MESSAGE Life is not often calm, still waters. We live in a world characterized by rapid change, chaos, and unpredictability. As a consequence, stress, adversity, and struggle are unavoidable in everyday life. It is easy to feel helpless or out of control in the face of a tricky problem. Keep in mind that you are not alone. Accepting help and support from those who care strengthens resilience. It is also entirely redundant to dwell in self-pity. Instead, take charge of the challenges presented before you. Allow yourself to learn and grow from setbacks, and strive to turn obstacles into opportunities. We tend to falsely believe that inherent talent is the prime determiner of success. While aptitude and skill are essential, hard work, grit, and perseverance endow one with invaluable experience and the required know-how to accomplish goals and fulfill lifelong dreams. Ultimately, if one is willing and able to commit fully, take charge, defy limitations, and confront daunting realities, they are sufficiently equipped to conquer the battlefield of adversity and emerge victorious. Nelson Mandela aptly said, “The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” Padma Srinivasan Principal
MESSAGE It is lovely to see the talent and creativity of the students of Delhi Public School, R.K. Puram, come alive through the vibrant pages of the school magazine. Their diligence and fortitude in the face of these unprecedented challenges serve as a true source of inspiration. I commend their relentless pursuit of excellence and look forward to seeing them scale even greater heights, distinguishing themselves across fields, as students of this esteemed institution are bound to do. As William Feather rightly said, \"Success is largely a matter of hanging on long after others have let go.\" I wish the Principal, Staff and Students the very best in their future endeavours. V.K. Shunglu Chairman The Delhi Public School Society & D.P.S. R.K. Puram Managing committee
Ode t o t he Chairman In the Olympics, torches are lit by Sun rays and the light is so brilliant, it always stays For us, our torches are lit by the effulgence of your words As we gaze with awe, at all you've conquered Sir, you lead with example and action but most importantly, you lead with passion and compassion You lead us onto every path, even the road not taken You help us smile when we're nervous and immensely shaken You teach us how to not merely fly, but to make the sky our own You teach us how to smile, in every storm and cyclone Sir, your guidance is the framework of our every endeavor In our hearts, we have no fear, no reluctance whatsoever Sir, for your guidance we are immensely grateful to you Every dream - every goal, we confidently pursue!
Chairman The Delhi Public School Society & D.P.S. R.K. Puram Managing Committee EB : If you were given one day without any responsibilities, deadlines or work pressure, how would you spend it? Chairman Sir : I would spend it lying in bed and reading my favourite book. EB: What, according to you, are the essential traits of a great leader? Chairman Sir: I believe that the essential traits that make a great leader are consistency, credibility and the way a leader conducts and carries himself. A leader must be consistent in his actions and conduct himself in a dignified and inspirational manner. Martin Luther King, for example, was a truly great leader. EB: \"The strength of any organisation lies in its differences, not in its similarities.\" Do you agree with this statement, Sir? Chairman Sir: Yes, I agree. I believe that similarity and imitation act as sources of inspiration and lead to great accomplishments. But, I am all for diversity as it leads to different and innovative ideas. Variation is essential for the progress of any society. EB: How do you manage your time and prioritise tasks? Chairman Sir: For that, you have to try and fix a disciplined routine for yourself. So, plan and manage a disciplined routine irrespective of whether you are occupied with anything or not. I am retired, I don’t go to the office anymore but I must finish getting ready by 8.30 or 9 am everyday. That’s a routine.
EB : If you could go back in time and change any one major decision you took in your life, what would it be and why? Chairman Sir : By the time I got into the IAS, my father had retired. So, I felt if I applied for a post within the Union Territory Delhi Cadre, I could stay close, in case he ever required any assistance. My father, however, was not entirely sure I’d make it, as competition in employment is such a matter of chance. Since he had also previously served in the IAS, he urged me to focus solely on advancing my career, and went to the concerned Joint Secretary in the Home Ministry and requested they post me somewhere else. In retrospect, now knowing first-hand what retired life is like, I wish I had stayed in Delhi and been more helpful. In those first 30 or so years of independence, between 1947 to about 1980, things were extremely difficult for the entirety of the Indian population - we were a very poor country, and we all struggled immensely. EB : If you could walk into the universe of any one book, which one would it be, and why? Chairman Sir : ‘The Decline and Fall of Roman Empire’. I have always been fascinated by Rome, and thus this is the book I would love to step into. EB : What was the first job you held, and what did that experience teach you, Sir? Chairman Sir : The first job I held was as a Sub-Divisional Magistrate in Raipur. What that taught me, was how crucial it is to be your own person. EB : What is one memory you’ve made during your time at The DPS Society that you will cherish forever? Chairman Sir : My fondest memory would be the foot-over bridge in your school. In the beginning, this project looked so undoable, but by the end of it, we were able to make this dream and vision possible and successful. While it was not a huge project, in terms of money, it transformed the road completely. I personally found the transformational effect of this project truly beautiful.
