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Home Explore Enhancing Learning Brochure 2017

Enhancing Learning Brochure 2017

Published by office, 2017-10-29 06:16:11

Description: Enhancing Learning Brochure 2017


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Professionallearning anddevelopment…with Enhancing Learning (Professional learning systems, processes and activities to support continual school improvement)Supporting the future of education… todayLearning is a treasure that will followits owner everywhere. - Chinese proverb Enhancing Learning Ltd t 01202 267066 m 07834589774 e [email protected] Visit us at www.Enhancing Learning

Enhancing leadership for the future (Developing effective leadership succession planning for future excellence)Enhancing leadership for the future (ELF) has been designed around 6 face-to-face professionallearning days, each developing an inquiry-approach into effective intelligent leadership. Participantswill be involved in a sustained professional learning community (PLC), and will engage in processesfor deep professional learning and thinking. Each session will explore a specific leadership issue, andwill have a key learning question at its heart.The emphasis throughout this programme will be on the learning community, as a whole, and eachindividual creating professional knowledge around successful, intelligent leadership and building adeeper appreciation of how to lead change in an authentic learning organisation. A senior leadership professional Enhancing leadership for the future (ELF) is learning programme, specifically a 6 day leadership learning programmedesigned for leaders with a Teaching specifically designed for individual senior Schools Alliance, MAT or other leaders and leadership teams within an educational MAT, Teaching Schools Alliance educational partnership. or cluster of schools . The programme has been designed to explore highly effective For further details on how this leadership within a successful school and theprogramme can be offered within your role played by individual leaders inlocal educational partnership, please establishing a strong, vibrant professional culture. In a time of relentless change, the contact Kate: only certainty is that new challenges and opportunities will emerge in education. Highly 01202 267066 effective leadership, in the future, will demand a mastery of a modern set of leadership [email protected] behaviours and attitudes

Enhancing leadership for the future aims to: • Explore the '5 minds' of intelligent leadership • Build an inquiry-stance around the characteristics of a strong, vibrant professional culture • Support participants in creating a vision that inspires members of their school community • Examine how leaders build capacity within every member of staff, ensuring pupils receive excellence in learning • Consider the role of the leaders in improving teaching and learning throughout a school • Inquire into what really has an effect on raising standardsEnhancing leadership for the future has been designed around six key leadership themes and six keylearnin• gSuqpupeosrttioenacsh: participant in identifying and developing personal leadership goals• Session one - The 5 minds of intelligent leaders Key learning question - What is needed to be an effective educational leader?Session one focuses on exploring the qualities, behaviours and skills of an intelligent leader. Participants will besupported in considering these essentials and evaluating their own capacity for improvement.• Session two - Leadership DNA Key learning question - In which ways are my leadership attitudes and behaviours influencing the effectiveness of our organisation?Session two focuses on the development of intelligent leadership mindset and will explore how leadership attitudesand behaviours influence school effectiveness.• Session three - Total Quality - A culture for success Key learning question - How do leaders build authentic learning organisations?• Session three focuses on the systems and processes that support the development of a learning organisation. An intelligent leader will be continually looking to create space and opportunities to engage all staff in deep professional thinking and learning.• Session four - A building process Key learning question - In which ways do effective leaders build capacity?Session four focuses on capacity building and the role of accountability within an effective school. Leaders mustlook at how they create systems for professional awareness and professional responsibility.• Session five - Leading outstanding learning Key learning question - What impact do leaders have on outstanding classroom practice?Session five considers outstanding classroom practice, what it looks like and what influence leaders have onensuring suitable outcomes for all pupils.• Session six - Understanding change Key learning question - How do leaders lead effective change in times of uncertainty?Session six focuses on how leaders create a culture that is ready for genuine transformation. Change is anessential, yet complex, process for every school.

