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American Download B1+ Test Book Sample

Published by Hamilton House Publishers, 2021-10-20 09:28:06

Description: American Download B1+ Test Book Sample


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TEST book Philip James

CONTENTS Student’s Score Sheets 4_________________________________________________________________________________________ Quiz 1 8________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Quiz 2 10_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Progress Test 1 12 Quiz 3 16_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Quiz 4 18_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Progress Test 2 20 Quiz 5 24_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Quiz 6 26_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Progress Test 3 28 Mid-Year Written Test 32________________________________________________________________________________________ Mid-Year Listening Test 36_____________________________________________________________________________________ Quiz 7 40_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Quiz 8 42_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Progress Test 4 44 Quiz 9 48_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Quiz 10 50__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Progress Test 5 52 Quiz 11 56___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Quiz 12 58__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Progress Test 6 60 End-of-Year Written Test 64__________________________________________________________________________________ End-of-Year Listening Test 68_____________________________________________________________________________

QUIZ 1 Vocabulary Choose the correct answers. 1 It’s nice to your feet up at the end of a 11 Mr. Rubio, who owns the bakery, is always so . tiring day. I’ve never seen him looking miserable. a be a optional b put b biological c make c cheerful d do d guilty 2 My sister calls her friend every evening and they 12 Some people say that are just friends you about their classmates. haven’t met yet. a gossip a peers b criticize b enemies c accuse c relatives d praise d strangers 3 Do you lend a hand and chores around the 13 Everyone does their share of the housework in house? our family. a run a equal b get b best c make c good d do d fair 4 Mom’s sister Judy is my favorite . 14 What time are you tonight? a relative a going out b enemy b piling on c partner c falling out d stranger d getting by 5 You can’t use that box to store things in. It’s ! 15 Kyle is adopted and has never met his parents. a falling apart a realistic b optional b getting along c biological d personal c falling out d piling up 16 The principal the students for doing so well in their exams. 6 Put your clothes straight into the laundry basket— they’re ! a criticized b praised c advised d complained a realistic b guilty 17 The whole family gets every New Year’s Eve for c filthy a party. d optional a by b along c apart d together 7 Mom errands downtown, but she’ll be back for 18 We everything and make decisions together in lunch. our family. a is lending b is making a argue b discuss c is running d is getting c gossip d advise 8 You’ve done a very good job! I’m very of you. 19 Granddad is always about the weather—it’s a proud b respectful either too hot, or too cold. He’s never happy. c ashamed d cheerful a criticizing b discussing 9 Sean is in the principal’s office. He’s been c accusing d complaining trouble again! 20 My football also teaches sport at the local high a doing b getting school. c causing d putting a partner b coach 10 Gloria feels when she can’t do her math c peer d colleague homework. a calm b cheerful c frustrated d guilty 8

Grammar 11 “ with your grandparents for long this summer?” “No, just until we move into our new house.” Choose the correct answers. a Are you always staying 1 “What time Jane tonight?” b Do you stay “Oh, not until 8:30 pm.” c Do you often stay a are you seeing d Are you staying b do you see 12 I’ll be able come to the party on Saturday because c you see d you are seeing I after all. 2 My train at 8:40 am, but there was a delay a am going away b don’t go away today. c am not going away a is usually arriving d go away b doesn’t usually arrive 13 “What ?” c isn’t usually arriving “Nothing, really. I was just enjoying the view.” d arrives usually a you think about 3 “What’s wrong?” b do you think of “The lady has just walked into the café!” c are you thinking about a about we’re gossiping d you thinking of b that we’re gossiping about 14 Maria her sister, but they talk on the phone c whom about we’re gossiping d about who we’re gossiping nearly every day. 4 “Do you share the chores in your house?” a often visits b is often visiting “Yes, I make the beds and do the dishes after c is not often visiting d doesn’t often visit 15 January was the month I met my husband. breakfast.” a where b when a all the time c that d which b at the moment 16 “That delicious! What is it?” c every day “I’m making a chicken soup for lunch.” d this morning a is smelling b always smell 5 “How many horses ?” c smells d is always smelling “She’s got three.” 17 Paul is the colleague I like the most. a your aunt owns a - b why b is your aunt owning c for which d to whom c does your aunt own 18 “Have you heard from Brian?” d your aunt is owning “Yes, we Skyped last week. It’s his first trip to Las 6 Claire, , is from a single-parent family. a that is my best friend Vegas and he a wonderful time.” b who is my best friend a has got b is having c is my best friend c has d often has d which is my best friend 19 Mr. Netton, yesterday, is my son’s math 7 That’s the hotel my uncle works. a when b that teacher. c which d where a that I spoke to b whom I spoke to 8 I can’t believe my eyes! Ingrid the dishes! c to who I spoke d to that I spoke a does b is doing 20 Meeting his relatives in Kansas is something c is always doing d always does 9 Idon’t know the reason Steve and Jane were Terry has always wanted to do. a that b why arguing. c for d whom a why b which c when d who Quiz 1 9 10 Mr. Harris, daughter is in my class, teaches English. a who’s b whose c whom d who

