02 Wealth Ladder Magazine Ju ly 2016
Ou r Con t r ibu t or s Arman Sadeghi: American entrepreneur and the creator of the Titanium Success Method. He is known for being a professional speaker and the founder of different companies in various fields. Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Web: https://titaniumsuccess.comSthembiso SitholeSouth African social media specialist and one of FourPR directors.Twitter: Ben Kubassek Canadian best-selling author of two books, Succeed Without Burnout and Five ?F?Words that Will Energize Your Life. He Inspires, motivates and help young people know, go, and grow into successful entrepreneurs. Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Web: DovaleExpert Author (SWIFT Success), Business Speaker, Facilitator andResults Coach. Your High-Voltage Coach and High PerformanceTeam Development Alchemist.Twitter: Magdeline Stone A reporter who covers lifestyle and people in tech. She attended the University of Notre Dame, where she graduated with majors in American Studies and Spanish. Originally from sunny southern California, she currently lives in New York and is still deciding which coast she likes best. Twitter: Facebook: Web: Wealth Ladder Magazine Ju ly 2016
Magdeline StoneA reporter who covers lifestyle and people in tech. She attended theUniversity of Notre Dame, where she graduated with majors in AmericanStudies and Spanish. Originally from sunny southern California, shecurrently lives in New York and is still deciding which coast she likes best.Twitter:
Edit or 's Not e Ch ange remi nds us th at anyth i ng is possibl e Greetings Wealth Ladder Magazine?s loyal readers. Thank you for subscribing. So, our Ed?s note is going to be different from now on. No more boring long speech from me I promise. I will try. They say change is good, which is why I am excited to bring you this month?s issue of something slightly different than what you?re normally used to. If things stay too stagnant for too long, I get terribly bored. Change makes you smarter. If things never changed, you?d never learn anything new. And every time you learn a new skill ? even if it?s just how to adapt ? you are that much smarter than you were yesterday. I am going to start off with what I am currently reading this month and why you should consider this book as an entrepreneur. I discovered a particular somebody who is worth following, though I think I am doing more than just that, I do not want to call it stalking, but Mike Michalowicz is one genius author that you can?t get bored of. His book, The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur: The tell-it-like-it-is guide to cleaning up in business, even if you are at the end of your roll will make you want to get off that chair now and go grind. I fell in love with this book from literally the first page. Check out his podcasts as well. Mike does not impress anyone. He is a no nonsense tell it like it is author who writes with a humorous and conversational tone, which makes for an easy read (be prepared for lots of potty humour). Events I am attending: NATIONAL ACHIEVERS CONGRESS 2016 with Robert Kiyosaki and some international and local renowned speakers.06 Wealth Ladder Magazine Ju ly 2016
06 Wealth Ladder Magazine Ju ly 2016
CONTENTS Jul y 2016 6 Editor 's Note 122313 Fabulous Entr epr eneur 11 48 of the Month11 Using Social Media to your Business'22 Cover Featur e: Rober t Kiyosaki20 Success Easily Defined29 Lunch with Business Exper ts36 Lifestyle Picks 40 #MyWealthLadder Jour ney 32 51 Subscr ibe to Get a Fr ee copy of Wealth Ladder08 Wealth Ladder Magazine Ju ly 2016
08 Wealth Ladder Magazine Ju ly 2016
