REFLECTIONSMemoirs of MILANers Editors B P Prakash N V Sathyanarayana Shalini R Urs
Published by Informatics Publishing Limited, No. 194, R V Road, Basavangudi, Bangalore - 560004, IndiaCopyright © 2015 by Mysore University Information and Library Science Alumni Network (MILAN)Editorial Support by Mouna Raju and S A PraveenCover Design by M/s Expressions, Vijayanagar, Bangalore.Photo Type Setting by MAPS Publishing Solutions, Chennai.
Editors’ Note Post Time and Time to Pay It ForwardFifty years is a tiny dune in the sands of time, but a significant milestone in the life of an institution and ajoyous time to ruminate, rejoice and reunite for its alumni. It is time for us to look back; to recapture thosefond and sometime poignant moments; recollect the coincidences that shaped our journeys; to pass forwardto the future and possibly pay it forward. The Post Time for MyDLIS (The Department of Library and Information Science of the Universityof Mysore) is June 24, 1965 and for its alumni every year since then. Last year on June 24, 2014, a goodnumber of alumni gathered at the campus of our Alma Mater – the sprawling and picturesque campus ofManasagangotri to launch the Golden Jubilee celebrations. MILAN (Mysore University Information andLibrary Alumni Network) is an offshoot of the Alumni Meet on that day. Aptly named, MILAN becamethe meeting and melding point for the MyDLIS and its alumni and thus began the “ Pay It Forward”journey for MILANers. The primary goal of MILAN is to pay tributes to our Alma Mater—MyDLIS.Believing in the wisdom that the only way one could payback to one’s Alma Mater is byPay it forward,MILAN was formed. As in the famous movie “Pay It Forward” (American drama film, 2000 based onthe novel of the same name by Catherine Ryan Hyde) MILAN plans to pay it forward through its networkof good deeds. The Post Time for MILAN to pay it forward began with our support for the Golden Jubilee Celebrationsof MyDLIS. MILAN will continue to support and strengthen MyDLIS through the next milestone of Dia-mond Jubilee in 2024-2040 and beyond. Reflections: Memoirs of MILANers is a melange of ruminations of some MILANers—29 of themrecounted in 25 pieces of memoirs—some of them short and crisp and some have gone down the memorylane and found it difficult to stop! It is a riot of feelings and moments! These 25 memoirs are full of nostal-gia and have attempted to relate their times, learning, and leanings to their career journeys. We are happy tocatch the first baby steps of MyDLIS way back in 1965 as narrated by Mohamed Khasim of the first batch toalmost all vintages – the sixties, seventies, eighties, nineties, and the noughties. One thing that comes acrossquite strong through these narratives is the passion, personal care, professional grooming and support thatthe MILANers got from the MyDLIS and its faculty. v
One can get a glimpse—though in an impressionist style of the journey and transformation of MyDLISfrom a library centric domain to Content Management/Information Management/Knowledge Managementoriented programs. The shaping of MyDLIS and the people who helped shape the careers and lives ofMILANers emerges through this disjointed yet cohesive collection of narratives written in an informal andanecdotal style. Just like an Impressionist painting, the memoirs of MILANers include relatively small,thin, yet clearly discoverable brush strokes, in free style with an emphasis on accurate depiction of timesin MyDLIS in its changing qualities (often accentuating the effects of the passage of time). While the factsmentioned and focused are quite ordinary events, inclusion of a certain moment as a crucial element of onesperception and experience, and unusual angles make it an interesting reading. Like Impressionist paintings,these memoirs abandon the rules of academic writing by design. Here we present an Impressionist painting of MyDLIS through the eyes of its alumni-MILANers. Readthe memoirs and get the picture! B P Prakash N V Sathyanarayana Shalini R Urs 18 June 2015vi
Contents 1 3Librarian by Choice 8Mohamed Khasim A Life Amidst Books 10Ramaswamy C 13Rambling Thoughts 15Kalyani K B 19Making of a Career in Library & Information Services: Neither by ‘Chance nor Choice’ 21Alone but on a Blend with ‘Challenge’ 24Samba Murthy N 26Memorable, Educative and Happy days they Were 30Patwardhan D V 31Courage and Confidence–Gifts from MyDLIS 33Sathyanarayana N V 37Gurus and Wayward Wards 40Geetha Venkatraman 43Connecting the Dots of my Career: From Classification to Cognitive Sciences to Corporate ManagementShalini R UrsAn Enjoyable Learning TimesAdilakshmi R MyDLIS, my Career and my Life: Thoughts and TheoriesMohamed Taher My Experience at MyDLISAnuradha K T Regression to Good Old Days: Reminiscence of Wonder YearsManjunath G K The PP (Picnic & Party) Gang of 1981Prakash B P, Madhusudana Rao C R, Rama M B, Meera Venkatesh and Khan M AMesmerizing MyDLIS and MeHarinarayana N SMy Days with MyDLISNagaraja SMyDLIS Conspired my Career DestinyAyesha Taranum vii
My Ever Lasting Memories with MyDLIS 46Dinesh K S 48Good Friends are Always close to the Heart! 50Sheba Jesudass 52Between Cricket and MyDLIS 55Sunil M V 57Balancing Sports and Studies: Memories of My MLISc Days 59Madhu K S 61My Reminiscence of MyDLIS Days 63Manju NaikaMYDLISManjunatha P SMy Days at MyDLIS: Two ReflectionsVasanth Raju NTransformation of an Average Student into a Thorough Professional: My JourneySrinivas P SMy Memories are the Library of My LifePramodini Bviii
Librarian by ChoiceMohamed KhasimChief Librarian (Retired), St. Philomena’s College, Mysore. ([email protected])I had completed MA and had an offer to teach guru Prof. Iqbal Khadriin one of the colleges in Dharward. Filled with (Late).excitement, I was all set to start my career. Then I surpassed mycame a turning point in my life. One fine eveningin early 1965, my beloved guru and philosopher, ambiguity andProf. Syed Iqbal Khadri (Late) from the Departmentof Journalism, Maharaja college told me about the started this newlaunch of a new course and advised me to pursuethe same. With lot of curiosity when I enquired journey with renewedfurther details about the course, I was surprisedto hear from him that it was pertaining to Library energy, but thereManagement. I had never heard about this courseand I could barely sleep that night thinking about was disappointmentmy career. “Do you think you have to really pursue right in the beginning with classes not commencing as per the original schedule. I learnt that the classes were postponed due to the delay in the arrival of Prof. P K Patil from US. The classes finally started in“Do you think you have to really pursue a course to learn how the University Library which wasto arrange books in a library?” -- is what one of my friends situated in the Maharaja Collegecommented when I discussed the matter with him the next Campus. “Whatever happens inmorning. life, happens for good” was my mother’s frequent advice, but Ia course to learn how to arrange books in a library” realized the true meaning of this after attendingis what one of my friends commented when I Prof. Patil’s classes. His vast knowledge, patiencediscussed the matter with him the next morning. to ensure that everyone understands every bitMost of my other friends were also skeptical about of his lecture and his pursuit towards academicme joining the new course. Coming from a humble rigour created a great interest in the subject to allmiddle class background and perhaps being the the twenty members of the first batch of B.Lib.Sc.first post graduate of my family, I had no one in my University of to guide me. It was a tough choice between Subsequently Prof. Subramanyam was appointeda teaching job in hand and a new unknown turf and the professionalism demonstrated by himto explore. I finally took the decision to join the in his classes further augmented our interest incourse basically for two reasons: one, my eternal the subject. Cataloguing, classification graduallylove towards books; two my respect to my beloved became enjoyable topics of discussion both in the 1
classroom and also outside the classroom during This tour also gave us an opportunity to meetthe tea and lunch breaks. Prof. S R Ranganathan at DRTC. Prof. DeshpandeI believe one of the milestones in the was also instrumental in inviting many prominenthistory of MyDLIS was the appointment of library professionals like Prof. B S Kesavan toProf. K S Deshpande as the University Librarian. address the students in the department.While the other professors helped us understand Another important phase of our course was theconceptual frameworks in an impeccable manner, internship. I was among the few fortunate studentsthe true practical learning commenced with who got an internship for almost six months. ThisProf. Deshpande’s sessions. The herculean task opportunity facilitated me in understanding theof shifting the library from the Maharaja College nitty-gritties of different sections of the librarycampus to the present library building was taken and aided in the holistic understanding of theup under the able leadership ofProf. Deshpande. Besides library I believe one of the milestones in the history of MyDLIS wasscience, we learnt many management the appointment of Prof. K S Deshpande as the Universitylessons from Prof. Deshpande. Librarian. While the other professors helped us understandWhat is probably called today as conceptual frameworks in an impeccable manner, the true“Management by example” was practical learning commenced with Prof. Deshpande’s sessions.demonstrated by Prof. Deshpandeduring those days. Rolling up his sleeves he was library management. My learning during this phase,the frontrunner in every task of shifting of the particularly the inputs that I got from belovedlibrary, be it packing of books, loading it into the Prof. Deshpande is something that helped me invehicle and for that matter cleaning the books. getting an edge over my peers during my short stintThe inauguration of the new library building at University of Hawaai, USA for pursuing a Diplomawas to be done by the then President of India, in Documentation.Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. The team of twenty Now, when I look back at my career whichstudents along the faculty and staff toiled for spanned across four decades serving institutionsseveral months to ensure that the event is like Yuvaraja College, Sahyadri college, ARAMCOmemorable in the history of University of Mysore. Saudi Arabia, thirty years at St. PhilomenasThe department gave us a golden opportunity to College and a few years with Farooqia Dentalmeet the President of India which is unforgettable. College after my retirement, I feel whatever Even before we could come out of the little I have achieved in my professional life ishangover of meeting the President, we were only because of the great learning during thetold about the study tour to a few prominent B.Lib.Sc. course and above all the values thatlibraries in Bangalore, Madras, Pune and Bombay. were inculcated in me during my associationProf. Deshpande’s dedication and professionalism with my beloved gurus, specially Prof. Patil andwas any way admirable but during this tour we Prof. Deshpande. I owe my professional successwere also exposed to his other qualities. His love to my Alma Mater, MyDLIS and my gurus.and care towards his students is something which I pray to almighty for the prosperity of this greatI do not think I am capable to express in words. institution. Long live MyDLIS!2
A Life Amidst BooksRamaswamy CDirector, Ravenshaw Knowledge Center Kanika Library, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, Odisha.([email protected])Pictures are windows to any lands, English newspapersBut a book is a door that ready stands and magazines likeTo him who will open and go outside Readers’ Digest, Bha-Where the rivers and plains are free and wide. van’s Journal etc.,Pictures are windows, through which we look, there. My associationBut the door of the world is just a book. with the reading room fuelled my appetite -Annette Wynne for learning and going through the editorialsThe Journey…. of Frank Moraes of In- dian Express, G K Reddy of Hindu, R K Karanjia’sI am one of those favoured few, whose profession blistering attacks in Blitz was an invigorating expe-is also their passion. I hail from Mysore and rience. Learning stimulates and gives nourishmentcompleted my school education from Nanjangud, to our hearts, minds, and souls. It keeps us fresha pilgrim town famous for its Shiva temple on the and Vigorous.banks of river Kapila. From the non-descript townof Nanjangud, located 22 Kms away from Mysore to In my small town Nanjangud, there were very fewCuttack, the Culture Capital of Odisha, it has been opportunities to learn more besides the schoolan inspiring journey, interspersed with innumerable curriculum. However, I was lucky to study Sankritlibraries and Knowledge Centers. at the Samskrita Patashala and also Hindi to an extent. The Samskrit Pathashala’s teachings from Never had I imagined that my spending long Kalidasa’s Raghuvamsha, Dandin’s Avanti Sundarihours in the only local Municipal Reading Room at Katha and Swapna Vasavadatta by Bhasa influencedNanjangud during my school days would eventually me to pursue Sanskrit studies as a second languagelead me to the library profession. Books always up to my degree level.The passion for readingfascinated me since my childhood and I could gained momentum with the vast collection ofdraw solace and strength through books and was books at my maternal uncle’s house in Bangaloreable to cope with the loss of my mother, at an whenever I visited them during summer holidays.early age. I had exhausted all the limited reading Works of Tolstoy, Chekov, Maxim Gorky (translationsavailable at home, viz Ramayana, Mahabharata, in Kannada) and of other authors kept me constantBhagavata in Kannada and was always yearning to company and remained a source of great more... Visits to the Libraries of USIS, British Council, the Institute of World Culture and Ramakrishna Mission The Reading room of the local library wasmy favourite retreat. I was introduced to a few 3
