Your Guide to H2OWorking through c = a2 + b2Teaching Personnel ABCThe Quality Provider of Education StaffSupporting Schools in Delivering Higher Levels of Pupil Attainment
THE QUALITY PROVIDER OF EDUCATION STAFFWelcome to Teaching PersonnelAs the leading provider of temporary staff to UK schools, we take seriously Whether you are offered assignments to cover classes for absent membersour obligation for ensuring standards of teaching and learning continually of staff or to deliver a specific intervention for one child, when workingimprove. Far from simply satisfying the need for supply cover at our client through Teaching Personnel, we encourage you to always be enhancingschools, we promote the deployment of temporary teachers and learning the learning experience of the young people with whom you staff as an excellent opportunity for schools to directly andpositively impact pupil attainment. From our perspective, you can be assured you will be represented as an education professional who has the skills and ability to add value to everyWhen you register with Teaching Personnel, you are joining the UK’s school. What’s more, we commit to ensuring your professionallargest team of teachers and learning support staff. We believe this development opportunities continue and are maximised for as longmakes you part of the most flexible workforce of education as you work through Teaching Personnel.professionals available to UK schools. We look forward to working with you.Steps in our Candidate Registration ProcessRegister on our website Initial Telephone Face to Face Interview, Vetting Checks Cleared to Work Offers of Work!or via the Telephone Interview Career Discussion & Key Processed Notification Documents Exchange
SUPPORTING SCHOOLS IN DELIVERING HIGHER LEVELS OF PUPIL ATTAINMENTWorking through Teaching PersonnelThis brochure outlines everything you need to know about working through Teaching Personnel.It covers the registration process, how we find you work, the benefits of working through TeachingPersonnel and what you need to do to ensure you get paid on time.We will also introduce you to the additional career focussedservices available to our registered teachers and learningsupport staff. chersaf-fNewly Qualified RTeegaculharersW-o Learning aSnudppaoVratrAiestsyisotfaOnptspo- rCtulanstsitrioom rk AsseisstAavnatisla-bCleoverWhatever the type(s) of role you are looking for, thetwo major benefits from registering with the UK’sleading supplier of staff to UK schools are theamount and variety of job opportunitiesavailable. Supervisors ry NeurQsuealsit-yHPrLTovAisd-erFuolflyEdQuucaaltiifoineSdtTea - Nurse Th
THE QUALITY PROVIDER OF EDUCATION STAFF Our ClientsPRIMARY SCHOOLS SECONDARY SCHOOLS SPECIAL SCHOOLS LOCAL AUTHORITIES PUPIL REFERRAL UNITSWe place Teachers & Learning Support Staff in over 5,000 Schools every academic yearHow do we Promote you to Schools?From our first conversation with you we will be eager to find out what This vision will be communicated through regular conversations both face tomakes you unique. We will want to understand why you chose a career face with schools and via the telephone. It will encompass various marketingin education and how you see yourself making a difference to the lives of materials and a strategically targeted action plan designed to uncover theschool children and young adults. work opportunities that best suit your needs. We take finding you work as seriously as we take finding our client schools staff who are well matched forThroughout the registration process we will be building a picture of your skills, the needs of their pupils.experience, desires, successes, preferences and specific requirements. Armedwith this information and a copy of your CV we will begin to createa professional vision to be presented to school leaders, detailing exactlyhow you can benefit their school, staff and pupils.