THE 6-STEP SYSTEM FOR ARESULTS-DRIVEN B USINESSBY ARMAN SADEGHIW h eth er you ?r e a sm al lM om -an d-Pop stor e, am ediu m -sized bu sin ess,or a n ew star t-u p, you wan t to tak e you r com pan y to th e n extl evel . Th e pr obl em is often th e focu s is on th e wr on g tr ack . It?sn ot wor k in g becau se m an ager s, bu sin ess own er s, an den tr epr en eu r s h aven ?t fol l owed th e or der of oper ation s. W h enyou do som eth in g ou t of or der , you get th e wr on g r esu l ts orn on e at al l .Th e Ri gh t Or d erM an y peopl e pr om ote a pr odu ct or ser vice becau se th ey wan t to, n otbecau se it pr ovides r esu l ts for peopl e. Th e focu s is on wh at th ey wan t, n otth e cu stom er. A ch an ge of focu s m u st occu r for tr u e su ccess to beaccom pl ish ed an d su stain ed.· St ep 1: Fin d an ar ea of bu sin ess you ?r e passion ate abou t, bu t k eep itgen er al .· St ep 2: Discover h ow to pr odu ce r esu l ts for peopl e. If you focu s onpr odu cin g r esu l ts, it?s easy to be su ccessfu l in bu sin ess.· St ep 3: W or k on becom in g even m or e passion ate abou t th is car eerpath you ?ve ch osen· St ep 4: Figu r e ou t h ow to m ak e m on ey. M ak in g m on ey is easy wh enyou ?r e pr odu cin g r esu l ts peopl e wan t.· St ep 5: Del iver m assive r esu l ts for a few Click Her e f orcl ien ts. t he full ar t icle· St ep 6: Star t tel l in g th e su ccess stor ies toever yon e you m eet, an d watch th e l eads an dsal es r ol l in .10 Wealth Ladder Magazine Ju ly 2016
10 Wealth Ladder Magazine Ju ly 2016
No one i s goi ng t o hand me success. I must go out & get i t mysel f . That ?swhy I ?m here. To domi nat e. To conquer. Bot h t he worl d, and mysel f .?12 Wealth Ladder Magazine Ju ly 2016
12 Wealth Ladder Magazine Ju ly 2016
SUCCESS We had a little chat w ith K om la N aidu,DEFINED Success R esources South A fr ica's Sales M anager about an over view of the am azing speakers they br ing in to their sem inars for Entrepreneurs and everyone w ho year ns to succeed. By BonganeTshabangu1. ?Su ccess Resou r ces exist t o su ppor t in dividu als an dor gan izat ion s?. Tell u s a lit t le bit m or e abou t you r in t en dedt ar get m ar k et an d h ow do you gu ys su ppor t or gan izat ion san d in dividu als?Our intended market is entrepreneurs,high net worth individuals andcorporate. We support all individualsand organizations, to enhance theircapabilities and offerings, to becomemore focused on a mind and skill set,to become best in their vocations.2. If som eon e is passion at e abou t acer t ain field of w or k and w hat t heyar e pu r su in g, w h y is t h er e a n eed f orSu ccess Resou r ces? Success Resources is an event company thatorganizes world-class events. Being passionate is not enough;there are many passionate people who are broke. SuccessResources bridge the gap between passion and skill set, we teachindividuals to put their passion into action, turning their passioninto reality. We bring in world-class speakers and trainers to bringin new ideas, giving them new skill set and ideas. We help them tofurther realize their potential and most importantly help them toboth realize and sustain their goals.14 Wealth Ladder Magazine Ju ly 2016
We had a little chat w ith K om la N aidu, Success R esources South A fr ica's Sales M anager about an over view of the am azing speakers they br ing in to their sem inars for Entrepreneurs and everyone w ho year ns to succeed. By BonganeTshabangu14 Wealth Ladder Magazine Ju ly 2016
6. A lot h as ch an ged in or gan izat ion s, en t r epr en eu r sh ip an d bu sin esses sin ce t h e com pan y st ar t ed in 1992. How h as Su ccess Resou r ces m an aged t o r em ain r elevan t in cat er in g f or t h e n eeds of you r t ar get au dien ce? Success Resources remains very pro-active in the research and development, and this is done on a global level. We?ve offices and events in Australia, USA, Europe and Asia, bringing the cu t t in g-ed ge and relevant in f or m at ion into South Africa. This en gagem en t is personally run by the execu t ives, and a great com m it m en t is engineered into this, to ensure the right content is captured, to appeal to all sectors of the com m u n it y. 7. Su ccess Resou r ces pr ides it self in bein g ?t h e n u m ber on e sem in ar pr om ot er in t h e w or ld?. Wh ich su ch a br oad t ar get audience how do you get it r ight ? Is t here even a t ar get audience? Success Resources, is the largest seminar company in the world, we have had millions of people pass through our events globally, our mission is to change lives, and we pride ourselves in getting the right content, at the right time to the right people.16 Wealth Ladder Magazine Ju ly 2016