in Bangalore, made an indelible impression on me On Libraries and Knowledge Centersapart from enriching my knowledge. My first foray into the library profession began in Transition from Kannada medium at the 1969, as Librarian, Govt. College, Mangalore, thenSchool level to English medium in intermediate part of the University of Mysore, which is now a(PUC) proved a formidable task, but I sailed part of Mangalore University. The library had anthrough the difficulties fairly well, thanks to impressive collection of over 45000 books andthe habit of reading English dailies at the young catered to the requirement of a large number ofage and regular use of Oxford Dictionary. Living students. I received much encouragement fromin the small town, or lack of resources never the principal and staff and was able to encouragedeterred me and I was able to access good students to make good use of the library, by addingreading material through the courtesy of friends new books, re-organizing the collections andand well-wishers. organizing exhibitions on special occasions like Commuting daily by train from Gandhi Jayanti etc.Nanjangud to Mysore, I completed my Working from Project stage to the Plant stage was a greatgraduation in Science from Sharada learning experience. Interacting with senior management,Vilas College and post-graduate degree senior executives from Human Resources, R&D, and Worksin library Science from the University Departments taught me invaluable lessons in organizingof Mysore.While returning from the Libraries, Knowledge Centers and Documentation Centerscollege, there were many days I used at various locations like Training, Works, Hospital, and Townto miss the train to Nanjangud, and Divisions etc.spend time looking at the books onthe pavement bookshops or visiting the city Public Providentially, it has been my rare privilege to belibrary in Mysore. Visits to The famous Maharaja’s associated with setting up of Libraries and KnowledgeLibrary, Oriental Research Library, and the Centers in the green field as a turnkey project. TheMysore University Library instilled in me deeper task requires high degree of imagination, vision,appreciation for books. knowledge, skills, hard work, resource mobilization, I graduated from the 1968-69 batch from MyDLIS execution, adherence to systems and procedures,(Department of library Science of the University alignment to the organizational objectives,of Mysore). Our department had organized a study capability building and a sound teamwork.tour of reputed libraries in India which proved Working in the Technical Information Center,an eye opener and provided much insight into Bharat Electronics Ltd, in Bangalore from 1970 tothe functioning of libraries. We were exposed to 1977, provided me with the requisite experience,diverse libraries which infused in us the concepts for documentation work, customer service andof creativity and customer service which helped to explore avenues to enhance reading habitsamongst people of all age groups and coming from “The world of work changes quickly. The skillsall cross sections of the society. that make you successful today probably would not be the same forever. This means that whatever4
your specialty, it is at the risk of being outdated elevated to the position of Senior Divisionalsoon. You do not need a crystal ball to see what Manager and Head, Information Department.skills you will need in the future. Instead, actively My long association with the Steel Company forseek out opportunities that allow you to develop nearly two decades, witnessed an unprecedentednew skills, gain different experiences, and expand growth of libraries, Knowledge Centers acrossyour networks” the organization and its sister companies. “The soul of the library lies in its quality of service While working in Bharat Electronics Ltd, I studied and its responsiveness to its users.’German Language at the Max-Muellar Bhavan,Goethe institute, Bangalore and completed 4 year Today, you not only must read extensively in your ownDiploma in German, which played a pivotal role field to reach the top and to be successful, but alsoin my posting as German Translator and Officer- need to read extensively in other fields as well. Thein-Charge, Library in Bharat Heavy Electrical Ltd, modernization programmes, technology upgradation,Bangalore (BHEL) in 1978. I also completed a one- change management, knowledge managementyear Certificate course in French from Allianz de initiatives in Tata Steel spurred the need for knowledgeFrance, Bangalore. intensification and knowledge sharing amongst employees at all levels. Quality Circles, Customer My career path transported me from the comfort Satisfaction, Customer Delight, Knowledge Sharing,zone of Bangalore to the sultry Salem, to join Steel ASPIRE Campaigns and other Employee developmentAuthority of India, Salem Steel Project as a Library activities focused extensively on employee learning.Officer in 1978. Working from Project stage to The success of the Information Department owes itsthe Plant stage was a great learning experience. credit to the enlightened vision, commitment to theInteracting with senior management, senior philosophy of a learning organization and unstintedexecutives from Human Resources, R&D, and encouragement from the top management and aWorks Departments taught me invaluable lessons dedicated organizing Libraries, Knowledge Centers andDocumentation Centers at various locations like Setting up of Knowledge Centers/KiosksTraining, Works, Hospital, and Town Divisions etc. at the shop floor— a unique approach helped employees and workers access knowledge at Innovative Customer Service like Current Contents their work areas. Knowledge Centers at the Blastfrom latest issues of journals, important articles on Furnaces, Coke Ovens, Rolling Mills, Maintenancemanagement and technical subjects, updating of Department, Power Engineering, Tubes Division,Indian and Foreign Standards, Tender documents, etc. received enthusiastic response from theDetailed Project Reports, Foreign Tour Reports, workers and employees. This knowledge revolutionindexing of Collaboration Documents, Publications, was contagious and Knowledge Centers spreadKnowledge sharing activities won much acclaim across the organization and across different Tatafrom employees and senior management. companies and geographies.Let many libraries bloom! Community ServiceMy career path took a steady progression as I More than establishing Knowledge Centers, whatjoined Tata Steel in 1982 as Assistant Manager mattered at the core was the spirit of service andin its Information Department and eventually 5
awakening the passion of reading amongst the Mango, NML library, Jamshedpur. I was made theyoung. Knowledge Centers served as vibrant family Convener for the only Public Library in Jamshedpurcenters, instead of passive repositories of books. by the Deputy Commissioner, Jamshedpur and was Creativity was unleashed, as a new dimension to responsible for its modernisation and upgradationthe library activities was added, with the setting of its services.up of an Internet Hall, having many computers. The toughest setback I had to face was the untimelyIt opened doors to the young and elderly people, and sad demise of my wife in 1997. As a single parent,helped them access mails and alsoencouraged them to develop their Today, you not only must read extensively in your own fieldcomputer skills. The spirit of youth, to reach the top and to be successful, but you also need toenthusiasm, energy and love for read extensively in other fields as well.books took Information Departmentto astounding heights of popularity. It was a bringing up my two sons, who were very young, was asheer joy to see families visiting the library on challenging task. My children grew up spending mostSunday mornings prelude to their shopping plans. part of their free time in the library.A separate children section was a major center Attitude affects everything you do, bothof attraction to children and parents alike. High personally and professionally. There is nothingdegree of social commitment, rich patronage by anyone can do to prevent you from reaching yourtop management, steady growth of collections and potential; the challenge is for you to identify youruser-friendly services, customer-care helped SNTI dream, develop the skills to get there, and exhibitlibrary carve a niche and find its place as a brand in character and leadership.the minds and hearts of employees and the peopleof Jamshedpur. As the saying goes “Surround yourself with good people who balance out your weaknesses It was an incredible journey, patronized by top with their strengths.” I could surmount mymanagement of Tata Steel and ably supported by limitations and grow as a person, I am today,a self-motivated team. The principal architect for and the invaluable association with the seniorcreation of Knowledge Centers in Tata Steel was management, executives, intellectuals, andDr. J J Irani, the then Managing Director. It was technical professionals has largely influenced ina proud moment in the annals of Information shaping my personality. It was a joyous journeyDepartment, when Mr. Ratan Tata, Chairman of the filled with memorable experience enabling me toTata Group, inaugurated the Knowledge Center at grow professionally, personally and spiritually.Noamundi. An exhilarating association withRewards and Recognition AIADARecognition and honours followed as I embarked on My early separation with Tata Steel in 2002 put methe knowledge journey. Dr. J J Irani, MD, Tata Steel in a dilemma of leaving Jamshedpur but providencehad advised me to modernize XLRI library. I was came to my rescue with the offer from the Govt.associated with the revamping of the Jamshedpur of Jharkhand for setting up of a Knowledge CenterWomen’s College Library, Govt. College Library at6
in the Adityapur Industrial Area Development Dissemination of Information. As part of CorporateAuthority. (AIADA). From the Corporate world Social Responsibility, Knowledge Center has set upto the corridors of the Government, the journey a library facility at Gram Ramayan near Hissar.progressed as I joined as a consultant in AIADA,Ministry of Industries, Govt.of Jharkhand in June Rendevouz with Ravenshaw2002. The success of Knowledge Center in AIADA led Knowledge Center, Cuttackme to develop a well-equipped Knowledge Centerat Indo-Danish Tool Room under the Ministry of “To every man there comes… that special momentSmall-Scale Industries and present a project report when he will be figuratively tapped on the shoulderfor modernizing the Mahatma Gandhi Memorial and offered the chance to do a special thing uniqueMedical College under the Ministry of Health, Govt. to him… What a tragedy if that moment finds himof Jharkhand. unprepared or unqualified for that work which could have been his finest hour.” (Winston Churchill)Adieu, Jamshedpur and welcome JSL True to the above statement, when I was offeredStainless Ltd: the challenging task of modernizing legendary Kanika Library of Ravenshaw University, I couldn’tJamshedpur had been my home for nearly 23 years resist and accept the assignment of Director,and it was a painful parting, when Ihad to leave the Steel City in 2005, More than establishing knowledge centers, what matteredto accept an offer as a Consultant at the core is the spirit of service and awakening the passion(Knowledge Center) from JSL Stainless of reading amongst the young. Knowledge Centers served asLtd, Hissar. vibrant family centers, instead of passive repositories of books. The concept of reaching knowledge Ranvenshaw Knowledge Center with all the shop-floor through Knowledge Kiosks has To adapt itself to meet the changing technologicalgained momentum and knowledge resources are trends, and blending the past to meet the futurewidely shared by all units across the organization. needs, Ravenshaw Knowledge Center (RKC), hasKnowledge Center’s reach has been extended been set up as a nucleus of the Kanika meet the information needs of other unitslocated in Gurgaon, New Delhi, and Indonesia. Goals are tools for focusing your life, takingClose synergy has been developed with other responsibility and getting you to take action.Knowledge Centers in Jindal Organizations to Achieving goals is just part of what is reallyfacilitate better knowledge sharing. Innovative important --- the quality of life you experience, theservices include Thought for the Day, Current person you become, and the difference you makeAwareness Service, publications like Article Alert, in the lives of others as you pursue and achieveKnowledge Update, Book of the Week and Selective your goals. The journey continues… 7
Rambling ThoughtsKalyani K BDeputy Librarian, I.I.T. Bombay (Retired). ([email protected])The year was 1968-69. A newcomer to the interact with us. SoDepartment of Library Science, a whole set of much so that duringunknown faces, none from the previous college my lifetime, I wasor class (B.Sc.). Yes, I entered the Department able to connect andand made friends slowly with the twenty only meet some of them.classmates, eight boys and twelve girls. Somefreshers like me and some deputed from renowned Our classmates,institutions and, all in all a shy class. After all,what is Library Science? keeping stock of books, mostly shy in theissue them, take them back. Was that all?! beginning, began As the classes started and progressed alongwith the syllabus, I came to know that there opening up. Onewas something called Management, OrganizationBudgeting, Reference, Tools, Classification very mischievousand Cataloguing. I wondered, do we need allthese headings? Our teaching faculty, mainly Mr. N M Khan, the two bachhas, Sri. RaghavanProf. T V Subrahmanyam (Late) was instrumentalin making all these topics more meaningful. (Swamy as we called him) and Sri. Ramaswamy.Prof. P K Patil, with his sense of humour andProf. B N Nagappa added more meaning and Ms. M G Leela was always full of her hockeyunderstanding to the study material. experience, the philosophical Sri. Jaydevanna (Late) and Sri. Samba Murty. The very quiet ones, Ms.Shameem, Ms. Almas Banoo. I wonder what I was known as. I worked with Meera Alankar(late) in IISc later, joining Sri. Ratnakar, Sri. A G N Rao, and now all important Sri. N V Sathyanarayana. I always felt good that here was a bunch of alumni around me. In between, we would have guest lectures After graduation, the City Central Library,from other eminent Librarians and Teachers. Bangalore, was my first place of work. Six monthsForemost was Prof. Deshpande who had initiated later, I joined the elite academic Indian Institutethe Department, and went onto establishing the of Science, which made a great impact on me inBangalore University Library and Department. His realizing what I studied. CC was there in all itsrecounting of his experiences during luncheon glory and to classify the new books was a treat,discussions at the Bangalore University was most i.e., practicing what you learnt in the Department.interesting and inspiring. Faculty and students from A chance lecture in the State Central Library by theother universities would visit our department and father of Library Science, Dr. S R Ranganathan, was8
