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Ultimate English B2 Test Book

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English B2 TEST BOOK

Contents Student’s Score Sheets page 4 Quiz 1 page 6 Quiz 2 page 8 Progress Test 1 page 10 Quiz 3 page 14 Quiz 4 page 16 Progress Test 2 page 18 Quiz 5 page 22 Mid-Year Written Test page 24 Mid-Year Listening Test page 28 Quiz 6 page 32 Progress Test 3 page 34 Quiz 7 page 38 Quiz 8 page 40 Progress Test 4 page 42 Quiz 9 page 46 Quiz 10 page 48 Progress Test 5 page 50 End-of-Year Written Test page 54 End-of-Year Listening Test page 58

Quiz Vocabulary Choose the correct answers. 1 She’s a very experienced . She’s made more than 11 The designer studied clothes from the 1950s for twenty films in the last thirty years. this TV show. A cast A leading B crew B effects C producer C scene D cinemagoer D costume 2 The was very well written. When Terry read it, he 12 What’s your favourite film ? Comedy or drama? knew he wanted a part in the film. A genre B franchise A script C season B rehearsal D audition C costume D release 13 There are fewer these days because people have 3 I a part in Fire in New York because I was busy big TVs in their own homes. with another film. A crews B reviews A turned down C performances B turned to D cinemagoers C turned up D turned around 14 I think the new James Bond film is going to be a real box-office this summer. 4 The TV series was too . We didn’t understand what was happening! A effect B smash A inspiring C plot B stimulating D review C amusing D confusing 15 Let’s : it’s a dark, stormy night in a small village. A break a leg 5 She was a wonderful boss and she’ll . I just hope B steal the show our new manager is nice too! C live up to our expectations D set the scene A sing her heart out B be a hard act to follow 16 Iwas to become a director after I saw a C live up to our expectations documentary about Steven Spielberg. He’s had the D get this show on the road most incredible career. 6 Ialways my sister when I have a problem I can’t A inspired B amused solve. She usually knows what to do. C frightened D confused A turn away B turn out 17 How many people turned to see your new play C turn to D turn into last night? Was the theatre full? 7 I loved every song in that film! In fact, it was one of A into the best I’ve ever heard. B up C round A special effects D down B scenes C soundtracks 18 That scene was action-packed! What a great way D episodes to start a film! 8 The band thought their new song would be a big hit. To their , their fans didn’t like at all! A opening B negative A stimulation C leading B entertainment D romantic C disappointment D fright 19 The leading was played by a young actor from 9 He’s been in the since 1997. That means he’s been Australia. It was his first big part in a film. the centre of attention for more than twenty years! A cast B review A limelight B scene C role C road D hard act D plot 10 I’ve never watched this show, so my friends and I are 20 There are so many services these days. My / 20 going to binge-watch all ten this summer! favourites are Netflix and Disney+. A sub-plots B seasons A on-demand C dialogues B binge-watching D scenes C box-office 6 D sub-plot

Grammar Choose the correct answers. 1 My uncle as a film producer in Hollywood at the 11  for a good film studies course since last year, but moment. I still don’t know which one to choose. It’s so frustrating! A has worked A I’ve looked B is working B I’ve been looking C works C I look D working D I’m looking 2 I to Paris many times. It’s a beautiful city. 12 Alison’s car is very old, so she of buying a new one A have been soon. B have gone C have been going A has thought D am going B doesn’t think C thinks 3 They during films! I really wish they wouldn’t. D is thinking A always talked 13 Where to shop for clothes? Online or at a B are always talking C have always talked shopping centre? D always talking A you prefer 4 What time work on Fridays? B do you prefer A you finish C are you preferring B have you finished D have you been preferring C are you finishing D do you finish 14 Sorry, I can’t talk right now. dinner with my parents. A I have 5 This is the second time you an important meeting. B I’ve had Please don’t do it again. C I’m having D Have I A miss B have been missing 15 Brad and I are old friends. each other since C missing primary school. D have missed A We know 6 In this episode, the children a mysterious girl and B We’ve known a dangerous secret. C We’ve been knowing D We’re knowing A have been discovering B have discovered 16 A: ‘What time tonight?’ C discover B: ‘I’m not sure. Let’s check the timetable.’ D are discovering A has the bus left B is the bus leaving 7 How long the piano? You’re very good at it! C does the bus leave D the bus leaves A you play B do you play 17 A: ‘ in the play tomorrow night?’ C are you playing D have you been playing B: ‘Unfortunately, no. He’s ill.’ A He appears 8 My parents actors. They used to own a bakery. B He isn’t appearing C Is he appearing A aren’t always D Has he appeared B are always being C have always been 18 A: ‘Have you seen the new scary film with Emily Blunt yet?’ D haven’t always been B: ‘No. In fact, I horror films.’ 9 She that book for six hours! It must be good. A hardly ever watch B am seldom watching A has been reading C have been watching B has read D not often watch C is reading D reads 19 The producer me. I’m going to be the lead actor in 10 Luke very happy with your choice of film. I think a new comedy! he wanted to see the new Marvel hit instead. A is just calling A seems B just calls B is seeming C has just called C doesn’t seem D has just been called D hasn’t seemed 20 W e’ve shot this scene three times. I don’t want to do it again! A lately B already C yet / 20 D still QUIZ 1 7

