Letter from the PresidentDear Colleague,Thank you for your interest in Transformation – The Genesis of Good Health™. With more than 30 yearsof clinical experience specializing in the proven therapeutic effects of enzymes, we are the pioneer inenzyme nutrition. We have led the industry in product formulation and clinical enzyme research for overtwo decades. Today, we continue to research and develop innovative products and protocols for healthcare professionals.I continue to be amazed by the number of lives transformed through enzyme-based nutrition and lifestylemodifications. As an advocate for preventive and integrative medicine, I believe that the best ”medicine”for managing chronic illness or to optimize wellbeing and longevity includes enzyme nutritional solutions.Supporting a healthy digestive system for the acquisition of nutrients is paramount in achieving optimalwellbeing and longevity, especially in light of the changes in our food supply.Transformation Enzyme Corporation emerged and has grown from the principles of a clinical practice. It isthrough our team of clinicians we have gained the experience necessary to support you, the practitioner.All of our products are clinically proven to give you results you can count on. We take great care to providequality supplements, education, and protocols focusing on what works for improved patient outcomes.Our Core Operating Principles are: • Honesty & Integrity pervades all we do – our product research and development, clinical practice, and business and interpersonal relationships. • Learning & Innovation increase our contributions to health, wellness, and business; are key to our individual professional and personal development; and drive the growth of our company. • Mutual Success is the underlying goal of all our relationships – with employees, health care practitioners, sales associates, venture partners, suppliers, and others involved in our business and community.Transformation™ is your partner and advocate in holistic integrative practice. We know you have a choicein where you purchase your supplements and who you turn to for information. We are honored you havechosen Transformation™. We will work hard to earn your respect and trust. I look forward to building apartnership that provides you and your patients with clinical nutrition solutions and products you can trustand rely upon.Sincerely,Suzanne W. AlftPresident & CEO
Our HistoryFrom the very beginning of its history, Transformation Enzyme Corporation has been dedicated to the idea that everyone isentitled to the most healthy and vital lifestyle that they are capable of obtaining. Why? Because before there was a company,there was a need. Here is Dr. DicQie Fuller’s story: “As a clinician I have found great success using enzyme therapy both personally and in my practice. I have been asked this same question for the last thirty-five years: ‘How did you get so involved with enzymes?’ I personally experienced three types of cancer prior to reaching my thirty-fifth birthday. Thankfully my experiences with these wonderful plant-based enzymes have assisted me to remain a cancer survivor for the next thirty-five years. It truly has been a lifesaving benefit to have been introduced to enzyme therapy. I believe enzyme therapy also saved the life of my daughter, Coleen. “My daughter suffered from a disease that science did not yet recognize nor name until she reached her forties. Eosinophilic Gastritis is a disease of children who are unable to produce their own metabolic digestive enzymes. Sadly, these children continue to experience sensitivities and/or allergic responses to most all food and thereby do not thrive. Luckily for us, I didn’t know anything else but the logic of giving her supplemental plant-based digestive enzymes. Medicine now treats this disease by inserting a shunt in the stomach of these young children in order to administer liquid nutrients assisting them to thrive. Can you imagine not sitting down to a meal with your family for eighteen months to two years? These children must endure organ malfunctions along with extreme fatigue. The quality of their life is very sad, whereas my daughter is well and has grown into a beautiful and healthy woman. “These personal experiences have motivated me to dedicate my life’s work to researching enzyme nutrition and teaching enzyme therapy. It was an honor to have met Dr. Edward Howell, who has been recognized as the ‘Father of Enzyme Therapy’ here in the United States. He was already ninety-six years of age by the time he came in to visit my dear and close friend, Mr. Tony Collier, to whom he sold National Enzyme Company (NEC). His work lives on under the watchful eye of NEC, which owns all the papers and the amazing research that Dr. Howell had given so much of his life to develop. It was my privilege to teach enzyme therapy for NEC in the 1980s.”1990Dr. Fuller left NEC and went back into private practice in Denver, CO, where she formed an enzyme therapy clinic by the nameof “Transformation.”1991Transformational Enterprises Inc. was established by DicQie Fuller, D.Sc., Ph.D., ND, when she formulated her own lineof enzyme-based dietary supplements in May 1991. She chose the name “Transformation” for her high-quality enzymeformulations. She had relocated the company from Colorado to the Scottsdale suburb of Phoenix. Here, Dr. Fuller’s clinicthrived and she began to sell to health professionals who had heard of her products through word of mouth. Her son, Steve,joined her in coordinating delivery and production. Dr. Fuller quickly became a sought-after formulator and speaker as peoplelearned of the healing power of her enzyme formulations.1994Ken Looney and Dr. DicQie Fuller met, and a personal and business relationship soon followed. Ken joined the company inlate 1994 as Chairman and CEO of Transformation Enzyme Corporation (TEC). Together they began planning the next step inTransformation’s evolution, growing beyond Dr. Fuller’s network, expanding into a national company.
1995In 1995, Ken and DicQie moved the company to Houston, where they assembled a staff of professionals and began to trainand develop a small group health professionals and distributors. Initially, this eclectic group only shared a belief in the productsand a desire to help people. However, as business shaped and nurtured those intentions, more health professionals anddistributors became involved.2000All Transformation™ products are created based from a clinical needed. The demand for stronger products had becomenecessary based on the clinical outcomes our team and practitioners were experiencing. The product line expanded and thelicensed health professional market was explored. Transformation’s Professional Protocol™ (TPP) products were developed.Transformation™ began to grow by leaps and bounds. International distributors and health professional began importingTransformation™ products.2012Suzanne Alft purchased TEC. She had been employed by Transformation™ since 1996, beginning in the clinic as a nutritionistand enzyme therapist, trained by Dr. Fuller. Suzanne’s business experience and training soon allowed her to move from VicePresident of Operations to General Manager, and then to President. A strong desire to see Dr. Fuller’s teachings and researchcontinue caused her to purchase the company, continuing that legacy. The company remains privately held and has grownrapidly with annual sales escalating from a few hundred thousand dollars to multiple millions. Current trends and realisticprojections show this growth curve to be still in its infancy.TodayTransformation™ sells through the health professional, clinic, and pharmacy channel worldwide. What was once a basic productline has increased to include many different formulations, including new Transcendence and Zymes 4 Kidz product lines, manyof which are available for private label. Supported by an Advisory Board that is the envy of the industry, our nutritional researchand development team continues to develop and test new product concepts to further meet the needs of health professionals.Founder and principal formulator Dr. DicQie Fuller-Looney continues as Transformation’s Chief Science Officer. With overthirty years of clinical enzyme therapy experience, she continues her research developing the very best possible products.“Dr. DicQie” has formulated products for companies such as NESS, Enzymedica, Enzyme Essentials, Enzymes Inc., EarthPharmacy, and YOR health. She also maintains her role as an educator, giving lectures at numerous universities and conductingseminars across the country.Dr. Fuller-Looney joined with board member Richard Couey, Ph.D., of Baylor University to write Living Longer: Questions YouNever Knew to Ask & Answers You Can’t Live Without, now in its second edition. Dr. Fuller-Looney’s The Healing Power ofEnzymes, now in a revised edition, remains the benchmark introduction to enzyme therapy for health professionals and thegeneral audience alike. Her latest book, The M Club: Survive Menopause and Feel Great Again with the Healing Power ofEnzymes, co-written with Wendy Everett Cooke, builds on her wealth of research and personal experience.Transformation’s commitment to nutrition, health education, and the miracle of enzymes remains as strong as ever.
Why EnzymesTransformation™ came into existence because traditional solutions did not provide the needed answers forhealth and wellness. Ask yourself – why do so-called “lifestyle diseases” exist? Why are chronic illnesses,food sensitivities, and mental imbalances at an all time high? Could it be that new and traditional methodsare not at the heart of these health challenges? And by heart, we mean the GUT.Do you believe if a condition has been created, it can be uncreated? We do! Here at Transformation™, webelieve wellness can be achieved through nutrition and lifestyle modifications. As advocates for holisticand integrative medicine, we believe that sometimes the best “medicine” for managing chronic illness isto include clinical nutrition solutions. The presence of nutrients is paramount in the healing process. Andwhen the digestive system is not functioning properly, there is an imbalance between the food you eat andthe nutrients your body can absorb.Digestive enzymes are the catalysts which allow us to break down foods into absorbable nutrients suchas vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and fatty acids. Once these nutrients are liberated, enzymes againplay a vital role in escorting them to the cells and tissues for utilization. Therefore, without proper enzymefunction, such nutrients are useless to our bodies. By taking supplemental enzymes, the body is ensuredthat it will get the necessary nutrition it needs for optimal health and transformation.As a nutritional supplement company, we specialize in the development of high quality, therapeuticnutritional products for the health professional market. Transformation Enzyme Corporation (TEC) emergedand has grown from the principles of a clinical practice. It is through this clinical experience that we havegained the necessary insight to develop quality supplements and protocols.Because of genetics, diet, lifestyle, process foods, and a toxic environment, we are all at risk forcompromised digestion. Poor digestion often leads to weakened immune function, fatigue, hormoneimbalance, digestive disorders, and disease. A healthy diet and lifestyle, along with supplemental digestiveenzymes, will prevent and correct most conditions poor lifestyle choices and aging bring us. Proper nutrient acquisition through optimal digestion results in nutrient availability, delivery, and absorption for essential cellular function and repair. Our efficient formulations provide the specific enzymes needed to help digest the carbohydrates, proteins, and fats most common to the human diet.* The nutrients delivered to the cell are the foundation of your wellness! Optimal circulation and immune function results in complete delivery of nutrients and oxygen to all parts of the body, enhancing its ability to defend and detoxify itself on a regular basis. By taking proteolytic enzymes between meals, you are providing proactive support to your body’s natural recovery and healing process.* Proteolytic enzymes are essential to your wellness program!* Intestinal health focuses on complete digestion, production of vital nutrients, and elimination of food waste. When taken at bedtime, our specific blend of friendly microorganisms, normally found in the GI tract, stabalize and maintain a healthy intestinal environment.* Probiotics help maintain the beneficial bacteria in your GI tract promoting digestion, immunity, and elimination!* *THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE.
