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Home Explore Peacock Alley Product Catalog

Peacock Alley Product Catalog

Published by rhiggins, 2018-03-21 17:25:52

Description: The Peacock Alley product catalog updated for Spring 2018.


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WELL MADE. WELL LOVED. WELL LIVED. For more than 45 years, Peacock Alley has been known for luxurious linens. Family-owned and operated, with a reputation for quality and an emphasis on simple luxury, we offer a range of products for every bedroom and bathroom. Our collections are carefully curated in a palette of neutrals that are restful, versatile, and most of all, livable. We are pleased to introduce our Collections Catalog featuring highlights of our product line. WELL MADE: Our bedding and bath collections are constructed with the finest fabrics made in Portugal, Italy and elsewhere around the world. Although we import many products from Europe, we also manufacture and make custom orders in our Dallas design studio. WELL LOVED: In addition to helping you get a better night’s sleep, our sheets actually become softer with each wash. How’s that for even more to love? WELL LIVED: Surround yourself in simple luxuries and use our sheets, towels, pillows and coverlets every day. They are designed to be a part of your daily life: kids, pets and guests included.PEACOCK ALLEY | 1

(cover) Finley Coverlet and Shams, Newport Blanket (top right)Charlotte Sham, Penelope Sham (bottom, left to right) Penelope Duvet Cover, Lizbeth Sham, Oxford Sheet, Charlotte Matelassé, Kate Sham PEACOCK ALLEY | 2

SHEETS & PILLOW CASES SOFT SLUMBER PEACOCK ALLEY SHEETS have graced the beds of fine homes and five-star hotels for more than four decades. From Boutique’s custom-colored, embroidered satin stitch detail, to bestselling Lyric’s ultra-soft, 500 thread count cotton, our range of sheeting options in sateen and percale make the most of every inch.PEACOCK ALLEY | 3

SOPRANO(left)Sheets, Pillow Cases, Duvet Covers,Shams, Sheet Sets, Bed Skirts100% Extra-Long Staple CottonColor Shown: White with matching satinstitch detail at hemAlso Available: Ivory, Linen, PlatinumF/Q, K, T, TF-XL, CAL-K; S, K, E$100 - $555BOUTIQUE(top right, lower right)Sheets, Pillow Cases, Duvet Covers,Shams, Sheet Sets100% Long Staple Cotton PercaleWhite sheet with satin stitch detail at hemavailable in 18 colors (see back for selection)Q, K, T, TF-XL, CAL-K; S, K, E$55 - $340SHOWN WITH: Vienna Coverlet andShams, All Seasons Blanket PEACOCK ALLEY | 4


MANDALAY CUFF(left)Sheets, Pillow Cases,Duvet Covers, Shams100% Long Staple Cotton Percalewith 100% Linen CuffWhite sheeting with attached linen cuffavailable in 8 colors (see back for selection)F/Q, K, T, TF-XL, CAL-K; S, K, E$100 - $395SHOWN WITH: Mandalay DuvetCover and ShamsDUET(right)Sheets, Pillow Cases,Duvet Covers, Shams100% Long Staple Cotton SateenJacquard StripeColor Shown: WhiteAlso Available: IvoryF/Q, K, T, TF-XL, CAL-K; S, K, E$55 - $215SHOWN WITH: Montauk Coverletand Shams, Riviera Blanket PEACOCK ALLEY | 6


LYRIC VIRTUOSO(left) EMMASheets, Pillow Cases, Duvet OVERTURECovers, Shams100% Extra-Long Staple Cotton Percale PEACOCK ALLEY | 8with Double Row Hemstitch at hemColor Shown: IvoryAlso Available: Linen, Platinum, WhiteQ, K, CAL-K; S, K, E$180 - $495VIRTUOSO(top right)Sheets, Pillow Cases, DuvetCovers, Shams100% Extra-Long Staple Cotton Sateenwith Double Row Hemstitch at hemColors Shown: Platinum, Ivory,White, LinenQ, K, CAL-K; S, K, E$205 - $655EMMA(middle right)Sheets, Pillow Cases, Duvet Covers,Shams, Bed Skirts, Robes100% Long Staple Cotton Sateen withWhite Satin Stitch Detail at hemColors Shown: Blue, Linen, Green,Coral, AquaF/Q, K, T; S, K, E$80 - $395OVERTURE(lower right)Sheets, Pillow Cases, DuvetCovers, Shams100% Long Staple Cotton Sateenwith Embroidered Scallop HemColors Shown: White, IvoryQ, K, T, CAL-K; S, K, E$80 - $395

