Human Resources Development& Admin Policy Guidelines ofCENTRE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATION, FOREST & TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, JASHIPUR, MAYURBHANJ Email- [email protected], [email protected]
Page |2Organization Profile:-CREFTDA (Centre for Regional Education, Forest and Tourism DevelopmentAgency) Is a Non-government, Non Political, Not for profit making socialorganization dedicated towards sustainable development of the poor and deprived.Legal Status & Registration Details CREFTDA is registered under SR Act. XXI of 1860 bearing Registration No. MBJ 2884 – 32, 4th.April 1991 Registered under FCRA of ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India to receive Foreign Donations bearing No No.104990026, 18th.Dec.1995. It is having a democratically governed Board of management with President as the ex-officio chief and Director cum Secretary-cum-Director as the chief functionary of the organization. 31st march of every year is the end of one financial year for the organization and every year the accounts and finance is being audited by qualified chartered accountants and made available to its associates, beneficiaries, etc. to maintain transparency. Exempted under 12AA of Income Tax bearing No. Tech. 12A/479-41/2009-10 Registered under 80G of Income Tax bearing No. CIT/CTC/Tech/Trust (80 G- 431) 2009-10 Income Tax PAN : AACCC 2882KAddress & Communication DetailsAddress : At/Po. – Jashipur.Dist. State : Dist - Mayurbhanj, State - OdishaPin Code : 757034Phone : + 91 6797 232488Fax No. : +91 6797 232512E-mail : [email protected] us at [email protected] & designation : www.creftda.orgFunctionary of Chief : Mr. Bijaylal Mohanta Secretary-cum-Director-cum-Director.VisionThe envisioned society will be free from socio-economic and cultural exploitation andenvironmental degradations and based on Human values, love, justification andfraternityMissionEmpowerment of the poor, the marginalized, the women ensuring peoplesparticipation in every strata of their development process and above all, restoringthe right and justice of the rural poor and the tribes.CENTRE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATION, FOREST & TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Jashipur
Page |3Objectives: To initiate economic action in the areas of income generation, animal resources development and village level enterprises. To establish women as equal partners with men and all level of the community for gender justice and equity. To facilitate health care services with emphasis on preventive measures, community health care, health education, women health and child care. To promote both Social and Physical sound environment. To increase literacy and education which support day-to-day lively hood maintenance Livelihood restoration initiative during disasters. To initiate research and study for promotion of better alternatives and policy influence on supportive governance.Target GroupWomen & Children, Farmers & landless laboureres, Tribals & Traditional ForestDwellers, Disabled & Special category citizens, People affected by disasters anddevelopment projects, etc.Geographical area of operationWe are focusing our activities in Mayurbhanj District of Orissa, one of the mostbackward Districts of Orissa dominated by primitive tribal populationThe organogram of the organization is: General Body Governing Body Secretary-cum-Director Programme Officer Co-ordinator Study Research and Training TeamCluster Committee ProgrammerPanchayat Committee Organizers VolunteersVillage Committee CommunityCENTRE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATION, FOREST & TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Jashipur
Page |4Purpose of this HRD Policy: The policy guidelines are prepared to maximize staffcommitment and responsibility, quality of work, and organizational capability. This will alsoaccommodate a greater operational efficiency and accountability thus contributing to theachievements of the organisation‟s aims and objectives. The policy guidelines will provide fair and equal opportunities to all staff members. help in promoting high morale and foster working relationship among the staff members. To help gain confidence among staff members also help enhance career growth with CREFDTA and encourage staff to give his/her best for the organization. encourage dependable services to the beneficiaries ensure that all the organizational activities are conducted on ethical and legal manner thus helping promote CREFDTA reputation to build peace, communal harmony and spirituality. The rules, procedures hereinafter will govern the working relationship between the staff and CREFDTA.. These rules are subject to and in accordance with the Indian laws. The Secretary-cum-Director-cum-Director is the competent authority for ensuring implementation of this policy. The Secretary-cum-Director-cum-Director is also the appointing authority who can appoint, remove any staff from any position following rules under this policy. The Secretary-cum-Director-cum-Director is the ultimate authority for administering the rules and procedures under this policy. The Secretary-cum-Director-cum-Director has the right to utilize the services of staff in the manner designed to effectively and efficiently meeting the purpose of CREFDTA. The Secretary-cum-Director-cum-Director will have right to exercise control over the approved budget for Human Resources Development. The Secretary-cum-Director will determine the hours of work, work schedules, rules and policies for all staff in consultation with team and in case of major decisions which may greatly affect the organization, the Governing Body/Executive Committee‟s views also needs to be taken into consideration. The Secretary-cum-Director will determine & implement necessary actions in emergency situations. The Secretary-cum-Director will ensure security of staff and property of the organization. The Secretary-cum-Director would ensure security of records and other information.Scope of this Policy: This policy is applicable to all staff.CENTRE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATION, FOREST & TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Jashipur
Page |5Right to HRD Policy Document: Each and every staff member will be given a copy of thispolicy document and in case of new recruitments a copy of this will be given to staff duringtheir induction.Personnel Related:Recruitment:• The Secretary-cum-Director is the final authority in recruiting new staff orabolishing any existing positions or removal of any staff members following the HRDPolicy Guidelines. • The Board will be the final authority in case the Board wants to take up any particular case related to staff recruitment, removal or abolishment of any post or any other staff related issues. • Any recommendation for creating new positions or abolishing existing positions should have written signed document justifying the case. • The Secretary-cum-Director can form any new committees within the organization to improve the functioning of the organization. A written signed justification note will be kept in file.Recruitment Process: Once the organization decides to recruit any position, there has to be a document for justifying the same and has to be approved by the Secretary- cum-Director. • The position for advertisement should have all the details including the post title, duties, terms and conditions, qualification, experience, location of posting, period of posting, remunerations, deadlines for receiving applications etc. • This position needs to be announced within the organization first before sending the advertisement to various other organizations, placement cells, newspaper advertisement etc.etc. All the advertisements should be put on the Notice Board of the organization. • Existing staff willing to take up higher positions need to apply◘Selection Procedure: The Recruitment Board will be responsible to scrutinize the applications, sending the invitation letters for interviews, arrange preparation of materials required for interviews, selection of interview panel members etc.etc. • Once scrutiny is over send call letters to shortlisted candidatesCENTRE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATION, FOREST & TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Jashipur