Stepping UpA leadership development programme for established and aspiring middle leaders within an educational settingpresents… Stepping Up - The role of middle leader has Stepping Up changed beyond recognition and they are now expected to play a major role in effective andA middle leadership continual school improvement. The role hasdevelopment programme for changed from one of maintenance to authenticMATs, Teaching Schools leadership and individuals are expected to step-upAlliances and other educationalpartnerships. to this role.For further details about Stepping Up is a leadership developmentStepping Up, please contact programme designed specifically for middle leadersKate : and members of staff aspiring to middle [email protected] The programme focuses on building a deep understanding about leadership and seeks to01202 267066 support delegates in developing the essential competencies, behaviours and attitudes required to lead a team/subject area within an effective school. Stepping Up aims to • Explore the 5 minds of intelligent leadership • Consider the qualities and characteristics of a high- performing team • Support participants in identifying their role in building and sustaining an effective learning organisation • Introduce a range of organisational systems for building a professional culture around deep intelligence

Stepping Up consists of a blended learning Stepping Up has been designed to helpapproach to ensure each participant participants consider three key leadershipexperiences a range of professional learning themes and to explore three key learningapproaches. This blended approach will questions:include: • Session one - Understanding The 5 Minds • 360° Professional Diagnostic ** of effective leadership • Face-to-Face Learning Key learning question - What are the • Coaching essential qualities, behaviours and attitudes of an effective leader? • Structured reflection Session one focuses on considering the • School-based inquiry tasks qualities of an effective leader and how participants measure up against these. • Online learning Management rarely changes things, it is leadership that has a more profound and • Communities of Inquiry sustained impact. Individuals within a leadership role must be aware of how theirStepping Up seeks to engage participants in character impacts on team and organisationaldeveloping an inquiry-based approach to effectiveness.leadership and learning. A professionallearning community (PLC), will explore aspects • Session Two - Leading the effective teamof leadership within an effective team andfocus on continual transformation, towards a Key learning question - How do effectivegenuine learning-centred culture. leaders increase capacity for improvement within a team situation?The emphasis throughout the programme is onthe participants creating professional Session two focuses on creating a culture that isknowledge around leadership and developing ready for genuine transformation. Participantsa set of essential competencies required to will consider their own team and identify thelead in an ever-changing profession. readiness and capability of its culture. Leaders must continually look at their team’s capacity for** AS PART OF THIS PROGRAMME, ES4S WILL improvement and how this capacity can beOFFER A COMPLETE 360° LEADERSHIP increased.COMPETENCY EVALUATION TO EACH DELEGATE(and the senior leaders of the school) • Session Three - Leading learning Key learning questions - How do the behaviours of leaders impact on learning and pupil outcomes? Session three focuses on the core purpose of a school ....... Learning. The session considers how leaders create a culture built around shared values and a commitment to building outstanding classroom practice for every young learner. Enhancing Learning Ltd t 01202 267066 m 07834589774 e [email protected] Visit us at www.Enhancing Learning

Getting to good… and beyondA six day support package thatseeks to support a school inbecoming an effective learningorganisation for the 21st century Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers.An overviewGetting to good is a six day, enquiry-based development programme seeking to support a school in creating a culturethat fosters the essential principles of an effective learning organisationGetting to good is tailor-designed in consultation with the Head Teacher and Senior Leadership Team and is plannedand developed to meet a specific school’s individual needs and priorities. The programme explores the school’s capacityto transform, its’ readiness for transformation and the capacity of the individuals for such changes and developments.Getting to good has been designed to run over one or two academic years, with the six days being offered at timesmost likely to create effective transformation for all. The programme seeks to offer continuity and consistency of learningfor all members of the organisation, using a range of learning strategies and development techniques.The six days of Getting to good could consist of: □ 2 days – Leadership for transformation o These days are specifically designed for the senior leadership team and seek to identify and develop issues around the key principles of a learning organisation. □ 3 days – Whole School Development o These whole school development days will be designed to build an organisational awareness of a learning organisation and create the capacity for professional responsibility of each individual. The days will be planned and developed around specific issues relevant to the individual school and will seek to provide all staff with a deeper understanding of effective learning and practical strategies to achieve deeper learning for all. □ 1 Day – Personalising Learning …. Where now? o This day is designed around supporting each individual with personal development around professional practice. The school may choose for each member to receive professional coaching or prefer a group mentoring approach …. The choice is yours!*** In additional to the six planned days, the school will also receive a bonus of one evening session, which would followon from one of the planned days. This evening session could be used for Governor training or for parents as learners.The cost of this package is dependent on the individual school, size, context and specific requirements forthe six days. For a complete cost, please contact us at [email protected] or 01202 267066. Enhancing Learning Ltd t 01202 267066 m 07834589774 e [email protected] Visit us at www.Enhancing Learning

