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Just Grammar B2 International Sample

Published by Hamilton House Publishers, 2022-05-19 11:59:56

Description: Just Grammar B2 International Sample


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Contents UNIT GRAMMAR PAGE 1 Present Tenses / Forming Words 4 13 2 Past Tenses 20 3 Future Forms / Question Tags 27 29 Review 1 (Units 1-3) 37 4 Articles / Nouns / Quantifiers / Indefinite Pronouns / Determiners 44 5 Modals / Semi-modals / Modals Perfect 50 6 The Passive 52 59 Review 2 (Units 4-6) 65 7 Making Comparisons / Relative Clauses 72 74 8 Conditionals 81 9 Wishes / Regrets / Other Structures: would rather, prefer, it’s (about/high) time 89 96 Review 3 (Units 7-9) 98 10 Reported Speech 105 11 Gerunds & Infinitives / Make & Let / So, Such, Too, Enough, Very / 112 Demonstratives 118 120 12 Contrast & Concession / Purpose / Reason / Manner / Result / 124 it, there, that, what 126 127 Review 4 (Units 10-12) 13 The Causative / Indirect Questions / Pronouns / Possession / Adjective Order 14 Participle Clauses / Verb + that Clauses / Cleft Sentences / Adverbs / no matter, whoever, whatever, etc 15 Inversion Review 5 (Units 13-15) Appendices Irregular Verbs Spelling Rules Notes

01 Present Tenses / Forming Words FORM USE EXAMPLE Present Simple • repeated or habitual actions We commute to work by train every day. • facts, laws of nature The sun rises in the east. I / You / We / They / watch. • stative verbs Do you understand the question or do you need help? He / She / It watches. Do I / you / we / they / work? Does he / she / it work? I / You / We / They do not • timetables and schedules in the The cruise ship departs at eleven o’clock this evening. (don’t) enjoy. future He / She / It does not (doesn’t) The player tackles his opponent, runs as fast as he enjoy. • narratives, jokes, commentaries can and scores a goal! Present Continuous • a ctions in progress now / at the Dad can’t talk to you – he is driving at the moment. time of speaking I am (’m) speaking. You / We / They are (’re) • temporary situations Sandy is at university and she is sharing a room with speaking. her best friend. He / She / It is (’s) speaking. • arrangements or plans for the We’re travelling to Dubai this summer. Am I dancing? near future Are you / we / they dancing? Is he / she / it dancing? I am not (I’m not) flying. • annoying habits or actions Our basketball coach is forever telling us to try harder. You / We / They are not (aren’t) (often with always, forever, flying. continuously) He / She / It is not (isn’t) flying. Expressions of Time Present Simple always, usually, normally, often, occasionally, rarely, seldom, hardly ever, scarcely, never, every day/week/month/year, etc ALERT! Adverbs of frequency come before the main verb but after the verb to be. Present Continuous at present, at the moment, now, right now, today, tonight, this week/month/year, next week/month/year, soon, tomorrow, always, forever FORM USE EXAMPLE Stative verbs • possession: belong to, have, own, owe, The house with the beautiful garden possess belongs to a famous writer. Stative verbs describe states and not actions. • s enses: feel, hear, notice, see, smell, sound, A game of chess? That sounds like a We do not use them in taste fantastic idea! continuous tenses even if we are describing • emotions: adore, care, fear, hate, like, love, Katherine absolutely adores her three cats. something that is matter, want, wish happening now. • mental states: agree, believe, consider, I agree with you: physics is the most doubt, expect, feel, forget, hope, imagine, difficult subject. know, mind, prefer, realise, recall, recognise, remember, suppose, think, understand Do you know how old our new boss is? • quantity: cost, equal, measure, weigh This is a great laptop but it costs a fortune! 4

