LANDSCAPE 仙境 FAIRYLAND By Shiping Li Mobile Phone 编辑评语: 此片胜在风景确实很 美,这是风光摄影的精髓,虽然 没有精彩的光色,但在旅行途中 的手机拍摄由此质量令人惊艳, 大白天尽然没有明显过曝光、反 光。人物占画幅比例再小一些就 更好 Editor’s Comments: This photo portrays very beautiful scenery, which is the essence of landscape photography. Although there is no wonderful light and color, the quality of the cell phone shots are quite impressive. It was shot in daylight without obvious over-exposure and reflection, but it would be better if the character took up a smaller portion of the shot. 50
LANDSCAPE 东 方 白, 春色映 山 Spring colors on the Mountain By Ann Fong iPhone 7 Plus 古北水镇是北京郊区密云的文化地 标。远处山上有明代古长城遗址, 山脚下有基于古北口镇重建的村落。 作品表现清晨的阳光从东方升起, 照耀着有古长城的山坡和朴雅的北 方青灰砖民居建筑群。春花杨柳为 水边的街景添色。 Gubei Water Town is a cultural landmark in Miyun, a suburb of Beijing. In the distance, you can see the ruins of the ancient Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty on the hill. At the foot of the hill is a village based on the reconstructed town of Gubeikou. This photograph shows the early morning sunrise from the east. It shines on the slopes with the ancient Great Wall and the simple and elegant northern green and gray brick residential buildings, with spring flowers and willows add color to the waterfront streetscape. 编辑评语: 非常优秀的主题,富含中 国文化韵味,清新雅致。摄影的前 后期技巧都有待提高,尤其是光影 的把控能力,天空有大片过曝光需 要改善 Editor’s Comments: There is an excellent theme here, rich in Chinese cultural flavor while retaining freshness and elegance. However, the pre- and post-photography skills could be further developed – the sky has a large area of overexposure. Additionally, the ability to control light and shadow in post-processing could use work. 51
LANDSCAPE 编辑评语: 精致拱门美国的代表 性地标,主题突出,同时略显突 兀缺乏铺垫,环境氛围营造不足, 前期构图及后期技术有待提高 Editor's Comments: The Delicate Arch is a renowned landmark in the United States. In this photo, the theme is prominent; however, there is slightly a lack of table setting for what follows. The environmental atmosphere is lacking something, as do the composition and post-processing. INCREDIBLE GRANDNESS By Mei Yong Canon EOS R5 RF 24–105mm F4 L IS USM lens This photo was taken in front of the Delicate Arch in Arch National Park during sunset. Aperture f/10 Shutter Spee 1/80 ISO 100 52
LANDSCAPE 编辑评语:作品色调对比恰到好 处,恰有海鸟飞过月亮动静皆宜, 不足之处在于前景黑暗处太黑, 细节丢失,同时前景也略显平淡. Editor’s Comments: With seabirds flying over the moon, the contrast of tones is just right. The shortcoming here is that some details are lost because the foreground is too dark and a little flat. 明 月 清辉 BRIGHT MOON WITH CLEAR LIGHT By Connie Wang 53
LANDSCAPE 摄 影 师 : 张 廷 By: Zhang Ting Editor’s Comments: Gorgeous colors, perfect reflections, and a peaceful atmosphere. 编辑评语:作品色彩绚烂,倒影完美,氛围宁静 54
LANDSCAPE 编辑评语: 比较现代概念的摄 影手法,光影构图还可以再推 敲推敲 Editor’s Comments: This is a good take on a modern approach to photography, but the composition of the light and shadows could be further refined. YELLOW RHYTHM 黄 色 韵 律 By Feng Chai Nikon D810 克罗拉多的秋天层林尽染黄色,就像大自然用写下的一首歌。 70-200mm f/2.8 The yellow colors of the Colorado fall look like a song, written by nature. Aperture f/11 55 Shutter Speed 0.8 ISO 100 Post Processing Software Photoshop
LANDSCAPE SUNSET IN BOSTON By Yan Johnson Nikon Z7 Nikon 24-70mm 编辑评语: 美丽的波士顿日落。后期曝光度可以再提高一点 Editor’s Comments: A beautiful Boston sunset. In post-processing, Aperture F11 there could have been more adjustments made to the exposure. Shutter Speed 1/120 ISO 100 56
LANDSCAPE MILKY WAY By Yan Johnson Nikon Z7 14mm 编辑评语: 浩瀚星空璀璨银河的完美呈现,无论拍摄技术、取景、构图、后期都堪称完美。 Editor’s Comments: This photo is the perfect presentation of the vast starry sky and the dazzling Aperture F2.8 Milky Way. The shooting techniques, framing, composition, and post-production are perfect. Shutter Speed 20s ISO 2500 57
LANDSCAPE 初升的新月与古老的教堂 Very 创作思路:新月月月年年有,如 The rising crescent moon 果单单拍月亮,不仅很难表现思 and the old church 58 想与情绪,在艺术角度来讲也过 By Sam Song 于贫乏。月亮通常得结合地面的 景物, 在艺术上才完美,在韵 Nikon D850 味上才完整。在这次的拍摄中, Nikon 24-70/2.8 通过天文计算,把初升的新月与 古老的教堂构成一幅图片,以表 Aperture 5.6 达宇宙万物的新生与古老,相依 Shutter Speed 1/30\" 与相伴。 ISO 800 When we photograph the Moon Post Processing Software alone, it’s difficult to use it as an expression of thoughts, emotions, LR/PS or artistry. Typically, the Moon must be combined with a landscape in order to gain artistic strength and rhythm. In this photo, we used astronomer calculations to find the optimal time to combine the rising moon and the old church; what resulted was a photo that expresses the nascency & antiquity of the universe, and the companionship of all things. 编辑评语: 画意画质都很好 Editor’s Comments: High quality and strong concept!