Quiz Vocabulary Choose the correct answers. 11 Idon’t like places with lots of tourists. I prefer to go off the beaten . 1 The pilot couldn’t see the runway, so he had to rely on the to help him land the plane. A road B track A passengers C route B routes D journey C terminal D radar 12 There’s no need to worry. They’ll soon be home safe and ! 2 They on their one-year-long trip around the world in the winter of 2019. A wide B sound A picked up C around B set off D light C stopped off D saw off 13 Anna can’t wait to spend time on the beach. She wants to the sun. 3  who use public transport often arrive at work more relaxed than people who drive. A light B beat A Crews C hit B Journeys D catch C Commuters D Motorists 14 We got up at the crack of to catch the early train. I’m exhausted! 4 Ican’t the hotel on this map. Can you help me find it? A locate A day B control B light C touch C dawn D take D sun 5 Do you think time travel will be possible in the future? 15 What time does your flight take tonight? If it’s not Many scientists believe that we can already travel to too late, I can take you to the airport. other ! A around A dimensions B up B courses C off C runways D out D routes 16 Is it easy to get Madrid? Is there good public 6 It took more than an hour to board the coach. I had to stand in the for ages! transport or do I need to rent a car? A jam A up B delay B out C queue C around D location D off 7 Our plane had some technical problems, so the pilot 17 It’s 1.00 p.m. We can’t check the hotel before 2.00 had to make an emergency . p.m., so let’s go find a place to eat first. A delay B control A in C runway B into D landing C up D inside 8 Good morning. I have to my reservation due to illness. Is it possible to get my deposit back? 18 I’m not . I like to spend my holiday in the same A wait place every year. B cancel C book A anxious D take B memorable C adventurous 9 I’m from jetlag after my twelve-hour flight. I think D comfortable I’ll go to bed early. 19 It wasn’t a very journey. There wasn’t much to do A hitting B going and nothing exciting happened. C taking D suffering A disastrous B ordinary 10 We sightseeing in Paris. Would you like to see my C harmful photos of the Eiffel Tower? D eventful A went 20 Today is an important holiday. There are / 20 B caught C took celebrations all over the country. D hit 8 A national B package C seasonal D native

Grammar Choose the correct answers. 1 This time last month, we to China! It seems like a 11 Three years ago, we to sell our house and travel long time ago now. around the world. A used to fly A decided B had been flying B were deciding C were flying C have decided D would fly D had been deciding 2 to your mother about our holiday plans last night? 12 Did you go to the theatre often when you lived in A Did you talk London? B Had you talked C Were you used to talking A used D Had you been talking B used to C use to 3 When I got home yesterday, it heavily. D would A used to rain 13 How long in Madrid before you decided to learn B would rain C rained Spanish? D was raining A would you stay 4 By the time we arrived at the station, our train , so B did you use to stay we had to wait for the next one. C were you staying D had you been staying A had left once B had already left 14 When I called her, she had got home from work. C hadn’t left yet A just D already left B since C yet 5 My brother and I fight a lot when we were younger, D ever but now we’re close. 15 Unfortunately, we had already eaten when Keith A used with a pizza. B use to C would use A was arriving D used to B arrived C had arrived 6 Mickey at the company for five years before he D had been arriving finally got a promotion. 16  I had passed my exams, I applied to three A used to work different universities. B have worked C had been working A Before D was working B Already C By the time 7 Before he went to Florida last summer, he the sea! D Once A would never see 17 They met in Peru. They’ve been friends ever since B never used to see C had not been seeing that trip. D had never seen A as soon as they hiked 8 This was Carol’s favourite toy as a child. She play B once they had hiked C when they had been hiking with it for many hours every day. D while they were hiking A use to 18 Samantha would to my house every Friday when we B used C would were children. We always had so much fun together. D were A come 9 As soon as the plane landed, I my phone for B have been coming C came messages. D coming A had checked 19 I for my meeting at 11.00 p.m. last night. There was B had been checking C checked so much to do! D was checking A was still preparing 10 Laura for more than two hours before Pete finally B still prepared C have been preparing picked her up from the airport. She was so angry! D had always prepared A was waiting 20 Why was William so tired yesterday morning? all B had been waiting night long? / 20 C would wait D used to wait A He had travelled B He would travel C Was he travelling D Had he been travelling QUIZ 2 9

