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Home Explore Christmas Newsletter 2017

Christmas Newsletter 2017

Published by amanda, 2017-12-22 02:07:51

Description: Christmas Newsletter 2017


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CHRISTMAS NEWSLETTER 2017From the CaptainIt is a pleasure to report to you all at this Festive season. Six months into being the Captain I certainlyhave great admiration for the previous Captain Grant Raymond and those who have gone before, and thetime, effort and wisdom they imparted upon our Club. The Captaincy is an interesting and challengingrole, one that has been made easier for me by the support from the other Committee Members, my wifeand all the staff. There is certainly no opportunity to believe one’s own press as a Captain of Kooyongaand the banter around our Club adds to the great camaraderie within. I have appreciated members’gracious acceptance of my jokes at the Wednesday presentations.I must say that without a monthly medal or a hole in one in the trophy cabinet I was delighted to recentlyexperience an albatross on our 2nd hole, what a thrill! Hopefully a monthly medal may be on the horizonand I can legitimately attend the Medallist dinner in my own right and not as the Captain.There have been a number of highlights over the last twelve months as the Committee and Clubmanagement team, under Brett’s very able leadership, have continued to make necessary changes tokeep Kooyonga at the forefront of golf in South Australia.

We have seen further improvement in our course in wonderful condition throughout Golf Academy, which it has significantlygolf services with the continued development his time at the Club. It was extremely funded. Members’ support of the Foundationof the Kooyonga Foundation Golf Academy disappointing to lose his services to the will continue to benefit the Club as a wholeand establishment of the practice mats to Victoria Golf Club but we are delighted with his and I encourage all to consider becoming areduce the wear and tear on our grassed replacement and our appointment of Richard member of the Foundation, supporting itspractice fairway. The constant challenge James from the Grange Golf Club as our fundraisers or considering making a bequestto the golfing staff is now to maximise the Course Superintendent. Richard has shown in one’s Will.usage of the Academy’s facilities. To this end us the benefit of fresh eyes to the make up of We look forward to hosting the 2018we have added another professional coach our course and provided minor improvement Women’s Australian Open in February. ThisJordan Harkin, along with existing coaches whilst still keeping up the great tradition of will be our first Women’s Open and willJohn Corbett, Susie Mathews and Duard Nel an excellently manicured and maintained continue the great tradition Kooyonga has inwho provide extra opportunities and variety course. We are consistently receiving glowing hosting five previous Men’s Australian Opento members and guests for their practice and feedback from all guests who visit the Club Championships. We consider its successcoaching needs. to play and invariably rate us amongst the will be a great vehicle to promote our ClubOur House leadership team has been country’s top golf courses. throughout Australia and we trust that alloutstanding this year and Anna’s appointment The Clubhouse Masterplan is underway members will volunteer support and help inas Clubhouse Operations Manager last year with an initial upgrade of furnishings in the any way possible. I was delighted to meethas far exceeded all our expectations. Anna Members’ Bar. The reworking of existing chairs again and play with Kerri-Anne Kennerley andhas made some important changes to the has been successful and great thanks must go I truly understand her commitment to golfproducts and experiences provided in the to Quentin Brown for his role in this. The table and making the Women’s Australian Open aClubhouse. Obviously our aim of providing a tops will be replaced prior to the Women’s success at our course. We are indebted to hergreat experience for all is epitomised by all Australian Open. involvement given her high profile and thethose who diligently serve us each day. An upgrade of the women’s locker room publicity this brings to the event and golf inEffectively the Landscape Enhancement Plan with modular furniture has not occurred as South Australia.has been completed providing succession the Committee have decided to look further Our emphasis as your Committee continuesplanning for our wonderful trees. The recent ahead and will soon present a comprehensive to be that of improving the membershipre-establishing of healthy and strong trees plan to revitalise the Clubhouse. In keeping offering and to build demand for Kooyongafor the future in areas right of the 17th and with our strategic planning and member memberships throughout the community.7th tees have enhanced and assured us of survey results, the new women’s locker room There has been a strong demand over thethe consistent off fairway foliage and vistas. may be developed earlier and conjointly with a last twelve months for membership and weIn doing so on the area right of the 17th, we more extensive revamp of the Clubhouse. are now seeing improvements in our waitinghave assured future protection on the tee The IT system upgrade with new hardware list. Members will be pleased however thatfrom a 16th fairway aberrant shot. Our playing and operational software is now in place we have reduced numbers in Category 1 andcorridors have been widened, with improved and we appreciate both the staff for their will continue to do so in order to maintainconsistency of bunker and green complex understanding and perseverance in its adequate access to the course for Significant works were completed implementation and the members for It has been a busy year for the Committee andon the 1st with the resurfacing of the green their patience. Already we are seeing an our hardworking management team and theirand redevelopment of the bunker alignment improvement in our member services as a staff. On behalf of the Committee I would likearound the green. We also established a new result of the upgrade. to wish all members and staff a safe, healthybunker at the left of the fairway close to the The Kooyonga Foundation is playing an and happy Christmas and I look forward to1st green. increasingly important role in the Club, not many happy times at Kooyonga Golf Club withMy thanks to Steven Newell and his team for only supporting junior and elite golf, but you in 2018.not only enacting many of these works so now also has a wonderful presence with the Ken Russellwell and efficiently, but also maintaining the establishment of the Kooyonga Foundation CaptainMobile Phone ProtocolIt has been a source of concern to many members and I have often been asked to clarify the protocolregarding mobile phones. In the Clubhouse one should leave their phone on silent and vibration to alertwhen a call is to be received. Once you have realised a call is coming in please leave and go outsidethe Clubhouse to answer the call. It is common courtesy to allow members to have a phone call freesanction within the Club whilst relaxing.Obviously Committee, with the introduction of Wi-Fi into the Club, have no objection to the use ofphones to be used to access the internet and such like. Members are asked to do this in a quiet andunobtrusive manner.Previously it was only “Doctors on duty” that were sanctioned to take and make calls on the course. Inthis modern age we understand that many of us will have the occasional important call that needs tobe taken during a round. With this in mind we would like to see members on the course being discretein this manner. Respect for fellow members is a key tenant in our “values” as a club and as such, pleasebe mindful of the impact that your phone call taking and making has on other playing members. It isdefinitely unacceptable to have someone constantly on the phone during a round and if one needs to dothis then possibly they should not have undertaken to play.I am sure most of us follow these principles, but as with attitudes to slow play, it is important for us all toreflect on the impact that any aspect of our behaviour on the course is having on our fellow members,especially our playing partners. Christmas Newsletter 2017 pg 2

