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Home Explore 2015 Fall Guide

2015 Fall Guide

Published by admin, 2015-07-08 16:40:43

Description: 2015 Fall Guide

Keywords: Channahon,Brochure,Recreation,Activity Guide


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Channahon Park District Parks & Facilities Park/Facility Locations 7 1 20 11 25 23 HELP US LOOK AFTER YOUR PARKS. If you 19 16 18 22 see a park area or facility in need of repair or clean- 6 5 up before we do, please 3 15 don’t hesitate to contact 26 our office at (815) 467- 10 PARK and let us know about it. Vandalism and 24 inconsiderate park use detracts from everyone’s 4 enjoyment of the park 29 system. With your help, we can all keep Channahon Parks in top shape for your use.28 14 13 2 12 8 21 27 17 9FOR EVERYONE’S SAFETY AND BENEFIT, WE ASK ALL PARK USERS TO ADHERE TO THESE RULES AND RESTRICTIONS: • Keep all motorized vehicles in parking areas; never drive on grass or pathways; don’t operate non-licensed motorized vehicles (snowmobiles, mini-bikes, off road motorized cycles, ATV’s) anywhere in the park. • Don’t bring or use fireworks, model rockets or firearms in parks. • Remember that Illinois laws prohibit alcohol use in parks without a permit. You can obtain a permit from the district in advance of your visit. • Parks are open dawn to dusk. Exceptions: lighted sports courts close at 10:00 pm, lighted athletic fields close at conclusion of games. 51

Arrowhead Community CenterArrowhead Community Center is a 17,500 square foot facility that People for Channahon Parks Foundationhouses the administrative offices of the Channahon Park District,as well as two racquetball courts, aerobics room, pre-school The People for Channahon Parks Foundation is a 501(c)3 not forrooms, and program rooms. profit organization in the community. The organization’s mission is to “provide opportunities for the preservation of open space and theHours development of recreational resources within the Channahon Park District.” Visit their website at 8:00 AM-9:00 PMFriday 8:00 AM-4:30 PM Three Rivers Festival CommitteeSaturday 8:30 AM-12:00 PMSunday CLOSED Channahon’s annual Three Rivers Festival is organized by a group of community volunteers. Two representatives from each of the fourHoliday Hours sponsoring organizations (Channahon Baseball League, Chanooka Braves, Channahon Lions Club and Channahon Fire Department)Arrowhead Community Center will be closed on the following are joined by at large representatives. The Village of Channahon andholidays: Easter Sunday, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Channahon Park District have non-voting committee memberships.Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day. The Festival Committee schedules events, arranges for entertainmentHeritage Crossing Field House and takes care of all aspects of the festival. Each of the sponsoring organizations receive one fourth of the proceeds of this major fundA cooperative venture between Channahon School District 17 raising event for their community programs. The Committee meetsand the Channahon Park District. This 37,000 square feet of monthly February-September on the third Tuesday of the month at thecommunity recreation space houses a full size gymnasium, Channahon Municipal Center Board Room. For information visit www.batting cage, 3,000 square foot Dimensions Fitness Center, three 2015 Three Rivers Festival dates: August 12-16.lane suspended walking/running track, meeting/program room,childcare, and locker rooms. IL Dept. of Natural ResourcesHours The Illinois Department of Natural Resources is responsible for several area parks: Channahon Access to I & M Canal (815-467-4271); theJanuary-April, October-December I & M Canal State Trail (815-942-0796); Goose Lake Prairie StateMonday-Friday 5:00 AM-10:00 PM Park (815-942-2899); Heideke Lake (815-942-6352); the Des PlainesSaturday & Sunday 7:00 AM-10:00 PM Conservation Area (815-423-5326); Mazonia/Braidwood State Fish and Wildlife Area (815-237-0063).May/Sept HoursMonday-Friday 5:00 AM-9:00 PM Forest Preserve District of Will CountySaturday & Sunday 7:00 AM-7:00 PM The Will County Forest Preserve District maintains McKinley Woods Forest Preserve located at the south end of McKinley Woods Road, the Rock Run Rookery on Youngs Rd south of Rt. 6, Lake Chaminwood on Shepley Rd west of I-55, and the Rock Run Preserve on Hollywood Blvd east of Channahon. The McKinley Woods Preserve includes the Four Rivers Environmental Education Center and Kerry Sheridan Grove, accessible from Blackberry Lane. The Forest Preserve District’s newest dog park is located at the Lower Rock Run Preserve, McClintock Rd access. Visit for more information.June-August Hours U.S. Forest ServiceMonday-Thursday 5:00 AM-9:00 PMFriday 5:00 AM-7:00 PM The Forest Service is responsible for the Midewin National TallgrassSaturday & Sunday 7:00 AM-5:00 PM Prairie at the former Joliet Arsenal. Call 815-423-6370 for information.Adjusted Holiday Hours: Chanooka BravesHoliday hours are posted at Heritage Crossing Field House or findthem at Dimensions Fitness Center will be The Braves tackle football program begins practice in late summer andclosed all day on Easter and Christmas Day. plays into the fall months against other communities. A cheerleading squad is also part of the program. For more information, visit www. St. Ann Football St. Ann Football is a Catholic youth tackle football program dedicated to the support, education and total development of the youth in the community through organized sports. Our goal is to educate and develop each individual’s own character, self-esteem, attitude and sportsmanship with adult leadership providing the example. For more information Channahon Pony Baseball The Channahon Pony Baseball organizes a youth baseball program for Channahon area youth 5-14 years old. For more information visit