Getting better at getting better A four day support package seeking to build a strong, wholeschool understanding of effective teaching and learning Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.An overviewGetting better at getting better is a four day, intense development programme seeking to build a deeperwhole school understanding about effective learning.Getting better at getting better is tailor-designed in consultation with the Head Teacher and Senior Leadersand is planned and developed to meet a specific school’s individual needs and priorities. The programme seeksto build a consistency of professional practice throughout a primary school involving the whole school in anenquiry-based approach to professional development.Getting better at getting better has been designed to run over a year (or equivalent), with the four daysbeing offered at a time most suitable for the school. The programme seeks to offer continuity and consistency oflearning for all adults within a school, using a range of development strategies and development techniques.The four days of Getting better at getting better consists of: □ Day 1 – Leadership Focus o This day is specifically designed for the Senior leadership team and seeks to identify and develop issues around the learning organisation. □ Days 2 and 3 – Whole School Development o Following on from the leadership focus, these whole school development days will be designed to build an organisational awareness of effective learning. Both days will be developed around specific issues relevant to the individual school and will seek to provide all staff with a deeper understanding of effective learning and practical strategies to achieve deeper learning for all. □ Day 4 – Personalising Learning …. Where now? o This day is designed around supporting the school’s leadership team in identifying future priorities as a learning organisationThis suggested design is for guidance only. Getting better at getting better is planned in a consultation session, withthe Head Teacher / Senior Leaders, when the order and focus of each session is agreed. The flexibility of this packageallows for specific focus to change along with the ever changing needs of schools today. Enhancing Learning Ltd t 01202 267066 m 07834589774 e [email protected] Visit us at

Creating an effective learning organisation …Identifying and developing key principlesMany organisations refer to themselves as learning organisations and yet, in reality,they fail to demonstrate essential qualities. A school, perhaps more than any otherorganisation, should excel in creating a culture that promotes and thrives on effectivebehaviours of deep learning. Organisations that are the most successful, and whichwill remain ahead in the future, are those that continually demonstrate being acommunity of active learning. How does your school demonstrate being and effectivelearning organisation and what needs to change?This professional development □ Explore the five essential qualities of a learning programme aims to: organisation and how they relate to educational establishments □ Consider effective processes for adult learning and how deep learning experiences are being offered for all □ Identify barriers to a more effective learning culture within a school □ Introduce aspects of emotional intelligence and the role played by E.I. on an effective learning culture Creating an effective □ K.L.Q. 1 – How do we measure up against learning organisation the essential principles of an effective learning organisation?will seek to explore 3 key learning questions □ K.L.Q. 2 – In which ways do we need to change to become a more effective learning organisation? □ K.L.Q. 3 – To what degree do we operate within a culture of emotional intelligence? Enhancing Learning Ltd t 01202 267066 m 07834589774 e [email protected] Visit us at

Changing Culture …. Transforming Learning Establishing a culture of learning for allIn creating and developing an effective culture for professional learning, all staffshould first seek to develop professional awareness about their own practice andbased on agreed criteria for good teaching and learning. Once a sense of awarenesshas been established, each individual should look to establish responsibility forprofessional development regarding the quality of teaching in each class. Thisprofessional development session will seek to create a whole school consensus as towhat good teaching looks like based on shared values and current research onlearning.This professional development □ Support a school in establishing shared programme aims to: values around effective learning and teaching □ Highlight the essential qualities of an effective learning culture □ Enable teachers and teaching assistants to consider their own professional practice and how this is developing to create effective learning experiences □ Consider the role of emotional intelligence within an effective culture for professional learning Changing Culture …. □ K.L.Q. 1 – What are our collective valuesTransforming Learning around an effective culture for professional learning?will seek to explore 3 key learning questions □ K.L.Q. 2 – How do we operate with a deep understanding of the principles for effective learning? □ K.L.Q. 3 – In which ways are we embedding the principles of personalised learning? Enhancing Learning Ltd t 01202 267066 m 07834589774 e [email protected] Visit us at