a dream come true. Watching him walk, with his librarians had to obey your boss, your staff,andhand on Dr. Gopinath’s shoulder – lo! There he was appease the users. But the one “Thanks” you getin flesh and blood and I was contendedthat I saw him in person. All this was no roller coaster ride, it had its moments, of stress, My practical experience from CC to strain, upheavals, as we librarians had always to obey yourDDC again at IISC was a mental exercise boss, your staff, appease the users. But the one “Thanks” youputting my theoretical knowledge to use. get from any fulfilled user would always lighten your mood. A thankless job is well known but you can always turn it to a Almost after ten years in IISc, I joined thank you job.another elite organization, the IITB.,Mumbai where I served till my superannuation. Forty from any fulfilled user would always lighten youryears of living in Libraries and Information Sciences mood. A thankless job is well known but you canhas been a great inspiration in understanding what always turn it to a thank you job.I learnt as a B.Lib.Sc student. God bless the Department and may our tribe All this was no roller coaster ride. It had its increase.moments of stress, strain, upheavals, as weThe library card is a passport to wonders and miracles, glimpses into other lives,religions, experiences, the hopes and dreams and strivings of ALL human beings, and itis this passport that opens our eyes and hearts to the world beyond our front doors, thatis one of our best hopes against tyranny, xenophobia, hopelessness, despair, anarchy,and ignorance. Libba BrayIn the nonstop tsunami of global information, librarians provide us with floaties andteach us to swim. Linton Weeks 9
Making of a Career in Library & InformationServices: Neither by ‘Chance nor Choice’ alonebut on a blend with ‘Challenge’Samba Murthy NLibrarian (Retired), Institute of Social and Economic Change Library, Bengaluru. ([email protected])The intimation card for interview for admission some were deputedto B.Lib.Sc. course from the Department of from their InstitutionsLibrary Science, Mysore University, reached me in & Govt. departments.mid-1968 at my Vellore address redirected from Some were seniorsMysore, as I was working there at CMC Hospital, with some workVRA Project as Statistician cum Medical Records experiences like me.Officer. Most of others were students and freshers I hardly had any time to present myself for from their Degree orthe interview, being scheduled for the same PG courses. During theday afternoon at the Mysore University library. introductory session with all the teachers and libraryImmediately after getting the intimation, I staff, each one of us got the feel that Library science &informed over trunk call to my parents to request Library profession are emerging as Mother Science ofSri Suresh Chandramy, a friend and former colleague other Sciences & Mother Profession of other Mysore Medical College to immediately go Outcome of this introduction left an indelibleover to the venue and explain the situation and impression in the minds of all of us that it is thisto know whether I stand a chance to attend the challenge that has brought us to this Pedagogy of theinterview at a later date. He obliged and went scholastic learners and privileged teaching the Library, met the VC and Chairman of theSelection Committee, Professor D Javare Gowda. During the course of our training programmes, allHe assured him that I would get the first chance of us did discover that the Library Science coursein the waiting list from among the dropouts who is not like any other academic course but based onnormally opt out to join other PG courses. He also a conglomeration of subjects based on ontological,advised that I should meet the Professor & HOD for logical and eclectic principles & cannons besidesadmission formalities. its subject analytics, knowledge mapping and data documenting facets- - all embedding in gurukula Next week, I came from Vellore, met Professor tutorial system, ultimate being mastering the artP K Patil who welcomed and asked me immediately & science of searching for books and informationto complete the admission formalities at the Gangotri stacked in the huge repository of systematicallyAdministrative office, which I promptly did. Among our stored and arranged contents of textual wisdom1968-69 B.Lib.Sc. batch of around twenty students,10
contained in book formats; wrapped in sections of the mercies of ‘chance & choice’ alone but meetingprinted pages firmly stitched hard & soft along with ‘challenges’ too with a judicious blend of all theseallied & kindled reading materials; searching tools three ingredients.& browsing devices to reach out to readers on their Needless to narrate again and again how happyknown or unknown query, deploying the analytical each of us are, who had fanned out to our differenttechniques and technological skills;stuck in self-imposed time limit to We could comprehend opportunities ahead as librariansfetch them sourcing amidst the big & and information service providers, information marketingever growing intellectual resource; professionals, and library professional trainers too; notfinally culminating in the altar of the by subjecting ourselves either to the mercies of ‘chance &incoming cruel & boundless competitive choice’ alone but meeting ‘challenges’ too with a judiciousknowledge economy. blend of all these three ingredients. Added to our traditional class room career destinations, some at local, some others atlearning was an imperative tandem system too state and national, some even more challengingsuper imposed with field visits to a wide variety of ones serving in international organisations, all theselibraries at local, regional & national levels. This fifty years of our “golden period” to congregate atgave us deep insight to explore all types of library our Alma Mater refreshingly to” Meet and Greet”systems pertaining to public, academic, specialised each other.and contact library systems which imbibed in eachof us the techniques of acquisition, processing, Looking back at our ‘more travelled logicalcirculation, maintenance and curative functions library routes’ of our yester-years, we are awestruckbased on different contexts for varied target gazing at ‘widely traversed logistical paths atgroups and captive audiences. technological parks’ of our young information scientists. We all wish them all the best in their At the end of our training, after the exams were pursuit of instant information services to GeNextover and on the announcement of the results in 1969, information seekers and library users. True to ourwe all gathered again in the classroom and practical Indian tradition and culture, may we, the studentshall at our Library, brooding over the outgoing year of BLib’68 batch remember, revere and offer ourand dreaming on the incomings. Ruminating over the humble”pranaams” to the three of the many nobletraining and the enlightenment bestowed on us by our souls of our Motherland?teachers and other sister disciplines at Gangotri andour library community, we apprehended challenges 1. Professor S R Ranganathan: Who sharpened theahead amidst abundant opportunities both for our scientific techniques & management tool for libraryhigher professional education and for advancement system for Librarians & Information Scientists withof career prospects with bright perspectives. We a deep modular pile of foundation for Informatics,could comprehend opportunities ahead as librarians IT and ITE S structures for programming informationand information service providers, information storage, dissemination and retrieval for popularmarketing professionals, and library professional and professional consumption, with no bounds attrainers too; not by subjecting ourselves either to local,national and global arena. 11
2. Professor B S Kesavan: Who built up our 3. Professor K S Deshpande: Whose imprint is etchednational library system from ground zero at at all the university libraries of Karnataka with aCalcutta ( Kolkata) reaching out to literary unique distinction of restructuring & rejuvenatingtreasures of all of our linguistic repository, library administration and founding of Libraryindexing them in our national bibliography Science Departments for training of Librarians at thevolumes and depositing them in their respective University Libraries of Karnataka in the less ploughedState Central Libraries across our nation from fields of our higher education campuses.Rameswaram to Himalayas.With a library you are free, not confined by temporary political climates. It is the mostdemocratic of institutions because no one – but no one at all – can tell you what to readand when and how. Doris LessingA good library will never be too neat, or too dusty, because somebody will always be init, taking books off the shelves and staying up late reading them. Lemony Snicket Libraries allow children to ask questions about the world and find the answers. And the wonderful thing is that once a child learns to use a library, the doors to learning are always open. Laura Bush12
Memorable, Educative and HappyDays they WerePatwardhan D VSr. Librarian, Global Academy of Technology, Bangalore. ([email protected])If anyone asks me “which period of your educational We had an all Indialife was very happy and pleasant, my obvious educational tour duringanswer is my stay at Gangotri during the course of November, 1971. ProfessorB.Lib.Sc. (1971-72). Late Prof. P K Patil was then K S Raghavan was ourthe University Librarian and Head of the Dept. of faculty guide and SriLibrary Science and was a fatherly figure by age, T N Prakash was thematurity, and possession of domain knowledge. student leader. First,He has shown affection on all of us. Prof. Khan, we travelled to Madras.Prof. N B Pangannayya and Prof. K S Raghavan were We visited Libraries ofour great gurus to whom we are grateful for ever. British Council and U.S.I.S. and also ConnemaraOurs was a batch of 27 students consisting of twelve Public Library. Prof. Raghavan was as young asboys and seventeen girls. We spent our student 25 years then and some of the students like Srilife like members of one family. I was staying in Gopalaswamy and Sri Eraiah were much olderStudents Village Hostel with my classmates -- than him. Hence, during our visits to LibrariesSri P Y Rajendra Kumar, Sri T N Prakash and Sri some Librarians even mistook senior studentsChikkaveerappa and had an opportunity to use as faculty guide instead of Prof. Raghavan. Weuniversity library from morning 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. travelled from Madras to New Delhi by Deccan Queen Express and spent our two days in the We had a nice local sight-seeing and temple train by singing and chatting. We visited Librariestour to Nanjangud, Paper Mill, Talakadu and in New Delhi, Chandigarh, Mumbai, Pune andSomanathpura. Prof. Raghavan hosted lunch Dharwad. Prof. Khan was alumnus of Bombayat his ancestral house near Talakadu to all University and had all the appreciation and highthe students and our teachers, Prof. Khan and regards for his University. We were surprised toProf. Pangannayya,who accompanied us. In see many soldiers at Chandigarh railways stationthe evenings there were running competitions who were travelling to Punjab border. Later, weon the banks of river Kavery for men and came to know that Indo-Pak war took place duringwomen, Even Mrs. Khan and Mrs. Pangannayya December, 1971, and hence the troop movementparticipated in running race on a sandy shore. took place during November, 1971. One may notAll were young in those days and everyone believe that the cost of the tour was Rs.260/-enjoyed the events. only per person. 13
I wish to recall two incidents which took place coming from opposite direction, reach King’s circleduring our tour. While touring in Bombay, we visited station and walk to Karnataka Bhavan by 9 p.m. WeElephanta caves located in an island of Arabian had a sigh of relief after seeing him.Sea. We gathered at “Gateway of India” and took a The second funny incident took place when wemechanized boat to Elephanta caves island which reached Pune station. All of us got down from theis ten km from Mumbai harbor. The visit was over train along with luggage in the morning and eagerat 4 p.m. and we were given the choice by the to visit Jayakar Granthalay of Pune University. But,student leader either go directly to our rooms at our good friend Sri N V Sathyanaranaya was stillKarnataka Bhavan (near King’s Circle) or go forshopping and return to Karnataka But, our good friend Sri N V Satyanaranaya was still inBhavan before 9 p.m. My classmate train searching something. Sri Prakash was worried as trainSri Eraiah and I opted to return to may start moving before Sathya gets down. Therefore, heKarnataka Bhavan immediately. again went into the bogie to ask Sathya why he is unwilling toWe moved to V T station, bought get down. Later, Prakash came to know that when Sathya wastrain tickets and boarded the getting down from top berth his 25 Paise coin fell down andlocal train. But, when I got down he could not locate King’s circle station I could notfind Mr Eraiah. I thought that he in the train searching something. Sri Prakash wascan manage at his own and return to Karnataka worried as train may start moving before SathyaBhavan at 6 p.m. Mr.Eraiah returned at got down. Therefore, he again went into the bogie9 p.m. and explained his story. Being ten years to ask Sathya why he was unwilling to get down.elder to me and bit slow, he tried to get down from Later, Prakash came to know that when Sathyalocal train in city bus style. But, local trains wait was getting down from top berth his 25 paise coinin each station for just 10 seconds and he could fell down and he could not locate it. Mr.Prakashnot manage himself in Bombay crowd. Hence, he offered to give him a 25 Paise coin from his pocketunknowingly travelled three more stations when he and virtually pulled Sathya out of the train down from the train. The people around him With his high regard and meticulous concern forin the station knew neither Kannada nor English money, no one at that time imagined that he wouldand hence he could not communicate to them his grow into an Entrepreneur of repute.problem. Somehow he managed to catch a train A great library is one nobody notices because it is always there, and always has what people need. Vicki Myron14