From the GM’s Desk To maximise the long term value and benefits Importantly, to help address a concerning of the new IT system, our vision is to become decline in female membership at Kooyonga,The last 12 months, and in fact the last three “cashless” throughout the Club. I ask you we have recently introduced a ‘Tee off withyears since I joined Kooyonga have flown to embrace this goal and encourage you to Friends’ temporary membership with theby very quickly. I feel privileged to manage process all transactions at the Club on your assistance of the Women’s Committeesuch a fantastic Club and thank members for account and set up a direct debit for smooth to help provide an introductory 6 monththeir wonderful support. I am excited to have monthly processing of any amounts owing. programme as an initial stepping stone torecently extended my employment contract As mentioned by Ken Russell in his preceding the 12 month ‘Pathway to Membership’with the Club and look forward to continue article, we will soon present a Clubhouse package already on offer. It is vitallyworking with Committee and our team of Masterplan to the members for information important that we revitalise our femalededicated staff over the coming years to and review. Along with architects Walter membership and I encourage all members toenhance the reputation and membership Brooke, we have worked through a number promote this offer to family and friends.benefits of Kooyonga. of iterations of this plan over the last 12 To help focus attention on femaleWhile we haven’t undertaken any major months, taking into account the strategic membership in particular, we haveinfrastructure projects in 2017, we have been direction desired for the Club, member taken the opportunity to restructure theworking hard behind the scenes on a number feedback from the last survey, expected office and management team followingof strategic planning initiatives. future needs of the membership as well the recent resignations of Gaby CashOne of the key projects was the as financial considerations. It has been as Membership Coordinator and Jessimplementation of the IT system mid-year important for Committee to complete its Clough as Administration Assistant. Inand while this has gone relatively smoothly, due diligence and carefully assess all options early 2018, the role of Susie Mathews willwe are still working on a few modules and a before presenting the preferred plan to the change from working from the golf shopnew and improved Club website that will be membership, which we are aiming to finalise as Golf Operations Manager to workinglaunched in 2018. One of the new features by April 2018. primarily from the administration officewill be a new Club app that will allow you to On the membership front, we have been with the new title of Golf & Membershipuse your phone to book a round of golf, book working on strategies to help address speed Manager. Susie will continue to overseea golf lesson, book a table for lunch, view of play, improve course access for members the management of the golf shop, howeverand book for upcoming club functions, view and ultimately slow the growth in rounds of she will relinquish some of the golf retailaccount transactions, pay your statement, golf played at Kooyonga. As mentioned in last responsibilities which will allow her to focusand even order a club sandwich before you year’s Christmas newsletter and articulated on membership related responsibilitiesfinish your round or breakfast and coffee on further in the Annual Report and at the Club previously undertaken by Gaby, as well asyour way to the Club. AGM, round numbers have grown by 10% conduct some of the clinic and coaching over the last few years without an increase offered to new and potential members. in overall member numbers. A few of the Susie has exceptional administration skills strategies we have put in place to address and combined with her knowledge of the this are starting to have a positive effect, in membership and ability to engage with new particular reducing the number of Category and existing members, I am confident this 1 members and overall number of playing change in structure will be successful. A new members at the Club. While our total round Membership and Administration Assistant numbers for the 2017 calendar year are will be appointed to replace Jess at the front only slightly down on 2016, this reverses a desk, while additional labour will be added consistent trend of round increases over the to the golf shop roster as required to allow last 5 years. current full time staff in the golf shop to take on additional responsibilities. Christmas Newsletter 2017 pg 3

I take this opportunity to acknowledge introduced by the Committee this year. With a lot of questions being askedthe excellent efforts of our entire This recognition and support is really by members about the event, I havestaff who have worked extremely appreciated by the team, as is the day- prepared a two page Q&A that followshard to provide a high level of to-day acknowledgement of our service. to help answer any query you mayservice to members over the last 12 We introduced a staff and member have. Please don’t hesitate to contactmonths. We continue to focus on twilight golf event this month as an the Club if there is a query we haven’t“exceeding member expectations” in all opportunity to build camaraderie and answered.departments and while I acknowledge spirit between staff and members. This Most importantly, I encourage you tothat we don’t achieve this 100% of the was a great event, with lots of fun had come along with your friends and familytime, rest assured that all employees by those in attendance as can be seen to enjoy the event at Kooyonga, haveare aligned to the Club’s vision, culture in the images below. I encourage more some fun and ensure the spectatorand values of the Club and we are members to participate in next year’s levels exceed expectations. Don’tcommitted to continually improving event. forget to proudly wear a Kooyonga logoand identifying ways to enhance your 2018 will be an exciting year ahead cap and/or Kooyonga polo shirt whenmembership experience. for Kooyonga with our hosting of the coming to the event to help representI encourage members to continue Women’s Australian Open in February. the Club.supporting the hospitality, golf shop The event will provide the Club an ideal Finally, thank you to all members forand golf academy services on offer and opportunity to enhance our brand, helping make this a fantastic Club. Onconsider Kooyonga when organising showcase our facilities and course to a behalf of all staff, I wish you and youryour next function or purchasing your global audience, and provide members families a Merry Christmas and safe andnext set of Clubs. We are committed with an opportunity to watch some of happy New Year. We all look forwardto providing the very best of service the best female golfers in the world. The to seeing you enjoying your golf andand will always do our best to beat event will be just over 50 days away by membership in 2018!competitor pricing. Importantly, any the time this newsletter is distributed, Brett Lewisprofits from these services are returned and there is still a lot of work to be done General Managerto the Club for the benefit of all to prepare for the event, but we aremembers. really confident the course and facilitiesOn behalf of all staff, I sincerely thank will be presented to the highest possiblethose members who generously standard. If you are volunteering for thesupported the staff gratuities initiative Open, I thank you for all your support of the event, it is greatly appreciated. Staff & Member TwilightChristmas Newsletter 2017 pg 4