SUPPORTING SCHOOLS IN DELIVERING HIGHER LEVELS OF PUPIL ATTAINMENTWho will Promote We have more than 200 staff working across our branch network. It isyou to Schools? normal for our staff to specialise in a specific school sector i.e. primary, secondary, SEN. This specialism, which has been gleaned from a significant PRIMARY SECONDARY SEN amount of training and experience, gives them a greater understanding ofRECRUITMENT RECRUITMENT RECRUITMENT the variety of roles that exist in schools based on a deeper understanding ofCONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS curriculum, assessment and pupil characteristics. The impact for you of this specialism is that, whether you deal with one or a number of our Recruitment Consultants, you can be confident that they will understand your job preferences and will be able to seek out and recommend you for a variety of work opportunities. I TYNE & WEAR I TEESIDE Specialists because we Specialists because our Specialists because we I LEEDS I HULL & LINCOLN understand the roles secondary consultants have an understanding I BRADFORD and responsibilities of ensure we have working and awareness of the I PRESTONstaff in each year group and the expectation relationships with types of special I MANCHESTER of school leaders to headteachers, assistant educational needs that ensure pupils reach I LIVERPOOL I SHEFFIELD heads, heads of exist in mainstream their learning department, business and special schools. I NOTTINGHAM development goals. This knowledge is I MIDLANDS This understanding managers, cover translated into an abilitymeans we can speak to managers, special needs to match candidates I COVENTRY I NORTHANTS I CAMBRIDGEour primary candidates, co-ordinators and other based on skills, ability & COUNTIESoften on the same level key decision makers in and character in a way of understanding and schools, academies and that ensures the children are able to recognise local authorities. Access and young adults being and uncover more to the senior leadership supported are at the specialist work team means we often heart of everyopportunities over and receive advance notice recruitment decision. of staffing requirements above regular class that result in increased I SOUTH WALES I CHELMSFORD teacher and support I BRISTOL choice, variety and I LONDON staff roles. volume of work for our registered candidates. I EALING I KENT I THAMES VALLEY I WIMBLEDON & SURREY I BRIGHTON I EXETER I DORSET & HANTS I CORNWALL
THE QUALITY PROVIDER OF EDUCATION STAFF As outlined below, there are a variety of ways you might consider working through Teaching Personnel. Often candidates will work across all four duringA Variety of Roles their time with us, benefiting from variety to ensure they end up either with theAvailable perfect permanent role, or the work-life balance they desire from daily supply work, long-term roles and pupil intervention programmes. Long-Term Assignments Daily Supply Work Pupil Interventions Permanent PositionsWe generally class any assignment over six Daily supply work will range from one day We offer a suite of pupil intervention and SEN A significant number of teachers and learningweeks as a long-term booking. Over 70% of requirements to bookings that can run for a support programmes to schools and can also support staff will register with the intention ofour placements are for this type of role and number of weeks. You might be in one school tailor specific interventions to meet the needs of finding a permanent role immediately or atoften exist to provide schools with cover for or a variety of schools and will generally be pupils. When working through Teaching some point in the future. When supporting youmaternity, long-term staff sickness, unfilled covering staff sickness, non-contact time and Personnel you will have the opportunity to to find a permanent role we will assist invacancies and ongoing specialist inerventions. differing types of planned staff absence. Whilst deliver these interventions to help raise the ensuring you have the best possible chance of we will always endeavour to give you as much attainment and achievement levels of children making a school’s shortlist, are prioritised andWhat We Offer: notice as possible, there are likely to be and young adults. Pupil interventions are often well prepared for trial days and interviews. We occasions where cover is required for emergency carried out on a one-to-one or small group basis will help maximise your chances of securing the• A choice of long-term opportunities requirements resulting in you being contacted and can be for short or long periods in perfect job.• A variety of different roles for work on the same morning as you are assignment length.• Weekly pay required to attend the school. What We Offer:• Regular feedback What We Offer:• Access to professional development events What We Offer: • Access to a large number of vacancies• Ongoing support • A variety of intervention programmes • A variety of schools • Regular work • One-to-One tuition • Salary package negotiationThe Role You Play: • A variety of schools • Small group interventions • Access to professional development events • Weekly pay • Term time and school holiday work • Ongoing support• Prepare for and attend trial days and • Regular feedback • Weekly pay interviews • Access to professional development events • Access to regular professional development The Role You Play:• Fulfil long-term roles to the best of your The Role You Play: events • Prepare for and attend trial days and ability interviews • Complete every accepted booking to the The Role You Play:• Support and meet the expectations of school best of your ability • Support schools in delivering higher levels of staff and the wider school community • Professional delivery of intervention pupil attainment and achievement • Arrive at school on time programmes• Support schools in delivering higher levels of • Support schools in delivering higher levels of • Keep in regular contact with Teaching pupil attainment and achievement • Broadly assess pupils’ progress Personnel pupil attainment and achievement • Support schools in delivering higher levels of• Complete and submit your timesheets on a • Complete and submit your timesheets on a weekly basis pupil attainment weekly basis • Complete and submit your timesheets on a• Keep in regular contact with Teaching • Keep in regular contact with Teaching Personnel weekly basis Personnel • Keep in regular contact with Teaching Personnel