EB : What are the key skills students should develop now, to prepare for the post pandemic world? Chairman Sir : In all honesty, I do not think that the switch from offline or ‘in classroom’ learning, to online learning was very challenging. The 21st century students were already equipped with the required know-how to handle online and internet based learning, and the shift from offline to online classes was effectively handled and very well received. Thus, I believe students already possess these ‘key’ skills. EB : What will your day look like after this interview? Chairman Sir: I have a meeting at 11:30 am, after which I will have my lunch and catch up on some reading. In the evening I will go for my routine walk. Subsequently, I will play scrabble and watch television. I am currently watching a very interesting show called ‘The Vikings’. I would like to recommend all those who are watching this show to also read the book ‘The English and Their History.’ Correlating both these mediums would allow the viewers to gain both knowledge and pleasure at once. EB : “Leaders can let you fail, but never allow you to be a failure.” What are your thoughts on this statement, Sir? Chairman Sir : This is an interesting quote. As I understand it, you needn’t use an exalted word such as ‘leader’. When working on a team, if an individual makes a mistake, you need not point it out constantly. However, there must be an opportunity to iron it all out and to ensure that the mistake is not repeated. EB : Finally, what is one question you wish we had asked you? Chairman Sir : I was not anticipating any specific question, and was ready to answer any question that you may have put forth. I approached this interview with an open mind because I believe I must be honest and forthright, especially with you. EB: Your message for the students of DPS RK Puram. Chairman Sir: (laughs) Don’t create such tough interviews. EB: What, according to you, is the most challenging aspect of teamwork? Chairman Sir: To agree, even when you know the other person is in the wrong. Or at least not to disagree.
Rapid Fire 1. Favourite TV programme? 8. One adjective to describe yourself? Sir : I enjoy watching Lawn Tennis. Sir: Calm. 2. The last book you read? 9. Best compliment you’ve ever received? Sir: A Year in the Provence. Sir : Getting the ‘Top Gymnast’ cup in school two years in a row. 3. Favourite beverage? Sir: Orange or Keenu juice . 10. The first career you dreamt of having? Sir: In my times, things were very government 4. Your birthplace? oriented, but yes, I did dream of becoming an IAS Sir: Delhi. officer. 5. Least favourite subject in school? Sir: (laughs) All. 6. Favourite city in the world? Sir : Rome, any day. 7. Classroom teaching or online teaching? Sir: A combination of both.
It has been often said, that kindness can be merely felt - Like other emotions, in our hearts, kindness has dwelt But you make us believe, that kindness can be seen Punctuated, by generosity and wisdom in between You are an epitome of wisdom and kindness All that we've learnt from you, is truly priceless! The Delhi Public Society & Vice Chairman, D.P.S R.K. Puram Managing Committee
A heart of gold, isn't merely a literary exaggeration - Your meticulousness leaves us in absolute fascination You take us by the hand, onto life's shore You fill us with sunshine and inspiration, to the core! Ms. Namita Pradhan You are a symbol of the wonders, that kindness can do Hony. Treasurer And you show us, how truth, The Delhi Public School Society & Member, can help us see the world anew! D.P.S. R.K. Puram Managing Committee
The Managing Committee, Delhi Public School R.K. Puram Sh. V.K. Shunglu Chairman, The Delhi Public Society & D.P.S. R.K. Puram Managing Committee Sh. B.K. Chaturvedi Ms. Namita Pradhan Dr. (Mrs.) Usha Luthra Sh. Ravi Vira Gupta Vice Chairman, The DPS Society & Hony. Treasurer, The D.P.S. Society & Member, The D.P.S. Society & Member, The D.P.S. Society & Vice Chairman, D.P.S. R.K. Puram Member D.P.S. R.K. Puram D.P.S. R.K. Puram D.P.S. R.K. Puram Managing Committee Managing Committee Managing Committee Managing Committee
Sh. Rahul Singh Dr. (Ms.) Kiran Datar Ms. Vrinda Sarup Prof. B.P. Khandelwal Member, The D.P.S. Society & Member, The D.P.S. Society & Member, The D.P.S. Society & Member, The D.P.S. Society & D.P.S. R.K. Puram D.P.S. R.K. Puram D.P.S. R.K. Puram D.P.S. R.K. Puram Managing Committee Managing Committee Managing Committee Managing Committee Sh. Kaushik Dutta Prof. (Dr.) Harsh Wardhan Sh. Ashok Narayan Dr. Sudipta Ghose Member Member Member Member D.P.S. R.K. Puram D.P.S. R.K. Puram D.P.S. R.K. Puram D.P.S. R.K. Puram Managing Committee Managing Committee Managing Committee Managing Committee