Welcome Milestones Congratulations to the following membersWelcome to all new members who have who reached a milestone this year! joined Kooyonga during 2017 25 Years 30 Years 40 Years Claire Podsiadly, James Podsiadly, Andrew Payze, Ann Bowden Graeme Agars David Batchelor Samuel Van der Leeuw, Jack Saunders, Ella Saunders, Justin Brown Simon Basheer Bill Blunden Grant Crowhurst David Basheer Louise Bowler David Lipman, Edward Godfrey, Lane Trenorden, Merry Frogley Iola Betro Chris Codling Meredith Wyles, Grant Challis, Bradley Ellbourn, Jenny Gibbs Rosemary Blanks Janet Forbes Ben Grave Kathy Booth Judith Hosking John Pritchard, Keith Barnard, Kevin Phelps, John Hamilton Brett Cowell Sue Lawrie Nicholas Conolan, Marcus Fabig, Uri Scelwyn, Stephen Hicks Emma Fraser Allen Stanley James Cross, Ilia Cross, Daniel Gronert, Philip Dewick, Barb Hutchin Rachel Fry Eric Sykes Judy Hyde James Jarrett Graeme Thredgold Philip Thomas, Simon Hill, Oliver Pritchard, James Pascoe Tom Mestrov Russell Trim Julie Brown, Elliot Opie, Richard Friend, Geoff Raneberg Timothy Monfries Barb Walker Daniel Thyer Simon O'Loughlin Richard Walmsley Ranko Zivkovic, Hayden Massey, Olivia Page, Peter Vaughton Mark Pittman 70 Years James Smart, Paul Burrows, Jordan Percey, Greg Wark Angela Rook Ray Michell Simon Callaghan, Youngshin Choi, Scott Connelly, 50 Years Meredyth Sarah David Rowe Yohan Lee, Tom Pierce, David Rogers, Cameron Scott, Greg Ambrose John Swift William Zaharis, Daniel Worrall, Paige Perkins, Robert Aust Sue Thyer Joanne Rice, Jenny Hurley, Isabella Simpson Priscilla Binks Todd Wiadrowski Sam Christie David Worthley Richard Fielder 60 Years Alan Hill Brenton Mayfield David Mann Richard McGovern Peter Robinson 8 one hour group clinics Play in twilight events 12 rounds of golf $3752 half hour private lessons $300 food credit Full use of practice facilities SIX MONTHSThe 12 month program is $1,500 with no entrance fee

Q&A: Women’s Australian OpenAre members offered free entry to the event and if so, when will I receive a ticket?Members will gain complimentary access to the Women’s Australian Open at Kooyonga for the four days of the event by showing their Kooyongamembership card at the entry gates. Please note, individual entry tickets will not be issued to members, so you must have your membership cardwith you at all times. Entry will be via the main delivery date at the Southern end of the carpark or via a pedestrian gate on the left of the 4thgreen on Strathmore Avenue.Can members purchase tickets for family and friends at reduced prices?Yes, members will be able to purchase daily entry tickets for family and friends in the lead up to the event at the Club administration office for$10 each. Normal ticket prices are $25 for adults and are available via members be able to access the clubhouse during the tournament?Members and their guests will be able to access the Members’ Bar during the four days of the event by showing their Kooyonga membershipcard to security at the entry doors, however this space will also be accessible by caddies, player support staff and families, media, tournamentorganisers, etc. so seating will be limited. Please note that the outside terrace will not be accessible to members during the tournament as thisarea will used by guests attending the Golf Australia Club hospitality and lunch package in the dining room each day.Will members be able to book a table for lunch during the tournament?Unfortunately, due to the requirements of the Golf Australia Club lunch in the dining room, the Club is unable to reserve tables for lunch in theclubhouse during the tournament. A restricted lunch menu will be offered in the Members’ Bar, however there will be no reserved seating.If members can’t book a table for lunch in the clubhouse and access to the Members’ Bar and Terrace will be restricted, whatother hospitality options are being provided exclusively for members and guests?The Club has arranged a premium marquee to be erected at the rear of the 18th green, with all members offered the opportunity to registertheir interest to purchase a hospitality package that will be available in the marquee at allocated times advised closer to the event. Details ofthis hospitality package are being finalised and will be advertised early in January. Please note that bookings will be limited for this package, so aballot may be conducted if demand exceeds the marquee capacity on any given day.What other external catering options will be available for members during the tournament?There will be two external hospitality areas on course to cater for members, volunteers and spectators. One will be positioned outside the golfshop to service the lawn area around the 1st tee, while the other will be set up around the halfway hut which is expected to be a popular viewingarea for spectators. A variety of food and beverage options will be available.Will access to the carpark be restricted during the tournament? If so, where can members park?Yes, the carpark will house a significant amount of infrastructure for the tournament, so members will have no access to the carpark betweenMonday 12 February and Monday 19 February 2018. During this time, members and volunteers will be required to park on Lockleys Oval, locatedon Rutland Avenue Lockleys. No parking fees will apply. Members and volunteers will be required to walk a short distance of approximately 500metres along Southern Avenue and up Strathmore Avenue to enter the course via a pedestrian gate on the left of the4th green.What other parking options will be offered?The Lockleys School Oval, located at the rear of the practice fairway will be used for public parking, with a daily car parking fee of $10 to applyper vehicle. In addition, limited street parking will be available along May Terrace and surrounding streets.What playing restrictions will be in place around the tournament?The course will be closed for member and guest play between Sunday 11 February and Monday 19 February inclusive. Limited tee times will bemade available at other golf clubs during tournament week, with booking sheets to be set up on the Club website. The booking sheets will openfor member bookings at normal opening times.Can members access the buggy storage area to obtain or return golf clubs during the tournament?No, members will have no access to the buggy storage area during the tournament. All members with clubs and buggies stored at the Clubare asked to please take their equipment home for the duration of the event, as the storage area will be used by Golf Australia to store hireequipment for the tournament. Clubs are to be removed no later than Saturday 10 February 2018. Christmas Newsletter 2017 pg 6