QUIZ 2 Vocabulary 11 I my grandma’s ring after she died and I wear it every day. Choose the correct answers. 1 The movie me because I didn’t realize the main a observed b disappeared character was a ghost! c inherited a confused d investigated b observed c caused d suffered 2 Thomas wasn’t able to his theory about the 12 My dog likes to sleep in the of the oak tree in Bermuda Triangle. our garden. a discover a shadow b prove b shade c solve c strength d affect d power 3 People say that an old man passed in that 13 Patrick sometimes gets into trouble at school apartment and now it’s haunted. because he often plays jokes on his classmates. a down a odd b out b unusual c away c remarkable d about d practical 4 Legend has it that the of a young girl can be 14 There was a knock on the door, but no one was seen at night. there! How ! a myth a remarkable b spirit b haunted c power c bizarre d alien d rare 5 We’ve been the pyramids in Mexico before we 15 , I think this house is haunted. see them next month. a Just like old times b At times a reading up on c Time waits for no one b reading out d No time like the present c digging up d passing down 16 I’ve told you —there’s no such thing as ghosts! a at times 6 That was the time I ever saw my necklace. It b no time like the present just disappeared! c time and time again d like old times a latest b odd c rare d last 7 Emily won first for her vampire costume. 17 Howard Carter Tutankhamun’s tomb in 1922. a price b present a discovered b solved c prize d power c proved d disappeared 8 When Martin got home from his friend’s house, he 18 The party at the haunted house was fantastic! We realized he had left his phone . all the time of our lives. a out b behind a were b had c back d down c danced d did 9 There was lots of delicious food at the Halloween 19 Ariana loves ghost stories. They’re her . party and all the guests . a passion b myth c theory d pain a fell into b fell for c dug in d dug up 20 We heard strange noises at night. It was very . a ridiculous b spooky 10 The police didn’t find any , so how the woman c remarkable d haunted died is still a mystery. a event b strength c effect d evidence 10

