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English Journey 3 Workbook Sample

Published by Hamilton House Publishers, 2022-02-14 12:50:57

Description: English Journey 3 Workbook Sample


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English Aligned with the CEFR & Cambridge Primary English Curriculum Angela Carlton WORKBOOK A1 Jennifer Heath

Contents Welcome Lesson 1 4 Lesson 2 6 pages 4-7 Lesson 1 8 Lesson 2 10 Family & Friends Lesson 3 12 Lesson 4 14 pages 8-17 Skills Building 16 REVIEW 1 18-19 Lesson 1 20 Sports & Hobbies Lesson 2 22 Lesson 3 24 pages 20-29 Lesson 4 26 REVIEW 2 Skills Building 28 30-31 Home Lesson 1 32 Lesson 2 34 pages 32-41 Lesson 3 36 REVIEW 3 Lesson 4 38 Skills Building 40 School 42-43 Lesson 1 44 pages 44-53 Lesson 2 46 REVIEW 4 Lesson 3 48 Lesson 4 50 Food & Drink Skills Building 52 54-55 pages 56-65 Lesson 1 56 REVIEW 5 Lesson 2 58 Lesson 3 60 Nature Lesson 4 62 Skills Building 64 pages 68-77 66-67 REVIEW 6 Lesson 1 68 Lesson 2 70 Lesson 3 72 Lesson 4 74 Skills Building 76 78-79

Family & Friends Lesson 1 VOCABULARY A Complete the table with these words. daughter grandchildren grandfather grandparents mother parents son 1 2 children 3 father 4 grandmother 5 6 granddaughter grandson 7 B Look at the family tree and write words from A. C Find, circle and write six words to describe people. Jenny Mark C I TH I NE SMH C C B A Tina David HP I LDDH OPRE T TY Alice James RRTVESE TC L E THT 1 Tina and David ↔ Alice and James AATRP I A L F L SMC L ↔ children CUT E SVL 2 Tina ↔ Alice 1 2 3 4 5 6 ↔ 3 David ↔ James ↔ 4 Jenny and Mark ↔ Alice and James ↔ 5 Jenny ↔ Alice ↔ 6 Mark ↔ James ↔ 8

GRAMMAR A Complete the sentences with these subject pronouns. he I it she they we you you 1 John is my grandfather. is clever. 2 My name is Tim. am twelve. 3 These are my parents. 4 That is your cat. are happy. 5 Ann is fifteen. is cute. 6 Well done, Jack! is my sister. 7 That is Bob. I am Mark. are an amazing footballer! 8 Thank you, Pam and Fred! are brothers. are my best friends! B The words in bold are wrong. Write the correct words. 1 My dad are tall. 2 Hi. I is Katy. 3 We am clever boys. 4 She’re beautiful. 5 They’s my parents. 6 You am my best friend. 7 Thank you, Mary and Zoe. You is amazing! 8 This is my football. It’m black and white. C Circle the correct words. My name is Penny and 1 I / she am twelve years old. My mum 2 is / are pretty. 3 He’s / She’s clever too! My dad 4 is / are tall. 5 He’s / She’s thin too. George and Jane 6 am / are my grandparents. 7 They / We are old and they 8 ’re / ’m short. LESSON 1 9

Lesson 2 VOCABULARY 1H 2N 3F A Complete the crossword. 4T 5F Across 14 5 Down 3 2 B Match. 1 play a home 2 go b on 3 say c to my friends 4 talk d sorry 5 come e games C Complete the sentences with the phrases from B. 1 Let’s go to the beach! ! 2 The twins for lunch. 3 I in the park with my brother. 4 That isn’t very nice! ! 5 I about school and homework. 10

GRAMMAR A Write negative sentences using these words. fat good hungry old right short ugly 5 They’re thin. 1 I’m wrong. 6 She’s tall. 2 You’re naughty. 7 It’s cute. 3 He’s twelve. 5 ? / we / cute / are 4 We’re thirsty. 6 ? / Tom / brother / your / is 7 ? / tall / you and your sister / are B Make questions. 8 ? / Mrs Hollis / teacher / your / is 1 ? / I / clever / am 2 ? / is / a / it / mouse 3 ? / hungry / you / are 4 ? / are / fat / the hippos C Write short answers. 12 3 4 7 1 Is it black? 5 6 2 Is she old? 3 Are they twins? 4 Are you fat? 5 Are you boys? 6 Is he hungry? 7 Am I amazing? LESSON 2 11

Lesson 3 VOCABULARY 3 A Complete these words to describe people with vowels (a, e, i, o, u). 1 f _ m _ _ s 2 l _ c k y 3 b _ r _ n g 4 s p _ c _ _ l 5 b _ s y B Complete the sentences with words from A. 12 She’s very . He’s a man. He’s a handsome man and he’s ! 45 He’s a man. It’s a day. It’s Eva’s birthday! C Circle the correct words. 1 I have an amazing family and lots of friends. I’m very funny / lucky. 2 This homework is happy / boring. Let’s play a game! 3 Ronaldo is a famous / pretty footballer. 4 The cat is special / thirsty. It isn’t hungry. 5 My sister is amazing. She is clever and beautiful / busy too! 12

