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Home Explore Rainbow Phonics and spelling L2

Rainbow Phonics and spelling L2

Published by Kast Media, 2023-06-03 15:39:12

Description: Rainbow Phonics and spelling L2


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RAINBOW PHONICS & SPELLING LEVEL 2 Author and publisher John Akwasi Amponsah This book belongs to:

Copyright © 2021John Akwasi Amponsah All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Rainbow Plus Publications and Stationery or as expressly permitted by law, by licence or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction should be made at the address below: Rainbow Plus Publication & Stationery Ltd. P. O. Box KS 18490 Adum, Kumasi, Ghana (West Africa) Tel: +233 24 444 8 761 / +233 50 020 6 455 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Tel: +233 24 444 8 761 / +233 50 020 6 455 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] ISBN: 978-9988-9099-1-8 I

TABLE OF 1- 12 CONTENTS 1 Group 1: Ss Aa Tt Ii Pp Nn 2 Group 2: Cc Kk ck Ee Hh Rr Mm Dd 13 - 28 3 Group 3: Gg Oo Uu Ll Ff Bb 29 - 43 4 Group 4: ai Jj oa oe ie ee ea or 44-63 5 Group 5: Zz Ww ng Vv Oo oo 64-77 6 Group 6 Letter Sounds: Yy Xx ch sh th th 78-89 7 Group 7 Letter Sounds: 90-104 qu ou oi oy ue er ar iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS 8 Reading Sight Words: is are 105-116 to was the be 9 Reading Tricky Words 2: has both 117-123 they too put be she he 10 Reading Decodable Stories 124-132 11 Rhyming Words 133-139 12 Appendix A 140-145 13 REFERENCES 146 14 GLOSSARY 147 15 Certificate 148 iv

SkCiOllsPIEntOeFgrCaOtioRnE:SNKoItLeLtSo users Theiskbeyosobkeilsowdedseigscnreibdettohehecloprelesakrinllserpsracticed in the adcetviveiltoiepsawnitdhidnetmhiosnbsotorka.te core skills and values. The keys below describe the skills practiced in the activities in this book. You will find at least one of each skillRaetatdhiengend of everWy raitcitnigvity. CoRmeamduinngication and collaboration/ teamwork/Listening LiCLsitosemtenmnininuggnication and collaboration/teamwork/ Critical thinking and problem solving Imagination and Creativity Digital literacy SDyingtihtaelsliizteinragcy/Presenting/ LeLaedaedresrhsihpip Creativity and imagination viixi

UNIT 1 Group 1: Ss Aa Tt Ii Pp Nn Learning Outcomes The learners will be able to: I. Identify the target letters and make their corresponding sounds; ii. blend the target sounds to read syllables and blend syllables to read words; iii. write words or sentences containing the target sounds.

AB CE A 1. The letter s sounds /s/ as in snake. Weave your hand in an “s” shape like a snake and say ssssss. SA S 2. Draw a circle round the pictures that begin with the sound s. 3. Trace the letter s. How do you feel about the work? 2

AB CE B 1. The letter a sounds /a/ as in ant. Wiggle your fingers above your elbow as if some ants were crawling on your arm and say aaaa. Aa 2. Draw a circle round the pictures that begin with the letter sound a. 3. Trace the letter a. 4. Complete the letter sums below. One is done for you. a. s + a sa b. s + a How do you feel about the work? 3

AB CE C 1. The letter a sounds /a/ as in tap. Turn your head from side to side and say tttttt. ATt 2. Draw a circle round the pictures that begin with the letter sound t. 3. Trace the letter t. 4. Complete the letter sums below. Read the word. a. s + a + t = b. a + t = How do you feel about the work? 4

AB CE D...F.1.....T..h.e..l.e.t.t.e..r.i..s.o..u.n..d.sG..r/.o.i/ fingers at the end of your nose as if you were a mouse and say iiiiii. AIi igloo 2. Draw a circle round the pictures that begin with the letter sound i. 3. Trace the letter i. 4. Complete the letter sums below. Read the word. a. s + a + t = b. s + ii + t = How do you feel about the work? 5

AB CE E 1. The letter p sounds /p/ as in pan. Hold up your finger, as if you are about to blow a candle and puff it out saying ppppp. APp 2. Draw a circle round the pictures that begin with the letter sound p. 3. Trace the letter p. 4. Complete the letter sums below. Read the words. a. p + a + t = b. t + ii + p= How do you feel about the work? 6