Progress Test Reading Read and choose the correct answers. What really happens at an acting class? Student Jake Truscott finds out. I’m standing in the middle of a room surrounded It all makes sense, but can any of us in this room by other ‘wannabes’, and we’re shouting as loudly really do it? It’s time to find out as Zoe hands us as we can to each other. It feels strange, and not each a script. On the first page is a cast list. She what I’ve been expecting from my first ever acting asks for volunteers to take on each role. I don’t class. Whatever the reason for all this is, I’m not put myself forward for any of them but end up sure I get it. It becomes even stranger when we being chosen to play ‘Nasty Noah’ who appears in have to do some unusual vocal exercises, including a couple of scenes. It’s the perfect opportunity to whispering quietly, then pretending to be opera be what I’m normally not, and as it turns out, I’m singers. I’m out of my comfort zone. Fortunately, good at it. I think I see envy on other participants’ the other first-timers seem to be feeling the same, faces when Zoe draws attention to my ‘natural and that makes me relax: I even begin to find the aptitude for acting’, and I confess to feeling whole thing entertaining. thrilled. The idea is, it turns out, to help us get rid of our But pride comes before a fall, and when we shyness. Soon, our instructor Zoe gets us walking move on to some physical exercises, I’m forced round the room while she calls out characters for to admit I could do better. We do an exercise us to pretend to be: a bad-tempered shopkeeper, based on trust, where in turn, we close our eyes an exhausted hiker, a caring nurse. I’ve no first- and fall backwards for the others to catch us. hand experience of any of them, but it isn’t hard I just can’t do it and think I see Zoe trying to to put myself in their shoes. As I start to warm hide her disappointment. A couple of others to the whole thing, I find my movements getting are experiencing the same difficulties, but it’s bigger, my facial expressions exaggerated. I’m frustrating, and I wonder whether my acting career having fun! It’s the kind of acting everyone does has come to a halt before it’s even got going. But at home when no one’s watching. Yet, we still the lesson ends on a high note: Zoe asks me to haven’t said any actual lines. audition for the acting-school play. If I do well, I’ll start rehearsals for my first stage role. She clearly Zoe finally ends the exercise and asks us to sit believes I’ve got what it takes, even if a school play down. Then she goes into an explanation of what isn’t exactly the heights of Hollywood. acting is: it’s about accessing your emotions. It’s about putting yourself in a position where people are listening to every word you say and watching everything you do – and how. She told us we have to think about events that have occurred in our lives and notice how we feel about them, even if it brings up emotions we might prefer not to re-visit. But this can only make you stronger as an actor, she insists. 1 How does Jake initially feel at his first acting class? A entertained by the efforts of other participants during the exercises B excited to get as much out of the exercises as possible C frustrated not to be able to do the exercises well D confused about the purpose of the exercises 2 What happens to Jake while they are acting out different characters? A He becomes more and more confident in what he’s doing. B He wishes they could move on to learning some real skills. C He draws on informal acting he has done previously. D He lacks imagination for some of them. 10