Can members access the locker rooms during the tournament?Female members will retain access to their locker room and toilet facilities, however male members will have no access to the men’s locker roomor men’s toilets facility from Sunday 11 February to Monday 19 February inclusive. The men’s locker room will be used exclusively for the playersand associated medical services.Male members with locker numbers between 179 and 370 are asked to please remove the entire contents of their locker by Wednesday7 February at the latest to allow cleaning in readiness for player use during the tournament. Any remaining items in the batch of lockers listedwill be removed by Club staff on Thursday 8 February and stored in labelled bags for member collection following the tournament.What male toilet facilities will be provided during the tournament?A high quality external toilet facility will be hired by Golf Australia and placed outside the front entrance of the Clubhouse for member useduring the tournament. This facility will be restricted to members and other males with Clubhouse access during the tournament.When will setup of tournament infrastructure commence and will there be additional restrictions?The vast majority of infrastructure will arrive on site in the week prior to the tournament, with carparking restrictions the most significantmember impact as carparking spaces will be used to house tournament offices and a large TV compound. Members will start to see TVscaffolding, tee signs, marquees and a grandstand behind the 18th erected a fortnight prior to the event, but these items are not expected tohave a significant impact on member play.What additional work is required on course in preparation for the Women’s Australian Open?Over the next 6-8 weeks in the lead up to the tournament you will start to see the fine tuning of the course and a strong emphasis onpresentation and condition of the turf. The course staff will be cutting playing surfaces more often and you will start to see stripe patterns earlyin the New Year.As from 1 January, green sand will be used to repair tee and fairway divots which will aid in our overall presentation of the course for thetournament.Are there any other restrictions to be aware of?Hitting off prior to the timesheet opening will not be permitted from 1 January through to the event to allow course staff to complete importantmaintenance tasks.Tournament tees will be out of play as required, so marker placement may be slightly forward or back depending on the hole. This will includethe practice tee, with much of the play after New Year occurring from the artificial mat to allow us to recover the main tee.What length will the course be for the tournament and what tees will they play from?The course will be set up with a total length of approximately 6050 metres, Par 72. Many of the tees will be located close to the current bluetees, while others will play forward, including on the 10th and 15th holes to provide a greater viewing area around the halfway hut.Will there be a member working bee in the lead up to the tournament?Yes, we plan to hold a member working bee on Sunday 4 February 2018, with an emphasis on pine cone collection across the course. A BBQ willfollow on the terrace as a thank you for those who participate. Please register your interest for this working bee on the online booking sheet.Where will volunteer headquarters be located during the tournament and who is coordinating these activities if members areinterested in helping?The volunteers will be located in the south eastern corner of the Clubhouse in the downstairs area of the old caretaker’s residence, with amarquee to be erected in the courtyard area. This marquee was used as a members’ lounge during the Clubhouse redevelopment some10 years ago.For all enquiries regarding volunteer requirements, please email Volunteer Coordinator, Mrs Zoee Dolling on there a strong field being assembled to play at Kooyonga?Yes, Golf Australia is very pleased and confident of a quality field for our event. Many of the world’s top 50 players are already committed to theevent and we await further announcements of players participating in the coming weeks. Christmas Newsletter 2017 pg 7

Course News Following my appointment only a few months ago, I am enjoying my ‘return’ to Kooyonga, and have appreciated the welcome I have received from everyone at the Club. Assuming the role of Course Superintendent and its responsibilities has been made easier by inheriting a good team of able staff led by Assistant Superintendent Adam Fry, who is well across all aspects of course maintenance operations and has been responsible for putting together a large part of this course section of the Christmas newsletter. The ground staff have had another busy year maintaining the course, which has included a number of construction projects beginning with the addition of a new fairway bunker on the right-hand side of 16th fairway. The new bunker has blended into the area well, including the fescue and native vegetation as the bunker transitions into the rough. Minor irrigation alterations were necessary, with this and all other work carried out internally by our experienced staff. Major works were carried out on the 1st hole, which included replacement of the green and construction of a new approach bunker along with minor changes to the greenside and fairway bunkers. The fairway shape was also amended to encourage greater width of the playing corridor. Works in the area included renewing the green and surrounds irrigation, along with alterations to allow for the placement of the new approach bunker. The turf from the 1st green was re-laid on the 8th surrounds, replacing the existing collar that was heavily infested with couch. Replacement of the bentgrass surround around the 17th green was also undertaken with the Women’s Australian Open in mind, as it is anticipated that this hole will feature prominently on TV. A synthetic practice mat was installed across the practice tee, complementing the Kooyonga Foundation Golf Academy and other recent additions to the practice facility. The synthetic strip is 3 meters wide, including 1.5 meters of soft hitting mat at the front and 1.5 meters of synthetic grass at the rear for bag storage and traffic management that extends across to the academy building. This will assist us in managing the turf through the winter months when divot recovery is very slow. Work as detailed in the Landscape Enhancement Plan has continued, with many areas of the course seeing overgrown or poor vegetation tended to in line with plans submitted by our Course Architects and approved by committee along with addressing any issues identified by Work Health and Safety tree audits. We have continued to make improvements to our fleet of plant and equipment, with major purchases including the upgrade of the pedestrian greens mowers to enable us to continue to provide first class putting surfaces and a set of verti mowing heads to fit the fairway mowers that allows fine grooming of the couch surfaces. As the year comes to an end, our focus is on presenting the course at an exceptional standard for the Women’s Australian Open in February. We are working towards a full cover of healthy turf on all playing surfaces prior to Christmas, which has included many areas of turf repair via sodding and plugging. Our program of nutritional and plant protection inputs on all surfaces has continued to ensure turf health, and grooming practices including dusting, verti mowing and tyning has been ongoing on greens, approaches, tees and fairways. (continued overleaf)Christmas Newsletter 2017 pg 8

A Snap Shot of the Course Works Over the Year16th Fairway Bunker Reconstruction 1st Green ReconstructionLEP Works 16th Fairway & 17th Tee 17th Collar ReplacementSynthetic Practice Mat in Place 7th Tee Reconstruction Christmas Newsletter 2017 pg 9

Course News (cont) The 6-week period after New Year leading into the event will be quite a busy period, as we look to carry out our final grooming and presentation tasks. These tasks are multi-faceted, and designed to not only produce first class playing surfaces, but to also present the course in an aesthetically pleasing fashion. We will be pattern cutting fairways, tees and approaches on multiple angles to suit each area with a variety of different mowers, some of which are being generously loaned to us for the event by our major equipment companies. As the 6-week period progresses, our mowing frequencies will increase to include at least daily mowing across all fine turf, and once we reach the event area, they will be mown twice per day as we present our surfaces to an international audience. There will still be some routine maintenance tasks continuing through this period, with solid tyning and dusting of greens to be undertaken up to a few weeks prior to the event, and a possible verti mowing of the fairways to be carried out in early January. Fertiliser and plant protection applications will continue across all surfaces to ensure we are not only maintaining turf health for the event, but also to ensure our programs continue to set us on the right path for the remainder of the year. I’d like to take this opportunity to encourage all members to be mindful of taking the time to carry out all of the ‘one percenters’ in course care through to the event, repairing all visible pitch marks on greens, filling their divots and adhering to any directional instructions; hoops, ropes and signs on course. We will be filling the sand bins with green sand during early January for use on course through to the event, which is purely a visual aid to help the divots to ‘blend’ into the turf a little more readily. As the weeks progress, members will see more action on course directly related to the event, with infrastructure such as TV towers, grandstands and portable buildings necessary for the successful hosting of the event beginning to appear. This will include us reshaping an area between the 18th fairway bunker and 1st tee to allow the placement of the ‘Coopers Truck’, a mobile bar for the public to use in viewing the event. Drone footage is also to be filmed in the weeks leading up to the event, which will be used for the hole flyovers on the TV broadcast. Needless to say, the ground staff will be very busy during this period, as we stretch ourselves to achieve all these tasks and more to ensure the success of the event. At this stage, we have around 12 volunteer ground staff committed to joining us for tournament week from both local and interstate clubs, swelling our numbers and allowing us to carry out many fine detail tasks during the week of the event. On behalf of the ground staff, I would like to wish members and staff all the best for the festive season, and look forward to the exciting times ahead in the New Year! Richard James Course Superintendent Bunker Etiquette Don’t forget the importance of adopting good bunker etiquette principals to ensure our course is kept in the best condition possible for all members and guests to enjoy. Please follow this link to view our short video on bunker etiquette. Bunker EtiquetteChristmas Newsletter 2017 pg 10

