Hydra Risk & Safety Management is an independently owned, Fixed Feenationwide multi-disciplined, engineering, ‘Risk & Safety’ We are confident in what we do and our ability to deliver. ALLconsultancy company. We deliver our services to all major our fees, are applied on a fixed basis.industries in the UK market.. All costs are advised of prior to our formal commencement on a project and include a zero extras guarantee.We are one of the UK`s leading specialists in aerospace, rail, Payment Upon Performancenuclear and industrial sectors. All our fee proposals are presented with volunteered pre identified Key Milestone Achievement (KMA’s) invoice triggerHydra Risk & Safety Management delivers a wide range of point(s).engineered safety management spreading throughout theentire property cycle. Until the KMA has been achieved zero fees are payable by the client. This ensures expenditure is not incurred by the client until a project milestone achievement has been satisfied.The delivery of our services are undertaken through three Client Updateindependent disciplines: Reports We are proactive in providing periodic update reports to • Engineered consultancy & professional services our clients and vested stakeholders detailing the progress • Full Safety management and site supervision and estimated completion date of a project. • Complete Safety Solution deliveryIn order to allow for maximum flexibility, our services can be Continual Client Benefit Reviewsengaged in isolation or in a hybrid arrangement according to In the preparation and throughout a project, ongoingthe current stage of a project, its particulars, and the client’s assessments are undertaken to ensure the clients bestrequirements. interests and considerations are being sustained.Our engineering team of accredited professionals is hugely Commitment to Quality diverse and heavily experienced. This combined with our We strive for and always achieve the best engineered safety onsite risk and safety delivery capability, this allows us to offer setup solution for our clients ensuring premium engineering a broad spectrum of unique, innovative, all encompassing, and methods are utilised at all times. single source, fixed cost solutions. Statutory Body / Third Party Liaison Whether seeking engineered risk and safety approval or sustaining consent solutions throughout an ongoing project we actively assume responsibility and manage all required project liaison elements. This feature allows us to offer a `Hassle Free` service to the client whilst ensuring all their obligations are being satisfied. Flexibility & Innovation We are very innovative and flexible and are happy to work on compiling proposed new working arrangements to incorporate any specific client requirements or stipulations.“The utilisation of Hydra Risk & Safety Management provide Hydra Risk & Safety Management Ltd the complete solution option has enabled us to benefit from Tel: 0161 870 6787 the simplicity of dealing with a single entity whilst allowing us to successfully unlock and complete a number of projects Email: [email protected] that required a multitude of skills, resource and third party Website: www.hydrarisksafetymanagement.co.uk liaison.”
System Safety Engineering Assuring safety Our approach and Assurance Hydra Risk & Safety Mangagement Safety and Development Lifecycles provides: The assessment approach will review all Independent, unbiased and ● A comprehensive, realistic and of the activities of the safety and cost effective assessment to development process to ensure that the help our clients demonstrate: independent review of safety activities ● The safety plan and strategy is ●P ragmatic and constructive appropriate safety requirements are appropriate, sufficient and effective to feedback whilst maintaining identified, implemented correctly and ensure that a safety case argument can impartiality that suitable tools and techniques are be developed adopted. ● The activities undertake n, both for ● High quality reviews in a timely safety and development: manner to align with project timescales -‐-‐-‐ are in accordance with standards ● Regular, on-‐-‐-‐going reporting to -‐-‐-‐ demonstrate that hazards have ensure timely rectification of issues and Safety Submissions been identified through a systematic continuous improvement of the safety Hydra Risk & Safety Management will and comprehensive approach activities. -‐-‐-‐ show that the risks associated with provide a comprehensive, pragmatic, the hazards are identified, mitigated independent report on all the activities and as low as reasonably practicable reviewed. Support is provided to the (ALARP) client in their submissions to the -‐-‐-‐ provide sufficient evidence to regulatory authorities to aid the issuing of support a safety argument the safety certificates necessary to ●T he safety argument is robust, that operate the systems or products. rigorous processes have been implemented and that the argument is supported by evidence of compliance to standards. Our experience Hydra Risk & Safety Management has over 35 years experience of independent assessment of safety related systems and is accredited to act as an ISA to the UK and Europe. Hydra Risk & Safety Management has a broad scope of domain knowledge covering Aerospace, Rail, Industrial and Nuclear, in both electrical and mechanical systems. Hydra Risk & Safety Management Ltd Tel: 0161 870 6787 Email: [email protected] Website: www.hydrarisksafetymanagement.co.uk
“Hydra Risk & Safety Management can support “If Safety is your No.1 priority, your businesses by providing business is our priority” cost-‐-‐-‐effective support only where it is Has evolved from its roots to become a center needed” of excellence in Risk and Safety engineering with a strong reputation, sitting at the forefront of specialist asset integrity service provision. Hydra Risk & Safety Management is committed to delivering professional services to our customers across all business sectors, assisting them in reducing technical and commercial risk, improving the operational performance of their assets and developing and enhancing the competitiveness of there product and systems. SHeyrdvriac e Rsi:s k & Safety Management offers the Following (Safety Cases, Safety Management Consultancy, Safety Process Audits, Product Safety Assessments and Standards Compliance, Engineering and Assurance, Risk Assessments Hydra Risk & Safety Management Ltd Tel: 0161 870 6787 Email: [email protected] Website: www.hydrarisksafetymanagement.co.uk
Hydra Risk & Safety [email protected] [email protected] SERVICES:▪ Engineered Safety & Assurance Cases▪ Risk Assessment▪ Safety Management Plan▪ Safety Management Systems▪ Complete Engineering Solutions………………....and more. Hydra Risk & Safety Management Ltd Tel: 0161 870 6787 Email: [email protected] Website: www.hydrarisksafetymanagement.co.uk
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