SUPPORTING SCHOOLS IN DELIVERING HIGHER LEVELS OF PUPIL ATTAINMENTWorking in End of the Keeping AcceptingSchools as a school day in contact a bookingTemporaryWorker Please leave the classroom tidy, never Keep us up to date with your When we offer you supply work, we will leave before the pupils and do your best availability and any changes to your provide details on the school, its location,The following diagram outlines what is to leave feedback for the regular teacher requirements and we will be in the best the specifics of the booking and the personconsidered best practice when working in or teaching assistant you are covering. possible position to promote you for the to contact when you arrive. Once you haveschools on a temporary basis, especially Before you depart, don’t forget to get your most up to date roles - as and when we accepted a booking we ask for your commitmentwhen visiting a variey of different schools. timesheet signed (unless the school uses uncover them at our client schools. to that booking to ensure we provide schoolsWe apologise if some of this information with the best possible service and avoid anyappears obvious but feel it important to our online approval service). Finally, unnecessary disruption to pupils. If unavoidablecapture as much information as possible assuming you had a good day – tell and you are unable to attend a school afterbased on our experience of where issues your school contact and us! Schools accepting a booking, it is vital you contactcan sometimes arise. love to hear it and we love to your local branch by telephone as soonAn understanding of this information will share it! as possible so we have the besthelp ensure your time working in schools chance of providing athrough Teaching Personnel is enjoyable replacement.and career enhancing. It also means ourclient schools continue to receive the level During Preparingof service and professionalism they expect the school day for bookingsfrom us. If you’re a teacher and there is work It is always best practice (teachers) to prepared, do your best to follow the Arriving bring along a selection of lessons and at school activities to every booking, specific to the plan. If you’re a learning support subject or year group you will be teaching assistant, please make every effort to When you arrive at school on the (if known). Many schools will also ask to provide excellent support to the class first day of a booking, please report to see some ID and a copy of your DBS the person whose name you will have Certificate so always have them with you. teacher and pupils as required. Also, although obvious, please ensure Following the policies and procedures of been given by Teaching Personnel. you have planned your journey to the the school are also key to the successful This person will provide the information you need which might include a timetable, school and arrive promptly for the completion of a supply booking. map of the school, behaviour policy, and start of the day. instances of SEN. If you want more information, feel free to ask for it! No such thing as being too proactive!
THE QUALITY PROVIDER OF EDUCATION STAFFTeaching Personnel’s CPD AcademyAside from our reputation and ability to As well as being able to browse and book This continues to translate into ansecure appropriate work for registeredcandidates, another reason we attract training events, the online portal has a increasing number and variety of rolesthousands of jobseekers each year isour commitment to our candidates’ number of other tools that are designed to being made available to our registeredprofessional development. At TeachingPersonnel we are recognised by schools support your professional development and candidates.for having the highest calibre of availablecandidates for short and long-term make working through Teaching Personnel We hope you can take full advantage ofpositions. One of the ways we maintain a rewarding and enjoyable experience. Teaching Personnel’s CPD Academy.this reputation is through our CPD You can:Academy. Current CPD Partners and Providers • Contribute to and engage with ourThis service has been created for teachers Professional Development BLOG (January 2016)and learning support staff wishing to stayahead in their profession. Having the most • Update your Teaching Personnel CV with • NASEN (National Association of Specialup to date techniques and practices in new skills and experiences Educational Needs)teaching, learning and pupil engagementmeans continually delivering maximum • Download lesson resources to support you • Creative Educationvalue to schools. on Teaching Personnel assignments • The National AutismTeaching Personnel’s CPD Academy is an • Print your CPD course certificates and Societyonline portal where you can browse and build up a professional developmentbook the most relevant up to date and • Team-Teachexciting CPD courses available. We workwith a number of CPD partners who offer portfolio • Ruth Miskinsector leading courses that enable you toalign your professional development • Update your work diary, work preferences • Leeds Trinitypriorities with those of our client schools. and view your payment history University At Teaching Personnel we are proud of • EduCare our focus in the area of professional development and increasingly see its impact being felt through satisfied client schools delighted with the quality of candidates we provide.
