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Home Explore PS NEWSLETTER 2.21


Published by deasyalfarizi, 2021-04-22 03:25:36

Description: PS NEWSLETTER 2.21


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menggunakan penggaris. Anak sangat antusias dalam kegiatan ini karena dapat memahami ukuran panang dan pendek suatu benda. Sand Letter (menulis di media tepung ) Salah satu kegiatan favorit anak adalah menggambar. Pada kegiatan ini siswa akan mendapatkan pengalaman lain karena pada umumnya siswa menulis di buku tulis pada kegiatan ini siswa akan menulis di media tepung. Guru memberikan instruksi dan contoh kepada siswa untuk menulis angka pada media tepung, Siswa menulis angka sesuai instruksi dan contoh dari guru.

Ditulis oleh: M. Syifaul Mukhtar, S. Pd ‫اَل َّسلاَ ُم َعلَ ْي ُك ْم َو َر ْح َمةُ الل ِه َوبَ َر َكا تُه‬ ‫الل ِه ِم َن ال َّش ْي َطا ِن ال َّر‬ ‫ل َّرَو ِح َعْيلَْمى‬،‫ ِبِـفـاْْْسلـَ ِْنمبِيَااللِء ِه َاوال ْلَّر ُم ْرْحـ َس َمِل ْيِن َنا‬.‫ِأَج ْي ْشِم َر‬ ‫َوال َّصلاَةُ َوال َّسلاَ ُم َعلَى‬ ‫أله‬ ‫ َواَ ْش َه ُد اَ َّن ُم َح َّمد‬.ُ‫ اَ ْش َه ُد اَ ْن لاَ ِالَهَ اِلاَّ الله‬.‫َوأَ ْص َحابِ ِهأَ ْج َم ِع ْي َن‬ ‫اَ َّما َب ْعد‬.‫َع ْب ُد ُه َو َر ُس ْولُ ْه‬ Al-Qur'an sebagai hudallinas (petunjuk bagi manusia) merupakan pemberi syafaat di hari kiamat bagi siapa saja yag menjaganya. Al Qur'an adalah sumber utama dari berbagai ilmu yang diturunkan kepada umat manusia melalui Nabi Muhammad SAW agar manusia selalu belajar tentang kehidupan seperti memecahkan segala masalah baik yang berhubungan dengan ke-tauhidan maupun muamalah. Pendidikkan Al Qur’an dan hadist di Little Camel Pre-school ini adalah memberikan pendidikan dengan cara menanamkan rasa cinta kepada Al Qur'an dimulai sejak usia dini. Mengapa demikian? karena masa tersebutlah dimana pembentukan watak yang utama. Bila sejak dini telah ditanamkan kecintaan terhadap Al Qur'an maka benih-benih kecintaan itu akan lebih mengakar dan membekas pada jiwa anak bagai mengukir di atas batu dan kelak akan berpengaruh pada kehidupan sehari-harinya. Pendidikan di Little Camel Pre-school selalu memproritaskan penanaman nilai-nilai Al Qur'an dan hadist sejak usia dini. Dengan demikian diharapkan dapat mempersiapkan generasi Islam menjadi insan yang mumpuni dan dapat menjaga kelestarian Al Qur'an, dimana seorang anak mampu membaca dan menulis serta mampu memahami arti dari Al Qur'an. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode Yambu’a untuk pendidikan Al Qur’an di sekolah. Fokus dari metode ini adalah penekanan makhorijul huruf, serta Kurikulum ISL (Islamic Super Learning) yaitu keterampilan membaca hadist dengan setiap gerakan Progam ISL sendiri memberikan pelayanan bagi kakak-kakak Little Camel khusus-nya jenjang TK dengan bisa mengantarkan kakak menghafal 24 doa dan 24 hadist pilihan, serta surat Ad-Dhuha sampai An- Naas.

Dalam kitab Shahihnya, Imam Al-Bukhari meriwayatkan sebuah hadits dari Hajjaj bin Minhal dari Syu’bah dari Alqamah bin Martsad dari Sa’ad bin Ubaidah dari Abu Abdirrahman As-Sulami dari Utsman bin Affan Radhiyallahu Anhu, bahwa Rasulullah Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam bersabda, ُ‫ َخ ْي ُر ُك ْم َم ْن تَ َع َّل َم ا ْلقُ ْرآ َن َو َع َّل َمه‬. “Sebaik-baik kalian adalah orang yang belajar Al-Qur`an dan mengajarkannya.” Demikian semoga kakak- kakak Little Camel kelak bisa mengajarkan dan mengamalkan Al- Qur'an di setiap penjuru kota sampai ke dunia. Semoga keimanan dan akidah yang benar tertanam kuat dalam dirinya. Al-Qur'an merupakan pondasi utama pendidikan yang diatasnya dibangun berbagai kreasi dan nilai-nilai akhlak dan aqidah yang berakhlaqul karimah.

Little Camel Preschool is currently facing the 2nd semester. During this Pandemic Covid-19 has not diminished teachers’ enthusiasm for teaching the students. The teacher provides learning material that always attracts students' attention. The teacher provides 3 learning subjects that are given in an interesting method. The subjects are English, Islamic and Language. Here, the teacher wants to talk about sensorial subject. Talking about sensorial cannot be separated by 5 senses. The subject is so important for the students to stimulate their senses. Sensorial materials are divided in 5 that are seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching. Kindergarten B has learnt about it. Those activities are: 1. Arrange the spoons according to the pattern This material for stimulating the students’ seeing sense. Here, the students had to arrange their spoons according to the patterns were given by the teacher correctly.

2. Make a sensory bag To stimulate the students’ fine motor skill and their touching sense, the teacher gave the activity about making a sensory bag. It is one of the sensory play that is fun. They can feel the texture when making it and they can practice their fine motor skill by writing the number or alphabet was given by the teacher. 3. Color and match the color of the sticks Here, the teacher wanted the students to improve their seeing sense. So, the teacher gave the activity of matching color of the sticks. The students had to color the sticks before matching it. They would match according to the patterns ware given the teacher. 4. Lace the long rope based on the color pattern This activity related to the previous one. It was about sight sense. Here, the students had to lace the long rope into the straws but they would lace according to the pattern were given by the teacher. They had to be focus and careful when lacing the long rope.

5. Guess the sounds and make a simple drum Music tool is one of favorite thing that can make the students interested. In this activity, the teacher gave the sensorial activity that focus on the hearing sense. It could help them to improve their hearing sense by guessing kinds of the sounds. The teacher played the sounds one by one and they had to guess the sounds correctly. The end of that activity, the teacher asked the students to make a simple drum. It was made from the balloon, rubber, chopstick and glass. They were so excited.

ear Honourable Parents, We would like to take this time to say Welcoming Ramadhan THANK YOU for such an amazing collaboration and support towards the schools’ activities. Your understanding and fully support mean a lot to us during this time. Alhamdulillah…..together, finally we could do everything very well during this term for our beloved children. Let’s keep this up and get ready for our upcoming events! Billion Thanks Our Dearest Parents. Talkshow Ramadhan Save Our Nature Event

 Save Our Nature  Parents-Teacher Conference/ PTC  Talkshow Ramadhan  Ramadhan Competition  Talkshow Ramadhan-Closing  Ied Mubarak  Semester 2 Report Card SY. 2020-2021  Graduation

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