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15. How ar e t h e speak er s f or a cer t ain sem in ar ch osen ? Does it r elat ch allen ges f acin g t h at cou n t r y? Speakers are chosen according to the th Business Revolution for this NAC, Robert Kiyosaki will be our keynote spea will be promoting skills to take back to business or open up new businesse 16. People h ave a dif f er en t view of w h at su ccess is. For som e it can ot h er s it is bein g able t o h elp people. As ?Su ccess Resou r ces', w h ich an Success means different things to different people. In Success Resources we believe that success doing what you want to do, when you want, where you want, with whom you want, as much as you want. It means CHOICE. 17. Th e w or d ?Su ccess?h as r ecen t ly begu n gain in g a n egat ive con n ot at ion am on gst com m u n it ies becau se people ar e st ar t in g t o relat e it t o m at erial wealt h and self -en r ich m en t . Wit h pr ogr am s lik e ?M illion air e M in d In t en sive?u n der Su ccess Resou r ces, h ow do you st ill en capsu lat e t h e r espon sibilit y par t of bein g a su ccessf u l per son in a w or ld t h at is f illed w it h w or ld h u n ger an d pover t y? A blueprint of Success is what that determines how we approach life, work, money, and others. We are all programmed since we were young, th continue into our adult lives, attracting what we ?deserve?due to our inter focuses on the psychology of success and fulfilment. The skills, techniques identify and the root causes of the self-limiting beliefs. In MMI, we also tea it preaches Giving as one of the money jars. Success is not only measured in money, it is how you define yourself as a r society if they are equipped with the right tools, by this I mean good value Millionaire Mind Intensive offers free general ticket, and NAC is also has a don?t see people grabbing the opportunity to change and to make their liv horse to drink the water.18 Wealth Ladder Magazine Ju ly 2016
15. How ar e t h e speak er s f or a cer t ain sem in ar ch osen ? Does it r elat ch allen ges f acin g t h at cou n t r y? Speakers are chosen according to the th Business Revolution for this NAC, Robert Kiyosaki will be our keynote spea will be promoting skills to take back to business or open up new businesse 16. People h ave a dif f er en t view of w h at su ccess is. For som e it can ot h er s it is bein g able t o h elp people. As ?Su ccess Resou r ces', w h ich an Success means different things to different people. In Success Resources we believe that success doing what you want to do, when you want, where you want, with whom you want, as much as you want. It means CHOICE. 17. Th e w or d ?Su ccess?h as r ecen t ly begu n gain in g a n egat ive con n ot at ion am on gst com m u n it ies becau se people ar e st ar t in g t o relat e it t o m at erial wealt h and self -en r ich m en t . Wit h pr ogr am s lik e ?M illion air e M in d In t en sive?u n der Su ccess Resou r ces, h ow do you st ill en capsu lat e t h e r espon sibilit y par t of bein g a su ccessf u l per son in a w or ld t h at is f illed w it h w or ld h u n ger an d pover t y? A blueprint of Success is what that determines how we approach life, work, money, and others. We are all programmed since we were young, th continue into our adult lives, attracting what we ?deserve?due to our inter focuses on the psychology of success and fulfilment. The skills, techniques identify and the root causes of the self-limiting beliefs. In MMI, we also tea it preaches Giving as one of the money jars. Success is not only measured in money, it is how you define yourself as a r society if they are equipped with the right tools, by this I mean good value Millionaire Mind Intensive offers free general ticket, and NAC is also has a don?t see people grabbing the opportunity to change and to make their liv horse to drink the water.18 Wealth Ladder Magazine Ju ly 2016