Page |6 • Send a Personal Details Format along with the calling letter to be filled in and send back or carry for interview. • The interview should have a written and personal interview • The Secretary-cum-Director, Chief of a Project Specific, a person from Finance & Admin Unit and a professional from outside the organization should be part of the Interview Panel. • Once the interview panel decides on a particular candidate(s) after the interview, a confidential letter will be sent to referees. And if the feedback from the referees is positive, then an offer letter will be sent to the successful candidate. • If the successful candidates are interested to join the organization then he/she should let the organization know in writing about his/her decision and date of joining etc. • An appointment letter will be given to the candidates on joining the organization, along with the HR& Admin Policy, Financial Policies, Organization‟s profile, organ gram etc. • The candidate needs to sign two copies of the Appointment Letter – one copy for the organizational files and one for the candidate. The organization will maintain Master File for all the Appointments and a copy of the Appointment letter will be kept in the Master File, a copy will be in specific project personnel file and one copy will be individual staff Personall File. •The Appointment Letters should include the Ethical Job Responsibilities of that position. All the Personnel Files will be kept in safe and locked filing racks.Orientation to Newly Recruited Staff: As is in the case of any organization, aformal welcoming process is needed. In this context a separate “Induction Pack” isprepared and is to be given to newly recruited staff. This orientation will help theemployee to feel comfortable, and also to know more about the organization andother staff members and their roles and responsibilities.This orientation is to be conducted by the HR Team. If more new members join atone time a short training session on HR and Financial Policies will be conducted.However, in case one or two members joins the HR Team needs to prepare aschedule for the new staff members and arrange meetings with the LineManagers/staff members who may have direct/indirect links with the new employee.Induction Pack: The induction pack is given to new employees which will help theemployee to know about the organization, its history and the types of work theorganization does. The pack contains: 1. Organisation Profile 2. Organizations Latest Annual Report 3. H.R& Admin Policy Manual 4. Finance ManualCENTRE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATION, FOREST & TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Jashipur
Page |7 5. Contact addresses and phone numbers of staff and NGOs/INGOs/Individuals & other essential services used in the organization. 6. Disclosure of Dependents Form 7. PF Registration Form 8. Professional Tax Form 9. Any other Information 10. A Form for PANProbation Period:Any newly recruited staff will be on probation. In case of Administrative Staff whoare on longer term contract the probation period is for six months and in case ofproject staff the probation period is for three months. This will help the staff tounderstand the organization, systems, policies and programmes. At the same timethis will also help the organization to know more about the candidate and the area ofinterests, strengths and weaknesses. •The candidate need to prepare a report on his/her work during the probation period and discuss the same with the Line Manager during the performance review. •On the basis of the performance review and its feedback the Line Manager concerned will recommend to the Secretary-cum-Director to retain or to release the staff concerned after the probation period. A signed copy of the review should be there in the file and the staff concerned, the HR in-charge, the Line Manager and the Secretary-cum-Director will sign this. • Staff on probation will get all benefits as per the HR policy • During the probation period a staff member can be removed without any notice if the Line Manager gives sufficient written justifiable reasons for not performing or gross misconduct.Employment Conditions: • Staff should be available at any time if the organization felt the need for meeting the deadlines or to attend to any work of urgent in nature. • CREFDTA works on six days a week – Monday to Saturday and Public Holidays as per the organization‟s list is declared holiday. • The working hours of CREFDTA are from 10.30 am to 5pm with half an hour lunch break • CREFDTA will compensate staff working on holidays and late hours, by allowing the staff take day(s) off in lieu of working on holidays/ late hours. This needs to be recommended by the Line Manager and approved by the Secretary-cum-Director. • The compensatory leave is availed within the month, unless approved by the Secretary-cum-Director to carry over to next month in case there is pre- planned activities during that month.CENTRE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATION, FOREST & TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Jashipur
Page |8 • Staff needs to intimate the Office Manager/Secretary-cum-Director if they are working late hours or coming to work on holidays. A format could be used for this. This form prepared by staff concerned and approved by the Line Manager/Secretary-cum-Director needs to be given to the Office Manager. This will help him/her to know about the staff movements and for the security of the office. • Staff should not smoke or consume alcohol inside the office premises. • No staff will be discriminated on the basis of age, sex, caste or religion • Immediate relation of any staff members should not Line Manage him/her. In case such situation arises and there is a need to keep that staff that needs to be approved by the Secretary-cum-Director in consultation with Recruitment Board and a justification written document needs to be kept in file. • If any staff member works in any other organization on a part-time basis or consultancy basis that needs to be intimated to the Line Manager in writing. • If there are any changes in the Personal Data of a staff, that needs to be intimated in writing to the HR Unit. • All Staff needs to sign on the attendance register. • Staff needs to give Leave Application in writing before taking leave and that needs to be signed by the concerned staff and recommended/approved by the Line Manager and intimated to the Secretary-cum-Director. • If staff takes leave without intimation for reasons beyond their control they need to intimate the same to the Line Manager and the Line Manager need to intimate the same to the HR person. As soon as the staff comes to the office a proper leave application needs to be prepared and signed by the Line Manager and should be submitted at HR section.Non-Discrimination: In order to provide equal employment and advancementopportunities to all individuals, employment decisions at CREFDTA will be based onmerit, qualifications, and abilities. CREFDTA does not discriminate in employmentopportunities or practices because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age ordisability.During the employment with CREFDTA, if any staff member have any questions,concerns about discrimination at workplace are encouraged to bring these issues tothe notice of their immediate Supervisor/HR Head. Employees can raise concernsand make reports without fear of reprisal. Anyone found to be engaging in unlawfuldiscrimination will be subject to disciplinary action, including termination ofemployment.Confidentiality: Staff needs to maintain confidentiality in case of importantdocuments which includes financial information, pending projects and proposals,Personnel and financial related, any other information that may affect the smoothfunctioning of the organization. For giving any interviews to media or outsiders it isimportant to consult your Line Manager/Secretary-cum-Director.CENTRE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATION, FOREST & TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Jashipur
