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Home Explore BCPA Photography 2022 Issue 1

BCPA Photography 2022 Issue 1

Published by BCPA, 2022-02-19 15:49:46

Description: BCPA Photography 2022 Issue 1


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LANDSCAPE 编辑评语 整片气势恢宏,光色浑厚。世界屋 脊沐浴在金色的阳光之下,这样的 拍摄机缘难能可贵,拍摄点距主峰 有百公里以上路程,照片依然有很 好的画质可见器材实力不凡。后期 对光影、颜色、构图把控驾轻就熟, 氛围营造恰到好处,对前景的群山 进行暗化灰度渐变思路非常巧妙。 Editor’s comment This image is magnificent; the lights and colors are abundant. Opportunities to shoot this kind of moment, the roof of the world basking in golden sunlight, are extraordinarily rare. This was shot from more than 100 kilometers away from the main peak, but this photo has a very high image quality that showcases the superiority of the photographer’s equipment and technique. Furthermore, their post-production control of light and shadow, color, and composition are nuanced and sophisticated, producing the perfect atmosphere by additionally darkening the mountains in the foreground with a gradation of gray. 珠 穆 朗 玛 峰 EVEREST By Hong Zuo 左 红 珠穆朗玛峰在所有8000米以上的山峰海洋中脱颖而出。 Everest stands out in the ocean of mountains all above 8000 meters. 50

LANDSCAPE 编辑评语 瀑潭光影 非常棒的一张瀑布作品:深山幽谷光 LIGHT AND SHADOW OF WATERFALLS 影斑驳飞流直下,光线尤其漂亮抢眼, 构图巧妙, 如此大光比拍摄瀑布,照 By Yun Thwaits 夏耘 片没有出现明显的过曝和欠曝,这对 Canon R5, F8 1s ISO100 摄影的前后期功底都是很大的考验, 摄影师能轻松化解这些难题,可见已 2021年5月31号上午风和日丽。我背着 具相当的摄影功力,色彩把控也非常 两机三镜+三角架徒步来回6.3 英里就为 准确自然。 这 一 瀑 布 (The Majestic Falls Creek Fall. ) 溪 流湍急,路很难走,一不小心就踩滑到水 Editor's comment An excellent 里。到了谷底深处还是被这眼前的光景迷 work — light dances on the waterfall 住了。 rushing down into a deep mountain valley. The lighting is particularly The morning of May 31, 2021 was a beautiful, and the composition is beautiful sunny day. I hiked 6.3 miles nice. Despite the contrasting round way with two cameras, three elements of the photo, it’s not over- lenses and a tripod for this waterfall or under-exposed. Additionally, the (The Majestic Falls Creek Fall.) The color control is accurate and very stream was fast and the trail was natural. This is a great showcase of difficult to follow, I slipped into the the photographer’s considerable water when I was not careful. Finally I skill, both in taking the photo and in got to the bottom of the valley, I was post-processing. fascinated by the view. 51

LANDSCAPE 编辑评语 非常优秀的一张人物风光 奔向花田的小姑娘 片,花海衬托着女孩,美丽的金发 THE LITTLE GIRL RUNNING 在阳光下闪耀着迷人的魅力,人物 TO THE FLOWER FIELD By Mei Hu 背对镜头是风光片,人物正对镜头 Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, 就是人物片 F5.6 1/320s ISO 400 优点: 随机抓拍反映出摄影师的临 法国普罗旺斯。日落时分, 一个小姑娘向花田跑去。她 机创作敏感度主动性颇高,画面的 的头发在夕阳下闪着金光。 Provence, France. At sunset, a 虚实控制、色彩的艳丽程度、光影 little girl runs towards a field of lavender. Her hair shines 的明暗对比都运用巧妙,以使主题 golden in the setting sunshine. 突出鲜明。 有待改善:如果女孩再往深处走两 步后拍摄,构图可以更和谐一些。 Editor’s comment A very good photo of a human subject in scenery: a girl with her beautiful blonde hair in the sunshine against the sea of lavender. The way the photo is framed means it could be two kinds of photo: a scenery photo the way it is, or an environmental portrait if she was facing the camera. This shot reflects the photographer’s creative sensitivity and her control of the picture’s reality. The brightness of the colors and the contrast between light and shadow are both used skillfully to make the subject stand out. To be improved: If the girl took two steps deeper, the composition could be more harmonious. 52

LANDSCAPE Editor's comment I really like this work; its unorthodox nature makes this kind of shot difficult to achieve, but this photographer did a very good job capturing this moment. They were also able to produce a mysterious wonderland effect without dark tone processing, a fashionable tool in dark landscape photography in recent years. Through smart framing, the use of a deep foreground plus appropriate exposure, the photographer created a dream-like effect, and surprisingly used a high tone to achieve it. When also considering the natural light, elegant colors, and disregard for the natural landscape photography routine, this photographer has accomplished the seemingly impossible and has given us a lot of inspiration for future landscape photography. 听 帘 HEARING THE FALLS By David Hu F8 0.5s ISO 200 at 24mm 编辑评语 本人非常喜欢的一张作品,最大的优点就是没 构图,运用深远前景加上合理的曝光来创造梦幻效果,竟 有风光摄影的套路思维模式,不在日出日落的时候拍摄的 然用高调来达到神秘,这极其难能可贵,另外色彩自然清 照片一样非常优美,这已经很难达到了,作者还在不用暗 淡雅致,所有这些都跳出了风光摄影的套路,并出色的完 调处理的情况下照样产生神秘虚幻的仙境效果,一反近两 成了看似不可能的任务,给我们风光摄影师很多启迪。 年风光摄影一片漆黑的流行风,这张作品通过巧妙的取景 53