18. M an y view self -en r ich m en t as a pr oblem in m an y par t s of t h e w or ld becau se of t h e cu r r en t ch allen ges in an d ar ou n d t h e w or ld. Is it r eally a pr oblem if a poor ch ild t h at w or k ed h is/ h er w ay u p t o w ealt h an d does n ot f eel t h e n eed t o h elp ot h er s? Life and riches are meaningless if you cannot be positioned to help others. As Tony Robbins mentioned to focus on growth and contribution as your top values, and people will find fulfillment in their lives. Further, ?do unto others as they would have you do unto them?is a mindset all should adapt. I think a vast majority of the problems in the world such as poverty, hunger, education; war, etc. are due to greed. If everybody truly cared for others not just on the basis that they can benefit from them, but on the simple basis that these other people are human beings like me, we would be living in a much more peaceful world. 19. M ot ivat ion t h r ou gh t h e ?pow er of t h e plat f or m ?if n ot don e cor r ect ly can f u el som eon e t o pu r su e su ccess at all cost . How im por t an t is it t h at people k n ow t h e ef f ect s an d sacr if ices in volved in pu r su in g a dr eam or go a l ? This is exactly what Success Resources prides itself in, to teach and groom individuals to commence on the right platform, with the right attitude, appropriate skill, and ethical approach. This is the premise of sustained success. 20. Th er e is a qu ot e t h at says ?m ot ivat ion doesn?t last . Well, n eit h er does bat h in g. Th at ?s w h y w e r ecom m en d it daily.? I am su r e people f eel m ot ivat ed at sem in ar s an d it cr eat es a posit ive h ype an d vibe. How do t h e sem in ar s en su r e t h at it last s lon g af t er t h e even t ? As Zig Ziglar said it well that ?motivation doesn?t last, well, neither does bathing ? that?s why we recommend it daily.? At a Success Resource seminar we offer back-end events, this streamlines the offering, and the individual is trained in a specific course, the individual is further motivated and trained and guided to enhance and achieve a specific goal. This individual is invited to a support group, where like-minded individuals are in communication. Hence this motivation is captured and nurtured. Motivation is what gets you started; habit is what keeps you going.20 Wealth Ladder Magazine Ju ly 2016
20 Wealth Ladder Magazine Ju ly 2016
Cover Feat ure Best-Selling Rich Dad Poor Dad Author, Multi-Millionaire Investor and Keynote Speaker Robert Kiyosaki is coming to SA22 Wealth Ladder Magazine Ju ly 2016
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Career wi se, K i yosak i has a range of experi ences ? f rom servi ng i n t he M ari ne Corps as a gunshi p pi l ot duri ng t he Vi et nam War and work i ng as a X erox Corporat i on sal esman t o event ual l y vent uri ng i nt o t he busi ness worl d as a sel f -st art er. Hi s busi ness experi ence i ncl udes al most everyt hi ng f rom st ruggl i ng t o get goi ng as a f i r st -t i me ent repreneur, t o hi t t i ng i t bi g wi t h a wal l et busi ness and t hen f al l i ng hard i nt o bank rupt cy wi t h heavy met al band t -shi rt s, becomi ng homel ess i n t he process. He event ual l y found hi s feet t hrough f i nanci al l i t eracy, hel pi ng and educat i ng peopl e on how t o avoi d bank rupt cy and achi eve f i nanci al success. Today, t he best -sel l i ng aut hor has nearl y t hi rt y book s i n t he Ri ch Dad seri es and has sol d over t went y-f i ve mi l l i on copi es across t he worl d. Hi s work s have been t ransl at ed i nt o more t han f i f t y l anguages across t he worl d, put t i ng hi m on best sel l er l i st s i n Asi a, Aust ral i a, Europe and Sout h Ameri ca. He t eamed up wi t h busi ness mogul Donal d Trump i n 2006 t o co-aut hor W hy We Want You To Be Ri ch? Two M en-One M essage, whi ch debut ed at Number 1on The New York Ti mes Best Sel l er l i st . W hen i t comes t o rel at i onshi ps, K i yosak i ? who has been wi t h wi fe and busi ness part ner K i m for over t hi rt y year s ? advocat es for marri ages t hat make busi ness sense. ?Treat your marri age l i ke a busi ness,? he says on one of hi s onl i ne vi deos, advi si ng i ndi vi dual s t o f i nd part ner s who share i n t hei r busi ness or l i fe goal s. Robert wi l l be shari ng about hi s predi ct i on on t he crash of 2016, and what you can do t o t urn i t t o your advant age. He i s goi ng t o speak over 2 days at t he Nat i onal Achi ever s Congress 2016, st art i ng f rom t he 9t h t o t he 10t h of Jul y at Heart fel t Arena, Pret ori a. CLI CK HERE TO SECURE YOUR SEAT24 Wealth Ladder Magazine Ju ly 2016