Courage and Confidence–Gifts from MyDLISSathyanarayana N VChairman & Managing Director, Informatics India Ltd., Bangalore([email protected])In April 1986, India Today published a half page experienced beforestory titled — Information Shops Keying Up, joining MyDLIS. Itprofiling our Company and me. It was a story was the least invitingin the context of emerging digital information place in our collegerevolution driven by pre-Internet online. When campus then. Whilethe reporter who interviewed me asked about my entering MyDLIS, Ieducational background, I told him that I am a was haunted by theLibrarian by profession. He said (incredulously) kind of jobs I might—”How did you come to be in this business!” I get as a librariansaid -- this is the kind of stuff I was trained to do which I thought mayin our library school. Even today I consider that not come anywhere near my father’s dream ofmoment as a certificate of pride, I received from his son becoming a Gazetted officer! I had joinedMyDLIS. This pride and the confidence I gained MyDLIS as the only option left to pursue higherhave been the driving factors of my professional education then. I could not afford to miss it as I hadand business life. secured the seat in the third-list despite securing distinction in B.Sc.An Inspiring Beginning : My First Job I was really attracted to the library buildingI guess it all started with my first job at Poornaprajna at Poornaprajna and began daydreaming, as IfCollege in Udupi immediately after passing out of I had already got the job – how nice it would beMyDLIS in 1972. Every bit of my experience here to start my career as a Librarian here! It wasrelates to my learning at MyDLIS. Let me narrate a new library building in a large college campustwo instances: 1. how I managed to get my first designed by Prof. Pangannayya—my teacher injob, which I consider my best even today out of my MyDLIS and my predecessor at Poornaprajna.four jobs before I started Informatics; 2. a program It was Prof. Pangannayya who had encouragedthat I came up with to catch the public attention me to go to Poornaprajna with some good tipsto the library in the campus. for negotiating in the interview in terms of professional grade salaries offered in those daysThe Interview and After for the college librarians. Next day, when I walked into the place of interview and looked at half-a-The day before I had my interview in Poornaprajna, dozen senior candidates in the lounge, I was notI was curious to see the library to get an idea of so sure of occupying the new library building as itswhat kind of a library it was. My college libraryin Tumkur was the only library-like place I had 15
first librarian! However, the interview was exciting I would get what I was demanding. Next day whenand I remember even to this day the confidence I I got the order with the salary scale revised, mydisplayed. At the end, I brought up the question excitement knew no bounds. Perseverance pays, ifabout salary grade. Ananda Rao—a fondly revered one is willing to take the risk.Librarian in the region, in the interview panel was Reference Service as a Gamesurprised and said I would get whatever scale asper the rule. I told the Principal that there were Preparations for the annual day celebration of thetwo scales —175-450 and 250-500, and I would like college were on. Several programs were beingto get the latter. Principal, a bit puzzled, asked organized in sports, music etc., with prizes forme to justify. My answer was – I havea professional qualification, hence I My boss, Prof. B S Ramakrishna told me on the very firstshould be given this scale. I further day “We have nothing like a big library here. Do not getargued that since a demonstrator in disheartened. Go to all the faculty, pick up the books theythe science lab with just a B.Sc. was have, catalogue them and leave them back with them. Meetgiven 200-450 scale, I cannot accept them regularly, ask them what information they want andthe scale of 175-450. Principal smiled help them to get. Perhaps Ramakrishna knew that a goodand said, we will consider. catalogue makes a good library, does not matter where the I was happy but wanted to be sure books are. This understanding is so true for a Digital Librarythat I was going to get the job. Before eco system.leaving for my village I knocked at the students . My friend from the Physical Educationdoor of the Principal’s house. He was surprised was the most visible man in the campus as mostto see me. Pleading pardon for showing up at his of these activities were planned by him. I startedresidence without prior permission, I told him wondering why there was no program involvingthat I wanted to know whether I was selected. I the library. I asked the Principal for a slot foreven told him that I was keen to join his library the library in annual day competition I liked the building designed by my teacher, His suggestion was to give prizes to those whoalthough I had already got a job offer in Tumkur have borrowed highest number of books. It wascloser to my home. Principal said that my name difficult as the two card circulation system in thewas first in the panel of shortlisted three names, library did not maintain that data. I was given theand I would get the orders in two weeks if the freedom to figure out what I can do. In MyDLISChairman of the Trust selects my name. I left we were always taught that a librarian’s job ishappy that I was first in the list. When I got the to provide information or help users to find theorders almost six weeks later, I was shocked that right information. Reference Service was one areaI was given the lower scale. Pangannayya advised that had caught my imagination while studying atme to meet the Principal again and insist on the MyDLIS. The information service centric approachhigher scale as promised. I met the Principal and of the library that we were drilled about as studentsexpressed my displeasure and intent to join only if was exciting and yet intriguing as people came toI am offered higher scale. After some polite but library mostly to borrow books and ask for a bookfirm assertions and pursations, I was assured that that they could not find in the shelf. I thought of16
a game for students – select and display all major matter where the books are. This understanding isreference sources in the library; prepare a list of so true for a Digital Library eco system. Here I wasquestions that could be answered through these literally a pure information service provider wellreference books; ask participating students to find on the lines of what MyDLIS wanted its studentsthe source and the page having the answer for a to specialize in. CIP was a defence project onquestion. I called this “Where to Find the Answer?” acoustics and digital signal processing. InteractingI was so happy when the prizes were announced and with the scientists here was an interesting discoverydistributed at the annual day celebration calling for me that information of all kinds is measurable“Where to Find Information” as a program of the once converted into electrical signals. Here beginsLibrary. M V Kamath, the then illustrious editor of the story of information theory (expounded byIllustrated Weekly was the chief guestof the function. In his speech he singled I was so happy when the prizes were announced andout the Library’s program and called it distributed at the annual day celebration calling “Where toinnovative. I was elated. Find Information” as a program of the Library. M V Kamath, Fifteen months of my first job at the then illustrious editor of Illustrated Weekly was the chiefPoornaprjana and Dr. Narayana Rao, guest of the function. In his speech he singled out the Library’sthe Prinicpal of the college who was program and called it innovative. I was first boss are deeply etched in my Shanon) which is connected with the LIS world toomemory. He was a towering personality in the but less explored by the LIS world.region and an Oxford scholar. The confidence Igained at Poornaprajna, thanks to MyDLIS learning, Later in my next Job at the Smith Kline &set the foundation for my later adventures. French (now Glaxo SmithKline) I did very muchL-World to I-Universe the same except that it was a more organized effort directed more by institutional interestI was lucky with my later jobs too. The next job of the company than the typical individualat the Centre for Information Processing (CIP), interests of scientists in IISc. Research in pharmain the Department of Electrical Communication industry is information intensive. Smith KlineEngineering (ECE), Indian Institute of Science gave me an insight into the commercializationhelped me in transiting to a different domain of possibilities of information as a commodity orthe library world. There was hardly any library at service. I recollect an interaction with the VP ofCIP-ECE as any kind of challenge to manage. My Marketing, in the initial days to understand whatboss, Prof. B S Ramakrishna told me on the very I could do as his Librarian. I was trying to explainfirst day “We have nothing like a big library here. to him an SDI kind of an alert service, which IDo not get disheartened. Go to all the faculty, could develop on products that are his marketingpick up the books they have, catalogue them and focus. Nayak, his Market Research Managerleave them back with them. Meet them regularly, sitting with him responded -- Sathyanarayana, toask them what information they want and help provide him the kind of service you are talkingthem to get”. Perhaps Ramakrishna knew that about you will have to sit in the seat of Mr.a good catalogue makes a good library, does not Ferris for two years! I felt let down, but realised 17
how important the domain knowledge is to win Mysore. Thanks to Prof. Patil who gave a patientthe confidence to offer the kind of information hearing to my need and gave me a chance to workservice we had learnt at MyDLIS. Information in the library. Sixty Rupees that I could earn everyneeds are intrinsic to users’ work and hence to month was a great support that I ever remember.their domain. My work at HMT later was nothing This helped me gain work experience in all areas ofmuch to write about due to my short stint there. the library from accessioning to reference service.But I had lots of professional colleagues at I remember with pride that Mysore UniversityHMT including Keshav, my classmate at MyDLIS. Library had an independent Department forB S Ramanand, my boss at HMT, was a very Reference & Documentation with a Senior Librariancaring and kind hearted LIS professional. He was (Mr. Lakshminarayana) heading that, somethingapprehensive about my plans to quit my job to that is sadly missing now. Second, MyDLIS physicallystart on my own. But he encouraged me a lot located in the Library building helped me spendsaying – Do not quit until you find your ground more time in the library and explore.firmly in whatever you want to do. All thesethree jobs groomed me for the last job of re- One year moved very fast in MyDLIS. It was a verypositioning myself from the “L” world to the friendly place as the young teachers – Raghavan“I” Universe. I could take courage to start an and Pangannayya, made us feel as if they are ourinformation company in the late 70s with two friends. Educational tour was a great experience.friends as an enterprise which is now a public It was both a vacation and vocational experiencelimited company called Informatics India Ltd. of knowing how major libraries in the country worked. I must remember two of my friends whoLife and Times at MyDLIS are no more (Keshav and Gopalaswami) who were a big support for me all through. I was the youngestOur time in MyDLIS can be described as the world in the group of twenty four students dominated byof Library Science with a slant to Information. It girls. Three of us – Kalyani, Jayashri and I passedwas still the Department of Library Science. We in distinction. The classmates that we are stillwere in the main-frame age of computers then. in touch are – Rajendra Kumar, Nissar Ahamad,But, we were given enough confidence to project Patwardhan, T N Prakash, and Manjunath.and present ourselves as Information Scientists.I particularly enjoyed the social perspective I entered MyDLIS unsure about my future careerstrongly etched by Prof. Khan through his Library and with a thought that I may have to do somethingand Society course. MyDLIS is the place where my else after working for two or three years. Whenextra-curricular learning also started. Two things I left, I was sure that this was my professionhelped me here. First, I got an opportunity to work whichever way I position. Thank you MyDLIS forin the library while studying. It was something I carving my career path in a profession that I havebadly needed to support myself and my studies in come to love to be in.18
Gurus and Wayward WardsGeetha VenkatramanFormerly Librarian Tata Consultancy Services, Bangalore. ([email protected])MILANers Meet in the backdrop of Golden Jubilee his class. GenerallySummit is a golden opportunity for us, the old the girls were verystudents, to reconnect and reminisce. noisy and bold, and often took his class I was a student of 1972-73 batch. It is very a bit casually whichnostalgic visiting MyDLIS and interacting with the the boys did notteachers. It brings back fond memories of my good appreciate.old college days. Fun apart, we I had finished my graduation and had a PG seat were pretty good inin Biochemistry but for personal reasons, I could internal assessmentnot join. Despite very little clue about the course, and regular in studies. One year was too short toI decided to take up Library Science course. Like learn new subjects and we had to make the best usemost of us, I joined the course not out of choice. of the available resources. I fondly remember theIt was not a very sought after PG course then. I “Friday talks” where we opted for the last bench in aremember vividly Prof. Patil telling us in lighter class with three rows of seats! The most memorablevein that not many girls were willing to marry him! part of the curriculum was the educational tour. Visiting good libraries was a great learning and a Our class was a mix of freshers and deputed good exposure for us, the budding librarians.students. The deputed students were more seriousthan us (girls). We were a group (or should I say gang?) Well, the tour was more fun and pranks, whichof five with three ‘Geethas’ and two non-Geethas. we of course looked forward to. Visiting library-As we had no great knowledge about the course, we after-library was getting a bit overbearing. In Delhiwere a bit anxious. While we eagerly waited to meet a bunch of our classmates took some time off tothe teachers on the first day, entered an immaculately go around and have an exotic dinner. We lost ourdressed, Prof. Patil (Late) and wished us with a wink! way back. Delhi was too unsafe for youngstersWe later realized it was one of his mannerisms. For even in those days. After about three hours, aa head of the department he was pretty cool. Prof. good Samaritan helped us find our way back byNagappa, a very active Dr. Raghavan, a sober Prof. 11.30 in the night. Mr. Pangannayya, unaware ofSubramaniam, all wonderful and dedicated great our whereabouts, was fuming (otherwise a veryteachers, made us feel at ease. Prof. Khan was a cool person) and refused to let us in. We pleadedvery serious and a no nonsense teacher. So, we and gave a written apology with a promise that ourwere at our best of our behavior in his class. Prof. parents meet him, which of course never happened. Pangannayya, (Late) an easy-going teacher, was We did the vanishing act in Chennai too by hiding inmore of a friend and we took complete liberty in the huge pipes on the road! 19