LANDSCAPE 死 亡 谷 By Ti Wang 编辑评语:死亡谷的著名景点,竖拍横接片,构思巧妙,拍出了与众不同的作品,不足之处在于前景平平,主题不够突出。 Editor’s Comments: The photo shows the famous Death Valley, the hottest place on Earth. The photographer vertically shot a series of pictures and did a panorama merge in post-processing. It is a clever idea and the photo came out extraordinary. Some areas that could be improved is the foreground, which is slightly flat, and bringing the theme into stronger focus. 59
LANDSCAPE ACADIA NATIONAL PARK By Zongwei Wang Canon R Canon 24-105mm at 58mm 秋 日 的 早 晨 。 Acadia National Park. 迎 面 开 来 的 两 辆 车 , 为 宁 静 而 色 彩 斑 斓 的 山 间 增 添 了 动 感 。 Aperture 8 编辑评语: 优美的新英格兰秋色,安静优雅,色彩搭配到位。构图可以再推敲推敲,高光略不足 Shutter Speed 1/100s Editor’s Comments: The beautiful autumn of New England -- quiet, and elegant. The color matching is exquisite, but the composition and highlighting could use some tinkering. ISO 200 60
Sam Song 表演艺术摄影 Editor’s Words PERFORMING ARTS 编辑导言 Performing arts photography encapsulates countless different kinds of performances, such as dance, figure skating, 表演艺 术 ( Performing Arts)摄 影包 括舞 蹈 摄影 ,花 样 and gymnastics; of these, dance is the most common. Dance 滑冰摄影, 艺术体操摄影等,其中舞蹈摄影最为常见。在 photography within itself can range from stage dance 舞蹈摄影中,可以是舞台舞蹈摄影, 也可以是户外以及影 photography to outdoor and studio dance photography. 棚舞蹈摄影。 The biggest challenge in performing arts photography 表演艺 术 ( Performing Arts)摄 影的 最大 挑 战是 要 在表 is capturing the most beautiful moments of an actor or athlete 演的动态中抓拍到演员或运动员表演的最美瞬间。 要做到 during the dynamics of their performance. To do this, you 这一点,不能指望碰运气,而是要不断地刻苦学习和练习。 can‘t expect to get lucky – you must learn well and practice 一个好的表演艺术摄影师, 要了解你所拍摄的对象,懂所 hard. A good performing arts photographer understands the 拍的表演项目,如舞,滑冰和体操等, 懂音乐, 懂灯光, subjects they are shooting down to the very last detail – the 能够根据表演动作,音乐和灯光的变化,预先判断最美瞬 music, lighting, scene changes, and many more – and using 间的到来,做好抓拍那个最美瞬间的准备,确保最美瞬间 that knowledge to anticipate when the perfect moment will 到来时,能够准确无误地抓拍到。 appear. 61
PERFORMING ART 舞 DANCE By Sam Song Nikon D850 24-70/2.8 f/4.0, 1/350” ISO 1600 62
PERFORMING ART 编辑评语:这张照片为了表现运 动或水袖动态,用了慢门拍摄。 从慢门拍摄的角度来讲,这张照 片的拍摄是成功的。这张照片如 果清晰的部分多一些,演员动作 整齐一些,可能会更好。 Editor’s Comments: Water sleeves hold a special place in traditional Chinese performing arts. Thanks to the slow shutter speed, this photo demonstrates the beauty of water sleeves in motion. This photo was taken with a slow shutter speed to represent the movement and the dynamics of water sleeves. In the context of slow shutter speed shots, this is a successful shot – however, it could have been enhanced by more visual clarity and better capture of the actors. 水 袖 WATER SLEEVES By Ziming Zheng Nikon D810 70-200 F2.8 水袖是中国传统表演艺术中的一种特殊形式。这张照片在慢速快门下,展示了 Aperture 7.1 水袖在运动过程中的美感。 Shutter Speed 1/8 Water sleeves is special in Chinese traditional performing arts. With slow ISO 800 shutter speed, this photo significantly demonstrate the beauty of water sleeves during movement. 63
PERFORMING ART 编辑评语:舞台表演慢门拍摄表 现舞蹈动态很具挑战性。因为在 瞬间要决定正确的快门速度非常 不容易。正确的慢门速度要保证 该模糊地方模糊,该清晰的地方 清晰。这张照片成功地解决了模 糊与清晰的矛盾体。 Editor’s Comments: Slow shutter shooting of stage performances is always challenging, because it is very difficult to reflexively decide the correct shutter speed. The correct shutter speed should ensure the separation of the areas meant to be blurred, and the areas meant to be clear. This photograph successfully resolves the contradiction between blurriness and clarity. ROTATE 旋 转 By Ziming Zheng Nikon D810 70-200 F2.8 当舞者重叠在一起并旋转扇子时,我认为这是描述动作的好时机。所以我降低了快门速 Aperture 3.2 度,专注于第一个舞者,同时捕捉到身后的舞者动作的轨迹。 Shutter Speed 1/250 I thought that the overlapping dancers and the rotating fans made for a great moment to ISO 3200 capture the unique movements of the performance. I reduced my shutter speed and focused on the first dancer; as a result, the dancers behind were caught with a trace of their moment. 64