General InformationImportant Program VolunteersParticipation Information One of the best ways we can think of to serve your community is toThe Channahon Park District is committed to conducting its recreation volunteer time with the Channahon Park District. Regardless of yourprograms and activities in a safe manner and holds the safety of talent, interest, or amount of time available, we have recreation programsparticipants in high regard. The Channahon Park District continually and park activities you can assist us with. If you would be interested instrives to reduce such risks and insists that all participants follow exploring the possibilities of becoming a VIP (Volunteer in Parks), contactsafety rules and instructions that are designed to protect participants’ the Park District recreation staff at 815-467-PARK (7275).safety. However, participants and parents/guardians registering forrecreation programs and activities must recognize that there is an Services Available to theinherent risk of injury when choosing to participate in recreational Business Communityprograms and activities. The Channahon Park District has an expansive array of servicesYou are solely responsible for determining if you or your minor child/ available to our in-district business community. We invite you toward is physically fit and/or skilled for the activities contemplated. It is discover the “Benefits of Parks and Recreation are Endless…”always advisable, especially if the participant is pregnant, disabled in with us!any way or recently suffered an illness to consult a physician beforeundertaking any physical activity. Partnerships Join us in enriching the area’s quality of life. The National Gold MedalSatisfaction Guarantee Award-Winning Channahon Park District has year round opportunities for you to work with us. Contact us at 815-467-7275 to learn aboutThe Channahon Park District is continuously working to provide our these and other partnership opportunities.residents with the highest quality programs available. Because youshould always be satisfied with your program experiences with us, • Independence Day Festivalwe guarantee our recreation programs. If you are not satisfied after • Senior Citizen Programmingattending two program sessions, we kindly ask you to fill out our • Special EventsRefund Request Form. Include your suggestions, ideas or changes • Park and Facility Amenitiesto help us provide the best possible programs. We are also available to work with you and your employees onProcessing fees are not charged to program refunds under a the following events and services:Satisfaction Guarantee. • Park Picnics • Golf OutingsA Gift of Leisure • Gift Certificates • Parties and Events at Tomahawk Aquatic Center and SkatelandGift cards are available throughout the year for the Channahon Park • Meeting and Seminar Space at Park District FacilitiesDistrict. Give the gift of leisure, in the form of golf, swimming, any ofour hundreds of programs, and merchandise and food at Heritage For complete information on services available to ChannahonBluffs. Gift cards are available to purchase at Arrowhead Community Park District businesses, contact us at 815-467-PARK (7275).Center, Heritage Bluffs, and Heritage Crossing Field House.Patrons with Disabilities Photo PolicyThe Channahon Park District recognizes and supports the rights Periodically photos and video footage are taken throughout theof persons with disabilities to recreate alongside persons without Channahon Park District. By participating in our programs, events,disabilities. All Channahon Park District programs and services are or visiting our public parks and facilities, you acknowledge your photoopen to such inclusion, upon the participant complying with registration or video image may be taken. Photos and video footage are used byprocedures. In conformance with the American with Disabilities Act, our staff to promote our programs and facilities in District publications,the Park District will make reasonable accommodations for persons marketing materials and social media without further prior notice orwith disabilities, including but not limited to changes in rules and compensation. If you prefer to not have your likeness used for thesepolicies, removal of architectural barriers, additional staffing levels, purposes, please let our staff know at the time pictures/video footageadaptive equipment, and sign language interpreters. are taken or contact us at 815-467-PARK (7275). Photos and video footage are the property of the Channahon Park District, and neverRequests for such accommodations or to express a complaint that sold, distributed or used for any other may have been discriminated against on the basis of disability,should be directed to the Park District’s Executive Director at 815- Commemorative Tree & Bench Programs467-PARK (7275). You can make a special memory by purchasing a tree or bench to be placed in one of your parks. Mark a birth, anniversary, any of life’s special moments, or remember a family member or friend. A wide variety of trees or a bench made with the use of recycled plastic timbers can be placed in almost any of your parks. For more information, contact the Channahon Park District at 815-467-PARK (7275). 53