Course Quality & Maintenance PolicyFor the first time, Kooyonga has a detailed written Course Quality and Maintenance Policy. Committee approved the policy at its lastmeeting of the year and it is now available to members via our website or via the following link: Course Quality & Maintenance PolicyThe purpose is to provide a guide to future Committees and maintenance staff on what is required to ensure that Kooyonga maintainsits enviable reputation for the quality of its playing surfaces and vegetation. Committee was also keen to make it available to membersto articulate what goes into our maintenance program, course preparation and presentation and renovations.The development of the policy was coordinated by Terry Anderson, Chair of the Course Sub-Committee with extensive input fromCourse Superintendent, Richard James, General Manager, Brett Lewis and members of the Course Sub-Committee.Terry said that while the policy was largely reflective of current practices, it also addressed issues such as the way sand dunes shouldbe treated and how primary rough should reflect the season. “So as well as specifying mowing heights of the fairways, first andsecond cuts etc, it also outlines our philosophy on how to enhance the essential character of the course, the desired species of trees,the roles and responsibilities of the Committee and maintenance staff and the responsibilities of members in caring for the course. Itcomplements the Landscape Enhancement Plan and the 5-year rolling course plan. A vegetation policy will also be developed.”

2017 Club ChampionsPictured above left: Kyle Hayter, Boys’ Junior Club ChampionPictured above right: Kate Fitzpatrick, Girls’ Junior Club ChampionPictured above far right: Will Somerfield, Mens’ Club ChampionPictured right: Hayley Hunt, Womens’ Club Champion2017 Pennant SeasonKooyonga enjoyed a successful 2017 pennant season. Our Simpson Cup team made the finals but unfortunately went down 5matches to 2 against a powerful Glenelg line up. Our Bonnar cup team finished 3rd tied on matches but just 2 individual gamesoutside of second place. Our Sharp Cup juniors also made the final, again against Glenelg and they acquitted themselves verywell going down by just 3 matches to 2. Our Junior Div. 2 team finished in 5th place and gained valuable experience for thefuture.The Men’s Pennant Committee consisting of the 4 managers and a 3-person leadership group have been busy planning forthe 2018 season. We have been looking at a number of initiatives to give ourselves every opportunity to improve and havethe squad ready for a real tilt at next season. One such key initiative is creating an annual pennant challenge against KingstonHeath. This event is taking shape with Kooyonga hosting Kingston Heath in January.The 2017 Women’s Pennant Season was enjoyed by all who took part. Well done to our Pike Cup team who made the finals butunfortunately lost to Glenelg. Sanderson Cup finished up 3rd as did Women’s A3, Women’s A4 came in 7th and Cleek 1 finishedup 6th. We look forward to a great season next year commencing in May 2018.Will Somerfield and Joe Hodgson Sanderson Cup Teammade the 2017 South AustralianMen’s State Team Simpson Cup Team

Will Somerfield Special Member AchievementsKyle Hayter In addition to Will Somerfield (pictured left) winning the Club Championship and successfully defending his 2016 success, he won the 2017 Vardon Trophy with a scoring average of 70.44, a full stroke ahead of 2nd place. Will has also progressed to the second stage of the Australian PGA Tour School which is being held this week at Moonah Links. He tied for 8th at the Stage 1, 54 hole qualifying event at Sandhurst in Victoria shooting 4 under par. And in Simpson Cup, Will had 5 wins, 2 halves and only 1 loss. Kyle Hayter (pictured left) at the age of just 16 won our best pennant player of the year, with the excellent record of 6 wins, 1 half and 1 loss in Simpson Cup, including a very meritorious win in the final. He finished 2nd in the 2017 Junior Vardon with the fine scoring average of 72.63. Kyle captained the South Australian Schoolboys team event recently held in Adelaide for the Pacific School Games where he won 3 out of 5 matches playing no. 1, and was selected in the All Australian Team. Kyle was Vice Captain of the 2017 SA Junior team with a fantastic result of 6 wins from his 7 matches, to be SA player of the series. He won both the Kooyonga Cup and Kooyonga Junior Championship amongst a number of other achievements - Kyle has enormous potential and we will watch with great enthusiasm his progress over the next few years. Kooyonga had four young members playing US College Golf in 2017. Joel Durnford, Jordan Bishop and Peter Johns were allcompleting their second years with Joe Hodgson starting his first year there having left in August. We were lucky to have all four represent us in pennant with Joe holding down the no. 2 spot in the Simpson Cup securing 4 wins and a half from 7 matches.Joel impressed us on his return finishing runner-up to Will in the Club Championships and winning 4 matches in Bonnar Cup very impressively before playing the final two matches in Simpson Cup. Peter and Jordan were able to play a handful of Bonnar Cup matches on their return with Jordan deciding to permanently return to Adelaide to pursue his golfing ambitions here.Joel Durnford Jordan BishopPeter Johns Joe Hodgson