Mr. Pangannayya, a great window shopper, It is a pride to be a student of one of the earlybought a tie in a roadside shop in Delhi, a bright library science schools. I take this opportunity tored tie! We were drenched in the rain and our thank all my teachers who were more of a guideteacher’s tie too got wet. Next day the size of the than a teacher. “Guru is very representative oftie was reduced to half its length as it had shrunk. Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. He teaches and spreadsI still remember his pathetic expression! knowledge and destroys the weeds of ignorance. I salute all my teachers - who were truly The Gurus.Libraries are reservoirs of strength, grace and wit, reminders of order, calm andcontinuity, lakes of mental energy, neither warm nor cold, light or dark…. In anylibrary in the world, I am at home, unselfconscious, still and absorbed. Germaine GreerIf we can put a man on the moon and sequence the human genome, we should be ableto devise something close to a universal digital public library. Peter Singer Libraries allow children to ask questions about the world and find the answers. And the wonderful thing is that once a child learns to use a library, the doors to learning are always open. Laura Bush20
Connecting the dots of my career: FromClassification to Cognitive Sciences toCorporate ManagementShalini R UrsExecutive Director, International School of Information Management, Mysore. ([email protected])My entry into the LIS profession (as is the case with and not intellectuallymost of us) was NOT by design. The only thing that challenging. Almostperhaps connected me to the world of libraries was everyday I would gomy love for books—and in a way got me into and back home, moanout of a tricky situation during my interview for and tell my motheradmission to the B.Lib.Sc Course. that I am quitting. And my dear and I still remember that day of my interview for clever mother wouldadmission in July 1973 when I was facing the plead—just one morepanel chaired by Professor P K Patil, Head of the day, give it a try andDepartment and University Librarian. He asked me you might find it“Why do you want to do the Library Science course? interesting. Finally it was our educational tour that“ I responded, “Because I love books.” He retorted changed me. After visiting some good libraries andgood-humouredly —“then you would not be a good making some very good friends (special mentionlibrarian, as you would not like to lend books!” He goes to Uma and Vijaya), I stopped whining!asked me to name the last book that I had readand went on to grill me about the instances in the Ranganathan’s books (I read all of them—Fivesame book. I learnt the art of interviewing that Laws of Library Science and Prolegomena to Libraryday—as an interviewee, be able to defend every Classification were my favourites though) finallyanswer you offer and as an interviewer, how to do got me hooked to LIS. My favourite subject wasa great interview without much preparation! And “classification” as I found it to be intellectuallythat has helped me a lot, as I need to interview intriguing and thus began enjoying my LIS journey.a lot these days—recruiting students/staff for the Classification taught me significant facets oftwo educational institutions that I currently head. information science and management—logic, principles, and philosophy. From a young age, my The initial weeks of my LIS student days were mother had intoned the importance of logic (she is aquite traumatic because of the loss of a very BA in Logic). Studying Classification in LIS reinforceddear friend (especially since we both had joined the importance of Logic and helped my transitionB.Lib.Sc with the idea of being together) and also to programming and information management.because I found the LIS subjects to be simplistic 21
I had lots of fun learning classification from My career began in January 1976, when I joinedProf. Pangannayya From the futility of Procrustean the MyDLIS as a temporary lecturer and thusApproach to Facet Analysis to Ontology, I owe it all heralding my entry into the beautiful world ofto Classification. academia. When I look back, two things stand out — Students of that vintage cannot forget the despite my young age and inexperience, I was never“when I was in Chicago” refrain of Professor treated as a novice in MyDLIS; on the other handPatil. In the bargain we learnt the two different charged with many tasks and responsibilities—frompronunciations of Chicago! We not only He (Prof.Patil) asked me “Why do you want to do the Librarylearnt physical planning (how important Science course? “ I responded, “Because I love books.” Hea janitor’s closet is and how in India we retorted good-humouredly —“then you would not be a gooddo not pay attention to the same) but librarian, as you would not like to lend books!”also English Literature from ProfessorSubramanyam— who introduced us to developing the new curriculum for the semesterMilton and his famous quote “A good book is the program that was launched in 1976 to organisingprecious life-blood of a master spirit, embalmed big academic events such as the Conference ofand treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life.” Commonwealth University Librarians (South PacificAnother important lesson that I learnt in life is region), Mysore, 17-20 March 1980 and ILA Goldenfrom Professor Nagappa who embodied “humility is Jubilee Conference in 1983. These opportunitiesNOT a weakness but a strength.” helped me discover and build my organising abilities. Winning the first rank and Gold Medal sealed Professor Patil made me (then a young-28-year-old-my fate and future with LIS. So from a reluctant lecturer) the Rapporteur General of the ILA Nationalstudent, I turned into an avid professional studying Conference much to the chagrin of many senior ILAalmost all the rules of AACR 1967 during my M.Lib. office bearers! Though my association with ProfessorSc. My master’s thesis on “Corporate Authorship” Patil started off stormily when I joined MyDLIS inhelped me discover the “academic” in me. 1976, it grew into a cordial relationship of mutualProfessor Raghavan, my guide for the master’s admiration and respect within a year. I doff my hatthesis after reviewing my final chapterof the thesis gave back the draft with When I look back, two things stand out —despite my younghardly any correction and suggestions. age and inexperience, I was never treated as a novice inAnd when I nervously asked, he said it MyDLIS; on the other hand charged with many tasks andis perfect and needs no improvement— responsibilities—from developing the new curriculum for thetransforming me from a timid academic semester program that was launched in 1976 to organising bigapprentice to a budding researcher. It academic events such as the Conference of Commonwealthwas my master’s thesis that laid the University Librarians (South Pacific region), Mysore …foundation for my academic journey. to Professor Patil for his magnanimity in settingThe endorsement of my work on corporate aside old prejudices and biases.authorship was when ISBD requested for a copy andI thank Sunder Singh (student of my first batch) who My PhD research into “Relevance and Informationhelped key in the entire thesis to be sent to ISBD. Communication” was a period of intense scholarship22
and helped me bring to bear everything that I had My specialisation in computer applicationslearnt from Physics to Philosophy into discovering through my stint as a “On-The-Job-Trainee” inthe paradigms in information science to develop Israel’s Office of Scientific Information in 1979,my thesis on the notion of information and study IGSS in the College of Librarianship, Wales inhow cognitive styles affect relevance decision 1981, and the Post Graduate Diploma in Computermaking. Exploring the phenomenon of “cognitive Applications in 1987, led me to the then emergingstyles” took me to the wonderful field of cognitive domain of digital libraries in the early 1990s. Thesciences and expanded my horizon of information sponsored research projects, international linkagessciences to help develop an unbounded By giving me a free hand in establishing the MyDLIS Computerperspective of information—beyond Lab, Professor Khan practiced what is taught in managementthe container centric view. schools today—Google’s famous 80-20 policy spurring innovation and entrepreneurship incubation I am grateful to my PhD guide,Professor Khan, for giving me thefreedom to explore the different directions established during my Fulbright days as a visitingof research following my very unconventional professor at the Department of Computer Scienceand unstructured approach to study the at Virginia Tech in 2000-2001, and my review articlephenomenon of “relevance”; especially given his with Ed Fox on “Digital Libraries” in the Annualdiagrammatically apposite systematic style. I was Review of Information Science and Technologyfortunate to have in Professor Khan, a research (2003) catapulted me to the international arena.supervisor who had complete confidence in my Though I never worked in a library, the Vidyanidhicompetency and gave me the freedom to pursue Digital Library Project at MyDLIS honed my skillsmy line of research. This unbounded and unbridled as a project manager and develop managementacademic freedom sparked and sustained my practices. Vidyanidhi expanded my repertoire ofexploratory approach to study everything in life. knowledge and skill sets and gave me the platformI am indebted to him for helping me discover and to launch myself as an educational entrepreneur.establish my scholarship. It was once again Professor Khan, as the chairman The tipping point of my career was organisingof the Department who gave me complete freedom ICADL 2001 under the aegis of MyDLIS, testing myto establish the MyDLIS Computer Laboratory (a leadership skills and organisational abilities in theluxury those days!), way back in 1987 through a aftermath of 9/11 and set me on a parallel careeruniversity grant of 1.5 lakhs for the removal of path of becoming an edupreneur leading to theobsolescence in scientific equipment. By giving me establishment of ISiM (the International School ofa free hand in establishing the MyDLIS Computer Information Management) as the first I-School inLab, Professor Khan practiced what is taught in India in 2005 and later MYRA School of Business inmanagement schools today—Google’s famous 80- 2012.20 policy spurring innovation and entrepreneurship My Alma Mater MyDLIS—you seeded my academicincubation. career and more. I salute you—MA THUJE SALAAM. 23
An Enjoyable Learning TimesAdilakshmi RAssistant Librarian (Retired) Bangalore University. ([email protected])I studied B.Lib.Sc., during 1975-76 and the entry subject well and hadwas by chance. My interest was to go for M.Ed great concern forcourse after IT studied B.Ed. I missed the seat by students. Prof. Shalinione mark for M.Ed Course. During that time, the Urs is rememberedcandidates were intimated about getting the seat very frequently,by post with a week’s time to join the course. because she used to tell us not to call We always remember the teachers who taught her as Teacher/ which include : Prof. P K Patil, Prof. H A Khan, She had just enteredProf. Nagappa, Prof. T V Subramanyam, Prof. Raghavan, as teacher for theProf. N B Pangannayya, Prof. Shalini Urs. Out of these second semester course immediately after herseven professors, it is very sad that we are missing Master’s degree. She used to feel shy, if we calledthree of them as the will of nature desired. her teacher. She used to be with us after the class hours, discuss and chat during leisure hour. The intake for this course was thirty studentsand we were twenty eight students, most of During our course, we were supposed to go tothem were Master degree holders from different other libraries once in a week for work experience.branches. Out of twentyeight students, nine were For this, five or six students were grouped together.girls, namely Rajalakshmi, Janaki, Ushadevi, Each group used to go to the allotted library andGangamma, Sandhya, Aruna, Savithri, Chudamani work there. The libraries that were allotted wereand myself. CFTRI, CIL, Regional College, University Library etc. We had good exposure for having worked in The one year B.Lib.Sc. course was a semester different libraries.scheme i.e. two semesters. I got the highest marksin Cataloguing Practicals. During my stay in the Apart from work experience, we used to havedepartment, the girls used to be together always weekly lectures from eminent personalities.and did combined study, made notes by referring Some lectures used to be very beneficial andbooks that were available in the library, ate knowledgeable. We benefited a lot from worktogether and went to canteen together. The treat experience and weekly lectures. Educational/used to be from the person who had more money in Study tour was part of B.Lib.Sc. course.her pocket that day. We all thoroughly enjoyed ourstay in the department. We had the opportunity of visiting some of the reputed libraries along with our teacher All the teachers were very friendly, taught the Prof. Pangannayya. To mention a few -- Bhaba24