GRAMMAR A Complete the table. Subject Possessive Pronouns Adjectives I1 you 2 he 3 she 4 it 5 we 6 you 7 they 8 B Complete the sentences with the possessive adjectives from A. 1 Linda is my mum. sister is my aunt. 2 Hi, I’m Tina and this is brother James. 3 We’re tall and 4 That’s John and parents are tall too. 5 My aunts are pretty. best friend is Bill. 6 Hello, Sally. Who is daughters are pretty too! 7 Your cat is cute. What’s best friend? 8 Hi, Ted and Matt. Is red name? favourite colour? C Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Use the possessive ’s. 1 The (children) books are here. 2 My (mum) sister is short. 3 My (brother) hair is brown. 4 My (friends) names are Maria and Penny. 5 (Steve) favourite animals are chimps. 6 The (boys) favourite place is the park. 7 (Mandy) best friend is her grandma. 8 The (women) dresses are pink. LESSON 3 13

Lesson 4 VOCABULARY 4 A: That’s your dad’s sister. What’s her name? B: My a _ _ _ ’s name is Julia. A Complete the words in the dialogues. 5 A: Is that your dad? 1 A: Is Charlie your brother? B: No. That’s Dad’s brother – Paul. He’s my B: No, he isn’t. He’s my c _ _ _ _ _. 2 A: Are there children at your party? u _ _ _ _. B: Yes, but there are g _ _ _ _-u _ _ too. 3 A: How old is your sister? B: She’s one year old. She’s a b _ _ _. B Label the picture with these words. beard curly dark fair moustache straight 12 3 4 5 6 C Complete the paragraph with these words. baby beard curly dark grown-ups straight Hello! My name is Jim. I’m thirteen years old. My brother, Jack, is a 1 . He’s one year old with 2 fair hair. He’s the youngest in the family. The 3 in my family are my dad, my mum and my grandmother. Dad is tall. His hair isn’t curly and fair; it’s 4 and 5 . He has a black 6 and a moustache. Mum is short with fair hair. Grandma’s short too. Her hair is white! 14

GRAMMAR A Complete the table. Subject Possessive Possessive Pronouns Adjectives Pronouns I my 1 you your 2 he his 3 she hers 4 it its - we our 5 you your 6 they their 7 B The words in bold are wrong. Write the correct words. 1 That isn’t your book. It’s yours. My name is on it. 2 This is Jane’s fish and that mouse is his too. 3 Hi, Bill. This is my pencil and that pencil is theirs. 4 We’re Katy and Pat. These footballs are hers. 5 The red car is my parents’ car. The blue car isn’t ours. 6 This is John’s toy and that kite is mine too. 7 Hello, boys. These pens are his. C Circle the correct words. 1 A: Whose bike is this / this is? B: It’s her / hers. 2 A: Whose / Who house is this? B: It’s my / mine. 3 A: Whose / Who is their best friend? B: Their / Theirs best friend is Mary. 4 A: Whose children those are / are those? B: They’re our / ours children. 5 A: Whose / Who book is this? B: It’s yours / your. LESSON 4 15

Skills Building READING Read the text and circle the correct words. 1 Abe and Mona are Bart’s mother and father / grandmother and grandfather. 2 Herb and Homer are uncles / brothers. 3 Marge’s hair is clever / pretty. 4 Bart, Lisa and Maggie are Abe’s children / grandchildren. 5 Bart is sometimes cute / naughty. This is Bart Simpson. He’s my favourite person on TV. He has a funny family. Abe and Mona are Bart’s grandparents. His grandpa and grandma are old, but they’re happy. They have two children. Their names are Herb and Homer. They are brothers. Herb is Bart’s uncle and Homer is his dad. Homer and Marge are Bart’s parents. Homer’s fat and he isn’t very clever! Marge is beautiful. She has pretty blue hair. They have a son and two daughters. Their daughters are Lisa and Maggie. Lisa is eight years old and she’s very clever. Maggie is a baby. She’s cute. Bart’s ten years old and sometimes he isn’t good – sometimes he’s naughty! This is Bart’s amazing family! 16

GRAMMAR A Label the pictures with these words. behind between in in front of next to on under 12 34 1 2 5 67 3 4 5 6 7 B Match the dialogues with the pictures and then complete the sentences with prepositions of place. 1 A: Where are the books? the desk. a b B: They’re 2 A: Where is the mouse? B: It’s the cat. 3 A: Where is the small tree? B: It’s the big trees. 4 A: Where is the girl? c d e B: She’s the flowers. 5 A: Where is the boy? B: He’s the balloons. 6 A: Where is the cat? B: It’s the box. 7 A: Where is the red apple? B: It’s the green apple. f g WRITING it right! Be careful when you write: Write a paragraph in your notebook about yourself and • don’t make spelling mistakes. your best friend. Use these questions to help you. • check your spelling when you finish. What is your name? Hi! I’m … How old are you? What is your best friend’s name? SKILLS BUILDING 17 How old is your best friend? Is your best friend tall/short/thin … … with curly/straight/fair/brown/dark hair? Is your best friend clever/good/funny/naughty?