Grammar State or action? Tamsin thinks Al Pacino is an amazing actor. (believes) Tamsin is thinking of going to the cinema tonight. (is considering) Some verbs can be both stative and action verbs. When they are action The football player has a beautiful car. (owns) verbs, we can use them in continuous The football player is having a party tonight. (is organising) tenses. Katie sees her team mates once a week. (meets) See Appendix I on page 203 for other Katie is seeing her doctor this afternoon. (she has an appointment) examples. FORM USE EXAMPLE Present Perfect Simple • a n action or state that started in the past Harry has lived in Paris since 2010. and continues in the present (since, for) I / You / We / They have (’ve) eaten. He / She / It has (’s) eaten. Have I / you / we / they finished? • a n action that has happened a number of I’ve applied for a job in this company Has he / she / it finished? times so far twice! I / You / We / They have not (haven’t) • a n action that happened at some My family and I have been to India. asked. indefinite time in the past when the time He / She / It has not (hasn’t) asked. is not stated • when we use This / It’s the first time …. This is the first time Robert has lost his mobile phone. • a n action that happened in the past and I’ve finished lunch, so I can help you has an effect on the present write the article now. Present Perfect Continuous • a n action that started in the past and Olivia has been chatting to her continues in the present; we want to friends all evening. I / You / We / They have (’ve) been emphasise its duration reading. He / She / It has (’s) been reading. Have I / you / we / they been playing? • an action that has just finished and has I need to relax a little; I’ve been cleaning the kitchen all morning! Has he / she / it been playing? an effect on the present I / You / We / They have not (haven’t) been painting. He / She / It has not (hasn’t) been painting. have been vs have gone We use have been when someone goes I have been to Jamaica three times. somewhere and has come back. (I went and came back.) We use have gone when someone goes Martha has gone to the supermarket. somewhere and hasn’t returned yet. (She hasn’t returned yet.) Expressions of Time Present Perfect Simple already, always, ever, for, how long, just, lately, never, once, recently, since, so far, once/twice/three times/etc, yet Present Perfect Continuous all day/morning/evening/night/week, for, how long, recently, since ALERT! We do not use stative verbs in continuous tenses. UNIT 1 5

Unit 1 Grammar in Action A Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. Use present tenses. 1 Andrew and I (be) best friends since we were at college. 2 We (not know) when our cousins’ flight (arrive) this afternoon. 3 I’m absolutely exhausted! I (revise) for my final exams all evening. 4 Students at university often (share) a room in the halls of residence. 5 We (walk) for an hour and I still can’t see our car! Where is it? (you / remember) where the advertising company is? 6 (work) at a campsite to earn some extra money for my 7 At the moment, I (not take) time off work since last summer holidays. 8 Unfortunately, my colleagues and I summer. 9 Getting into a good university (become) more and more difficult every year! (you / surf) on the Net? It’s eleven o’clock and it’s time for bed! 10 How long (Sarah / live) in Canada since we last saw her? 11 12 Christopher (just / design) a fantastic new website for me and it (look) great! 13 Helen (not like) the idea of online learning very much. She (prefer) to be in a classroom with a teacher. 14 Teachers hardly ever (encourage) students to leave school at the age of sixteen today. (not leave) yet and we can still make it. 15 Quick! The train B Circle the correct words. Jessica: Hi Zac. Can you hear me? Zac: Yes, I can! Jessica: What (1) do you do / are you doing right now? Are you busy? Zac: Oh, I’m in the living room and I (2) watch / ’m watching TV. Jessica: Really? Well, I (3) ’m working / ’ve been working on a project for work all morning and I (4) think / ’m thinking about taking a break and going out for a while. (5) Do you want / Are you wanting to join me? The weather is beautiful. Zac: Actually, not now, Jessica. Formula 1 is on TV and the race (6) isn’t finished / hasn’t finished yet. Jessica: Oh, I (7) see / ’m seeing. Zac: What’s the matter? Jessica: Well, it’s just that you (8) ’re always watching / ’ve always watched Formula 1! Boring … Zac: That’s not true – and it’s not boring! I (9) rarely stay / ’m rarely staying at home on Sundays. My cousins (10) have just arrived / just arrived from Italy and Mum (11) is cooking / cooks dinner at the moment. The race (12) is finishing / finishes in an hour – why don’t we meet for a drink at the café at three o’clock? Jessica: That (13) sounds / is sounding great! See you there. 6