Clinical ResearchTransformation™ believes that researching nutritional science and formulating enzyme supplements gohand in hand to meet the needs of health care professionals in their search for the highest quality products,education, and support. We actively maintain a research clinic to test and evaluate our enzyme nutritionprotocols and wellness programs.Research Papers Protease Supplementation Improves Muscle TransformaTion EnzymE Corp. Function after Eccentric Exercise TRANsfORmATION™ CLINICAL TRIALOral Enzymes THOMAS W. BUFORD, MATTHEW B. COOKE, LIZ L. REDD, GEOFFREY M. HUDSON, BRIAN D. SHELMADINE, The Effect of TPP Protease™ on Inflammation* and DARRYN S. WILLOUGHBYFacts and Concepts BACKGROUND Exercise and Biochemical Nutrition Laboratory, Baylor University, Waco, TX M. Mamadou, Ph.D. Is all inflammation bad? Not necessarily. Inflammation is your body’s natural defense system BASIC SCIENCES ABSTRACT to cellular damage. In a healthy individual, it tells you that something is going on with your The Effects of Nutrition and Enzyme Therapy The White Paper body that you should pay attention to and correct. Inflammation can be caused by many things on Gastrointestinal Dysfunction A review of various studies, facts, and concepts BUFORD, T. W., M. B. COOKE, L. L. REDD, G. M. HUDSON, B. D. SHELMADINE, and D. S. WILLOUGHBY. Protease – stress, infections, physical injury, autoimmune disorders, and even free radicals. The latest An Evidence-based Clinical Review from in the scientific literature concerning the safe and Supplementation Improves Muscle Function after Eccentric Exercise. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 41, No. 10, pp. 1908–1914, 2009. research has also found that some of the foods we eat as well as chemicals in our environment Transformation Enzyme Corporation effective use of oral supplemental enzymes as an can also cause inflammation. Protease supplementation has been purported to reduce the damaging effects of eccentric exercise and accelerate recovery of muscle Copyright © 2015 integral part of health and wellness. Regardless of the cause, the body responds with an increase in movement of plasma and im- Principal Investigator: Milton Bastidas, DC function, possibly by regulating inflammation. Purpose: To determine the effectiveness of protease supplementation in attenuating mune cells from the blood into the injured tissues. This is known as the inflammatory response eccentric exercise-induced skeletal muscle damage and inflammation. Methods: After standard physical and hemodynamic assessment and involves your vascular and immune system. The immediate response and repair known as Co-Investigators: Lisa Helffrich, RDN and fasting venous blood samples, subjects performed isokinetic extension/flexion of the quadriceps group on a Biodex isokinetic acute inflammation is necessary and very beneficial to your health. But sometimes we do not DicQie Fuller-Looney, PhD dynamometer at 60-Isj1, followed by V˙ O2max testing. Subjects were randomly assigned to consume 5.83 g daily of either a cellulose feel inflammation and it can persist unchecked. When the inflammation response is chronic or placebo (N = 15; 22.27 T 3.33 yr, 71.17 T 2.91 inches, 179.4 T 24.05 lb, 50.55 T 5.66 mLIkgj1Iminj1) or a proteolytic supplement uncontrolled, inflammation becomes a problem. We call this “silent” inflammation. Transformation Enzyme Corporation containing fungal proteases, bromelain, and papain (N = 14; 22.85 T 5.9 yr, 70.0 T 2.67 inches, 173.11 T 29.94 lb, 49.69 T 2900 Wilcrest Drive, Suite 220 • Houston, Texas 77042 6.15 mLIkgj1Iminj1) for a period of 21 d. After the supplementation period, subjects donated blood samples before performing a Chronic inflammation also accelerates the aging process. A chronic inflammatory condition over- 45-min downhill (j17.5%) treadmill protocol at 60% of V˙ O2max. An additional four blood draws and three muscle function tests whelms the system and undermines the body’s healing process. Keep in mind, inflammation is 1-800-777-1474 • [email protected] were performed during the next 48 h. Blood was analyzed using standard hematology and clinical chemistry, enzyme-linked not always accompanied by pain, redness, or swelling. Furthermore, because there are no nor- TransformationEnzymes.com mal sensory signals, oftentimes this “silent” inflammation goes untreated. This inflammation is immunosorbent assay, and bead array. Blood data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) with repeated at the cellular level and research has shown it can be linked to the onset of many degenerative measures, whereas Biodex data were analyzed using a MANOVA on %$ values. Results: Significant group differences (T1jT3, diseases. In fact, inflammation (aka cellular damage) is a common denominator in all disease. P = 0.033; T1jT4, P = 0.043) and another strong trend (T1j3 h, P = 0.055) were observed for flexion (peak torque %$ at 60-Isj1) indicating higher force production in the protease group. Significant group  time interactions (P G 0.05) were observed, including RATIONALE elevations in circulating eosinophils and basophils in the protease group coinciding with lower levels of serum cyclooxygenase 2, interleukin 6, and interleukin 12 in this group. Conclusions: Protease supplementation seems to attenuate muscle strength losses after Transformation Enzyme Corporation (TEC) understands the importance of helping your patients eccentric exercise by regulating leukocyte activity and inflammation. Key Words: INFLAMMATION, MUSCLE DAMAGE, manage both acute and chronic inflammation. In 2009, TEC partnered with Baylor University on a double-blind, placebo-controlled study to assess the effects of Transformation’s Professional CYTOKINES, LEUKOCYTES, PROTEASES Protocol (TPP™) Protease™ on acute inflammation (Buford et al). In this study the participants were subjected to a strenuous exercise bout to induce acute inflammation. The “protease” Eccentric exercise involving lengthening muscle con- challenge to muscle as it induces increases in serum cortisol group showed positive results with more controlled levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNFα, tractions have long been known to induce muscle (21), systemic oxidative stress (28), and sarcolemmal dis- IL1β, IL6, and IL12) and a decrease in COX2 activity as well as improved muscle strength. damage by disruption of the sarcolemma (10,16,24). ruption (13). Evidence consistently shows that participants These events led to decreases in force production (11,12) experience significant increases in CK and DOMS, with In May of 2012, Dr. Milton Bastidas began a 12-week clinical trial at the TEC clinic in Houston, and increases in delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) concomitant decreases in maximal isokinetic force after a TX. The goal was to assess the benefits of TPP Protease™ in healthy individuals with varying lev- that typically peak 2–3 d after the muscle injury (11). These 30- to 45-min bout of downhill running (13,21,28). els of “silent” inflammation. The inflammatory markers C-reactive protein (CRP), Homocysteine, disruptions to the sarcolemma present as ultrastructural damage, such as Z-line streaming (16), and as myofibrillar In addition to the mechanically induced damage, an 1 leakage of proteins, such as creatine kinase (CK), lactate inflammatory response to the muscle damage is also typi- dehydrogenase, myoglobin, myosin heavy chain, and tro- cally mounted by the immune system and is generally ponin I (4,32). Integrating aerobic exercise with an eccentric induced by elevated concentrations of circulating leuko- component (i.e., downhill running) provides a proteolytic cytes (7,27), although opposing evidence does exist (22). Muscle inflammation is a poorly understood response to Address for correspondence: Darryn S. Willoughby, Ph.D., Department of muscle damage that may occur after exercise, strain injury, Health, Human Performance, and Recreation, Exercise and Biochemical or return to musculoskeletal loading after periods of in- Nutrition Laboratory, Baylor University, Waco, TX 76798; E-mail: activity (3,30,33). At present, it is unclear whether muscle [email protected]. inflammation is fundamentally harmful or beneficial to the Submitted for publication October 2008. muscle. Although evidence indicates that migration of in- Accepted for publication March 2009. flammatory cells is an obligatory component of the muscle repair process (17,29,33), other data indicate that muscle 0195-9131/09/4110-1908/0 force decrements after exercise cannot be fully explained by MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS & EXERCISEÒ mechanical damage and are correlated with inflammatory Copyright Ó 2009 by the American College of Sports Medicine cell invasion (14,19). Much interest in developing practical interventions to reduce muscle inflammation after muscle DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0b013e3181a518f0 1908 Copyright @ 2009 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.Science Briefs Lisa Helffrich, RDN • page 1 Science Brief: Science Brief: Science Brief Probiotics • page 1 Improved Digestion Supplementing Gentle Alternatives to Chelation with Oral Digestive Enzymes Therapy for Heavy Metal Toxicity Science Brief:Systemic Proteolytic Enzymes Probiotics – Their Benefit on Human HealthA Review of Mechanisms of Action The growing awareness of gluten intolerance has resulted in a new approach Consider the following review of clinical research and observations Consider the following review of the enzymes, herbs, and nutrients that Consider the following review of scientific literature and research regardingand the Resulting Health Benefits to enzyme-based dietary supplementation for improved carbohydrate and gluten regarding improved digestion with Transformation’s DigestZyme formula support healthy, gentle detoxification and a healthy nervous system. improved digestion and immune system health with supplemental probiotics. digestion: Transformation’s Professional Protocol™ (TPP) Carbo-G. Transformation Enzyme Corporation (TEC) is a Transformation’s scientific staff with decades of com- Transformation Enzyme Corporation (TEC) is a nutri- zymes are absorbed into the blood stream where they According to the American College for Advancement in amount of a solid substance when it is compared to an Transformation Enzyme Corporation (TEC) is a nutrition- organisms feed on undigested food, creating digestive nutritional supplement company specializing in the remain active and impart systemic benefit. Medicine (ACAM), you and your patients are increasingly equal amount of water. According to the Agency for Toxic al supplement company specializing in digestive health, discomforts such as gas and bloating. development of high quality enzyme-based products bined experience in biochemistry, nutrition, and cellular tional supplement company specializing in the develop- being exposed to toxic metals that are adversely affecting Substances and Disease Registry (www.atsdr.cdc.gov) offering quality probiotic and enzyme-based products for the health care professional. Through clinical and arsenic, lead and mercury are #1, 2, and 3 on the “top 20 to the health care professional. Through clinical and Digestive disorders affect one out of four Americans. observational research, our efforts focus on teaching and molecular biology has designed a new formula to ment of quality enzyme-based products for the health TEC’s scientific staff with decades of combined experi- your health. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) hazardous substances” list, with cadmium ranking #7. observational research, TEC’s efforts focus on teach- According to the USDA Food and Nutrition Information the importance of nutrient acquisition as the foundation facilitate the breakdown of grains containing gluten that care professional. Through clinical and observational ing the importance of optimal digestion and maintaining Center, GERD affects 60 million Americans, constipation of wellness and healthy living. normally tend to be difficult to digest. This article will research, TEC’s efforts focus on teaching the importance ence in biochemistry, nutrition, and cellular and molecular and many holistic practitioners have been reporting Some of our most common trace minerals – iron, copper, the health of the gut as the foundation of wellness and 6.3 million, and IBS 3 million. The most recent reports review the growing need for supplemental digestive en- of nutrient acquisition as the foundation of wellness and manganese, and zinc – are also heavy metals. Therefore, healthy living. from the World Health Organization (WHO) have ranked zymes and highlight the unique benefits of our Carbo-G healthy living. biology has formulated a highly specific digestive enzyme on exposure to high levels of lead, mercury, cadmium, in small quantities, certain heavy metals are nutritionally colo-rectal cancer and stomach cancer among the top essential for a healthy life as they are required for many A poor diet and a digestive system that fails to process ten leading causes of death. product to facilitate digestion and support the body to and arsenic in children’s toys, cosmetics, fish, industrial biochemical reactions. These elements, or some form food for bioavailability and absorption will undermine the of them, are commonly found naturally in our food, body’s coping ability and can create conditions favor- We are now also seeing a greater need in our younger A poor diet and a digestive system that fails to process maintain health and wellness. This science brief will waste, and even in certain herbal supplements. This may supplements, and environment. Unfortunately, the less able for disease and metabolic disorders. Based on this populations. The rate of IBD among children has doubled food for bioavailability and absorption will undermine the beneficial elements also make their way into our bodies fact, TEC strives to educate healthcare professionals in the last 10 years. In the October 2012 issue of Pediat- formula. review the effects of supplemental digestive enzymes seem like a very short list, but the point is our exposure is via food, water, air, or absorption through the skin. All worldwide on the benefits of a balanced diet and proper rics, researchers report as many as 49 million antibiotic heavy metals, even the trace minerals, are detrimental in digestion. The primary benefits are: prescriptions are written for children each year. Studies “All disease begins in the gut” The Importance of Good Nutrition and, body’s coping ability and create conditions favorable for on preventive health and wellness as well as their safety increasing as these toxins make their way into our daily excess amounts because they bind to proteins or compete show that infants treated with antibiotics before their first -Hippocrates (ca. 460 BC - ca. 370 BC) More Importantly, Optimal Digestion disease and metabolic disorders. Based on this fact, TEC with other nutrients. They ultimately interfere with enzyme 1. maintaining a strong digestive system birthday have a risk for developing IBD five times greater strives to educate health care professionals worldwide and efficacy for human consumption. Additionally, this environments, and this is only a sample list. activity and biochemical reactions, accumulate in the soft than those children who never took antibiotics. tissues, and cause degenerative disorders. 