3 When describing what acting really is, Zoe mentions that it is partly to do with … Reading: / 12 A  leaving yourself open to criticism from audiences. B ensuring that your actions reflect what you’re saying. C observing the way people behave in a range of situations. D using your experiences to create a realistic performance. 4 What does Jake say about playing the character of ‘Nasty Noah’? A He is proud of the feedback he receives from others in the class. B He is surprised by how well he gets the character’s personality across. C He would not have taken the part if another had been available to him. D He enjoys showing a side of his own personality that he normally hides. 5 What does the expression ‘pride comes before a fall’ in the final paragraph mean? A If you’re too pleased with yourself, something happens to make you look foolish. B People do not tend to like those who are too confident in their own abilities. C There always appears to be a punishment for boasting about what you can do. D You are probably not as good at something as you like to believe. 6 In the final paragraph, we learn that Jake is … A not persuaded by the teacher’s recommendations to do the school play. B not especially bothered about doing poorly in the physical exercises. C concerned that he may not have a future as an actor after all. D relieved that he is not the only one who has let Zoe down. Vocabulary 1 Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). The Gobi Desert: an unusual tourist destination I’ve always loved getting off the 1 track, so when a friend suggested a trip to the Gobi Desert in Mongolia, I didn’t hesitate for a second. We booked with a tour group specialising in tours for young people and studied the 2 carefully. Before too long, it was time to pack our bags and 3 for the airport. As the plane 4 down at Khanbumbat Airport, I felt a rush of excitement. We collected our luggage inside the 5 building, and headed out to meet our guide, Bataar. ‘Ready?’ he asked, as he piled our luggage into the back of the van, ‘Then let’s 6 the road!’ As we left the airport behind and started driving along bumpy roads into the desert, I stared out in 7 . The road snaked off into the distance, and all around were vast and seemingly 8 landscapes, filled with rocky mountain ranges, dusty plains and the occasional passing camel. The next few days passed in a blur. We got up at the 9 of dawn each day to experience everything from climbing sand dunes to eating with locals and sleeping in traditional tents called gers. The whole thing really appealed to my 10 side. Who knows? Maybe I’ll make it back there one day! 1 A travelled B beaten C worn D hidden 2 A route B cruise C course D ride 3 A turn away B take off C set off D pick up 4 A touched B stopped C landed D sank 5 A runway B air-space C passenger D terminal 6 A catch B break C hit D get 7 A inspiration B amazement C attention D encouragement 8 A endless B forever C unlimited D everlasting 9 A spark B clap C split D crack 10 A eventful B impressive C adventurous D stimulating / 10 PROGRESS TEST 1 11

Progress Test 2 Complete the sentences with these words. There is Grammar one word which you do not need to use. Use a plural form where necessary. 1 Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets. commuter delay journey landing motorist passenger queue jam 1 A lot of are so rude – they beep and shout at you through their windscreens! 2 We experienced long at the airport and finally took off three hours behind schedule. 3 The pilot had to make an emergency when one of the engines started smoking. 4 There was a massive for check-in, and we were worried we’d miss our flight. 5 ‘Could all remaining travelling to Cyprus please make their way to gate number four?’ 6  trains are always completely packed in the mornings. It’s tricky to get a seat because they’re filled with people on their way to work. A short history of special effects 7 I sat in that for so long! I didn’t think the traffic would ever start moving again. /7 The first ever film to use special effects 3 Choose the correct preposition to complete the 1 (be) an 1895 film by Alfred phrasal verbs. Clark, who 2 (reproduce) the chopping off of Mary, Queen of Scots’ head. He 1 Would you mind dropping me off / down at the 3 (do) this by pausing the underground station please? filming and replacing the actress playing the 2 So many people turned out / around to see the film star part with a dummy. He asked the other actors to that they had to close the streets. ‘freeze’, while he 4 (set up) 3 Can you stop up / off at a cash machine on the way – I the scene, so they would be in the right position need to get some money out. when he started filming again. No one 4 I’ve been turned away / down for that job I applied for 5 (do) anything like it and I’m really disappointed. before, and it was an incredible moment in the 5 Shall we come and see you off / around at the station history of film. Some members of the audience when you leave? We’re going to miss you! even 6 (believe) it was real! 6 I always turn to / into my auntie when I In the 1902 film Le Voyage Dans la Lune, director want someone to share my problems with. /6 George Méliès made use of effects such as fading and split screens, something audiences 4 M atch the expressions (1–7) with the definitions (a–g). were certainly not 7 (use) 1 set the scene seeing. Around the same time, animation was 2 be in the limelight 3 live up to your expectations born. The Enchanted Drawing, a silent film 4 be a hard act to follow 5 get this show on the road produced in 1900, was the first to use the ‘stop 6 break a leg 7 steal the show motion’ technique. This 8 (be) an effect where objects are put into position, 9 (photograph), then moved slightly before repeating the process. When played one after the other, the photos create a kind of ‘moving’ picture. a attract the most attention and praise Special effects 10 (come) b get a lot of attention from the public a long way since those early days, with ever- c be so good it’s unlikely anyone after will be as good advancing technologies in CGI and other d start techniques. e be as good as you thought /7 f describe the situation g good luck Vocabulary: / 30 / 10 12