Sam Song 人像摄影 Editor’s Words PORTRAIT 编辑 导言 - Editor’s Words The aim of portrait photography is to capture not only the appearance of a person, but also their 人像摄影的目的是不仅要捕捉一个人的外表,而且要捕 personality. Portraits should tell a person’s story, and care 捉他的个性。人像摄影应该讲述一个人的故事,必须要准确 must be taken to portray them accurately. Lighting is of 描绘他们。光线对人像摄影非常重要;某些设置可以增强某 particular importance to portraits; certain setups can 些身体特征,创造某种氛围,或突出某人脸上的情绪。在这 enhance certain physical characteristics, create a certain 种形式下,背景通常不太被强调。虽然可以添加元素来表达 mood, or accentuate the emotions on someone’s face. In 主体的某些东西,但其主要目的是为主体创造一个合适的背 this format, backdrops typically are less emphasized. 景。然而,环境人像摄影的背景在环境人像摄影中更为重要 While elements can be added to express certain things ,因为它的重点是捕捉环境中的人物形象。由于有必要在照 about the subject, their main purpose is to create a 片中说明被摄者的生活氛围,因此要使用更具体的背景。 suitable background for the subject. However, backdrops are more important in environmental portrait photography, which focuses on capturing images of people in the environment. Since it is necessary to illustrate the subject’s lifestyle in the photo, more specific backgrounds should be used. 65
PORTRAIT 编 辑 评 语 : 这 张 是 从 T he Steampunk Event 现 场 抓 拍 的 人 像照片。人像照片的精华是神态, 最表现神态的部分是眼神。当观 者眼睛扫过这张照片时,你会不 由自主地被片中的模特眼神所吸 引,并与之交流,这就是人像成 功的所在。 Editor’s Comments: This is a portrait photo taken at a steampunk event. The essence of the portrait photo is the look, and the most expressive part of the look is the eye. When the viewer's eyes sweep over the photo, their attention is naturally attracted to the model’s eyes, which is where the portrait succeeds. GIRL 女子 By Yan Johnson Nikon Z9 Nikon 24-120mm A cosplayer at a steampunk event. Aperture F4 Shutter Speed 1/150 ISO 100 66
PORTRAIT PORTRAIT By Daryl Luk 编辑评语:这是一张有故事的人像 片 : 模 特 衣 着 casual, 沐 浴 在 阳 光 下 , 沉醉在自己的美好梦乡。 Editor’s Comments: This is a portrait with a story: the model is dressed casually, bathed in the sun, indulged in her own beautiful dreamland. Canon R Lens Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM Aperture F5 Shutter Speed 1/640s ISO 100 67
PORTRAIT IN THE WOODS By Le Min 编辑评语: 这是一张环境人像照 片。摄影师妥善地利用光线的明 暗和颜色的反差有效地突出了主 体。 模特取稍侧卧姿,面和眼 away from观者,使这张照片增 添含蓄性和探索性。 Editor’s Comments: In this environmental portrait photo, the photographer makes good use of light & darkness and color contrast to effectively highlight the subject. The model is in a slightly side-on position with her face and eyes away from the viewer, adding a subtle exploratory quality to the photo. Nikon d850 Nikon 14-24 Aperture 9 Shutter Speed 1/60 ISO 640 68
PORTRAIT PORTRAIT 编辑评语: 这张照片的取景,构图 By Daryl Luk 和用光都恰到好处。 摩托车牌号交 代了小城所在。狭巷后方的光线与 Canon EOS 5D Mark III 地面水印的反射光,交相辉映洒落 EF24-105mm f/4L IS USM 在模特身上,有效地使模特成为了 这张照片的视觉交叉点。 Aperture F4.5 Shutter Speed 1/100s Editor's Comments: The framing, composition and lighting ISO 400 of this photo is just right. The light behind the narrow alley and the reflected light from the water on the ground radiate onto the model, effectively making the model the visual intersection of the photo. 69
PORTRAIT 编辑评语:这张照片背景虚化的很好, 有效地突出了人物主体。 Editor's Comments: The background is well blurred in this photo, effectively highlighting the subject. LADY By Cary Chu Canon Mark 4 EF70-200mm f/2.8L USM Aperture f4 Shutter Speed 1/100 ISO 800 Post Processing Software Photoshop 70
Cary Chu 静物摄影 STILL LIFE 编辑导言 Editor’s Words -朱健雄 拍摄一些无生命物体的照片,称为静物摄影。 静物摄影可以细分为许多不同的类别,如桌面、食 品、产品等等。静物摄影的吸引力在于你可以在一 个非常小的可控空间内尝试构图、照明、主题、景 深和无限的创造力。 While still life photography may seem to be simple on the surface, the study of inanimate objects can be subdivided into many different categories – tabletop, food, products, and so on. The attraction of still life photography is that you can freely experiment with factors such as composition, lighting, subject, and depth of field, giving photographers unlimited creativity in a small, controllable space. SALAD By Cary Chu Canon Mark 4 EF100mm f/2.8 Macro IS USM F8 1.3 s ISO 800 Post Processing Lightroom 71
STILL LIFE 编辑评语: 这张照片采用色彩对比 法--蓝色和橙色。大量的元素但你 不觉凌乱。 侧面照明布局创造了 立体感。 拍摄得很好。 Editor’s Comments: This photo used the color contrast method, with shades of blue and orange, and the side lighting layout effectively enhances the three dimensions. While there are lots of elements, it doesn’t feel too busy visually. Nicely shot! WARMTH By Yan Johnson Nikon Z7 24-70mm The warmth of color, the warmth of seasons, and the warmth of home. Aperture F11 Shutter Speed 1/80 ISO 100 Post Processing Software PS 72
STILL LIFE 编辑评语: 在静物摄影中,照亮反光 的物体是困难的。这张照片的照明很 好。它均匀地盖住了,没有过度曝光 的问题。色温很好。布局很好。唯一 需要注意的是背景。部分背景有很多 噪音。我建议使用背光灯,把物体和 背景分开。 Editor’s Comments: In still photography, it is difficult to properly light shiny and reflective objects, but the lighting here is even with no hot spots. The color temperature and layout are solid as well. The only thing that needs more attention is the background; there’s a lot of noise in part of the background, which could be helped by use of a back light to separate the object from the background. DECORATIVE TEA KETTLE By Conny Feng Canon Mark IV Canon 105 mm Aperture 8 Shutter Speed 1/15 ISO 400 Post Processing Software Lightroom 73