Tip from the Pro If you are struggling with any facet of the game, dedicate some time to some lessons andOur golf course is particularly difficult practice, not only will you see an improvementaround the greens. It forces us to be to your shots and scoring, you will enjoycreative with our short games to see good yourself so much more when you are here atscoring results at the end of each round. the Club.One common mistake or error that I seeamongst players is lack of control out of The Kooyonga Foundation Golf Academythe bunkers. The two main mistakes thatare made are; For those of you who have had the opportunity to come and experience a lesson1) Making contact with the sand in an within the Kooyonga Foundation Golf Academy, you will understand the benefitsincorrect position and seeing too clean it gives each individual player to improve at a rapid rate of knots. Every player isa strike, more often than not resulting different and just because a player has a particular issue does not mean that othersin the ball going across the other side of should be trying to implement the same changes to their game. The Academy allowsthe green into an equally bad or worse our highly qualified coaches to establish each player’s limitations and set a clear pathposition. to improvement.2) Digging the club into the sand and the There is no question to our ambition - we want every player that steps into theball staying in the bunker. Academy to improve and we wholeheartedly believe that we can achieve thatA major cause of these two shots can whether it be through return visits or clear, structured our original grip on the club even All four of our coaches are now Titleist Performance Institute accredited. The ‘TPI’ asbefore making our swing. Golfers have a it is known, was developed by two American coaches, Dr Greg Rose and David Phillips.natural tendency to return the club back Their belief was that golfers have different levels of ability and different physicalto impact with our lower hand ‘on top’ limitations which can affect how the player hits the ball and should be taught. Overof the grip. If you start with a strong low many years of coaching I have come to wholeheartedly agree with their philosophyhand grip or a club face that is not open and have therefore facilitated all of our coaches becoming qualified in this systemenough, it is more than likely, with the so that they can forward these concepts on to you as players. No two players arelow hand returning to impact on top of the same and therefore cannot be taught the exact same swing or concepts. Thethe handle, that the leading edge of the fact that all of our coaches have this qualification and experience is something notclub will grab the sand, dig, and the ball offered at any other club within the country.will stay in the trap. If this happens often On behalf of all of our coaching and golf shop staff, we wish you a very merryenough, eventually your brain will decide Christmas and Happy New Year. Stay safe, enjoy all of the celebrations and we lookit doesn’t want this to continue and a forward to seeing you in the new year.lifting action will begin to appear. This is John Corbett, Head Professionalwhere we start to make impact with thesand in an incorrect position, resulting inclean strikes with no sand and we see theball flying across the green.To cure this issue, try opening yourclub-face, only very slightly, maybe 5 or10 degrees. Once the club-face is open,take your lower hand and make surethat the ‘V’ shape that is formed by yourthumb and index finger is placed on topof the grip. To check if you are in the rightposition, check that the ‘V’ in pointingto your rear shoulder (right shoulder fora right-handed player), not out behindyour body away from the target. Oncethis grip has been taken, be aggressive inyour attack into the sand, an inch behindthe ball. You should see that now that theclub-face is open with the correct grip,the club will not grab, but glide throughthe sand and the ball will pop out nice andsoftly.Good luck with this action, if you find thatyou are still having issues in the sand,be sure to book in a time with one of ourhighly qualified coaches and they willbe able to help you get out of any curlysituation in the sand!John CorbettHead ProfessionalChristmas Newsletter 2017 pg 14

Jordan Harkin joined us this year with a wealth of knowledge having workedas the Assistant and Head Professional at Tea Tree Gully for the past 10 years.Jordan has a real passion for club fitting and helping people to reach their golfinggoals by pairing the correct equipment with the correct swing movements. Hehas implemented some member clinics which have been a great success and hewill be running more in the new year so keep your eye out in the golf shop and onthe website for the next scheduled clinics.Duard Nel works closely with our Junior Division 2 pennant team as well asrunning our Sunday morning junior clinics. Moving forward, the Golf Academywill be looking to add more member services in the realm of physical screenings,fitness sessions, pilates sessions and mental training, all of which are areas thatDuard has a wealth of experience within. Keep an ear out for these new initiativesin the new year.Susie Mathews is continuing to cover a huge amount of ground within the club,looking after golf operations and corporate golf as well as coaching players ofall ages and skill levels. Susie has instigated some girls’ junior clinics which havebeen really well received by our young brigade of players. It is a real focus of oursto try and bolster our young female membership so that the Club remains strongwell into the future as well as trying to breed the next young Karrie Webb!John Corbett has a wealth of experience with a coaching philosophy that relatesto simplicity and clear instruction. Rather than making the game more difficult,he focuses on simplifying the game and providing golfers with clear practiceregimes and goals to work towards. He has qualifications with the TitleistPerformance Institute, Trackman Golf and is a full member of the Australian PGAwhere he holds an Advanced status in coaching. The combination of the facility, the technology applied and the one-on-one coaching makes this the most effective game improvement opportunity I have experienced. The immediate feedback available on cause & effect of swing path and club face position has really helped in identifying and addressing my swing faults. It has improved my consistencybecause I now know why a particular shot outcome has occurred. I recommend it to anyone that is serious about making sustainable long-term improvements to their game. - Dennis LaundyLessons Held in the Speed of Play DocumentGolf Academy The Committee has recently prepared a Speed of Play document to allow us as a30 minute lesson Club to best frame the strategic challenges and the direction we wish to take. The$65 members / $75 non members1 hour document outlines a series of primary and secondary measures that impact on$120 members / $140 non members speed of play, and in particular defines the tradeoffs that must be considered. It isSimulator per hour(up to 4 persons) very important for our members to understand and appreciate these tradeoffs.$100 members / $150 non members There are three primary measures discussed; two tee starts, tee interval and the9 hole on course playing lesson course length. In relation to the latter and following feedback received from some of2 hours our members, we are trialling a yellow course which at 4,952m is significantly shorter$140 members / $210 non members than our green course at 5,731m. The document provides some interesting research around length of course especially for those shorter hitters, and we believe this yellow course, or something close to it in distance, should provide an attractive option for a portion of our membership. We encourage our members to trial this setup and provide feedback in terms of playing times and enjoyment. The draft document is now on the website and we are already receiving constructive commentary. The Committee will review all feedback with the aim of finalising the document early in the new year. Our by-laws, in particular no. 12 on slow play, will then be reviewed and updated where necessary to reflect the Speed of Play Policy. View Speed of Play Policy Here