2 Circle the correct tense. 3 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first, using the word given. 1 ‘Excuse me – you wouldn’t happen to know Use between two and five words. what time the flight from Cairo is arriving / has arrived, would you?’ 1 We started to rehearse weeks ago, and I think the play’s going to be fantastic. 2 I consider / am considering studying performance arts at university, but I haven’t fully BEEN decided yet. We for 3 Have you updated / Were you updating your webpage? It looks different somehow. weeks, and I think the play’s going to be fantastic. 4 Does anyone have any idea where Asha has gone 2 I don’t think there’s anything left on Netflix for me to / has been? She’s nowhere to be found! binge-watch! 5 Bella had travelled / had been travelling for HAVE several hours and the tiredness was beginning to kick in. I think I everything on Netflix by now. 6 I used to love / was loving watching old films with my granddad when I was a child. 3 I rushed home to lock the door when I realised it was left unlocked. 7 Kara had been / has been at the cinema for at least half an hour before Jennifer turned up. LEFT 8 Well, Josie was / is a hard act to follow! My When I realised I presentation won’t be anywhere near as good. the door unlocked, I rushed home to lock it. 9 Ben was running / ran down the platform to 4 By midday, we still hadn’t made a decision about greet me when he tripped and fell. where to go for the afternoon. 10 Have you ever flown / Did you ever fly first class? WONDERING I’ve heard it’s amazing. It was midday and we 11 She has been attending / has attended several where to go for the afternoon. interviews, but she still hasn’t been offered work. 5 Candy sent loads of videos on TikTok in the past, but 12 Do you have any idea why they tell / have told she hasn’t sent one for ages now. actors to ‘break a leg’ before a performance? TO / 12 Candy loads of videos on TikTok but she hasn’t sent one for ages now. 6 You fly non-stop round the world. Don’t you get jet lag? ALWAYS You round the world. Don’t you get jet lag? Writing /6 You see this announcement on a travel blog. Grammar: / 28 Would you like to win a free weekend away? Then why not write us a short story about travel! The story must begin with these words: Kim stared at the flight departures board and breathed a sigh of relief. Your story must include: Writing: / 10 • an interesting person • an inspiring situation Mark: / 80 Write your story. (140 to 190 words) PROGRESS TEST 1 13

English B2 TEST BOOK Ultimate English is an innovative, multi-level course that takes students from B1 to B2 level of the Common European Framework. Thanks to its rich, engaging content and forward-thinking approach, it motivates learners to achieve a high level of language competence while preparing them effectively for all established English language exams at this level. This new exciting course includes up-to-date topics that will stimulate the learners’ interest while offering an effective and clearly laid out language development and support programme. Ultimate English also gives emphasis to 21st-century skills, such as critical thinking and co-operative learning, while developing all language skills within a truly motivating context. Ultimate English Test Book offers a wide range of materials specially written to assess the language content of each unit in the Student’s Book. The Test Book includes quizzes and tests to help teachers evaluate student progress and accurately diagnose areas where remedial work may be required. Ultimate English Test Book features: • ten Quizzes, one for each unit in the Student’s Book, covering all key vocabulary and grammar areas. • five Progress Tests, one for every two units in the Student’s Book, assessing reading, vocabulary, grammar and writing. • a Mid-Year Test and an End-of-Year Test, evaluating students on reading, use of English, writing and listening. All quizzes and tests come complete with a ready-for-use marking scheme. Handy score sheets are also included. Ultimate English B2, a complete package for Upper Intermediate students: Ultimate English B2 Student’s Book Ultimate English B2 Workbook Ultimate English B2 Grammar and Vocabulary Ultimate English B2 Test Book Ultimate English B2 e-book Ultimate English B2 Teacher’s Book Ultimate English B2 Class Audio Set Ultimate English B2 Interactive Whiteboard Software

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