aith — We Believe In Welcome to Church at • Salvation by Grace through faith. - Ephesians 2:8,9. Saturday 7 Marc • The imminent return of our Lord - MINISTR John 14:1-3. Tuesdays: • The Seventh day as God’s Sabbath from Centre of Help and Hope sunset Friday to sunset Saturday - Genesis 2:2,3; Luke 23:54,55. Wednesdays: Virtual Prayer Meeting • Healthful living, remembering that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. - Sabbaths (Saturdays): 1 Corinthians 3:16,17 The Church At Study Family Service • Baptism by immersion - Mark 1:9,10. Youth Service (AYS) • The support of the gospel by willing Minister: Pastor missionary service and gifts as the Lord Address: Glebe R prospers us. 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 Mobile number: 07383 5 from a sense of obligation or to enable the individual Email: www.w experience in which there is a close walk with Jesus Follow us on Twitter a personal Saviour. We are ssage Notes _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Statement he unconditional love of Jesus in our d His everlasting Gospel to everyone, ywhere. ntists; Our Church, Your Home.
l and Leadership Team ANNOUNCEM of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. WILLESDEN PR women will be praying on this en’s Day of Prayer. e presence of the Holy Spirit! rs and answers prayers. Please c out prayer DREAM Tu out blessing, CAPTURE thout prayer hout power. 7:1 Harvey Via ‘WRITE the make it PL Habakku Zoom details will be se on the Church Members What
UNCEMENTS Health Education — Cou Reasons for R A Question o \"And thou shalt love the Lord thy Go soul, and with all thy mind, and with The Creator of man has arranged the Every function is wonderfully and wi Himself to keep this human machine agent will obey His laws and cooper the human machinery is to be consid in character, and in importance as th Every careless, inattentive action, an wonderful mechanism, by disregard habitation, is a violation of God's law We may behold and admire the work the human habitation is the most wo Counsels on Diets and Foods pg. 17 God is as truly the author of physica law. His law is written with His own f muscle, every faculty, which has bee
ANNOUNC day Adventist Church ch 2021 h School - 11:00am chool 11:00am ksana Thomas er Sister Shirley Harper Carlene and Sisters Carles Caynor ressions, He was bruised for our peace was upon Him, and by His d”. (Isaiah 53:5) thinkable” sion Panel Leader Kabambe mbers ana Thomas, Alina Dogaru, er, Elder Keith Allen n Sister Cheryl Allen ster Ruth Tongi aron Mitchell er Clarence Baker
UNCEMENTS Willesden Seventh-day 6 March Family S 11:00 am - Worship In Praise Sister C Welcome Sister M Scripture Reading Sister T Praise and Worship Sister D Worship in Thanksgiving Sisters Tithes and Offerings Sister M Pastoral Prayer Scripture Reading Sister Y Introduction to Speaker Praise T Elder C Worship in Adoration Meditation Praise T Sermon “I Will Go” Elder C Sister O “ Response to Worship Closing song Benediction Closing Remarks Announcements Prayer and Fasting 1:
ENTS ANNOUNCE d Sick Members iCar call or send a card if you are The Centre patience in trial and comfort. Need And you Payin HSBC Willesde Sort code: 40-07-2 Reference: COV
ENTS ANNOUNCE DEPARTMENT will be at church to and offerings. h of each month. r envelope specifying your offerings to go - h School, Willesden Ministries…. ET TO GIFT AID
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