The Primacy of Leadership Considering the principles of outstanding educational leadershipThis professional development programme has been specifically designed for SLTs and leaders, atall levels, within an educational organisation and seeks to explore the essential components ofeffective capacity building within a learning organisation. The core purpose of educationalleadership is to ensure the school builds and maintains relationships that help to produce desirableresults. The future of school effectiveness will be highly dependent on four essentialaspects...Collaboration, Creating, Communicating and connecting. This session will support schoolleaders in understanding how they can build a self-sustaining organisation that creates more energythan it consumes.This professional development □ Consider the critical aspects of leadership programme aims to: awareness and leadership responsibility □ Explore the characteristics of a professional culture for success… How do leaders create a strong vibrant professional culture? □ Enable school leaders to identify specific issues for future development □ Provide a range of leadership tools to support the process of diagnosis and aid strategic planning for the futureThe Primacy of □ K.L.Q. 1 – What are the specific Leadership characteristic of effective self-improving □ schools systems?will seek to explore 3 key learning K.L.Q. 2 – What are the specific qualities of questions leadership that support the development of an outstanding school? □ K.L.Q. 3 – What must happen, within our school, to move towards a culture of total effectiveness? Enhancing Learning Ltd t 01202 267066 m 07834589774 e [email protected] Visit us at

How a good professional becomes great Considering the essential qualities, behaviours, skills and attitudes of a truly great professionalThis professional development programme has been specifically designed for all members of awhole school organisation. The session seeks to explore how a professional, within anyeducational setting, can move themselves to being the very best. Many schools are operatingwith a team of good professionals, who are doing everything that is expected of them andwho are offering the pupils a good, solid education. Being a truly great professional requiresa growth mindset, an engagement in personal mastery and an unreserved passion fordeveloping a set of principles that distinguishes that individual from all other professionals.This professional development □ Develop a whole school understanding about programme aims to: growth mindset and its role in the development of a learning organisation □ Consider the critical competencies of Personal Mastery and how a school can create systems that support professional awareness and responsibility □ Explore a professional environment that is conducive to the development of highly skilled professionals □ Consider 5 critical characteristics demonstrated by the most effective schools and the staff withinHow a good professional □ K.L.Q. 1 – How do great professionals differ becomes great from the rest? will seek to explore 3 key learning □ K.L.Q. 2 – What do teachers and teaching questions assistants do that really makes a difference in classrooms? □ K.L.Q. 3 – How do the most effective professionals, within schools, have an influence beyond themselves? Enhancing Learning Ltd t 01202 267066 m 07834589774 e [email protected] Visit us at

Looking Inside the Learning School Building an effective learning school for allThis whole school professional development programme has been specifically designedto develop a deeper understanding about learning as opposed to teaching. It seeks toeliminate the discrepancy between what we know about learning and what actuallyhappens in many classrooms. During the session, delegates will explore key issuesrelating to effective learning, states for learning and approaches for effective learning.Practical tools and strategies will be offered throughout the session.This professional development □ Develop a whole school understanding programme aims to: about learning, how it occurs and factors that influence the effectiveness of learning □ Explore states for learning and how all young learners can be supported in being in the right state of mind for learning □ Enable teachers and teaching assistants to consider professional practice and how this is developing to create effective learning experiences □ Provide a variety of cross-curricular tools and strategies to support the development of effective learning Looking inside the □ K.L.Q. 1 – What are our collective values learning school around effective learning?will seek to explore 3 key learning □ K.L.Q. 2 – How can we support our young questions learners in being in the right state for learning? □ K.L.Q. 3 – Which practical strategies can develop effective learning for all young learners? Enhancing Learning Ltd t 01202 267066 m 07834589774 e [email protected] Visit us at

How to offer the outstanding lesson Promoting effective learning in the primary schoolThis professional development session has been specifically designed for all staffinvolved in developing effective learning for all young learners within a primary-phaseschool. Many schools have developed a clear awareness about effective teaching butcan sometimes function with less of an understanding about effective learning. Topromote outstanding learning experiences for all children, schools must look to createshared values around the principles of effective learning and should be seeking tooperate with an agreed understanding of effective learning, how it occurs and whatcan happen in classrooms to support the process.This professional development □ Create a whole school agreement around the programme aims to: principles of effective learning □ Consider how the learning, within all classrooms, can be moved from a shallow to a more deeper level □ Develop a deeper awareness of learning styles by going beyond the theory of VAK □ Exploring how all learners learn and to identify the styles of learning that can be found in all classrooms □ Introduce a range of practical tools and strategies that support the development of deeper learning for all young learnersHow to offer the outstanding □ K.L.Q. 1: What are the essential principles lesson for effective (deep) learning? will seek to explore 3 key learning □ K.L.Q. 2: How can we cater for all styles of questions learning, within every classroom? □ K.L.Q. 3: Are we able to create an effective learning process that caters for the needs of all young learners? Enhancing Learning Ltd t 01202 267066 m 07834589774 e [email protected] Visit us at