Page |9•All employees are required to sign a non-disclosure agreement as a condition ofemployment.•Employees who improperly use or disclose confidential documents/informationrelated to the organisation will be subject to disciplinary action, including terminationof employment and legal action, even if they do not actually benefit from thedisclosed information.• CREFDTA rely upon the accuracy of information contained in the employmentapplication and the accuracy of other data presented throughout the employment.Any misrepresentations, falsifications, or material omissions in any of thisinformation or data may result in exclusion of the individual from furtherconsideration for employment or, if the person has been hired, termination ofemployment.• You enter into employment voluntarily, and you are free to resign at any time forany reason or no reason as per the notice period mentioned in the Terms ofConditions of your Appointment Letter. Similarly, CREFDTA is free to conclude itsrelationship with any employee at any time for any reason or no reason as per theTerms of Reference or Notice Period given in the contract/Appointment Letter.However, for reasons of gross misconduct CREFDTA can remove/terminate thecontract of a staff member at any point of time without giving any Notice Period.Individual Consultancies: During the employment with CREFDTA if any staff member is asked/planning to take any works as Consultants/Resource Persons using CREFDTA‟s office time, 40% of consultancy money will have to be given back to CREFDTA and the rest can be kept by the individual concerned. For this the individual needs to consult the HR Department before accepting any outside consultancies. In case the concerned staff takes up outside Consultancy assignments after office hours, during holidays or even using his/her available leave, that needs to be intimated to the organization in writing and this should not in direct or indirect way affect the organization‟s work and this needs to be approved by the Secretary-cum-Director in consultation with the HR Unit. An existing employee of CREFDTA cannot take up Consultancy assignment within the same organization for any other projects running in the organization. If such need arises, this needs to be recommended by HR Unit and then the Secretary-cum-Director will decide on this. A written document should be kept in file giving the reasons. Staff Salaries •The staff salaries should be paid on a monthly basis and they should be paid at the end of the month and in case of unavoidable circumstance these should be paid within the first week of following month • Salaries should be paid by Cheque or Bank Transfer. However, in cases where the organization feels not possible to make Cheque payment/Bank Transfer that needs to be justified in writing.CENTRE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATION, FOREST & TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Jashipur
P a g e | 10 •Each staff will have to prepare their Monthly Work Plans in consultation with their Line Manager and a brief Monthly Report should be prepared on their work of that month and submitted to the Line Manager. • Salary structures are be reviewed every two years. However, if necessary these can be reviewed less than two years also if the Executive Committee so decides.Wages and Salary Increases • The salary structures should be prepared keeping in view of the minimum standard of living for a five member family of a lowest paid staff. While doing this the organization also needs to look at the minimum wages paid by the State Government for skilled and unskilled workers. Every year there will be an increment of 10% to all staff on the date of their joining if fund permited. In addition to the annual increments Performance Based salary review will be done once an year. The employee‟s review will usually be conducted on or about the anniversary date of employment or the date of the previous compensation review. Such reviews may be conducted more frequently for a newly created position, or based on a recent promotion. Increases will be determined on the basis of performance, adherence to organisation‟s policies and procedures, and ability to meet or exceed duties per job description and achieve performance goalsRetirement Age: At CREFDTA the retirement age is 60 years, can be extended inconsultation with the Board and the person concern. In case of permanent positionsthis is applicable. However, for project specific positions the staff will continue tillthe project period as mentioned in their Appointment Letters.Staff Benefits: • At the moment Provident Fund facility is not there, however, CREFDTA would look into this as early and practicable as possible. • Life Insurance: At the moment this facility is not there and should look into the available options such as Contributory Group Life Insurance Scheme for all its staff members, as early as possible. Health: Employees who become aware of any health-related issue, including pregnancy, should notify their supervisor/HR Team of health status. This policy has been instituted strictly to protect the employee. A written “permission to work” from the employee‟s doctor is required at the time or shortly after notice has been given. The doctor‟s note should specify whether the employee is able to perform regular duties as outlined in his/her job description. A leave of absence may be granted on a case-by-case basis. If the need arises for a leave of absence, employees should notify their supervisor &HR Team,CENTRE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATION, FOREST & TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Jashipur
P a g e | 11 • Health Insurance: At the moment it is not there and CREFDTA is in the process of finding out various options. •Staff Welfare/Development Fund: At the moment it is not there , however CREFDTA should would into this to set up a Staff Welfare Fund . • Once the Staff Welfare Fund is established separately, Terms and Conditions need to be formulated. Corrective/Disciplinary Action:• CREFDTA holds each of its employees to certain work rules and standards ofconduct. When an employee deviates from these rules and standards, CREFDTAexpects the employee‟s supervisor to take corrective action.• Corrective action at CREFDTA is progressive. That is, the action taken in responseto a rule infraction or violation of standards typically follows a pattern increasing inseriousness until the infraction or violation is corrected.The usual sequence of corrective actions includes Oral warning a written First warning Probation a written Second Warning A written Final Warning and TerminationIn deciding which initial corrective action would be appropriate, a supervisor willconsider the seriousness of the infraction, the circumstances surrounding the matter,and the employee‟s previous record.The above needs to be done by the Line Manager in consultation with the ExecutiveDirectorThough committed to a progressive approach to corrective action, CREFDTAconsiders certain rule infractions and violations of standards as grounds forimmediate termination of employment. These include : • theft in any form • insubordinate behavior • vandalism •destruction of company property • being on company property during non-business hours • the use of company equipment and/or company vehicles without prior authorization by Line Manager/Executive Director • untruthfulness about personal work history skills, or training • divulging CREFDTAs business practices, and misrepresentations of CREFDTA to any organizations or individuals.CENTRE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATION, FOREST & TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Jashipur
P a g e | 12EMPLOYMENT TERMINATIONTermination of employment is an inevitable part of personnel activity within anyorganization, and many of the reasons for termination are routine. Below are a fewexamples of some of the most common circumstances under which employment isterminated: Resignation – voluntary employment termination initiated by an employee. Termination – involuntary employment termination initiated by CREFDTA Layoff – involuntary employment termination initiated by CREFDTA for non- disciplinary reasons.Resignation: If a staff member want to resign from the organization, they need togive at least one month notice or salary in lieu of the notice period. However, it isimportant that the staff concerned should complete his/her tasks and do the properhanding over before leaving the organization.Termination of Services:In case of non-performance of duties to the organisation‟s satisfaction, thenthe organization needs to review his/her work at least twice over a period ofsay 3 to 6 months. Each of these review meeting minutes should be signedby both the staff and the Line Manager and should be filed.In case the Termination of services of staff is beyond organizational control,then they need to give one month advance notice to the staff givingreasonable justifiable grounds in writing. This copy needs to berecommended by the Line Manager and HR Unit before it is approved by theSecretary-cum-Director.In case of gross misconduct