24 Wealth Ladder Magazine Ju ly 2016
Your 10 Steps To Freedom V ia T he L adder O f L ife By Tony Dovale Tough times require tough mind-sets, and fiercely focused SWIFT Action The gift of life is beyond real appreciation. Yet most of our lives are regularly run on automatic, whilst we unconsciously focus on avoiding what we don?t want most of the time? but all too often, somehow, we seem to attract it, into our lives. Unaware and unappreciative for what we really have in comparison to the other 85%-90% of people in the world, who DEFINITELY have far less than us? We live the movie, the SECRET, in reverse! Is that possible? Living in reverse? Well actually, it is possible if you are ?asleep/unaware or un-conscious?. Many people spend a lot of time looking in the ?rear-view-mirror?of their lives. Focusing on their past. Past fears, past unhappy experiences, past static, past baggage, past betrayal, past hurts, and their past ?SELF-INDUCED-SUFFERING! They also spend a substantial amount of their precious life, projecting all the possible bad things that could happen, onto their only real moment of true power and REAL experience? .NOW. They create the feelings, fears and reactions, long before the events have really happened in their reality. WHY do so many people live and allow their brains to think like this. Such silly people! J26 Wealth Ladder Magazine Ju ly 2016
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6 Lessons f orEn t r ep r en eu r s FromThe famous line of theLannister?s is ?A Lannisteralways pays his debts?,which is probably the most valuable tip in this list of lessons forentrepreneurs from Game of Thrones. As soon as you leave your debtsto gather, you enter a downward road. This is foremost a networkenvironment where your reputation is paramount. If you do fail, betterthat everyone in the market will recognise you as a reliable, seriousentrepreneur, so they will be willing to work with you again.Granted, Tyrion and his family used Just like respected people neverthis rule to justify wholesale slaughter, have to say ?respect me?,but entrepreneurs who keep this successful entrepreneurs neverprinciple in mind are reinforcing the have to say they are the that allows their business to You have to inspire yourthrive. employees and partners and earn your status.Littlefinger is the key GoT strategist,isn?t he? He says that ?chaos isn?t a pit, In Game of Thrones thebut a ladder?, and ?the climb is all there Lannisters act as rulers and theyis.? are seen as rulers. As Lord Tywin said; ?Any man who mustAnyone can hold the tiller steady to say I am the king is no true king?.maintain a ship?s course in favourablewinds but challenge is the real In real life, you need to act like ameasure of the entrepreneur. You need boss, take the right decisions, beto see your most difficult times as your objective and never cross thegreatest opportunities. This is where boundaries. If you are a goodyou learn most about yourself ? how entrepreneur, power will come toboldly you can make decisions, how you on the way, as well ascreatively you can solve problems, how respect and profit.quickly you can act, how high you canclimb the ladder out of the pit tosuccess.30 Wealth Ladder Magazine Ju ly 2016