Channahon Park District Registration FormI have read and fully understand the warning of risk, and assumption of risk and waiver and IF PAYING BY CREDIT CARD OR CHECKrelease of all claims, on the bottom of this form. If registering via fax, your facsimile signature shall CARDsubstitute for and have the same legal effect as an original form signature. We accept cash, checkand Visa, Mastercard or Discover.Date:_________________________________ Cardholder No._______________________________Participant Last Name (please print):_________________________________________________ Name on Card_______________________________Mailing Address:________________________________________________________________ Exp. Date____________________________________City, Zip Code:__________________________________________________________________ 3 Digit CVC #___________________________Parent or Guardian Signature____________________________________First & Last Name (please Print):___________________________________________________ OFFICE USEPrimary Phone:________________________ Secondary Phone:_________________________ Date Initial Computer PaymentE-Mail:_______________________________________________________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____Participant Signature:_________________________________ Date of Birth_________________ _____ _____ _____ _____(18 years or older, or Parent/Guardian)Participant’s First Name Gender Birth Date Program Title Date Time Fee___________________ _____ ____/____/____ _________________________ ________________ _______________ $__________________________ _____ ____/____/____ _________________________ ________________ _______________ $__________________________ _____ ____/____/____ _________________________ ________________ _______________ $__________________________ _____ ____/____/____ _________________________ ________________ _______________ $_______□ □ □ □Please add my donation to the George A. McCoy Financial Assistance Program $1 $5 $10 $__________□ Special assistance for participant requested ___________________________________________________________ (Program Supervisor will call for details) WARNING OF RISKRecreational activities/programs are intended to challenge and engage the physical, mental and emotional resources of each participant.Despite careful and proper preparation, instruction, medical advice, conditioning and equipment, there is still a risk of serious injury whenparticipating in any recreational activity/program. Understandably, not all hazards and dangers can be foreseen. Depending on the particularactivity, participants must understand that certain risks, dangers and injuries due to inclement weather, slipping, falling, poor skill level orconditioning, carelessness, horseplay, unsportsmanlike conduct, premises defects, inadequate or defective equipment, inadequate supervision,instruction or officiating, and all other circumstances inherent to indoor and outdoor recreational activities/programs exist. In this regard, it mustbe recognized that it is impossible for the Channahon Park District to guarantee absolute safety.Waiver and Release of All Claims and Assumption of RiskPlease read this form carefully and be aware that in signing and participating in the programs/activities you have indicated on the reverse side,you will be expressly assuming the risk and legal liability and waiving and releasing all claims for injury, damages or loss which you or yourminor child/ward might sustain as a result of participating in any and all activities connected with and associated with said programs/activities(including transportation services/vehicle operation, when provided).I recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury to participants in these programs/activities and I voluntarily agree toassume the full risk of any and all injuries, damages or loss, regardless of severity, that my minor child/ward or I may sustain as a result of saidparticipation. I further agree to waive and relinquish all claims I or my minor child/ward may have (or accrue to me or my child/ward) as a resultof participating in these programs/activities against the Channahon Park District, including its officials, agents, volunteers and employees(hereinafter collectively referred as “Channahon Park District”).I do hereby fully release and forever discharge the Channahon Park District from any and all claims for injuries, damages, or loss that my minorchild/ward or I may have or which may accrue to me or my minor child/ward and arising out of, connected with, or in any way associated withthese programs/activities.54