LANDSCAPE 晚 霞 里的波士 顿 EAST BOSTON SUNSET By Mingwei Li Canon EF24/70mm. 70mm F7.1 8s ISO 100 编辑评语 作品明亮温暖全景展示波士顿的风采,这是一张高调的作品,给观众 Editor’s comment This work depicts a bright and warm panoramic view of 带来比较强烈的视觉冲击令人愉悦。 优点:拍摄技术后期技术成熟,拍摄时 Boston, a high-key profile work which produces a striking and pleasing visual 间地点精准,风格明悦,色彩自然温暖。 impact. This shot has a mature shooting technique, precise shot timing and placement, a bright and pleasant style, and warm natural colors. 有待改善:明度方面中灰度可以暗一点点,增加画面的厚重度。 Room for improvement: The brightness of the medium gray could be lowered to increase the weight of the picture. 54

LANDSCAPE 相 约 雷 神 之 井 THOR'S WELL By Sam Song 编辑评语 著名摄影点的经典作品, 拍摄时机把握很好,准确的表现出雷 神之井的摄影精髓,色彩自然色调平 衡和谐。光影关系控制得当,不过仍 有精进余地。光芒控制略欠周到,拍 摄时间再晚一分钟,光圈设置再斟酌一 下也许就能控制住。 Editor’s comment A classic work of the famous photography spot, with good timing, accurate expression of the essence of Thor’s Well photography, natural color and tonal balance and harmony. The relationship between light and shadow is well controlled, but there is still room for refinement. The aperture setting could be more precisely controlled and the shooting time could be a minute later. 雷神之井 (Thor's Well) 是西海岸的著名风景点之一. 为了拍到雷神之井的最 Thor's Well is one of the famous scenic spots on the American West Coast. In order to 美妙瞬间,我们选择在潮水涨到大概80%左右的高点,落日半小时前去拍。我 get the best shot of Thor's Well, we chose to go at a high point when the tide was 们的拍摄时间非常有限,因为我们必须在太阳落山前,特别是在潮水淹没礁石 about 80% high, half an hour before sunset. Our shooting time was very limited 前撤回海岸。这时的海浪一浪一浪打过来,正好可以湧入井内, 把井填滿,退 because we had to retreat back to the shore before sunset, especially before the tide 浪時,井内的海水从井底流回大海, 無數銀絲狀的涓涓細流,沿著井口瀉下, came back in. At this time, the waves were chasing one another, just in time to fill up 海浪漲退間的洞裏波濤翻騰,一股股流泉宛如被吸入無底深淵,景象奇絕,非 the well. As the waves receded, the seawater from the well returned to the sea from 常壯觀。我的角度正好拍到了夕阳光芒斜射井面的奇观, 实属不易。 the bottom of the structure; the silvery streams trickled down along the mouth of the well, while water within the well tossed and turned between the waves. Overall, this scene was fantastic and spectacular. 55

LANDSCAPE 编辑评语 荒野中的绚烂彩霞, 构图别致,光影色调控制得当, 天空色彩艳丽,前景神奇。 Editor’s comment The gorgeous colored haze in the wilderness has a charming composition, well-controlled light and shadow tones, a brilliantly colored sky, and a magical foreground. GLORY DAY By Ti Wang Nikon D850 它看起来像一座古老的城堡,显示出它曾经的辉煌之美。 A rock formation reminiscent of an ancient castle, shown in its once-glorious beauty. 56

LANDSCAPE 编辑评语 精确计算月亮落点进行拍摄, 照片给观众带领强烈的巧妙难得之感触。 月亮女神 By Jodie Chin 优点:风光摄影很少会出现如此高精度照 片,无论月亮还是自由女神像都极高清晰, Nikon D850 这个令人印象深刻,构图规矩。 纽约自由神像 很难说这照片哪里需要改善,只有一点希 望大家可以明白:巧不等于美,在东方文 化中巧只是中性字,目前大量摄影师在追 月亮这非常辛苦,希望大家在赶巧同时再 思考思考如何使月亮照片更美。 Editor's comment The photo was taken with the guide of a precise calculation of the moon's setting point, and the photo gives the viewer a strong sense of ingenuity and rarity. Landscape photography rarely comes with such high precision photos, both the moon and the Statue of Liberty are in extremely high definition, very impressive and well composed. It is hard to say where this photo needs to be improved, except one thing I hope we all can understand: coincidence is not the same as beauty. In the Eastern culture coincidence is only a neutral word; at present a large number of photographers are chasing a perfect moon shot which is hard work. I hope that everyone in the rush for coincidence would also think about how to make the moon photo more beautiful. 57

LANDSCAPE 苏 格 兰 之 晨 MORNING IN SCOTLAND By 叶启明 Canon 24mm F11 1/60s ISO 400 EV-1 苏格兰高地秋天 Editor’s comment The light and shadow effects of this work is amazing — the light color of the rocks in the foreground and of the water are especially 编辑评语 整张作品光影效果神奇,尤其前景岩石与水面光色颇为奇 wonderful. If the photo had a little more blue tone, the picture might be 妙。作品如果能够融入一点蓝整张画面色调就更平衡协调,左侧水平 more balanced; additionally, the plane of the photo is slightly uneven, and 往上一点点或许视觉感受可以更稳定一些。 should be leveled. 58

