CHRISTMAS NEWSLETTER 2018 From the Captain It is a pleasure to report to you at this time, the festive season. It is a chance to reflect on what has happened at our golf club in 2018 and there was no better to way to kick off the year than to host our first Women’s Australian Open with wonderful accolades from all sections of the golf industry. It was fantastic news to receive confirmation mid-year that we would host the Women’s Australian Open again in 2021, providing another great opportunity to showcase our course and facilities to the world. This announcement provided a critical timeline for the Committee to complete the Clubhouse masterplan which was presented to the membership at theAnnual General Meeting and member information session in late August.With overwhelming positive feedback from the membership to the proposedchanges, Committee agreed to proceed to a detailed design phase that isnow well underway. This extensive and bold clubhouse remake is in keepingwith our strategic plan and previous member survey results. The new women’slocker room will be developed conjointly with a more extensive revamp of theClubhouse. It is a seriously exciting time for Kooyonga as the renovation is due tostart in mid-2019.
The new 15th Hole at Kooyonga prior to re-opening Significant works were completed on the 15th hole recently with the resurfacing of the green and minor surrounding improvements. This has drawn great praise from all members and visitors. Well done to Neil Crafter for his redesign and Richard James and his team for so efficiently carrying out the work. In November, the Committee held a course workshop to review and update the 5 year rolling plan for the course. Our course architect, Neil Crafter from Crafter & Mogford and Course Superintendent, Richard James were invited to attend and participate in the workshop. The updated schedule of works prioritises green replacement on holes 17, 16, 13, 10, 2, 8 and the clubhouse practice putting green over the next 5 to 7 years, with timing to be scheduled around our hosting of major events and our centenary celebrations in 2023. The Committee are currently considering concept plans for the 17th hole as the next green to be replaced in 2019 and will provide further details once approved by Committee for member information and review early in the new year. Members would be aware that Tim Sennett resigned from his position on the Committee in August due to his pending relocation to Chile. I wish to acknowledge and recognise Tim’s valuable contribution to Committee over a number of years together with his added responsibility as Pennant Manager over recent seasons. Following Tim’s resignation, Committee appointed Lynn Stewart as a casual vacancy and he has hit the ground running to help oversee the changes to our local rules as a result of the new Rules of Golf to commence from 1 January 2019. Please take note of the new Rules that are highlighted within this newsletter, a number of which are designed to improve speed of play. I have penned a note to attach to scorecards this Saturday, reminding members that they will only have 3 minutes to search for a lost ball rather than the current 5 minute time limit which should help improve speed of play at Kooyonga. All members are also asked to adhere to the principles of ready golf and attempt at all times to be within one shot of the group in front while on the course. Please also ensure you arrive at the tee 5 minutes before your tee time in readiness to tee off on time. Throughout the year I have reminded members of the importance of etiquette and care for the course in e-news articles and I thank the vast majority of members for adhering to our policies. Unfortunately, we have a number of serial offenders within our Club who are a disappointment and fail to live by the “Kooyonga way” and our culture and values, which I have included below. Please set a good example within the membership and help us achieve our vision to be a vibrant and progressive club, recongnised for our strong sense of values and unique Kooyonga experience. Culture & Values Respect Excellence Inclusive Friendly
The Kooyonga Foundation is playing an increasingly important role in the Club, not only supporting junior and elite golf, butalso maintaining a wonderful presence with the establishment of the Kooyonga Foundation Golf Academy over the last fewyears. I encourage all to consider becoming a member of the Kooyonga Foundation, supporting its fundraisers or consideringmaking a bequest in one’s Will. This year’s Foundation Golf day was a superb day of fun and supported by many members andbusinesses associated with our club. We were indeed fortunate to have Hawthorn’s coach Alastair Clarkson play and speak atthe successful auction dinner following the golf. Alastair’s contribution was much appreciated, and we especially thank him ashe declined a fee for his presence and presentation.We have seen further improvement in our golf services over the last year with the continued development of the KooyongaFoundation Golf Academy. Daniel Blackwell recently joined our club as a professional golf instructor to compliment the greatteam at Kooyonga. John Corbett, Duard Nel, Susie Mathews and now Dan make up a star-studded golf teaching team that isdefinitely the envy of all golf clubs in South Australia.As I said last year the constant challenge to the golfing staff is to maximize the usage of the Academy’s facilities and now withour fabulous four professional instructors, we know Kooyonga members will be well served by their access to the most up todate teaching techniques. We feel that we have now fulfilled all the criteria for a successful teaching aspect of our club and weare confident that when you, the member, avail yourself of lessons you will be impressed. Remember the Golf Aacademy is alsoopen to guests for tuition and club fitting.I am also delighted with the standard of care and purchasing options now provided by the Golf Shop. Recently Duard Nel tookover the reins of the Golf Shop as part of his duties and is making his mark and showing great leadership to his team. Sincetaking over the management of the Golf Shop some years ago I feel we have slowly but surely become an outstanding front ofhouse reception area for visitors and guests while providing great service to our members. Guests, both reciprocal and others,visiting the club continually praise the level of service and care they received at Kooyonga.While speaking of guests it is also pleasing to receive the great feedback about our course and our clubhouse, especially fromall reciprocal clubs who visit Kooyonga. As Captain I am fortunate to constantly received greetings and praise from visitorsabout their Kooyonga experience. So, on your behalf we thank not only our Golf Shop staff but also, and just as importantly,Richard James and his team for constantly preparing a course second to none in South Australia. Obviously all Kooyongaexperiences involve the modern and up to date cuisine in the clubhouse. Great praise must go to Anna Fontaine, ClubhouseOperations Manager, Peter Milosevic, Head Chef and their talented team in the Clubhouse entertainment and food area fortheir services to our club. Of course, none of these front-line members’ services occur as efficiently and as caringly as theydo if not for the wonderful actions of Susie Mathews who is charged with overseeing all the members services at Kooyonga.Obviously our aim of providing a great experience for all is epitomized by all those who diligently serve us each day.It has been a busy year for the Committee and our hard-working management team and staff. My role as Captain is alwaysmade so much easier by the great support I receive from Brett Lewis our General Manager and his team. Brett is relentless inhis work ethic to ensure Kooyonga is at the forefront of great management and is South Australia’s most eminent golf club.The conscientious office staff including Amanda, Susie, Chloe, Dustin and Donna also ably supports Brett. A personal thankyou goes to Amanda Sewell for the great support she provides to us all and the great work she put into making our new Clubwebsite a stellar presentation.On behalf of the Committee I would like to wish all members and staff a safe, healthy and happy Christmas and I look forward tomany more great times at Kooyonga Golf Club with you in 2019.Ken RussellCaptain