The art of questioning (Developing effective questioning techniques for all)This professional development programme has been designed to consider howteachers and teaching assistants can develop questioning skills, with all learners,within a learning environment. Questioning is viewed, by many in education, to be acritical skill of any teacher and teaching assistant and can make a vital difference tothe quality of learning. However, it should also be recognised that the ability to askeffective questions is a skill for life and that all young learners require support in thiscrucial area.This professional development □ Consider the purpose of questioning within a programme aims to: effective learning environment □ Explore issues around developing effective questioning within all classrooms □ Enable teachers and teaching assistants to develop a range of questioning skills □ Provide proven, practical strategies for improving questioning for learning and reflection □ Introduce tools for developing children’s questioning skillsThe art of questioning □ K.L.Q. 1 – What is the role of questioning and questioning skills in outstanding will seek to explore 3 key learning classroom practice? questions □ K.L.Q. 2 – How can adults improve the quality of their questioning skills as a means of supporting deeper learning? □ K.L.Q. 3 – Which practical tools can support the development of effective questioning for all young learners? Enhancing Learning Ltd t 01202 267066 m 07834589774 e [email protected] Visit us at

The power of dialogue Raising standards through the development of speaking and listeningThis professional development session has been specifically designed to support allteachers and teaching assistants in developing effective speaking and listening skillswith all young learners. Effective learning is a social skill and a greater depth ofunderstanding and processing can be achieved through cognitive interaction. Dialogicbehaviours, including speaking, listening, questioning, reasoning and critical thinkingare all vital learning skills that can and should be explicitly developed, in everyclassroom, with all young learners.This professional development □ Identify the essential qualities of a learning session aims to: environment that is conducive to the development of speaking and listening □ Provide practical activities and suggestions to support the development of learning through talk □ Introduce a range of collaborative learning tools that support the development of children’s questioning, reasoning and talk- based skills □ Explore teacher’s and teaching assistants questioning skills as a critical quality in developing effective learningThe power of dialogue □ K.L.Q. 1: What are the 3 elements for effective learning and how are we will seek to explore 3 key learning developing these? questions □ K.L.Q. 2: Which talk-based skills are we hoping to develop with each young learner? □ K.L.Q. 3: how are we using collaborative tools and strategies to improve learning? Enhancing Learning Ltd t 01202 267066 m 07834589774 e [email protected] Visit us at

Rigorous Learning for every learner Recognising and offering rigorous learning experiencesThis professional development programme seeks to support schools in developing aclear understanding of rigorous learning and how it occurs in classroom situations. Itis vital that all staff, teachers and teaching assistants alike, work from an agreed set ofprinciples around rigorous learning and plan accordingly. Rigorous learning movespupils beyond a level of simple engagement and places them in learning situations ofauthenticity and higher-order thinking. Teachers and teaching assistants must beprepared to analyse their practice and identify strategies for increasing opportunitiesfor rigorous learning.This professional development □ Explore the role of rigorous learning in all programme aims to: classrooms □ Introduce a range of practical tools to help teachers and teaching assistants plan more frequent opportunities for rigorous learning □ Consider how classroom professionals can embed rigorous learning in the core subjects □ Develop the 3 key specific classroom principles and strategies that contribute to rigorous learning within the new curriculumRigorous learning for □ K.L.Q. 1 – What is rigorous learning and how every learner can we identify this in classroom situations? will seek to explore 3 key learning □ K.L.Q. 2 – How can we develop the explicit questions principles that support rigorous learning through the whole curriculum? □ K.L.Q. 3 – Which specific tools and classroom strategies are more likely to result in rigorous learning for all pupils?? Enhancing Learning Ltd t 01202 267066 m 07834589774 e [email protected] Visit us at

