Revised for 2015 For the Cambridge English: First for Schools Examination CAMBRIDGE FCE PRACTICE TESTS 2 Nicholas Stephens
Introduction CONTENTS First Certificate in English Overview Helpful Tips for Each Part of the FCE Page Test One Test Two 4 Test Three 4 Test Four 5 Test Five 8 Test Six 26 Photographs for Tests 1-6 44 Notes 62 Tapescripts 80 98 116 122 129
INTRODUCTION Paper Timing Number Parts Answers of questions 1 1 hour 52 Part 1 A modified cloze test with 8 gaps followed by 8 Students shade the Reading 15 4-option multiple-choice items. correct lozenges on a and minutes Use of Part 2 An open cloze test with 8 gaps. separate answer sheet in pencil. English Part 3 Word formation. A text with 8 gaps. The stems of the missing words are given beside the text and must be changed to form the missing word. Part 4 Key word transformations. 6 separate questions each with a lead-in sentence and a gapped second sentence to be completed in 2-5 words, one of which is a given ‘key word’. Part 5 A reading text followed by 6 four-option multiple-choice questions. Part 6 A gapped text from which 6 sentences have been removed. Students must complete the text by choosing from 7 sentences given. Part 7 A text or several short texts preceded by 10 multiple matching questions. Students must answer each question by referring to the part of the text in which the answer appears. 2 1 hour 2 tasks: a Part 1 Question 1 Students write their Writing 20 compulsory Compulsory answers in a booklet Writing an essay with lined pages in minutes one in 140-190 words blue or black pen. Part 1 and one from Part 2 Questions 2-4 a choice of Writing one of the following: an article, an email/letter, essay, review, story four in 140-190 words Part 2 (including Question 5 a set text Writing an article, letter, essay or review based option) on a prescribed reading text 140-190 words 3 40 30 Part 1 8 short unrelated extracts from monologues Students write their Listening minutes or exchanges between interacting speakers. answers in the spaces There is one multiple-choice question provided on the per extract. question paper while Part 2 A monologue or text involving interacting listening. There will speakers with a sentence completion task be 5 minutes at the which has 10 questions. end of the test to copy the answers onto a Part 3 5 short related monologues with 5 multiple- separate answer sheet. matching questions Students shade the correct lozenges or Part 4 A monologue or text involving interacting write the word(s) in speakers with 7 multiple-choice questions. capital letters in pencil. 4
INTRODUCTION Paper Timing Number Parts Answers of 4 14 Speaking minutes questions - Part 1 A conversation between the interlocutor and - each candidate (2 minutes) Part 2 An individual ‘long turn’ for each candidate with a short response from the second candidate. In turn, the candidates are given a pair of photographs to talk about. (1 minute long turn for each candidate with 30-second response from the 2nd candidate) Part 3 A 2-way conversation between the candidates. They are given spoken instructions and are shown written stimuli, which are used in discussion and decision-making tasks. (2-minute discussion followed by 1-minute decision-making task) Part 4 A discussion on topics related to Part 3. (4 minutes) Paper 1 Reading and Use of English Part 3 Word formation General Part 1 Multiple-choice cloze Students are being tested on their knowledge of General vocabulary, including prefixes, suffixes and internal This part tests students’ lexical knowledge and changes (eg, high-height). understanding of the text in order to fill the gaps. Helpful tips Helpful tips Words may need to be made plural or negative so Students should read the text through before students should check the sense of the text around looking at the choices for the missing words. the gap to decide if this is necessary. They should Plenty of vocabulary practice before the exam check that the text makes sense once they have should help with collocations, phrasal verbs, set completed it. phrases, etc. Part 4 Key word transformations Part 2 Open cloze General General This focuses on grammar , vocabulary and collocation. The open cloze tests students’ knowledge of the Items often tested are phrasal verbs, conditionals, structure of language and understanding of the text. modals, gerunds, infinitives, transforming sentences The gapped words are often derived from prepositions, from active to passive or from direct speech to indirect pronouns, verb tenses, phrasal verbs, links or words speech. within fixed phrases. Helpful tips Helpful tips Students should ensure they use the key word in their Students must only use one word in each gap and answer and not alter it in any way. They should also should not use contractions (eg, couldn’t, she’ll) as write an answer of between 2 and 5 words and should these count as two words, although can’t is acceptable. not include contractions as they will count as two words Students should read the text through first to get (eg, didn’t = did not). Can’t is an exception and counts as the gist of the passage and then read it through once one word. they’ve made their choices to check that it flows and makes sense. 5