Grammar 11 Justin and Sam spooky stories for hours last night. Choose the correct answers. 1 Grandma ghost stories to us when we stayed a get used to telling b used to tell at her house. c would tell a was reading d were telling b used to reading c would read 12 “Who will inherit this house?” any d reads “I don’t know. The old lady who lived here 2 “What dress up as at Halloween when you family at all.” were young?” a didn’t used to have “An alien.” b wouldn’t have a did you used to c didn’t have b did you use to d wasn’t having c would you use to d are you used to 13 “Do you like your new house?” .” 3 the police officer’s questions at 12 o’clock “Not really. It’s spooky, but I expect I’ll yesterday? a get used to it a Is Karen used to answering b be used to it b Was Karen answering c have got used to it c Will Karen get used to answering d be getting used to it d Would Karen answer 4 “Did your granddad believe in spirits?” 14 “What an unusual book!” “No, he at anyone who did.” “It sure is. I it from Dad’s uncle.” a used to laugh a would get b is used to laughing b got c got used to laughing c was getting d was laughing d used to get 5 “Our dog under the bed whenever there was a storm.” 15 “Why didn’t you take an umbrella?” “How strange!” “It when I left.” a was hiding b is used to hiding a wouldn’t rain b isn’t used to raining c would hide d always hides c didn’t rain d wasn’t raining 6 Jason first visited the castle . a all week b last year 16 It was a dark, stormy night and the wind . c every month d at times a blew b was blowing 7 “Does Mark like working at the history museum c would blow d used to blow now?” “Yes, he used to it.” 17 Where were you going I saw you? a would get b was a as b while c was getting d is getting c when d once 8 I’m not enjoying this because I watching scary movies. 18 Josh sleeping in a dark room, so he leaves a a am getting used to b didn’t use to small light on. c am not used to d wouldn’t 9 Sarah Winchester the unfinished farmhouse a is used to b isn’t used to in 1884. c didn’t use to d wouldn’t a was buying b would buy c bought d used to buy 19 The archaeologist to Peru at five o’clock this 10 The shadow moved down the corridor, up the morning. stairs, and disappeared! a went b was going a is used to flying b used to fly c would go d is used to going c was flying d flew 20 Julie, you enjoy the visit to the castle? a are b used c did d was Quiz 2 11

Progress Test 1 READING Read the article about meeting people and making friends. Then for questions 1-6, choose the best answer (A, B, C, or D). Meet people, make friends Wleahveinthgehr oymoue’raencdhgaonigning gtoscchoolloelgoe,r twhheawt’sayg,oyinoug’ollnhianveyotiumrelitfoe talk about abgrscpmfenoaeuoeaytrodntrlisrttvldnmhyeoheog.enerian.Insikfp’Akamtteteetnsmhirrpktooseehraiwnosneecktnsmgseoets’kshdniqeioapfvlnuietnlneh.eoeyroIsltuwsothtnuagiulhaoetnehitantwocntsyasonuaonttminhmhugdsteeofabaytoteolhroerssaetretorhfawyinoeebnaerowrldlgetmlio,,lolaoauskdtke mftrhieeeernetdinasrgcenatnehwibnepgcsehoyapolluleecnaangnidndmgo. aHtkooinmwgeavkeer,it and theirs. plans to hang out. easier. FtwctnIpwhfltaoehfieuiholbahkcunilaeynalvtlhoeatyailotnerprtnulitstu’eolnsyhhopteaoy’ptrgee,gollmohlgelaordoonargyeecegaaiicoeaorteinsykleanskm,uwctpginotfotaanaeoaeeahdonngrokyrfssrenoadenyspnyfouacsuoerlaoosntenecinwcuroiwne-aantoda’ytcnhllnvogyuroilibdiaynaen?o-nluheisoelfeouloWtdraaua,mattarfvcepbt.stysnaeehereehleWonyd?exnodcnlouo.fdtoRinehniwa.SaufnnwesorsoWetohhgoonam,tausfi,raompephncreeevolcueiediex, Tmschheeeotfoiirnlsgatntphdreocsboellelnemegwet,opaoelvooeptrlocefo. yImnoeuhriisgtihme Aaatesaipiinnnodxmnacttadcdsloeomiueseratpidbcehjolpuoiosenzoblttbnereropif,t.gnionaaewnAorcunmtholtaessntedo,wueacirrimecsaweisnsictfch.étoeaai,hWnrtytola,irhivrtoytkehloehooueareli-vyumgststm,eherhpwyeeeoopieognnrifrotleusdltydctpsbtoewckreisdrouaneootimutognprphlakrgledaaaeesov,o,y,pjapeoorofanorliuarenrnat.- before you know it. whttsdootlroiteoriuikuugaslmtealedcec.nwubhtyefhOyoesewhgserrndtarorsaayotcirwskfooeuktfserhiuip,itcntgehprb?hunyeueuclYamtrltlpsoiaihefctkeusweahshesnwpemcoyitatsnaosohboanwulyttotchhewohsumlsheuaeaot.rsa’atsrvtWssryakhteeehameshhibnensaayveeydovonaewntdeurfndeoo.ioitsolFrtgnloumaiig’bfvntnseeeddatn Stwbaoepltiaehimoonaefreykia.tscedogeeypthyTooppocoiyt.mhtfolouaooWroeeyyd’tneukvahoidrthenncfnihauaeragogotcvmvaithncewtevbeacatnevleatesonotetltdncoesehmprpsaddomvnseueftaemeetyyorhesitlsviooietpearoeeonhunotrllnifneheoietu.ndewx,pisMygbyngstyhiohh?eetlgoaotuhliiWouccnkwpisrenoo’eegsslseosnnel.atclolwtmvtWfyolioh,iacs,eonnmtpicetrheradhtmsemaunlmeaoeigidnsestutypeyokidecoolniehlnul , 1 According to the writer, what do students 4 According to the writer, what is true about the level of eye have in common? contact during a conversation? A They don’t have many friends. A Avoiding eye contact makes the other person feel B All of their assignments are hard. uncomfortable. C They often dislike their teachers. D Their free time is limited. B The right amount tells the other person you are listening carefully. 2 In paragraph 3, what does the writer mean by “put pennies in your pocket”? C Eye contact lets the other person know you want more information. A is an advantage B spend money D A lot of eye contact shows you are very interested in what C is cheap they are saying. D make money 5 What does the writer think about technology? 3 What does “this” in paragraph 3 refer to? A People should stop using it completely. A joining a club or a team B It can be useful in some situations. B having an interest in music C It makes people appear to be available C having a love of drama D People become anxious when using it. D having a passion for soccer 6 What is the purpose of the article? 12 A to encourage people to reduce their use of technology B to show how easy it is to make friends C to give advice about something that can be difficult D to teach people basic social skills