From the GM just a fortnight ago. This project was driven by our Marketing & Communications Manager, Amanda Sewell As I reflect on the 2018 year, I and I would like to recognise and acknowledge her look back with a great sense of fantastic efforts to complete this project over the last pride for the way in which our 12-18 months. The new website is far more visually entire team of staff, volunteers appealing and socially interactive with Instagram, and members helped deliver a so we encourage you to follow us world class Women’s Australian kooyongagolfclub and share your favourite photos! Open event for the first time at • We commenced a solar upgrade on the clubhouse Kooyonga. It was a wonderful roof to increase our capacity from 30kW to 100kW, event to be involved with and however the installation has stalled while we await the set the scene for another installation of additional beams to help support the newsuccessful year for the Club, albeit relatively quiet in terms solar panels above the old buggy room roofof completing major projects.Committee continued to focus on planning for the future • We completed work on the 15th hole in line with thein 2018 by completing the clubhouse masterplan mid-year 5-year plan for the course, with great feedback sinceand appointing consultants to commence concept plans the hole was re-opened in late October. The coursefor a future upgrade of the maintenance facility and our report within this newsletter provides additionalaging irrigation system. We expect these three important information on this projectprojects to dominate major capital expenditure over thenext 10 years, so by completing master planning now, The Membership and Match Committees have bothCommittee are much better placed to make informed continued to monitor the membership structure anddecisions about our cashflow needs and priorities. I visited member access to the course over the last twelve months.a number of premier clubs in Melbourne recently along with Despite the Committee reducing the number of CategoryCourse Superintendent Richard James and Vice-Captain 1 members, we have continued to see growth in roundand Course Committee Chair, Terry Anderson and gathered numbers, with the number of rounds in 2018 expected tovaluable information on best practice in irrigation and exceed the total of 47,500 rounds recorded last year. Whilemaintenance facility design that has helped enormously utilization is a sign of membership value, it still needs to bein establishing a brief of our requirements. Concept plans carefully monitored against member comfort and wear andfor both projects will be completed in the year ahead, with tear of the course.members informed of progress during the year. I must say An area of continued concern within the membershipthat our course presentation and condition is very well structure is the decline in women members and their agingserved in comparison to the five highly credentialled clubs profile. The Membership Committee held two women’swe visited. forums in 2018 to help better understand the barriersWe are now midway through detail design phase for the women may face when joining the Club. Committee hasclubhouse project and as I write this report, we still hope to recently extended the tee off with friends and pathwaytender this work in late February / March 2019 to enable memberships to provide a second term of each offer forconstruction to commence mid-year. We are aiming for the women as an additional stepping stone to help themconstruction to be completed by July 2020 to provide clear transition into our Club with confidence. Further details arebreathing room of up to six months before we host the next included within this newsletter and I encourage members toWomen’s Australian Open at Kooyonga in February 2021. promote our temporary membership offerings to family andIn terms of other capital projects completed or worked on friends.throughout 2018, I highlight the following:• the launch of the new Club website and e-news format New Website! We are excited to announce the launch of our new website which has a whole new look and feel! Over the coming months we will be releasing new features and will advise of these as they occur. Please take some time to have a look around and as always, feedback is welcome.
Foundation Twilight Tapas on the Terrace Friday 8 February 2019 Sunday 31 March 2019Special guest speaker announcement Live music by Sam Brewster Full details to come and full details to come!Committee has also recently reviewed the junior and • We recently obtained development plan consent toUnder 30 membership model and will soon announce allow lighting of the driving range, putting and chippingage bracket and subscription fee changes that will launch green. This consent allows Committee to obtainfrom the new membership year commencing April 2019. formal quotes and determine if this project should beThe changes are aimed at being more competitive in this prioritised in 2019age demographic in comparison to other Group 1 Clubs inAdelaide. • A new Club Phone App linked to our Northstar ITWe have been working closely with the Principal and system will be launched in early 2019. This App willGoverning Council of the Lockley’s Primary School for a allow members to order F&B from their phone, book anumber of months to develop a junior golf programme table for lunch, view their account, book lessons, bookthat can be rolled out across their entire student base for golf and check leaderboards and other featuresfor a school term each year. With the school such a close already available on the current phone Appneighbour across the road and the Club fortunate toemploy an experienced group of PGA Professionals with I take this opportunity to acknowledge the commitment ofinitiative and drive to work with junior golfers, we identified our entire team of dedicated staff over the last 12 months.a wonderful opportunity to engage within the local Each member of our team works extremely hard to providecommunity and help grow the game. The partnership is a high level of service to members and guests and I amseen as beneficial for everyone involved, with the school proud of their collective efforts. We continue to strive forable to offer a unique offering to its students and the continuous improvement, but I hope on the whole that weClub able to promote its facilities and services in our local exceed your expectations and experience as members ofcommunity. The students will be given the opportunity to the Club.give golf a go throughout their primary school years and I thank members for helping make Kooyonga a wonderfulultimately any interested and talented kids will hopefully Club to work. I am sure I speak on behalf of all staff inbe identified and hooked on the game for life! wishing you and your families a wonderful Christmas andWe believe this partnership goes a long way to enhancing safe and healthy New Year.our relationship will the school, with ongoing discussions Brett Lewisand indicative support from the Governing Council of the General ManagerSchool for the Club to lease a portion of the school ovalfor our use in the future. While these discussions have New Club Phone App tobeen positive, such a lease will be subject to the Education be ReleasedDepartment approval which is ongoing. in early 2019!I look forward to another busy year ahead as we continueto refine our membership offering and services across the Key Features:Club. Apart from the items already referred to in this article,the following provides a sneak peak of what other projects Order food & beverages whileand initiatives will be rolled out in 2019: on the course • In early 2019 we will undertake a comprehensive Reserve a table for lunch member survey in line with previous years to help Book golf and check ascertain the feelings of the membership leaderboards • Committee expect to finalise a leasing arrangement Book a lesson in the Academy with Telstra to erect a mobile phone tower on the left Check your account of the 16th fairway behind the trees and near the Plus much more! boundary fence to provide a new revenue source for the Club. This lease will avoid the tower being installed in close proximity to the course with a risk of greater visual impact and no financial return to the Club
Golf Academy We have seen some amazing highlights to the next level. I also was blown away throughout the year. We had a number by the facilities at Oklahoma State and2018 has been a fantastic year for of visits from the LPGA tour players Arizona State colleges and to see howour Golf Academy here at Kooyonga. during the Women’s Australian Open. All they structure their practice was eyeWe have now been in operation in the players were blown away by our facility opening to say the least. I look forwardAcademy for 2 years and the uptake of and were glowing in their assessment to implementing some of the incrediblelessons has grown substantially. of what we have here as a club. We were practices and techniques I saw whilst inThis year we welcomed Daniel Blackwell incredibly lucky to have another visit the US and count myself very lucky toto our coaching ranks and he has hit from the world-renowned Dr Rob Neal. have a workplace so understanding inthe ground running, giving lessons to Rob is a bio-mechanist originally from my wish to push our coaching services tomembers & guests and having a clear Queensland but now living in Orlando the next level.passion for junior development. Daniel and works with some of the world’s Lastly, with the introduction of the newhas been instrumental in initiating the best players. He is widely regarded website, we are launching some newOperation 36 model which we now as the foremost expert on golf 3-D coaching programs in 2019. Utilisingrun with all of our junior programs. bio-mechanics and he presents his some of our coaches’ strengths andWe are incredibly excited by this new systems and ideas all around the world. qualifications we are looking to improveprogram and being the only club in Alastair Clarkson who was our guest players of all levels and help theseSouth Australia and one of only three speaker at the Foundation Golf Day, players to enjoy the game more andin the country (The Australian & Lake called in for a lesson and was glowing shoot the best scores of their lives. WeKaryinyup) we are once again setting the in his assessment of our Academy and are the only facility with all coaches TPIbar in golf performance. coaching programs. qualified (world and industry leadingSusie and Duard have done a fantastic We had some great results from teaching qualification) in South Australia.job throughout the year, helping to Kooyonga players. Joel Durnford With the aid of these