Developing the confident learner A focus on developing essential learning behaviours and attitudesThis professional development session has been designed to explore the essentiallearning behaviours and attitudes required to be an effective learner in the 21stcentury. If our young learners are to flourish in their future lives, they will needcontinual support in the development of a range of essential learning behaviours andattitudes. Schools must be clear on how classroom practice can support this processand how individual staff can explicitly teach and assess a range of appropriate learningbehaviours for all young learners. Schools should not reduce their drive to raisestandards but should also recognise that if their learners are more effective at learningthen standards will improve. This professional □ Support schools and individuals indevelopment session aims to: identifying an essential set of learning behaviours and attitudes for a 21st century learner □ Develop strategies for classroom practice that will explicitly support the development of learning behaviours and attitudes for all young learners □ Provide a range of class-based learning tools that will promote the development of essential learning behaviours and attitudes □ Explore how schools can develop effective systems of assessment for learning linked to learning behavioursDeveloping the confident □ K.L.Q. 1: How are we developing the four learner key principles for effective learning?will seek to explore 3 key learning □ K.L.Q. 2: Which learning behaviours do we questions want to develop for our young learners? □ K.L.Q. 3: How can we develop and assess the learning behaviours through our classroom practice? Enhancing Learning Ltd t 01202 267066 m 07834589774 e [email protected] Visit us at

Developing Inquiring Minds! Establishing a whole-school approach to inquiry-Based LearningThis professional development programme has been designed to support schools indeveloping collaborative learning and knowledge building as a meaningful way tosupport personalised learning. The programme will work from the presumptionthat all young learners have the capacity to construct their own learning and to be ableto work in collaborative situations as a means of supporting outstanding classroomexperiences. Participants will be introduced to the essential ingredients for inquiry-based learning in all classrooms and how these can be practically developed.This professional development □ Consider how inquiry-based learning (I.B.L.) programme aims to: can be developed as a system for outstanding learning and teaching in all classrooms □ Introduce the 5 key ingredients for inquiry- based learning □ Explore critical domains of personalised learning and how these can be achieved through a consistent approach towards inquiry- based learning □ Provide a range of cross-curricular, practical tools for developing inquiry-based learning with all young learnersDeveloping inquiring □ K.L.Q. 1 – How do the essential domains of minds personalised learning link to inquiry-based learning? will seek to explore 3 key learning questions □ K.L.Q. 2 – In which ways can a school promote the 5 key ingredients for inquiry- based learning? □ K.L.Q. 3 – Which practical strategies support the development of inquiry-based learning within a primary school? Enhancing Learning Ltd t 01202 267066 m 07834589774 e [email protected] Visit us at

To independence and beyond Promoting independent learning in the primary schoolIndependent learning is held, by many schools, as a key value and is an ideal thatmany teachers and teaching assistants reach for. However, the reality is that recentclassroom practices have created far more dependent learning experiences for ourpupils. This programme will seek to consider and explore the essential principles forindependent learning and strategies for effective, independent learning. Participantswill be supported in exploring how their practice encourages independence in learningand how this can be further developed through adopting a set of clear strategies andprocesses This professional □ Consider an organisation’s values arounddevelopment session aims to: the development of independent learning □ Explore a classroom environment suitable for the development of independent learning with all young learners □ Develop awareness of the essential skills and learning behaviours required for independent learning □ Identify a clear process and developmental stages for independent learning in all classrooms □ Provide practical tools for developing and promoting independent learningTo independence and □ K.L.Q. 1 – What are our school’s values and beyond vision around independent learning in every classroom? will seek to explore 3 key learning questions □ K.L.Q. 2 – What are the specific features of a lesson that develops independent learning for every learner? □ K.L.Q. 3 - How can we introduce a range of practical tools to help develop independent learning throughout the curriculum? Enhancing Learning Ltd t 01202 267066 m 07834589774 e [email protected] Visit us at

30 Wacky Children Developing critical thinking, creativity and reflection with all young learnersThis professional development session seeks to support a school in developing the cruciallearning behaviours of creativity, critical thinking and reflection with all its younglearners. Our educational system will not fail children if the focus becomes learningrather than teaching. The recent primary strategies highlight more of an emphasis on theneed to focus on individual children’s learning, personalised learning and essentiallearning behaviours. Schools are being encouraged to promote creativity, criticalthinking and reflection as an essential aspect of effective learning.How is your school promoting, developing and assessing these critical elements?This professional development session □ Explore the issues highlighted in recent reports aims to: into primary education and how a school can address these in its future developments □ Increase awareness of teachers and teaching assistants as to how thinking skills, particularly reflection, critical and creative thinking, can be developed for all young learners □ Provide proven, practical strategies for improving thinking skills for all young learners □ Consider the development of a creative and critical thinking curriculum 30 Wacky Children □ K.L.Q. 1 – How are we incorporating current research about effective learning into ourwill seek to explore 3 key learning everyday practice? questions □ K.L.Q. 2 – What are the essential learning behaviours for a 21st century learner? □ K.L.Q. 3 – Which cross-curricular thinking tools and strategies should be developed within our school? Enhancing Learning Ltd t 01202 267066 m 07834589774 e [email protected] Visit us at