STILL LIFE 编辑评语: 自然光,静物摄影中最受 欢迎的照明方法之一。你可以很容 SUMMER 易地看出光和影。立即纠正。眼前 By Ann Fong 所看到的就是你所得到的。在静物 An ordinary corner is brightened 摄影中,我们大多使用侧光、后侧 by the blooming peony 光的方法。侧光产生阴影,阴影产 iPhone 12 Max 生立体感。这张照片是用了简单的 自然侧光布局。花的层次很明显。 虽然她用了较大的光圈模糊背景, 突出花朵,但后面有很多亮点吸引 了观众的注意力。模糊背景不能解 决这个问题。我会把背景调暗,把 花提亮。增加对比度。还有照片的 左边有点太亮了。 Editor’s Comments: Natural light is one of the most popular lighting methods for still photography, because you can easily spot the light and shadow – the results are immediate, and what you see is what you get. In still light photography, we mostly use side light & back side light method; the side light creates a shadow, which creates a three-dimensional image. This photo has a simple natural side light layout. The layers of the flower are obvious, but despite the use of a larger aperture to blur the background and make the flower pop, there are many bright spots that distract the viewer from the subject. I would prefer to darken the background and lighten the flowers to increase the contrast. 74
街拍 Daniel Tu STREET 编辑导言– 涂军 Editor’s Words 街拍一般是指在在公共场合没有刻意摆弄下拍下的 Street photography generally revolves around to unplanned 自然发生的事情的瞬间。这个瞬间包含了一些人文的涵 moments and spontaneous incidents in public. These moments 义,如人在特定环境下的表情和动作,情感的冲击,或对 often contain some humanistic connotations, such as 社会现象的思考,或人与周遭社会互动中产生的美的光 people's expressions and actions in a specific environment, or 影。用旅人过客的眼光打量周围也许熟悉也许陌生的一 emotional impact through social activities. From the view of 切,期待着每一刻的变化,发现并扑捉有趣的瞬间,感 the photographer, one can also discover beautiful interplay 受城市的脉搏、人和周遭的互动、对比、变迁等等,就 between light and shadow through the interactions between 如人在旅途,就能在这微旅中感受到自己眼前的诗和远 people and their surrounding environments. 方,这也正是街拍的乐趣。街拍有稍纵既逝的随意性和 不确定性,是一种即兴的创作,是光、影、色、物、人 Street photography can be a lot of fun: observing familiar 等元素在自己的感觉和情绪下的独特组合曝光,这就是 or unfamiliar surroundings with the eyes of a traveler, 街拍的艺术魅力。 appreciating every moment of change, discovering and capturing interesting moments, feeling the pulse of the city, seeing the interaction between people and the resulting contrast, shadow, and arrangement changes, and much more. Each street photo opportunity is like its own miniature journey —you can feel the poetic moments of the world revolving around you. The artistic charm of street photography rests on the capture of fleeting randomness and uncertainty. It is an impromptu creation, a unique combination of light, shadow, color, objects, and people under one's own feelings and emotions. 75
STREET 编辑点评:小女孩的眼神,以及集 中在中心女孩身上的灯光,瞬间衬 托出天真无邪的美。口罩确实揭示 了大流行的环境,因此带来了阴影 的悲伤。与其说是街拍,不如说更 像是人像,小孩子的题材很受欢迎, 可能缺乏新奇的方案,但谁能拒绝 一双美丽无辜的眼睛。 Editor’s Comments: The eyes of the middle girl, as well as the lighting centered on her, immediately brings out the beauty of innocence – but not without a shade of sadness, as the mask reminds the viewer of the pandemic. It is more like a portrait than a street photo, and the subject of little kids may lack novelty – but who can resist a pair of innocent eyes like that? TRAIN RIDE By Ti Wang Nikon 850 24-70mm One day, I was sitting on the train across from three sisters, who looked so Aperture f2.8 alike that they could have been triplets. Their innocent and curious expressions Shutter Speed 1/160 drew my attention, so I took their photo! ISO 400 Post Processing Software photoshop 76
STREET FOLLOW MY HEART Nikon 850 By Ti Wang Lens 14-24mm While I was photographing the Aperture f2.8 fireworks on Cape Cod Beach, a red figure appeared on my left. I moved Shutter Speed 1sec my camera just a little bit, and ISO 100 ended up with this shot. 编辑评语: 与女士和心形烟花相匹 配的颜色,完美捕捉瞬间。在日落之 后和完全黑暗之前平衡的低光丰富的 色彩,允许天空和海滩的一些细节。 湿漉漉的沙滩倒影增添了一层梦幻的 油画感,与“随心所欲”的情调自然 相连。它不是“街拍”的街拍,而是 用人的元素捕捉街拍的自发性的瞬间$ Editor’s Comments: This is a great shot of an unplanned moment, with the lady and the heart-shaped fireworks matching in color. The color balance is well done – the low light of dusk creates a rich color, which allows for some detailing on the sky and the beach. The reflection of the beach adds a dreamy oil painting feeling, which naturally connects with the “follow the heart” theme of the photo. It is not strictly speaking a street photo, but nevertheless captures the spontaneity of street photos with a human element. 77