qualificationsencourage young golfers and females of won the NJCAA season ending tour the new programs will include physicalKooyonga to try the game and develop championship and earned himself a assessment & workout programs astheir skills. Duard has been running the full golfing scholarship to Illinois State well as short, medium and long termjunior clinics on weekends and during College. Joel also won the Royal Adelaide improvement guides. We will continue tothe school holidays whilst Susie has been Vardon whilst home from the US college run 3-D golf assessments with the aid ofrunning a number of member clinics as season. Joe Hodgson won the Glenelg physiotherapist Ben Corso and we hopewell as women’s and junior clinics. Her vardon whilst home from the US college to initiate some golf pilates sessions laterenthusiasm and encouragement around season and after returning to the USA in the year.the game is such a brilliant highlight and posting some great results has also In summary, the year has beenfor all involved and something that we earned himself a scholarship to Illinois incredibly busy. One filled with greatshould all count ourselves very lucky to State. Our junior Sharp Cup team won performances and promising signshave here at Kooyonga. the Golf SA Pennant in a completely for the future. We continue to try and dominant performance across the improve as a coaching group every day. season. A great group of young players We are staying up to date with the latest with some bright futures. Jordan Bishop technology and techniques as well as has had a great year, competing in our staying at the forefront of the industry Simpson Cup team as well as winning by implementing new programs and the Kooyonga Cup, Sandy Creek and Mt initiatives. As a coaching group we have Osmond Vardons. a simple philosophy; to help all of our I had an amazing experience visiting players enjoy the game and improve. All the USA in October, meeting with some of our effort is targeted towards you, the of the world’s best coaches. Spending members and we hope you enjoy a Merry time with Claude Harmon (coach to Christmas and look forward to seeing Dustin Johnson, Brooks Koepka & Rickie you again on the range in 2019. Fowler) and Mark Blackburn (PGA Tour All the very best coach) was amazing and has given me John Corbett, Head Professional a great foundation to push my coaching
Coaching Tip - Bunker 2). We must ensure our grip is correct. 3). We all MUST make contact with theShot The biggest fundamental flaw that I sand one inch behind the ball. This see with bunker play is a bottom hand is regardless of the situation or sandOur golf course here at Kooyonga can that is too strong. For right handers this type. For a short bunker shot, play yourbe very challenging around the greens. means that the bottom (right) hand most lofted wedge. For a longer bunkerIn every round of golf we play, we will rotates too far to the right as we take shot, use the exact same technique asall be faced with some bunker shots. our grip. As we then hit the shot, the described above but use a less loftedHaving done all the hard work of getting bottom hand rotates as we add power wedge, ie; pitching wedge or 9 iron.the ball all the way from the tee to the which de-lofts the club face and also If you go into your practice and gamesgreen, it is devastating when we see encourages the leading edge to grab on the course following the aboveshots disappear in the bunkers due to the sand once again. If you are someone process, you will hit better, moreincorrect technique or lack of control. who sees the ball come out of the consistent bunker shots. Give it a tryWhen it comes to playing these bunker bunker inconsistently and find it hard to for every bunker shot over the comingshots, there are a few fundamentals get the ball to stop once on the green, month and let me know how it goes.that must be adhered to. your bottom hand is the problem. When John Corbett1). We must always have the face of the taking your grip with your bottom hand, Head Professionalclub slightly open. Don’t over do it, 5 try to ensure that the fleshy sectionto 10 degree’s is ample. This stops the between your thumb and index fingerleading edge of the club grabbing the sits on top of the grip, not to the side.sand and digging in. If you are someone This will help to get the bounce of thethat sees deep divots and the ball stay club making contact with the sand, notin the bunker, this is caused by the club the leading edge.not being open enough. Women’s Golf Clinics We have seen promising growth in the number of women participating in women’s golf clinics at Kooyonga during 2018. Our aim is to provide a pathway to progress golfers from skill development on the range to playing nine holes on the course as quickly as possible. We use a framework known as Operation 36 (the same framework which is used for our junior golf program) which has 6 levels, each containing 12 objectives. In every clinic, at least one objective is covered to help each participant develop the skills required to improve scores and ultimately shoot a score of 36 or better on the course. Over the past few months we have run twilight clinics on Thursday evenings and mid-weekclinics on Thursdays and Fridays with a great overall turnout of 24 non-members participating together with a number of members.Our goal is to continue to grow the number of women participating in the clinics as well as to provide attractive membership offeringsto transition the women who are interested in membership at Kooyonga. All members are encouraged to invite their friends and familyto participate in the upcoming clinics which will be run on a variety of days during February and March 2019. More details on the datesand times of the clinics can be found on the Golf Clinics section of the website which is located under Golf Academy & Lessons. Wehave a lot of fun during the clinics and play quite a few games so I hope to meet as many of your friends and family as possible overthe next year. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!Susie MathewsGolf Operations & Membership Manager Upcoming Clinics T7htuor2sd8aMyaCrlcihni2c0s1fr9om 11am F1rFidebaytoC5linMiacrs cfhrom 1pm 5.30pm T3h1uJrasndatoy Twilight Clinics from 28 Feb Saturday Clinic from 8.30am 2 March Refer to website for full details!
Coaching Upcoming School Tip - How to Term Dates Hole More Putts ~ Term 1, 2019 ~ I would like to thank Wednesdays you all for making me feel so welcome at 6 February to 27 March the club over the past couple of months. I Thursdays am enjoying my time and am excited about 7 February to 21 Marchmy future here at Kooyonga. I feel I bring an experiencedand innovative approach to my coaching sessions and Saturdayshave embraced the opportunity to work out of our GolfAcademy, especially when the weather doesn’t cooperate! 2 February to 6 AprilGoing forwards I will continue to grow and bring my bestservice to the membership. I am particularly proud of what Sundayswe have achieved with the junior program and excited tobe involved with our pennant program and membership 3 February to 7 Aprilopportunities going forwards. I am available for coachingMonday to Thursday and Saturday/Sunday so please feel Please refer to the Kooyonga websitefree to book a lesson via the golf shop, with myself directly for full details on our pathwayor via the website. Please don’t hesitate to say hello asI commute between the Academy and Clubhouse, I am program including what’s involved,always keen to have a chat and help in any way. See you in term fees and how tothe Academy! register your childWe all want to hole more putts but it’s something thatthe amateur player rarely trains for even though it makes Did you know kids grow an average of 2.5-3up at least 40% of your shots out on the course. In late inches each year? U.S. Kids Golf allows you toNovember I was coaching at the Australian Open and trade-in your old clubs for credit towards newAustralian PGA tournaments and the one thing that I sets. Continuing to play with our equipmenttook particular attention to was the amount of hours the creates proper swings that lead to successfultouring professionals spent working on their putting. If it is golfers.good enough for them, it is good enough for you. So here isan effective drill to help you start the ball more on line and 15% off - all US Kids Golf Products atimprove putting stats the next time you play.You will need three balls and four tees plus your putter Kooyonga including individual clubs and full setsStep One: Setup two tees outside the toe and heel of theputterhead, (five feet away from the hole on a flat slope On sale until 31 December 2018and position the ball in the middle of these two tees). Thiswill help you monitor your stroke path, whether you areswinging your putterhead in-to-out or out-to-in of yourideal stroke arc through impact.Step Two: Setup the remaining two tees, one grip handlelength in front of the ball and make sure they are slightlywider than a golf ball width. This is your starting line gatewhich you’ll attempt to hit the ball through. This startingline gate will help you determine if you have an open (ballhits the right tee) or closed (ball hits left tee) putterfaceposition through impact.Step Three: Your goal is to hit three balls in a row withouthitting the tees. With each ball, alternate your grippressures from FIRM, SOFT & MEDIUM, this will help youdevelop better putterhead awareness and improve yourrhythm in your stroke. See which grip pressure works bestfor you. Good luck!