2. enhancing the bioavailability of nutrients on the benefits of a balanced diet and proper digestion. science brief will highlight the unique features of TEC’s Most individuals have a level of lead and mercury in their to the cells The good news is, there is also a growing body of re- The primary benefits are: DigestZyme formula. body that is not compatible with optimal health. Research search revealing that probiotics support the healthy bal- ance of native bacteria, benefiting digestion, elimination,11T E M A poor diet and a digestive system that fails to process It is estimated that over 80 million Americans are affected 1. maintaining a strong digestive system The Importance of Good Nutrition and, has estimated that over 50% of the U.S. population suffers and immune function. food for bioavailability and absorption will undermine the by various forms of digestive diseases. According to the 2. enhancing the bioavailability of nutrients to the cells from some form of heavy metal toxicity. Many of the heavy body’s coping ability and create conditions favorable for 3. supporting a strong immune system and cellular vitality The Role of Microbes in the GI Tract disease and metabolic disorders. Based on this fact, we National Institutes of Health (NIH), the related health care More Importantly, Optimal Digestion metals in the body result from industrial contamination in (adapted from ‘About Probiotics’ at USprobiotics.org) strive to educate health care professionals worldwide cost is estimated at over $107 billion. the environment. Other common sources of heavy metal on the benefits of a balanced diet and proper digestion. The number of reported digestive disorders is on the toxicity include mercury from dental fillings, lead from The microbes present in the gastrointestinal tract have The primary benefits of supplementation with digestive A significant factor contributing to these increases can be 4. promoting efficient and timely removal of meta- rise. It is estimated that over 80 million Americans are pesticide sprays, solder in tin cans, and other metals from the potential to act in a positive, negative, or neutral enzymes are: affected by various forms of digestive diseases. Accord- cooking utensils, cigarette smoke, contaminated fish, manner. Two key roles of the beneficial bacteria are in attributed to poor diet, improper digestion, stressful life- bolic by products and environmental toxins. ing to the NIH, the related health care cost is estimated cosmetics, and antacids. 3. supporting a strong immune system and supporting digestion and immunity, both of which have 1. A healthy and optimally functioning at over $107 billion. a huge impact on the health of the host. It is known that digestive system styles, and the prevalence of toxins in the environment. The only thing that any biological With increased exposure & environmental contamination, cellular vitality microbes in the large intestine complete the digestive While genetics may play a part, there is more and more process on food components that were not digested in it is not surprising that we are seeing a rise in the the small intestine. evidence pointing to the fact that the vast majority of all system ultimately requires is TEC believes this increase can be attributed to poor diet, Heavy metal toxicity literally affects the entire body and its incidence of disorders related to heavy metal toxicity. It 4. promoting efficient, timely removal of meta- Bifidobacteria naturally present in the GI tracts of healthy improper digestion, stressful lifestyles, and the preva- ability to function optimally. The systems most affected are is becoming very clear that heavy metal toxicity underlies bolic byproducts and environmental toxins. breast fed infants ferment oligosaccharides and support disease can be traced back to poor diet, mal-digestion, an ensured way of delivering lence of toxins in the environment. While genetics may the digestive, nervous, immune, and muscular systems. many chronic digestive, neurological, autoimmune, and maturation and function of the colon. Other examples and the inability of the gut to function properly. nutrients to the cells. Early warning signs might be headaches, fatigue, muscle of digestive support are production of lactase in lactose Science Brief:epvlaidyeancpeartht,aSstccpiieoeninntitscstsetocBtohrneitiefnafuc:et EtthnoaztfintyhdmemveaoNsret umatanrjdoirmtityiooroefn for Kids pains, inLdigseastHionu,dtsreomno,rsR, DcoNns•tippaatiogne, a1nemia, pallor, degenerative disorders. Identifying your patients with This Science Brief will review the role of microbes in intolerant people and digestion of plant fibers resistant toATA LY S T 2. Enhanced bioavailability of nutrients for dizziness, frequent infections, and poor coordination. The the enzymes they encounter in the small intestine. The Science Brief: cellular vitality and healthy immune system In clinical practices, we are seeing more and more food- all disease can be traced back to poor diet, mal-digestion difficult part in diagnosing this condition is that the early heavy metal exposure and assisting to eliminate the toxin the human body and the most current research on Science Brief:related immune responses. These food intolerances or and the inability of the gut to function properly. signs are often attributed to other problems. Although Science Brief:and restore balance is fundamental to good health. 3. Efficient and timely removal of metabolic Historically, supplemental digestive enzymes were ob- supplemental probiotics and their impact on digestion sensitivities arise from undigested food molecules. These tained from the pancreatic juice of animals, commonly The diagnosis of heavy metal toxicity requires observation and human health throughout the life cycle – infancy waste and environmental toxins unrecognized “chemicals” 1) damage the cells in the bovine and porcine. However, in the past several de- through adulthood. Improved Digestion SupplementingHistorically, supplemental digestive enzymes were ob- Digestive Disorders Continue to Rise tained from the pancreatic juice of animals, commonly Health Benefits of Essential Fatty Acids andsmall intestines, 2) trigger immune cells in the intestines minimal heavy metal toxicity can still impair the ability to Building a Strong Immune Systemof presenting symptoms, obtaining a thorough history of think clearly or have mental concentration, an abundance to attack the self, and 3) create a situation where the of research and information indicates that chronic heavy potential exposure, and the results of laboratory tests. cades, enzymes derived from non-animal sources have Improved Digestion for Children withTEC suggests practitioners look at two variables: food Laboratory tests routinely used for seriously exposed gained recognition. Plant enzymes such as bromelain choices and digestion. These can be addressed imme- and papain are commonly used. More current research diately simply by paying attention to what one eats and suggests mycelial enzymes from Aspergillus oryzae and niger as well as other microorganisms have been proven safe, effective, and in many cases superior to traditional “animal” and “plant” enzymes for digestion. reseaCrocnthraroy nto tthheelohneg aheltldhbelief that enzymes do notThe Successful Nutritional Pracwticeith Oral Digestive EnzymesCopyright © 2013 Transformation Enzyme Corp. Enhanced Absorption/Tolerance with Lipasedamaged intestines allow undigested food molecules with Evidence-Based Nutritionpersons include blood tests, liver and renal function bovine and porcine. However, in the past several de- cades, enzymes derived from non-animal sources have to “leak” into the blood, triggering an immune response. tests, urinalysis, fecal tests, x-rays, and hair and gained increased recognition. Plant enzymes such as This immune response may manifest anywhere in the fingernail analysis. Additionally, non-diagnostic forms of bromelain and papain are being commonly used. More body and in many different forms, and that is what brings assessment such as a questionnaire, QFA (Quantitative current research suggests mycelial enzymes from As- the patient to seek help.Consider the following metal toxicity is a major problem in our modern society The demand has never been greater for probiotic supple- and its removal should be taken very seriously. mentation to assist with regular bowel function, promote Innovative Enzyme Nutrition Solutionsby supplementing with digestive enzymes. The benefits gastrointestinal health, and support a healthy immune to overall health are extensive: • Bioavailability of nutrients to the cell improves cel- What Is Heavy Metal Toxicity? lular vitality and function Fluid Analysis), or dark field microscopy may also be system. The beneficial bacteria normally present in the Consider the following review of clinical research andpeorgbilsluesrovrayztaioenasndreAgspaerrdgiilnlugs niger as well as other review of clinical - Proteins supply amino acids, the structural com- “Heavy metals” are chemical elements with a specific useful as a screening tool until more extensive lab work healthy gastrointestinal (GI) tract may not be properly ProfemansicdsrooiooftnregnaatlnimiPsmersosctholiancvicoeallblDyeseigunpepesrrotio.vretno safe and effective, mWuhnileo-tsruapdpitiroensaslivmeeddriucginbse,etthrneeaemtsfoittrhesensoaytfmurepatlsoamspseprwnoiatthciahimlis-fatty acids and observatihsouarvnveisvdeertmheeoggnaastsrrtadroteiinndtgethsattitnhsaeol emnuevsioroeranlmlyeinngt,essetveedraelnsztyumdieess ponents for eveTryhceelld, teismsuae,nmdushcalesanndeovrgearnbeen greater for enzyme-bgarasveitdy thdaiteistaart yleassut 5ptpimleems theenstpsecific gravity of water. can be done. Many of CTroannssfoidrmeartitohne’s fporallcotiwtioinnegrsraelsvoiew of clinical research resuletsstaabnlisdhepdrafrocmticbairlthtewsitthimbroeansitafleseding and/or often improved supplementation with Transformation traditional “animal” - Carbohydrates sZauryepmthpeeosbrot4idnyKg’s imidmazipnpreronoevdreguydcdt ilgineestiinonpofowrdcehreilddrefonr.mTraanndsfaoTssrthamebteeasdp,rtiersoycpine-fifcc™liafgicpvragroverriatseyviedtoynf icswtshaaetiemtwrseiaassb1ulreaetso4.f°dCen(3si9ty°Fo)f. Simply austislizeessktihneeisrioplaotgieynat’sndl(oeTvvnaePrlsiPooefu)vtsoPexforricaorimtltyes.imaosfpeboiorIt-Mafen.edt baacctkivtoe ingredients in.Transformatilbiofeencso’tsymleePsirmtorebfsaeslasonsrscieoadnndbaytlhpPeooirnorddtiosiecctrciomhlo™inicaenst,uesnevoirfoannmtiebniotat-l source a given ics. Additional issues can arise when opportunistic micro- atonhdevaal rtihoeusinnteusttriintiaolnlainlinsogufpwpsilteuhmpperponbtlseio. tmBicuset, Lins-nGta’tlultthaeemntirnzueey, mes to promote better uretmiliazinaaticotivne ainnthde tGoIletrarcat.nFcuerth.ermore, some en- and “plant” enzymes for digestion. Transformation Enzyme Corporation (TEC) is a enzymes remain active in the GI tract. Furthermore, Transformation Enzyme Corporation (TEC) is a brief will highlight Transformation’s supplemental Transformation Enzyme Corporation (TEC) is a nutritional Transformation’s scientific staff with decades of combined Good nutrition is a fundamental player in promoting idence for its usefulness in the prevention of the nutritional supplement company specializing in the some enzymes are absorbed into the blood stream nutritional supplement company specializing in the lipase delivery system designed to maximize bio- supplement company specializing in the development of experience in biochemistry, nutrition, and cellular and mo- health and preventing illness. The philosophy of common cold and as an adjunct to cancer therapies. development of quality enzyme-based products for the where they remain active and impart systemic benefit. development of enzyme based nutritional supple- availability and reduce digestive intolerances often high quality enzyme-based products for the health care lecular biology has designed a new formula to assist infants Transformation Enzyme Corporation (TEC) advo- health care professional. Through clinical and obser- ments for the health care professional. Through clin- experienced with oil-based supplements. professional. Through clinical and observational research, and children in the digestion of proteins, carbohydrates and cates and encourages: Testimonial vational research, TEC’s efforts focus on teaching the TEC’s scientific staff with decades of combined experi- ical and observational research, TEC’s efforts focus our efforts focus on teaching the importance of nutrient ac- fats. This Science Brief will review the safety of and growing A number of clinical studies have been reported importance of nutrient acquisition as the foundation of ence in biochemistry, nutrition, and cellular and mo- on teaching the importance of healthy digestion (the EFA’s and the Incidence of Chronic quisition as the foundation of wellness and healthy living. need for supplemental digestive enzymes for our children. 