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How To Buy A Pri v ate I sl and ? Ev en I f You?re Not A Tech Bi l l i onai re By Magdeline Stone For the more adventurous of the 1%, finding your beach can sometimes mean buying your own. There?s an entire culture surrounding the purchase and management of private islands. Calling themselves ?isolamaniacs,?these people tend to be independent, intrepid travelers who aren?t afraid of a challenge. Tech billionair es like Lar r y Ellison and Richar d Branson have plopped down m illions f or t heir own slice of paradise in Hawaii and t he Br it ish Virgin I slands, r espect ively. But you don?t necessarily have to be a billionaire to buy an island. Nearly a thousand islands come onto the market each year, and they vary greatly in terms of size and price ? ranging from isles that cost $200,000 and measure less than an acre in Ontario to 117-acre islands that will set you back $8.5 million in the Bahamas. St ill, scooping up an island isn?t som et hing just anyone can do.32 Wealth Ladder Magazine Ju ly 2016
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Lif est yle Pick sMovie M u sicFlash of Genius Dr ak e & Tr ey Son gz ? Su ccessf u l?Flash of Genius?is acautionary tale, not just forinventors and creators, butfor small business ownerstoo.Tech Tr avel Holland. Windm illsWake, an alarm clockthat wakes you withyour very own 'sunrise'36 Wealth Ladder Magazine Ju ly 2016
Lif est yle Pick s36 Wealth Ladder Magazine Ju ly 2016
H ot el R evi ew (T he Benjam in in D urban) A warm welcome awaits you at The Benjamin, located 5-minute drive from Durban Beaches and in the heart of the vibrant entertainment strip in Florida Road. The hotel features gardens with an outdoor pool and a shaded terrace. Free parking is available on site. The Benjamin and offers free wi-fi. There are 41 rooms, where no two rooms are the same! Most rooms open onto balconies and and some onto the gardens. Benjamin?s breakfast is served in our open glassedconservatory style restaurant andoffers a fresh continental breakfastbuffet and plated hot breakfasts. Walk out of the Hotel into the restaurant road of Durban and enjoy your dinners and lunches in some of Durbans famous restaurants. The Moses Mabida Stadium, The Kings Park Rugby Stadium, SunCoast Casino, Durban ICC and uShaka Marine World are within 5km drive by car from The Benjamin.38 Wealth Ladder Magazine Ju ly 2016
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Th e Jo u r n ey40 Wealth Ladder Magazine Ju ly 2016
Th e Jo u r n ey40 Wealth Ladder Magazine Ju ly 2016
Where did your organization?s funding/capital come from and how did you go about getting it? How did you obtain investors for your venture? FUNDING, what is that? J. We started in a very humble way and worked with what we had ? IP (intellectual property) and dynamic people. We worked from my lounge. The dining room was the BOARD ROOM, and we made a point of going to the client, rather than the client come to us. We used an access bond (bond on my home) to access funds, because as much as banking markets ?support for SMME?s?, the reality is they fund established concerns with assets. The risk is all yours until the company is flying and then the BANKS offer wonderful support. This has taught me a wonderful lesson: when you are offered credit ? TAKE it, but don?t use it until you need it. The sad thing is when you need funds, you pose a liability to BANKS, when you are flying, you do not need money, but they want to give you facilities. So my advice: build a great credit record, take what they offer, then you are sorted when you wait for the 60 days payment policies, or the schlepp admin involved in getting paid as an SMME. What did you have to sacrifice on your journey? Leisure. Security. Pension, and that stuff. Often relationships, you simply can?t establish a brand, build a business and be ready to roll when the girls/ mates say meet us for... I missed many wonderful family moments because when there is work, you work. No work, no pay. You also sacrifice traditional parent-child relationships. The best way I could manage buy-in from my three children was that they earned a percentage of my income, so time away from them had a monetary value, and they shared in it. Small amounts, but they profit from my absence. There was a time when they wished I would be more away...42 Wealth Ladder Magazine Ju ly 2016
