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2021 Dancing with the StarS for Hope Presented by

One Bite and You’re Hooked! “I created each recipe from only the best farm fresh ingredients.You can find my gourmet products in major grocery, farm markets and boutique retail stores in the Southeast. Enjoy!” - Abby Jackson, Owner, Abby J’s Gourmet, Chef and Proprietor, Blackhawk Flyfishing, Co-Founder, Southern Farm & Garden, Clarkesville, Georgia | 706-947-3474 | DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE | 1

Citizens of Georgia Power Tallulah Falls Chapter Some Local Charities We Support Upcoming Fundraising Events Sporting Clay Shoot – TBD Golf Tournament – TBD Let’s Can Hunger Food Donation Drive – All Year Officers / Contacts: President: Kesha Wilson Vice President: Michelle Williamson Corresponding Secretary: Francesca Franklin Treasurer: Lee Williamson 2 | DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE

We would like to thank all the dancers, volunteers, sponsors, and community members for supporting Dancing with the Stars for Hope. It is because of you that this event has been an extraordinary success. Your generosity helps us continue to help others within our community. Circle of Hope has been serving survivors of domestic violence, dating vio- lence, sexual assault, and stalking for over 33 years. Our mission is to support, empower and bring hope to those affected by domestic violence through advocacy, awareness, education and community partnerships. Circle of Hope Programs and Services Emergency Shelter - crisis intervention support services designed to provide immediate safety, meet survivor needs, and help survivors gain self-sufficiency and independence. 24-Hour Crisis Intervention Services - available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to assist survivors with safety planning, service options, crisis counseling, and social service referrals. Legal Advocacy Services - assistance with Temporary Protective Orders, court accompaniment, navigation of judicial system, and applying for Victims Compensation and criminal warrants. Trauma-Focused Counseling - licensed therapists to help survivors and children heal from the abuse experi- enced. Mobile Advocacy Program - safety planning, relocation assistance and access to community resources provided in tri-county service area via an ‘office on wheels’ equipped van. Support Groups - a safe place to connect with other survivors who share similar experiences. Children’s Program - advocacy, mentoring, recreational activities, family enrichment activities, individual coun- seling, support groups, school liaison services, and age appropriate safety planning. Personal/Financial Advocacy - referrals and/or agency resources to meet survivor needs including medical, food, financial, legal, housing, clothing, employment training, relocation, transportation, financial literacy, education, and other needs. Transitional, Rapid Re-Housing, and Permanent Supportive Housing Programs - housing rental units (combina- tion of survivor and Circle of Hope leased) and a transitional housing facility in which those fleeing domestic vio- lence can work towards self-sufficiency while receiving financial housing assistance, case management, advocacy, and support services focused on healing and economic independence. DV Housing First Program - financial housing assistance, case management, advocacy and support services avail- able to those who need support to remain in their home after the perpetrator has left and/or to assist those with household startup cost if remaining in their home is not safe. Prevention Program - comprehensive, age-appropriate K-12 school-based program to educate youth about healthy relationships. Includes collaboration with local colleges and other youth serving agencies by facilitating workshops or by participating in special events. Community Education - training available to healthcare professionals, law enforcement, faith based leaders, community organizations, corporations, and professional associations. DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE | 3

A HEART FOR SERV ICE United Community Bank proudly supports Circle of Hope and their work in our community. CORNELIA | 1472 Highway 441 North | 706-776-3114 CLARKESVILLE | 468 West Louise Street | 706-754-2233 Member FDIC. © 2019 United Community Bank | 4 | DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE

Discover your Georgia Mountain and Lake Retreat with the Forever Brand of Real Estate. UNDER SOLD SOLD CONTRACT INCREDIBLE VIEWS HISTORIC ESTATE ON 8.56 ACRES THE ORCHARD 3 STANLE Y NIX ROAD 1857 HARDMAN ROAD 155 ORCHARD CREEK DRIVE CLEVELAND, GEORGIA 30528 CLARKESVILLE, GEORGIA 30523 430 ACRES | $1,999,000 CLARKESVILLE, GEORGIA 30523 4BR | 5FB | 1HB I $795,000 5BR | 5BA | $695,000 SOLD SOLD SOLD 22± ACRE EQUESTRIAN ESTATE SOQUE RIVER LAKE BURTON 1261 PREACHER CAMPBELL ROAD 610 SOQUE WILDERNESS ROAD 4025 BLALOCK GOLDMINE ROAD CLARKESVILLE, GEORGIA 30523 CLARKESVILLE, GEORGIA 30523 4BR | 4FB I 1HB | $1,295,000 5BR | 4FB | 1HB I $1,289,000 CLAY TON, GEORGIA 30525 4BR | 2FB | 1HB I $1,249,500 SOLD SOLD SOLD LAKE BURTON 31± ACRE FARM | 10± ACRE PRIVATE LAKE 40± ACRE SOQUE RIVER ESTATE 241 SUMMIT RIDGE ROAD 300 TURKEY CREST 1305 NEW LIBERTY ROAD CLARKESVILLE, GEORGIA 30523 CLARKESVILLE, GEORGIA 30523 CLARKESVILLE, GEORGIA 30523 4BR | 4FB | 1HB I $1,300,000 5BR | 5FB | 1HB I $899,000 6BR | 5FB | 1HB I $1,390,000 We Deliver MORE to Your Meghann Brackett Bottomline, Let Us Show You How. LUXURY COLLECTION SPECIALIST Call for a Free Consultation. D: 706.968.1870 | O: 706.778.4171 Over $50 Million in Total Sales in the Last 12 Months NORTHEAST GEORGIA OFFICE | 139 E. MORGAN STREET | CLARKESVILLE, GEORGIA 30523 BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY HOMESERVICES GEORGIA PROPERTIES ©2021 BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently operated subsidiary of HomeServices of America, Inc., a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate, and a franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of Columbia Insurance Company, a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate. Equal Housing Opportunity. DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE | 5