1. Healthy diet and lifestyle choices regarding the use of astragalus for colds and upper wellness and healthy living. lecular biology has formulated a highly specific diges- absorption and delivery of nutrients to the cell) as Degenerative Inflammatory Diseases It will also highlight the unique benefits of Transformation’s 2. The promotion of optimal digestion and im- respiratory infections. A prophylactic effect against tive enzyme product to facilitate digestion and support the foundation of wellness and healthy living. A poor diet and a digestive system that fails to process food Kidz Digest digestive formulas. the common cold was reported in an epidemiologi- A poor diet and a digestive system that fails to process the body to maintain health and wellness. This science During the past two decades hundreds of studies for bioavailability and absorption will undermine the body’s mune regulation cal study in China involving 1,000 subjects. food for bioavailability and absorption will undermine brief will review the effects of supplemental digestive A poor diet, inadequate nutrient intake and a diges- and clinical investigations have clearly demonstrat- The Need for Good Nutrition and, 3. The maintenance of proper elimination and a the body’s coping ability and create conditions favor- enzymes on preventive health and wellness as well tive system that fails to process food for nutrient ed the importance of including omega 3 and 6 fatty “All disease begins in the gut” More Importantly, Optimal Digestion Evidence able for disease and metabolic disorders. Based on as their safety and efficacy for human consumption. bio-availability and absorption will undermine the acids in the diet. Just as many studies have shown -Hippocrates (ca. 460 BC - ca. 370 BC) well-balanced gut flora Administration of astragalus, given either orally or this fact, TEC strives to educate health care profes- Additionally, this science brief will highlight the “new body’s coping ability and create conditions favor- the decline in EFA intake and the rise in chronic The health of our children is declining at an alarming rate. as a nasal spray, decreased the incidence of illness sionals worldwide on the benefits of a balanced diet improved” formula, Transformation Professional Proto- able for disease and metabolic disorders. Based on degenerative diseases (Table 1). This is not to say coping ability and create conditions favorable for disease Autism now affects 1 in 63 girls and 1 in 38 boys (Hertz-Pic- Nutrient absorption and acquisition are imperative and shortened the length of its course. Studies ex- and proper digestion. The primary benefits are: col (TPP™) Digest. this fact, TEC strives to educate health care pro- and metabolic disorders. Based on this fact, we strive to ciotto and Delwiche 2009). Allergies are reported at a rate ploring this protective effect found that a two-week fessionals worldwide on the benefits of a balanced Table 1: Incidence of Chronic Degenerative Diseases in America educate health care professionals worldwide on the benefits of 1 in 4 children, asthma 1 in 11, and ADHD is now present in regulating the metabolic processes involved in oral administration of the preparation enhanced 1. maintaining a strong digestive system The Importance of Good Nutrition and, diet, quality supplementation and proper digestion of a balanced diet and proper digestion. The primary benefits in 1 out of every 3 children. Furthermore, the incidence of subjects’ induction of interferon by peripheral white 2. enhancing the bioavailability of nutrients to the cells More Importantly, Optimal Digestion of both. The primary benefits are: of supplementation with digestive enzymes are: adult lifestyle diseases such as GERD, obesity, diabetes, and building and maintaining a strong immune system. blood cells. Levels of IgA and IgG (immunoglobulin) 3. supporting a strong immune system and cellular vitality cancer are also on the rise in the younger populations. antibodies in nasal secretions increased following 4. promoting efficient and timely removal of meta- The number of reported digestive disorders is on the 1. maintaining a strong digestive system 1. A healthy and optimally functioning During times of increased two months of treatment. rise. It is estimated that over 80 million Americans are 2. enhancing the bioavailability and delivery of digestive system These increases can be attributed to factors such as poor bolic by products and environmental toxins. affected by various forms of digestive diseases. Ac- diet (specifically in the form of processed foods, commercial stress, whether external or A natural alternative to the flu shot, the vitamins, cording to the NIH, the related health care cost is esti- nutrients to the cells 2. Enhanced bioavailability of nutrients for formulas, and Genetically Modified Organisms / GMO’s), minerals, enzymes, and herbs in Protease IM are The only thing that any biological mated at over $107 billion. TEC believes this increase 3. supporting a strong immune system and Incidence Cost cellular vitality and healthy immune system improper digestion, and the prevalence of toxins in the envi- internal, there are herbs, vi- designed to offer the body tremendous physio- system ultimately requires is can be attributed to poor diet, improper digestion, ronment. While genetics may play a part, there is more and an ensured way of delivering stressful lifestyles, and the prevalence of toxins in the regulation of inflammation 3. Efficient and timely removal of metabolic waste more evidence pointing to the fact that the vast majority of tamins, and minerals that are logical support during flu season* nutrients to the cells. environment. While genetics may play a part, scien- 4. promoting efficient and timely removal of met- and environmental toxins all disease can be traced back to poor diet, mal-digestion, tists continue to find more and more evidence that CVD > 71 million $550 billion spent and the inability of the gut to function properly. Protease IM is uniquely formulated to support a healthy proven to further strengthenSupplement Facts MANUFACTURED FOR TRANSFORMATION ENZYME CORP. The effect of astragalus on the induction of interfer- Historically, supplemental digestive enzymes were ob- points to the fact that the vast majority of all disease abolic byproducts and environmental toxins - High blood pressure (2003) on surgeries Historically, supplemental digestive enzymes were obtained immune system.* 2900 WILCREST DR., SUITE 220, HOUSTON, TX 77042 on was studied in another placebo-controlled study tained from the pancreatic juice of animals, commonly can be traced back to poor diet, mal-digestion and the - Arteriosclerosis from the pancreatic juice of animals, commonly bovine and In our clinical practices, we are seeing more and more ABSOLUTELY NO FILLERS Serving Size 1 Capsule Tzyme™ is a trademark of Transformation Enzyme Corp. This proprietary blend of involving 28 people. 14 volunteers were given an bovine and porcine. However, in the past several inability of the gut to function properly. Healthy digestion – the absorption and - Stroke porcine. However, in the past several decades, enzymes food-related immune responses. These food intolerances RECOMMENDED USAGE: One (1) capsule two times a day Servings Per Container 60 highly active, functional, pH balanced, and GI tract stable enzymes is formulated extract equivalent to 8g dried root per day and 14 decades, enzymes derived from non-animal sources delivery of nutrients to the cell – is the derived from non-animal sources have gained increased or sensitivities arise from undigested food molecules. These taken with food or as directed by healthcare practitioner. to enhance the digestive process and impart systemic benefits.* were given placebos. Blood samples were drawn have gained recognition. Plant enzymes such as bro- TEC suggests practitioners look at two variables: food foundation of wellness and healthy living recognition. Plant enzymes such as bromelain and papain unrecognized “chemicals” 1) damage the cells in the lining of % Daily Value before treatment, then two weeks and two months melain and papain are commonly used. More current choices and digestion. These can be addressed im- are being commonly used. More current research suggests the small intestines, 2) increase the permeability of the gut Store tightly sealed in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children. and reinforce our body’sAmountPerServing after treatment. Interferon production by leukocytes research suggests mycelial enzymes from Aspergil- mediately simply by paying attention to what one eats This science brief will review the role of essential mycelial enzymes from Aspergillus oryzae and Aspergillus wall allowing undigested food molecules to “leak” into the PROFESSIONAL PROTOCOL Vitamin A (as beta-Carotene & Vit. A palmitate) 1750 IU 35% was statistically increased after both time periods. lus oryzae and niger as well as other microorganisms and by supplementing with digestive enzymes. The fatty acids (EFA’s) as important factors underlying niger as well as other microorganisms have been proven safe blood, and 3) trigger the immune cells to respond to these *THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN have been proven safe, effective, and in many cases benefits to overall health are extensive: preventive health and wellness as well as their and effective, and often times clinically superior to traditional “chemicals” as antigens. This immune response may manifest EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG Protease IM Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 125 mg 208% superior to traditional “animal” and “plant” enzymes for efficacy in reducing inflammation and improving “animal” and “plant” enzymes for digestion. anywhere in the body and in many different forms, and that ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS digestion. • Bioavailability of nutrients to the cell improves cel- cardiovascular health. Additionally, this science is what brings the patient to seek help. NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, Enzyme Supplement with Zinc (as zinc citrate) 2 mg 13% lular vitality and function CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. Vitamins & Herbs Contrary to the long held belief that enzymes do not - Proteins supply amino acids, the structural compo- defense system naturally.Astragalusroot50 mg † survive the gastrointestinal environment, several nents for every cell, tissue, muscle and organ California Residents Proposition 65 60 CAPSULES 20 mg † studies have demonstrated that some orally ingested - Carbohydrates are the body’s main energy source WARNING: This product contains Echinacea purpurea root substances known to the State of Thymus substance 20 mg † California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. Protease IM is an excellentRedCloverTops20 mg † 20 mg † Goldenseal Root 20 mg † Raw Bone Marrow Quercetin 20 mg † formulation to provide thatEleuthero(root) Risk factors 99.9 million $300 billion spent 10 mg † - high chol at risk on treatment, - high CRP lost productivity, TzymeTM Enzyme Blend 40 mg † - arterial calcification disability (Protease, Lipase, Phytase, alpha-Galactosidase, Gluco- amylase, Pectinase, Peptidase, Cellulase, Hemicellulase) additional support during this†DailyValuenotestablished OTHER INGREDIENTS: GELATIN, WATER flu season.* Auto-Immune Disorders > 50 million $100 billion in Astragalus - R. Arthritis direct health care - Fibromyalgia costs Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus) is most - Lupus commonly used as a general tonic for those prac- - Celiac Disease ticing Chinese herbal medicine, and specifically for - Chronic inflammation immune enhancement. Most research on astraga- lus has focused on its immunostimulatory activity Neurological Disorders 15 million $3 billion and its seemingly remarkable ability to restore the - Depression 4 million activity of a suppressed immune system. Clinical - ADD trials as well as pharmacological data provide ev- Diabetes II / 20 million $132 billion / year Insulin Resistance (2005)Clinical Observations CliniCal CliniCal CliniCal ObservatiOns ObservatiOns ObservatiOns Dental Applications: Oral Enzymes The Importance of Body Understanding Cholesterol and Periodontal Disease Composition to Your Health and Its Clinical Implications Inside Periodontal disease refers to disorders of the of oxygenated blood. When ischemia occurs in We are all composed of fat, fat-free mass, and fluid. activity. Therefore, the more FFM a person has, the Most of us at some point in time have had our cholesterol and necessary functions for us. Cholesterol is: gum and bone that hold the teeth. Gingivitis is bone, the result is osteonecrosis or death of the We could not exist without all three of these structural higher their BMR. levels tested. For many years the total cholesterol (TC) • converted into bile to assist in the digestion of fat a general term for inflammation of the gum. It bone. It commonly occurs in the hip joint and the components. The percentage of each of these is known This Issue is the early warning sign of potential problems spinal vertebrae, but can occur anywhere in the as our body composition. Knowing and understanding our and, if untreated, often leads to periodontitis, body and thus may affect the jaw bone. Body Cell Mass (BCM)* is the metabolically active part value was the only number we really paid attention to. • part of every cell membrane in our body, helping to maintain the cell’s structure and function a more chronic condition. Periodontitis is body composition can help us create a plan to achieve of the body where all of the work is done. This includes If the value was slightly greater than 200, we might be our goals for the healthiest lifestyle possible. • necessary in the manufacture of steroid hormones External inflammation due to an infection of the Signs and Symptoms Therefore, it is not the presence or absence of fat, oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production, glucose concerned. If it was well over 200, we were prescribed a NuA&ptpIrnlitcieatrtniioaonl sn periodontium, which consists of gingiva, Inflammation of the gums with bleeding is one fluid, or muscle that makes us healthy, but rather the oxidation, and protein synthesis. For the normally and Agingligaments, and bone. If it continues unchecked, of the primary symptoms of gingivitis. Other appropriate balance as it relates to a specific individual. medication and told to stop eating eggs and red meat. Our the infection will spread to the bone in which symptoms include swelling, redness, pain, and Body Composition Analysis (BCA) is the validation mnEobTts(7W9huhfoox5aue8bedute%tsr%sxyrearmcitterslolraooeCohamfincfsseeactcaattdhlhestetilhneeuielmoilieidlnunnahbpplodgeratuopohuilrdmoMv2eretiysft0smdlaaa’eubis%undnsediodaepstndcbstlot,ooy(onotE.afnouadt2TCnthsfstyho0rdMe,islsiet%ieimaftcu)ebnps*iPsRtTRKwHolCmacnhoteenBwoerasieeeekeisdrntsofn.ppioncsyilohlsyhnlt{aeiredaadtoWeociemcgdohfcinsiiyouacnoderrmftaeintntesaissiuZZWlatttvtelcpriissenhngettyymmrethasIasuruediehemmtFlyitteaphlagacsenihesadbshCyseeepsalniiricefsy.acmssogwrrdancamu(orad.ngrTnooeomolletEeodhweaoBLldtu)us.CdsmkrepnonrWtlitbgtaaedTMkgeiuatesaaglastOge,s)PiolsesnsbnwicdbifioiustPm3soguofnnetoilpo.ebr}ssinon’temPnsoretefnsdc6eKssners,uiev5batsu0ossbehcieleen5eohette%lbnhernssettfa-.lyhrateevhropefseeafinoevtoassesdrIsb,TuamFhiesbbPiCeetoimullPndeftl.ioPheO“BhAeaaDnaalandustbslciiidasiencemtnsirsQtgtco,KiateoiomdheehZnetnaiayrasskahmlwsulviipyntseesaa,rglusnrPo.aoadsvladaumlaebddlsrnlyaidetnrtototgetootndgaaBzebikbyvccaeerihmelesbaavisaeoennekfngcrroseyehemrgZdeiaseiNebymIadihaapcCcdtootmheshhnsioieehulaseeyisdonuodtea3osttte.eelllpleaewtnesttahsssshsthtsitemteeaaertTuimec.srtlrenhsorobWouyoifneadenlaoolslvth,tdedcclurdeaaarehlaoi estrniihncnunieiastgmoadeodoscstlhteunnaeoooyeiisndrtloeovonvdtsbt.f,haareohyabltmcr.looHlahunstuoouwWotieao.cawtmsrne,twTmtwh,sibthphionyeetioeiaoesnoinnvnsfcidnbendnhadtaytaaherttreah,n,aorssoeneshteiioimitgnclwgdoccasAiinalweehrhvanegabtieiaivofggdensiriwantcoehueoinlgfiagnl,sslsroiounleentmoicniterndhiotttnausfsaettuttibkpssalnirloagilpinnloretlgedulyoyyeomilhientnlcwbitxteopa.sapinfitndOldiodabttt.uorpooianIriurolshaootswfthfentolihonyhilactenueoaaeir.nkrrttt,l