LANDSCAPE 心 中 的 灯 塔 LIGHTHOUSE IN HEART By Mei Zhang F13 0.3s ISO100 Nibble Lighthouse at blue hour. The waves formed a heart shape. 编辑评语 在阴天的环境中,巧妙的利用拍摄速度控制达到惊涛拍岸的效果 Editor‘s comment In this cloudy environment, smart use of speed control achieves the effect of shocking waves. 59

There are always two people in every picture : the photographer and the viewer. - Ansel Adams 60

SuYun Ding 微距摄影 MACRO 编辑 导言 - Editor’s Words 丁 素云 微距摄影就是在近距离拍摄有关物体,并且可以得到比原实物大的 影像。普通的镜头都有相应的近摄放大功能,当被摄物微小如露珠, 小幼虫时,使用专门的微距镜头才能拍出高质素微距照片。 由于微距摄影特殊的放大功能,我们用它来展示肉眼不易察觉到的 微世界的奇妙细节。当我们欣赏一幅微距作品时,除了审视它的创 意、色彩、光线、构图、影调、拍摄时机等基本要素外,够微够清 则是先决因素。 Macro photography is about shooting objects at close range and getting an image larger than the original object. Ordinary lenses have a close-up magnification function, but when the subject is as small as a dewdrop, we use a special macro lens to take a high-quality macro photo. Due to the special magnification function of macro photography, we use it to show the wonderful details of the micro-world that are not easily perceived by the naked eye. When we appreciate a macro work, while we naturally examine its basic elements such as creativity, color, light, composition, tone, shot timing, etc., being clear is the decisive factor. By Suyun Ding 61

MACRO NOT ONE LESS By Suyun Ding Sony A7RIII 90mm, F5.6 1/250s ISO 100 一个清爽的夏日上午,修剪阳台上的花枝时偶然注意到一片 被裁下的嫩叶背面有一个黑豆大小规则的黑斑,很好奇,就 迅速取来了相机和脚架。镜头下二十几只刚出壳的小幼虫在 忙乱爬行,场面相当混乱。二十分钟之后它们终于找好了各 自的位置安静下来,这也是照片上所显示的状态。为什么都 已经出生了还要守候在空壳旁呢?我带着一团疑虑把照片上 传到Lightroom 仔细观察,发现还有一只没有出壳,它们 是在耐心等待自己的小兄弟!造物主如此神奇!拍摄时选择 叶子的摆放位置,用光线和背景营造出一个神秘美好的画面。 镜头最大极限贴近和平行于虫卵区,手动对焦以保证每只幼 虫及卵壳都有最佳清晰度。 One crisp summer morning, I was trimming the flowers on the balcony when I noticed an unusual spot the size of a black bean on the back of a cut leaf, and grabbed my camera and tripod to investigate. Under the camera, more than two dozen tiny baby stinkbugs that had just come out of their shells were crawling around, and the scene was quite chaotic. Twenty minutes later they finally found their respective places and quieted down — the state shown in the photo. Why were they already born and still staying by the empty shells? I uploaded the photo to Lightroom to take a closer look, and found that there was another one that did not come out of the shell yet. They were waiting patiently for their little brother! The Creator is so magical! When I shot the photo, I used the light and background to create a mysterious and beautiful scenery on the leaf. The lens was ultimately close, kept as parallel as possible to the shell area, and used manual focus to ensure the sharpness of each baby bug and egg shell. 62

MACRO WHAT’S FOR LUNCH By Cary Chu Canon EOS 5D Mark III, EF100mm f/2.8L Macro IS lens F6.3 1/200s ISO 1600 当我在拍摄蚂蚁时,这家伙进来了,就得到了这 张片子。 I was shooting ants. This guy came in and I got this shot. 编辑评语 片子的色彩清新明快,主题苍蝇红头 绿背纤毫毕现,摄影师的精准抓拍为观众呈现了 一幅赏心悦目的蝇花图。如果裁去前两排抢镜的 小花,也许会更加突显苍蝇的精致细节;白花部 分稍有过曝。 Editor’s comment The colors of the film are fresh and bright, and the fly’s red head and green back have lots of rich details. The photographer's accurate capture presents a pleasing picture of the fly for the audience. If the photographer included fewer white flowers in the shot, the delicate beauty of the fly may have been more prominent; additionally, the white flowers are somewhat overexposed. 63