Junior Pathway ProgramThe six development tiers below offer juniors a progressive pathway whilst developing not just their skillset but also learning the ins andouts of the game. Golf is a game that requires patience, persistence, passion and power – our goal is to develop these areas in our juniorsallowing them to enjoy the game for the rest of their lives. For further details and bookings, please contact the Golf Shop on 8443 6162. Christmas holiday clinics - 11 & 18 January. Please visit our website for full details. Early Introduction - Ideal for 4-7 year olds. Sunday mornings 8am to 8.45am. $50/term members ($100/term non-members) This early introduction to golf focuses on teaching the basics of the game such as developing a good grip, stance, posture and swing. With a strong focus on coordination, we use the following skills to instil good habits from an early age; catching, throwing, hitting, running, balance and speed. Beginner - Ideal for 8 years+ with little or no experience. Sunday mornings 9am to 10am. $50/term members ($100/term non-members) The beginner clinics teach the fundamentals of golf including education on course rules and the use of different clubs. We also reinforce coordination skills such as catching, throwing, hitting, running, balance and speed. In this clinic we teach general techniques in all areas of the game such as; full swing, chipping, bunkers and putting. Intermediate - Ideal for 8 years+ with mediocre golf experience. Sunday mornings 10am to 11am. $50/term members ($100/term non-members) Ideal for the young golfer who has experience in the game and an understanding of golf equipment and when it should be used. Also understands the difference in shots used on course and has developing knowledge of golf etiquette. This clinic is aimed at future members of the club and those showing real ambition and improvement. Kids will develop their golf techniques and enhance their level of existing coordination skills. Intermediate Plus - Ideal for juniors with a GA handicap and 9 hole scoring. Saturday afternoons 2.30pm to 5pm, includes on course. $50/term (members only) This clinic is aimed at junior members with a handicap of 25+ as it provides a strong focus on skill acquisition and a thorough understanding of course rules and etiquette. The emphasis of this clinic is to encourage and increase time on course with mid-week and Saturday afternoon coaching rounds available. Advanced - Ideal for juniors with a GA handicap of less than 25. Saturday afternoons 1.30pm to 5pm, includes on course. $50/term (members only) Aimed at experienced junior members with a handicap between 10 and 25 as it focuses on skill acquisition and scoring improvement. This clinic emphasises time on course for accelerated learning through experience with Saturday afternoon on-course coaching available. It also focuses on; scoring averages, greens in regulation and putts per round. High Performance - Ideal for juniors with a GA handicap of less than 10. Tues & Thurs 4pm to 5pm, Sat 11.30am to 12.30pm. $175/term (members only) This program aims to fast-track our elite junior players. Using state-of-the-art technology including high speed cameras, Trackman, Sam PuttLab, BodiTrak and 3D bio analysis, we aim to help juniors reach their goals. Including 3 sessions per week and a focus on scoring ability, this program will harness and hone our elite players towards tournament success. Players must play 27 holes each week. Key development areas with a holistic approach; strength and conditioning, fitness, golf physiotherapy and psychology. Christmas Newsletter 2017 pg 16

Women’s News2017 has been another busy year with fields often over 100 in our Tuesday competitions. With the opportunity to mix around andplay with different members each week, this is what makes Kooyonga such a friendly club.This year we successfully held the Women’s A Grade Championship in conjunction with the Men’s Championships over the June longweekend. It was proudly won by Hayley Hunt and will be held in the same format in 2018.In mid-November Kooyonga hosted 20 women members of Kingston Heath in the Kingston Heath/Kooyonga Cup Challenge whichwe regained (game score Kooyonga 7 - Kingston Heath 2). A big thanks to Liz Jackson and Ann Ewer who do a great job organisingthis event which is much appreciated by all participants.A new Premier League competition was launched with teams of 6 competing over 7 rounds. We had 8 teams competing and feel thiswill be more popular next year with good prizes going to the winners.This year we began a new membership program for women called ‘Tee Off With Friends’ offering a great introduction to golf. With thisand the ‘Pathway to Membership’ Program there are plenty of options for women to try golf at Kooyonga.Our Women’s Christmas Golf & Lunch was a great day with a fun 9 hole competition beforehand and entertainment after lunch. Thecharity this year was ‘Time for Kids’, providing children from struggling homes with regular respite with special families for which weproudly raised $1,530.Life Member, Pauline SandersonAt the Women’s Christmas Golf & Lunch on Tuesday 12 December it was announced that Pauline Sanderson will have a plaque mountedin the breezeway of the Club in honour of her stellar playing and administrative career.Pauline Sanderson joined Kooyonga from Glenelg in 1951. In 1959, she became Club Champion and was runner-up on numerousoccasions. She was an A-grade Pennant player for many years and was runner-up in the State Amateur Championship on two occasions.Pauline was a four-time State Foursomes Championship and four-time State (Mixed) Foursomes Champion. She was a State TeamMember for 17 years, the last two years as non-playing Captain.At Kooyonga, Pauline served as a Committee member from 1975-79 and was Women’s Captain in 1978-79.At a State level, she was a State selector for an amazing 36 years, Chair of Selectors for 10 years, a Council Representative for 16 years,Junior and Senior Vice-President and President of Women’s Golf SA from 1990-1992.Pauline’s leadership qualities were recognised at a national level and she was appointed Australian Team Captain for both junior andsenior teams for the Tasman Cup 1985-89, Commonwealth Tournaments inCanada, New Zealand and Great Britain, World Cups (Espirito Santo) in Hong Kong(1984), Venezuela (1986) and New Zealand (1990). She was also Captain for theAustralian Touring Team to South Africa in 1996.At the highest at the Ladies Golf Union/Women’s Golf Australia, Pauline wasCouncil Rep from 1987-1992, Vice-President, Australian Selector from 1984-94and National President from 1994-98.In recognition of her outstanding contribution to golf, she was presented withan Australian Sports Award for Captain of the winning team in Canada in 1983,Life membership at Kooyonga in 1992, Life membership of Women’s Golf SA in1995, an Australian Sport Medal in 1995 and in 2012 was inducted into the SouthAustralian Golf Industry Hall of Fame (pictured right). Christmas Newsletter 2017 pg 17

‘Our Foundation, Our Future’The Kooyonga Foundation has exceeded expectations with Remembering the Foundation in your Will leaves aanother highly successful year, eclipsing that reported in the lasting legacy for future generations at Kooyonga.2016 Christmas newsletter, and continuing growth in ourmembership (an increase of 16 new members this The Kooyonga Foundation have recently established a Bequestcalendar year). Society – a special group of like-minded people who shareThank you to all members and sponsors who supported our a vision of Kooyonga’s future.fundraising in 2017 with increasing success levels this year.The two main events were the annual raffle which raised The Foundation would be honoured to welcome you in to thismore than $17,000 and The Spartan Electrical Kooyonga Bequest Society by leaving a gift to Kooyonga in your Will. If you areFoundation Golf Day, held on Friday 20 October, with an considering a bequest to the Kooyonga Foundation, we would like tooutcome exceeding $43,000. Thank you to Spartan Electrical,our gold and hole sponsors and the winemakers who donated hear from you to enable us to encompass your giftso generously to the wine wall. The assistance of our tireless in our future of helpers on the day and the donors of auction itemsand raffle prizes are all gratefully acknowledged for their huge For a confidential discussion on how you can leave a gift tocontribution to a successful day, enjoyed by all participating. The Kooyonga Foundation Inc, please contact Brett Lewis,The Foundation aims to continue the golf day on an annual General Manager at the Club or Dr Walford Thyer, Chairman of thebasis, so if you or anyone you know has a business that wouldlike to be involved, please register your interest with Amanda Kooyonga FoundationSewell, Marketing and Communications Manager, to secureyour place for 2018. The balance of $40,000 owed to Kooyonga for the capitalIndividual member donations continue to be a significant cost of the building of the Foundation Golf Academy will besource of income and totalled over $67,000 for the year paid before 30 March 2018 and, with the growing capitalended 31 March 2017. A further $7,566 has been donated in available, the Foundation will continue to support our juniorthe six months to 30 September 2017. This member support is development and men’s and women’s pennant teams, asinvaluable, and encouraged with 100% of donations received well as any future projects designated for the promotion ofbeing tax deductible when made by cash, cheque or credit golf and the continued excellence of The Kooyonga Golf Clubcard through the Australian Sports Foundation. Incorporated. Walford Thyer Chairman, Kooyonga Foundation2016 Foundation Twilight Brent Reilly interviews Don PykeJodie and Don Pyke with Ken Russell andGrant Raymond Don Pyke hits a hole-in-one!2017 Foundation Golf Day - Gold Sponsor Team, Beaumont Ben Hook interviews Graeme Agars, 2017 Foundation Golf DayChristmas Newsletter 2017 pg 18