Junior Clinics this innovative learning curriculum. We workbooks and follows a program called won’t be slowing down either as we’ll be VISION54; a human skills curriculumSince commencing my role 3 months expanding our program over Summer which targets and refines a student’sago, it has been quite rewarding to work with more clinics available on Sundays technical ability by managing theirwith our coaching team to launch our to complement our School Holidays physical, mental and emotional statesnew Junior Golf Academy powered by Junior Clinic program. for training and competing. There arethe Operation 36 learning program. An exciting new development program two classes. K4 Squad (26-45hcp) & K5Operation36 is a golf curriculum which will also be introduced in Term One Squad (12-25 hcp) which are held fromencourages juniors to learn the main 2019 named Future 36s. This will be an 1.30pm over eight weeks.fundamentals, etiquette and mental early development program with four An exciting project will also be launchedskills necessary to learn the game. fortnightly sessions for budding little in February 2019 with our newCovering 12 subjects the students are hitters between the ages 3-7 years of partnership with neighbouring Lockleysrequired to learn and demonstrate age. This program will be solely focused Primary School. Over the first termto our coaches their knowledge and on movement skills and body awareness we will be offering the entire schoolunderstanding of each subject. There to be an ideal lead up to our first tier Operation 36 golf classes for eightare six levels to complete, so a total of of our long term junior development weeks which will include the Op3672 objectives for them to develop, and pathway. curriculum and access to our facilitiesin doing so will be ready to become Our Junior Academy is a six tier learning on selected weeks to help develop theirfuture junior members of our great club. pathway for ages 6-16. Wednesday skills and offer a point of difference forThe Op36 Program is run on Wednesday and Sunday sessions are predominantly the school. Exciting times ahead!evenings, Sunday mornings and is for designed for the public and designed Daniel Blackwellmembers and guests. Please refer as a feeder into our Saturday afternoon Teaching Professionalto our website for full details. We’ve Junior Members Program. The Saturdayhad over 70 students enrol in the afternoon clinics offer quite a uniqueprogram to date. To achieve this strong training system which complements ourparticipation rate is quite rewarding Op36 curriculum. Juniors participatingand shows the strength and quality of in the Saturday classes receive training
The Golf Shop recognize that there is always room for improvement and pledge to continue to make every effort in doing so. Our goal is to provideIt certainly is a great pleasure to convey a few words in this year’s a more than adequate service so that you, our Kooyonga membersChristmas Newsletter. It has been a busy but wonderful year, in can simply ‘enjoy’ your club. I personally would like to extend a veryparticular the last four months since being bestowed the honor of big thank you to every Golf Shop team member, equipment andmanaging the Golf Shop and related services. In my opinion it can cart service staff member as well as our junior staff members whobest be described as a relatively smooth transition for the Golf Shop take care of our practice ball requirements - your efforts are alwaysteam, testimony to the remarkable foundational efforts put in by much appreciated.John and Susie. On behalf of the Golf Shop team, a very big thank you to all theI’ve had the privilege of serving at Kooyonga Golf Club for over members who continually support their Golf Shop, not only throughthree years now, and speak on behalf of the Golf Shop team that the purchasing of your latest golf gear, but also through yourwe will continue to grow and enhance our level of service through friendly conversations when passing through the shop. We value theour contribution to the Club’s vision and mission by offering relationships we have and thoroughly enjoy getting to know eachmembers and guests an outstanding and unique Kooyonga golfing and everyone of you.experience. As we are right in the midst of gifting season, I would like to remind2018 commenced on an absolute high as Kooyonga hosted the our members that although we might not always stock preferredHanda Women’s Australian Open. Due to the success of this event items or be in a position to match an on-line retailer or major store’swe once again have the privilege of hosting some of the worlds best quote, we do encourage you to enquire. We will go above andwomen golfers in 2021. The Club’s various teams did an awesome beyond to ensure that you are satisfied with our service, your newjob led tirelessly by Kooyonga Management. I still stand amazed at purchase and our after sale assistance.the unbelievable voluntary effort from the Kooyonga members in Our aim is to continually stock the best performing products ontheir selfless individual contributions towards the success of the the market and from time to time, introduce various other excitingevent, an attribute of Australian culture I truly admire. products. We will further maintain a vast variety of demo equipmentWe were especially delighted to meet so many South Australian available for member’s convenience as being able to test these onfolk during their first visit to Kooyonga, attributed to the great work your own golf course is a unique service we offer. We would alsodone by the WAO’s marketing team. Through offering a variety like to make members aware that we have access to most brandedof children’s activities as well as combining MyGolf clinics as an products which are not necessarily displayed in the Golf Shop,introduction to golf, everyone seemed to have a fun experience although through enquiring we would happily try and source thesecertainly portraying Kooyonga and this great game in a very positive items for you.light. We highly encourage and value all feedback from our members andFrom a Golf Shop’s team perspective this event also provided an would like nothing more than to see the team grow as we continueopportune time to showcase the Kooyonga brand. The continuous to exceed member expectations.interest and in particular, branded merchandise sales, was strikingly Wishing you and your loved ones a very blessed Christmas and newevident during the event - we can be immensely proud of our Club year.and the Kooyonga brand. Duard NelThe Golf Shop team pride themselves in the effort put towards our Golf Shop Managermembers and the experience they have whilst visiting their club. We New Kooyonga Stock Now In!As we head in to the hotter months of the year, make sure you get into the golf shop to purchase one of these BPA free water bottles and a unisex slim fit cap - both products in a range of great colours! Member prices - Water bottle $24.95 / Cap $32