EMBROIDERED SHEETS FINE DETAILS When it comes to design, it’s the details that make the difference. That’s why we hope you’ll take advantage of our individualized, in-house, artisan embroidery options. With numerous thread colors and styles, our embroidered sheet collections were designed to coordinate with other items in our product line.PEACOCK ALLEY | 9

TEMPO(upper left)Sheets, Pillow Cases100% Extra-Long Staple Cotton SateenWhite sheet with embroidered cuff detailavailable in 18 colors (see back for selection)F/Q, K, T, TF-XL, CAL-K; S, K$115 - $270CONCERTO(middle left)Sheets, Pillow Cases100% Extra-Long Staple Cotton SateenWhite sheet with embroidered cuff detailavailable in 18 colors (see back for selection)F/Q, K, T, TF-XL, CAL-K; S, K$115 - $270STANZA(lower left)Sheets, Pillow Cases100% Extra-Long Staple Cotton SateenWhite sheet with embroidered cuff detailavailable in 18 colors (see back for selection)F/Q, K, T, TF-XL, CAL-K; S, K$115 - $270MELODY(right)Sheets, Pillow Cases100% Extra-Long Staple Cotton SateenWhite sheet with embroidered edge detailavailable in 18 colors (see back for selection)F/Q, K, T, TF-XL, CAL-K; S, K$115 - $270 PEACOCK ALLEY | 10


PENELOPE (this page) Duvet Covers, Shams 100% Cotton PiquéGarment Washed Finish White F/Q, K, T; S, K, E $135 - $575 MODERN HEIRLOOM THE WHITE BED Our founder, Mary Ella Gabler, describes a white bed as “the little black dress” of bedding. White beds are at the heart of Peacock Alley’s product line. Sleek and modern or tumbled and casual, our bedding covers a wide range of looks. Modern Heirloom is our collection of white bed linens featuring dressmaker details and quality craftsmanship. PEACOCK ALLEY | 12


KATE(left)Duvet Covers, Shams100% Cotton Sateen withEyelet Lace InsetWhiteF/Q, K, T; S, K, E$135 - $575CADENCE(right)Sheets, Pillow Cases, DuvetCovers, Shams100% Cotton Sateen with ClassicLattice Lace InsetWhiteF/Q, K, T; S, K, E$115 - $630 PEACOCK ALLEY | 14


LIZBETH(left)Duvet Covers, Shams100% Cotton Garment Washed Finish inSeersucker DesignWhiteF/Q, K, T; S, K, E$135 - $575LYRIC(right)Sheets, Pillow Cases,Duvet Covers, Shams100% Extra-Long Staple Cotton Percalewith Double Row Hemstitch at hemColor Shown: WhiteAlso Available: Linen, Platinum, IvoryQ, K, CAL-K; S, K, E$180 - $495SHOWN WITH: Juliet Coverlet PEACOCK ALLEY | 16


DECORATIVE DUVETS & SHAMS CALM BY DESIGN Create a quiet respite by selecting just the right duvet and shams for your bedroom. A yarn-dyed Italian jacquard, a dreamy print, or a subtly woven cotton, it’s all about timeless design in calming neutrals.BIAGIO BIAGIO(this page) MONTAUKDuvet Covers, Shams, Decorative PEACOCK ALLEY | 18Pillows, Bed Skirts, Fabric By TheYard 100% Cotton SateenYarn-Dyed JacquardColors Shown: Linen, Mist, Blue withcomplimentary color satin stitch detailF/Q, K, T; S, K, E$190 - $1,025MONTAUK(left)Coverlets, Shams, Bed Skirts,Decorative Pillows100% Cotton Matelassé in PebbledDesign with Framed Border(Framed border not ondecorative pillows)Colors Shown: Linen, White,Pearl, PlatinumF/Q, K, T; S, K, E$115 - $395

DECORATIVE DUVETS & SHAMS BLUE & WHITE Whether blue serves as the accent to an all-white ensemble or the background to a dark, moody master, the blue and white bed always looks fresh.PEACOCK ALLEY | 19