by a staff member, this needs to be intimated tothe Line Manager first and the Line Manager will discuss this with the staffconcerned before the Line Manager‟s recommendations are sent to the HRUnit. HR Unit in turn discuss with the staff concerned, and forward itsrecommendations to the Secretary-cum-Director. After going through, theSecretary-cum-Director in consultation with the Line Manager, HR Unitwill/may constitute an Enquiry Committee to look into this. On thesubmission of the enquiry report that will be discussed with the concernedstaff and if he/she found guilty their services can be terminated. In case thestaff is not comfortable/confident enough with the Line Manager, he/she maychose any other staff member of his/her choice to be in the EnquiryCommittee.Documents etc. to return: Any employee who terminates employment with CREFDTAshall return all files, records, keys, and any other materials that are property ofCREFDTA No final settlement of an employee‟s pay will be made until all items arereturned in appropriate condition. The cost of replacing non-returned items will bededucted from the employee‟s final payment. Furthermore, any outstandingfinancial obligations owed to CREFDTA will also be deducted from the employee‟sfinal payment.Benefits to affect: Employee‟s benefits will be affected by employmenttermination in the following manner. All accrued vested benefits if that are due andCENTRE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATION, FOREST & TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Jashipur
P a g e | 13payable at termination will be paid. The employee will be notified of the benefitsthat may be continued and of the terms, conditions, and limitations.Staff Council: CREFDTA constituted a Staff Committee which meets once a monthto discuss staff related issues.Performance Review:Staff, including Supervisors/Line Managers will be trained on the PerformanceReviews and Planning Sessions. This will be done by the HR Department or externalconsultants.• In the second stage, the Line Managers/Supervisors will conduct performancereviews and planning sessions with all regular full-time and regular part-timeemployees after three months of service. Line Managers may conduct informalperformance reviews and planning sessions more often if they felt the need.•Performance reviews and planning sessions are designed for the supervisor and theemployee to discuss his/her current job tasks, encourage and recognize attributes,and discuss positive, purposeful approaches for meeting work-related goals.Together, employee and supervisor discuss ways in which the employee canaccomplish goals or learn new skills. The planning sessions are designed for theemployee and his/her supervisor to make and agree on new goals, skills, and areasfor improvement.•Wages and salary increases have direct links with performance. Your performancereview and planning sessions will have a direct effect on any changes in yourcompensation. For this reason among others, it is important to prepare for thesereviews carefully, and participate in them fully.• New employees will be reviewed at the end of their probationary periods• The Self Appraisal report needs to be filed in the Personnel File of the concernedstaff alongwith the feedback of its Line Manager.• The Self Appraisal report will help planning for the future and also to get any increments in the salaries or promotions or demotions. More details about this given in later pages.Leave Related: The staff at CREFDTA are entitled to the following leave • Casual Leave: Every confirmed staff is eligible to get a casual leave of four days in an year. The CL cannot be accumulated. • Medical Leave: Confirmed staff are eligible to get 20 days of Medical Leave in an year In case of short term/part time appointments this facility could be given on pro rata basis. •The medical leave should accompany a qualified doctors prescription. • Staff need to intimate within two working days if he/she is sickCENTRE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATION, FOREST & TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Jashipur
P a g e | 14 • Earned Leave: • Any confirmed staff member is eligible for 23 working days of earned leave in an year. •To take earned leave, leave application should be given at least one week in advance. •Maternity Leave: CREFDTA provides maternity leave facility upto 3 months for staff. •Paternity Leave: CREFDTA provides paternity leave of two weeksOffice Closure in Emergency Situations.At times, due to emergencies such as severe weather, fires, power failures, strikescan disrupt organisations operations and also may have affect on the staffmovements. The Office Manager in consultation with the Executive Director andavailable Line Managers will make a decision and intimate staff accordingly.Insurance on Personal EffectsAll employees should be sure that their own personal insurance policies cover theloss of anything occasionally left at the office. CREFDTA assumes no risk for any lossor damage to personal property.Safety of Office Premises: All employees who are issued keys to the office are responsible for theirsafekeeping. The last employee, or a designated employee, who leaves the office atthe end of the day assumes the responsibility to ensure that all doors are securelylocked and all appliances and lights are turned off with exception of the lightsnormally left on for security purposesSafetyCREFDTA provides information to employees about workplace safety and healthissues through regular internal communication such as: Orientation Team Meetings Internal Memos TrainingEach employee is expected to obey safety rules and exercise caution and commonsense in all work activities. Employees must immediately report any unsafeconditions to their supervisor. Employees who violate safety standards, causehazardous or dangerous situations, or fail to report, or where appropriate, remedysuch situations, may be subject to disciplinary action including termination ofemployment.CENTRE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATION, FOREST & TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Jashipur
P a g e | 15In the case of an accident that results in injury, regardless of how insignificant theinjury may appear, employees should notify their Line Manager and the ExecutiveDirector.Employee Communication: • Staff meetings: CREFDTA does conduct staff meetings in the first week of Every month to discuss about the programme and management aspects. • CREFDTA staff also have Staff Council and members of the Council meets Once every month and as and when a need arises. ◘ CREFDTA also encourages staff to be frank and open and clarify any points immediately without waiting for the meetings to take place. ◘ CREFDTA displays on its Notice Board any important information, documents ◘ CREFDTA encourages staff to go for self development programmesPersonnel FilesEmployee personnel files include the following: Job application Job description Resumé Appointment Letter & Terms of Conditions Reecords of participation in training events Salary history Copies of Reference Letter Documents related to disciplinary action documents related to employee performance reviewsPersonnel files are the property of CREFDTA and access to the information isrestricted. Management/HR Personnel of CREFDTA who have a legitimate authorityand reason to review the file are allowed to do so.Changes in Personnel DataIt is the responsibility of the employee to promptly notify their supervisor with a copyto HR Unit of any changes in personnel data as employees personnel data should beaccurate and up-to-date at all times. These could be: Dependents Mailing address, Telephone numbers, Individuals to be contacted in the event of an emergency.STANDARDS OF CONDUCT The work rules and standards of conduct for CREFDTAare important, and the organisation regards them seriously. All employees are urgedto become familiar with these rules and standards. In addition, employees areexpected to follow the rules and standards faithfully in doing their own jobs andconducting the Company‟s business. Please note that any employee who deviatesfrom these rules and standards will be subject to corrective action, up to andincluding termination of employmentCENTRE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATION, FOREST & TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Jashipur