TRIgLyCERIdE is a lipid made of three fatty acidsClinical Observations difficulty in chewing. Once the condition has system that Transformation’s Enzyme Therapy Clinic combined with a glycerol molecule. They are also used to progressed to periodontitis, the symptoms are the uses to help achieve and understand this balance. The make up the lipid bi-layer of cell membranes and when same but of course more severe, more chronic, and following list of definitions will help explain BCA results. stored as fat help insulate our body, protect our organs lead to the loss of teeth. In the case of ischemia and provide energy. High TG’s in the blood reflects our resulting in osteonecrosis of the jaw bone, there is intake of dietary fat sources such as French fries, chips, ice cream, desserts and alcohol, to name just a few.Anti-Aging Protocol ObserCvlaitniiOCnals ObserCvlaitniiOCnals ObserCvlaitniiOCnalsOptionI the teeth are rooted. The bone then resorbs and the teeth are slowly detached from their supporting tissues. Periodontitis is the major Dental Case cause of tooth loss after the age of 35. Studies Ischemia is another condition that may also negatively affect the health of the jaw bone. severe pain and possible loss of teeth. Product Dose SucceFsrsequency Ischemia is defined as poor tissue perfusion continued on next page... Fat is the energy storage in the body. Everybody needs LIpOpROTEIn is a carrier of fat and cholesterol in the TPP Digest 1-2 caps some fat for protection of vital organs and insulation from blood stream. It consists of fat, triglycerides, protein and TPP Protease 2 caps WiSthtoervieersy meal or snack the cold. However, it is important to not have too much, cholesterol. There are “good” and “bad” lipoproteins. TPP Antioxidant 2 caps 3xday between meals as this increases the risk of chronic diseases such as TPP Probiotic 1-2 caps Fr3eAxqdsuakeyeAnbdttebltyewdeteimnemeals cancer, CVD, diabetes, and joint problems. ppisWOcdmoawBaChiewIcETifo(uHiHussitgnieerhnxf.nhibxeoari,egesaliaraettdscelsahcltdssdht.ehsrlme,tbohlxouttytaooeibaueeidirattnonewmolpprrhrndrvaetinMiuclcaoneCncoltepecapoicerdeietsatmsmneeaatoh.oecnfslepli8iWl.alsnddreAneebftslanibAa3itnscurfleelnnlfivalalopallsrsiop%pualu.dtliInattnItttirCrHelythHntwhyeliioWtrehanoofaonWwpdlrenetsreugnufb(ttacerWhae7oeml/sciraee(ltpsaaetdtxdIE5eealshheasbaCeaHnra,eoCrl%hetroese(nilsyndWpc,fenBWliodoiaas)tncypronmmrbtwhMyue)leneiroartt,noormyareosahad.m(utftnaIdcudEhshonmihsyd)sItdt.l4arernyeCeceheuteiceontoioiib0uas.aeltaWdhdnigut,etbimoo,%l“iswWwrBttfbb3tilhn*slteeeeeasttnhhosceeeohTaM)dfweaahsirscpe?neo.rehecaisooqaediiaofcPbyunraralenaoetleunfeolaydrfktluoyeAhupliialeidirpkbshnrny,tiklun)rnsnnaloaaeeildptetol.selbpotteltiliHstiagtasdclymanlnshlnsrdtrseoiruuayetooiwmcnnroeyfTskeeogbdla,tvrdleoyetxalrroucdaiiccxuowsecastkxeaineoekyTcpta,wtatihensoer7toiidsehnmewasrehimoddteesistatylutoimjtnn,t3eoieedileahviatageauhomiiaidhtafiiegabfcaeta%gIaoeeesignsnrpfgeyyepatnmtndpeintabFildrntno,eu,nhgsga’oe,eenIHTcirngilesdtnCrCidaoflttd,wfesaolsrltfeolhsyidpi.rotsys’oahnubnzrfWcmtpahiirIalfteiHiagnor“3omeleaetdtaeiwnd2ateacna)itdhgEiorhasn.ttced:.hvtengocternood2taahw2wha,nilroenexTy’yctaroomjtdldcneuisnie%uo’ahl,dohcpnnen(t.lneaiytn–h”nlKrid”peoihesayorsiklla.trcw3einssaloswetlpbireettweT“b,beoexneE2cIdKeIsgactroenrI6byatblenotsRtfohrCamaofi5oehnoaecedeytofmgtw0autodefhnIhoteecvlWoenaueed%nryohuaiyti%npnaahaapdnadderreolrttt.,,.lysssrieaotmaddIwrvifodwduniatrbrygfwofomoclZ’oifeutrntTac0ettthhkemeBoukhiyhhhttaoherxyyc.tnnanoomTleteee.pddtnieut”ukeccedouuntyyrrrsdpdoeeeeemitttooe,vfcia1bdaggsairyd4eseecneluTidtrnn,isppYboasatsycloohoenocehhheolnveoeirrwneemroidcreomrogsoidueaooF.otnkauhm,uwirtnpeudrautfnenbilIsKaneadh2knosatrexlsginlsiprkklet1e.d.naali!gne,ehiooiTn,Ha”n8sInealrtoaehaeffOistcl,tntlrrfg0KpbieaonyphqioiniwegadnsesoshteoeodHntueeyiegdiner)noeuennnAuga.eaeop.rdtaamangg1doersbnoxpuaoATlawnhcdoto4rpielqdsdtrgfhenshdemiiodseirffirudf.muaedxti..ee.iewuscrnhsteaiissaYacednscoeitWohYitl,pduttry,otidTspaennsaiode1tHersenewouey,iyrsptuniseslonaeansguyd“rstahipgmrnlmgtrd,sarora‘ewytt’ehaafyaieeneahhwteobAenerwnfhaontsrdeiynawetfascoh-eonnueTetetlaloftscmoeIslTdaetdkeratsesAusuwahxmv’vrjristkeiunuifnacmrlaieTiaeeecttaeeLzceTipscashcearrsiealseythspmYplgyttliclunEtehrl,nhlood.HhhbooyeatdhoStaeorkueorTDTejeeaaermeMnfiautna7o?riTndeladhttesedlsi”.stlawfpss’gy0cesTnutrt,(al7iloehaiessylb..rtotene0ctdiueohstegtne.gi1ptyrteah,aaaherrWoI3oWio33-rg0ervnnir1eLnetes--rrrdTrnio-ire44sit4isecoh6raCeeop111hit.fuigeedP.ndhteGG.rfsso---TS0m9houolne222ntdlphtY(,hMaaer9aoomltiiiiiTTaeriTTTcssstSssarnnffSs,roGriettyPPPeotwgttTirrb)aaasenmPPPoo,EiiToldstiwi,HsZZncthwMpncGGPoohhsiuiyytgermptworyaarommaohlhe(hesslhmipLbhebeg,ttteeiDaoDodasusrriilsstrooorbeuetLlobaesetaOipitntt)sCsamimtsynhriitrrnsssueconcHsaeer.cipisbcvreletetntnyOemu.oeyuhsgansdanLdertierWnLstsilTmatE.oiteitda(aapnehaSdpennliIilnocLisntennTiatvtymiepiaiid,nEepifartidmrrnoafshuRroloriou.tdrsreashphtOeuednadunetdaereHlnbLidn:soaoiseeanadooeedtttst)tlesi.wdoarseiioinnsicysro(ennnbtHo.yavasssetncDelhehnnlaafosrLeaiadu,ripntd)menht,swbreifiwaLtiaimiaodrheltoiinetdaentaatiwidhdsyyrrtttlFrequently Asked QuestioOnxsidatNivuetrSittiroesnsaannddAYgoiunrg:Health tPhrroomuogthepHHeBalatlhanacned Wellness Oral EAnCzylimniecsiaann\"’dsMGuenidoepause:Option II3-4 caps 3 caps Fat Free Mass (FFM) is literally what is left after all fat LOw dEnSITy LIpOpROTEIn (LdL) These carriers of 2 caps 3 caps Questions is removed from the body. This includes muscle and fat are made mostly of cholesterol and are deemed With every meal or snack DigestZyme 1 cap is sometimes referred to as “lean body mass.” It is the “bad” cholesterol because they transport out to our PureZyme 2 caps TPP Antioxidant 1/2 tsp. PE33rnoxxddztaaoyyycmAobbt eeelbsttewwdeeteeimnnemmeeaallhWmMsseoohlupuathtthhucel,acaaeulrnssodearrsewpsorhopearevetnes,cnpaoatnrintuhfbuleelcsmedorro?essnicneautthoseeAd bnytioxTt(viinthoderaertraythaentlehPimteleahvlenpeentaftautlhidlcn.eaoTgpnphpaheairilArgOnrlosuoeeoccfsnsxsaeaubmtpsusiileotsltdsea-s,npeuncTca,dasetraeacadtbanednniyrdbdsdveftfioehlorejcierufaeroecmssssnsStotetloastryaystettnolaioreoiftrsneneh,nehtwursistohennhaoaaxshgnetfpseldsyosta)faho.aorslatesruunhepsrnviyedisiddasdtrtioieYatbto,hlpeeuosoertrnhdHvaiit--ealth important to build and maintain adequate tissues and organs. When LDL levels are high, the risk Plantadophilus muscle mass for optimum metabolism for coronary heart disease and strokes is also high. The Nutrition, selection of diet, and digestion of and eliminate the damaged cell. Secondly, the and overall health. LDL is most reflective of oBuyr Ddire. tM. ahamane Mamadou* food to ensure proper absorption of the cell might replicate without restriction and needed nutrients constitute the ultimate ThIinssIisdseueA transform into either a benign or a malignant Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) HIgHIndsEindSeITy lLipIpoOprpoRteOItortinvTaisneEersIcsinatt3iirom1rni(eaHmitsndeidlLtclht)ihhoeoanMUtleinawnsidtttoeheemrdeoyeSlmentaaofrrtisoen2tsm0l.y0m0Me, tnehnoeoprpeaawuusesraeel, choice in providing the body all it needs to E M1-A2sx2dnaxedyeaidnyew4ditofhoz.rfoosfotrdwesasaTmtocathanhefboeuderrumrseemetatshlsihkeoe.elcivsTvnotiehnlhtcsdegh.oeyeAsrmpotnmmhmeryeeausuosyc.lnopscoTieuamtrcreyiscnpptaumhtleremauesxtsnmeiafntnarbvigelitirlrlsayuuttnhthssooeee,urhalcwielnsialnoyahinnlrikcccegiTFnleohsuoArnahtsfhhsstNacenetoirelshtesrrttauMosoeeesil.ortrexoiatifdiduApismsoAnuirdasonpddsrsncgooueaientlrrgibvslgtnygseal.iPgeneniAunstgdtriteendhcZdiaerty.euimmolsCineeepplClrkooeueav,noaouenatllitonilienlrttdryaolhswreTaeg,knotPnsdwcnimosrlnPeatleheisaginanaP-onlesoensygrafcrTocucd\"elrffPtsoctrecuesroPaeduxhanotaeiarrvasdVncsreamiseeritaRsrssnsaiadotLsaaitgdilsDhnnvgoDtiiemNnalcdexeipXnatfiAsvldoeoielsmttewscauootrthl.trtettrpsrieiaiFithlsonooyhtyrhshnngirueso\"fteem.elratircaasoThncaerelnehmtieaetlranhvdsimsdlslcgoele.csiiemnccnhloaveledunlomsmildleavaiibcretriiarfsecoalotntunshmhnoeiiess---. tumor. Third, and very often, the cell will simply is the number of calories ofTphroitseinI,ssthuise meet its biological requirements and avoid theAdditional TPP Adrenal Complex not be daebsleigtnoepde.rAfollrmthethseeTffuaEncctMotirosnascftoraws hpirceh- a person needs daily to worst parts of menopause. Support CalmZyme it was maintain their weight if they peripheral tissues and trtahnastppohrtasseitofbaacwk otmo atnh’es rlievperroductive life Anytime all nutrients are balanced and Vitamin C Complex did nothing other than lie still properly delivered to the cells, the body has aFOUNDATION 1P1wAwwC.traKnsfAormGatioEnenzymes.com 1-800-777-1474 [email protected] 11www.tran1s1formationenzymes.com 1-800-777-1474 [email protected] NDATION11PwAwwC.traKn1s1fAormGatioEnenzymes.com 1-800-777-1474 [email protected] optimal health is truly“as easy as 1, 2, 3 ”T cursors to aging. and breathe. Fat has very low fpAoorMnsirtAeeivcnecyoltcyiploiananfgufe.PscTeltahe: nids is dtiheet ocmayf“nacglrdlooekw,oeehdxdaee”ssbrttcrychoihsegteophe.lrneeimscleteaevsrresyolaslbt.iiioonHnloDthgoLiefcashislyecsrhteammrae.cntesTtrhrisuetsaiecl better chance to take care of itself. As when you’re getting the right foundation.AL by low levels can have a variety of effects on mentioned previously, there are three areas of The core scienti c and clinical wellness philosophy of importance that can improve menopausal life. Transformation Enzyme Corp. is based on three intricate So what happens when your cells are not funScY- S T E M metabolic activity and requires Lisa Helffrich, RD, is a gbroaddiulaytesyosftetmhes, Uinncilvuedrsinityg: oafltered brain 1. Diet: physio-biochemical needs for achieving optimal health: support toiof nthinegcperlol ipseurlnya?bOlneAetopTopAsrosLidbYuilcitSey TitshtehantetcheesDsaNrAy The diet should contain the following: T YST to four weeks or continually re-occurTs hneeeMdseasurable seoecmcuorsr,ewFhAichQproonmonteexstprpeamgaet.u..re aging. enzymes for the body, or perhaps that the eCnA- TALYST minimal calories to maintain. STeuxpapGso-A.rEtuf.soRtrin.DTraa.nndsfiosrDmiraetciotonvfduraeEnsponoclfezmtEtyiioomdontnuoeacralCainittondyiorsptcn(aoofboalrliarnalgitgdtieyoetTnnf(e.uhbclorhnetnaefikslcasdas,olhhweesna),d(tcahacalhct iecusam)n, fruits and vegetables; digestion, improve circulation, and facilitate the elimination of medical attention. zymes that it does produce are unusable. Muscle or FFM, on the other whole grains and nuts; waste. Our starting point is simple, and the three core formulas Factor of Aging hand, has greater metabolic diencrkegasdeisv,idtheed hbyydrhoegiegnhtioinncmonectenrstrastqiounariendc.reBaMseIs.is a considered alkaline or acid. CATALYST serves several very important low fat animal products, fish and poultry FAQ: “What Can I Do to Promote a Healthy Lifestye?” AMoreNaturalSolutionforG.E.R.D. of the Transformation Professional Protocol (TPP) productThe Successful Nutritional PracticeAs you get older, several physical changes oc- Modifying our lifeTsthyeleSinuaccnesesffufol rNt toutrreitdiouncael Practice The Successful Nutritional Practice lead to osteoporosis), and a variety of (note: animal products exposed to and/ line were designed with this in mind: cur that effect your health. Muscle mass usu- or storing excess pesticides or other toxic TPP Digest - Ensure the proper digestion, absorption ally decreases, metabolism slows down, and the stress on our body and cells is essential Enzyme conditions that can lead to diseases of the heart materials should be avoided); your body is not able to repair damaged DNA [see FAQ below]. As the cells in our body be- Therapy or diabetes, not to mention the psychological See Menopause on page 2 and utilization of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats Clinical as efficiently as it once did. If such irreparable come less productive, does it not also make Optimal pH Values in the Body challenges and fluctuating hormones that necessary for the body to sustain health and vitality. Findings damage occurs, one of three things usually sense to supplement our diets with tools that favor the onset of depression and fatigue. sphincter (LES) is to prevent gastric contents TPP Protease - Ensure adequate blood circulation, removal Protocols from backing up into the esophagus. of metabolic waste, and optimized immune modulation. Normally, the LES creates pressure, closing the lower end of the esophagus, but relaxes after 11 11TPP Probiotic - Maintain a good micro ora within the each swallow to allow food into the stomach. Reflux occurs when LES pressure is deficient 11GI tract, which is an integral part of the body’s or when pressure within the stomach exceeds LES pressure. Reflux does not occur because 11biochemical and homeostatic basis. there is too much acid in the stomach. Biological Age: happens. First, the cell might die on its own or can help it? When the cells in our body are Waste Achieving opBtilmooadl health is truly “as easy as D1,ig2e, s3t”ive tract Fortunately, these conditions can be addressed The traditional medical treatment is to BAioCloagsiecaHl iAstgoer:y the \"T\" cells of the immune system do their job unable to work the way they need to, it is actu- Urine (more acidic AM) 4.5 - 8.w0 hen yoAur’treergiaeltting t7h.e40rig- h7.t4f5oundatioSna.liva (6.5 is ideal) and patients suffering from the negative prescribe anti-acids. Anti-acids not only mask 6.0 - 7.0 Success effects of menopause can be encouraged to the problem, they also can cause long-term A Case History see Oxidative Stress on page 3 Feces 4.6ph- y8sTi.roT4ah-nbesiofcocorhrmeeamstcCViiioceeaannnpltEnoiinleulczaesyadrmnysdefocCrloianrcpihc77.ai..iels33vwb05ineagls--leno77dep..s34otsin05mpthahilrloheseeoaipnlththry:iGPcsoauaaftpnespctorrirectaStieccSreetciorention 1.0 - 3.5 Stories take control of their situations through diet, See G.E.R.D. on page 3 8.0 - 8.3 supplementation, exercise and relaxation. Anti-Aging digestion, improve pciorcinutlaistisoinm,palned, afnacdiltihtaetethtrheeeecloimreinfoaBtriimolenuloafs 7.8 Frequently Protocol waste. Our starting 7.5 - 8.0 Asked of the Transformation Professional Protocol (TPP) proSdmucat ll Intestine Patients WantltinoeKwneorewd.e..signed with this in mind: TEM First and foremost, remember to take your di- to reduce stress. If you need to take a break, TEM SYSTEM toAhfcteeoynmksmnaoToywnPntahePtmnhecdeiDeyssiuuairsgtanriperlediyHzsetafotortinsior-ottEnaathnhnceoseidfudbpirfioniecrrdgostaythtaentebpiodnpolsasrwu,uocctaspeatpne?arHbtrinTodtiohhhsigeyetkedanhnslra,ttaoihtiotwsewansni,he,tadaoabrnwversdieaottafrloealplyitittbstyithoe.reuncreoamtlhkeaamtlinboeereionragalkacalikdliaincle.in.MeFaiirnssyth,pehaaotliwtehnidetosr Questions By Lisa Helffrich, RD, LD ATA LY S T gestive enzymes to enhance nutrient acquisi- massage therapy has been useful for many ATA LY S T CATALYST than being acidic? The answers are that they don’t really know their pH, and that a “moving” Gastroesophageal reflux is the backflow of tion. Also, try to eat a healthy diet that is loaded people. Or if things are getting to be too much balanTcPePisPtrhoetheeaasleth-ieEnstsusrteaated.equate blood circulation, removal TEM contents of the stomach into the esophagus 30 Capsules with antioxidants [see Insert]. Plus, make sure for you, maybe you should take a much-needed As showonf maebtoavbeo,licthweasbtoe,dayn’sd oppHtimvaizrieedsimfrmomunseymstoedmulattoiosny. stem. This is part of the body’s ATA LY S T that is often the result of incompetence of the you get adequate sleep every night. vacation or just lose yourself in a good book. csnbaooamldtiuvyparaetiplnsTHcssPouasmPethepoPGbteuheIrnotlacdrsoatbbacimdinittooio,ceswctrreshiyehcaeammismc-sheoMeeiscrci,asaehmbilanaeaanatnncacyidioinisndomthmieaccogic,gnmtruooagtherlo.amopedcsaotmhuratrirtieeoicincvrfaoeebtlhkahpoesaoHriblsaim.nowwedeiiy.otllh’Isstiatnailsstshowiseh.dIernonpat.hhCeeoabnlovthdeyyrssleoclseye,nstahrteihoi,sbwlaohboeidlnitaytnhtdoe lower esophageal sphincter. Gastric juices are In addition to these good habits, personal medi- Either way, try to keep things in perspective. 30 Capsules acidic and therefore produce burning pain in tation and relaxation exercises have worked Always try to balance work with home and fun. the esophagus. Repeated episodes of reflux for many. You can also find affordable classes Laughter really is the best medicine. Maybe often result in gastroesophageal reflux disease for exercise, yoga, tai chi, qi gong, and many you can develop a new hobby! Positive or G.E.R.D. The frequent acid in the other techniques. Sometimes, simply taking affirmations or spiritual reflections are great esophagus can cause esophagitis, deep breaths throughout the day is a great way ways to emphasize the important things in life. inflammation of the esophageal mucosa. The function of the lower esophageal 4 The SuwcceswsfulwNu.ttrirtioananl Psfraoctircemationenzymes.com 1-800-777-1474 [email protected] The SuccesswfulwNwut.rtitrioannalsPforarcmticeationenzymes.com 1-800-777-1474 [email protected] The SuwcceswsfulwNu.ttrirtioananl Psfraoctircemationenzymes.com 1-800-777-1474 [email protected]