Review 1 VOCABULARY Choose the correct answers. 1 Emma is one year old. She’s a . 11 Your cat isn’t thin. It’s very ! a baby a fat b parent b special c grown-up c famous 2 My aunt’s son is my . 12 My bike is old, but yours is nice. You’re very . a uncle a famous b cousin b lucky c brother c boring 3 I can’t go to the park. I’m very today. 13 The flowers in your garden are very . a busy a cute b famous b clever c special c pretty 4 Jenny is my dad’s sister. She’s my . 14 It’s time for lunch. Are you ? a son a funny b uncle b hungry c aunt c thirsty 5 My uncle has three – Julia, Mary and Clare. 15 Peter, sorry to your uncle! a parents a go b daughters b say c brothers c talk 6 My mum’s mother and father are my . 16 It’s Saturday. Let’s games! a grandparents a play b grandchildren b talk c parents c come 7 ‘Is your dad tall?’ .’ 17 My grandfather has a moustache and a long ‘No, he isn’t. He’s white . a curly b short a hair c straight b beard c nose 8 Kevin isn’t good. He’s very ! 18 on, Lucy. Let’s go to my house. a beautiful a Go b busy b Play c naughty c Come 9 ‘Is his hair fair?’ .’ 19 ‘Is that a good book?’ ‘No, it isn’t. It’s ‘No, it isn’t. It’s .’ a dark a boring b cute b lucky c thin c clever 10 Where is the lemonade? I’m . 20 It’s three o’clock. Let’s home. a funny a say b pretty b go c thirsty c come 18

GRAMMAR Choose the correct answers. 1 This is my sister Anna. We twins. 11 Look at that hippo. ears are funny! a am a It b is b It’s c are c Its 2 your mum tall? 12 These books aren’t yours. They’re . a Am a our b Is b ours c Are c our’s 3 My name is Chris. I ten years old. 13 My names are Angela and Vicky. a am a sisters b is b sister’s c are c sisters’ 4 they your friends? 14 Those houses are big. a Am a people b Is b people’s c Are c peoples’ 5 My sister naughty, but I am! 15 That is Helen’s bike. It’s . a not a hers b isn’t b her c aren’t c she’s 6 ‘Are you hungry?’ 16 ‘ car is that?’ ‘No, .’ ‘It’s my uncle’s.’ a it isn’t a Who b we aren’t b Whose c they aren’t c Where 7 ‘Is your cat fat?’ 17 ‘Where is my book?’ ‘Yes, .’ ‘It’s the table.’ a I am a on b you are b in c it is c front 8 My hair is fair, but hair is dark. 18 These aren’t your socks. They’re . a you a I’m b your b my c you’re c mine 9 daughters are twins. 19 My house is the park and the supermarket. a Their a between b There b next c They’re c under 10 ‘Are you thirsty?’ 20 I’m lucky. My school is next my house. ‘No, .’ a in a I’m not b on b it isn’t c to c they aren’t REVIEW 1 19

English WORKBOOK English Journey is an exciting and complete ten-level English course especially researched and written to appeal to young learners and teenagers alike. Its carefully constructed syllabus gradually and effectively takes your students from Pre-A1 (Beginner) to C2 level (Proficiency) in the CEFR. Each level is of a manageable length and can be completed in one academic year. English Journey 3 Workbook accompanies English Journey 3 Student’s Book. Lesson by lesson, it follows up on the vocabulary and grammar taught in the Student’s Book and also provides further reading and writing practice. Its clear and simple format means that it can be used by students at home as well as in class. English Journey 3 Workbook contains • a n introductory unit. • s ix theme-related units, in which lessons 1-4 practise the vocabulary and grammar from the corresponding lesson in the Student’s Book while the skills-building lesson provides grammar practice as well as further reading and writing practice. • s ix reviews, providing further consolidation of the vocabulary and grammar. An interactive version of English Journey 3 Workbook can be found on the English Journey 3 Interactive Whiteboard Software. The series follows the Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language Curriculum Framework developed by Cambridge English Language Assessment. English Journey 3 for the student: English Journey 3 for the teacher: • Student’s Book • Teacher’s Book • Workbook in full colour • Class Audio • Test Book • Interactive Whiteboard Software • Interactive e-book CEFR: A1

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