AB CE 1. The letter n sounds /n/ as in net. Act as if you F were a plane, stretch out your arms like wings, and say nnnnn. ANn net 2. Draw a circle round the pictures that begin with the letter sound n. 3. Trace the letter n. 4. Complete the letter sums below. Read the words. a. t + Ii + n= b. p + ii + n= How do you feel about the work? 7

AB CE G Point to each picture and read the word under it. Make the sound for each letter in each word. 1. 2. 3. tap sip pan 4. 5. 6. sit nap pat 7. 8. 9. ant pin tin How do you feel about the work? 8

AB CE H Draw a line to join each word to the right picture. 1 pin pan tin 2 tap ant sit How do you feel about the work? 9

AB CE,.tt.Att.aii.nn,.Tgg.t.,.PPI.ihh, I Write the letters in the right order to label the pictures. 12 n3 a a p n p t a t 45 n6 Ii Ii p p t n Ii t J Draw a picture to match the word under each box. 12 ant pan How do you feel about the work? 10

AB CE K Read the sentences and fill in the gaps. 11. It is an ................ 22. It is a ................ 33. It is a ................ 4. It is a ................ 55. It is a ................ How do you feel about the work? 11

A B CE Group 1: SsSpAoattTintgIiPhPopneNmnes L Colour the picture. Practise writing the sentence under the picture. It is a pan. It How do you feel about the work? 12

UNIT 2 Group 2: Cc Kk ck Ee Hh Rr Mm Dd Learning Outcomes The learners will be able to: I. Identify the target letters and make their corresponding sounds; ii. blend the target sounds to read syllables and blend syllables to read words; iii. write words or sentences containing the target sounds.

AB CE A 1. The letter c sounds /k/ as in cap. Raise your hands, snap your fingers and say k, k, k. ACc 2. Draw a circle round the pictures that begin with the letter sound c. . 3. Trace the letter c. 4. Blend the letters to read each of the words below. c a t c ap c an How do you feel about the work? 14

AB CE A 1. The letter k sounds /k/ as in kit. Raise your hands, snap your fingers and say k, k, k. AKk 2. Draw a circle round the pictures that begin with the letter sound k. . 3. Trace the letter k. 12 12 12 12 3 3 33 4. Say the sound for each letter. Complete the letter sums in your book. k ii t k i ss k i n How do you feel about the work? 15

AB CE 1.The letter ck sounds the same as c and k. Raise A your hands, snap your fingers and say ck, ck, ck. Ack 2. Draw a circle round the pictures that have the ck sound in them. 3. Trace the letter ck. 4. Say the sound for each letter. Complete the letter sums in your book. s a ck k i ck s Ii ck How do you feel about the work? 16

AB CE 1. The letter e sounds /e/ as in pen. Act as if you B were cracking an egg against one side of a pan and say eh, eh, eh. EAe 2. Draw a circle round the picture that begin with the letter sound e. 3. Trace the letter e. 4. Say the sound for each letter. Complete the letter sums in your book. t e n ne t pe t How do you feel about the work? 17

AB CE 1. The letter h sounds /h/ as in hat. Act as if you C were tired. Hold your hand close to your mouth and say h, h, h. AHh 2. Draw a circle round the pictures that begin with the letter sound h. 3. Trace the letter h. 4. Say the sound for each letter. Complete the letter sums in your book. h e n h a t h Ii t How do you feel about the work? 18

AB CE D 1. The letter r sounds /r/ as in rag. Act as if you were a puppy pulling a rag, shake your head from side to side and say r, r, r. ARr rag 2. Draw a circle round the pictures that begin with the letter sound r. 3. Trace the letter r. 4. Read the words in the puzzles below. Spell each word. re d ra t r an How do you feel about the work? 19

AB CE E 1. The letter m sounds /p/ as in men. Act as if you were seeing some tasty meal, rub your tummy and say m, m, m. MAm mango 2. Draw a circle round the pictures that begin with the letter sound m. 3. Trace the letter m. 4. Read the words in the puzzles below. Spell each word. ma n ma t me t How do you feel about the work? 20

AB CE 1. The letter d sounds /d/ as in den. Beat your hands F up and down as if you were playing a drum and say d, d, d. ADd 2. Draw a circle round the pictures that begin with the letter sound d. 3. Trace the letter d. 4. Read the words in the puzzles below. Spell each word. d a mde nd ad How do you feel about the work? 21

AB CE J Point to each picture and read the word under it. Make the sound for the letters in each word aloud. 1. 2. 3. hen cap hit 4. 5. 6. rat cat red 7. 8. 9. 10 pen tent ten How do you feel about the work? 22

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