MANDALAY CUFF(left)Sheets, Pillow Cases,Duvet Covers, Shams100% Long Staple CottonPercale with 100% Linen CuffWhite sheeting with attached linen cuffavailable in 8 colors (see back for selection)F/Q, K, T, TF-XL, CAL-K; S, K, E$100 - $395SHOWN WITH: Tempo EmbroideredCuff Sheets and Pillow Cases,Margaux Sham and Mandalay NavySquare Pillow with MonogramMARGAUX(top right)Duvet Covers, Shams, DecorativePillows, Bed Skirts, Fabric By The Yard100% Cotton Sateen in Floral PrintNavyF/Q, K, T; S, K, E$145 - $620SHOWN WITH: Angelina NavyCoverlet and Shams, Tempo SheetsVERONICA(lower right)Duvet Covers, Shams, DecorativePillows, Fabric By The Yard100% Cotton Sateen in Floral PrintNavyF/Q, K, T; S, K, E$145 - $620SHOWN WITH: Oxford Coverlet PEACOCK ALLEY | 20


BAROQUE(left)Duvet Covers, Shams, Grand Euro,Fabric By The Yard55% Linen/45% Rayon in Damask PrintLinenF/Q, K, T; S, K, E$160 - $675SHOWN WITH: HamiltonQuilted CoverletALENA(right)Duvet Covers, Shams100% Cotton Sateen in Medallion PrintColor Shown: LinenAlso Available: AquaF/Q, K, T; S, K, E$145 - $620 PEACOCK ALLEY | 22


MARCELLA(left)Duvet Covers, Shams100% Cotton Sateen Yarn-DyedJacquard in Damask DesignColor Shown: PlatinumAlso Available: MistF/Q, K, T; S, K, E$160 - $675SHOWN WITH: Lucia Coverletand ShamsRAFFAELLA(top right)Duvet Covers, Shams, DecorativePillows, Bed Skirts, Fabric By The Yard100% Cotton Yarn-Dyed Jacquard inFloral and Lattice DesignChampagneF/Q, K, T, CAL-K$180 - $1,025SHOWN WITH: Angelina Coverlet,Rio Linen EurosPOMPEI(lower right)Duvet Covers, Shams, DecorativePillows, Bed Skirts, Fabric By The Yard100% Cotton Yarn-Dyed Jacquard inFloral DesignChampagneF/Q, K, T, CAL-K$180 - $1,025SHOWN WITH: Rio Linen Shams FLORA MARCELLA PEACOCK ALLEY | 24


CHLOE(left)Duvet Covers, Shams100% Cotton Sateen inScatter Floral PrintFloralF/Q, K, T; S, K, E$135 - $575SHOWN WITH: Hamilton QuiltedCoverlet and Shams, Soprano Pillow CasesFLORA(right)Duvet Covers, Shams, DecorativePillows, Bed Skirts, Fabric By The Yard100% Cotton Sateen in Floral PrintPlatinumF/Q, K, T, CAL-K$145 - $620SHOWN WITH: Montauk Coverletand Shams, Mandalay Cuff Sheet PEACOCK ALLEY | 26

LUCIA (this page) Coverlets, Shams, Decorative Pillows, Fabric By The Yard 70% Cotton/30% Silk Boutis in Mosaic Design Color Shown: Champagne Also Available: Pearl, Platinum, White F/Q, K, T; S, K, E $305 - $1,225 SHOWN WITH: Lyric Sheets and ShamsPEACOCK ALLEY | 27

COVERLETS & MATELASSÉS COVER UP The coverlet adds textural interest and layers in styles from traditional tomodern for the perfect finishing touch. In different weights and weaves, our coverlets are a key element of the well-dressed bed.LUCIA PEACOCK ALLEY | 28


MONTAUK HAMILTON(left)Coverlets, Shams, Bed Skirts100% Cotton Matelasséin Pebbled Design(Framed Border not onDecorative Pillows)Color Shown: WhiteAlso Available: Linen, Pearl, PlatinumF/Q, K, T; S, K, E$115 - $395SHOWN WITH: Hamilton QuiltedCoverlet, Soprano Sheets and ShamsHAMILTON(left and top right)Coverlets, Shams100% Cotton in Quilted Pebble DesignColors Shown: White, Pearl,Linen, PlatinumF/Q, K, T; S, K, E$135 - $530ANGELINA(lower right)Coverlets, Shams, Decorative Pillows,Bed Skirts, Shower Curtains100% Cotton Piqué with Striped BorderColor Shown: LinenAlso Available: Flint, Navy, Pearl, WhiteF/Q, K, T, CAL-K; S, K, E$125 - $440 PEACOCK ALLEY | 30

TEXTURE AS COLOR blandit Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim am veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper sus.PEACKCOOCCKKAALLELYEY | | 3131