MACRO 编辑评语 摄影师以其独特的观察力、想像力 及精准的摄影技术展现了这一冰上奇观。如果 能适当压低高光,提高 不同"眼”区之间的层 次感和对比度,以强化”眼”在形式上的明澈与 逼真,可能会令观众产生更强烈的视觉共鸣。 Editor’s comment The photographer presents this icy wonder with her unique powers of observation, imagination and precise photography techniques. However, the brightness of the area surrounding the “eye” may draw the viewer’s attention away from the subject; with post-processing, these highlights could be suppressed to help the viewer focus on the eye. I WATCH THE WORLD THAT WATCHES ME. By Hong Zuo 用感知的眼睛和接受的心,走进大自然。风景自然会找到你。当我看到 With eyes that perceive and a heart that accepts, Walk into nature. Sceneries will naturally find 这只从冰冷的地面盯着我的奇特\"眼睛\"时,我没有随身携带微型镜头, you. I was not carrying a micro lens with me when I saw this peculiar \"eye\" that stared at me 所以我不得不使用长焦镜头从一定高度捕捉它。为了补偿长焦镜头具有 from the icy ground, so I had to capture it from a certain height using my telephoto lens, which 较浅的景深,使用三张照片的景深混合来最大化瞳孔的清晰度,每张照 I tripoded next to the eye. To compensate for the telephoto lens having a shallow depth of 片聚焦在不同的冰层上。眼睛的虹膜被故意模糊以模仿人眼。模糊还进 field, the clarity of the pupil was maximized using depth of field blending of three pictures, each 一步突出了瞳孔的亮度和清晰度。风景摄影并不总是需要完全清晰。想 of which focused on a different layer of ice. The iris of the eye was deliberately blurred to 想应该强调什么,以最好地表达你的设想。 imitate a human eye; the blur also further highlights the brightness and clarity of the pupil. Landscape photography doesn't always require full clarity throughout — think about what should be emphasized to best express what you envision. 64

表演艺术摄影 Sam Song 编辑导言 Editor’s Words PERFORMING ARTS 表 演 艺 术 ( Performing Arts) 摄 影 包 括 舞 蹈 摄 影 , 花 样 滑 冰 摄 影 , 艺 术 体 操 摄 影等,其中舞蹈摄影最为常见。在舞蹈摄影中,可以是舞台舞蹈摄影, 也可以 是户外以及影棚舞蹈摄影。 舞 之 灵 SPIRIT OF DANCE By Sam Song Nikon D850 表 演 艺 术 ( Performing Arts) 摄 影 的 最 大 挑 战 是 要 在 表 演 的 动 态 中 抓 拍 到 演员或运动员表演的最美瞬间。 要做到这一点,不能指望碰运气,而是要不断 地刻苦学习和练习。一个好的表演艺术摄影师, 要了解你所拍摄的对象,懂所 拍的表演项目,如舞,滑冰和体操等, 懂音乐, 懂灯光,能够根据表演动作, 音乐和灯光的变化,预先判断最美瞬间的到来,做好抓拍那个最美瞬间的准备, 确保最美瞬间到来时,能够准确无误地抓拍到。就拿本组中二张舞台舞蹈片和 二张影棚舞蹈片来说,抓拍到恰到好处,如果早或晚一秒按快门,都不会达到 此片的理想效果。 Performing arts photography includes dance photography, figure skating photography, and artistic gymnastics photography, of which dance photography is the most common. Dance photography can range from stage dance photography to outdoor and studio dance photography. The biggest challenge in performing arts photography is to capture the most beautiful moments of an actor or athlete's performance during the dynamics of the performance. To do this, you can't expect to get lucky, but rather to learn and practice hard. A good performing arts photographer understands the subjects they are shooting, the performance items - such as dance, skating and gymnastics, etc. - the music, the lighting, music and lighting changes, and pre-judging the most beautiful moment so they can be ready to accurately capture the moment. Take the two stage dance photos and two studio dance photos in this group: the capture moment is just right. If the shutter was pressed a second earlier or later, it would not have achieved the desired effect. 65

PERFORMING ART 足尖上的流光溢彩 THE GLOW ON THE TOES By Sam Song Nikon D850 芭蕾舞一个重要的特征就是女演员要穿上特 制的足尖鞋,并用脚尖立地舞蹈,因此芭蕾 舞又被称为“足尖舞“。本片展示了芭蕾演 员模特弹跳空中劈叉,体轻如风,机敏如飞, 蹁跹飘逸,优美无比的芭蕾舞姿。 An important feature of high-level ballet is the special shoes that ballerinas wear that allow them to dance on their toes, which are known as “pointe shoes.” This photo shows a ballerina doing a grande jeté, as agile as if she were flying. 66

PERFORMING ART 飞 跃 舞 台 FLYING STAGE By Cary Chu Canon EOS 5D Mark III,EF24-105mm f/4L IS USM lens. F5. 1/500s ISO 3200 瞬 間 的 捕 捉 Transient capture 67

PERFORMING ART 跳 跃 JUMPING B y C a r y C h u Canon EOS 5D Mark III,EF24-105mm f/4L IS USM lens F 6 . 3 1 / 5 0 0 I S O 3 2 0 0 瞬 间 的 捕 捉 Capture of a moment. 68

Benjamin Chueng 人像摄影 PORTRAIT 编辑 导言 - Editor’s Words 張筱羲 人像摄影的目的是不仅要捕捉一个人的外表,而且要捕捉 他的个性。人像摄影应该讲述一个人的故事,必须要准确描绘 他们。光线对人像摄影非常重要;某些设置可以增强某些身体 特征,创造某种氛围,或突出某人脸上的情绪。在这种形式下 ,背景通常不太被强调。虽然可以添加元素来表达主体的某些 东西,但其主要目的是为主体创造一个合适的背景。然而,环 境人像摄影的背景在环境人像摄影中更为重要,因为它的重点 是捕捉环境中的人物形象。由于有必要在照片中说明被摄者的 生活氛围,因此要使用更具体的背景。 The aim of portrait photography is to capture not only the appearance of a person, but also their personality. Portraits should tell a person’s story, and care must be taken to portray them accurately. Lighting is of particular importance to portraits; certain setups can enhance certain physical characteristics, create a certain mood, or accentuate the emotions on someone’s face. In this format, backdrops typically are less emphasized. While elements can be added to express certain things about the subject, their main purpose is to create a suitable background for the subject. However, backdrops are more important in environmental portrait photography, which focuses on capturing images of people in the environment. Since it is necessary to illustrate the subject’s lifestyle in the photo, more specific backgrounds should be used. By Benjamin Cheung 69