VOCABULARY 1 Circle the correct words. Sad, but true The book The Lost Child of Philomena Lee has been made into a movie starring Judy Dench as Philomena Lee. The story centers on the 1 remarkable / haunted true story of Philomena’s fifty-year search for her son, Anthony, who was placed with a(n) 2 adoptive / traditional family when he was two or three years old. When the movie begins, we learn that Philomena has kept the birth of her 3 optional / biological son a secret from her family and 4 relatives / enemies for the fifty years since she and Anthony have become separated. In the meantime, she has continued to try and 5 affect / solve the mystery of his whereabouts. Because she has little or no 6 myths / evidence to work with, she is unable to 7 discover / confuse what has happened to her son. Luckily, she meets a man, Martin Sixsmith, who agrees to help her 8 investigate / inherit her son’s “disappearance.” Unfortunately, the story has a sad ending – it turns out that Anthony has passed 9 down / away and is buried in Ireland. Many people have 10 praised / accused the movie, and it is definitely worth seeing. 2 Complete the words in the sentences. The first letter is given to help you. 1 Joe felt a of himself for leaving his little brother out of the game. 2 I love spending time with Uncle Ed—he’s always so c and happy. 3 Why do people like talking about others? I hate it when people g ! 4 Her parents wouldn’t c so much if she kept her room tidier. 5 I don’t have any clean clothes. I’ll have to do the l tonight. 6 Some say that a teenager’s p are more important to them than family. 7 Stop arguing with your mother. Don’t c trouble! 8 Eli got into college, so his parents are very p of him. 3 Complete the sentences with these words. about along apart at by for into of aloud together 1 Sydney has got a new stepdad – I’m happy to say they get really well. 2 Time waits no one; there isn’t anyone powerful enough to control it. 3 It’s Granddad’s birthday on Sunday. Let’s all get and have a party for him. 4 We had the time our life touring that old castle! 5 The book must have been really old. I picked it up and it fell ! 6 Your dad lets you stay out later now. What brought that change ? 7 Andy, will you read your family history so the others can hear it? 8 I didn’t plan to work with single-parent families—I fell it by chance. 9 Did you hear that noise? times, I think this house is haunted! 10 Mr. Lee is the only one who works, and the family finds it very hard to get on the money he earns. Progress Test 1 13