Creating Communities of Inquiry Exploring and using principles of Philosophy for ChildrenThis professional development programme seeks to support a school in promoting effectivelearning through the development of philosophy for children and communities of inquiry.Most learning, in the majority of lessons, can be offered through an approach to P4C(Philosophy for Children). The most effective learning situations are those in which thelearners actively engage in a process of social construction and knowledge creation ratherthan passively absorbing information. Communities of enquiry can be used as a cross-curricular approach to learning for all learners and can ensure every child is supported indeveloping essential skills of inquiry, including questioning, critical thinking, reasoning andreflectionThis professional development □ Explore the essential features of an programme aims to: environment suitable for the development of communities of inquiry □ Develop awareness of the specific roles within a community of inquiry □ Introduce a specific approach to developing communities of inquiry with all learners □ Provide practical tools that support the development of necessary skills required for effective communities of inquiryCreating Communities □ K.L.Q. 1 – How do we create suitable learning of Inquiry environments that support the development of communities of inquiry? will seek to explore 3 key learning questions □ K.L.Q. 2 – What are the essential learning behaviours needed for effective communities and how do we promote these with all young learners? □ K.L.Q. 3 – Which tools support learning through communities of Inquiry Enhancing Learning Ltd t 01202 267066 m 07834589774 e [email protected] Visit us at

What do you expect…. I’m a boy? Improving boy’s learning in the primary schoolThis professional development programme seeks to promote effective learning for allyoung learners, but with a particular emphasis on the engagement of boys. Genderdoes matter and girls and boys can differ fundamentally in their styles of learning,what engages them and how they process their learning. Issues around motivation,self-esteem, emotional intelligence and hemispheric dominance are significant inensuring that both boys and girls are given effective learning opportunities.This professional development □ Explore issues around the effect of intrinsic programme aims to: motivation on boy’s learning □ Increase awareness of teachers and teaching assistants as to how different learners processes learning and create cognitive understanding □ Improve understanding of left and right- hemisphere learning and how boys engage in structured learning tasks □ Consider the development of boy-centred learning experiencesWhat do you expect … □ K.L.Q. 1 – What is the role of motivation and I’m a boy? emotional intelligence in boy’s learning? will seek to explore 3 key learning □ K.L.Q. 2 – How are we planning learning questions experiences that cater for all styles of learning? □ K.L.Q. 3 – Which visual learning tools and practical strategies support the development of boy’s learning? Enhancing Learning Ltd t 01202 267066 m 07834589774 e [email protected] Visit us at

Tools for the Toolkit Developing the use of learning and thinking toolsThis full-day professional development session has been specifically designed tosupport all staff in the use and development of effective learning and thinking toolswithin a learning environment. To achieve a higher, more effective level of learningand thinking, young learners need to be supported in the process of making sense anddeveloping personal and social understanding. This process can be nurtured throughthe consistent use of a range of learning tools that can easily become part of everydayclassroom practice.This professional development □ Consider the 3 key elements of effective session aims to: learning and how these can be promoted within all classes □ Introduce a range of visual and collaborative learning and thinking tools □ Enable teachers and teaching assistants to develop the use of these tools throughout a primary-based curriculum □ Provide a variety of cross-curricular methods for using each toolTools for the toolkit □ K.L.Q. 1: What are the 3 elements for effective learning and how are we developingwill seek to explore 3 key learning these? questions □ K.L.Q. 2: How can we develop the use of effective learning tools within our everyday practice? □ K.L.Q. 3: In which ways can Philosophy for Children be used to support the development of effective learning? Enhancing Learning Ltd t 01202 267066 m 07834589774 e [email protected] Visit us at