EducationThe Transformation™ Library includes a wealth of resources: books, articles, protocols, videos, seminars,webinars, websites, workshops, mentorship programs, and more!Books VideosArticles Patient Education We MUST Talk About By Dr. DicQie Fuller-Looney WFINHDENINYGOYUOSUURFWFEARY FTROOHMEANLIDTHS “WWee’v’veebebeenetnratnrsafonrsmfoedrm.” ed.” TTrraannsfsofromrmyouyrosuelrfself By Dr. DicQie Fuller-Looney Breastfeeding The word “stress” is such a broad term and often I hear it used to describe a feeling. “I am feeling better than EElleevveennbobdoydsyyssteymstsemmaskemuapkyeouurpcoymouplrecxoinmteprnlealx internal Stress is actually a reaction to a stimulus or threat that may be real or perceived. This What is NIDS? I have in years. I added a ccoommmmuunniciactaiotnio. Ena.cEhaocnhe orenliesrienliseosmienwsaoymoen twheay on the by Drs. DicQie Fuller-Looney & Julie George reaction disturbs our internal balance (homeostasis) both physically and mentally. NIDS stands for Neuro Immune Dysfunction Syndrome and impacts the state of health couple of diet changes you otthheerrsstotomaminatianintaoipntiomputmimhuemalthh.eHaoltwhe.vHero, awllebvoedry, all body Stress can be emotional strain and it can be either acute or chronic. It tends to be of every family in America. NIDS are acquired disorders that impact the body and recommended, and Digest ssyysstetemms rserlyeolynothnetdhigeedstiigveesytsivteems.yWstheemn i.tWis nhoetn it is not The basic intent of breastfeeding is to provide those chronic stressors from our lifestyle such as negative beliefs or our environment the brain. In other words, NIDS refers to a group of illness that are the result of how the and Probiotic. In other fuunncctitoionninigngpropproerplye, arlny,imanbailmanbcealbaentcweeebnetthweefoeondthe food nutrients from mother to child in the purest form that are far more damaging to our health. immune system and nervous system relates to one another in chronic conditions. words, small changes yyoouueeaat atnadntdhethneutnrieunttrsieynotusr byooduyrabbosodrybsacbasnoorcbcsurc. an occur. possible. So why has the subject of breastfeeding made a big difference!” become so taboo? From the TIME Magazine cover Your gut is especially vulnerable to the presence of chronic and even acute stress, Symptoms may include mild to severe cognitive impairment (consciousness, perception, -Jeff Smiley OOuurreennzyzmyme tehetrhaepryaspolyutsioonlustairoensspeacrieallsypfoercmiaullaytefdormulated featuring a mother breastfeeding her three year old demonstrating stress-induced changes in gastric secretion, gut motility, mucosal thinking, judgment, and memory); disrupted sleep; severe headache; swollen lymph to target deficiencies in each of the eleven systems, to the women photographed in military uniforms permeability / barrier function, visceral sensitivity, and mucosal blood flow. There has nodes; sore throat; malaise; postural orthostatic tachycardia; painful nerves, joints, reessttoorereeneznyzmyamticalteivcelsevanedlssawnindgsthweinbgalatnhceebaclaknince back in breastfeeding their children, there has been much also been evidence to suggest that gut microorganisms may respond directly to stress- and/or muscles; abdominal pain; nausea; and unusual fatigue. yyoouurrfafvaovro.*r.* heated debate over breastfeeding in recent years. related host signals. With instant formula more readily available than ever, it is time we had a real discussion You may think this a “new” disorder or illness you are just now hearing about. However, Itt’’sseeaasysytotgoetgsetatrstetadrotnedthoenrotahdebraockatdo bbaetctkerto better about breastfeeding and why women need to be doing more of it. The biochemical changes that occur in times of stress have in all the years that I have been a clinician (since the 1970s) each passing decade heeaaltlthhwwithithTraTnrsafnorsmfoartmionatEinoznymEensz. yAmskeyso.uAr dsokcytoorur doctor Child Nutrition - Breastfeeding and Biology significant and immediate impact on gut function. has brought us a new syndrome or disease. I’ve always noticed that many have the wwhhiicchhfoformrmulaulias risghrtigfohrtyfoour. Dyoisuco. vDeirstchoevpeorwtehre power Researchers in the Netherlands looked at data from more than 4,000 infants and same symptoms, and it becomes difficult to decide what illness we were looking at. offeennzzymymeseasnadnledt tlheet ttrhaenstfroarmnsaftoiornmbaetgioinnwbitehgin with found that babies who were exclusively breastfed for more than four months had a A family of peptides called corticotrophin releasing factors (CRF) are responsible for Health Science now links them all together under the name NIDS. TTrraannssfofromrmatiaotnioEnzEymnzeys.mes. “significant reduction of respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases in infants.” They also coordinating the body’s response to stress, and CRFs have a potent effect on the gut found that being breastfed until six months of age seemed to be even more protective through modulation of inflammation, increase of gut permeability, contribution to The following is a list of the more familiar names you may recognize: DDiissccoovevretrhethpeowpeorwofeernozyfmeenszymes and appeared to reduce the number of infections for the next six months of the child’s visceral hypersensitivity, increased perception to pain, and modulation of gut motility. aannddlelet tthtehteratnrsafonrsmfoatrimonabteiogninbweitghin with life. Why is that? This hormone affects the hypothalamic-pituitary axis (HPA) to eventually stimulate the • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (affects 1 in 300) secretion of cortisol from the adrenal glands. TTrraannsfsofromrmatiaotnioEnnzyEmnzesy.mes. The cells of the mature intestinal lining are tightly packed together so that potential • Fibromyalgia (affects 1 in 150) allergens cannot seep through into the bloodstream. But in the early months, the lining Not only does stress affect the physiological function of the gut, but it has also been of a baby’s immature intestines is more like a sieve, allowing potential allergens to get shown to actually cause changes in the composition of the microorganisms, possibly • Autism Spectrum Disorder (affects 1 in 110 girls and 1 in 67 boys) through, which leaves the infant vulnerable to allergies and infections. due to the changes in neurotransmitter and inflammatory cytokine levels. • Celiac Disease (affects 1 in 133 Americans) Immunoglobulin A (IgA) is a protein which is only available in breast milk. Scientists Chronic exposure to stress may lead to the development of a variety of gastrointestinal believe that immune factors such as secretory IgA help prevent allergic reactions diseases such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), peptic ulcer disease, IBD, • Lyme Disease (a fast-growing epidemic in the United States; many sufferers to food by acting like a protective sealant in the digestive tract. Without this layer IBS, and food allergies. Our clinical studies have shown that psychological stress slows go on to develop a chronic illness identical to CFS) of protection, inflammation can develop and the wall of the intestine can become “leaky.” This allows undigested proteins and other molecules to cross the gut where 1 1 they can cause an allergic reaction and other health problems. STEP2 1 DIGESTIVE ENZYME PACKWebinars TTrraannssfofromrmatiaotnioEnnzEynmzeysm.coems.com *TThheesseestsattaemteemntesnhtasvehanvotebneoent beveaelunaetevdabluyathteedFoboydtahned FDoruogdAadnmdinDistrruagtioAnd. ministration. TThhisispprordoudcut cistniostninottenindteedntdoeddiagtonodsiea, gtrneaots, ecu, rter,eoartp, rceuveren,t oanrypdriesevaesnet. any disease. 868-022 AustinMarket PilotPrgrm Broch 4x9 MECH.indd 1 1/17/11 1:51 PMRReellAAyyllololnSnSyDyDssititgegeememssststioionn A Clinician’s Guide to Patient Protocols Lisa Helffrich, RD BIOCHEMICALTYPING CARDIOVASCULAR 1111S Y S T E M T r a ns FeTnohzeyrrmampeesuastuticpispotorrentnhg™tehalpthroyteolytic CARDIOVASCULAR DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Director of Education Type 1: PARA URINARY C A TCAALTAYLSYTST Enz yme Nutritioncirculation, immune modulation, Transformation Enzyme Corp. and detoxification. Enzyme Nutrition 1 Food Preferences All carbohydrates such as breads, rice, pasta, ENDOCRINE ForThe Successful Nutritional Practice Nutrition potatoes, sugar, sweets, candy, cakes, pies and LYMPHATIC vegetarian meals. MUSCULAR System 11 Catalyst describes the communication that • H2O – Considering your body is made of about 60% water and it’s one of the most crucial NERVOUS elements to supporting proper digestion, there’s not much argument against exchanging Enzyme Deficiency REPRODUCTIVE Detoxific ationmust take place between the systems of the body in order a soda for water. Polysaccharolytic enzymes for proper digestion of RESPIRATORY carbohydrates. SKELETAL to maintain balance. This equilibrium or ‘balance’ is what • Make Time for Food – Life gets busy, but being too busy to eat is never a good thing. Make SKIN we strive for when we reference ‘optimal health’. Every time for 3 meals a day and snacks in between. You’ll save yourself from overeating and Health Concerns healthcare modality begins with the study of anatomy keep your digestive system working all day. Also, when you’re eating those meals and Thyroid dysfunction, eczema, headaches, fatigue, snacks, be sure to take your time. If you finish your lunch in 5 minutes, you’re doing it wrong. low blood pressure, hypoglycemia, brain fog, mood and physioAlogltyh–oinuggenheratlh, heowboourdboydiuessaureaolrlgyanfiizlteed rs impurities from the blood and lymphatic system via the kidneys, liver, colon, swings, depression, cold hands and feet.* and how its parts function as a whole. Transformation • Nature’s On-the-Go Snack – Apples and Carrots are super portable snacks and they are Enzyme ColruponragtisonacnredatesdkSiynst,emm 1a1nasyaluifneiqsuteyle-associated factors often compromise the function of these organs or impede the great for healthy digestion. When possible, buy organic and try to mix it up with different Body Shape educationapl prroogcraemsdse.sDigneetdotoxeifieccativteiloy cnomismtuhneicatoe ngoing process of removing metabolic by-products and other toxins from the colored fruits and vegetables. You tend to gain weight evenly all over, and your waist the healingbeoedctys owf nuhtirlietionre-bpasleednpriosthocinolgs. Teransssfeorn- tial nutrients, all in an effort to maintain optimum health. Enzyme nutrition plays may be either small and defined or broader than y6our • There’s Always a Healthy Choice – Sometimes “Fast Food” is the only food, but even those shoulders and hips. The widths of your clavicle and mation willadekmeonystrraotelethrionugdhaitsilmyadrkeetitnog,xeidfiuccaatitoino, n and promotes nutrient availability – the end result being cellular vitality.* offer alternatives to processed and calorie filled burgers. If you know you’ll be eating out, your hip bone are equal, and you have well-defined, check the restaurant’s menu online beforehand. They all have nutrition facts listed and you “high & perky” buttocks. clinical programs as well as Research and Development the can be sure to make the better choice. therapeutic a•dvanAtagdeisgfoer isntcilvudeingeennzzyymme tehefraoprymasula with meals will help ensure proper digestion of all nutrients, lessening the Nutrition for Balance the baseline comptoonxeinct inloyoaudr prwachticiele. Thime 1p1 broodvying nutrient availability.* Lifestyle Avoid sugar and meals high in starch. Include a complete protein at each meal. Healthy fats in systems are as follows: cardiovascular, digestive, urinary, • Get Some Shut-Eye – Not getting enough ZZZ’s at night can affect more than just your moderation. Whole grains, fruits and vegetables. endocrine, lym•phAaticp, mrousbcuiolart, incervsouups, prepleromduectinvet, further supports digestion and promotes timely elimination of waste while digestion. It can also affect your weight, your skin, and can contribute to feelings Trceorasnpnciserfaoptrtomwryaa,tssiok•cenrel’seatgmAtaeoldaaaplnwidsirintothsotkttaiphnere.ioanTcvhliisiednneeSigcyeiasftonaeecmirntmhivm1ee1uineCaldnaa.zlttayhlmbysyeet gtwuet eennvmiroenamls eennts.TYu*horeecuasrrdpioNvraoascptuulearrrsaycslteirmScionucllluaudtteisioothnne bflfoooodrr, obClopoadtrivmedssieaolsl,vafnialdtsrthaceuthieloaarntr. ToHhefepbraimlolatrohy fd.u.n.tcthiornoofuthgish the of depression. So do your body a favor and give it ample time to recharge with the Tdheeotbojexcitfivyeinofgthios cragtaalong sis,toassisting in clearing styostexminisstraannspdortaetioxnc–ethsesdeplivreorytoef ninutsriefnrtos, moxygtehn,ehorsmyosntees amnd.i*mmune mediators to the cellsWorkshops & Seminars recommended 8 hours therapy options. and the removal of metabolic waste from the cells. In these efforts the cardiovascular system plays an • Reversing the Toxic Effects of Chronic • Take a Breather – Stress is the opposite of sleep. If you have too much, it creates problems demonstrate a convenient way of identifying which 6 important role in maintaining a healthy cellular environment, protection from disease, promoting healing, 7 Stress and Anxiety (2016) in other areas like your digestion. A few good ways to help reduce daily stress are: TPP Digest*of our products accomplish your patient’s health goals. and supporting constant communication between the systems of the body. Transformation’s highly active 1 cap with every meal or snackand GI stable proteolytic blends are designed to help promote healthy blood flow and clotting, immune • The Seven Signs of a Sound Gut (2014/5) • A. find an activity that helps you de-stress (like dancing or playing guitar) modulation and detoxification.