Grammar C Complete the blog with the words below. already always at present for just once seldom since whenever yet Art in action Art is my favourite hobby and in fact, I have been painting (1) I was at school. I (2) appreciate advice and ideas from friends and family, but I (3) meet people who are interested in art as much as I am. Well, now there’s something I’d like to share with all my friends. A new art club has (4) started at the local school and believe me, I haven’t enjoyed myself so much (5) years! The club is very popular and fifteen people have (6) signed up. Anyone is welcome to join, so (7) you have some free time, come and spend some of it there. You won’t regret it! (8) , I’m working on a painting and I’m really enjoying myself. The painting depicts the village I visited last summer. Although I haven’t finished it (9) , with the ideas the people at the art club have been giving me, it won’t take long. So hurry up! (10) you come, you’ll definitely want to stay. D Complete the leaflet with the correct form of the verbs. Use present tenses. Learning in tandem (1) (you / ever hear) of tandem learning? Tandem learning is an interesting approach to language learning. Basically, it (2) (involve) two partners with different mother tongues who (3) (meet) frequently to learn their partner’s language. Tandem learning is not only about language learning, though. Partners get an understanding of the everyday life, the work environment and the culture of the person whose language they (4) (learn) at present. In addition, while they (5) (teach) their partner, they (6) (become) more aware of their own language. Many universities in the UK and abroad (7) (use) this method for years and it (8) (seem) to be quite successful. Some students (9) (prefer) to work with each other online instead of meeting face to face, a form of learning that (10) (increase) in importance day by day. Another great advantage of tandem learning is that both partners learn according to their needs. (11) (this / sound) interesting to you? If so, and if you (12) (learn) a language for years and are keen to find out more about tandem learning, come to the city library this afternoon! E Circle the correct words. 1 Elena thinks / is thinking of travelling abroad this summer with her colleagues. 2 I need to find a dentist urgently! Mine has been / has gone away for the week, so he can’t see me today! 3 Christian has / is having many relatives who live and work in Spain. 4 I see / am seeing Jackie this evening, so I can give her the DVD and explain the project to her. 5 These flowers smell / are smelling wonderful! Where did you buy them? 6 Jake feels / is feeling that he didn’t do well in his driving test. 7 People around the world are speaking / have been speaking Esperanto since 1880. The word ‘Esperanto’ means / has been meaning ‘one who hopes’. 8 My friends and I occasionally go / are occasionally going rock climbing on Sundays. UNIT 1 7

Unit 1 F Read the article and choose the correct answers. Technology and language learning today Today technology (1) more and more important inside the classroom, at home and in the workplace. Many people (2) smartphones, and tablets (3) desktop computers and laptops. However, what (4) when we say ‘technology’ in the classroom? Basically, technology is any tool that we use to encourage learning; this (5) calculators, tablets, interactive whiteboards, video cameras, digital cameras, MP3 players and, of course, computers. People (6) these things for some time now at work and at home, and now they are common in the classroom too. In fact, researchers (7) that technology has many benefits when it comes to language learning. One of the main advantages is that it (8) students focus for a longer period of time. It (9) the way teachers teach. In a world that (10) day by day, it is only natural that we see changes in the learning environment too. 1 a is becoming b becomes c become d have become 2 a are having b having c have d to have 3 a replace b have replaced already c already replace d are replacing 4 a we mean b we are meaning c have we meant d do we mean 5 a includes b has included c is including d has been including 6 a are using b use c have been using d using 7 a believe b are believing c have believed d believed 8 a is helping b helps c has helped d helped 9 a is also changed b is also changing c has also to change d also changes 10 a rapidly develops b is rapidly developing c has rapidly developed d is rapidly developed G Complete the article with the correct form of the verbs. Use present tenses. Friends Most of us (1) (hear) of the popular sitcom Friends, which (2) (be) on our TV screens since 1994. Friends is a story about a group of young people who (3) (know) each other since school. When the series (4) (start), they all meet again because they (5) (live) in Manhattan, New York City. In the episodes, the friends (6) (spend) a lot of time in a coffee house and it is incredible to see how close they are and the important role that friendship plays in their lives. Many fans (7) (watch) Friends since the first episode came out and the series (8) (win) many awards. Today most of the stars (9) (still act), mainly in films, and although they (10) (not work) together, they are still in touch. The strange thing is that when we (11) (see) the actors on our TV screens or at the cinema, we usually (12) (think) back to the days of Friends. 8

