής τύπο: subject + have + object + past participle, βάζοντας κάθε φορά το have στο σωστό χρόνο. She has her house redecorated every two years. (present simple) She has just had her house redecorated. (present perfect simple) She had her house redecorated last month. (past simple) She will have her house redecorated soon. (future simple) • Η ερώτηση και η άρνηση σχηματίζονται και αυτές σύμφωνα με τον χρόνο που χρησιμοποιούμε κάθε φορά. She hasn’t had her house redecorated yet. How often does she have her house redecorated? • Μ πορούμε επίσης να χρησιμοποιήσουμε το get αντί για το have στο causative form. Το χρησιμοποιούμε συνήθως στον καθημερινό λόγο. She’s getting her house redecorated tomorrow. • Για να πούμε από ποιον έγινε η πράξη που περιγράφουμε, να αναφέρουμε, δηλαδή, το agent, χρησιμοποιούμε by, όπως και στην παθητική φωνή. Και εδώ, αναφέρουμε το agent μόνο όταν μας δίνει σημαντικές πληροφορίες. She had her house built by LetsBuild Constructions. Use • Χ ρησιμοποιούμε το causative form όταν θέλουμε να αναφερθούμε σε κάτι που δεν κάναμε εμείς οι ίδιοι αλλά αναθέσαμε σε κάποιον άλλο (συνήθως έναν επαγγελματία) να κάνει για εμάς. Συγκρίνετε τις παρακάτω προτάσεις: Louis installed the new software. (To έκανε ο ίδιος.) Louis had the new software installed. (Το ανέθεσε σε κάποιον άλλο, μάλλον επαγγελματία.) • Συχνά χρησιμοποιούμε το causative form για να αναφερθούμε σε κάτι δυσάρεστο που συμβαίνει. Σε αυτήν την περίπτωση χρησιμοποιούμε μόνο have και όχι get. Sam had his skateboard stolen! ✓ (He got his skateboard stolen! ✗) UNIT 10 175

Vocabulary practice 1 Complete the sentences with these words. childish colourful fake landscapes lively original pale portrait replica viewers 1 Millions of viewers watched the FA Cup final in 2020. 2 Vicky thinks that black is elegant but boring. She prefers to wear outfits. 3 The artist has painted a(n) of his mother. 4 Is the vase a genuine antique or a(n) ? 5 This is a copy of the painting; the is in the city museum. 6 The architect constructed an exact of a 19th century building. 7 A: What kind of paintings do you do? B: Mostly of the English countryside. 8 Red is a colour that can symbolise confidence and power. 9 His manners are sometimes annoying. He’s so immature. 10 Marti painted her room in light, pink, whereas her sister chose a bright yellow. 2 Circle the correct words. 1 Emily glanced / observed quickly over her shoulder to see if Vivian was right behind her. 2 I didn’t stare / notice you were here. 3 People came from all over the world to view / look the sculptor’s work. 4 The biology teacher performs the experiment, while his students view / observe carefully. 5 I would sit quietly and watch / stare what was happening. 6 He was too far away to be able to observe / identify faces. 7 Why are you staring / viewing at me like that? 8 If you identify / look carefully, you can see that the painting represents a human figure. 3 Choose the correct answers. 1 He will be making a new for the exhibition. A sculpt B sculptor C sculpture 2 The in this room date from the 17th century. A exhibits B exhibited C exhibition 3 Only club received an invitation. A member B members C membership 4 I’m totally . Could you explain that again? A confused B confusing C confusion 5 Colin was to admit that he had made a mistake. A embarrassing B embarrassment C embarrassed 6 He’s with his glasses and has lost three pairs in the last few months. A careless B careful C caring 176

Grammar practice 1 Complete. Use the passive. 1 The water pipe wasn’t repaired (not repair) properly and it broke down again. 2 This sculpture (exhibit) in the National Gallery since last week. 3 The results of the competition (announce) at the eight o’clock news tonight. 4 The school rules have to (obey) by all students. 5 Six people (injure) in the car accident last night. 6 The living room and dining room (redecorate) by the end of next week. 7 Dinner (serve) at 7.00 pm every day. 8 An exhibition of modern art (hold) in London at the moment. 2 Rewrite the sentences in the passive. Include the agent only where necessary. . . 1 They are going to hold the meeting tomorrow afternoon. . The meeting is going to be held tomorrow afternoon . 2 They have uploaded new posts since yesterday. . . 3 Picasso did not paint the Mona Lisa. . . 4 A well-known architect is designing a 24-storey tower block. 5 They will programme the robot to speak five languages. 6 The students have created a replica of a pirate ship for the art competition. 7 They had delivered the packet before noon. 8 They have to make a decision until the next meeting. 3 Rewrite the sentences in the causative form. Use the word in bold. 1 A chef is preparing our dinner tonight. PREPARED We are having our dinner prepared by a chef tonight. by the end of the week. 2 Their car will be repaired by the end of the week. by a famous artist. HAVE . for me. They 3 A famous artist has painted her portrait. ? HAD UNIT 10 177 She 4 I’m going to ask someone to install the new software. INSTALLED I’m 5 I don’t need anyone to do my shopping for me. DONE I don’t need to 6 Where can I fix my smartwatch? HAVE Where

English B1 COMPANION Ultimate English is an innovative, multi-level course that takes students from B1 to C2 level of the Common European Framework. Thanks to its rich, engaging content and forward-thinking approach, it motivates learners to achieve a high level of language competence while preparing them effectively for all established English language exams at this level. This new exciting course includes up-to-date topics that will stimulate the learners’ interest while offering an effective and clearly laid out language development and support programme. Ultimate English also gives emphasis to 21st-century skills, such as critical thinking and co-operative learning, while developing all language skills within a truly motivating context. The Ultimate English Companion has been specially written to help students using the Ultimate English Student’s Book and Workbook. It includes definitions and helpful notes for all the lexical items included in the Student’s Book and Workbook that are useful to students at this level, as well as vocabulary and grammar reference and practice. Ultimate English Companion includes: • a ll words and expressions in the Student’s Book and Workbook that the students at this level would find useful to learn or revise, listed in order of appearance. • an accurate definition of each word or expression in simple English, with translation in modern Greek. • an example for each headword, specially written to be at the right language level and to reflect the meaning in the context of the Student’s Book or Workbook. • additional coverage of associated words, derivatives, synonyms, opposites and special notes where useful. • a complete grammar reference section in each unit, with grammar theory translated in Greek. • a Practice section in every unit including additional exercises on key items of vocabulary and grammar. • a separate Alphabetical wordlist with phonetic transcriptions for all headwords. Ultimate English B1, a complete package CEFR level Ultimate English C1/C2 for Intermediate students: C1/C2 Ultimate English B2 B2 Ultimate English B1+ Ultimate English B1 Student’s Book B1+ Ultimate English B1 Ultimate English B1 Workbook B1 Ultimate English B1 Grammar Ultimate English B1 Test Book Ultimate English B1 e-book Ultimate English B1 Teacher’s Book Ultimate English B1 Class Audio Set Ultimate English B1 Interactive Whiteboard Software

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