Progress Test 1 1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in parentheses. Use the simple present or the present continuous. 1 Ken a scary movie every weekend. (watch) 2 Why me? It’s very annoying! (you / always criticize) 3 I with my parents right now. (not live) 4 Now I 5 Jack what you mean about the haunted house. I’ll never go in it again! (see) 6 We about writing a mystery about the Bermuda Triangle. (think) 7 My plane more and more frustrated with our two children. (become) 8 Stop shouting at me! You at 5 pm tomorrow. I’ll text you when I land. (arrive) a very good friend at the moment. (not be) 2 Circle the correct words. 1 That’s the girl who / which my brother is marrying. 2 The mansion, where / which is in Philadelphia, is haunted. 3 That boy, whose / - biological parents are famous, is my best friend. 4 That’s the year that / when people first heard about Area 51. 5 The reason which / why I don’t watch scary movies is because they frighten me! 6 The person whom / to whom I was speaking is one of my colleagues. 7 The house, which / that I’ve just built for my extended family, is in West Virginia. 8 That’s the building that / where the detective lived. 3 Complete the sentences with these verbs. Use the simple past or the past continuous. cry dig up find hear land not do not stay solve 1 The historian the rare book he was looking for in the library. 2 The ghost softly when I saw it in the narrow dark corridor. 3 My grandparents with us when I was young—our house was too small. 4 the archaeologist the ancient grave at nine o’clock yesterday? 5 The alien the UFO, opened the door, and came down the steps. 6 My brother the laundry while I was cleaning—he was asleep! 7 We were walking down the street when we a loud scream. 8  Pilar the mystery of “The Lady in White” she was investigating? 4 Complete the sentences with one word. 1 Peter to be frightened of things like monsters. 2 Dad tell us a scary story every night at bedtime. 3 Are they 4 Sally used to living with their relatives? used to cooking the family meals—she’s been doing it for years. 5 they use to live in Transylvania? 6 We didn’t to want children, but we do now. 14

WRITING You have seen this announcement in a new English-language magazine for young people: Can you write a story for our new magazine series? Your story must begin with this sentence: As Jill was looking around the attic, she found an old photo album. Your story must include: • a relative • a family secret Write your story. (140–190 words) Progress Test 1 15

TEST BOOK American Download is an exciting new multi-level course. The Upper Intermediate level is suitable for students working to achieve a B1+ level of competence within the Common European Framework. American Download B1+ Test Book contains a comprehensive set of tests that assess students’ progress at various stages of the course. American Download B1+ Test Book contains: • 1 2 multiple-choice quizzes that focus on the key vocabulary and grammar from the twelve units of the student’s book. • 6 progress tests, one for use after every two units of the student’s book, that include reading, vocabulary, grammar, and writing tasks. • a mid-year writing test and an end-of-year writing test covering Reading, Use Your English, and Writing. • a mid-year listening test and an end-of-year listening test, the audio for which can be found in American Download B1+ Class Audio CD, Workbook Audio CD, and Test Book Audio CD, and also on American Download B1+ Interactive Whiteboard Software. The American Download B1+ Test Book also includes useful Student’s Score Sheets, where test results and comments can be recorded. A course in American Download B1+, a complete package American English for Upper Intermediate students: based on the requirements American Download B1+ Student’s Book and standards of the American Download B1+ Workbook Common European American Download B1+ Test Book American Download B1+ e-book Framework of Reference American Download B1+ Teacher’s Book American Download B1+ Class Audio CD, Workbook Audio CD, and Test Book Audio CD American Download B1+ Interactive Whiteboard Software

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