P a g e | 16While not intended to list all the forms of behavior that are considered unacceptablein the workplace, the following are examples of rule infractions or misconduct thatmay result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment. Theft or inappropriate removal or possession of property; Falsification of timekeeping records Working under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs Possession, distribution, sale, transfer, or use of alcohol or illegal drugs in the workplace Fighting or threatening violence in the workplace; Boisterous or disruptive activity in the workplace; Negligence or improper conduct leading to damage of organisation-owned or customer-owned property; Insubordination or other disrespectful conduct; Violation of safety or health rules; Smoking in the workplace; Sexual or other unlawful or unwelcome harassment Excessive absenteeism or any absence without notice Unauthorized use of telephones, or other company-owned equipment Using company equipment for purposes other than business (i.e. playing games on computers or personal Internet usage); Unauthorized disclosure of business “secrets” or confidential information; Violation of personnel policies; and Unsatisfactory performance or conduct.CREFDTA is committed to providing a work environment that is free ofdiscrimination and unlawful harassment. Actions, words, jokes, or comments basedon an individual‟s sex, race, ethnicity, age, religion, or any other legally protectedcharacteristic will not be tolerated.If you believe you have been the victim of harassment, or know of another employeewho has, report it immediately. Employees can raise concerns and make reportswithout fear of reprisal.Any supervisor who becomes aware of possible harassment should promptly advisetheir supervisor or the Secretary-cum-Director Director who will handle the matter ina timely and confidential manner.Use of Official Mail Address: Any mail coming to CREFDTA official address isconsidered to be an official one hence these could be opened. Staff are advised toensure that their personal mails coming to CREFDTA should have “personal” writtenon the envelop so that those mails will not be opened.Use of Telephones: CREFDTA‟s telephones are intended for the use of officialpurposes. Personal use of phones during working hours discouraged. Personal orofficial calls should be brief. It is important to mention the same in the TelephoneLog Register. To respect the rights of all employees and avoid miscommunication inthe office, employees must inform family members and friends to limit personaltelephone calls during working hours.If an employee is found to be deviating from this policy, he/she will be subject todisciplinary actionUse of Photocopier: CREFDTA keeps a register to make entries of the photocopies,this will help controlling the usage. The Office Manager would look into the registeronce a week.CENTRE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATION, FOREST & TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Jashipur
P a g e | 17Internet Use: CREFDTA employees are allowed use of the Internet and e-mail forofficial purposes.Use of the Internet must not disrupt operation of the CREFDTA computer network.Use of the Internet must not interfere with an employee's productivity. Employeesare responsible for using the Internet in a manner that is ethical and lawful.Internet messages are public and not private. CREFDTA reserves the right to accessand monitor all files and messages on its systems.SUBSTANCE ABUSECREFDTA is committed to providing a safe and productive workplace for itsemployees. In keeping with this commitment, the following rules regarding alcoholand drugs of abuse have been established for all staff members, regardless of rankor position, including both regular and temporary employees. The rules apply duringworking hours to all employees of the organisation while they are on Organisationpremises or elsewhere on organizations business.The manufacture, distribution, possession, sale, or purchase of controlled substancesof abuse on Company property is prohibited.Being under the influence of illegal drugs, smoking, alcohol, or substances of abuseon CREFDTA property is prohibited.Working while under the influence of prescription drugs that impair performance isprohibited.Vehicles: •Vehicles needs to be parked in the place provided.. Organisation is not responsible for theft of vehicles. • Staff should ensure that all the vehicles are insured and tax paid in time. • All staff who rides/drives vehicles should have proper Driving Licence • Staff needs to wear helmet • Always carry the driving licence and other related documents • Ensure that in the four wheeler vehicle documents are kept. • Ensure that the vehicles have proper tool box, Torch Light, Water • Vehicle should always have updated First Aid BoxVisitors in the Workplace:To provide for the safety and security of employees, visitors, and the facilities atCREFDTA only authorized visitors are allowed in the workplace. Restrictingunauthorized visitors helps ensure security, decreases insurance liability, protectsconfidential information, safeguards employee welfare, and avoids potentialdistractions and disturbances.CENTRE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATION, FOREST & TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Jashipur
P a g e | 18Visitors needs to meet the receptionist, who in turn will contact the concerned staffmember the visitors wish to meet. The visitor needs to sit in the reception till a callcomes from the concerned staff.The visitor needs to sign in the visitors book while coming and goingHospitality to Visitors: It is the responsibility of the Reception section to providehospitality to the visitor. It is the responsibility of the staff to whom the visitorcome to meet, to ensure that the visitor is attended to.Office Premises: • Switch off electrical equipments when not in use • Maintain cleanliness of office premises • Ensure that all the electrical appliances working properly • Ensure smoke free atmosphere • Switch off computers, printers, photocopier etc when not in use • Cultivate the practice of cleaning your own tea/coffee cups etc.Stationery: Staff needs to give requisition to the Office Manager and accordingly the stationeryneeds to be purchased in a bulk or once a month or as and when required.Stock Register: It is important that the stock register needs updated as and when basisTravel Allowances: CREFDTA will provide travel allowances to staff if they are away fromworkstation on official duty.The per diem allowance is Rs 200/- per day within Orissa and outside the State it islimited to Rs. 400/- per day. Where only a part of a day is included, this per diem is paidpro-rata. Likewise if lunch is provided as part of a workshop or training event, aproportionate amount will be deducted from the per diem.Accommodation will be reimbursed on production of receipts up to a maximum of Rs500/- per night or actual whichever is less . If double room accommodation is available itis advisable to share the room with other staff member if more than one staff stay.Travel Plans of all staff members need to prepare and to be shared in the staffmeeting. Vehicle allotments or hiring of vehicles will be done according to priority.Once the travel plans are finalized the Line Manager needs to recommend and the EDwill approve.Staffs are allowed to travel by second class sleeper or the cheapest mode. If staff needs totravel by any other class or by flight then that needs to be approved by the ExecutiveDirectorIdentity Cards: CREFDTA staff will be given ID cards. This will be very useful. The informationin this could be: Name & Designation Office Address Sex Age/Date of Birth Blood Group Emergency Contact Phone Number:CENTRE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATION, FOREST & TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Jashipur