SUPPORTING SCHOOLS IN DELIVERING HIGHER LEVELS OF PUPIL ATTAINMENTPupil Safeguarding ResponsibilitiesWhen you work through Teaching Personnel you play an integral role in the successful running of thousands of schools across the UK.High standards of behaviour are expected from adults who work with children and young people and it is important to understand andacknowledge the responsibilities inherent in these roles. To ensure we all do everything possible to safeguard and promote the welfare of pupils,please review our expectations and your responsibilities as outlined below.1Safeguarding Pre- 2 Equal 3 4Safe Working Health and 5 Employment SafetyEveryone who comes into Checks Opportunities Practicecontact with children and their familieshas a role to play in safeguarding All Teaching Personnel staff will be Teaching Personnel expects all staff to All staff working in schools will be The Health and Safety Act 1974 imposeschildren. School and college staff are required to go through a detailed treat everyone equally irrespective of expected to make judgements about a duty on employees to take care ofparticularly important as they are in a recruitment process including an sex, sexual orientation, gender their behaviour in order to secure the themselves and anyone else who mayposition to identify concerns early and extensive range of pre-vetting checks reassignment, marital or civil best interests and welfare of the be affected by their actions or failings.provide help for children, to prevent in line with DfE guidance. This will partnership status, age, disability, children in their charge. In doing this, As an adult with a duty of care towardsconcerns from escalating. Teachers and include: colour, race, nationality, ethnic or it is important that you understand children, the need to be vigilant andteaching assistants working through national origin, religion or belief, which behaviours constitute safe maintain a responsible attitude towardsTeaching Personnel should ensure they: • Face to face interview political beliefs or membership or practice and which behaviours should safety in schools is paramount. non-membership of a Trade Union. be avoided. Teaching Personnel staff All Teaching Personnel staff should• Protect children from any form of • Identity and address checks should: ensure they: harm or from maltreatment Temporary staff should also comply • An Enhanced Disclosure and Barring with specific equal opportunity and • Refrain from giving their personal • Are aware of specific health and safety• Provide a safe environment where Service check and where relevant diversity policies of the schools where contact details to children or young polices, fire and accident procedures in children can learn criminal clearance checks from they are working. people, including their mobile their places of work overseas authorities telephone number and details of any• Identify children who may be in need blogs, social media profiles or • Report any accident or health and of extra help or who are suffering, or • Checks around qualifications and personal websites safety incident to a relevant member are likely to suffer, significant harm professional bodies of staff and take appropriate action. • Only use equipment e.g. mobile • Legal permission to work in the UK phones, provided by the organisation • Ensure they have the right training• Only use physical restraint and checks to communicate with children, and qualifications required should reasonable force in very exceptional making sure that parents have given they wish to administer first aid and/or circumstances and only as a last resort. • References and career history checks permission for this form of any agreed medication. communication to be used • Fitness to work check While any qualified teacher can • Ensure that relationships with undertake general supervision in Staff will be required to provide original children and young people clearly schools, there are certain subjects where documentary evidence in all cases and take place within the boundaries of a staff should ensure that they have the we reserve the right to terminate an respectful professional relationship relevant qualifications, experience and application at any time. training before undertaking (e.g. • Avoid any conduct which would lead Physical Education, Design Technology, any reasonable person to question Resistant Materials, Food Technology). their motivation and intentions