“There is one thing the photo must contain – the humanity of the moment.” – Robert Frank 78
Jodie Chin 生态摄影 WILDLIFE 编辑导言 Editor’s Words 生态摄影是捕捉生灵活动在自然规律中的精彩瞬间。 Wildlife photography is a way to capture the activities of 从而增长对自然生态的认知。用镜头记录它们活动的点 animals in nature while also showing their great beauty. In this 滴,纪录它们展现的美态。同时展示野外生态的大美。 way, we can increase our knowledge of nature while also 唤醒人们对野生动物的爱心,实现人与自然之间的和谐 awaking people’s love for wild animals. As Chinese people 共存。人们所说的“以光为笔,以影为墨,寓情于景”。 sometimes say: \"Light is the brush, shadow is the ink, and emotion is in the scene.” 什么是一张好的野生动物摄影照片? 鉴于各人的见 解与不同的攝影风格,我个人认为尽量让主体突出,通 What is a good wildlife photography photo? In my opinion, I 过光圈调节,虚化背景,或利用长焦镜头的景深来控制 believe it’s best to make the subject stand out by use of aperture 而表现出来,尽量抓拍到动物“眼神光”,更要利用自 adjustment and a telephoto lens to control the depth of field, 然光的逆光和侧逆光去展现主体的质感和轮廓。 creating a bokeh background. 画面清晰也是最基本的要求,独特的拍摄角度,精 The use of light is also important. By correctly utilizing and 准的构图,准确的曝光参数,而且可能的情况下尽量用 manipulating natural light, one can catch the highlights of an 脚架,这样出片的成功率更大。后期制作也是十分重要 animal’s eyes. By using natural light as a backlight and as a back 的,二次构图可以让整个画面更加精彩。 sidelight, one can also show the textures and contours of their bodies. Making the picture clear is the most basic requirement. However, having a unique shooting angle, a good composition, and accurate exposure parameters may help make your photos better; the use of a tripod is also helpful in this regard. Post- processing is similarly important; the secondary composition of the picture can be a great aid in making the picture more exciting. 79
WILD LIFE Nikon D850 600mm Aperture F7.1 Shutter Speed 2500 ISO 1250 抢食世界 By Jodie Chin 只见一只鸬鹚刚捕获了一条大鱼,另外的一只立马飞了过来抢,接下来就是一番激战的画 面,说时迟 那时快,猛按快门,便收获了这精彩的瞬间。 I saw a cormorant who had just caught a big fish, and another immediately tried to swipe it from him. What followed was a fierce battle! With a press of the shutter, this wonderful moment was captured. 80
WILD LIFE Canon 1DX Mark IV 600mm, f 6.3 1/2000s, ISO3200 编辑评语:漂亮的戴胜鸟,头上有扇 状羽冠,头颈部有桔红色和棕色的羽 戴胜鸟 母子 By Mei Hu 毛,翅膀和尾羽为黑白相间的颜色, 新疆野外寻鸟系列之一! 要比大部分常见的鸟类都漂亮。 戴胜鸟更是个奇葩,巢穴里臭翻天, 雏鸟的粪便堆积在巢穴里。每到孵化 季节,还会从腺体里分泌一种油状物 质,呈黑棕色,闻起来臭不可闻,原 来这臭烘烘的味道是用来驱赶天敌, 保护幼鸟的安全。戴胜鸟不善筑巢, 它们往往会选择树洞,洞穴,还会抢 夺啄木鸟的巢穴。 戴胜鸟的实力不如 啄木鸟,把巢穴弄得臭烘烘的,啄木 鸟无法入住,自然就归戴胜鸟所有了。 Editor’s Comments: The beautiful Eurasian hoopoe can be identified by its fan-like crown of feathers on its head, orange and brown feathers on its head and neck, and black and white wings and tail feathers. Eurasian hoopoe is a strange species; its nest is typically filled with feces from its chicks. During the hatching season an oily, foul-smelling dark brown substance is secreted from their glands, which is used to repel predators and protect the young birds. Eurasian hoopoes are poor nesters and typically chose tree holes and caves, even stealing the nests of woodpeckers on occasion! Because the Eurasian hoopoes make the nests smell terrible, the woodpeckers give up on reclaiming their nests, leaving their possession to the hoopoes. 81
WILD LIFE 编辑评语:每年在感恩节的前后, 都会吸引大批的国内外摄影发烧友 前往马里兰的大坝追拍美国国鸟 《白头鹰》。 摄影师利用了长焦镜头抓拍了这捕 获鱼后凌空的精彩时刻。 从鹰妈妈的眼神里可以看出,很可 能是在训练幼鹰接获食物。 Editor’s Comments: The annual Conowingo Dam shoot is one of the most enjoyable events of the year for photography enthusiasts, who flock to the dam for the chance to capture bald eagles in flight. Every year around Thanksgiving, many domestic and international photographers head to Conowingo Dam in Maryland to photograph America’s national bird: the bald eagle. This photographer used a telephoto lens to capture this wonderful moment of a bald eagle flying with fish in its claws. From the way the eyes of the mother eagle were pointing, it is likely that she was training her young birds to catch food. GOT IT ! By Li MingWei Canon 1DX 3, 840mm, f/7.1, 1/2500s, ISO 8000 一 年 一 度 的 大 坝 ( Conowingo dam) 追 鹰 。 对 于 摄 影 爱 好 者 来 说 是 一 年 中 最 愉 快 的 拍 摄 之 一 。 The annual Conowingo dam chasing eagles. One of the most enjoyable shoots of the year for photography enthusiasts. 82