Atomic Research Centre (BARC); Tata Institute of two years and then joined S.L.N. College of ArtsFundamental Research (TIFR); Mumbai; Bombay and Commerce, Fort, Bangalore. While working forUniversity Library; International Crop Research S.L.N. College, I got a few offers for higher postsInstitute for Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT); Osmania outside Bangalore, but I could not go as there was aUniversity Library, Hyderabad; British Council commitment to stay at Bangalore. After serving forLibrary, Connemara Library, Madras University 4.5 years at SLN, I got a job in Bangalore UniversityLibrary, Indian Institute of Science I am always of the opinion that the importance of libraryLibrary, INSDOC, NAL, ISRO, Bangalore. professionals has to be made known to the all the communitiesWe would not have got the opportunity of people in the society through effective and efficientto visit some libraries individually, services.except for BARC and TIFR. Educational Library in 1982 and served there for 30 years. I didtour helped us to know, study and have practical M.L.I.Sc course in 1986-87 on deputation. Now, Iknowledge of different kinds of libraries that am retired from the services.were existing. Further, study tour helped us inour professional career, personality development, I am always of the opinion that the importanceexchange of ideas and co-operative living. of library professionals has to be made known to all the communities of people in the society through Soon after B.Lib.Sc, I got my first job at Sarvodaya effective and efficient services.College of Education, Virajpet. I worked there forLibraries are reservoirs of strength, grace and wit, reminders of order, calm andcontinuity, lakes of mental energy, neither warm nor cold, light or dark…. In anylibrary in the world, I am at home, unselfconscious, still and absorbed. Germaine Greer 25
MyDLIS, my Career and my Life: Thoughts andTheoriesMohamed TaherInformation Coordinator, Ontario Multifaith Council, Toronto, Canada. ([email protected])MyDLIS facilitated my personal, academic and communities ofprofessional development. I believe that it is goodto follow the community of knowledge building practice, where youteachers. Admittedly, teacher is a master; andstudents do not outgrow. Here are impressions are paid for what youand lessons as anecdotes (some comic, tragic,sentimental and some melodramatic) that are know and how to do.a reflection of school experiences, career,celebration and memorabilia. Success in career isSchool Experience & Career: a reasonable metricJoined the MyDLIS to just get a degree and a job; of output, expertshowever unexpectedly the ROI was very high. Thanksfor the opportunities. The impetus came from opine. I could not havethe physical presence, intellectual surroundings,practice, along with student’s commitment received this trainingand circumstances. Later this led to work with elsewhere. I got education and training during 1976-78 from a Faculty who were a good sample of leading lights of Indian LIS Education: Prof. P K Patil; Prof. T V Subramanyam; Prof. Pangannayya; H A Khan; Prof. K S Raghavan; and Prof. Shalini Urs. It saddens me that of the six of my professors, three are no more.The Course Catalogue@MyDLIS (BLIS 1976-77) and (MLIS-1977-78)BLIS (1976-77): Semester II: MLIS (1977-78): Semester II:Semester I: Semester I: • Technical Processing • Information Processing• Library & Society 1: Classification • Information & & Retrieval Part 2 Communication;• Library & Management • Technical Processing • Research Methods 2: Cataloguing • Information • O ptional: Education for• Information Sources Processing & • Documentation Retrieval Part 1 Librarianship• L iterature Survey Techniques and • Advances in Project (Eco Geology Services • C omparative of Ferro Alloy Metals) Librarianship; Classification & • Project (Sepoy Indexing (Practice)• Optional: College Mutiny), • O ptional: Industrial • D issertation Project Library Information System (Newspaper as source • Field Work (in a public of industrial info) library)26
Later, while looking at a catalog of forty ALA Librarians are live wires of theschools discovered that the above courses were society:similar. Library & Society course taught us about Dr. Lesson # 1: MyDLIS Faculty was an informed S R Ranganathan’s Laws in relation to humanparticipant in keeping pace with the need for relationships wherein the user is foremost in thechange. library trinity of — user, staff, and resources.Active learning environment: Library staff makes resources accessible and useful to every user at the time of his/her need.It was closer to the time-tested Indian approach, Interestingly, this idea was practiced under thethan to asynchronous distance or experientiallearning type. Space is insufficient Long-lasting LIS knowledge comes also from beyond theto state everyone’s spirit and classroom—but not necessarily beyond books & bytesdetermination (e.g., faculty, staffincluding Dasarath, and Chanchala) infacilitating the learning curve. same roof. A hard working junior staff in the MUL’sLearnt to search, then, in printed tools and reference never declined anyone’s request; wouldin library card catalog (author, title, subject know where to find what you needed. This attitudeand dictionary + ALA card filing rules), using reflects the impact of SRR’s Laws, i.e., proactiveworksheets—a mind set that prepared for keyword and timely approach with a human touch in meetingsearching. This did help me with transferable skills their needs. To such die-hard barefoot librariansin an online menu. I was inspired by “documentation I dedicated a book (Libraries in India’s Nationaltechniques” course to capture and manage data, Developmental Perspectives, 2001). Critics call thiswhich in turn facilitated understanding KM. kind of service as ‘spoon-feeding’ ‘microwaved’ orMotivated by guidance to collect, analyze and ‘canned reference.’ Such critics may perhaps needsynthesize data using industry metrics, and aided go to school to learn as to why spoon-feeding isby research methodology course, I was eventually Google’s best practice, e.g. Google’s Directorysuccessful in receiving doctoral and post-doc (2000-2011), Google Instant Search (2010-), freedegrees. Being trained to differentiate “reference tutorial videos to search the ‘Google’, etc.bibliography” from “physical bibliography,’ Lesson # 3: Librarianship at its heart is a helpingenabled me in identifying data formats and sources profession.for biblio-mining. The Library & Managementcourse guided me to create an album of every type This role of librarian— to help, remainsof library’s stationery — helps in picking Brodart, fundamentally unchanged. Librarians sustain theirGaylord’s stationary. profession by enhancing serendipity—disseminating not just ‘popular’ resources as Google does, but Lesson # 2: Librarian is not a technician, rather a also relevant and current, based on skills; best isreflective practitioner. “Learning is not the product to ignore such criticism. “When the reader comesof teaching. Learning is the product of the activity amidst the library, there must be someone to say:of learners” (John Holt, 1984). Take my hand; for I have passed this way, and 27
know the truth.” (Gopinath, M.A., ed, Memorabilia Lesson # 5: Getting to meet these experts withRanganathan, 1994). a variety of roles from a variety of institutions was a great exposure. Inspired by wise masters, I continue to learnby sharing the lessons, in areas such as, faith- A few classmates were extremely talented;based taxonomy, Web sights & Webometrics, some specialized in fine arts, such as, music,bibliometrics, OPAC’s usability (esp., Thomas dance and singing. Campus reminiscences includeMann: mysterious elephant amidst the six blind), a walk/ride by the Kukkarahalli Lake, relax/chatSearchology, KM, digital literacy, and information at shaded benches, at Gandhi Bhavan, by-twoliteracy. coffee in the canteen, etc. The buildings andEducational Tours: Great masters built MyDLIS, no doubt; but institutions cannot survive on mere past reputation.Educational tours (from one day andweek long ones) exposed me to the worksof stalwarts such as Mr. B P Shenoy (Osmania); Dr. B lanes are all recognizable, and even if navigatingJohnson and Marshall (Bombay University.) Visits to from any direction, GPS will not give up inTIFR, BARC, British Library and meeting Dr. VAKamath, confusion.Dr. L J Haravu, Dr. Chandra Prabha Vaidyanathan,and Mrs. B Prasanna Lakshmi, helped get first-hand Had amazing times, cherish those moments.information about best practices in libraries. Since Unforgettable was a royal wedding ceremony ofthen I have remained fascinated about Prof. Marshall’s a faculty. In this grand event only one person—FKcontributions. To this mastermind I dedicated the Irani, CEO of Ideal Jawa was in a simple dress.Indian library history book (Librarianship and Library Had another feast at a classmate’s residenceScience in India, Concept, 1994). (just behind Jawa). It’s a bond of trust, which persists. Lesson # 4: Long-lasting LIS knowledge comes also Lesson # 6: “You might forget those who madefrom beyond the classroom—but not necessarily you laugh, but you will never forget those whobeyond books & bytes. were by your side in your darkest hours” (KahlilCelebration & Memorabilia: Gibran).Compassionate voice of senior faculty, e.g., Using the future to `sort out’ the present: Having‘Where is you’ ‘how are you’ and ‘when I was in received wisdom, need to pass this so that othersChicago’ or ‘when I was using MEDLAR database’ too can thrive. Here are TAHER’s five brainstormingring in ears. In that same galaxy are voices ideas for a soon-to-be library school student:of guest speakers, Prof. T K S Iyengar (IISc),Prof. Jakarti (Kolhapur University Librarian), • T apping your network, rather than making sole decisions — seek expert advice;Prof. K S Subramaniam (DrexelU), and Dr. Peter • A sk the LIS program about the percentage ofLazar (Hungarian documentalist). hired grads — be realistic because your numbers28
may be luckier; brown ants (in dispersed hiding places). So true!!! Nevertheless, the science of documentation needs• H ave a plan about career—no degree guarantees both, story and data. It is better to record using you a job; it is you — with additional academic a uniform template, such as, school experience, and professional motivation/skills, who will land career celebration and memorabilia. in a job; Here is a humble reminder for people of• Education for librarianship prepares you for understanding. Based on the emerging scenario skills that are transferable — think before you (school closures, disappearance of Associateship, jump: it needs a proactive timely approach with saturated market, changing demands, recession a human touch, not a potato coach; 2008, UGC’s call to restore one year BLIS and MLIS, etc.) LIS programs require a different• Research both inside the field and outside for incarnation altogether. Re-branding from Lib job market (know the areas in demand), and then economy to KM/IM, re-naming as in University of apply knowledge not information in your final Toronto, Rutgers and transformation as was PKP’s decision to join or not to join. proposition (1978), are already tested, and by now, in 2015, is it not time to state ‘LIS as frozen’ Endnote: This reminiscence is a horizontal view. (‘not frozen in time.’ Shalini, 2002). If not, doHowever, a vertical narrative would have been we agree that ‘Mars works in universities & Venusbetter, with in-depth details, such as, a session in corporate organizations’ (John Kingston)?amidst changing heads; a rush hour session with Whereas, as the business model in the marketan emerging superstar; moments of response on changes, shouldn’t LIS be open for differentfinding someone struck in impasse; feelings of those model(s) of librarianship and reinvent its infowho lost top-rank or did not pass the exam; and structure—for e.g., intensive collaboration (notshort and long-term impact of the influencers (aka competition; as is rampant in LIS with computeroutcome bias). Hence, need to inculcate the idea science) with related disciplines, such as,of documenting alumni stories (tacit and explicit) psychology, sociology, marketing, and law?as it happens, or ASAP. Such narrative is a good ROI,both to increase alumni loyalty and be a trendsetter Lesson # 7 : Great masters built MyDLIS, nofor the newcomers. Digging for ideas, after a time doubt; but institutions cannot survive on mere pastgap, are akin not just searching ‘ants carrying sugar’ reputation.(in scattered locations), rather brown sugar fromLive as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. Mahatma Gandhi 29
My Experience at MyDLISAnuradha K TTechnical Officer, JRD Tata Memorial Library, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.([email protected])Way back in 1979 I was waiting all through the Reference Service),summer to enter the ‘Manasa Gangotri’, University Mr. T V Subramanyamof Mysore. I felt excited and at the same time I was (Late) (Reprographicvery nervous because for the first time I was going services).away from my parents and staying in a hostel. Though I stayed I was selected for Chemistry M.Sc., as well as only for 10 months inBachelors in Library Science (B.Lib.Sc). Because a the department andprofessional course will have more job opportunities on campus, it wasand I wanted to be a career woman, I decided to very memorable. Asjoin B.Lib.Sc and till date I have no regrets on my the university namedecision. coined by Rashtrakavi Kuvempu indicates, it was ‘Manasagangotri’!! Later in 1998 I registered I joined the Gangotri ladies hostel first and met for PhD as an external candidate under themy room mate. Next day I walked to the library guidance of Dr. Shalini Urs. By this time everythingbuilding, where the department was also located. had changed. The University campus and theI went to the classroom and Prof.H A Khan, then department looked totally different. Doing PhDhead of the department took the first class. He was a totally different experience, that too aftergave an overview of the course and we introduced about 16 years of work experience (teaching,ourselves. I liked the classroom very much because providing e-information service and carryingit had a very good view of the famous ‘Kukkarahalli out funded projects), two years of studies (forKere’. It took some days for me to get adjusted my master degree) at Documentation Researchto the classes which were too different from the and Training Centre, Indian Statistical Institute,subjects I studied in my Bachelor of Science course. Bangalore and one year Fulbright fellowship at the US. The changes that had taken place in Computer The classes were taken by Prof. H A Khan. (course: and Telecommunication media made my work to beLibrary and Society), Prof. Nagappa.B. (course: comprehensive and exhaustive. I enjoyed every bitCataloguing Theory and Practice), Prof. Ponganayya.N of my stay and work in the Department.B (Late) (course: Classification Theory and Practice),Dr. Shalini Urs. R (course: Information Sources and30