THE QUALITY PROVIDER OF EDUCATION STAFFEnsuring you are PAID correctly and ON TIME!We understand how important it is that you are paid correctly and on time. To avoid potential complications in this area, please read through the following guide to helpyou fully understand how our payroll process works.1 Timesheet 5 Responsibility 8 Paid To enable us to process your It is your responsibility to ensure All candidates are paid on Friday (this payment, all days worked must that a timesheet (paper or online) may differ for My Key Pay candidates have a corresponding timesheet is submitted on time and is working for multiple agencies or authorised by a relevant contact at accurately completed. through other Umbrella companies). the school where you are working.2 Website 6 Check online Schools can authorise timesheets in You can check if your timesheets paper form or online via the have been received via your secure Teaching Personnel website. online diary through the login pages of If3 Hardcopy there is a padlock on the timesheet icon then the timesheet has been Hardcopy timesheets can be faxed, received. If you can click on the posted or emailed to our Head O ce timesheet and open it, then it has not (details on following page). been received. Within the ‘Payroll’ tab, there is also an ‘Outstanding Timesheets’ link which lists any outstanding timesheets, detailing the school name and dates worked.4 Submitted 7 Processed Timesheets for days worked must Teaching Personnel payroll is be submitted by Monday 5pm at processed on Wednesday mornings. the latest (following the week the All payments are made weekly in work was completed). arrears for days where timesheets have been received. Teaching Personnel is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children
SUPPORTING SCHOOLS IN DELIVERING HIGHER LEVELS OF PUPIL ATTAINMENTCommon Payroll 4 UnmatchedPitfalls to Avoid! Timesheet does not match the booking on our system. If a school has agreed any booking changes directly with you, please make sure you inform the branch as soon as possible. This will avoid any delays in trying to investigate booking/timesheet anomalies. All timesheets should only be ticked as full day / half day (and not hours).1 Leaving it at school 5 Illegible Leaving your timesheet for a school to complete and return Illegible timesheets that cannot be processed. Please use to Teaching Personnel. If the school forgets then your pay is a scan app on your phone for timesheets as opposed to not processed. Ask the school to complete it and fax it to us sending a photograph (Cam Scanner Free and Genius Scan while you are present (if convenient) or scan and email the are good app options). Photographs taken on phones are timesheet yourself. often illegible. Also please write your full name and candidate ID number clearly and in capital letters on the form.2 Unsigned Forgetting to get a timesheet signed. Unfortunately we are not able to process pay without a signed timesheet.3 Unauthorised SEND YOUR TIMESHEETS TO OUR HEAD OFFICE BY: FAX: 01707 386386 School usually utilises our Online Timesheet Approval EMAIL: [email protected] Service but forgets to do so. Regularly check your timesheet POST: Administration Team, 99 Bridge Road East, status online at to see if the Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, AL7 1GL timesheets have been authorised. If not then please let us or the school know. Alternatively ask the school, if convenient, to authorise the timesheet online before you leave the placement.
Contact UsTeaching Personnel's Local Branch NetworkHead Office, Teaching Personnel, 99 Bridge Road East,Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire AL7 1GLEast 01223 393597 North East 0191 223 5074 Kent Secondary 01732 424011 Cambridge Teesside Secondary 0191 223 5071 Thames Valley & Surrey Primary 0118 907 2686 020 8832 1960 Tyne & Wear Secondary 0191 223 5070 Thames Valley & Surrey Secondary 0118 907 1341London 020 7593 3076 Tyne Tees Primary 0191 223 5073 Thames Valley North SEN 0118 907 1532 Ealing 020 7593 3079 Tyne Tees SEN Thames Valley South SEN 0118 907 1531 London Central Primary 020 7593 3080 0151 285 3924 South West London East Primary 020 7593 3073 North West 0151 285 4258 Bristol 0117 920 0040 London North Primary 020 7593 3071 Liverpool Primary 0161 242 1790 Cornwall Primary 01872 250123 London North Secondary 020 7593 3072 Liverpool Secondary & SEN 0161 242 1794 Cornwall Secondary & SEN 01872 250120 London North East Primary 020 7593 3077 Manchester North Primary 0161 242 1795 Exeter 01392 267288 London North West Primary 020 7593 3074 Manchester Secondary 0161 242 1792 Yorkshire & The Humber London Secondary 020 7593 3078 Manchester SEN 01772 842 133 Bradford Primary 01274 734571 London SEN 020 7593 3075 Manchester South Primary 01772 842 155 Hull & Lincoln Primary 01482 312040 London SEN (Behaviour) 020 8605 2631 Preston Primary Hull & Lincoln Secondary 01482 312046 London South East Primary 020 8982 3553 Preston Secondary & SEN 01273 862 430 Hull & Lincoln SEN 01482 312042 London South West Primary 020 8944 1088 01245 206760 Leeds & Bradford Secondary 0113 224 0232 London West Primary South East 01202 297744 Leeds & Bradford SEN 0113 224 0234 Wimbledon 0116 232 5200 Brighton 01202 292696 Leeds Primary 0113 224 0231 01604 521 208 Chelmsford 01202 558848 Sheffield 0114 241 3340Midlands 01604 521 122 Dorset Primary 023 8083 6649 Wales Midlands 01604 521 215 Dorset Secondary 023 8033 1441 South Wales Primary & SEN 029 2066 0270 Northants & Counties Primary 0115 845 6405 Dorset SEN 023 8083 6648 South Wales Secondary 029 2066 0276 Northants & Counties Secondary Hampshire Primary 01732 424011 Northants & Counties SEN Hampshire Secondary All other locations 08456 744 844 Nottingham Hampshire SEN Kent [email protected]
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