FINLEY OXFORD(left) CHARLOTTECoverlets, Shams100% Cotton Matelassé in VIENNAGeometric Design PEACOCK ALLEY | 32WhiteF/Q, K, T; S, K, E$125 - $395SHOWN WITH:Newport BlanketOXFORD(top right)Coverlets, Shams, DecorativePillows, Bed Skirts70% Cotton/30% PolyesterMatelassé in Diamond DesignColors Shown: White, IvoryF/Q, K, T; S, K, E$115 - $350CHARLOTTE(middle right)Coverlets, Shams100% Cotton Matelassé in VintageMedallion DesignWhiteF/Q, K, T; S, K, E$115 - $395VIENNA(lower right)Coverlets, Shams, Decorative Pillows,Bed Skirts, Shower Curtains,Fabric By The Yard100% Cotton Matelassé inMedallion DesignColors Shown: White, Linen, IvoryF/Q, K, T, CAL-K; S, K, E$100 - $315


JULIET(left)Coverlets, Shams100% Cotton Garment WashedFinish in Textured Basket Weave DesignColors Shown: White, Linen,Platinum, IvoryF/Q, K, T; S, K, E$115 - $395ALYSSA(top right)Coverlets, Shams, Decorative Pillows,Bed Skirts, Shower Curtains, Bed Rests,Fabric By The Yard100% Cotton Matelassé in DiamondDesign with Stitched Detail in FlangeColor Shown: WhiteAlso Available: Natural, NavyF/Q, K, T, CAL-K; S, K, E$100 - $315OLIVIA(lower right)Coverlets, Shams, Decorative Pillows,Fabric By The Yard100% Cotton Boutis inGeometric DesignColors Shown: White, LinenF/Q, K, T; S, K, E$205 - $875 PEACOCK ALLEY | 34

BLANKETS WARM WELCOME For colder climates and when nights get chilly, add a layer of warmth with our cotton, wool, or alpaca blankets. Our All Seasons blanket is a customer favorite for simple, super-soft, easy care luxury that is practical and beautiful.PEACOCK ALLEY | 35

ALL SEASONS(left)Blankets, Crib Blankets, Throw100% Brushed Cotton withTextured BindingColors Shown: Flint, White, Natural, LinenF/Q, K, T, S-K$65 - $270RIVIERA(right)Blankets100% Cotton Woven Waffle DesignColors Shown: Linen, Flint, White, PearlF/Q, K, T$135 - $180 PEACOCK ALLEY | 36

ALTA (left) Blankets 65% Cotton/35% Acrylic Reversible with Whipstitch Detail Colors Shown: White reverses to Linen Pearl reverses to Flint F/Q, K, T $180 - $235 ANGELO (top right) Blankets 52% Alpaca/48% Cotton Reversible with Mitered Borders Colors Shown: Linen, Flint F/Q, K $665 - $790 NEWPORT (lower right) Blankets 100% Cotton Tricot Basket Weave Design White F/Q, K, T $150 - $215PEACOCK ALLEY | 37



MONOGRAMS MAKE IT PERSONAL Custom monogram options add a personal touch like no other. We offer many different personalization possibilities for sheets, shams,decorative pillows, shower curtains and towels— little luxuries that make all the difference. PEPAEAKCOCK ALLEY | 40

LINEN FOR THE LOVE OF LINEN Our best-selling linens are high quality, ideal for custom projects and finished in our Dallas design studio. RIO This mid-weight linen is available in corded or satin stitched styles on many different products including coverlets, duvet covers, pillow shams, decorative pillows and bed skirts. MANDALAY Featured as a cuff on pillow cases and sheets and available in duvet covers, shams, bed skirts and decorative pillows, Mandalay is our lightest weight linen. Choose from a neutral assortment of colors and add it as a border to duvet covers and shams. Mandalay was designed to work with other products in our line.PEACOCK ALLEY | 41

RIO SATIN STITCHDUVET & SHAMS(left)Coverlets, Duvet Covers, Shams,Decorative Pillows, Bed Skirts,Fabric By The Yard100% Linen with Satin Stitch DetailLinen available in 8 colors(see back for selection)Satin stitch detail availablein 18 colors (see back for selection)F/Q, K, T, CAL-K, S-K; S, K, E$135 - $925SHOWN WITH: Boutique Sheets,Pillow Cases and DuvetMANDALAY DUVET& SHAMS(top right)Duvet Covers, Shams, DecorativePillows, Bed Skirts, Fabric By The Yard100% Linen with Color CordingLinen available in 8 colors(see back for selection)F/Q, K, T; S, K, E$125 - $675SHOWN WITH: Mandalay CuffSheets and Pillow CasesRIO SATIN STITCH &RIO CORDED MADETO ORDER PILLOWS(lower right)Boudoir, Grand Euro, Oblongwith Satin StitchLinen available in 8 colors(see back for selection)Satin stitch detail available in18 colors (see back for selection)Bolster, Boudoir, Grand Euro, Oblong,Square with CordingLinen available in 8 colors(see back for selection)Cord detail available in 8 colors(see back for selection)$135 - $305 PEACOCK ALLEY | 42