WILD LIFE 宽容 By MeiHu Canon 1DX Mark IV, 600mm, f/5.6 ,1/1600s, ISO 1250 编辑评语:黄喉蜂虎,顾名思义, 以蜂类为食,整个蜂虎家族都以艳 “我总爱发脾气,你总在我吵得最凶时闭嘴不言拍打翅膀转圈逗我笑”——朋友们看到这张图片, 丽著称,所有的成员都具有鲜艳的 纷纷编出不同版本的故事,很是开心。 体色,主要以喉部的颜色为区分。 黄喉蜂虎多栖于枯树枝上或灌木上。 \"I always lose my temper, you always shut up when I'm arguing the most, flapping your wings 它们也会在飞行中捕食,一旦飞虫 and turning around to make me laugh\" 临近,迎飞而啄食。 黄喉蜂虎已被列入《世界自然保护 联盟濒危物种红色名录》。 摄影师在这干净没有其他干扰的背 景,抓拍到了这精彩而又生动有趣 的一幕,十分难得。 Editor’s Comments: As their name implies, the European bee-eater feeds on bees. The bee-eater family is known for its visual flair; all members sport some kind of bright body coloration, distinguished mainly by their throats. They tend to perch on dead tree branches or shrubs and hunt in flight, jabbing at flying insects as they approach. Unfortunately, the European bee- eater is on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. This photographer captured a very rare photo of this wonderful and vivid scene, with a clean and undisturbed background. 83
WILD LIFE 编辑评语:橫斑林鴞大部分时间 是在黄昏和夜间猎食,所以要抓 BARRED OWL By kai Dan 拍到牠们的飞版是十分难得的, A barred owl, taking off for a hunt. 因为天色渐渐暗下来的时候,速 度快不了。 而摄影师抓住了黄昏 的光影,用光圈F2.8和1600的 速度,抓拍到这迎面飞来的精彩 瞬间。 Editor’s Comments: This bird typically hunts at dusk and at night, so it is very difficult to capture its flight. The photographer has a good grasp on the light and shadow created by dusk, and used aperture F2.8 and shutter speed 1/1600 to capture this wonderful moment of oncoming flight. Canon R5 400mm Aperture F2.8 Shutter Speed 1/1600s ISO 8000 84
WILD LIFE 编辑评语:晨曦的光把整个湖面 照得粉红粉红的,看到了白鹭悠 然自在地觅食,立马把相机设置 好,只见白鹭寻获的不是小鱼, 而是一颗小石粒! Editor’s Comments: The light of the morning illuminated the entire lake in a pink glow including this egret, who was leisurely foraging. The photographer immediately went for a photo, only to find that the egret had found a stone grain instead of a fish. 粉 色 的晨曦 ~ 白鹭 PINK MORNING LIGHT By Jodie Chin Nikon D850 85 600mm Aperture 4 Shutter Speed 1000 ISO 1100
WILD LIFE 编辑评语:潜鸟分布在北美洲,牠也 是美國明尼苏达州的州鳥。 最吸引 人的是在繁殖期间,其背部羽毛有白 斑纹,这是牠們美麗的繁殖羽毛。潜 鸟也是捕鱼的好手,可以潜到60米 深的水中寻找食物。潜鸟特别怕人, 是挺难遇到的,摄影师能够拍到妈妈 和宝宝的合照实属不易。 Editor's Comments: This diving bird is found in North America and is the state bird of Minnesota. The most attractive thing about it is that during breeding, its back feathers have white markings, marking their beautiful breeding feathers. Divers are also good at fishing and can dive to a depth of 60 meters in search of food. Diving birds are particularly afraid of people – thusly, it is quite difficult to find, and it is not easy for photographers to take pictures of mothers and their babies. AFTERNOON RESTING By kai Dan R5 400 mm A common loon and her babies taking an afternoon nap. Aperture F/5 Shutter Speed 1/1250 妈妈和宝宝正在午睡 ISO 2000 86
WILD LIFE SNOW GEESE TAKING OFF By Mei Yong Canon EOS R5 编辑评语:每年的2月底到3月初, RF100-500mm F4.5-7.1 L IS 是雪雁穿越北美的高峰期,牠们要 下午,我在宾夕法尼亚州的中溪区拍了这张照片。看到这么多雪雁一次起飞, 飞到阿拉斯加繁衍后代,一年迁徙 真是一次奇妙的经历。 USM 一次,一路上经过的地方都要有充 Aperture 6.3 足的水源和食物,所以祖祖辈辈走 I took this photo in Middle Creek. Pennsylvania in the late afternoon. It was Shutter Speed 1/2000 的都是同一条天路,从不更改。北 a fantastic experience to see this massive number of snow geese taking off 美雪雁有三条固定的迁徙路线,而 at once. ISO 640 宾州就是其中的一条,Middle Creek的大湖是雪雁到家之前的最 后一個歇脚处,在那里补给两三个 星期,然后飞回北方的家园中途几 乎不会休息。 摄影师利用了漂亮的晨光,抓拍了 这个震撼的画面。 Editor’s Comments: Every year, when February turns over into March, snow geese begin to migrate north to Alaska. Taking the same routes north their ancestors once did, birds migrate to places where they know sufficient food and water to be so they can safely breed. North American snow geese have three primary migration routes – Pennsylvania being one of them – and the lake in Middle Creek is the last stop for these snow geese, recharging for two or three weeks before finishing their route north. This photographer took advantage of the beautiful morning light to capture this stunning image. 87
WILD LIFE 编辑评语:每年的初夏,是鱼鹰哺 育下一代的时候,通常是鱼鹰爸爸 负责外出捕鱼后带回窝里,鱼鹰妈 妈负责喂食宝宝们。 鱼鹰一家子目光一致注视着爸爸的 归来,这个精彩画面是比较难抓拍 到的,摄影师的前期拍摄和后期制 作都控制得十分到位。 Editor’s Comments: Every summer, ospreys focus on caring for their young. Traditionally, the osprey father is responsible for fishing while the osprey mother takes care of feeding. This osprey family watched the father’s return in unison! This wonderful moment is typically difficult to capture, but this photographer’s pre-shooting and post-production work make it look easy. DAD IS HOME By kai Dan Canon R5 400mm This osprey dad brings home a fish for his family. Aperture F10 Shutter Speed 1/2000 ISO 1600 Post Processing Software PS 88