Regression to Good old days: Reminiscence ofWonder YearsManjunath G KChief Librarian, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai. ([email protected])Whenever I visit Manasagangotri campus, I am Masters Degree. Once the classes began, there wasoverpowered by nostalgia. The sweet and indelible a total change in my thinking and attitude towardsmemories of my four years study there come to Library Science. The training was so intense thatmy mind like waves. The beautiful campus, its there was no time to relax. Even the theoreticalserenity, library, open air theatre and Kukkarahalii sessions were full of practical tips driving us to betank are deeply etched in my memory forever. I very alert and on our toes everyday and in everycan never ever forget the committed and devoted class. I realized that each and every paper had lotsfaculty members there, and concern they had for of applications and thus day by day my alertness,students and the vast knowledge they imparted to interest and concentration increased. I fondlystudents. remember all my teachers who came to class fully prepared. After successfully completing my Masters inBotany in 1978, I was wary of my job prospects! Those days, each class used to be a marathonDoing PhD meant toiling for another five years and session of about two hours; yet no one ever goteven then I was not sure of getting a job in a very bored with any of the classes. Even today Iscarce job market in those days. Once, I discussed remember the story which Prof. Nagappa told uswith my friend Maheshwarappa who is now a while explaining the ‘Law of Parsimony’ in theprofessor at Gulbarga University, and decided that cataloguing class. He was a down to earth person.we must opt for a degree in Library Science. The He was very practical in his approach and all thereason was simple – job opportunities it would cataloguing tips he gave us became very pertinentoffer, both at state and national level. One of when I actually started working.our seniors too supported our idea. Even thoughwe knew about the course Library Science, we The five laws of library science, library andwere not fully aware of what this discipline would society, education for librarianship, etc., taught byteach us for two years and its career development Prof. H A Khan are ever fresh in my mind evenopportunities. today. In late 70s, the admission process would start Informality was something unique in thesome time during September-October and classes library science department. Prof.Shalini Urswould start in late October. I was quite used to the used to be much more informal with students.demands of semester scheme which was introduced Her enthusiasm, seamless and impeccablein the year 1976 as I had already obtained one teaching and willingness to share all her knowledge impressed all of us. We used to look 31
forward to her classes eagerly and kept our paper in any other department except in our department.and pen ready even before she entered the class. The beautiful canteen next to the library buildingEach and every reference sources she taught was one of the liveliest and popular places in theus in her marathon sessions were meticulously campus. It was not only a place for refreshmentsrecorded by me which I preserved for more than but also a place for students’ bonding and for13 years, till I changed my first job. Surprisingly, discussions. The informal discussion we had theresome of the reference sources such as Keesing’s with faculty members always cherish in my mind. IContemporary Archives, Asian Recorder, Data feel sorry to see that this canteen now has lost itsIndia, etc., which I learnt in her classes are not resplendence, aura and ambience.known to most of the youngsters Our relationship with teachers was beyond student-with whom I interact today. teacher relationship. We were treated like friends andProf. Shalini’s approach towards they looked at us as future library professionals and notPRECIS (Preserved Context Indexing as students. Informality in LIS department was somethingSystem) was extraordinary and that most probably did not exist in other departments inher problem solving method was Manasagangotriexemplary. I wonder whether PRECISstill remains in the syllabus at ourdepartment. I am very proud and privileged to Lastly, the extraordinary training, which I gotbe a student of Prof.Shalini who has achieved in our department, helped me to be competitiveso much in her professional life. I revere her as and secure a good job at the Institute of Rurala noble human being and also for all her unique Management, Anand in the year 1980, and later atand quintessential accomplishments. She, in my Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research,humble opinion, is a perfect teacher. Mumbai, in 1994. I owe a lot to all my teachers Prof. Pangannayya pedagogic method was and feel proud to be an alumnus ofthe Universitysomething unique. In addition to his classroom of Mysore and the Department of Library andteaching he used to give each of us assignments Information Science. I am lucky and feel proudafter a brief introduction to a specific topic and and fortunate to have had such teachers of parwe were asked to make presentation. This method excellence who imparted quality education withof teaching not only made us search for literature sincerity and devotion. They are true and worthyextensively, but also paved way for self learning. teachers and excellent human beings and it was Our relationship with teachers was beyond our good fortune to have them as our facultystudent-teacher relationship. We were treated members. I will ever remain grateful to them forlike friends and they looked at us as future library their services and for the extra mile they walkedprofessionals and not as students. Informality in LIS for the student. They will always remain as mydepartment was something that most probably did true role models. I thank all of them from thenot exist in other departments in Manasagangotri. bottom of my heart and will never forget them.Those days, teachers taking students to canteen “It becomes increasingly easy, as you get older,and offering them coffee was not a practice existing to drown in sweet and memorable nostalgia”32
The PP (Picnic & Party) Gang of 1981Prakash B PTata Consultance Services, Pune. ([email protected])Madhusudana Rao C RCentre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Bengaluru. ([email protected])Rama M BISRO Satellite Centre, Bengaluru. ([email protected])Meera VenkateshRaman Research Institute, Bengaluru. ([email protected])Khan M ANational Aeronautics Laboratory, Bengaluru ([email protected])Why & How we joined Library losing scope. He enquired about other options andScience...? I said Physics (my first interest) and Library Science (unknown subject). Professor immediately suggestedMeera: We were three close friends who were all that I opt for the latter. He did give couple ofset to join the Master’s program in Mathematics at examples and the job opportunities in this unknownManasa Gangotri. En route, I met my professor who field of study. My sister also felt that Library Sciencetaught mathematics to us in undergraduate course. would be a better option as she had seen Dr. L JHe was happy to know that I had fared very well, but Haravu’s prosperous career at BHEL. That was thedid not encourage my plan of joining PG in the same turning point... I decided to join Library Science. Mydiscipline. Those were the days, when engineering friends were really upset and tried to dissuade me.was booming and he was looking at mathematics But there was no looking back as I enrolled myself to our very own MyDLIS in June 1980.(Studio pic of the PP gang, July 1981) Prakash: My joining Library Science was due to some strange reasons. I had already done a PG in a (then) new age / hybrid subject, which should have straight away made us Assistant Directors in the State Government. But that did not happen and I had to do something else. Secondly, most of my close friends did double PGs and the PG hostel was our home away home. So I did not want to leave the campus so early! Lastly, during my first PG, I was subconsciously attracted to L&IS as I was helping a friend in translating his L&IS class notes 33
into Kannada. So all these put together landed me as I was looking for a professional job with a PG. Buton the first floor of the library building for the next it took some time to convince my parents! two years! (1980- 82) The Anxious Beginning: Rama: My joining the course was an accident. I Manasagangotri, then the most beautiful campuswas interested in doing a PG course in Physics for for Post Graduate studies, welcomed all of uswhich I did not get admission. I got Mathematics with love and warmth on 1st August, 1980. Firstinstead, in which I was not interested. When day introduction ceremony was a mixed bag ofI got an admission letter for Library Science, I joy, anxiety and apprehensions. The departmentremembered that I had applied for it as it was a oneyear course. Mine was a late admission, We still remember one of his catch phrases “If a studentand when I entered the class room fails, hang the teacher”! So all of us were very sure that noneeverything -- subject, students, and of us would fail!teachers-- was alien to me. Others werealready familiar with the subject and connected to comprised of five teachers then and they were alleach other. It took a little time to get used to the seated on the dais. A spacious class room with goodsubject and classmates. The bonding developed lighting and breeze enthralled us. Despite sincerejust after the first test and with the PP gang simply attempts by faculty, the introduction to the coursegrew bigger with each year. was hardly understood. However, what made all of Khan: Immediately after my Post Graduation, us happy was the announcement about compulsoryI was selected as Technical officer at Central Road study tour! We were about twenty students,Research Institute, New Delhi. Like all parents, mine including ten seniors who had already acquiredtoo felt I was too young to take up a job at such a far- their master’s degree in other disciplines. So, theyoff place. They asked me to prepare for competitive had a fairly good idea of campus life and were theexams. Most people do not like to leave the Gangotri guiding spirits to begin with. campus - neither was I much interested in leaving the During the first semester we were diligentcampus so early. Hence, I convinced my parents of in the new subjects and were curious aboutmy interest in doing a B.Lib.Sc. which later became practical(s) where Cataloguing, Classificationthe bread and butter of my life. and Indexing were taught. Practical classes used Madhu: My joining of LS Department was very to be more enjoyable as we used to freely moveweird but turned out to be wonderful. With a around, discussing things, making fun of eachbackground in commerce I was looking at doing a other etc. Initially all the subjects were difficultPG in it, but I was not sure of getting admissions to comprehend. However, slowly, we all settleddue to tough competition. One of my close friend’s in. After completing a few tests, we gainedsister had done B.Lib.Sc. the previous year, so he comfort and confidence that helped in getting asuggested to me ‘why not LS’? He cautioned me that foothold in the new environment. We gradually gotit would be tough as most of the subjects are dry! familiarized with the subjects, friends, teachersHowever, he also told me that I would have plenty of and the fun associated with campus life.Preparingjob opportunities. The latter caught my imagination joint notes, common lunch hours, visiting the34
canteen for by-two coffee/tea + snacks can never The Second year (M Lib Sc).be forgotten. Often, teachers would also join usin the canteen and we are sure they enjoyed our By the end of 2nd semester B.Lib.Sc. we hadcompany. We had one interesting teacher in Dr. understood what Library Science is all about andUmapathy (possibly the first teacher in the Dept. the subject was no more alien to us. The potentialwith a PhD) who used to teach Bibliography and of the course in the job market was clear. Somewe still remember one of his catch phrases “If a joined work after B.Lib.Sc. and some chose tostudent fails, hang the teacher”! So all of us were continue to do the Master’s program. We had avery sure that none of us would fail! few from the previous year’s batch, few externals and some deputed friends joining in and thus, theBharathYatra: complexion of the team changed. We had to work much harder with assignments, tests, local libraryYes, you can call it that as we covered three of the visits for practical training etc. Through Fridayfour metropolitan cities, namely Madras, Calcutta and talks, by external professionals and achievers weBombay. Possibly for the first time in the history of the were introduced to various topics of general interestDept, a lady teacher (Madam Shalini)was leading this rather ambitious trip. We even made home wine in the Bio Chemistry labFor many of us this was the first ever trip (thanks to a PhD scholar there) and had a great wine partyoutside the state and naturally parents under the big Peepul tree, near the PG hostel! The PP Gangwere very anxious. The visits were fine had become one of the most popular (and mischievous)but there were other challenges like group of Gangotri in those days.heavy monsoon at Madras and manymembers serially getting infected by conjunctivitis and personal grooming. Dissertation was a big heroic(Madras Eye)! They had to be treated with eye drops exercise which we were supposed to do in the secondand care had to be taken to stop it from spreading. semester and after a soft fight with HOD (Prof Khan)The train journey from Madras to Calcutta had some on extension of the date, we were forced to submitanxious moments as there were some local goondas our dissertations directly to the Registrar!trying to occupy our seats midway! As student volunteers, we had the opportunity of Thanks to our meticulous planning, tour a lifetime to listen to Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the thenexpenses turned out to be less than the amount PM, during her address to the 69th Indian Sciencecollected. Each one of us were to get a refund Congress. One honest submission here is thatof Rs.35/- or so! None of us were ready to take our involvement in the extracurricular activitiesback the money and we planned for a 2-day bus (sports, culture, fine arts, literary events, etc) oftrip to Ooty, which MLibSc students and teachers the campus during these two years brought goodwith their families also joined. Thanks to the royal visibility to the department. Our batch took anconnections, we had the privilege to stay at Hotel active part in many campus activities and broughtFern Hill Imperial. This was totally a fun filled trip so many laurels and prizes to the department.with all sorts of games, music and dance, boating It will not be an over statement to say that ouretc. During all these trips, our bonding with friends batch helped making Library Science a popular andand teachers became much stronger. vibrant subject, among the student community. 35