P a g e | 19 Filing System: • Office Manager / Accounts Manager and Admin. Assistant are responsible for filing systems • Each individual should ensure filing of papers immediately • Personnel files should be kept separately and they should be confidential • It is a good practice to keep the files related to a particular project in sequential order. • There should be a filing cabinet where the cabinets could be segregated into Finance, Admin, HR, Programme. • In the HR section individual staff files will be there but confidential files related to staff should be kept separately. • All the Project Funding related documents should be kept in a separate file for all the projects. In addition to this a copy of the same document should also be kept in the project file. • A Master File should be maintained – in this whatever correspondence goes from each and every staff to any other organizations/places – a copy must be kept here. This Master File should be accessible to all staff and it is advised that staff should go through this whenever they find time. This will help them to keep track of things happening around. • The files should be properly labeled and a filing list should be prepared and put one outside the filing cabinet and a copy should be given to all staff for their reference. • Each file should have a code e.g. ADM-005 (say – Vehiclel Related), so when filing a document the staff could put this number so that it will be easier to file it.Assets Register: An Assets is maintained. This needs to be updated as and when newassets are procured or existing one disposed off. These assets should have a UniqueNumber which should be used on the Asset and also in the Asset Register. A sampleformat is sent separately.All the assets should be insured.Telephone Log Book: Staff should judiciously use the telephones. If email facilities areavailable it is better to send an email and follow this with a telephone call. This willreduce the cost. Also when making calls outside Jashipurr you should enter the numberand the purpose in the telephone log book. The Office Manager would look into thisonce a month..CENTRE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATION, FOREST & TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Jashipur
P a g e | 20Office Keys: There will be three sets of office keys. One with the Secretary-cum-Director, one with the with the Office Manager.Whoever goes last and lock the officeshould ensure that all the doors are properly closed and put off the switches.PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT & STAFF DEVELOPMENTPerformance Management is a systematic periodic evaluation of an employee onhis/her present job and also in relation to future jobs that he/she may be required totake up.It measures and evaluates the results of the performance of the employees. It pointsout the employee's strengths and weaknesses, with the objective of converting theweaknesses into strengths over a period of time.Why do we need to do the PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL To identify an individual‟s present level of performance To identify the strengths and weaknesses of the employees To enable employees to improve their performance To motivate employees To identify training and development needs To provide information for succession planningCharacteristics of Performance AppraisalThe Performance Appraisal is a continuous process and this needs to be done andreviewed on a regular basis. This is also a systematic assessment which will helpto know the strengths and weaknesses of an individual and help them in providingrequired training/staff development to perform their duties successfully. ThePerformance Appriasal should be unbiased and similar procedures needs to beadopted for all employees in the same grade.. The employee feedback will help toknow how the employees are performing their duties.Steps needs tobe taken for a sound Performance Appraisal: 1. Establish performance standard 2. Communicate the standard to the employees 3. Measurement of actual performance 4. Compare actual performance with the standard 5. Discuss the appraisal with employeesCENTRE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATION, FOREST & TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Jashipur
P a g e | 21 6. If necessary, initiate corrective actionLevels of performance in an organization: Individual Performance Team Performance Sector/Unit Performance Organisational PerformanceExpected outcome of a good Performance Management System Improved individual and team performance Employee involvement and participation Improved internal communication Motivated employees Individual and organisational developmentIndividual Work Plans:The individual work plan is the core document in the Performance Managementsystem. Agreed objectives say about 7 to 8 and identify the priority achievementsand contributions the individual will make to CREFDTA. The individual work plan is aworking document and revisions may be agreed and recorded at any time.The work plan sheet is designed to follow the SMART mnemonic – i.e.S - SPECIFIC (Objectives)M - MEASUREABLE (Success Criteria]A - AGREEDR - REALISTICT - TIME-SCALEDPURPOSEA purpose for the objective or set of objectives, which explains the link to anorganisational need.CENTRE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATION, FOREST & TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Jashipur
P a g e | 22OBJECTIVEThis describes a particular result or achievement required. Each member of staff willhave about seven clear and specific objectives that are derived from, and linked to,an organizational need. The objectives may be short, medium or long term withinthe time frameACTIVITIESWithout being an exhaustive task list, these explain what needs to be done toachieve the objectives.SUCCESS CRITERIAThese define how the Line Manager and member of staff will know if an activity hasbeen completed successfully or an objective met. They will be agreed in advance andonly outcomes that can be evidenced or measured – for example: a report producedrecommendations accepted; a workshop delivered - should be recorded.TIME SCALESTime scales are used to monitor progress against the individual work plan. These canbe deadlines, frequencies or timetables. They are agreed and recorded forobjectives, which may be short, medium or long term. Time scales for activities willalso be agreed and recorded.CENTRE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATION, FOREST & TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Jashipur
P a g e | 25Forms tobe used :1. Performance and Staff Development Plan:Completed by the manager/supervisor based on a review of the staffmember's performance for the appraisal period. The Performance Planshould describe the actual performance of the staff member. Issues notdiscussed during the appraisal period should not be reflected in thePerformance Plan. The Performance and Staff Development Plan includes asection entitled, \"Goals/Projects for Next Appraisal Cycle.\" This section mustbe completed for all staff members. If the staff member'soverall performance is unacceptable or meets some but not allgoals, descriptions of the performance areas needing improvement, timeframes for improvement and performance goals/expectations should beincorporated in the Goals/Projects for Next Appraisal Cycle Section of thePerformance Plan. (A separate Performance Improvement Plan is notrequired.) The manager/supervisor may consult with Staff and LaborRelations on developing goals for the next appraisal cycle.2. Self-Appraisal Worksheet:The supervisor should discuss with the staff member the importance ofcompleting the self-appraisal worksheet. The supervisor may require the staffmember to complete the self-appraisal prior to the manager/supervisorcompleting the Performance and Staff Development Plan. The self-appraisalprovides the staff member with the opportunity to provide his/her perspectiveregarding performance during the appraisal period. This worksheet also preparesthe staff member for a participatory discussion with the manager/supervisorabout his/her performance. (This worksheet is similar to the Performance andStaff Development Plan that the manager/supervisor uses to summarize the staffmember's performance). The manager/supervisor should tell the staff memberwhich key 3 - 5 competency areas will be addressed in the appraisal before thestaff member completes his/her Self-Appraisal Worksheet. This will give the staffmember the opportunity to self-assess the same competency areas which will beaddressed in the appraisal.3. Performance and Staff Development Program Comment Sheet (Optional): Used by the staff member to comment on any aspect of the performance appraisal and planning process. The Comment Sheet should be returned to the manager/supervisor when completed. The Comment Sheet should be forwarded to Human Resources/Staff and Labor Relations and will become a part of the staff member's official personnel file. (The Comment Sheet may be forwarded to Staff and Labor Relations separately, if necessary, from the Performance and Staff Development Plan.) .CENTRE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATION, FOREST & TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Jashipur