INTRODUCTION Part 5 Multiple-choice essay title will be related to subjects that teenagers can General be expected to have an opinion on. In this part, students are tested on their detailed understanding of the text, although one or two Helpful tips questions may test their general understanding of the The essay is always written for the teacher. It should passage as a whole. The multiple-choice questions are in be well-organised with an introduction, your opinion the same order as the information in the text. on the ideas given, your own idea and a suitable conclusion. Use formal language and do not use Helpful tips contractions. Read through the text before looking at the questions. Then read each question stem carefully. Don’t choose an Part 2 Choice of tasks (article, essay, email/letter, option just because it contains a word that is also in the review, story) or a task based on a set text. Don’t be alarmed by unknown words as you can book often guess the meaning of a word from the context of the sentence. You are not expected to understand every General single word in the text. Answer every question. It is This part tests students’ ability to write in an better to guess than not to answer at all. appropriate style. Part 6 Gapped text Helpful tips General Make sure you have had plenty of practice writing This part tests understanding of how texts are structured. articles, essays, letters, emails, reviews and stories. Plan your paragraphs before you start to write. Helpful tips Read through the text to obtain a general idea of its Paper 3 Listening structure before starting to fill the gaps. Then look carefully for clues before and after the gap. Check Part 1 Multiple choice that tenses fit logically, check for words and phrases General indicating time periods, look for reference back to This tests the students’ ability to listen for gist, detail, pronouns, check for repetition. Read through the function, purpose, attitude, opinion, relationship, place, passage once you have filled the gaps to ensure that it situation, etc in a series of unrelated texts. flows logically and that it makes sense. Helpful tips Part 7 Multiple matching Students should read the multiple-choice questions General before they listen. They should try to answer the This part tests students’ ability to locate specific questions the first time they listen and check their information and detail and to understand attitude or answers on the second listening. They shouldn’t panic opinion. There may be more than one correct answer to or get stuck if they cannot answer one question – each some questions. extract is separate so they must just move on and keep going. Helpful tips Scan through the text to get the gist of each part Part 2 Sentence completion before reading the questions. Then scan the passage General again to locate the answers. There is not enough time This part tests students’ ability to listen for specific to read every word of the text. Remember you are words or phrases focusing on detail, specific information searching for specific information. and stated opinion from a single text. The questions follow the order of the information in the listening text. Paper 2 Writing Answers do not exceed three words in length. Part 1 Compulsory task Helpful tips General Students should complete the sentences the first time This part tests students’ ability to write an essay giving they listen and use the second listening to check their their opinion on the essay title provided. They must use answers. They must write the exact word or phrase the ideas given and provide an idea of their own. The they hear on the recording rather than rephrase what they hear. 6
INTRODUCTION Part 3 Multiple matching Helpful tips General Students should listen carefully to the instructions In this part, students listen to 5 short texts with they are given. They will not lose marks for asking the different speakers. All the texts have one theme in interlocutor to repeat the instructions. One minute is common. Students need to match an option to the quite a long time so students should practise using photos correct speaker. This part tests students’ ability to listen beforehand to compare and give their reactions to them, for gist, detail, purpose, attitude, opinion, location, etc. etc. They will not be expected to just describe the photos. Helpful tips Part 3 Collaborative task Students should listen carefully before making their General final choice as the extracts are likely to contain similar This part tests students’ ability to engage in a discussion details. They should use the time they are given at the and in decision-making or problem-solving using a beginning to read through the questions so that they written prompt. have a clear idea of what they are listening for. Part 4 Multiple choice Helpful tips General In this part of the test, students will be asked to First Students will hear one long monologue or text involving talk about... Then decide... . The first instruction is the interacting speakers. This part tests students’ ability main part of the task and students should discuss the to listen for opinion and attitude. The multiple-choice content of the written prompt as fully as possible. They questions follow the order of the speakers’ comments. have about 2 minutes to do this. Then they will be asked another question by the examiner and they have Helpful tips about 1 minute to reach a decision. They don’t have Students should use the minute they are given before to agree and will not lose marks if they fail to reach listening to read the questions and options carefully. a decision, provided they have discussed the written They should answer every question even if they are not prompt thoroughly. Students should try to find ways to sure of the answer. stimulate discussion with their partner, eg, What do you think about this one?, etc. They should listen to each Paper 4 Speaking other’s comments and respond accordingly. Preparation in the form of classroom discussion in pairs is valuable Part 1 Conversation between interlocutor for this part of the exam. and student Part 4 Discussion General General This part tests the students’ ability to use social and This part tests students’ ability to engage in a discussion interactional language and to give personal information based on the topic in Part 3. about themselves. Helpful tips Helpful tips Students should try to give full answers to the questions Students should practise talking about themselves as asked and to explain why they have responded in this much as possible in preparation for this part of the way. They should try to contribute to the discussion as exam. They should think about answering general much as possible without dominating it as the examiner questions about their everyday life, travel, holidays, has to have an opportunity to assess the students’ ability sports they enjoy, hobbies, etc. to communicate. They should try to avoid responses such as I don’t know or I’m not sure. Part 2 Long turn for each candidate with photos General This part tests students’ ability to talk on their own for about 1 minute. 7