Visit to see if you’re a resident Registration InformationResident Registration Begins July 22 • Nonresident Registration Begins July 29WALK-IN MAIL-IN ONLINEBring your completed registration Mail your completed registration Use your credit card (Discover,form and payment (cash, check, VISA, form and payment (check, Discover, VISA or VISA or MASTERCARD only)Discover or MASTERCARD) directly to: MASTERCARD only; no cash accepted) to: to register online today for select programs!Arrowhead Community Center Channahon Park District24856 West Eames Street Arrowhead Community Center 1. Visit, underChannahon, IL 60410 24856 West Eames Street Registration click on Online Registration.OR Channahon, IL 60410Heritage Crossing Field House 2. If you are already in our database with24935 West Sioux Drive 1. Include a separate check for the a valid email simply choose “forgotChannahon, IL 60410 appropriate amount for each class you password” and one will be emailed to are registering for. you.Include copies of any additional registration itemsneeded as specified in program description, such 2. Do not send originals of birth certificates 3. If you are unsure go ahead and createas birth certificates. (The Channahon Park District or other additional forms requested for a new account and add your familymay make a copy of the item(s) to be kept on file) registration, please mail a copy. members.FAX-IN 3. All registrations are processed in random Note: New accounts are defaulted to NON- order, beginning the first day of walk-in Resident until confirmed in person at theINCLUDE THE “WARNING OF registration. Arrowhead Community Center with proofRISK” SIDE WITH YOUR FAX of residency. Some programs may not be 4. The Channahon Park District is not responsible available for online registration. Facilities andUse your credit card (Discover, VISA for lost, stolen, damaged or late mail. rentals are not available online.or MASTERCARD only) and fax in your programregistration 24 hours a day! Include type of card, 5. If you wish to have a receipt mailed tocard number and expiration date on form. Fax to: you, please include a self-addressed815-467-5677 or 815-467-8014 stamped envelope.Financial Assistance Program information available at www.channahonpark.orgNo need to wait until July 22 or 29 No REFUND REQUEST PROCEDUREregister for programs with this symbol: need to wait The Channahon Park District understands that schedules change andGENERAL INFORMATION REGISTER things come up that prevent participation in programs that have been NOW! registered for. It is our intent to refund your money whenever possible. We ask that you understand that in order to maintain the integrity of our1. Carefully complete the Channahon Park District programs that the following guidelines have been developed: registration form on page 54. Registration forms are also available at Arrowhead Community Center, Heritage Crossing Field House or 1. Patrons requesting a refund are asked to complete refund online at Include all names, ages, course request form. Forms are available at Arrowhead Community names and numbers, phone numbers and address. Under 18? Center, Heritage Crossing Field House or downloadable on our Waiver must be signed by parent or guardian. Waivers not filled out website from the registration page. correctly may not be processed. Only one family per registration form. 2. All refund requests are subject to approval. Filling out the form does not guarantee a refund.2. Payment for all activities must be made at time of registration or registration is not complete. Payments can be made by cash, check or 3. All refunds are assessed a $5.00 processing fee. The fee is credit card (Visa/Mastercard). Returned checks will result in a $20 fee. waived if you choose to have a credit put on your account or receive a Park District gift card.3. Incomplete registration forms will NOT be processed and may be returned to sender. 4. Please allow up to 30 days for your refund to be processed.4. No Telephone Registration is accepted. 5. Please submit refund requests 3 business days prior to the program/rental start date or listed registration deadline date.5. The Channahon Park District encourages individuals registering for Fitness Center membership or other strenuous/physical 6. Requests for refunds made after the deadline or after class has programs to obtain a physician’s approval prior to registering. started will be considered on an individual basis and are subject to approval. Refunds issued after program start dates will be6. The Channahon Park District may cancel, combine, or postpone prorated. Participants will be charged for classes that have taken classes/programs with insufficient registrations. place, attended or not, based on the date the refund request form was received.MULTIPLE CHILD DISCOUNT 7. No refunds will be granted after the third class meeting with theFamilies registering multiple children for Youth Sport Leagues, Ryuku exception of a medical reason. Refunds for medical reasons mustKempo Karate, After the Bell (monthly or yearly plan) or Day Camp be requested within 10 days following completion of the program orPrograms are eligible for the following Multiple Child Discount: activity and a doctor’s note will be required with the refund request.1. 10% off a second child’s registration fee for the same program or activity. 8. Refunds will not be issued for the portion of the program fees paid for unrecoverable expense such as contractual instructor2. 15% off each additional child registered for the same program or fees, tickets, trips, t-shirts, books, and other expense after the activity, after the first two registered. program registration/refund deadline. 55

24856 West Eames Street PRSRT STD Channahon, IL 60410 U.S. POSTAGE PAID CHANNAHON IL PERMIT 3 ECRWSS RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERfor thHeeEanltthirceaFreamily Jennifer Greggain in Channahon! Family Nurse Practitioner Call now for back-to-school and sports physicals, and annual well checks. Dr. Mary Connolly Family MedicineWhen it comes to choosing your family’s healthcare providers, check out the Channahon Healthcare For more information, go toCenter of Morris Hospital, where a friendly and compassionate team offers your family:• Primary care for patients of all ages with Family • On-site blood draws 25259 W. Reed Street Channahon, IL 60410 Medicine Physician Mary Connolly, M.D., and Family • ePrescribing 815.467.0555 Nurse Practitioner Jennifer Greggain, N.P.-C • Access to personal medical information through• Endocrinology services with Nuzhat Chalisa, M.D. a patient portal• Rheumatology services with Janet Leon, M.D. • Free blood pressure screenings during office hours• Convenient hours, including Saturday mornings • Same level of quality and service found• Same day appointments at Morris Hospital • Free meet-and-greet appointments Grand Dental Presents A Halloween Magic & Illusion Show Camel Rides | EuroBungy | Dragon Slide Pumpkin Jumpies | Prizes | Surprises AND FOLLOW GRAND DENTAL FOR PARTY INFORMATION AND UPDATES

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