P a g e | 26PREPARING FOR THE PERFORMANCE AND STAFF DEVELOPMENT MEETING WITH ASTAFF MEMBER – Information for the Line Manager. Before you meet with the staff member, prepare! Advise staff members that Performance and Staff Development Plans are being completed. Encourage staff members to complete a Self-Appraisal Worksheet and submit it to you prior to your meeting to discuss performance. Tell each staff member which key 3 - 5 competency areas will be addressed in the appraisal before the staff member completes his/her Self- Appraisal Worksheet. This will give the staff member the opportunity to self- assess the same competency areas which will be addressed in the appraisal. Provide staff members with an outline of when you plan on meeting with them and how you will handle the performance feedback process. Review the staff member's departmental personnel file, including: -documentation or notes of previous performance discussions; -last year's performance appraisal; -performance expectations and job description; -goals and objectives for the appraisal cycle; -letters of commendation (or complaints); -anything else that is relevant to the staff member's performance; -sample work products Review the staff member's performance during the entire appraisal cycle and prepare the Performance and Staff Development Plan or an alternate format. Focus on performance during the whole appraisal cycle and not just recent performance events compare staff member's actual performance to established expectations view staff members as individuals; determine strengths and weaknesses; use the entire range of ratings. Discuss the draft Performance Plan with your supervisor, department head and/or senior business officer, as appropriate. Finalize draft Performance Plan, including the goals, projects and responsibilities for the next appraisal cycle. (Performance Plans for staff members who have overall ratings of 'unacceptable' may be discussed with Staff and Labor Relations prior to meeting with the staff member). Also, identify competency areas that should be further developed during the next appraisal cycle. Set up individual meetings with staff members to review their Performance and Staff Development PlansCENTRE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATION, FOREST & TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Jashipur
P a g e | 27Self-Appraisal Worksheet for all StaffThe Performance and Staff Development Program is designed to: encourage regular, constructive discussion between you and your supervisor regarding your performance and progress at meeting goals and expectations improve your job understanding promote more effective job performance establish future goals and responsibilities based on the objectives of the department/unit enhance your professional growth and developmentTo make the process of Annual Performance and your development plan processmore productive, you should think about the goals and expectations that youachieved during this appraisal cycle, the quality of your work and performance andcompetency areas that you would like to enhance or improve. Also give somethought to the 3 – 5 key competencies (see listing in attached form) that are vital toyour success in your position and/or will enhance your professional development.The attached Self-Appraisal Worksheet is similar to the Performance and StaffDevelopment Plan that your supervisor may use to appraise your performance. TheWorksheet will help you prepare for the meeting with your supervisor and shouldenhance communication between you and your supervisor regarding yourperformance and professional development. Before completing the appraisal, youcan ask your supervisor about the competency areas that she or he will beaddressing in your Performance Plan. In order to have a more productiveperformance appraisal meeting, you should address the same competencies in yourself-appraisal.The Self-Appraisal Worksheet will be included in your official personnel file availablewith HR Division. If you need more space, please use additional paper and includeyour name, department etc.If you have questions about the Performance and Staff Development Program,contact your supervisor or the HR Division..CENTRE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATION, FOREST & TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Jashipur
P a g e | 28 Performance and Staff Development Program Self-Appraisal Worksheet CREFDTA – JashipurName:_______________________________________________________Designation:__________________________________________________Department: ____________________________________________________Name of your LineManager:_______________________________________Summary of Performance: (Check the One Category That Best DescribesYour Overall Performance) a)Staff member‟s performance consistently exceeds established goals/expectations for the position and is clearly outstanding overall. b)Staff member‟s performance consistently meets and frequently exceeds all established goals/expectations for the position. c)Staff member‟s performance consistently meets established goals/expectations for the position. d) Staff member's performance meets some, but not all, established goals/expectations for the position and improvement in specific areas is required. e) Staff member's performance is unacceptable for the position and significant improvement is required.CENTRE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATION, FOREST & TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Jashipur
P a g e | 29Part I – Key Goals, Projects and Responsibilities for this Appraisal Cycle:Describe the key goals, projects and/or responsibilities that you had for thisappraisal cycle in order of importance. Comment on the performance resultsobtained for each goal and provide examples to support each rating. (In all the below cases describe performance results, including supporting examples)1. Goal/Project/Responsibility:2. Goal/Project/Responsibility:3. Goal/Project/Responsibility:4. Goal/Project/Responsibility:CENTRE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATION, FOREST & TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Jashipur
P a g e | 30Part II - Future Development: What professional developmentactivities/opportunities (e.g., training, special assignments, etc.) would you like topursue during the next appraisal cycle that would enhance your job performance?Part III - Competencies - The following are some competencies that may be vitalto your success in your current position and/or to your professional development.Before completing this section, you should discuss this with your Line Manager as towhich competencies she or he will discuss in your Performance and StaffDevelopment Plan. Provide comments on the competencies identified by yoursupervisor/Line Manager and any other competencies that are vital to your successin your current position and/or will enhance your professional development. Discusshow you currently demonstrate the competency and what type of training, workexperiences, and other opportunities you would like to pursue to further develop thecompetency.(In all the following categories describe how we demonstrate competencyand how we would like to further develop this competency):a) Accountability: takes responsibility for all work activities and personal actions;follows through on commitments; implements decisions that have been agreedupon; maintains confidentiality with sensitive information; acknowledges and learnsfrom mistakes without blaming others; recognizes the impact of one‟s behavior onothers.b) Adaptability: responds to changing circumstances by being innovative andaltering behavior to better fit different situations; consistently exhibits optimism andenergy; learns new skills, performs work in different ways; successfully works withnew colleagues; professionally deals with personal discomfort in a changingenvironment; willing to be flexible; remains calm in stressful situations.c) Clear Communication: expresses oneself clearly and effectively when speakingand/or writing to individuals or groups; listens attentively; ensures that informationis understood by all parties; shares information in a timely manner using the mostappropriate method; presents well-organized information in a group setting.d) Initiative: takes action to improve a situation without waiting for explicitinstructions; understands how one's own actions relate to the University's anddepartment‟s strategic goals; recognizes and responds to opportunities in order toreach a goal; seeks new and improved techniques, solutions, and approaches tocompleting assignments.CENTRE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATION, FOREST & TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Jashipur