PORTRAIT 虔诚 By Sam Song Nikon D850, F7.1 1/200s ISO200 为了表达主题,本片采用了黑背景低调侧逆 光拍法,把环境置于大片黑暗中以表现神秘 感,用一束光打亮祈祷者捧香的手,烟以及 的祈祷者轮廓, 借此突出主体和虔诚的主题。 编辑评语 采光素描出來的线条,袅袅轻烟的柔再加上 彩羽悬珠的艳,构成一幅漂亮的画面。 Editor’s comment The photographer skillfully sketched out a silhouette with light, and the tenderness of the smoke sings with the vivid feather and beads to put together a beautiful soothing picture. 70

PORTRAIT LADY IN RED By Daryl Luk Canon R, F3.5 1/200s ISO 1250 照片是在清晨摄于布拉格的查理大桥 编辑评语 紅白相间,色彩丰富。 E ditor’s comment The dialogue between the red and white, enriched by the backdrop’s warm colors, creates a beautiful palette in this picture. 71

PORTRAIT 编辑评语 构图的垂直线和斜向线处理得很好, 傢具中椅子的虛和沙发的实相互呼 应。 Editor’s comment In composition, the vertical lines and diagonal lines present a pleasant effect. The concreteness of the sofa at the front vs. the vagueness of the chair in the back provide a subtle contrast. GET READY By Yan Johnson Nikon Z7, 85mm, F2.8 1/60s ISO 100 A snap shot when the dancer gets ready for performance. 72

PORTRAIT A PORTRAIT AT GOBLIN STATE PARK 闵乐 Nikon D850 编辑评语 黑白背景创造了一個对原图色彩的想像空间。 Editor’s comment The B&W background makes one wonder what the colors were in the original composition. 73

It is more important to click with people than to click the shutter - Alfred Eisenstaedt 74

运动摄影 Paul Hsi 编辑导言 Editor’s Words SPORTS 在体育摄影中使用的几个典型技巧是快速和慢速快门。 A couple of typical techniques used in sports 这就是为什么体育摄影师经常使用快门优先模式. 使用快速 photography are fast shutter speed and slow shutter 是为了凝固瞬间,使主体具有戏剧性。使用慢速快门是焦距 speed. That is why it is very common for sports 随着主体的移动而移动,以创造运动效果。图像看起来会更 photographer to use shutter priority mode. Using a fast 生动。 shutter speed is good to freeze (lock) the moment to make the subject more dramatic; a slow shutter speed 当然,讲述故事也是使照片更有趣的重要因素。因此, can be used to focus and move with the subject to create 了解你拍的这项运动和理解什么时候和什么时刻会发生什么 a motion blur effect, so the image will look more vivid. 事件是很重要的。你可以提前预测应该在什么位置去拍摄。 Of course, telling the story is also an important factor in making your photo more interesting. Knowing the sport and understanding when and what will happen in what moment is very important, so you know what position you should be at in advance. 75

SPORTS 编辑评语 这个最后时刻抓得很好,有故事。 建议:尽量使用较高的快门速度 来定格主体和水的瞬间,这样一 切都会更清晰。 Editor’s comment A great catch at the final moment which tells a story. Suggestion: Try to use a higher shutter speed to freeze the moment, so everything will appear sharper. 冲 刺 SPRINT By Yun Bian Canon 6D 81mm F4.5 1/250 在游泳比赛时,这位小女孩在最后的冲刺, 表现出她的拼搏精神! At the swim meet, this little girl showed her fighting spirit in the final sprint! 76

SPORTS P OLO 马 球 By Paul Hsi Nikon 850 F8 1/60s ISO 500 70-200mm/f2.8 with 1.4X extender at 280mm 我喜欢拍马。 拍马球比赛时是练习拍慢门的好机会。 I love shooting horses. Shooting polo is a good opportunity to practice using slow shutter speeds to create motion blur in the image. 77

Don’t shoot what it looks like. Shoot what it feels like. - David Alan Harvey 78

街拍 Daniel Tu STREET 编辑导言– 涂军 Editor’s Words Street photography generally refers to unmediated moments of 街拍一般是指在在公共场合没有刻意摆弄下拍下的自然 encounters and random incidents in public. These moments often 发生的事情的瞬间。这个瞬间包含了一些人文的涵义, contain some humanistic connotations such as people's 如人在特定环境下的表情和动作,情感的冲击,或对社会 expressions and actions in a specific environment, or emotional 现象的思考,或人与周遭社会互动中产生的美的光影。 impact on people through social activities. From the view of the 用旅人过客的眼光打量周围也许熟悉也许陌生的一切, photographer, one can also discover beautiful interplay between 期待着每一刻的变化,发现并扑捉有趣的瞬间,感受城 light and shadow through the interaction between people and their 市的脉搏、人和周遭的互动、对比、变迁等等,就如人 surrounding social environment. 在旅途,就能在这微旅中感受到自己眼前的诗和远方, Street photography can be a lot of fun: observing familiar or 这也正是街拍的乐趣。街拍有稍纵既逝的随意性和不确 unfamiliar surroundings with the eyes of a traveler, appreciating 定性,是一种即兴的创作,是光、影、色、物、人等元 every moment of change, discovering and capturing interesting 素在自己的感觉和情绪下的独特组合曝光,这就是街拍 moments, feeling the pulse of the city, seeing the interaction 的艺术魅力。 between people and the resulting contrast, shadow, and arrangement changes, etc. Each street photo opportunity is like a micro journey — you can feel the poetic moment and the world revolving around you. The artistic charm of street photography rests on the capture of fleeting randomness and uncertainty. It is an impromptu creation, a unique combination of light, shadow, color, objects, and people under one's own feelings and emotions. 79