In loving Memory of Tommy & Bernice Irvin by The Thomas T. & Bernice F. Irvin Foundation, Inc. THE Friendliest PLACE IN NORTH GEORGIA Joining a truly private club is about: • Championship golf & fun tournaments • An enjoyable pace of play • A Junior golf program including • Relationships & camaraderie camps & clinics • A well manicured golf course • Active Men’s & Ladies’ Golf Associations • Fantastic food and exciting social events throughout the year CALL ABOUT OUR DWTS MEMBERSHIP SPECIAL! ORCHARDGOLFCLUB.COM 1057 Orchard Drive | Clarkesville, GA 30523 | (706) 754-3156 6 | DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE

FOR YOUR HOME AND BUSINESS. Live Connected. Live Kinetic. Proud sponsor of Dancing with the Stars for Hope Connect Today Call 1-706-778-2500 or Visit Your Local Retail Store DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE | 7

ChtrhiestPmaar December 1 Times Var Cornelia Comm 706.776.7281 House 1329 Washington Street 6 0 1 Wy ly St Clarkesville, Ga 30523 Attractions inclu Holiday Market Entertainment from Premiere Dan Cornelia Hospitality & Tourism Board Presents SnoSw Pawlayyer(sBPnhoRInwoAOFtRmoEWEseCownncNe,irttshnoSwanbtaall fi G“Sirolms Deo” Fo“fTohoraYndkouG”od Hayrides Checka“TnhdeMBeo”ys @FaCcoerbnoeolktih“aeCafCfMooéronrenar”EinveSnttr Saturday October 9th | 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. 301 South Main Street, Cornelia OPENING ACTS Shyanne Rinefierd, Ethan Phillips and Steve Phillips and the Midnight Express Craft Vendors | Food Vendors Bring your chair and enjoy the day! | Email: Call Lindsey at 706-778-8585 ext 224 for more information 8 | DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE

OUR SERVICES Tax, Bookkeeping & Payroll Audit, Review & Compilation TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU New Business, Individual & P.O. Box 1470 P.O. Box 1330 Business Tax, 45 South Main Street 327 Monroe Street, Suite D Estate Planning Clayton, GA 30525 Clarkesville, GA 30523 Governmental & Non-Profit Phone: (706) 782-7022 Phone: (706) 754-5814 Fax: (706) 782-6189 Fax : (706) 754-9069 Member: Georgia Society of Certified Public Accountants Member: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants HABERSHAM COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE IS PROUD TO SUPPORT CIRCLE OF HOPE AND ALL THE DANCE TEAMS The Northeast Georgian SHERIFF JOEY TERRELL SERVING HABERSHAM COUNTY SINCE 1892 HABERSHAM COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE THENORTHEASTGEORGIAN.COM 706.778.4215 DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE | 9 We appreciate all the volunteers dancing to better our community. Be proud of every step you take.

10 | DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE Platinum Sponsors Presenting Sponsors

Gold Sponsors Silver Sponsors Ayers Office Products Headwaters Realty​, Dale and Jean Holmes T​ he Northeast Georgian Bigg Daddys Restaurant & Tavern Holcomb’s Office Supply Jack Bradley Agency The Thomas T. & Bernice F. Blue Willow Floral Jack and Kathy Molnar Irvin Foundation, Inc. C​ arr Law Group J​ason Hogan Designs Dalton and Margie Sirmans Little Dreamers Academy​ The Orchard Golf & Country Club G​ arrett Family Medicine Longstreet Clinic Roy and Claudia Bell Georgia Mountain Roofing Melissa and Kevin Wood ​H​ azel Cording United Community Bank H​ abersham Community Theater Mixon, Mixon, Brown & Tench, CPA’s Wade Rhodes, The Norton Agency Habersham County Sheriff’s Office ​North Main Credit Union Habersham Family Dental Otis & Company Weaver Parts Hayes Automotive Baldwin Pest Control Insulation, Inc. W​ histle Top Brew Co. ​Wilbanks Lumber Company Zach Garvey Real Estate Team DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE | 11


Find out what all the interest is about. • Senior Demand 3.5%Earn up to * Notes For current rates, visit • Variable Rate Subordinated Debentures interest on your investment. • Commercial Paper Call us today and find out how you can get short-term, high interest rates. 706-886-7571 800-282-0709 GOtOo aDll tLhTUeeaDCmWKsT! S INVESTMENT CENTER 135 E. Tugalo Street, Toccoa * This is not an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to purchase these securities. Any offer or sale of Senior Demand Notes or Variable Rate Subordinated Debentures will be made only by a Prospectus which is available by calling, visiting, or writing us at PO Box 880, Toccoa, GA 30577. We are not a bank and investments are not bank deposits or obligations and not insured by the FDIC, SPIC or any other federal or state agency. Investors must rely solely on the Company’s ability to pay principal and interest on its securities. Visit Investments for our current rates. DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE | 13