$450/six months Women’s Golf News New option! Extend for another 6 months for an additional $950 The new format of holding the Women’s A Gradewhich includes $500 off Cat 2 entrance fee plus many more benefits Championships to coincide with Men’s Championships on the June long weekend has been successful and will be continued 4 one hour group clinics Play in twilight events 12 rounds of golf with an A Grade event which will be concurrent with our B and2 half hour private lessons $300 food credit Full use of practice facilities C Grade Championships in May next year. We had a busy Pennant season fielding four Pennant and12 month program $1,500 with no entrance fee two Cleek teams, with our A4 team winning the flag. Tuesday golf is well supported and interspersed with regular Stroke,New option! Extend another 12 months for an additional $2,500 Stableford and Par competitions and there are many morewhich includes $750 off Cat 2 entrance fee events followed by everyone attending lunch together. Thereplus many more benefits is a cohort of Category 1 Women who enjoy Saturday morning golf, some of whom are unable to play on Tuesdays. Of course social golf, particularly on Thursdays is popular. There are a number of our Senior women who lunch together on Tuesdays who add to the atmosphere in our busy dining area. Long may this continue! Changes to the Women’s Committee were announced at the Women’s Presentation Day held on Tuesday 30 October. Gill Hicks moved into the Women’s President position, with Helen Berry newly appointed as Women’s Vice-President. We farewelled Jan Marriott from her position as Women’s President and thank her for her contribution to this role. Jude Marlow continues in her role as Women’s Captain for another year as does Jodie Deacon as Women’s Vice-Captain. Karen Chenoweth will continue in her role on the Women’s Committee for another year, now joined by Barb Burnett. We farewelled Ros Brown from her role on Committee and wish her the best. The Women’s Committee supports the encouragement of Tee Off with Friends and Pathway members with the aim of promoting Kooyonga as the club of choice for new women. Committee have recently endorsed an extention of our two pathway programs to provide a bridging option for women interested in permanent membership at Kooyonga but who aren’t quite ready following the first stage of our pathway programs. The extension on the Pathway program is priced at $2.5k and includes 18 rounds of golf, $750 deducted from the Category Two entrance fee and many more benefits. We would love you to introduce new prospective women members to our clinics and encourage you to refer them to our website for details and contact Susie Mathews for enquiries [email protected] or 8352 5444. Thank you to all the people who make our club special- ground staff, golf shop and teaching staff, hospitality, office staff and management. The Women’s Committee wish everyone at Kooyonga a Happy Christmas and New Year and we look forward to seeing you all in 2019. Gill Hicks, Women’s President Jude Marlow, Women’s Captain
Course News up with on Sunday took some of the 15th Hole sting out of the surfaces, allowing for Our major construction project for theAs Christmas rapidly approaches, we easier conditions than what would have year, the 15th green, has performedreflect on what has been another busy eventuated with even a few hours of very well after coming back into playyear on the course. Along with the sunshine in the morning. on Saturday 20th October followingmany routine course maintenance The couch areas also presented quite a 7-week establishment period aftertasks we undertake, the year has been well for the week of the event. Pattern it was sodded with approximatelyfilled by tournament preparations and cutting was employed on all fine 990m2 of turf from the 2nd projects both large and surfaces, and mowing frequencies Construction got underway in mid-July,small, with a number of bent collars increased as the tournament neared. and during the 7 days of earthworks thetreated for couch encroachment along By the time we reached the week of green surface was lowered betweenwith our major project for the year, the the tournament, all couch surfaces 600 and 800mm, the entrance to thereconstruction of the 15th green. were being mown twice per day, which green was widened by some 2 to 3Women’s Australian Open along with weekly fertiliser and growth meters between bunkers and reshapingWithout doubt, the major focus in regulation applications for the month of the rear surround taking place tothe early months of the year was the leading into tournament producing very make for less severe run of the ISPS Handa Women’s refined playing surfaces. The green was widened a little on theAustralian Open in February. After many Our staff did a fantastic job in preparing left side, and a more distinct tier washours of hard work from our dedicated the course in the lead up to the event, returned to the new green. A greatergroundstaff, we were able to present spreading themselves out across spread of pin positions was createdour course for the event in excellent many jobs to enable the course to be on the green, including many on thecondition and were very pleased with presented to the high standard it was. front section of the green, which washow it played throughout the week. We employed 2 additional casual staff an aim of the reshaping. Along withWe were able to achieve a good level of for the 2 weeks prior to the event and the reconstruction of the green, wefirmness and green speed consistently were then joined by 14 volunteer staff renewed the irrigation system throughacross the course that met both the from both local and interstate clubs the entire fairway, surrounds and roughrequirements of the event organisers for the entire week, and an additional area. Sprinkler placement was changed,and highlighted strategic elements 3 staff for the tournament days. All of with a 3-row system installed to ensureof the contouring of the greens and the volunteers were able to come in and irrigation water is adequately controlled,surrounds. The weather forecast perform the tasks we assigned to them with layouts adjusted and additionalcertainly assisted us in this regard, with to a very high standard, finishing off all heads added around the surrounds andmild conditions through tournament of our full-time crew’s hard work in the traffic areas to ensure coverage.week easing some of the pressure that process. I think all of them enjoyed theirhot weather would have, although the week and learnt a great deal from theweather conditions that we ended experience.15th Green Reconstruction Collar Sodding - 7th Scarifying Fairways
Collar Sodding Additional heads were added on the 9th supplemental irrigation.A program of collar sodding to replace fairway and green surrounds and new Course Renovationsbent turf around the greens infested installations occurred on both sides of After a year without course renovationswith couch was undertaken during the the 16th fairway at the beginning of in 2017 due to the Women’s Openmiddle of the year. Utilising the 19th the fairway and along the right-hand in February, we were committed tohole, we took holes out of play for 1-2 fairway bunker. The 11th hole also saw carrying out a good renovation programweeks at a time to complete works on some work, with a new lateral added across all playing surfaces this year.holes 4, 6, 9, 7, 18, 14 and the practice along the turf edge over the top of We certainly achieved that, with a solidfairway putting green, removing the the hill and heads on the right of the program of practices carried out acrosscouch affected turf, replacing the soil approach relocated further to the right, all surfaces, including deep tyning,below to a depth of 100-200mm to hard lining the turf line and controlling coring and topdressing of greens andremove all couch rhizome material and the amount of water applied to the collars, verti mowing, selective scarifyingreplacing with new bentgrass turf from roughs. and solid tyning of tees and greenthe nursery. We also added a number of new surrounds and scarifying, verti mowingPrior to reconstruction works installations into fescue areas and circle cutting of fairways.commencing on the 15th green, turf throughout the course, which once Selected fairways were also solid tynedwas harvested from the green to replace again, takes away the need to irrigate to relieve compaction, along with areassections of collar turf on the 2nd and these spots manually with hoses and most impacted by the renovations,10th holes that has a large percentage sprinklers. New installations were which coincided with areas whereof couch encroachment. Along with the carried out on the left of the 2nd scalping was most evident through thereplacement of the collar turf, all