PIQUÉ(left and monogrammed at right)Coverlets, Duvet Covers, Shams,Decorative Pillows, Bed Skirts,Bed Rests, Shower Curtains,Robes, Fabric By The Yard100% Cotton Piqué with TrimWhite with trim detail availablein 7 colors (see back for selection)F/Q, K, T; S, K, E$90 - $485SHOWN WITH: Rio Bed Skirts,Emma Linen Sheets and Shams,Rio Grand EurosMANDALAY SHAM(Lagoon color shown at right)Duvet Covers, Shams, DecorativePillows, Bed Skirts, Fabric By The Yard100% Linen with Color CordingLinen available in 8 colors(see back for selection)F/Q, K, T; S, K, E$125 - $675SHOWN WITH: Majorca Throws,Emma Pillow Cases MONOGRAM CUSTOM STORY tetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore mang elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna ali- quam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim am veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper sus. PEACOCK ALLEY | 44

DOWN DUVET 100% White European Goose Down 100% Cotton Sateen Down-Proofed Shell White Q, K, T $305 - $550 DOWN ALTERNATIVE DUVET 100% Hypoallergenic Poly Dacron® Fill 100% Cotton Sateen Shell White Q, K, T $190 - $260 DOWN PILLOW 100% White European Goose Down 100% Cotton Sateen Pillow Protector White S, K $180 - $280 DOWN ALTERNATIVE PILLOW 100% Hypoallergenic Poly Dacron® Fill 100% Cotton Sateen Pillow Protector White S, K, E $70 - $95PEACOCK ALLEY | 45

DOWN & DOWN ALTERNATIVE THE SLEEPWELL COLLECTIONThe Sleep Well Collection of down and down alternative duvets, pillows and mattress enhancers is designed to give you the best sleep ever. Each item is made with our commitment to excellence and quality craftsmanship. DOWN Light, lofty, and breathable, down is known as nature’s insulator. Duringsleep, tiny air pockets form inside down clusters. The trapped air adapts to the body’s temperature while also wicking away moisture. We’ve selected a 650 fill power in a weight that is perfect for year round comfort. Our down goes through a 15-step process to receive its ultra-clean rating. DOWN ALTERNATIVE For those sensitive to allergens, we selected a hypoallergenic, down-free poly Dacron® fill. This alternative is not only easy to maintain, but lofts and compresses like the real thing.White European Dacron® Down Goose Down Alternative PEACOCK ALLEY | 46


DOWN PILLOW(left)100% White European Goose Down100% Cotton Sateen Pillow Protector650 Fill Power in Medium and Firm WeightsWhiteS, K$180 - $280DOWN ALTERNATIVEPILLOW(left)100% Hypoallergenic Poly Dacron® Fill with100% Cotton Sateen Pillow ProtectorMedium and Firm WeightsWhiteS, K, E$70 - $95DOWN ALTERNATIVEMATTRESS ENHANCER(top right)100% Hypoallergenic Sorona® Fill100% Cotton Sateen Shell withFull Elastic SkirtWhiteQ, K, T$190 - $295PILLOW PROTECTOR(lower right)100% Cotton Sateen with Hidden ZipperWhiteS, K$25 - $30BOX SPRING COVER(lower right)100% Cotton Matelassé Diamond PatternColor Shown: WhiteAlso Available: IvoryQ, K, T, CAL-K$90 - $150 PEACOCK ALLEY | 48

BATH JUBILEE OUTFIT (this page) YOUR Bath, Hand, Wash, Sheet OASIS 100% Cotton Granité Get ready for relaxation with a spa-like Weave with Border experience courtesy of the perfect 600 Gram Weight bath linens from Peacock Alley. Color Shown: White All are crafted for maximum softness, Also Available: Flint, Ivory, Linen ease of drying, and are available in our $11 - $72 signature neutrals.PEACOCK ALLEY | 49

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