WILD LIFE AS LIGHT AS A FEATHER by Mei Zhang Canon 5D4 编辑评语:摄影师在低光的情况下, Canon EF 100-400mm 运用了慢门的手法,把白鹭拍出了 洁白朦胧的羽毛,神秘而缥缈,柔 Aperture f18 和而绮丽。 Shutter Speed 1/25s 拍生态的时候,建议在光线不足的 情况下,尝试拍摄慢门。 ISO 100 Post Processing Software 慢门的速度没有一个定数,主要是 根据想要的来确定,一般把快门速 Lightroom 度控制在1/30秒- 1/125秒之间。 光位十分重要的,顺光色彩细腻柔 顺,逆光更显通透和立体。 慢门拍鸟的最高境界:清晰的头部 与虚化的翅膀,虚实对比。 Editor’s Comments: In low light, this photographer used the slow shutter technique to shoot the egret’s hazy white feathers, making the bird look almost ethereal in its beauty. When shooting in nature, it’s recommended to try shooting slowly in case there’s insufficient light. There is no fixed number for this – rather, it should generally be controlled between 1/30 seconds and 1/125 seconds. The position of the light is crucial here – the color is delicate and smooth, while the backlight is transparent and three-dimensional. This is the peak of slow-shutter photography: a clear head and blurred wings, creating a strong contrast. 89
WILD LIFE 编辑评语:蜂鸟是世界上体型最 小的鸟,羽毛闪耀着金属光泽。 能夠以快速拍打翅膀的方式而懸 停在空中,也是唯一可以向后飞 的鸟,蜂鸟飞行的速度是时速90 公里,如果是俯冲的话,时速可 以达到100公里。 Editor’s Comments: Hummingbirds are the smallest bird in the world, with their feathers shining almost metallically in the air. Capable of hovering with their rapid flapping and also being the only bird that can fly backwards, hummingbirds fly at a speed of 90 kilometers per hour and can go up to 100 kilometers per hour if they are swooping. HUMMINGBIRD By Xing Ning Zhao Nikon D 850 500 mm 当我去 AZ 时候,因为沙漠干燥气候,所以植物花卉和鸟类也与新英格兰地区不同, 有幸看到许多从未见过的小鸟和花,植物 Aperture f/5.6 Shutter Speed 1/1000 When I visited Arizona, I was surprised by the dry desert climate: the flora and fauna were so different to those from New England. As a result, I had the privilege of ISO 320 seeing many small birds, flowers, and other plants that I’d never seen before. 90
WILD LIFE HOODED ORIOLE By Xing Ning Zhao 编辑评语:摄影师利用了黃鸝鸟的 色泽与花朵的碰撞点缀了整个画面, 鸟儿的眼神光更是一个重点。如果 后期把花朵的高光压暗一点效果会 更好。 Editor’s Comments: The photographer used the color of the bird and the collision of flowers to enhance the photo, with the light of the bird’s eye being a key point. However, it may have been enhanced if the highlights of the flowers were darker. Nikon D 850 500 mm Aperture f/5.6 Shutter Speed 1/1600 ISO 500 91
WILD LIFE LONGING 编辑评语:摄影师运用了黑白对 By Yun Thwaits 比的手法,加上后期利用光影交 A snowy heron, longing for love. 错的羽毛,把整个画面给人一种 . 04/04/2022, High Island, TX. 梦幻的感觉。 Canon R5 Editor’s Comments: This photographer RF 100-500mm used the technique of black and white contrast, coupled with the use of light Aperture f8 and shadow interlacing the feathers in Shutter Speed 1/250s the later stage, to give the whole picture a dreamy feeling. ISO 500 92
WILD LIFE 编辑评语:燕鸥是中型的鸟类,羽 毛呈灰色或白色,头上有黑色斑纹, 相亲相爱 翅膀特别窄,而且尾巴是分叉的, By Jodie Chin 如燕尾一般,它们也因此得名燕鸥。 Nikon D850 当时一只燕鸥低飞的寻找另一半, 600mm 另外一只望向天空等待伴侣的归来, 说时迟 那时快,我便以高速连拍的 Aperture F7.1 速度,捕捉到了这对燕鸥温馨而又 Shutter Speed 3200 感人的亲吻画面。 ISO 900 后期的制作运用了黑角模糊的处理 手法,让整个画面充满梦幻的视觉 感受。 Editor's Comments: Terns are medium-sized birds with grey or white feathers, black markings on their heads, narrow wings, and bifurcated tails – like swallowtails – which give them their name. While I was preparing the shot, one tern flew low to look for her partner, with the other waiting for his return, and I eventually captured the warm embrace of the terns with high- speed continuous shots. The post- production uses the black corner blur treatment method to give the photo a dreamy aura. 93
WILD LIFE 编辑评语:夜鹭通常喜欢于晨、昏和 夜间觅食,而且喜欢結小群,白天隐 藏于僻靜处,或分散棲息在僻靜的山 坡、水库或湖中小岛上的灌木林或高 大树木的枝叶中。 摄 影 师 利 用 了 3200 的 速 度 定 格 了 这 凌 空互动的精彩瞬间,追焦快而准抓拍 到这清晰的画面,后期处理的光暗也 到位。构图方面,顶部有点压迫感, 如果多留一点空间,整个画面会更好 看。 Editor’s Comments: Night herons usually forage in the morning, dusk, and night, and prefer to do so in small groups. They hide in secluded places during the day, scattered in the hillsides, reservoirs, islands, and branches of tall trees. This photographer used a shutter speed of 1/3200 to capture this wonderful interaction, and captured the photo with a strong and accurate focus. In terms of composition, while the light & dark created in post-processing is noticeable, but the spacing at the top is a little oppressive – leaving some more space would enhance the photo. 求爱 COURTSHIP By Mei Hu SONY ILCE-1 SONY FE24-70 F2.8 GM 两只夜鹰在芦苇丛上追逐$ Two nighthawks chase each other over the reeds. Aperture F4 Shutter Speed 1/3200 ISO 200 94