Grammar H Complete the article with the correct form of the verbs. Use present tenses. The Labrador Labradors, Labrador retrievers or ‘Labs’ as some people (1) (call) them, are a type of gun dog that originally came from Canada. Today they are very popular pets. In fact, since 1991, Labs (2) (apparently be) the most popular dog breed in homes around Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK and the US. This is due to the fact that these dogs are gentle and playful and children (3) (adore) being around them. The feelings are, of course, mutual. Apart from being family dogs, Labs are also good working dogs and thanks to their excellent sense of smell, the police often (4) (use) them for detection. In addition to this, people (5) (train) Labs as guide dogs for the blind for many years now and will continue to do so. Labs are medium-sized dogs. They usually (6) (weigh) between 25 kg and 36 kg and they are either black, yellow or brown in colour. They generally (7) (eat) quite a lot, so they (8) (frequently have) problems with their weight. In return for their hard work and gentle nature, the only thing a Lab (9) (want) is a regular daily walk, a bowl of food and a lot of affection. Forming words VERBS Verbs describe actions, events and states and they have different forms. • present Dan walks along the beach every Saturday. • past Dan walked along the beach yesterday. • full infinitive I’d prefer to have dinner at the hotel tonight. • bare infinitive His parents let him stay up as late as he wants. • present participle We are going away on holiday next week. • past participle The children have eaten all the sweets! NOUNS Nouns are names that we give to objects, people, places, etc and they are countable or uncountable. • Countable nouns can be singular or plural. Anne often has an apple for breakfast. I like tomatoes in my salad. • Uncountable nouns do not have a plural form. I’d like some sugar in my coffee, please. ADJECTIVES She has written an interesting book about the subject. • W e use adjectives to describe nouns. Adjectives usually come before the noun they describe. They do not have a plural form. • A djectives also give information about verbs Paul seems well, but he says he feels tired. such as feel, look, seem, smell, sound and taste. UNIT 1 9

Unit 1 ADVERBS We use adverbs to give information about verbs, adjectives and other adverbs. • T o form adverbs of manner, we usually add -ly to the adjective. Iris speaks slowly when she talks to foreigners. slow ➝ slowly glad ➝ gladly • Some adverbs of manner have the same form as the adjective. Nicola tried hard, but she didn’t pass her driving test. early ➝ early far ➝ far fast ➝ fast hard ➝ hard high ➝ high last ➝ last late ➝ late low ➝ low long ➝ long straight ➝ straight • A few adverbs of manner are different from the adjective. The team play well and often win their matches. good ➝ well I Complete the article with the correct form of the words in brackets. The Sanremo Italian Song Festival For a number of years now, the Sanremo Italian Song Festival has been held in the (1) (wonder) city of Sanremo. In the first contest, which took place in 1951 and was broadcast on the radio, there were only two (2) (participate). Since then, many singers (3) (perform) at the festival and many of them have gone on to become (4) (fame) artists. Eros Ramazzotti, Laura Pausini and Andrea Bocelli are just three examples of singers who are now (5) (profession) artists. For many years, they have had fans (6) (international), not just in Italy. The Sanremo Italian Song Contest is a popular (7) (compete) that always attracts artists, the media and celebrities. 10