We are a full • Custom Designs service jewelry store • Stone Replacement providing handmade • Prongs Rebuilt • Ring Sizing custom designs, • Clean & Polish (While You Wait) simple repairs to • Watch Band Adjustment reconstruction of your • Watch Battery Replacement cherished jewelry. • Eyeglass Frame & Chain Repair All work done • Rhodium & Gold Plate on the premises. • Engraving • Restring Pearls (Knotted) • Arthritic Shanks • Appraisals • Monograms • We Buy Gold The Grace of God has given us this very special jewelry store. We invite you to visit Jewelry Expressions and experience trustworthy, hands-on expert and personable service. 186 Cannon Bridge Road • Cornelia GA 30531 • 706-894-1288 • Chick-fil-A Cornelia is proud to support Dancing with the Stars for Hope It would be our pleasure to serve you in Drive-thru, Curbside, our Dining Room, or Team Member Delivery. Download our app to skip the line and earn points towards free food! .Chick-fil-A Cornelia .330 Furniture Plaza .Cornelia, GA 30531 706-776-0090 14 | DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE

LIST with LAWS and let us seal the deal! ASHLEE DUELL 2000 Antioch Church Road Mount Airy, GA 30563 706-754-5595 Don’t make • Locally owned & operated real estate firm another error in judgement! • Advertising on the GA Multiple Listing Service and the First Multiple Listing Service Next time… • TWO local office locations • Zillow Premier Agents I’ll LIST WITH LAWS! • Professional Photography • Mail & Magazine Advertisements • Ability to show your home via BOAT! DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE | 15

suPprpoourdter Also proud to serve my communities as a trusted of Circle of Hope as they continue MORTGAGE LENDER. serving our communities Nothing is more important than a by supporting, empowering and home you can call your own. bringing hope to those affected by Call me today and lets get started! domestic violence. Molly Nicholson Mortgage Loan Originator NMLS #201785 GA #24337 c: 706.499.7639 o: 706.754.9222 604 Washington St., Clarkesville, GA 30523 Apply Now: Copyright © 2020. Homestar Financial Corporation NMLS #70864 Georgia Residential Mortgage Licensee #17368. This is not an offer to enter into an agreement or a commitment to lend. Not all customers will qualify. All terms, information, conditions, rates, and programs are subject to change without prior notice. All products are subject to credit and property approval. Not all loan products are available in all states. Certain other restrictions may apply. For important licensing information, refer to Homestar Financial Corporation is an equal housing lender and is not affiliated with any government entity. 16 | DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE



Bobby Palmer A Habersham County native, Bobby was one of the 100 babies born in Dr. Garrison’s office on the square in Downtown Clarkesville. Once a Bobcat always a Bobcat, he graduated from North Habersham High School in 1970. His career began in the retail food industry working in management positions for 25 years with Winn Dixie and Food Lion. He was owner of Traditions Furniture & Design in Gainesville for 20 years and now works for Wood’s Mercantile in Clarkesville. Bobby enjoys landscaping, gardening and taking care of the birds and hummingbirds that frequent his property. Bobby and his wife Kathy will celebrate 43 years of marriage next month. His greatest joy is his lovely wife Kathy and their two wonderful children Blake and Brooke. The family has grown to include a wonderful daughter and son-in-law; Lauren and Steve. Bobby is a first time Grandparent to adorable 11 month old Charlotte Kathryn Palmer.  Clay Christy Clay Christy is a Sales Manager at Homeowners Financial Group in Cleveland, GA and is the owner of BrickHouse Mobile DJ’s. He is married to his high school sweetheart, Minda Christy, and they have two boys, Connor & Mason. When he’s not closing home loans or doing music at a wedding or class reunion, he enjoys kayaking, fishing and spending time with his family in the mountains. DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE | 19


ONE FREE WEEK SIGN UP NOW! Jazzercise of Clarkesville With this AD! 125 Washington St. Clarkesville, GA Offer valid for new customers or those who have not attended in six months or longer. 706.705.2088 Other restrictions may apply. Visit this Jazzercise location for details. DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE | 21


TALLULAH FALLS SCHOOL Tallulah Falls School is an independent, co- educational, international boarding and day school serving more than 500 students in grades 5-12. Tallulah Falls School is situated on a pristine, wooded campus built on the southern slopes of Cherokee Mountain in Northeast Georgia. Only 90 miles from metropolitan Atlanta, the setting affords its students the best qualities of rural simplicity and urban sophistication. Students find themselves immersed in an atmosphere that not only fosters academic excellence but also encourages an appreciation for nature and the preservation of natural resources. A 100% college acceptance rate illustrates the quality of the college-preparatory program and the success of TFS students. DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE | 23

When it comes to your final arrangements, shouldn't you make the decisions? The arrangements you make will reflect your exact wishes and desires. Pre-arranging your own service will help to ease the burden of your loved ones. It will also alleviate any questions, problems or differences, which can occur among family members. Pre-payment will protect you from the Left to right: Jerry Thomason, Kent Stewart, rising cost of prices, and it will not be Brent Tolbert, Kasey McEntire, and a financial burden on your loved ones. James Berry When you plan ahead you know that your wishes will be fulfilled. 706-754-6256 5495 Highway 197 South, Clarkesville 24 | DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE

Nichole Healy Nichole Healy studied dance at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts. After graduating with a B.F.A., she danced professionally in New York for Nicole Berger, Darrah Carr, and others. She also danced in various Off- Broadway productions, including Gateway Playhouse’s production of On the Town. Nichole lives in Clarkesville with her husband and two boys, ages 7 and 9. Carissa Kubitz Miss Carissa has been dancing since she was three years old. She toured Europe with a ballet company in high school and danced for an NBA team when she graduated. She lived in LA and has also studied extensively in NYC. She has studied with master teachers all over the world and is certified from Finis Jhung’s teacher training program. She is also a certified WuDang Qigong teacher & has over 150 hours of training with Yoga master Douglas Johnson. She now teaches competitive and pre professional dance in Atlanta and her students have placed in overalls at national competitions and can be seen dancing in movies, commercials, music videos and for professional sports teams. Craig Rogers A native of Charlottesville, Virginia, Craig Rogers is currently Vice President for University Advancement at Piedmont University. Craig attended Woodberry Forest School and then went on to the University of North Carlina, earning a BA in American Studies. Craig also played lacrosse at UNC, a member of a national championship team. He married his childhood sweetheart, Denise, a 1st-grade teacher at Clarkesville elementary, and has two sons, Caleb, and Connor, currently at Piedmont pursuing their undergraduate degrees. The Rogers live in Clarkesville with their beloved dog Bailey Jo. DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE | 25

OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Health Store & Smoothie Bar • All-Natural Smoothies • Vitamins Bulk Herbs • • CBD/Hemp Oil • Ionic Foot Bath • Essential Oils • Local Baked Goods • Kombucha on tap • Supplements • Teas & Spices • Milk & Meat 204 E Louise St. • Clarkesville (across from Ingles) 706.754.0247 26 | DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE

THE BEST THINGS COME IN SMALL PACKAGES! NMCU offers all the services you would find at a large financial institution but with a personal touch. If you’re tired of long lines, just being a number and having to wait for a loan decision not made locally, we are the perfect financial institution for you. Our staff and Board of Directors are people who live and work in our communities . We exist to provide affordable access to loans and other financial services. Our vision is to make a positive difference in the financial lives of our members and the community we serve by “Helping People Afford Life” and prosper. 706-894-9060 | 255 North Main St. Cornelia | Federally insured by NCUA DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE | 27

2020 Ford F-150 Congratulations to the lariat CrEw Cab Circle of Hope for a great event for our community. Good luck to all the dancers tonight! 2020 Ford ExplorEr Proud SPoNSor of the CArter CAiN Bud SoSeBee YOOUURR Health. Specialty. General Manager Sales Manager Longstreet Clinic has proudly cared for families for 25 years. Our physicians partner 706-778-2121 with patients by providing access to the latest technologies and advanced 1039 North Main St. Cornelia, GA treatment options so they can enjoy healthier lives throughout all stages of life. 200 providers | 18 specialties | 11 locations ONE PRACTICE. To nd a provider near you, call 770-718-1122 or visit LONGSTREETCLINIC CE LEBRATING y e ars Your Health. Our Specialty. 28 | DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE

GO Proud supporter of Dancing with the Stars for Hope 854 Washington Street, Såite 200 103 =i™way Drive, Såite C  Lynne Warren & Jeremy Bishop Clarkesville, #A 30523 Cornelia, #A 30531  Phone: 706-754-1040 Phone: 706-778-2154 Your friends at Habersham Fax: 706-754-0403 Fax: 706-776-182 4-H support you! 706-754-2318 • 555 Monroe St, Clarkesville Find us on Facebook @ Habersham 4-H  700996-G DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE | 29


— special performance — High Voltage Habersham Stage Raiders Mallory Edwards and Brent Edwards “Boogie Shoes” by KC & The Sunshine Band Zip ‘N Style Live in HD Meg and Josh Luke “Welcome to the Jungle” by Guns N’ Roses Alice Dover and Bo Hatchett “Man! I Feel Like a Woman” by Shania Twain Blues Brothers Medley Spirit Movers Jazzy-Cisers Kathy Ausburn and Andy Chambers Andrea Irvin, Vanessa Terrell, Norma Garza, “Footloose” Movie Version by Kenny Loggins Sherry Heimberger, Marva Griffith, Misty Troyer, Melanie Acker The Dancing Rebelz “Respect” by Aretha Franklin Lynne Warren and Jeremy Bishop — special performance — “The Git Up” by Blanco Brown “Fake I.D.” by Big and Rich Habersham Community Theater \"When I Drive\" Healthy Harmony — special performance — Lisa Nicholson and Wyatt Nicholson Dance Battle Mashup Clarkesville School of Dance — special performance — – Awards – Habersham Community Theater DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE | 31 \"I Know What You Want\"


NACOOCHEE ADVENTURES Zip Line & Canopy Tours Giant Swing Treehouses Camping ATV Rental Bike Rental Group and Family Events Best of Luck to All Contestants (But Vote for Meg and Josh!) 7019 S. Main Street, Helen, GA 706.878.ZIPS (9477) DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE | 33



JereTmhyeBDishaonpc&inLgynRneebWelazrren Lisa NHicheoalsltohny&HWayramttoNnicyholson Brent EdwHairgdhs &VoMlatallogrey Edwards Bo HatcLhiveett &inAHlicDe Dover 36 | DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE

Kathy D. AusSbpuirrnit&MReovv. eAnrsdy Chambers JoshZLiupke‘N&SMtyegleLuke Vanessa TeMrraerllv,aShGerrifrfyitHhJ,eaNimzozbryme-raCgeGisra,erMrzase,laMniisetyAcTkroeyr,eAr,ndrea Irvin DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE | 37

McGahee - Griffin & Stewart FUNERAL HOME Believes that each life is unique and deserves a meaningful tribute. We are proud to present the newest addition to our fleet. 1948 Chevrolet Hearse CRHeOadIeCrEs’ 2017 Habersham County’s oldest funeral home with 84 years of continued service. Family owned and operated since 1936. Voted Best Funeral Home In Habersham, 3 years in a row. 175 VFW Post Road, PO Box 725 | Cornelia, GA | 706-778-8668 Unique & Personalized Service, with Compassion. 38 | DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE

The Dancing Rebelz Healthy Harmony Lynne Warren: Lynne Warren is thrilled— Wyatt Nicholson: A Habersham coun- albeit a bit nervous—to finally partic- ty native, Wyatt works as a Clinical ipate in Dancing with Stars for Hope Exercise Physiologist in Cardiac and in Habersham County. Her desire to Pulmonary Rehabilitation at Haber- help young moms navigate difficult sham Medical Center. He is an active circumstances has led her to become member of Clarkesville First United personally involved with several fam- Methodist Church. Wyatt studied at ilies over the years and she is excited Young Harris College and Emmanuel to support Circle of Hope’s mission. College where he and his wife Steph- Lynne’s life-long passion to help margin- anie were captains of the swim team. alized women, along with her love for get- They were blessed with the birth of a baby ting on the dance floor, make Dancing with girl, Ava, this August. Wyatt is an avid endurance athlete having the Stars a dream come true for this Clarkesville resident. competed in multiple national championships, and one world championship, for swimming and triathlon. Wyatt’s hobbies Lynne is a career homeschool mom, having raised two include swimming, biking, running and hiking all throughout grown children, Jake (35) and Lanie (33), and currently raising north GA. “I am excited about competing in this years DWTS. I Randy (18) and Sam (16), who she fondly refers to as her “sec- believe that the Circle of Hope is a shining light in our commu- ond set”. With a smirk, Lynne says, “I discovered the perfect nity; helping so many individuals and families.” remedy for an empty nest syndrome, just have a couple more Lisa Nicholson: As a native of Habersham kids in your 40’s.” But she is quick to add, “I cannot imagine County, Lisa has spent her life serving my life without Randy and Sam, they make our lives so fun... this community. She has two wonderful and keep me feeling young.” In addition to her four children, children-LeAnne Challenger and Wyatt Lynne is now a proud Gigi to grandsons Brooks (5) and Braxton Nicholson, and their equally wonderful (3)—and soon to be granddaughter, Bria, due in December. spouses, Eric and Stephanie—all liv- ing in Habersham County. Lisa is also a Lynne was born in Savannah, GA but spent most of her new, proud Gigi to Ava LaRue. She is a early years in Rome, GA before attending Toccoa Falls Col- third-generation Georgia Bulldog gradu- lege—where she fell in love with and married a tall basketball ating from The University of Georgia’s Col- player from California. Lynne and her husband Bob just cele- lege of Pharmacy in 1985. brated 38 years of marriage in May. When not homeschooling, Lynne spends most of her time helping with the latest produc- Lisa is currently a full time Clinical Pharmacist at Habersham tion at Habersham Community Theater. She just completed Medical Center with over 38 years of experience in hospital, retail, her three-year term as a board member and has helped direct home infusion and institutional pharmacy. She continues to work several recent productions at HCT, in addition to appearing in part time as a contract pharmacist with the Georgia Department of several shows. Lynne stated, “my boys love theater and so the- Corrections for the past 30 years. Lisa serves as the Vice Chairman ater has become our family hobby.” of the Board of the Habersham Christian Learning Center and is also a member of the Board of the Northeast Georgia Family Resource Lynne hopes you enjoy their Dancing Rebelz routine and Center, as well as a past member of the HMC Foundation Board. appreciates her choreographer, Meredith, and dance partner for all of their time. Most of all, she is honored to help raise She is a member of S.O.A.R. a women’s leadership group funds for what she considers such an important cause in our with the Habersham Chamber of Commerce and graduated from community. the Chamber’s Leadership Habersham Class of 2009. She also Jeremy Bishop: Originally born a military serves on the Habersham County Board of Commissioners Public brat in Texas, Jeremy Bishop hopped Relations Advisory Board. Lisa is an active member of Clarkesville around the world until his family set- First United Methodist Church participating in women’s bible tled in Sautee-Nacoochee. Jeremy study and women’s circle group. studied Vocal Performance at Pied- mont College. He began ballroom When she is not working, Lisa spends time with her fami- dancing in college as a way to relax ly and shih tzu Sunshine. She goes on “great adventures” with and have fun. After a few lost years in her four girlfriends of 40 plus years, Becky, Melinda, Rhonda and finance, Jeremy went on to receive an Tammie. She recently trained and completed her first triathlon MAT in Secondary English Education at at Callaway Gardens and hopes to “TRI” another one soon. “I am the University of North Georgia. honored to compete in this year’s DWTS for Hope. It is a great opportunity to help others and give back to my community.” Jeremy assumed his role as director of the Habersham Stage Raiders in 2012. He remains active as DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE | 39 a singer and vocal coach whenever possible, and also serves as a board member of the Habersham Community Theatre. He lives in Clarkesville with his wife Caroline and daughters Mara and Gwen.

srpboootuiltteiqedune OWNITSHLHUIONSPE 186 D CANNON spoiledrottenboutique09 - instagram BRIDGE ROAD CORNELIA Mon-Sat 10-6 706.778.0223 40 | DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE

High Voltage Highrise art show curated by Showerhaus Gallery, Mint Gallery and Fulton County Arts. Mallory has also enjoyed directing, Brent Edwards: As a Georgia native, Brent shooting and lighting music videos, and has even played a few has lived as far north as Rabun County, as small roles on the big screen! When she’s not creating with her far south as Lowndes County and a few quirky art circle, she delights in dancing, travel, and anything places in between. After graduating involving the outdoors—but what brings her the most joy is from Lowndes High School in Valdosta, sharing laughter and deep connection with her dear friends he attended Lees McRae Junior College and family. While she loves all the fun things the city has to in Banner Elk, NC, later transferring to offer, she frequently visits home for the slower pace and star- East Carolina University where he met ry night skies. She dedicates this performance to her dad and his lovely bride of 40 years. Brent and dance partner for teaching her to never be shy to cut a rug like Kerry have called Habersham County no one is watching. home for 30 years where they raised their two beautiful daughters, Megan and Mallory. Live in HD Megan resides in Milton with her husband, Reggie, and their beautiful children, Miles, Charlotte and Norah Jane. Mallory Alice Dover: Having been raised in calls the ATL home. Brent & Kerry are members of Riverpoint Stephens County and family born Community Church. and raised in Habersham Coun- ty, I have the privilege of famil- An avid outdoorsman, Brent’s hobbies include hunting, fish- iarity with the area, the people, ing, camping and passing those traditions down to his wonderful and the incredible mountain views. grandchildren. Brent has started writing a book of short stories When the Circle of Hope asked Bo called “Blood Trails and Shirt Tails”. The book contains short sto- Hatchett and me to participate in this ries of his successful, unsuccessful and humorous encounters of crucial fundraiser to help bring awareness wild critters in God’s great outdoors from his childhood with his to domestic violence, I couldn’t have been more on board. father to recent years with his grandchildren. He plans to com- Bo and I have a passion for the community and for the people plete the book once he retires. Through his passion of the out- who live here. My profession is Real Estate. I am an Associate doors, Brent established the Soque River Spurs Chapter of the Broker with Headwaters Realty in Clarkesville, Georgia, and National Wild Turkey Federation and serves as president. chair on the Georgia Mountains and Lakes Realtor Association Events Committee. This affords me the opportunity to con- After digging graves, working in a tobacco warehouse and nect with the Northeast Georgia area from Rabun to Forsyth installing phone booths (some of you may not remember these), County. I am a certified Military Relocation Professional, a cre- Brent began his career at Georgia Power Company in 1982. He dential that certifies REALTORS® to work with active service was hired as a ‘helper’ on the line crew and worked his way up members and veterans to help them take full advantage of through the ranks where he currently serves as Area Manager available benefits and support when buying a home. My hus- for Habersham, Rabun and White Counties. Brent is very active band, Casey, served in the Marine Corps and teaches math at in his community – a Rotarian, past chairman and board mem- Habersham County Ninth Grade Academy. Our two daughters, ber of the Habersham County Chamber of Commerce, current aged 17 and 11, keep us busy with activities in our church and board member of the Rabun and White County Chamber of in school. We are excited to be a part of this important event Commerce. He also serves on the Habersham County Develop- and even more thrilled to have you as a part of our team. ment Authority; Banks, Habersham and Rabun Joint Develop- Bo Hatchett: I was raised here in Haber- ment Authority, The Lineman Program at North Georgia Tech- sham County and am blessed to raise my nical College, and member of the executive committee of the family here as well. I’ve known about Partnership for Growth Economic Development Council. In the the Circle of Hope most of my life early 90’s he was instrumental in helping establish the Habersh- and have seen how much of a pow- am County Mentoring Program. Brent was recognized as a ‘Pace- erful presence it has in the commu- setter’ in 1999. nity. I’m excited to be teaming up with Alice to support such a great Brent & Kerry wish to express their sincere appreciation to cause and event. I am an attorney in everyone for their support of Team ‘HIGH VOLTAGE’ and The Cir- Cornelia at Cathey & Strain and the cle of Hope!!! State Senator for our beautiful eight- Mallory Edwards: Mallory Edwards was county northeast Georgia district. My wife raised in the ‘Sham where Tim loves Ashley (who is also a local attorney) and I Tink and the bag boy asks how your have three daughters: Hallie (4), Hazel (1) and Heidi (2 months). folks are doing. After graduating high I am excited to be a part of this event and was honored to have school and completing the photogra- been asked to participate. phy program at North Georgia Tech, she ventured to the city of Atlanta DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE | 41 to pursue her creative talents. Some of her accolades include a (photogra- phy) feature in FamilyHoodATL, and the

Salon Avanti & Co. 278 Anderson Circle – Alto, Georgia 30510 Excellence. Community. Growth A team of talented stylists who are Aveda and Kevin Murphy Salon Certified with one common goal Open Tuesday – Saturday 706.778.2060 Salon Avanti & Co. is proud to support Alice Dover and Bo Hatchett with Live in HD! 42 | DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE

Jazzy-Cisers: Sherry Heimberger: Sherry is a lifelong resi- dent of Habersham County and a graduate Andrea Irvin: Andrea is a Habersham County of Habersham Central High School. She native and graduate of Habersham Central currently resides in Clarkesville, where she High School. She earned her Associate in married her high school sweetheart of 30 Business degree from Reinhardt University years, Stephen. They have one beautiful and Bachelor of Business Administration and talented Daughter, Tara, 26, and their in Risk Management and Insurance degree 17-year-old fur baby, Mia. Sherry has al- from The University of Georgia. Andrea’s ways had an active lifestyle. She began tak- husband, Drew Irvin, also a graduate of ing Tae Kwon Do and Hapkido at the age of 12 Habersham Central, earned a degree from and continued training into her early 30’s earning The United States Naval Academy. After being a 2nd-degree black belt in both. She then transitioned to get- married, the two lived all over the US while Drew ting her Aerobics Certification and began teaching Cardio Kick- served as a Surface Warfare Officer in the US Navy. boxing for many years at Total Fitness. After being introduced to Jazzercise and giving it a “free class try”, she was hooked. After their last duty station in Athens, Georgia the couple She quickly realized this isn’t your “1980’s, slow-paced and moved back to the Habersham/Banks County area where they easy” exercise regimen! She then got her Jazzercise Certifica- currently reside in Baldwin, Georgia on their family farm. An- tion and currently is an Instructor at Jazzercise of Clarkesville. drea and Drew are parents to three children, Abby – 16, a Ju- She and her husband also own and manage Airbnb rentals nior at Banks County High School, Maggie – 14, a Freshman at through Clarkesville Properties, LLC. While she may not be Banks County High School, and Jack – 11, a fifth grader at Banks the smooth and experienced dancer that the rest of her team- County Elementary School. Andrea is currently the Co-Owner mates are, she tries to live by the motto of “Don’t give up and of Jazzercise of Clarkesville with Vanessa Terrell, fellow instruc- be the hardest worker in the room”! Sherry is honored to be tor, team Jazzy-Cisers member and friend. She has been a Cer- able to participate in the Dancing with the Stars for Hope and tified Jazzercise Instructor for 8 and 1/2 years and continues all it represents. to love the program as much as she did when she became a Misty Troyer: I'm a small town girl and customer shortly after her third child, Jack, was born. wouldn't have it any other way. Born and raised in Cleveland, GA, I have nearly 20 Andrea also works part time at Simmons Electric, Inc. in years of experience as an RN, and 11 years Baldwin, GA where she assists in billing and bookkeeping for of dancing with some of the most won- commercial electrical work for the business. When the couple derful people in the world at Jazzercise of is not busy watching and helping with the children’s extracur- Clarkesville. I have 2 handsome boys, Eli ricular activities, Andrea and her family also work on the fam- and Abel, and the most supportive husband ily’s beef cattle farm and are avid college football fans. They I could ever imagine. This dance adventure love spending time with family and friends and are members had been so much fun. I have enjoyed spend- of First Baptist Church, Cornelia. Andrea and her fellow team ing time with my teammates, laughing, AND getting a great Jazzy-Cisers members are beyond excited to be a part of such work out at the same time. I couldn't ask for a better group of an important fundraising event to support a vital organization ladies to share the stage with. Thank you for this opportunity within our community. and I hope to see you at Jazzercise of Clarkesville very soon. Vanessa Terrell: Vanessa grew up in Clarkes- Norma Garza: I moved from Monterrey, Mex- ville, GA but now calls Banks County home ico in 2001 to the beautiful State of Geor- where she resides with her husband Zach gia and ventured into a different career Terrell, their children Clay (6yro) and Ivy as a High School Spanish teacher in 2003. (4yro), and their doodles Alf & Dewey. Good decision! I “met” Jazzercise when I Always an avid animal lover, she pursued lived in Mexico City in the 90’s and fell in a bachelor’s degree in biology from The love with it. I was so glad when I found it University of Georgia and later moved here in Habersham and became an instruc- to Indiana to obtain her master’s degree tor in 2012. Best workout out there! where she focused on amphibian conserva- tion at Indiana State University. When she’s not I visit Mexico frequently to spend time in a wetland or stream catching something scaly or slimy, or at with all my family and lifetime friends. Hiking is Jazzercise, you can find her and her family near a waterhole. my passion and I enjoy it the most with my best friend, David. They love the outdoors and spending time with their family and friends. Sunday is their favorite day. It’s their day of sleep- Jazzy-Cisers continue on next page ing in, church, and meals with extended family. Vanessa found Jazzercise after her first year of college and was immediately DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE | 43 hooked. After two weeks of attending class, she began train- ing to become an instructor; that was 16 years ago. As a new co-owner of Jazzercise of Clarkesville, Vanessa is so excited to be a part of Clarkesville’s small-business community and to participate in this year’s DWTS fundraiser.