Sh. D.S. Rawat Sh. M.S. Negi Ms. Gurdeep Kaur Sh. R.K. Meena Nominee Nominee Nominee Nominee Dte. of Education Dte. of Education Advisory Board Advisory Board Ms. Lalitha Srinivasan Ms. Sarita Sinha Dr. K.B. Shankar Ms. Padma Srinivasan Staff Representative Staff Representative P.T.A. Representative Principal & Manager
Ms. Padma Srinivasan, Principal Awards received by the School DATE AWARD RECIPIENT October State Teachers’ Ms. Padma 2020 Award by NCT of Srinivasan, Principal Delhi It is said, if you wish upon a shooting star - May You inch closer to your dreams, which may have seemed afar 2020 Role Model Teacher Ms. SK Nagalaxmi Ma'am, you taught us the importance of hard work and strife Award by DPS Society (DPS, R.K.Puram) June Ms. Renu Krishna You taught us how to mould our own shooting stars in life 2020 (DPS, Vasant Vihar) You instilled in us, the importance of integrity Ms. Karuna Sharma (DPS,East of Kailash) And how to forge ahead, with honesty and dignity SOF Best Zonal Delhi Public School You made us live the undying motto Award for the year RK Puram Of ''Service Before Self\" 2019-20 by Science Teaching us to rise Olympiad Foundation Beyond the limitations of 'myself' Thank you ma'am, for teaching us to aspire - To touch every height Even life's tallest spire
High Achievers
High Achievers
High Achievers
High Achievers
High Achievers
High Achievers
High Achievers
High Achievers
High Achievers
High Achievers
High Achievers
High Achievers
High Achievers
High Achievers
High Achievers
High Achievers
Results (Class XII)
Results (Class XII)
Results (Class XII)
Results (Class XII)
Results (Class XII)
Results (Class XII)
Results (Class XII)
Results (Class XII)
Results (Class XII)
NTSE Results 2020 Fourteen students from Delhi Public School, R.K.Puram qualified in NTSE Stage 1 from Delhi out of 152 students in the current academic session. The results were declared on 13th August 2021. Aniket Gupta Prathmesh Shankar Shashwat Jha Prachi Jindal Ayush Kumar Ashutosh Shukla Shail Choudhary Rahul Kumar Utkarsh Chauhan Hargun Singh Ishaan Semwal Satyam Birla Divyansh Nayan Muhammad Ali Ayaan
Vansh Gupta IX -A
An Interview with the Principal - Ms. Padma Srinivasan EB: Ma’am, you have been a teacher and now you’ve assumed the role of Principal. How many years have you been associated with DPS? Which of the two roles do you enjoy more? Ma’am: I joined DPS in 1987. I have been here for so long. I have been teaching even before your parents passed out of Class XII, I am sure. It’s almost ancient. My first batch was in 1988 of Class XII. This year we are celebrating fifty years of DPS R. K. Puram. It started in 192, and in 2022- fifty years would be completed. I teach even now. I teach Class XII, so interacting with children is the most beautiful thing. I don’t understand why people do not wish to become teachers. It might be because of money, I think, as it doesn’t pay one exceptionally well. But let me tell you, it is one of the most satisfying and pleasurable jobs a person may find. You get to interact with the students and stay in tune with every generation. EB: Ma’am, when the tiniest of species, a virus, can bring the entire world to a halt, do you see any hope for us the so-called ‘brilliant and superior’ human species? Ma’am: It could be that this superior species has quite inadvertently created this virus. One theory says that we are playing with nature, so it is retaliating in the form of this virus. The other theory says that perhaps human beings have created this virus unnaturally that is, they have manufactured this virus in a lab. Who can do what, not even God can help us when we are hell bent on destroying ourselves? Science and technology are extremely useful to us. Even during coronavirus, it has helped us. But the problem arises when we are misusing the technologies and using them against the mankind. Yet, there is hope because without medicine or doctors we wouldn’t have fought with this virus. The contributors to this interview are Anushri Kabi, Gariima Kuchchal, Medhansh Pandya, Nanya Gupta, Omyra Lakhanpal, Rishan Vig, Shiven Singh, Vani Menon along with the faculty members of DPS Vasant Vihar Ms. Rita Prasad, Ms. Sonal Sharma and Ms. Ekta.