greens approach, between the 11th and year being topdressed with sand tobenefitted from a rest during winter, 12th holes and on the new mound to smooth them and further dilute particular the par 3 greens with the rear of the 15th green. Further, Following appropriate amendment andrecovery from wear and pitch marks additional heads were added to existing fertiliser applications, we are beginninggreatly assisted, which will be a process installations between 5th and 6th and to see good recovery in all areas ofwe will look to implement in future 16th and 17th to improve coverage in the course, which will have benefittedyears. areas where hoses were required in greatly from the practices completed.Irrigation Alterations addition to previously installed systems. On behalf of the groundstaff, I wouldA number of irrigation extensions, Even though the original intent was like to wish members and staff all thealterations and additions were carried for these areas to be unirrigated best for the Festive Season.out through the year, all designed to once established, in the hot and dry Richard Jamesimprove our application uniformity conditions of an Adelaide summer, it Course Superintendentand automate areas of the course that has been clear to see that the fescue is had previously relied upon manual simply unable to sustain itself, meaningirrigation with hose and sprinklers. there will always be a requirement forVerti Mowing Fairways Circle Cutting Fairways Coring Fairways
New Rules of GolfThe new Rules of Golf will take effect from 1 January 2019 and this has required the Committee toreview the local rules at Kooyonga to ensure they comply with the R&A. There have been changes toa few key words due to the implementation of new terminology and to the rule number references because of rule numberchanges. At this stage no new local rules have been added however the Committee will continue to review the local rules andwill consider the addition of potential penalty areas and new local rules in the future.Golf Australia recognises that it is unrealistic to expect golfers to know all of the major changes for the first round of golf theyplay in 2019. If at least one player in each group knows the key changes and has the Player’s Edition of the Rules of Golf bookavailable for use then that player will be able to assist their playing partners with questions on the new rules. Every memberis able to collect a Players Edition of the Rules of Golf book from the Golf Shop and we encourage all members to have a newRules of Golf book in their golf bag. Please remember that the changes have been designed to make it easier for players byproviding extra flexibility.To assist members with learning the 20 must-know rules, an animated R&A video covering the major changes will be run in theGolf Shop over the next few weeks and members will also be able to find a link to this video on the Kooyonga website (to viewthe video please visit the Rules & Etiquette page under Golf). Rule changes that will have common use and are important forgolfers to know are: the new requirement to drop at knee height; the new 3 minute ball search limit; and the new relief arearequirements (i.e. relief being taken will be either one or two club-lengths from a reference point; the relief area is a fixed sizefor each player which is pre-determined based on the clubs the player has selected for play; the longest club in the bag exceptthe putter will define the relief area; the ball must land in, come to rest in and be played from within the relief area).There are many resources available on the Golf Australia website and we encourage golfers to have alook at the videos available. In less than two weeks we will see the biggest Rules of Golf changes in 30 years take effect and wewill all be a part of this historic change.20 Must Know Rules of Golf1. Drop from knee height (NOT shoulder height)2. Measure the area to drop in with the longest club in your bag (except a putter)3. Drop in and play from the relief area4. When dropping back-on-the-line, your ball cannot be played from nearer the hole than your chosen reference point5. Time to search – 3 minutes (NOT 5 minutes)6. If you accidentally move your ball when searching for it, replace it without penalty7. No penalty for a double hit – it only counts as one stroke8. No penalty if your ball hits you or your equipment accidentally after a stroke9. No penalty if your ball strikes the flagstick when you have chosen to leave it in the hole10. Spike mark and other shoe damage on the putting green can be repaired11. Ball accidentally moved on putting green – no penalty and replace12. Ball marked, lifted and replaced on putting green is moved by wind to another position –replace ball on the original spot13. Penalty areas replace water hazards, and you can move loose impediments, ground your club and take practice swings in penalty areas without penalty, just as you can on the fairway or in the rough14. You can’t take relief from a penalty area unless you are at least 95% certain your ball is in the penalty area15. In bunkers you can move loose impediments16. In bunkers you cannot touch the sand with your club in the area right in front of or right behind your ball, during your back- swing or in taking practice swings17. Free relief is allowed if your ball is embedded on the fairway or in the rough (but “embedded” means that part of your ball is below the level of the ground)18. Unplayable ball in bunker – extra option to drop outside the bunker for 2 penalty strokes19. You cannot have your caddie or your partner standing behind you once you begin taking your stance20. Pace of Play - it is recommended that you take no longer than 40 seconds to make a stroke (and usually you should be able to play more quickly than that) and Ready Golf in stroke play is encouraged
The Kooyonag Foundation continues to promote and support thecontinuing excellence of Kooyonga and has recently refined theirobjectives to the following;• To promote junior development for our Club’s future golfers Remembering the Foundation in your Will leaves• To assist Club representation for our elite golfers a lasting legacy for future generations• To develop selected facilities for the benefit of all members at Kooyonga.Following the final year of Spartan Electrical’s naming rights The Kooyonga Foundation have recently established a Bequestcontract for the Foundation Golf Day in 2017, this year we Society – a special group of like-minded people who sharerestructured our sponsorship packages to provide an equal a vision of Kooyonga’s future.platform for sponsors to showcase their brand whilst enabling amore conducive environment for networking prospects. This year The Foundation would be honoured to welcome you in to thiswe identified our vision for the Foundation Golf Day to be that we Bequest Society by leaving a gift to Kooyonga in your Will. If youprovide an opportunity for sponsors and their teams to play on a are considering a bequest to the Kooyonga Foundation, we wouldchampionship golf course, showcase their brand on an elite stageand experience a golf day like no other. This year we were pleased like to hear from you to enable us to encompass your giftto raise $35k. Whilst this is a reduction from last year’s proceeds in our future planning.of $43k, we believe this is reflective of a transitional year ofachieveing our vision and will continue to strive towards building a For a confidential discussion on how you can leave a gift tosuccessful flagship event. The Kooyonga Foundation Inc, please contact Brett Lewis, General Manager at the Club or Dr Walford Thyer, Chairman of The Kooyonga Foundation 2018 Kooyonga Foundation Golf DayThe annual Foundation Lottery continues to be a successful fundraising opportunity and this year we raised just over $16k. Wethank everyone who supports this by purchasing tickets and those who contribute and donate to the raffle prizes.Direct member contributions to the Foundation were down this year from $7.5k to $4.8k. Whilst there was a reduction onlast year’s figures, we would like to thank everyone who has donated through this avenue and take the opportunity to remindmembers that donations are tax deductible and only costs $100 to become a member of the Foundation. Please refer to ourwebsite for the formal recognition structure of the Foundation membership categories.Our 2018/19 Junior AmbassadorsCongratulations to our five juniors below who were named the Junior Ambassadors for 2018-2019 with support from theKooyonga Foundation. The programme provides an opportunity for each Ambassador to expand all aspects of their golf game,acquire valuable life skills and to develop into an elite sports person.Emily Giotis Kyle Hayter Hayden Massey James Percey Jack Speirs