Official opening of the 18 hole courseFrom the ArchivesSome Historical RamblingImagine a park with tall grey and red gums, with deep bottle- 1922 to subscribe to the project and to put up the money to buygreen pines, with casuarinas, bright acacias and flowering shrubs, the land. Rymill planned and designed the original layout of theand grass as lush and green as a mountain meadow in spring. course. Although the property had earlier been cleared for cattleImagine the birds, the colourful lorikeets, the honeyeaters, grazing, many trees still had to be felled, fairways to be contoured,cockatoos and other unseen songbirds. Imagine the fairways, bunkers to be dug out, water piping to be installed and grass tonarrow and undulating, weaving through the hillocks and alleys. be planted.This is the Kooyonga Golf Club. The first nine holes opened for play just a year later, and theThe illustrious club west of Adelaide is a sheer delight to play and course was completed in 1924.savour. The fairways are kept to a level of perfection that appears Having scampered relatively unscarred through the Depressionalmost impossible. The holes glide across slight elevations, curve years, when membership dropped from 320 to 262, Kooyongaaround blind, wooded dog-legs, and rounded bunkers. The rough, suffered during World War II, when the military requisitioned thehome of thousands of planted tree species and bushes, is best clubhouse and part of the course. But although troops movedleft undisturbed, as the timber has matured over ninety-plus in and camped on the fairways, while officers were quartered inyears of Kooyonga’s history, and is prone to catch balls with its the clubhouse, 13 holes of the course were still playable. Whenbranches. the regular army vacated the premises in 1942, the volunteersPlayers have been known to climb trees during Championships came and stayed for another two years. In 1944 the course finallyto make recovery shots out of the canopies, but even if the ball reverted to the club, albeit with heaps of rubbish behind themade it safely back to earth, the soil underneath the forest is best rough.described as a hybrid between a sand trap and a tight lie. At various times, golf course architects have advised KooyongaThe story of the Kooyonga Golf Club began in 1922, with a committees on its course development. For instance, in thestrike of railway workers forcing Herbert Lockett Rymill to take 1970s, the club took the advice of Michael Wolveridge to lengthenan electric tram to work from his Henley Beach home instead. the 1st and 9th holes, and tighten others.Riding on the rattling tram passing a sand belt near the gulf, But long before that, Kooyonga had made it into the tournamentRymill discovered a vast tract of land south of Henley Beach map. In 1950, Kooyonga staged its first Australian Open, whichRoad, and an enormous “For Sale” sign to go with it. The ardent Norman von Nida won, with Peter Thomson the runner-up. Ossiegolfer interrupted his journey right there, and then climbed over Pickworth won at Kooyonga in 1954.the fence to have a look at the property. He stood in the middle In 1958, during the next Australian Open at Kooyonga, Gary Playerof what was called “May’s Paddock”, so far rightfully spurned broke the course record with a round of 67, winning with a totalby housing developers and farmers alike, as it was frequently of 271. In 1965, the South African twice shot 62, totalling 264,flooded by the River Torrens. As Rymill surveyed the terrain with which ensured victory over Jack Nicklaus, Peter Thomson andhardly a tree on it, but plenty of sand dunes, he began to visualise Bob Charles. In 1972, Peter Thomson won the Open in an 18-holea splendid golf course, and immediately set off to rally friends play-off with David Graham.around him to start a new club. Rymill named it “Kooyonga”, If your score doesn’t measure up for one reason or another, justbelieving the word to mean “plenty sand, plenty water” in an admire the scenery.Aboriginal language. Although it transpired that the club’s founderhad coined a completely new word, the name stayed.A hatter, stockholder, a banker and solicitor, drapers, wine Bill Johnsonmerchants and insurance underwriters were the first in June Club Archivist Christmas Newsletter 2017 pg 19

Medallist Dinner Family Fun Day Firing in of the Captain, Dr Ken Russell Women’s Open Foursomes Lyn McGough & Jodie Deacon with Pauline Sanderson Kooyonga Team Garden of Kooyonga Delights Family Fun DayWinners of Kingston Heath Challenge Bonython Medallist President’s v Captain’s Team EventBruce Lindner with Chris Bonython Ken Ken Russell Accepts the Cargie TrophyKenLife Member Judy Crafter KenRS Thomson Winners Celebrates her 90th Birthday Christine & Alistair Flynn

Members’ Dinner We’ve just joined Instagram! Help us build our profile by sharing some of your favourite photos Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook Men’s Club Foursomes Women’s Foursomes Will Somerfield Winners, Jodie Deacon & Sam Inglis MAKK Cup & Deb PerceyKenTrophy Presentations Ken Trophy Presentations Scott & Amanda Mackenzie Hugh Harley, Ken Russell & Peter Myhill with Ken Russell KenTrophy Presentations Ken Russell, John Blunden &KenTrophy Presentations Paddy Bowler Ken Russell, John Blunden, Nick Yorston & Alistair Flynn Women’s Country WeekMaster’s Augusta-Like Challenge

Vision To be a vibrant and progressive club, recognised for our strong sense of values and unique Kooyonga experience Mission To provide members and guestsan outstanding golfing experience and industry-leading facilities and services

Culture & ValuesRespect Excellence Inclusive Friendly

The Kooyonga Golf Club Inc May Terrace, LockleysPO Box 119, Brooklyn Park SA 5032 t 08 8352 5444