STREET 雪花飘,飘起了多少爱恋 By Jun Tu 下雪天里波士顿公共公园给情侣拢上 纯洁浪漫的气氛 Boston Common on a snowy day creates a pure and romantic atmosphere for couples. 80

STREET 虽然仍在疫情期间,一个夏天的 夜晚,波士顿 Quincy Market 波 士 顿 夏 夜 的 街 头 By Yun Thwaits 夏 耘 . Canon R5, F5.6 1/250s ISO 1200 街头上的孩子们仍是无忧无虑地 81 追逐嘻笑抓泡泡。摄于2021年夏 天。 编辑评语 古老的市场和历史的背 景和奔跑欢快的儿童形成鲜明的 对比,连街头表演者也被这些儿 童的欢快而带动,晚上温暖的灯 光熏染着气氛,连橱窗里的假人 都仿佛是观众,很有动感和感染 力的画面。 Editor’s comment The stillness of this ancient historical market lies in stark contrast with the vibrancy of the running children and the violinist. The warm night lights fill the atmosphere, and even the dummies in the shop windows seem to be spectators, making for a dynamic and infectious photo.

STREET 等 By Daryl Luk Canon R, F3.5 1/160s ISO 100 攝 於 雅 典 Monastiraki 廣 場 清 晨 编辑评语 虚幻的背景和仿佛是等待中时光的流 淌和自我的沉浸,是等待那个人还是 那个时刻的到来,给观者留下一些想 象的空间 Editor’s comment The illusory background reflects the flow of time and self-immersion while waiting. Whether the subject is waiting for a person or the arrival of a moment is unclear, leaving room for viewer interpretation. 82

Cary Chu 静物摄影 STILL LIFE 编辑导言 Editor’s Words -朱健雄 By Cary Chu 拍摄一些无生命物体的照片,称为静物摄影。 静物摄影可以细分为许多不同的类别,如桌面、食 品、产品等等。静物摄影的吸引力在于你可以在一 个非常小的可控空间内尝试构图、照明、主题、景 深和无限的创造力。 Still life photography is taking pictures of inanimate objects. This field of photography can be subdivided into many different categories, such as tabletop, food, products, and so on. The attraction of still life photography is that you can freely experiment with factors such as composition, lighting, subject, depth of field, giving photographers unlimited creativity in a small, controllable space. 83

STILL LIFE 编辑 评 语 静物摄影中最重要的事情之一是佈光。 最常见的方式之一是侧光。侧光产生 阴影,阴影产生立体感。这张照片使 用了这种方法。还有物品前后放置创 造了更多的立体感。光圈是正确的, 景深也恰到好处。一张非常好的照片。 Editor’s comment One of the most important things in still life photography is the lighting. One of the most common choices is the side light, creating shadows which give the photo a three- dimensional look. This photo shows just the right lighting. I thought the placement of the items was nice — they create some dimensionality. The aperture was correct and the depth of field was just right. All around, very good photo. 过去的时光 By Yun Thwaits 夏耘 Canon R5 F11 1/125s ISO100 前期构图、道具的选择,布光和色彩搭配,表达一种怀旧心情。 Pre-composition, choice of props, lighting and color matching, expressing a nostalgic mood。 84

STILL LIFE 编辑评语 简单而有力的照片。首先吸引我注意 的是那些叶子,然后是茶。这正是这 张照片的标题。枫沁茶香。把我的眼 睛从明亮带到黑暗,然后渐渐消失。 一个非常明智的布局。我可以建议的 几件小事是:大茶杯的白环确实有点 抢了我的注意力。还有就是把小茶杯 照亮一点。给它一点冲力。 Editor’s comment A simple but powerful photo. The leaves draw my attention first, then the tea, like the title suggests. Visually, the photo is very wisely laid out, bringing my eyes from light to dark before fading out. A minor thing I can suggest is to dim the inside rim of the teacup to help it blend in with the rest of the visual; additionally, you could light up the smaller cup of tea to give it some punch. 枫 沁 茶香 MAPLE AND TEA By Ann Fong Sony A7III F5.6 1/100s ISO auto 拍的时候是下午,外面天光尚有,开始变暗,茶具在离窗不远处,其质感色调在自然光侧逆光中与枫叶一起,和谐有趣。 后期有局部调光调色,突出枫叶。手持拍摄。 The photo was taken in the afternoon, there was still light outside, and it began to darken. The tea set was not far from the window. The natural light was mainly from the side and behind made the subject’s texture and colors interesting. Post adjustment on exposure and color, highlighting maple leaves. This is a handheld shot. 85