P a g e | 31e) Managing Resources: allocates time and resources efficiently and effectively;prioritizes work and delegate as appropriate;f) Organization/Project Management: organizes large amounts of information bycreating and maintaining well organized systems; follows logical approaches tocompleting work; brings a project from inception to successful completion; translatesstrategies into step-by-step plans for action; monitors work progress to completion;effectively prioritizes; pays close attention to detail.g) Problem Solving: generates creative approaches to addressing problems andopportunities; identifies and weighs options, makes sound decisions after reviewingall relevant information; anticipates and plans for potential problems; takescalculated risks; recognizes impact of solutions.h) Service Orientation: acts professionally and calmly at all times when interactingwith others;consistently demonstrates concern and courtesy towards colleagues and customers;treats all people respectfully; takes personal responsibility for correcting problems;follows up with individuals to ensure satisfaction with the level of service they havereceived.i) Technology/Specialized Knowledge: demonstrates ability to use technologyeffectively and productively; continually updates skills and knowledge; addressesproblems as they arise or seeks help as appropriate.j) Valuing Diversity: treats all individuals fairly and respectfully, works effectivelywith others, regardless of their background, position, or status; ensures thatopportunities are equally available to all; respects different values and viewpoints.k) Working Collaboratively: works collectively with others, cooperating in bothinterpersonal and team relationships; fosters enthusiasm and maintains mutualtrust, candor and respect. If applicable, manages groups effectively and buildspartnerships with others.CENTRE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATION, FOREST & TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Jashipur
P a g e | 32Additional Competencies for those who Supervise Others:The competencies below are provided as a guide to help measure managementeffectiveness. This includes the ability to lead, manage and develop others,articulate a vision that inspires commitment from others, all in a supportiveenvironment.(Describe in all the following categories as to how you demonstrate competency andhow you would like to further develop this competency):a) Leadership: creates a vision or goal for one‟s work unit and communicates it in away that motivates others to implement it; understands and leverages theorganization‟s structure and relationships; pursues organization support andresources; develops strategies to include divergent opinions and overcome adversity;moves plans forward toward a specific course of action.b) Managing Conflict: ensures productive resolution of conflict; recognizesdifferent viewpoints; brings conflict into the open, and encourages those involved tofind appropriate solutions.c) Managing Performance: sets clear goals and expectations for staff; followsprogress against goals; provides regular feedback; addresses performance issuespromptly; fosters learning and development; provides public recognition of staffaccomplishments.Staff Member’s Signature: ____________________ Date: _________________CENTRE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATION, FOREST & TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Jashipur
P a g e | 35 Performance and Staff Development ProgramOnce the Performance Appraisal and Staff Development Plan is prepared and discussed bythe individual staff member with the Line Managers, the Line Manager needs to give a letterthe Staff concerned, summarizing the performance expectations, performance results andgoals for the upcoming cycle. A copy of the same needs to be given to the HR Unit. Thisletter needs to be agreed and signed by the individual staff members so that that will bethere in the Personnel Files at HR Unit.A sample letter is given below for the Line Managers reference:DateName of Staff MemberStaff Member‟s ID NumberDepartment NamePlaceDear Sir/Madam,This letter summarizes your performance results for the period______________and the performance goals and expectations for the futureappraisal. Your overall performance for this appraisal cycle is summarizedbelow._____________________________________________________________________________________Summary of Performance: (Check the one category that best describes the staffmember‟s overall performance)a) Staff member‟s performance consistently exceeds established goals/expectations for theposition and is clearly outstanding overall. b) Staff member‟s performance consistently meets and frequently exceeds all establishedgoals/expectations for the position. c) Staff member‟s performance consistently meets established goals/expectations for theposition.d) Staff member's performance meets some, but not all, established goals/expectations forthe position and improvement in specific areas is requirede) Staff member's performance is unacceptable for the position and significant improvementis required.CENTRE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATION, FOREST & TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Jashipur
P a g e | 36During this current appraisal cycle you were expected to meet the following goalsand expectations:(Summarize goals and expectations given to staff member for this cycle. Refer back to theprevious Performance and Staff Development Plan).The following summarizes your performance results for this cycle in relation to theestablished performance expectations and goals. This summary also cites examples of yourresults, where appropriate.(Provide a summary of staff member‟s overall performance results in relation toperformance expectations and goals. Cite specific examples of results from yourobservations and documentation).In the coming appraisal cycle, you will be expected to meet the following performance goalsand expectations: Summarize goals/expectations for coming cycle and include timeframes for achieving these goals. Can include routine duties, special assignments and projects and developmental activities. If staff member’s overall performance is unacceptable or meets some but not all goals, cite areas for improvement in this section.In addition to the above goals, the following competencies are vital to your success in thisposition and/or will enhance your professional development: cite relevant competencies,refer to listing in Performance and Staff Development Plan for descriptions. Youcan enhance your development of the noted competencies by… make suggestions, asneeded, on methods to improve in competency areas, e.g., taking a training courseof presentations, participating on a project team. You should also make commentson competencies the staff member is successfully demonstrating.Thank you for your efforts and contributions. I will be meeting with you again by (date ofnext review) to review your progress at meeting your performance expectations. If youhave any questions about this letter or your performance expectations for the coming cycle,please consult with me.Sincerely,Supervisor’s signature Date Supervisor signedDesignation & Unit NameCENTRE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATION, FOREST & TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Jashipur
P a g e | 37*Staff Member Signature &Date_________________________________________________*My signature indicates that the Performance Letter has been reviewed with me and I havereceived a copy. It does not necessarily indicate my concurrence with the PerformanceLetter.Signature & Date_________________________________________________Staff Member‟s Comments (Optional): The staff member may submit written comments onany aspect of the performance appraisal process. When completed, the comments shouldbe given to the supervisor. The document will be forwarded to Human Resources/Staff andLabor Relations and will become a part of the staff member‟s official personnel file. If thestaff member wishes provide comments, s/he should check the following box. [ ]CENTRE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATION, FOREST & TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Jashipur
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