TESTΟΝΕ Speaking Part 2 (Page 24) Candidate A What do you think these people are enjoying about participating in these outdoor activities? Candidate B When do people prefer eating out in these restaurants? 116
Tests 1-6 TAPESCRIPT TESTΟΝΕ Well, I wasn’t worried at all when he called me into his office; I was sure he’d understand especially as he had had to use public I’m going to give you the instructions for this test. I’ll introduce each transport the week before when his car was being serviced, but part of the test and give you time to look at the questions. At the how wrong can someone be? He was furious! I tried to explain start of each piece you will hear this sound: tone. You’ll hear each why I had been coming in late in the morning, but he just wouldn’t piece twice. Remember, while you are listening, write your answers listen. He kept telling me that working hours are 9 to 5 and that I on the question paper. You’ll have 5 minutes at the end of the test to should wake up earlier if I can’t arrive on time. I guess I’ll have to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet. take a taxi until I get my new car now; I can’t spend the journey in worrying if I’m going to make it, can I? There’ll now be a pause. Please ask any questions now, because you must not speak during the test. PAUSE 2 SECONDS (TONE) PAUSE 5 SECONDS REPEAT EXTRACT 3 Now open your question paper and look at Part 1. PAUSE 2 SECONDS Part 1 Four You hear a man talking to a shop assistant. You’ll hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer, A, B or C. PAUSE 2 SECONDS (TONE) One Shop assistant: Can I help you, Sir? You hear a radio traffic announcement. Man: Yes, you can. I bought this about a month ago, and I have to say that I’m very disappointed. You PAUSE 2 SECONDS (TONE) see, I’ve only worn it once and already the zip’s broken. I never want to carry much when I travel And now for the local traffic news. An accident on the A314 at so it was ideal; lightweight, a great colour, and Turner’s roundabout is causing hold-ups. The vehicles have been with a hood – just perfect. I guess they don’t removed, but there are likely to be long delays until the buildup make them like they used to, do they? It’s just clears. Drivers can also expect long delays on Bishop’s Road due to bad quality, I suppose, or bad luck. Whatever it is, road works. The council has closed the area outside the secondary I want a refund. school until 7 am on Wednesday morning to install a pedestrian bridge. Cars are being redirected down Cumberland Way and onto PAUSE 2 SECONDS (TONE) Langley Road before rejoining Bishop’s Road by the bus station. Drivers are asked to plan another route if at all possible so delays REPEAT EXTRACT 4 are kept to a minimum. PAUSE 2 SECONDS PAUSE 2 SECONDS (TONE) Five REPEAT EXTRACT 1 You hear two schoolchildren talking about a school trip they went on recently. PAUSE 2 SECONDS PAUSE 2 SECONDS (TONE) Two You hear two people talking about the weekend. Girl: I thought the zoo was great, didn’t you? Boy: Yeah, much better than the last trip we went on. PAUSE 2 SECONDS (TONE) That museum was so boring. The insect house Girl: was amazing – definitely my favourite bit. I just Woman: So what are your plans for the weekend, Gerry? love things like that. Man: Oh, you know, the usual taxi service for the kids – music Boy: Really? I thought it was horrible – all those bugs and creepy crawlies – a bit scary if you ask me. No, I like furry lessons on Friday night, and then my daughter’s out things – monkeys or meerkats. They’re so cute. to the cinema with some of her friends on Saturday The monkeys were funny, swinging around in the trees, afternoon. I’m bound to have to take them or collect but I can’t say I liked the meerkats really – they didn’t do them. You’re lucky your children have grown up now and anything. They just stood there looking around! you don’t need to take them everywhere. Woman: I wouldn’t say that. I’ve offered to take my son to the PAUSE 2 SECONDS (TONE) airport on Saturday morning. He’s got to be there really early; his flight’s at 7. REPEAT EXTRACT 5 Man: Oh, goodness. Andrew’s in a football match that starts at 10.30 and I’ll have to drop him off at the club, but at PAUSE 2 SECONDS least it’s not that early. Six PAUSE 2 SECONDS (TONE) At a restaurant, you overhear two people talking. REPEAT EXTRACT 2 PAUSE 2 SECONDS (TONE) PAUSE 2 SECONDS Woman: So, have you decided what you’re going to have yet? Three Man: Well, not really. I can’t decide whether to order the steak You hear a woman talking about her boss. or the fish. They both sound delicious, but I have been PAUSE 2 SECONDS (TONE) eating quite a lot of red meat lately. Woman: Why not have the fish then? It’s always good here. I’ve 129
For the Cambridge English: First for Schools Examination CAMBRIDGE FCE 2PRACTICE TESTS Nicholas Stephens Cambridge First Certificate Practice Tests 2 has been specifically written for the updated Cambridge First Certificate in English examination (FCE). The tests have been designed to familiarise students with the exact format of the new examination as well as to expand their vocabulary and to improve the skills required to pass the examination. Key features: • six complete practice tests for the updated Cambridge First Certificate examination • full introduction to the examination • exam technique sections advising students on how to approach each part of the examination to score maximum points • Audio CDs providing listening practice involving a wide variety of accents Cambridge FCE Practice Tests 2 consists of: Revised for 2015 Cambridge FCE Practice Tests 2 Student’s Book Cambridge FCE Practice Tests 2 Teacher’s Book Cambridge FCE Practice Tests 2 Audio CDs
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