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3 M ental Wor kouts to Achieve Entrepreneur ial Greatness By Elle KaplanExercise is a national obsession. Gadgets like the FitBit tracker andplaces like Soul Cycle have become household names, and people aregetting into peak physical condition like never before.Entrepreneurs need to be able to say the same thing about their minds.Leading a business requires being in peak mental condition, andthankfully there are things you can do to achieve this. These are somemental exercises that will give you the intellectual equivalent of being anexpert marathon runner.Mantra your way to happinessThe lifestyle of an entrepreneur is a pretty hectic one,and I freely concede that it?s hard to smile whensomething goes haywire. But if you let it make youunhappy, it?s hard to shake and easy to detect. When theboss is visibly unhappy, he/she unintentionally takes thewhole team down, and it scares away even the mostenthusiastic clients.If you need an example of unhappy employees drivingaway business, just think about your last visit to the DMV.Do you want to go back there any time soon?I recommend trying to be happy no matter how crazythings get. It sounds like one of those things that areeasier said than done, but it?s attainable. My mantra,?everything that happens to me is the best possible thingthat can happen to me,?has helped me tackle whateverthe day brings.Harvard Research has proven that just like unhappiness,happiness is contagious. So find your mantra, andeventually your office will beam along with you.44 Wealth Ladder Magazine Ju ly 2016
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Th e Heal th and Wel l ness Hab i ts Th at Coul d Sav e Your Li f e By Ben K ub assekOne of my greatest assets is my healthy body.Without my health, I am of little use to anyone; my family, my company,my community, and the list go on. So, I have a big responsibility andinterest in staying healthy.Much of what causes illness is within our control. The top causes ofdeath are: coronary heart disease, cancer, diabetes, high bloodpressure, and high cholesterol. The more important question is; ?Whatcauses the causes of death??The five most common causes are; stress,smoking, overweight, lack of exercise and excessive drinking.Some things can?t be controlled (your age, family history of diseases,gender). But others can. And those things aren?t a huge surprise ? youalready know not to smoke, skip your exercise routine, drink too much,or eat crappy food.It?s interesting, though, how all of the major diseases are caused by thesame things: smoking, poor diet, lack of exercise, excessive alcohol andstress.Here is a list the habits you may need to change, and a simple way to goabout changing them.46 Wealth Ladder Magazine Ju ly 2016
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The 5 Old Habits You MayNeed to Break1. Stop smoking. This is by far the mostimportant habit to break, as it affects almostevery single one of the leading causes of death. It?s also the hardest of these habits to change. 2. Eat less. (If you?re overweight). The best habit to form to lose weight is to eat less. Or eat more of things that don?t have a lot of calories, like fibre, fruitsand veggies. Being overweight is just belowsmoking the worst risk factor for manydiseases.3. Drink less alcohol. Heavy drinking isone of the worst risk factors for many diseases. That?s more than 2 drinks of alcohol a day for men, and more than 1 drink for women. A glass of red wine is a good thing, but too many and you?re greatly increasing your risk of disease. 4. Eliminate processed foods. Eating red meats, and processed meats like sausages, bacon, canned meats and so on, is a risk factor for colon/rectal cancer, stomach cancer, and high cholesterol, which in turn is a leading risk factor for coronary heart disease and stroke. Try eatingstuff that grew on a plant, not stuff that wasprocessed in a plant.5. Reduce salt, and saturated/trans fats.Salt and saturated or trans fats are found in somany processed or prepared foods, and theyincrease risks of high blood pressure and highcholesterol, which increased risk for heartdisease and stroke.48 Wealth Ladder Magazine Ju ly 2016
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