WILD LIFE 编辑评语:摄影师利用了慢門的速 度拍出了这个造型优美的玫瑰琵鷺, 虚实对比,后期制作的光影手法也 控制到位,如幻如醉,富有艺术感, 这就是拍慢門的魅力所在。 拍慢門的成功率往往都是很低,有 的时候辛辛苦苦一天下來,一张成 功的都沒有,但只要不断的尝试, 必然会收获到一张自己喜欢的。 Editor’s Comments: This photographer used a slow shutter speed to shoot these beautiful pink spoonbills, creating a contrast between virtual and real and using light & shadow in post-production to create an intoxicating artistic display. The success rate of slow shutter speed shots is often very low, but if you continue to work at it, you will inevitably get a great shot. 粉 红 琵 鹭 PINK SPOONBILLS By Mei Hu SONY ILCE-1 SONY FE200-600 粉 红 琵 鹭 (ROSEATE SPOONBILL),因 其 粉 红 的 羽 毛 , 扁 扁 的 嘴 巴 , 有 点 像 中 Aperture F13 国乐器中的琵琶,故而得名粉红琵鹭。它好斗,为地盘之争在树丛中窜上窜 Shutter Speed 1/80 下 打 闹 。 这 张 照 片 拍 摄 于 美 国 德州 High Island, Smith Oaks Sanctuary, 它 距 离 ISO 100 休斯顿市中心大约一个多小时的车程。那里鸟类主要有粉红琵鹭、大白鹭、 EV -1 牛背鹭、雪鹭。每年的二月中下旬至五月底是德州高岛拍鸟季节,建议喜欢 Because of its pink feathers and flattened mouth, the pink spoonbill resembles the pipa in Chinese musical instruments. These birds are aggressive, and can regularly be 的朋友,适时前往。 seen scurrying up and down trees over territory disputes. This photo was taken at Smith Oaks Sanctuary, Texas, about an hour's drive from downtown Houston. The main birds there are pink spoonbills, great egrets, cattleback herons, and snow herons. Bird photo season on Takashima Island, Texas runs from mid-February to late May, and is a great opportunity for you & your friends! 95
WILD LIFE 温暖的怀抱 Nikon D850 By Jodie Chin Lens 600mm Aperture F8 野外的红狐也有温柔的一面,当 时看到几只小红狐围着红狐妈妈 Shutter Speed 1600 在转,突然看到了这只小红狐躺 ISO 1250 进了妈妈的怀里,撒娇地看着妈 妈,真的被这温馨的画面感动了。 This wild red fox has a gentle side – I saw several smaller red foxes circling the mother when I suddenly noticed this little red fox, lying in its mother’s arms with a playful look on its face. I was very touched by this scene! 96
WILD LIFE 编辑评语:每年的夏季雪鹭都会在 美东的沿海岸出现,雪鹭的全身都 PLAYFUL 是洁白的羽毛,头顶有冠羽,而且 By kai Dan 还有一双亭亭玉立的黃色長腿和一 Snow egret siblings, 個黑色的鳥喙。 frolicking together in the swamp. 雪鹭是白昼或黄昏活动,以水种生 物为食,包括鱼、虾、蛙及昆虫等, Canon R5 常站在水边或浅水中,用嘴飞快地 canon RF 400 攫食。 Aperture 5.6 Shutter Speed 1/1600 摄影师运用高速连拍定格了这打斗 的精彩瞬间,而且掌握了适合的曝 ISO 1000 光,因为拍摄雪鹭最重要的是千万 Post Processing Software 不能让雪白的羽毛过曝。 PS Editor’s Comments: Every summer, snow egrets appear across the eastern seaboard. These egrets are covered with white feathers, crown feathers on their heads, long yellow legs, and black beaks. Snow herons work in day and dusk, feeding on aquatic species like fish, shrimp, frogs, and insects, and can often be seen standing on the edge of the water or in shallow water waiting for prey to snatch up. This photographer used continuous shooting to freeze the wonderful moment of flight, and mastered the appropriate exposure so as to not overexpose the snow- white feathers. 97
“It is an illusion that photos are made with the camera… they are made with the eye, heart, and head.” -Henri Cartier-Bresson 98
Ziming Zheng Exhibition Competitions EXHIBITION MFS: LIFE MAGAZINE AND THE POWER OF 9TH FINE ART PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS PHOTOGRAPHY 波士顿艺术馆:生活杂志与摄影的力量 Fine Art Photography Awards is one of the most famous professional Photography has the power to transport us across time competitions among photographers. It has been organized since and space. The Boston Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) will 2014. There are 20 categories to cover most topics. The Professional be hosting a great photography exhibition from LIFE Grand Prize is $3,000 and Non-Professional Grand Prize is $2,000. magazine, which will document major changes in the United States during the early 20th century. Fine Art Photography Awards 摄影 大赛始于 2 0 1 4 ,现 已经发展 成 The Fine Art Photography Awards is one of the most 为一个世界性的专业摄影比赛。比赛包含20个大类,专业组最高 famous professional competitions among 奖3000美,业余组最高奖2000美元。 photographers. It has been organized since 2014. There are 20 categories, covering a wide range of topics and Early Deadline – Oct 9 2022 (cheaper fee) styles. The Professional Grand Prize is $3,000, and the Final Deadline – Feb 12 2023 Non-Professional Grand Prize is $2,000. Link: This is a Massachusetts state photo contest focusing on nature and the outdoors! MASS AUDUBON'S STATEWIDE PHOTO CONTEST 纪实摄影的魅力在于时间的旅程。在风云际会的二 This is a Mass state local photo contest for outdoor nature! 十世纪上叶,世界和美国都发生着剧烈而深刻的变 不容错过的麻省本地自然风光摄影比赛! 化。波士顿艺术博物馆来自生活杂志的特别展出, 让我们从一格格小方块中窥探那个峥嵘岁月的烙印。 Link: Link: Deadline – September 30 2022 and-the-power-of-photography Date: October 9, 2022–January 16, 2023 Member free date: October 7, 2022 November 4, 2022 and December 9, 2022 99