Grammar FCE in Action Complete the second sentence so that it is similar in meaning to the first, using the word given. Do not change the word given. Use between two and five words, including the word given. 1 I have never been to a rock concert before and I’m looking forward to it. FIRST to a rock concert and I’m looking forward to it. This is the 2 Jake and Emily met twenty years ago and they liked each other immediately. FRIENDS twenty years. Jake and Emily 3 Samantha’s spoken German isn’t good at all. at all. WELL Samantha 4 Don’t make a noise when you close the door, please. , please. QUIETLY Close 5 My roommate borrows my clothes all the time and it annoys me. my clothes and it annoys me. BORROWING My roommate 6 When you get home, please take the dog out for a walk. home. SOON Please take the dog out for a walk UNIT 1 11

Unit 1 ECCE in Action Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences. 1 This is the scariest horror film in my life! 11 This is the first time we on a presentation together. a I ever saw a are working b I have ever seen b work c I have ever been seen c have worked d I have to see d to work 2 Gemma loud music at night and I can’t sleep! 12 to a film festival? a always is playing a You have ever been b has always been playing b Have you ever gone c is always playing c Have you ever been d plays always d You have ever gone 3 Some of my friends English for many years, but I 13 Thank you for inviting me out yesterday. It was a only started last year. really night. a learn a enjoying b are learning b enjoyable c have learnt c enjoy d have been learning d enjoyed 4 What of my new iPod? 14 a number of small meals every day is good for you. a are you thinking a To eat b have you thought b Eat c have you been thinking c Eating d do you think d Being eaten 5 ’Where’s Sam?’ 15 The new blockbuster at the cinema complex this ‘He isn’t here right now. He week. a is training at the sports centre.’ b trains a has played c has been training b is playing d has been trained c is played d plays 6 Read the contract before you sign it. 16 Mrs Perez is a Spanish teacher. a careful a wonderful b carefully b wonderfully c care c wonder d caring d wondered 7 Jonathan to get a promotion. He really doesn’t 17 Did you know that light much faster than sound? try hard enough. a is travelling b travelling a isn’t deserving b doesn’t deserve c to travel c hasn’t deserved d hasn’t been deserving d travels 8 Do you really speak four languages? That’s ! a unbelievable b believing c unbelievably d believed 18 Students usually feel when they go on excursions. a excitedly b excited c excitement d excite 9 Emily has decided her car. 19 How long a laboratory technician? a selling b is selling a are you being b are you c to sell d sold c have you been d have you been being 10 ’Who do the twins look like?’ 20 Can you ring me when you time, please? ‘They their mother very much.’ a are having b have had a resemble b are resembling c have d have been having c have been resembling d have resembled 12

JUST B2 Just Grammar for B2 exams presents grammar in Exams a clear and concise way. The book has been written based on the grammar needs of students at B2 level. Also available: Students are able to consolidate the grammatical structures required for the B2 level examinations Activate your Grammar Activate your by means of a range of exam-based tasks as well as & Vocabulary B2 Writing B2 generic exercise types. Just Grammar C1/C2 Exams Just Grammar for B2 exams features: • 15 units Reactivate your Grammar Reactivate your • c lear and simple grammar explanations with an & Vocabulary C1/C2 Writing C2 emphasis on examples • a variety of grammar exercises that provide students with ample practice • exam-style tasks for a variety of B2 examinations • a review after every three units Components of this series include: Just Grammar B2 Student’s Book Just Grammar B2 Teacher’s Book Just Grammar B2 Test Book Just Grammar B2 Ιnteractive Whiteboard Software

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