The PP ( Picnic& Party) Gang .. ! Only six from the PP’s were back in the Department the following year (1981-82) for the MLibSc course.By the end of the 1st semester, some of us who were During this year it was more of academics and welike minded were getting closer naturally. They say enjoyed our stay in the department despite thetours and trips do wonders and help attain better assignments, tests, dissertation etc. We continuedunderstanding of our surroundings andpeople. This is the occasion which The PP Gang still continues to be in good touch andturned around to form an inner circle active even after 35 years and has grown to include ourcalled PP (Picnic & Party): a gang of ten spouses, children and even the grandchildren!including Geetha, Prem, Sheela, Rameshand Venkatesh. We used to frequently visit each our social activities and were always game forother’s houses (seven were locals) and spend a lot fun and travel. Our visit to the canteen wasof time eating and fighting and in the process all our more frequent than the previous year and someparents & relatives knew all of us closely. We used juniors added spice during the time. The PP Gangto frequent all popular spots like Chamundi Hill, KRS, still continues to be in regular touch, active evenRanganathittu, Balamuri, etc. and go to movies by after thirty five years and has grown to include ourdefault after every test or exam! spouses, children and even the grand children! We would actively participate in sports, culture The last wordand other co-curricular activities in the campus andwining prizes had become a habit. Our teachers Our dedicated teachers and their efforts haveand seniors encouraged us during such programs shaped our lives and helped us in becoming suc-and prize distribution ceremonies. We even made cessful Librarians across prestigious institutions.home wine in the Biochemistry lab (thanks to a PhD We salute them!scholar there) and had a great wine party under Our kind remembrances to Prof. N B Pangannayyathe big peepul tree, near the PG hostel! The PP (late) who was an interesting teacher.Gang had become one of the most popular (andmischievous) group of Gangotri in those days. Some of us (the authors) during ICADL 200136
Mesmerizing MyDLIS and MeHarinarayana N SAssociate Professor, Department of Studies in Library and Information Science, University of Mysore.([email protected])I am of the same age as MyDLIS. The year, the than the nearer one.month and the place of birth are common to both This behaviour ofof us. The Department is just 15 days younger to mine was not withoutme. There stops the comparison! While MyDLIS has reason. The far endgrown by leaps and bounds in its achievements; staircase was deep-my achievements are miniscule in nature. The inside the library. Ivery thought of comparison came to my mind just wanted to give anbecause I happened to be born in the same year impression to myand month, and not for any other reason. unsuspecting friends that I am going to the ‘Library Science’ was a new word unheard of library and avoid them from knowing that I haveby me until my father suggested me to apply for joined library science program!the bachelor’s course in it. He probably had apremonition that I may not get the seat for post I entered the class room on the first day andgraduate degree in any of the science subjects. He occupied detestable seat. The very first class was onwas right. I missed maths by 1 mark, stats by 3 marks cataloguing. The teacher was eloquently describingand physics by 1 mark. I was not good at languages. the Cutter’s objectives. This was followed by verySo I had to opt for other programs. Unwillingly, stylish and scholarly exposition of the subject byat the insistence of my father, I applied for BLISc another teacher on ‘Concept of classification’. Iprogram, and equally reluctantly joined the course was shattered as I could not follow either thewhen I got a seat under waiting list. language or the content. I cursed my own past life. I thought that for the sins that I might have My friends joined science programmes and committed in those lives I am being punished bylooked very proud about their achievement. I was God in my present incarnation like this!‘odd man out’ in that group. One of my friends evenridiculed me that I continue to be science student I wanted to drop the program. But, I did not haveas the word ‘science’ was there in the program the courage to tell so to my parents. Fortunatelyname! At that time, I had no answer for his taunt. for me I came to know that one classmate – by nameI had no alternative and felt that I had to live Vigneshwar Bhat - who was from a known circlewith the ‘unknown angel’. I was so depressed and to my family also joined the program. I did notdisappointed that for the first few days I used to know him earlier. I somehow got myself befriendedtake the far end staircase to enter the department with him. I explained to him my predicament in 37
the classes and how I have got rattled by joining the criticism for this student-friendly gesture! Ithe program. To my pleasant surprise, he said take this opportunity to thank her and also offereven he was also in the same boat. This gave me my sincere apologies to her for having put her ina sigh of relief. He encouraged me to attend the such situation. This incidence taught me to face theclasses just for fun and time pass until we get failure as a step for subsequent success. In anothersome other better things to do! I liked his idea. anecdote, on looking at one of the assignmentsFrom then on we attended the classes together, that I sincerely submitted, the teacher told mesat in juxtaposition in classes, did the assignments that I have the flavour for writing and asked mejointly, and prepared for the exams arm-in-arm. to develop that skill. She gave me confidence to The first internal tests came in no write. I salute her. Needless to say that it is mytime. I was nervous. Coming from a The first internal tests came in no time. I was stream, I did not know how to Coming from a science stream, I did not know how towrite long answers. I even lacked the write long answers. I even lacked the acumen required foracumen required for attending tricky attending tricky questions, which were common those daysquestions, which were common inthose days. My ability in English was teachers who nurtured me during the formativepathetic and was highly inadequate for writing years of my career in LIS. I got the skills throughcritical answers. I again became disillusioned. I their words and deeds. My pranams to each one oftold Vigneshwar Bhat that I will not take up the them.tests. He pounded onto me and literally draggedme to the tests. There were two tests a day. After What did I get from MyDLIS? In a nutshell, itthe first one in the morning, Bhat and I used to go gave me many qualities required for life open-air theatre to prepare for the next test in Cataloguing classes taught me the importancethe afternoon. He was reading aloud for my sake. I of diligence and meticulousness in writing. Thewas just listening to him. But for him, I would not classification and indexing classes induced in mehave taken the first test at all. The test marks were logical thinking. The ‘Five laws of library science’announced. I got fairly good marks in all subjects helped me to realize the philosophy of service.except in Classification where I just got 2 marks The ‘Prolegomena to library classification’ hasout of 20. I couldn’t accept the result. I went to promoted my ‘scientific temper’. The informationthe teacher and asked her – “is there any way resources classes gave confidence and increasedthat I could improve my marks?”. I requested for a my ability to search for ‘information’. Therepeat test. She asked me “how do you know that classification schemes and subject heading listsyou will get better marks in the next test?” For me gave an idea about not only the panoramic viewthe decision was quite simple. I thought any way I of the knowledge but also these tools helped tohave reached the nadir of performance. The risk increase my vocabulary. Surprisingly PRECIS andis only 2 marks! Hence, I said to her bravely that other indexing tools helped me to understand themy next performance cannot be as bad as this. She intricacies in English grammar! The ‘informationjust smiled and agreed to give me repeat test. I retrieval’ course quenched the mathematical thirstcame to know later that the teacher had to face in me. The ICT skills earned at MyDLIS proved to38
be the turning point in my life. What else can one I learnt. I could convince my superiors thereexpect out of one’s Alma Mater? It has given me that we need to go for library automation. I ambread and butter. extremely lucky to be a part of teaching faculty I had the fortune of pursuing my Ph.D. degree of MyDLIS now. When I am teaching many of theunder one of the most revered, critical concepts that I learnt from my teachers, theirthinker and disciplinarian teacher In another anecdote, on looking at one of the assignments- Prof. H A Khan. I learnt ABC of that I sincerely submitted, the teacher told me that I havewriting skills from him. He taught me the flavour for writing and asked me to develop that skill.from writing a casual leave letter to She gave me confidence to write. I salute her. Needless toresearch report. His analytical ability say that it is my teachers nurtured me during my formative- a virtue which was envious to many - years of my career in LIS.was inherited a bit by his students byvirtue of being in his association. His perfectionist words would be lingering in my ears. It gives meattitude induced in me the quality of having ‘eye great amount of satisfaction when I see the lustrefor details’ in any work that I do. He made me in the eyes of the students when I was able toindependent and confident human being in my own make them understand about a concept. MyDLISway. has given me more than what I expected. I wish MyDLIS a great success. Being an introvert and not-so-socialising person,I never had any hilarious moments that are worthreporting. Or I do not recall any such incidence now. Long live MyDLIS!I was at IGNOU, New Delhi for a short stintas practicing librarian. It is here I applied what“I received the fundamentals of my education in school, but that was not enough. Myreal education, the superstructure, the details, the true architecture, I got out of thepublic library. For an impoverished child whose family could not afford to buy books,the library was the open door to wonder and achievement, and I can never be sufficientlygrateful that I had the wit to charge through that door and make the most of it. Now,when I read constantly about the way in which library funds are being cut and cut, I canonly think that the door is closing and that American society has found one more wayto destroy itself.” Isaac Asimov, 39
My Days with MyDLISNagaraja SRegional Institute of Education, Mysore. ([email protected])I am very proud to say that, I am an alumnus interesting and challenging to me and I wouldof the MyDLIS and I feel very happy to give my hardly miss any of their classes. I always triedreflections on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee to revisit the scholarly teaching of Library andcelebrations of MyDLIS. At the outset, I feel very society paper by Prof. Khan, Library Managementfortunate to be in the department during 1986 to by Prof. Nagappa, Information sources by Prof.1991 as a student of B.L.I.Sc., M.L.I.Sc., Junior Pangannayya, Library classification by Prof. ShaliniResearch Fellow and also as a Guest Faculty. I Urs, Documentation Technique and Informationjoined MyDLIS in the year 1986 for my Bachelor’s services by Prof. Maheshwarappa and LibraryDegree in Library Science. Cataloguing by Prof. Kaiser Nikkam. The decision of joining Library and Information Our batch was so lucky that the semesterScience course was just by chance. Some of my scheme was replaced with annual examinationfriends motivated me to apply for the library from the previous batch and so we had sufficientscience course and I was very lucky to secure a seat time to prepare for our annual exams. Further,for B.L.I.Sc Course. The course was completely new I was selected as the Secretary of MULISSA duringto many of us and in the beginning it looked very the 1986-87 and this enabled me to freely interactdifficult to understand. However, gradually the with faculty members, seek their advice andsubjects became very interesting and challenging. guidance to organise activities including FridayIn the subsequent years the library science course talks. It was also a great opportunity to interacttransformed me from an average student to a very with some of my seniors like Dr. N S Harinarayana,studious rank student. It was the golden period Nandadevi, Latha, Kotaiah, Punayavati, Namithaof my academic years, where I learnt many good and others who helped and encouraged me tothings, which helped me significantly in the later organise various programmes. From the facultypart of my life. side Prof. Maheshwarappa, was the co-ordinator and under his able guidance the MULISSA students’ During my studies, the department had activities were conducted successfully duringvery committed, dedicated, disciplined and 1986-87.knowledgeable faculty members. I am veryfortunate to learn library science from the As part of BLISc course, an educational tourgreat teachers like Prof. H A Khan, Prof. P K was organised to Hyderabad, Secunderabad andPatil, Prof. B Nagappa, Prof. N B Pangannayya, Madras. It was a wonderful and thrilling experienceProf. Shalini R Urs, Prof. Khaiser Nikkam and Prof. for many of us, as it was our first trip outsideB S Maheswarappa. Their lectures were very lively, Karnataka. Some of my active batchmates whom40