STILL LIFE 编辑评语 另一张低调的静物照片。白色的器皿 和深色的水果,创造了非常好的对比。 除了几个热点和一些硬阴影外,我对 这张照片没有什么可评论的。要解决 这些问题,一个方法是使用柔光纸。 除此以外,这张照片非常好。 Editor’s comment Another low key still life photo, depicting white vessels together with dark raw fruit in a very nice contrast. The only issue I can see is that there are some hot spots and hard shadows; in the future, you can use diffusion paper to get rid of these. Besides that, this photo is very good. SWEET HOME By Yan Johnson Nikon Z7, 50mm, F11 2.5s ISO 100 我们可以闻到空气中的甜味,可以感受到家里的温暖。 We can smell the sweetness in the air, can feel the warmth at home. 86

Jodie Chin 生态摄影 Ting Zhang 编辑导言 Editor’s Words – Jodie Chin WILDLIFE 生态摄影是捕捉生灵活动在自然规律中的精彩瞬间。 Wildlife photography is a way to capture the activities of 从而增长对自然生态的认知。用镜头记录它们活动的点 animals in nature while also showing their great beauty. In this way, 滴,纪录它们展现的美态。同时展示野外生态的大美。 we can increase our knowledge of nature while also awaking 唤醒人们对野生动物的爱心,实现人与自然之间的和谐 people’s love for wild animals. As Chinese people sometimes say: 共存。人们所说的“以光为笔,以影为墨,寓情于景”。 \"Light is the brush, shadow is the ink, and emotion is in the scene.” 什么是一张好的野生动物摄影照片? 鉴于各人的见 What is a good wildlife photography photo? In my opinion, I 解与不同的攝影风格,我个人认为尽量让主体突出,通 believe it’s best to make the subject stand out by use of aperture 过光圈调节,虚化背景,或利用长焦镜头的景深来控制 adjustment and a telephoto lens to control the depth of field, 而表现出来,尽量抓拍到动物“眼神光”,更要利用自 creating a bokeh background. 然光的逆光和侧逆光去展现主体的质感和轮廓。 The use of light is also important. By correctly utilizing and 画面清晰也是最基本的要求,独特的拍摄角度,精 manipulating natural light, one can catch the highlights of an 准的构图,准确的曝光参数,而且可能的情况下尽量用 animal’s eyes. By using natural light as a backlight and as a back 脚架,这样出片的成功率更大。后期制作也是十分重要 sidelight, one can also show the textures and contours of their 的,二次构图可以让整个画面更加精彩。 bodies. Making the picture clear is the most basic requirement. However, having a unique shooting angle, a good composition, and accurate exposure parameters may help make your photos better; the use of a tripod is also helpful in this regard. Post- processing is similarly important; the secondary composition of the picture can be a great aid in making the picture more exciting. 87

WILD LIFE 2021年十分幸运的第一次拍到了 一对可爱的小萌娃- 东部鸣角鸮, Eastern Screech Owl , 属猫 头鹰类,分布在北美洲,是夜行 性鸟类,几乎都是以鼠类为食, 是重要的益鸟 In 2021, I was lucky to photograph this pair of cute little munchkins. These birds are Eastern Screech Owls, a species found in North America; it is a nocturnal bird that feeds almost exclusively on rodents. By Jodie Chin Nikon D850 600 mm F/5.6 1000s ISO 8000 EV +0.33 88

WILD LIFE 游隼训练幼子扑食 By Mingwei Li Canon 1DX 3 840mm, F5.6 1/3200s ISO 1250 编辑评语 – 张廷 这是非常珍贵的画面,游隼在空 中教授捕猎技巧,一般是很难看 到的场景更别说拍到,摄影师为 拍摄重要的场景其背后付出的努 力也是常人无法想象的.在这样 难得的瞬间而且要准确抓拍是对 摄影师技术的考验,本作品两只 游隼的体态、羽毛、眼神都极为 清晰这实在是极其难得。 Editor’s comment –Ting Zhang This is a very precious image of a peregrine falcon teaching hunting skills in the air, a scene that is usually very difficult to even see — not to mention capture. The effort behind the photographer's work to capture this momentous scene is unimaginable. This work depicting the two falcons captures their bodies, eyes, and feathers in stunning clarity, and is a testament to the photographer’s skill. 游隼在空中将扑捉到的食物传递给幼子。培养它们空中扑食的能力 Peregrine falcons pass food to their young midair, helping them develop their ability to pounce on food in flight 89

WILD LIFE WAIT FOR ME, By Yan Johnson Nikon Z7 500mm, F8 1/800s ISO 1250 编辑评语-张廷: 秋沙鸭是一种对人类警戒心很高的鸟,雄性成年秋沙鸭头部 Editor’s comment – Ting Zhang: The Merganser is a bird that is very reluctant to be 黑白相间煞是可爱,但要拍到它们却非易事,因为它们总是躲得远远的。这 photographed. Male adult merganser have lovely black and white heads, but it is not 张作品抓拍到一只雄性秋沙鸭扇翅膀的瞬间,憨态可掬动静结合恰到好处。 easy to photograph them because they always hide away. This photo, a lovely mixture of movement and stillness, captures a male merganser flapping its wings. 90