Jazzy-Cisers, continued: part-time at the Habersham Success Academy, along with teaching as an adjunct professor at North Georgia Technical Melanie Acker: Hello! I’m Melanie Ryals Ack- College in Clarkesville and Anderson University in South Car- er. I’m a 1993 graduate of HCHS and attend- olina. She also remains involved in cheerleading by serving as ed Truett McConnell College and graduat- the Habersham Raider Cheer Program Coordinator ed with my Bachelor’s in Business from Piedmont College. I’ve lived in Habersham Kathy is married to Mark Ausburn who is a teacher and County the majority of my life - the last 19 Raider football coach, and they attend Level Grove Baptist years as a pullet/poultry grower with my Church in Cornelia. She is extremely proud of their two chil- husband Richard in the Hollywood area. dren and son-in-law. Their son Trevor works with Windstream, We’re raising three beautiful children who and their daughter Jalen is a counselor and cheer coach at are now young adults in their late teen years - HCHS. Their son-in-law, Seth Hulsey, teaches at HCLC. Taylor, Ryalie and Hunter. For the past two years, Kathy has served as one of the For the last 12.5 years it has been my privilege to be LO Im- Friday evening rehearsal judges for the Dancing with The Stars pact Jazzercise Instructor at the Clarkesville Jazzercise Center. for Hope event and is excited this year to be a part of the pro- As a young mom in 2006, I found this excellent program and it duction and to help generate funds that allow the Circle of has served me well as my exercise outlet and an opportunity Hope to offer a multitude of services to domestic abuse vic- to minister to all the wonderful ladies I now call my friends! tims. As a young child, Kathy was witness to domestic violence Marva Griffith: Marva Griffith loves to move! in her extended family when her aunt was unable to leave an On her feet, in the air, or across the water, abusive situation because there was no support to help her she enjoys teaching Jazzercise as her ex- through the process. Kathy believes the Circle of Hope is a ercise of choice. Marva has logged many wonderful organization that can provide resources for domes- hours flying her own airplane and jumping tic abuse victims and truly offer hope to those who have none. out of them as well with 500+ skydives! Canoeing and paddle-boarding are her Kathy has not performed in front of an audience since her favorite water activities and she just plain high school years, but she hopes she and Andy can play a small loves being outdoors. She and her husband, part in the entertainment for the evening. She hopes you en- Gene, are the perfect match as they both joy the performances of all the dance teams involved! hike, hunt and camp together when time allows. Rev. Andy Chambers: The Rev. Andy Chambers currently serves as the pastor Marva’s greatest love, however, is being “Nani” to her of First Presbyterian Church Cornelia. now 10-month-old grandson and her 4 grand-furbabies! He is 1998 graduate of the University of Georgia (BBA-Finance) and a 2008 Marva is excited about being a part of this year’s DWTS graduate of Columbia Theological Circle of Hope fundraiser. She is eager to earn your vote so Seminary (Masters of Divinity). Cur- be sure to make your contribution to her team, “Jazzy-cisers.” rently, he is halfway through a doctor- al of education ministry (DedMin) pro- Spirit Movers gram at Columbia Theological Seminary. He resides in Cornelia with his wife, Neile Kathy D. Ausburn: Born and raised in Bruce Chambers, and their four daughters, Habersham County, Kathy has been Avery (18), Duren (17), Elloree (12), and Hollen (7). employed her entire teaching career in the Habersham County School sys- Ordained in July of 2008, Rev. Chambers has previously tem. After graduating from Habersh- served churches in Carrollton, St. Simons Island, and Cleveland. am Central High School, she attended Internationally, Rev. Chambers serves as the Executive Director the University of Georgia and ob- for Our Journey International, a grassroots nonprofit (NGO) tained her BSEd., MEd., and later her serving vulnerable women and children in rural Kenya. Specif- Ed.S. degree. She obtained her Ed.D ically, OJI educates and feeds desperately poor children at the degree at Liberty University. During her Our Journey Sunshine Junior Academy (www.ojsunshineschool. teaching career, Kathy received various as well as provide opportunities for women to honors, awards, and recognitions such as Teacher of the Year, stand on their own two feet. “Pastor Andy,” as he is known Star Teacher, Academic All-Stars Teacher, and the Extra-Mile around the church, loves the outdoors, anything having to do Award, along with being selected by her students for teach- with the beach, UGA football, the Atlanta Braves, and date er appreciation recognition and by Horace Mann Insurance nights with his wife. Being a #girldad is his biggest joy in life. Company as a national scholarship recipient. Over the years, Kathy has participated in a number of different extracurricular “What a joy it is to participate in this wonderful DWTS event! activities within the school system, along with coaching cheer- Thank you Circle of Hope for all you do for women: for giving leading for the majority of her teaching career. After retiring them a voice, for empowering them to strive for something bet- in 2015, Kathy took a few months off but realized she wasn’t ter, for showing them their worth, and for giving them Hope. My ready to leave the classroom behind. Currently, she works work in Kenya has shown me HOPE is the most powerful force on Earth. It is truly an honor to partner with such a wonderful organization. May God’s face continue to shine on all you do.” DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE | 45

The Dance Studio Providing the highest quality of instruction  in an environment that builds grace,  confidence, and self esteem. Classes Offered: Ballet * Tap * Hip Hop * Baton Flag * Contemporary * Pointe Technique * Competition Ballroom * Cheer Tumbling * Jazz * Creative BOYS & GIRLS AGES 2-19 706.244.7879 46 | DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE

Zip N Style Josh Luke: Josh is a native of Habersham and is a 2003 graduate of Habersham Meg Luke: Meg is a true Habersham girl. Central. After graduation he moved Born and raised in Demorest, she grad- to Athens and worked for a construc- uated from Habersham Central in tion and real estate company. While 2004 and from the University of Geor- there, he met Meg through mutual gia in 2008, with a bachelor’s degree friends. Long story short, Josh and in Marketing. She and her husband, Meg moved back to Habersham in Josh, a fellow Habersham native, 2011 and married that year. They have have two children, Lily, 6, and Ben- two children, Lily, 6, and Benjamin, 3. In jamin, 3. They also have three fur ba- 2012, Josh helped develop and build Na- bies, Dolly Parton, CoCo and YoYo. Meg coochee Adventures in Helen. Nacoochee has been managing Erin London on the Adventures is an outdoor adventure company that has ziplines, square in Downtown Clarkesville for over 10 a challenge course, a giant swing, atv’s, and lodging, including years. She and Josh recently became the new owners of the tree houses and cabins. He is the general manager there, as store in February, and they are very excited for this brand new well as manages the Nacoochee Village where the Habersh- endeavor! She loves running and recently finished her first half am Winery is located. While Josh prefers the woods, he has marathon. Her family attends Riverpoint Community Church in enjoyed spending time in the dance studio. Meg and Josh are Demorest. Meg and Josh are so thankful for all their amazing honored to be a small part of the event that supports such a family and friends who have helped them raise money for this valuable organization. They are proud to be from Habersham event. They are especially thankful for the help of their amaz- and are grateful to live and work in this special community. ing choreographer, Savannah, for all she put into their routine. Meg and Josh both have two left feet, so she really had her work cut out for her!! They are so honored to participate in this event to help raise money for such a wonderful organization. Team Shout-Outs All Teams Sud Shine (2020 Team) Tugaloo Gas Company Demorest Woman's Club, Estate Team 4 U Customers, Greg & Laura Lee Burrell, Jim & Healthy Harmony Rhonda Butterworth, Jimmy & Linda Jean Southern Seasons Inn Black, Michael & Rebekah Nash, Norton Agency, Rhonda Hayes, and Ruth Cowan High Voltage Otis & Company and The Jones Clinic Methodist Moms (2020 Team) Tricia Hise Zip N' Style Elizabeth & Company Resale Treasures DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR HOPE | 47