EB: Ma’am, please tell us, what / who inspires you to steer the school in the right direction even when the danger of the pandemic is looming large and there is uncertainty at every step? Ma’am: We may look very confident but at every step of the way we think three-four times before taking the next one. We think for our students and think like you while taking any decision because our safety is our prime concern. Keeping social distancing is the most important part of keep safe. When the students are coming to school for their practicals at R. K. Puram, we make sure that their parents consent to that and are not apprehensive about what is apprehension at the school. The students are made aware of all the rules and regulations they are supposed to follow keeping the Covid protocols in mind. Soon, the school will reopen for you little ones too, and it would be planned in a similar manner. EB: The prevalent situation is stressful for all of us. How are you coping with it? Ma’am: I have been coming to school every day since July. It was only for fifteen das in between when I didn’t come because a family member of mine had covid, so it is for everyone’s safety that the family members of covid patients do not leave their house. I have been meeting parents and working with people in the school. It is because you have not been stepping out of the house that you are quite scared. But the moment the schools reopen and you have a routine to step out, you’d feel less anxious. However, the second wave of the virus was s stressful time as many staff members fell sick. We had to help each other and make sure they were all safe in the end. EB: Ma'am, the online classes have been very successful and all of us children are learning so much through them. What are some of the challenges you faced in getting these online classes executed? Ma’am: The online classes were a challenge for us in the beginning. The schools shut down all of a sudden on the 19th of March in 2020. We weren’t even any notice or time to prepare, we were simply told to shut the school. We were asked to vacate the school premises and the date of return was not informed. We could foresee this; hence we had started training the teachers for the same around that time. Only the guards were here and nobody else was allowed to come to the school the following months. I took over on April 1, after Vanita Ma’am retired. During the lockdown period, it was great challenge as physically we couldn’t hold on any classes but we had to ensure that studies weren’t affected. We decided to come up with a way to equip our teachers for the online. Classes. So, we used play way methods for the teachers. We even bade farewell to Vanita Ma’am online. The Performing Arts Department of Vasant Vihar and R. K. Puram got online first. It was a wonderful experience.
EB: Ma’am, please relate some incidents from your childhood when you were caught doing something mischievous. Ma’am: When I was a child, a music teacher used to come home to tutor me and my sister. My sister sang Carnatic music very diligently. I liked singing but if I had to make a choice between singing and playing, I would definitely go out to play. This music teacher would come during my playtime every evening. I lived in a house on the ground floor with a garden around it. My friends would open the window of the room and call out for me. I was an ace striker, so they loved to have me in the team. He knew that I resented that he was at my house during my playtime, but he didn’t seem to care about it. One afternoon I decided not to return home from school and sat in the upper terrace. No one could see. They searched for me but couldn’t find me. The music teacher realized that play was very important to me, and agreed to change the class timings. I remember this lesson because I learnt that everyone cares about you, and if you have an issue about something, talk to your elders and seek to resolve it. EB: Please tell us a little about how the day goes for you or your daily routine. Ma’am: I get up in the morning and get read. I hear out the morning assemblies. Post that, I leave the house to reach the school. Then I carry on with my work at school. Somedays the work is so much that it goes on till 6:30-7:00 in the evening. EB: Ma'am, do you have a corner in your house which you like the most, like a favorite spot in the house? What is it and why do you like being there? Ma’am: I remember there was this place in my house before the renovations took place, that was the only spot where we used to get sunlight in the morning. We had a pet dog then. It used to be a competition between the do and all of us as to who would grab the spot first. The dogs always look for the best spot in the house. EB: While working from home, are you able to pursue your interests or hobbies? Are there any new things that have caught your attention? Ma’am: I love reading a lot. I read all the time. I can read anything and everything under the sun. also, there are so many thins available on YouTube for you to watch and gain information about the entire world, just a click away. I scroll through the net for the information or analysis I need to get. I have a karaoke system in which I sing. I find it relaxing and rejuvenating. EB: Ma’am, how do you connect with your friends and relatives whom you haven’t met in a long time? Ma’am: just pick up your phone and send a message. I had a friend in school with whom I recently decided to connect with. She is doing so well that I invited her to be guest speaker for our Class XII students. Pick up your phone and start connecting. Friendships and relationships are never so fragile. They feel happy when you connect with them.
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