WILD LIFE UNUSUAL POSE By Ti Wang. Nikon D850 500mm, F5.6 1/2000s ISO640 A snowy owl sat on the top of a tree and stared right at me as if she said “dare you not to do this pose” 编 辑 评 语 – 张廷 雪鸮每年冬季从北极来到北美,避寒,成 为本地冬季野生动物摄影的主题,本片画 面干净,清晰度极高,雪鸮的表情体态抓 拍的惟妙惟肖,眼神犀利充满杀气,让观 众瞬间就能感受到它的威力。 Editor’s comment – Ting Zhang Every winter, snowy owls come to North America from the Arctic to escape the chilly weather and become a popular subject of local winter wildlife photography. This shot is clean and very high definition; the snowy owl's expression and body are captured beautifully, and the eyes are sharp and full of energy so the viewer can instantly feel its power. 91

WILD LIFE 打招呼的象宝宝 By Yun Thwaits 夏耘 F8 1/800s ISO 2500 2021年12月8号,我在肯尼亚马赛马拉草原上 见到这大象一家子在散步,象宝宝看到我们友好 地翘起鼻子打招呼。 On December 8, 2021, I saw this family of elephants walking in the grasslands of Masai Mara in Kenya. The baby elephants greeted us with a friendly wave of their trunks. 92

WILD LIFE 爸爸去哪儿了 By MeiHu Canon 1DX Mark IV 600 mm F8 1/800s ISO 1600 这是一个白鹭的家庭,爸爸去寻找食物,妈妈留 守看护孩子们。爸爸出去很久没有回来,孩子们 饿了,翘首以盼 This is a family of egrets — the father went to look for food, and the mother stayed to watch the children. The dad went out for a long time and didn't come back, so the children were hungry and waiting eagerly for his return. 编辑评语 – 张廷 双鹭立于松间,寓意美好。此图最大的优点是后 期精致,主体背景脱离完美,用的是光影,主题 是光,背景在影。 由于白鹭的羽毛飘飘欲仙,这 对于后期的光影重构来说就困难重重了,需要大 量细致的工作才能完成,摄影师的耐心与毅力在 这里起到了很大的作用。 Editor’s comment - Ting Zhang The best thing about this picture is that the post- processing is exquisite. The subject and background are separated perfectly with light and shadow the subject is in the light, and the background is in the shadows. The nature of the egret’s long, thin feathers makes post-processing work on them exacting and time-demanding, and the photographer’s patience and perseverance should be commended for their excellent work on them. 93

WILD LIFE SNOWY OWL BATHED IN THE GOLDEN MORNING LIGHT By 凯岚 Canon R5 600mm F5.6 1/1600s ISO 1000 编辑评语 –张廷: 雪鸮,它是本地冬季野生动物摄影的主角,此片最大的特点是 Editor’s comment – Ting Zhang: Snowy owls are one of the most popular subjects 应用逆光产生的光斑做背景,因而非常别致新奇,而且背光的色彩温暖与雪鸮 of winter wildlife photography in New England. The best feature of this photo is the 的白色进行了互补,使画面温馨协调。 use of backlighting to produce a nice spotted bokeh, and the resulting backlighting complements the white of the snowy owl, making the picture warm and harmonious. 94

WILD LIFE 有 收 获 By Cary Chu Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM lens, F5.6 1/2500s ISO 1600 這只燕鷗剛从水里捕获一条小魚 A tern, having just pulled a fish out of the water 95

WILD LIFE 灰 头 翠 鸟 GREY-HEADED KINGFISHER IN KENYA By Paul Hsi Nikon D850, 200-500mm at 500mm, F5.6 1/2500s ISO 640 96

WILD LIFE MY PLACE By Ziming Zheng Nikon D800 400mm, F6.3 1/500s ISO 1250 这是在阿拉斯加的卡特迈国家公园,那里以野熊闻名。他们中的大多数都专注 This photo was taken in Katmai National Park, Alaska, which is famous for 于抓捕三文鱼。但这两只熊开始争夺抓捕三文鱼的最佳位置。我喜欢它们的力 wild bears. This pair was fighting for a better position along the river to 量、行动和吼声。欢迎来到野性的世界! catch salmon. I love their strength, their action, and their roars. Welcome to the world of wildness! 97

A good snapshot keeps a moment from running away. - Eudora Welty 98

Ziming Zheng Exhibition Competition EXHIBITION Image Van Gogh: The Immersive Exhibition International Photography Awards Opening Dates: Present to March 19, 2022 Address: Entry deadline: Feb 28, 2022 SoWa Power Station Entry fee: Single Image: $35 in Professional Categories, $25 in Non- 550 Harrison Ave Professional Categories. Series (2-9 images): $60 in Professional Boston, MA 02118 Categories, $50 in Non-Professional Categories. Discounts are Website: available for additional categories and selected countries. information/ Prizes: $10,000 cash prize for the International Photographer of the Year Award and $5,000 cash prize for the Discovery of the Year Van Gogh was a Dutch Post-Impressionist painter. Many of Award (top award in the Non-Professional Categories). Category his works have become world famous in the art history. This winners will receive $1,000 in professional categories and $500 in exhibition applied modern digital technologies to provide non-professional categories. All awards include exhibition and an immersive experience to enjoy the gorgeous sunflowers, publication. the swirls of the starry night, and the crows flying upon the wheatfield … International Photography Awards (IPA), nicknamed “the Oscars of photography,” is one of the most well-known competitions. The competition is divided between professional and amateur, with 13 categories for each covering some very interesting topics. Website: Winner of 2021 : +Our+Times 99

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