NEW MEMBERS WELCOMED TO CONGRATLATIONS TO MEMBERS WHO REACHED KOOYONGA THROUGH 2018 A MILESTONE YEAR DURING 2018 (in order of entry) 25 YEARS Julie Thompson Pip OxenhamChris Langton, Sheila Bird, Jon Hunt, Grantley Stevens, James Terry Anderson 30 YEARS Kay PittmanPhillips, Darcy Brown, Aaron Yu, Andy Shea, Barb Clapp, Sally Heather Ball Germano Baiguini Ian SouthwoodYuncken, Louise Emmett, Tom Emmett, Adam Bermingham, Michael Bonython Andrew Fuller Samantha TukeGeorge Balalis, Michael Coro, Tim Morphett, John Masters, Mathew East Ben Hall 50 YEARSTony Higginbottom, Ciaran McAssey, Alistair Begg, John Sally Gamble Henry John BowlerKurenda, Hamish McLeay, David Mattner, John Ranaldo, Scott Gebhardt Heuzenroeder John LambertSimon Lovering, Margie Gregg, John Elliott, Matthew King, Heather Gilbert Leon Holmes AM Rob MannClint Girardi, Jane Crafter, Leisa Thomas, Christine Heusler, Bob Hall Bill Nott Marg McLeayHeather Peters, Trent Kramer, Jake Alder, Judi Denton, Jake Hugh Harley Anthony Oldfield Peter SkipworthBrown, Wayne Weidemann, Shane Wingard, Jason Hatwell, Geoff Heithersay Nicholas Pyne 60 YEARSMikaela Anderson, Tom Minge, Cate Birch, Daniel Mosler, Ben Samuel Hicks 40 YEARS Bob BabidgeCorso, Ket Katdare, Andrew Kuliwaba, John Dally, Peter Webb, Brenton Illingworth Cathy Barton Dot DuvalMatt Boyd, Simon Alder, Tony Monteduro, Henri Nguyen, Greg Jaunay Lisa Brien 70 YEARSHamish Philpott, Clive Philpott, Robbie White, Chris Pearson, Anita Just Jon Cox John HaighJason Gauvin, Poppy Christensen, Ned Gauvin, Nick Gatis, Suzy Kitto Matthew Dixon Ray MichellSimon Zybek, Ken Chan, Eds Smart, Matilda Miels, Daniel Tim Leahy Scott Duval David RoweTsiavlis, John Gallard, Drew Gallard, Bob Jones, John Sharpe, Robert Motteram Jane Lacey Don RutherfordPatrick Schwerdt, Frank Vucic, Jennifer McKay, Deb Parry, Alix Tristan Oldfield Erica MarriottDoherty & Jordan Sennett-Perez. Carol Smith Tossie Nitschke Paul Steinhardt Pam Stewart New Member and Milestones Recognition EveningIn June we held our ‘New Member & SpecialMilestone Members’ evening where we welcomenew members to the club and officially recognisethose who have reached a milestone year ofmembership.Congratulations to all who reached 50 and 60years of membership (those in attendance on theevening pictured right). Special acknowledgementgoes to those who have reached 70 years ofmembership over the past 18 months (as picturedbelow), in recognition of such dedicated and loyalmembership of the club.Ray Michell reached 70 years in David Rowe reached 70 years Don Rutherford reached 70 John Haigh reached 70 years in September 2017 in September 2017 years in March 2018 September 2018 (accepted by son, Grant)
Congratulations to our Women’s A4 and Junior Sharp Cup teams who won their respective 2018 pennant season!Our Women’s A4 team defeated The Vines 4/1 and our Sharp Cup team defeated Glenelg 4.5/0.5. Well done to therest of the pennant teams who finished up in the following positions; Simpson Cup – 4th, Bonnar Cup – 4th, JuniorDiv 2 – 4th, Sanderson Cup (A1) – 4th, Pike Cup (A2), A3 – 4th, Cleek 1 – 4th, Cleek 2 – 6th. Special Member Achievements We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge Jordan Bishop who continues to represent Kooyonga as a high performer. Since his return from playing in the US College Golf last year, he has won the Kooyonga Cup, 2 vardon’s back to back (Sandy Creek & Mt Osmond) and is a regular contender in our Simpson Cup team for Pennant. Well done Jordan and keep up the good work! Honorary Members Earlier in the year Honorary Membership was offered to Jane Crafter and David Rowe in recognition of their distinguished service provoded to our Club and community. Jane Crafter was admitted as an Honorary Member of Kooyonga given her highly successful career as an Amateur and Professional Golfer and now sports commentator and ongoing passion and ambassador for Kooyonga which was so publicly displayed during the hosting of the Women’s Australian Open at Kooyonga in February earlier this year. David Rowe was admitted as an Honorary Member of Kooyonga given his service to the Club for over 70+ years of membership, including as Captain, President and Committee member. David has been a very active Club member, both as an individual and as a strong supporter of Kooyonga’s social and pennant events. Congratulations Jane & David.
2018 Club Champions RA Captain Jim Sweeny handing over Women’s President’s v Captain’s the Cargie Trophy to Ken Russell (winners - Captain’s)Joe Hodgson, Men’s Club Champion Women’s Club Championship Daniel Blackwell, 2018 South Bronze Cup Winner, Pip Oxenham Australian Game Development Professional of the YearLyn McGough,Women’s Club Champion Veteran Trophy Winner, Tony Timmins Women’s Foursomes A Grade Trophy Winners, Jodie Deacon and Deb PerceyGary O’Loughlin, Senior Club Champion Men’s Kingston Heath TeamDarcy Salamon, Junior Boy’s Club ChampionEmily Giotis (3rd from left), Junior Girl’s Club Champion Women’s Kingston Heath Team
RS Thomson Winners Tim Sennett and Deb Percey Winter Fourball trophy winners, Lesley and Graeme Smith Father & Son Winners Mother & Daughter Scott and Tom Duval Winners Sue & Jane Fuller Monthly Medal WinnersKeHnandicap Foursomes Winners, KHeanndicap Mixed Foursomes Winners,Geoff Raneberg and Bruce Lindner Chris George and Olivia GiotisKenClub Foursomes Champions, Jordan Bishop and Darcy Salamon KeMnixed Club Foursomes Champions, Pauline Sanderson Bowl Bevan O’Connor and Hayley HuntBruce Lindner won the ‘Play 9 Group’ at Men’s Aus Open Women’s Kooyonga Premier LeagueGlenelg Senior Amateur
From the ArchivesOur founder – Herbert Lockett Rymill(aka Cargie)Many articles have previously been written about our illustrious founder.The aim of this rendition is to further inform members of Kooyonga about thesignificant role he played in the establishment of our Club and it’s course. Putsimply, if every member learns at least one further piece of information regardingMr Rymill from this article, then the writer of it will be more than happy.