More tools for the toolkit Developing the use of visual learning and thinking toolsMore Tools for the Toolkit is the second practical professional development sessionthat looks to develop the use of effective learning and thinking tools within a learningenvironment. To achieve a deeper level of learning and thinking, young learners needto be supported in the process of making sense and developing understanding. Thisprocess can be nurtured through the consistent use of a range of learning tools thatcan easily become part of everyday classroom practice. The sessions introduces avariety of cross-curricular learning tools that can be used all classrooms and with allyoung learners.This professional development □ Explore the essential learning behaviours for session aims to: effective thinking □ Enable teachers and teaching assistants to become confident with the 6 levels of higher- order thinking □ Offer a range of practical tools that supports the development of higher-order thinking □ Provide strategies for the development of mind-mapping as an approach to develop thinking and learningMore tools for the toolkit □ K.L.Q. 1: What are the essential behaviours for effective thinking and learning? will seek to explore 3 key learning questions □ K.L.Q. 2: Which visual thinking tools support the development of deep learning? □ K.L.Q. 3: How can we develop the use of effective mind-mapping strategies throughout the school? Enhancing Learning Ltd t 01202 267066 m 07834589774 e [email protected] Visit us at

4 influences on outstanding learning A focus on the main influences on classroom learningA professional development session that has been designed for all staff involved indeveloping effective learning for all young learners within a primary-phase school. Thequality of learning achieved within any classroom is directly influenced by four broadelements and each should be considered by every classroom practitioner within anyschool. The learning environment, the confidence of our learners, the competencies ofthe professionals and the learning process all play a major role in determining thequality of learning achieved by every young learner.This professional development □ Increase professional awareness around the session aims to: four influences on classroom learning □ Consider how classroom environments can be even more conducive for learning and how they can support learning on a daily basis □ Explore appropriate learning behaviours and attitudes of a confident learner and how these can be developed within a primary-phase classroom □ Develop an effective learning process for all styles of learning 4 influences on □ K.L.Q. 1: How do teachers and teachingoutstanding learning assistants increase their professional competencies? will seek to explore 3 key learning questions □ K.L.Q. 2: How are we explicitly developing every child as a confident learner? □ K.L.Q. 3: Which learning process is most likely to meet the needs of all young learners? Enhancing Learning Ltd t 01202 267066 m 07834589774 e [email protected] Visit us at

An ENHANCING LEARNING LTD Resource … Developing the Learning Mind An interactive resource developed for use by staff to assist in theirplanning, delivery and monitoring of a creative, balanced learning curriculum. Also available …. This new resource includes a wide range of information to support staff in planning The Young Inquirer including information relating to: An interactive resource packed withpractical ideas for creating the enquiry- • Multiple Intelligences • Thinking skills based classroom. • Collaborative learningFor further information on our classroom • Higher Order thinking resources or training opportunities and • Learning Skills conferences, please contact us. In addition the resource includes a range of related Enhancing Learning Ltd planning grids t 01202 267066 m 07834589774 e [email protected] for staff to support them in planning and delivering a broad balanced and rich creative curriculum for learning . Cost per C.D. £30.00 (Inclusive of VAT) HOW TO ORDER For further information about this resource or to order a copy, please contact us at: [email protected] or 01202 267066

An ENHANCING LEARNING LTD Resource … The Young Inquirer An interactive resource specifically developed for use by staff toassist in their planning, delivery and monitoring of thinking skills, questioning and deeper learning Also available …. This resource includes a wide range of information to support the Developing the Learning Mind development of deeper thinking and An interactive resource packed with learning in the primary classroom. practical ideas for creating the complete Included on this resource are learning classroom. resources, tools and material to For further information on our classroom resources or training opportunities and develop: conferences, please contact us. • Higher-Order Questioning • Learning activities for Enhancing Learning Ltd H.O.T. t 01202 267066 m 07834589774 e • Using Socratic Questioning [email protected] • Improving children’sVisit us at questioning • Classroom posters and other resources to support thinking • Tools for Philosophy for Children This resource includes a range of related Assessment grids for staff to support them in assessing and monitoring thinking and questioning. Cost per CD £30.00 (Inclusive of VAT) HOW TO ORDER For further information about this resource or to order a copy, please contact us at: [email protected] or 01202 267066

To find out more about any of the professional developmentprogrammes within this brochure or about the services offered byENHANCING LEARNING LTD, please contact us using theinformation below: - 01202 267066 - [email protected] - look forward to hearing from you Enhancing Learning Ltd t 01202 267066 m 07834589774 e [email protected] Visit us at

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