* • Unlock Your Potential (2012) • B. ask others for help when you don’t have enough time to accomplish everything on TPP Protease 2 caps 3 x day between meals your own TPP Probiotic 42.5† 1 cap in the morning and at bedtime • Step 2 (2011) • C. if you start to get overwhelmed, just take a step back from the situation and focus Transformation offers several formulas for the “sensitive” patient. If needed, you may substitute: • The Demand for Alternatives Has Never on something else for a few minutes. Been Greater (2009/10) DigestZyme* 3-5 caps with every meal or snack • Make a Move – Exercise is essential to healthy digestion. When you get moving, all of your PureZyme 3 caps 3 x day between meals • Advances in Alternative Therapies for the organs get moving too. And exercise is pretty easy to come by if you get creative with it. Plantadophilus 3 caps in the morning and at bedtime Progressive Health Care Professional Try fun runs, hiking, or joining a sports team. You can even count walking the dog, just aim (2008) for 30 minutes 5 times a week. Additional support formulas you may want to consider for your patients with toxicity: Enzyme Therapy K-Drain Liver Support* Mineral Complex The Foundation of Wellness L-Drain Heavy Metal Defense* Super CellZyme • 1 TPP Digest or 3 DigestZyme with meals H-Drain ReleaseZyme** • 2 TPP Protease 2 x day between meals • 1 TPP Probiotic or 3 Plantadophilus at bedtime **ReleaseZyme is intended for short-term use (1-3 months) during the healing process and periodical use afterwards as needed for chronic constipation. †Probiotic 42.5 is intended for short-term use as part of an enzyme therapy protocol. For maintenance / support, see Cellular Nutrition protocol. Supporting Formulas for Body Type Questions? 1-800-777-1474 • TPP Carbo-G email [email protected] • BalanceZyme Plus www.transformationenzymes.com • MasterZyme** or TPP Thyroid Complex** • ExcellZyme Copyright 2017 * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Transformation This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. **Testing or monitoring of hormone levels is advised with glandular / nutritional hormone therapies. *This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Education Partners • The College of Integrative Medicine (CIM) www.collegeofintegrativemedicine.org • Nutrition Therapy Institute (NTI) www.ntischool.com • DC Seminars (www.dcseminarsinfo.com)
CARDIOVASCULAR ClinicalCARDIOVASCULAR ApplicationDIGESTIVE Transformation™ takes an active role in practitionerDIGESTIVE 1111educatiSonY, iSncTludEingMconsultations and trainings. VisitURINARYURINARY us at hSttpY://SsuTppEortM.transformationenzymecorp.com to schedule an appointment. We look forward to working with you regarding what we can do to help improve your patient CtoAolTs AanLdYeSduTcation. ClinicCaAl STeArLvYicSeTsENDOCRINE •••FF QACoorrsluinsTTaiigclihhtanyeeleSSsAduliuupgPccpnrccaeemlecssssmetffiuucnelletnNNtAaduutiottvrrinsiitt,oiiooprnnraaolltoPPcorraalscc,ttiiacceend programsENDOCRINE System•1 1InCdaitvaidlyusatlidzeesdcpriebeers-ttoh-epecoemr cmonusnuicltaintgion that mSyustsetmta•k1 e1PpCalaatticeaenlytbssetutdwpepesoecrrntibtahensedtshfyueslfticlelmommesnmot futnhiceabtioodnytihnaot rderLYMPHATIC tmoumstatina•kta eiEnpdlbauaccelaabntioceentw. Teheins tehqeusilyibstreiumms oorf ‘tbhaelabnocdey’ isinwohradterLYMPHATIC wtoemstariinv•tea fioTnerbawamhlaetnrnaciewn.ienTgrheaifsenerdeqnsuucilepibp‘oroipurttmimoarl ‘hbeaalaltnhc’.eE’ ivsewryhat hweeasltthricv••ae refoCPmrruivwsoatdhoteaemlnliaitzwybeebdeleromegpfiaenprrksoeerwnttuicintneghit‘iotmehpsaetitmestrauialdlshyeoafltahn’. aEtvoemryyMUSCULAR ahnedaltphhcy•as rieoAlmcocgoeydsa–sliitntoygbeeexnpgeeinrratslb,whuiosthwinteohsuesrsrbteuosdodyuieroscfeaasrneaotrogmany izedMUSCULAR aanndd hpohwysiiotslopgayrt–s ifnungcetnioenraal,shaowwhoouler .bToradniessfoarrme aotrigoannizedNERVOUS ™EanndzyhmoewCiotsrppoarratstifounnccrteioanteads Saywstheomle1. T1raasnsafournmiqauteionNERVOUS eEndzuycmateioCnoarlppororagtrioamn cdreeasitgendeSdytsoteeme1c1tiavsealyucnoimqumeunicate tehdeuhcaeWtaioleinnlgalnleperseoscgtrsEaomvfandlueustriagittniiooendn-btoaTseecdehpcntriovoteolloycogcloise.mTsrmanusnfiocra-teREPRODUCTIVE mthaethioedWnayelwninaiglmbl deeiceliemeavcneotdns soetifnvranatutluueittaivrttiheitoironorneu-pgtbeohacrstihstesndomcplroeargroakyttieontcgsinohglaos,n.ueTldrdianuntcepsarfraotoicrov-tinidv,eeREPRODUCTIVE cmliantiicoadnlispwcriuollsgdsraieommn soanabssotwruatetlehl eathaslrRtoheusagenhadrictwhs mealnlabdrekiDnegteiv.negOl,oueprdmguoecanatltiowthnite,h tttchhhlieeenrribcaaaappaoislsleeflepiuunwBlritttoniuhiioccgeieDtaairrvcaéeddeomzvvlmyysaasnonnupeamnttos™aadenggweoeeeeernnvsssleatlffolaooiuniossarrdytRiiinnoooeaccnnusnllesuurdtaddhpirspeiircnnarhtoggcwovtaeeeincdcnnlledrenzze.seyyDTasmmhtaeseneveeeas1ottlpnhh1opeeeppbacrromwoaatrrdppauteuyyyrmnenaatnitsstytehhstaeostRESPIRATORY sesthyynssedtteebommacesrsonssienlguaaleiatrrni,geeoelenyaacmsssoinffapmoonhellpdlladoooturwwineccssse,a::mpntcciotoaauninrrsnddsciiiayuboonolivvlaidutaarier,ssdnsccpiuuesrtaollrcaavcurrgot,,siauddcsiesiiniogg,. rTneeoehssppttoetiiirfvvmo1eeid1nu,, udmuubcirrvoiithinndiveaayuearra,yyltl,,hiz.edRESPIRATORYSKELETAL reensdpoircarti•on reyB,,liysokmDeéplezhtyaantleiac™n, mdHusRksVicnu(.HlTaehra,enrtSeRyrvsatoteeumsV,a1rre1iapCbroialittdyau)lycsttive,SKELETAL creosnpcierapt••to wryQBa, sisuokcecershelteeaiotmtanelindcaaanwilrdeIintshsdkitvihnide.uTcahllieinsmSicyias(Btneomidnym1T1iynCpdain.tga)lyst Tcoranncsefopr•tm waBatsTioAcnr(e’BsaigtoeolodaglwiicsiatthloTtephrreroacvinliidnAeiscesiaenesscintmivmeeninet)dn.zyme SKIN tThraenraspfoyr•mo paBttCiiooAnns’(s.BTgohodeayloCibsojteomcptirvAoevnoiadflyetsheisis)eccattiavleogeniszytome SKIN tdheemraopnys•to rpaDtteXioAansc(B.oTonhnveeeonDbieejnenctstiwtiovameyoeoftfrtyihd) iesnctaiftyailnogg wishtoich odoffeoomuuorrnpps•••rrt ooraddEKDtuuAieanccVreakttsssf(ciSeiaaooltccdlnroeccvgMooseysmmnicMippreollneiisssrtchhidwoiyyapaoonyyuu)orr fppiaadtteiieennntittf’’yssihhneegaawlltthhhiggchooaallss..66
Transformation™Clinical Advisors • DicQie Fuller-Looney, Ph.D., Dr.Sc., ND, CNC • Tamyra Y. Comeaux, MD • Rolf Habersang, MD • Robert Greenberg, DC, Ph.D. • Bill Wolfe, DDS, NMD • Paul Campbell, L.Ac., O.M.D., Ph.D. • Alan Chen, DC, L.Ac., O.M.D. • Bjorn Clausen, ND • Oscar D. Maldonado, DDS • Gary Frederick Smouse, DC, CACAN, CCSP • Lisa Hudson, RDN, LD • Cynthia Watson, MDTransformation™Clinical ResearchAdvisors • Milton Bastidas, DC • Richard Couey, PhD (Baylor University) • Darren Willoughby, PhD (Baylor University)Transformation™Business Advisors • Steven Shapiro • John Walker • Kevin Alft • Noel Graubart • Ken Looney • Tim Brown
Getting Started with Enzyme Therapy People are continuously being advised to take various supplements, herbs, and vitamins or to eat a certain diet in order to improve health. Yet no focus is placed on ensuring that whatever is being taken is also being digested and absorbed. The assumption is made, even by nutrition experts, that we all digest our food equally and completely. However, we know this is not the case. Eating healthy is just the first step. STEP 2 means getting the most nutrition from your food for a whole new world of health! Digestive enzymes are what help us digest food and break it down into absorbable vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and fatty acids. Enzymes then play another vital role by escorting these nutrients to our various cells and tissues.Our belief is simple – give the body the nutrients it needs, clear away the waste andallow the body to manage its resources. • Take a digestive enzyme with meals to aid in the proper digestion, absorption and utilization of proteins, carbohydrates and fats necessary for the body to sustain health and vitality.* • Take a proteolytic enzyme in between meals to support adequate blood circulation, removal of metabolic waste and support healthy immune function.* • Take a probiotic at bedtime to maintain good microflora within the GI tract and promote healthy elimination.*Clinical AlignmentHere at Transformation™ we do things a little differently.We believe mutual success can only be achievedwhen we understand the needs of your practiceand/or business. A Practice Advisor will be assignedto assist you in meeting your goals and businessobjectives and to evaluate our effectiveness insupporting you.We have also found each individual practice to beunique in their needs for education and/or training.We highly recommended a Clinical Alignment with ourManager of Clinical Services so we can customizeyour training and clinical support needs.
ProductsTransformation™ uses only the highest quality enzymes, herbs, and nutritional ingredients available. Amultidisciplinary staff of nutritionists, biochemists, chemists, microbiologists, physicians, and dieticiansare involved in the design, formulation, and production in order to continually stay on the forefront of newinnovations and research findings. Transformation’s formulas are carefully prepared to assure maximumquality. Our formulas:• contain absolutely no fillers• exceed cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practice) guidelines using the highest standards for quality assurance• are from plant and fungal sources ensuring high levels of activity and a wide range of pH stability• include proprietary enzyme blends for optimal bio-availability100% GuaranteeOur guarantee of satisfaction is unconditional. We want you to be 100% satisfied!If you find a Transformation™ product purchased does not perform to yourexpectations, you can return your order for a refund within 30 days of receipt.The Highest Standard of Quality ControlOur products are manufactured under cGMP standards. These rigorous standards are applied throughoutthe production process, from the sourcing of the raw materials and the strict control of the productionenvironment to the analytical tests essential to ensuring quality, safety, and reliability.• cGMP Certified • TGA Certified• NSF Certified • Star K Certified• NSF Certified for Sport • NASC CertifiedProtocols and Programs *This sTaTemenT has noT been evaluaTed by The Food and drug adminisTraTion. This producT is noT inTended To diagnose, TreaT, cure, or prevenT any disease. oTher ingredienTs: cellulose, WaTer, calcium ciTraTe † daily value not established 28 hcu † hemicellulase oTher ingredienTs: cellulose & WaTer 28 cu † cellulase **guaranteed minimum potency at the time of manufacture. 56 su † invertase 168 dpº † diastase † daily value not established 500 Xu † Xylanase 610 alu † lactase % daily value amount per serving 25 bgu † beta-glucanase 442 mg † Tzyme™ probiotic blend 3 billion cfu** † 14 endo-pgu † pectinase 380 million cfu** † lactobacillus plantarum 300 million cfu** † lactobacillus sporogenes oTher ingredienTs: cellulose, WaTer, 400 cu † macerase 200 million cfu** † lactobacillus salivarius calcium ciTraTe 225 million cfu** † Bifidobacterium longum 25 agu † glucoamylase 1 billion cfu** † lactobacillus casei 20 mg † lactobacillus acidophilus 42 FTu † phytase 10 mg † Jerusalem artichoke tuber lactoferrin (from milk) † daily value not established 438 gal u † alpha-galactosidase 20,000 du † amylase (355,017 huT) (600,000 pu) 270 mg Tzyme™ polysaccharolytic blend (peptidases, bromelain) 67 mg † Tzyme™ lipase blend (7,467 Fip) 641 mg † Tzyme™ protease blend (protease and peptidase) (54,601 huT) 122 mg † Tzyme™ protease blend % daily value amount per serving % daily value amount per serving Supplement Facts Supplement Facts Supplement Facts serving size 1 capsule serving size 1 capsule serving size 1 capsule servings per container 15 servings per container 30 servings per container 45 Probiotic Protease Digest* www.ReverseStress.com HEALTHY DETOX Program* TransFormation Take one Digest with each meal Take one Protease twice a day Enzyme Nutrition Take one Probiotic at bedtime Continue Digest, Protease and Probiotic Add L-Drain and K-Drain three times daily Add one or more additional support formulas MANUFACTURED FOR TRANSFORMATION ENZYME CORP. Supplement Facts 2900 WILCREST DR., SUITE 220, HOUSTON, TX 77042 Serving Size 1 Capsule Servings Per Container 30 MANUFACTURED FOR TRANSFORMATION ENzYME CORP. 2900 WILCREST DR., SUITE 220, HOUSTON, TX 77042 Supplement FactsTPP Protease™ is a unique proteolytic enzyme blend Optimal digestion is dependent upon effective digestive that supports healthy blood rheology.* All Transfor- TPP Probiotic™ is a formulation of a carefully mixed selection of micro- enzymes. TPP Digest includes highly active enzymes with a mation™ formulas are carefully prepared to assure SSSeerruvviinnpggsSpPizeelr 1eCoCmnatpasioceneuealcrergnor9ea0lotfnugislFilcymaapsl rcbferatpielsaanrndecldyettooofatfhrsieesunhrduelmymabanaxcGitmeIrutiarma.*cqtA.u*lalTTlihtryaensaesnfdoorrnmguaatnrtiiitosiomnn™salefeonfrhfmeacnutcilvaeSSesneetahrrervveseiinnsgg.*sSPizeer broad range of specificities to handle all food preferences.* All maximum quality and nutritional effectiveness.* 1 Capsule 60 Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Transformation™ formulas are carefully prepared to assure Container maximum quality and nutritional effectiveness.* PROFESSIONAL PROTOCOL PROFESSIONAL PROTOCOLAmount Per Serving ABSOLUTELY NO FILLERS ABSOLUTELY NO FILLERS % Daily Value Amount Per Serving % Daily Value P PROFESSIORNECAOMLMENDREDOUTSAOGEC: OOneL(1) capsule two Tzyme™ Protease BlAenBd SOLUTELY1N22OmgFILLER† S RECOMMENDED USAGE: One (1) capsule with every meal TzymeTM Probiotic Blend 442 mg † or snack with at least 8 oz. of liquid or as directed by a health (Protease and pepRtidEasCe)O(5M5,1M31EHNUTD+E11DSAUPSU)AGE: One (1) capsule upon rising or at bedtimTezywmithe™ Protease Blend 641 mg † care practitioner. Contents may be removed from capsule and P r o t e a s e P ro bi o ti cLTizpyaAmsmee™y(l7a,Ps5eo1l8ysFaIPcc)haamrotlyatlieyc aBblseentd8reomzo.2vo0e,f02d076w007faDmmrotUggemr ocraaps††sudliereacnteddtabkyehnebaylthscpaoroenpimramcteitidoinaeter.lyCaofnteter†nmD(tpsiaxeiiplnytgiVdaalsuees,nbortoemstealbaliins)h(e3d55,017 HUT) (600,000 PU) Lactobacillus plantarum 3 billion cfu** † taken by spoon immediately after mixing with a small amount times a day on an empty stomach with 8 oz. of water of tepid water. or as directed by health care practitioner. Contents † Supplement FactsL-Drain is a concLenatractetdo, rbapaidlcy ailsl-us sporogenes 380 million cfu**K-Drain is a concentrated, rapidly Supplement Facts similated herbal product that assists the assimilated herbal product that assists serving size 1 Dropper (1 ml) Enzyme activity is measured in Food Chemicals Codex (FCC) units. D i g e s t *may be removed from capsule and taken by spoon lymphatic system.