‘Cargie’ was born in Adelaide on the 19th of August 1870. He had six siblings. Their father Henry hadimmigrated from England in 1855, became a successful estate and financial agent in the new booming stateof South Australia, eventually becoming chairman of the Bank of Adelaide. Unlike most of the Rymill family whowere educated at St Peters College, Cargie spent three years at Prince Alfred College. There is little recordedabout him at PAC, simply that he attended. Contrary to normal practice he later sent his sons to St PetersCollege, but more of that later.Well you might ask how did he become ‘Cargie’? Cargie was a crack shot and won State Championships. He andhis brother won the Australian pigeon shooting championship. In 1903 he and his family were attending a playat the Theatre Royal in which there was a clown called Carbillo, who was a pigeon slayer. This name seemed aperfect fit for our Mr Rymill, and it was eventually shortened to Cargie. He also was a successful croquet player,winning the Adelaide Croquet Club Championship therefore becoming involved in golf. Cargie could be a bit ofa rascal, “a man about town”. On one occasion he enlivened a formal party in a city restaurant by releasing alarge snake amongst the guests. They all fled, leaving Cargie to pick up not only the snake, but also the entirebill for the evening!!On the 18th September 1906, he married Shylie Katherine Blue at Christ Church, North Adelaide, whosemother had married the Chief Justice, Sir Samuel Way, in whose home their reception was held. They had fourchildren, Henry, William (Bill), Edward Tom and Katharine. Four months after giving birth to Katharine, Shyliewon the SA Women’s Golf Championship. She went on to win the Kooyonga Championship in 1925, 1927,and 1928, was our Women’s Captain 1924-28 and again in 1932, and was the founding president of the SALadies Golf Union. Having ‘got the golf bug’, by 1905 Cargie was the Honorary Secretary of the Royal AdelaideGolf Club, also superintending alterations to the new links at Seaton. The club had moved from the old Glenelgcourse in 1904 to a large parcel of land at Seaton. He was made a Life Member in 1910, but the following yearthe hierarchy considered that he had ‘become a law unto himself’ as Club Secretary, and was strongly rebukedfor failing to take heed of the Committee’s instructions whereupon he resigned.Cargie lived at Kircaldy (via Henley Beach) in a house named Kooyonga. He never drove a car, always usingpublic transport or riding his bike. Normally using the train from Kircaldy to Adelaide (which travelled throughthe middle of the new course at Seaton), on one occasion during a train strike he travelled by tram to HenleyBeach. It was on this occasion he saw a ‘For Sale’ sign on what was then known as ‘May’s Paddock’. He believedthe land, the undulations and the general topography were ideal for the establishment of a new golf course.The rest is history. He ensured that he was the sole architect and supervisor and with the assistance of twostaff and two horses he had the first eight holes ready for play in July 1923, and another eight in June 1924with the course finalised later that year. He was appointed Kooyonga’s first Captain, a position he held forfive years but his increasing lack of accountability to the Committee again led him to being ousted from anyposition of authority within the Club by 1933. He remained an ex officio member of the Committee until hisdeath of 27th March 1951.Cargie was responsible for employing two people who both had significant roles in Kooyonga’s establishment.Arthur West lived close to the course at Seaton and was convinced by Rymill to help with the onerous manualwork at Kooyonga and became our first Course Superintendent, a position he held with distinction for twentyodd years. Then, Rufus Stewart became our first professional. Cargie gave him his first real clubs when he was alad, a brassie and an iron. Soon after he was shooting scores in the 80’s.
He played in his first Australian Open Championship when he was only sixteen. He went on todominate this event, being runner up on five occasions and finally winning the Championship in1927. He is only one of two men to have won the championship with ties to Kooyonga, the otherbeing a former member Fergus McMahon, who won in 1935. Rufus Stewart certainly contributedgreatly in the formative years at Kooyonga.Many, many stories abound regarding Cargie Rymill’s autocratic approach to life. One such storyinvolved two of his sons Bill and Tom. During his schooling at St Peters College, Bill was invited to sailin a race in Perth on a boat owned by Ossie O’Grady. The headmaster refused to allow Bill the timeoff from school so Cargie stepped in and sent Bill to Perth and then made arrangements for his twoboys to attend Scotch College instead.A great effort in the past has been made to discover the meaning and derivation of the nameKooyonga. Cargie named our Club after his own home at Kircaldy believing it’s aboriginalbackground meant it to the ‘plenty sand – plenty water’. This is not verified after extensive contactwas made at the university of Adelaide and the Public Library. Many leads were investigated evenone in Ireland where a jumps race horse named Kooyonga had won the best part of a millionpounds at the track. It turns out the owner named the horse after a golf course somewhere inAustralia!! If any member has any information in regards to the history of our Club’s name, we wouldbe delighted to hear from them.There have been many people who have contributed to the game of golf in South Australia butno one more so than H.L. Rymill. Not only did he have significant inputs to the establishment ofthe four major courses in Adelaide, but was instrumental in the establishment of Mount Lofty andMount Gambier. There is also evidence showing that he was involved in the establishment of manyother country courses.In 1935, he founded procured Karinga Station on Kangaroo Island, fifteen miles South East ofKingscote. In 1950, he sold Karinga and bought a house in Dutton Terrace, Medindie.This visionary has been described thus: “Cargie wascertainly a man who had confidence in his own abilityand did not suffer fools gladly. He was autocratic innature and enjoyed the responsibility of getting on anddoing things preferably his way. So it is not surprisingthat his life was punctuated by periods of calamitousdiscord with committees and boards, just at Seaton,but perhaps most painfully at Kooyonga, the courseand club that was essentially his creation”. As has beenwritten previously, if your score at Kooyonga doesn’tmeasure up for one reason or another, be thankful,relax, just admire the scenery.Well played Cargie, and thank you.Bill JohnsonClub Archivist
2018 Women’s Australian Open winner, Jin Young Ko Foundation Golf Day with Guest Foundation Golf Day Speaker, Alastair Clarkson Member’s VIP Marquee at the Women’s Christmas Lunch Masters Breakfast & Golf Women’s Australian Open Kerri-Anne Kennerly at the Women’sBreakfast for the Women’s Australian Open Family Fun DayWomen’s Christmas LunchKen Family Fun Day
Christmas Twilight Do you follow our Instagram and facebook? If not, make sure you do and share/tag some of your favourite photos! Christmas Twilight Winners Members’ DinnerKenMelbourne Cup KenMelbourne CupKeTnapas on the Terrace KeTnapas on the Terrace Members’ DinnerMembers’ Dinner
Christmas Pudding RecipeRoger Miller is one of the INGREDIENTStalented chef’s we have working 1/4 cup (40g) sultanasin our team who started at 1/2 cup (80g) currantsKooyonga in February 2017. With 3/4 cup (105g) chopped pitted dried datesthe festive season now upon 1/4 cup (40g) mix dried fruitus, Roger would like to share his 1/4 cup (40g) glace cherriesrecipe for Christmas Pudding. 1/2 cup (70g) slivered almondsThe recipe comes from his wife’s 1/2 teaspoon mixed spicedfamily, first made nearly 60 years 1/3 cup (80ml) brandyago and has been made every 1/3 cup (80ml) sherryyear since then. It has been 125g unsalted butter, chopped and softenedtweaked over the years to bring 1/4 cup (45g) brown sugarsome modernist flavours to it! 1/4 cup (55g) caster sugar 2 eggs 1/3 cup (50g) plain flour, sifted 1½ cups (105g) fresh white breadcrumbs METHOD 1. Mix all fruits & almonds and pour over brandy & sherry. Love and leave for 24 hours. Place the butter and sugars in the bowl of an electric mixer and beat for 8–10 minutes or until pale and creamy. Gradually add the eggs and beat until light and fluffy. Add the fruit mixture, sifted flour and breadcrumbs and mix well to combine. 2. Steam in a greased basin securely covered. Cook, covered, in a large saucepan of boiling water over medium heat for 4 hours, adding more water if needed. 3. Remove from the saucepan, place in a colander, set over a bowl, and refrigerate until cold. To reheat, boil for 45 minutes.
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