* All Transformation™ servings per container about 30 Store tightly sealed in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children. immediately after mixing with a small amount of tepid Lactobacillus salivarius 300 million cfu** †formulas are carefully prepared to water. One (1) capsule may be taken with meals to assure maximum quality and nutritional Tzyme™ is a trademark of Transformation Enzyme Corporation. enhance the digestion of proteins.* longum millio2n00 † cfu**effectiveness.* This proprietary blend of highly active, functional, pH balanced, Free of additives or alcohol. and GI tract stable enzymes is formulated to enhance the Lactobacillus casei 225 million cfu** †RECOMMENDED USAGE: Take one digestive process and impart systemic benefits.* dropper of L-Drain in a small amount of *THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN JeLruascatolebmacAilrlutischaockideotpuhbLielurs D1rbailliio2nn0 mcfug** †† K Drainwater between meals 3-4 times daily. EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG Alpha-galactosidawseith a small am4o38uGnatl oUf tep†id water. the kidneys.* AllsTrearnvsinfogrmsaitzioen™1 Dropper (1 ml) ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS faosrsmuurelams aaxreimcuamrsefqeuurllvayilinptyrgeaspnapdreendruttcoritoionntaaliner about 30 NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, Phytase REFRIGERATE4225FAFOTGURU OPT††IMUM ACTIVITY OTHER INGREDIENTS: CELLULOSE, WATER, OOd ealTheffectiveness.* CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. Glucoamylase CALCIUM CITRATE Free of additiveAsmoroaulnctophoelr. serving T G OF G hhe enesis The %GeDanilyeVsailuseOF GOOd healTh Amount per serving % Daily Value Macerase Store tightly seale4d00uCnUder refri†geration. Keep out of reach of children. Pectinase 14 endo-PGU † MANUFACTURED FOR TRANSFORMATION dRrEoCppOeMr MofEKN-DDrEarDineUdinSraAosGomEt a(:clTl aeakmaenoooutnnhetuosf americanus) 9 mg † Asparagus tuber (A. cochinchinensis) 9 mg † † Beta-glucanase **Guaranteed mini2m5 uBmGUpotenc†y at the time of manufacture. water between mreeadlsc3l-o4vteimr belsosdsaoilym. s (Trifolium pratense) 7.5 mg † Goldenrod tops (solidago canadensis) 9 mg † *THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN † Enzyme Enzyme ProbioticEVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS Supplement Supplement SupplementNOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. Lactase 610 ALU † ENzYME CORP., 2900 WILCREST DR., stillingia root (stillingia sylvatica) 7.5 mg † Buchu leaf (Barosma betulina) 9 mg Cellulase Diastase *THESE S21T9658ACDTUPºEME†† NTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUESnU-zyITmEe 220, HOUSTON, TX 77042 n*ToHTisBseTeLAnaTceetMVoAefeLnurTrAiHnTeA(Dsfrom milkH) erbal 10 mg † Herbal*THis sTApTreickMlyeAsnhTBaHrkAs Juniper berries (Juniperus communis) 3 mg activity is measured in Food Chemicals noT Been (eXVanAthloxuyAlumTeclDava-herculis) Codex (FCC) units. 6 mg † † Daily Value not established Invertase ATED BY T5H6 SEU FOO† D AND DRUG ADMINISTRATSItoOreNtigh.tly sealed in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children. BDyruTHgeA†DfoMDoianDiilsAyTnrVDAaTluioenn. ot estaSbulpisphleedment SupplementBDyruTGHeADfoM† oDianDiilysAVTanrluDeAnToit eosnta.blished oTHer inGreDienTs: KosHer VeGe- TABle Glycerine & filTereD WATer Hemicellulase THIS PROD28UHCCU T IS† NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOTzSymEe™, is a trademark of Transformation Enzyme Corp. This THis proDucT is noT THis prooDTuHcerT iinsgnroeTDienTs: KosHer Vege- inTenDOeTDHTEoRDiAINgnGoRseE,DIENTS: CELLULOSE & WinTAeTnEDeRTDATBoLeDgiALyGcneorisnee, & fiLTereD WATer TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE.† Daily Value not established proprietary blend of highly active, functional, pH balanced, and GI MAnufAcTureD for TrAnsforMATion tract stable enzymes is formulated to enhance the digestive process enzyMe corp., 2900 WilcresT Dr., 90 CAPSULES 60 CAPSULES 30 CAPSULESOTHER INGREDIENTS: CELLULOSE, WATER, VTreenATTA,TbnclzeyyunmdrDeeio™s,f eoGAisrIstarpeatr.crateds-etambaler,khNoiegf hTtlryCanoascNftoitvreem,Naattni:od1nfFuELnncoztyizomnea2l9Cm.5o7ircTV4prre.omTeonLhrATgiTsaA,npncirsyeMsuomunprADirszneTiieyuies,stMfeao2AeAr2rycs0cT,peoHur.rorepue.-,Ds2T9fo0on0r,WNTTiXreLAct7nr7C0seo4fs2NoTrtDMerNA.,Tti:o1nFL oz 29.574 mL suiTe 220, HousTon, TX 77042 CALCIUM CITRATE formulated to enhance the digestive process and impart systemic Product Size Wholesale Retail Digest 90 caps $2675 $5350 Protease 60 caps $1850 $3700 Probiotic 30 caps $838 $1675 L-Drain $750 $1500 K-Drain 1 oz. $750 $1500 1 oz. TOTAL $6863 $13726
Vision StatementTransforming the lives of all people by guiding them to achieve profound wellbeing and longevity utilizingenzyme nutrition as the catalyst.Mission StatementTransformation Enzyme Corporation uses every available resource to stay on the leading edge of clinicalnutritional science. As a nutritional supplement company, we specialize in the development of high qualitydigestive enzyme and probiotic products.Points of CultureIntegrityIntegrity pervades all we do – our product research and development, clinical practice, business, andinterpersonal relationships.ExcellenceExcellence is more than being unusually good; it is the pursuit of greatness that requires the courage toevaluate and change.InnovationInnovation increases our contributions to the health and wellness industry, helps us as individuals to growprofessionally and personally, and drives the growth of our company.Mutual SuccessMutual Success is the underlying goal of all our relationships – with team members, clients, salesassociates, venture partners, suppliers, and others involved in our business.WisdomWisdom – Your purpose is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. We have a responsibility toothers to pass on the lessons we have learned.CommunicationCommunication is the cornerstone of our relationships. Its effectiveness determines our success and ourfuture.CommitmentCommitment is what transforms a promise into reality. We are committed to the Vision, Mission, Culture,Goals, Rules, and Success of Transformation™, its clients, and its current and future team.ConsistencyConsistency creates legacies. We will be consistent in our actions so that our team members and ourclients can feel comfortable in dealing with us at all times. This will establish a reputation of dependability.
InterdependencyInterdependency – We embrace the greater power of mutual dependence. When two or more rely on oneanother, their success will be greater than when working alone.UniquenessUniqueness is to be celebrated. We will strive to ensure the extraordinary uniqueness of Transformation™is understood and experienced by clients and strategic partners.PassionPassion drives our purpose. We are part of a dynamic team of passionate individuals dedicated to makinga difference for our families, clients, communities, and world.BalanceBalance is prioritizing what is important in life. We will have a balanced approach, remembering that ourspiritual, social, physical, emotional, and family aspects are just as important as financial and intellectual.GratitudeGratitude is an attitude. Thankfulness is a way of life for us. We will show appreciation and gratitude daily.We understand that we will receive more of what we express gratitude for.TrustTrust is the foundation of all relationships. We will be authentic and genuine in our thoughts, words, andactions. We will demonstrate respect for others through being dependable in all we say and do.Business PracticesCommunity Initiatives • Giving back to our community through education initiatives • www.Trans4Wisdom.comGiving Back to Those in Need • Feed the Hunger • Houston Food Bank • TCSICommitment to Business Excellence • HWCOC Chamber of Commerce • Better Business BureauDecreasing our Carbon Footprint • BPA free, recycleable bottles • BEF free packaging
How to OrderThe following information is for U.S. professional customers only. For inquiries from other countries pleasecontact us at [email protected] or call our office for assistance (+713.266.2117).For licensed healthcare practitioners, veterinarians, or pharmacies in the USA, orders are placed directlywith Transformation™. We have tried to make placing orders both as easy and as pleasant as possible withseveral different options you can choose from: • Call us on our toll-free number 1-800-777-1474. We can be reached Monday-Friday during regular office hours (8:30 am - 6 pm CST). Most orders are shipped the same day they are placed if received by 2 pm CST. If you already have an account with us, then providing your account number will help expedite your order. Otherwise, one of our representatives will be glad to set up an account for you. We rely on word of mouth for a great deal of our business, so please let us know who recommended you to us. • Go Online! Our website offers you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week online ordering for any registered Transformation™ customer at www.TransformationEnzymes.com. • Fax us toll free at 1-888-777-1474 anytime. We will confirm your order. • Email your order details to [email protected] PoliciesUnless credit approval has been issued, all orders must be placed with a credit card (Visa, MC, AmEx,Disc), prepaid, or sent COD. Credit applications are available upon request. Cancelled or returned checkswill be charged a $30.00 processing fee.Trouble-Free ShippingTransformation™ offers convenient, affordable, and flexible shipping service. We know you have a choicein where you purchase your supplements. We are committed to working hard on your behalf to deliverquality products, earning your respect and trust in being the easiest product company to do businesswith. • Fast and Reliable Delivery. When you choose our flat-rate Standard Ground Service for deliveries, you are allowing our innovative software program to choose the best carrier for your location anywhere in the US. We only use reliable branded carriers who you know and trust. Need your delivery even faster? Air freight services such as 3-Day Air, 2-Day Air, and Next Day / Overnight shipping are available for an additional charge. • Delivery Expectation. No more guessing when you will receive your products. With each order, you can expect an email confirmation with your order details and tracking information. You and your team will know exactly when to expect receipt of your order. We rarely experience delivery problems, but if you or your team need assistance or the package was delivered unsatisfactory, our team of customer service representatives are here to help you. Simply call us at 1-800-777-1474 or email us at [email protected]. • Volume Discounts. Save on shipping costs with our flat-rate Standard Ground Service. Free packaging and predictable shipping rates makes budgeting easy. Our clients are eligible for additional discounts when ordering by the case (12 bottles or more of any product).
• Keep Your Patients Happy and Healthy. Try our new direct-to-patient shipping! See below for more details.Patient Fulfillment ProgramsPrefer not to stock Transformation™ products at the office? Make it convenient for your patients to complywith your recommendations by shipping our products directly to their home or office. • Monthly Convenience Program. Save time and money with our monthly delivery program. Simply select the products to be shipped each month and send us the patient’s Monthly Fulfillment Agreement. We will do the rest! • On-Demand Fulfillment. Let us be your “Fulfillment House.” Putting your patients in control of when they need their products, this “pharmacy style” system makes it easy for your patients to call or order online. • Dropship. Tell us where and when – We will do the rest! Let us know where you’d like us to ship our Transformation™ products and we will make it happen.Want your patients to order directly from us? Looking for a partner in shipping only? No matter yourfulfillment needs, Transformation™ has a solution. To find out more about our hassle-free Patient FulfillmentOptions to save you time and money, call 800-777-1474 or email [email protected] LabelAs a pioneer in enzyme therapy, we offer custom label design work and a wide variety of product choicesto make the process of creating your own branded product portfolio as seamless as possible. Our teamis ready to answer any questions or place your order. Email [email protected] or call 800-777-1474 to get started.Talk to an Enzyme SpecialistOur health professionals have come to depend on Transformation™ for quality technical assistance,superior client support, and useful information that they can implement into their practice immediately.Our team of specialists consists of nutritionists who are here to assist you. Our team is experienced inValidation Systems such as Biochemical Individualism (also known as Body Typing), Biological TerrainAssessment, DXA, EAV, Body Comp Analysis, Kinesiology, etc.We strive for at least a 24-hour turnaround, although many times you can expect an immediate responseor a returned call back that same day. Additional information and educational resources can be foundonline at our website, www.TransformationEnzymes.com.Individual samples and sample test kits are also available. 800-777-1474 • TransformationEnzymes.com
I personally believe good health is not an unobtainable privilege meant to be savored only by the fortunate, but rather it is a right that should be enjoyed by anyone who is willing to take the time to learn how to take care of his or her own body. I have dedicated myself to the idea that everyone is entitled to the healthiest and vital lifestyle they are capable of obtaining. In 1991 when I founded Transformation Enzyme Corporation, I formulated my own line of enzyme-based dietary supplements. I wanted to be sure I could provide the highest quality possible in supplementation for my family, friends, and colleagues. Today, Transformation™ continues to set the standard for enzyme therapy and of what wellness should look like. Yours in Health,Transformation Enzyme Corporation2900 Wilcrest Drive, Suite 220Houston, Texas 770421-800-777-1474www.TransformationEnzymes.commoreinfo@tecenzymes.com
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