Analysis Tech is the top manufacturer of instruments for electronics reliabilitytesting. Our products include Event Detectors for testing the reliability of solderjoints, electrical connectors, and electrical interconnects; Semiconductor ThermalAnalyzers that test semiconductor thermal impedance and resistance; and ThermalInterface Material Testers that perform thermal impedance, resistance.
Analysis Tech Inc. is a designer, manufacturer and global supplier of electronic instrumentsassociated with reliability testing of electronic packaging. Founded in 1983 and headquartered tenmiles north of Boston, Massachusetts, Analysis Tech has developed instruments that have traced theevolution of electronic packaging technology. For example, in 1983, surface-mount technology wasexperiencing a huge growth-surge due to the higher density board-designs that became possible.This caused two related changes: \"Tighter\" packaging meant higher heat flux densities which threatened to increase semiconductor component temperatures and shorten component life. The higher mechanical stresses in surface-mount solder joints (compared to through-hole) threatened to hasten the mechanical fatigue/fracture failure of the solder joints.Both of these changes increased the potential for lower reliability. To overcome this, reliabilitytesting has grown with the progressive evolution of new packaging technology which has beentrending toward \"denser and hotter\".Analysis Tech product offerings currently focus on two fundamental electronics-failure-mechanisms: elevated semiconductor temperatures and mechanical-stress fatigue/fracture ofelectrical interconnects. Our test instruments and their operating features have evolved in directresponse to customer needs.
The Calibration Oven provides an alternative to the Calibration Bath for calibrating semiconductordevices to be tested with Analysis Tech Thermal Analyzers, and is the preferred method forjunction-calibration of power modules or other devices that would be contaminated by oil-immersion in the Calibration Bath. It offers accurate measurement of the device temperaturesensitive parameters, a critical requirement for electrical-method junction temperaturemeasurement . The temperature of the oven is controlled by the Thermal Analyzer and provides asafe and convenient method for calibrating as many as eight devices at once. Once initiated, datacollection continues automatically without operator attention. Features Automated temperature-controlled device-calibration Internal dimensions: 12\"wide x 10\" x 10\" Two stainless steel shelves, adjustable Complete instructions and warranty Dimensions 19\" H x 14 W x 12 \" D Max. Temperature 200 CPower Consumption 800 W 42 lbs Weight
The Analysis Tech Rjc Liquid-Power-Module Test Fixture is a semi-custom, high-performance liquid-cooled heat sink for thermal testing of high-power modular-devices at dissipations of more than3500 watts. This fixture is ideally suited for measuring junction-to-case thermal resistance andimpedance on large power-module packages of all device types including IGBT mixed-modules, fulland half bridges modules, and large MOSFET modules. Temperature controlled coolant water mustbe supplied to the fixture from a recirculating chiller. Each test-head is uniquely designed for aparticular set of package dimensions although test heads are easily interchangeable with drip-freeliquid connectors. Thus, this fixture base functions are a universal base for any package-specific RjcLiquid-Power-Module test head.
Analysis Tech Thermal Analyzer PWB Adapter Cards comprise a Figure 1. General Purposeportion of the electrical interface between the Phase 10 Thermal PWB Adapter CardAnalyzer fixturing (Still Air Box, Wind Tunnel, JEDEC Heat SunkFixtures, etc.) and the DUT (device-under-test). PWB Adapter Cards Figure 2. Device Specificprovide a convenient means of connecting to the electrical signals PWB Adapter Cardfrom the Phase 10 Thermal Analyzer required for device poweringand junction temperature sensing. For board mounted components(typically IC's), the Adapter Card is mounted directly to the ThermalTest Coupon to which the part is mounted. For discrete components(typically power devices), the Adapter Card is connected to the DUTby short hook-up wires.Thermal Analyzer PWB Adapter Cards are available in two varieties;General Purpose Adapter Cards, and Device Specific Adapter Cards.The General Purpose Adapter Card is intended for DUT's that do notrequire external discrete components (resistors, capacitors, diodes,etc.) for device powering, and the Device Specific Adapter Card isintended for DUT's that require these components. Device SpecificAdapter Cards can be ordered from Analysis Tech pre-wired for theindividual device types that you want to test! Contact the AnalysisTech technical staff for more information.
The Analysis Tech Rjb Thermal Test Fixture embodies the JEDEC standard51-8 for measuring the junction-to-board thermal resistance, Rjb. The fixtureaccommodate either the small or large JEDEC standard thermal test couponsizes. The two piece design affords easy board loading and test setupmodification. Note: the photo shows the fixture with the heatinsulation/shields removed.This fixture clamps on both sides of a JEDEC-board. Thermal connection with the board is through aopposing pair of square-ring conductive jaws. These jaws contact the board and extract all of theheat generated by the component and rejects it into the liquid cooled body of the fixture. Athermocouple in a via placed at the middle-edge of the component body provides the referencetemperature for this test. (Note: test PWBs are not included with this fixture.)The coolant requirements for this test fixture are fairly minimal: at least 1 gpm (4 lpm) with acooling capacity of at least 100 watts at a set point of 18C. Coolant lines are provided with 1/8 NPTconnectors.Dimensions 8\" H x 6\" W x 3\" DWeight 6 lbs
The Analysis Tech Phase 12 Thermal Analyzer provides comprehensive automated control ofsemiconductor thermal measurements for production and development testing with powerfulfeatures such as:All Test Modes: Testing all devices: diodes, LEDs, bipolar, MOSFET, IGBT, functional IC, thryistors, test dies Full 3-terminal and 2-terminal test modes for MOSFETs, IGBTs, bipolars Automated high speed data collection, reduction, and analysis for transient and steady state data Transient RC models generated directly from measured junction temperature heating/cooling Compatible with all 750E Mil Stds and JEDEC 51 Series methods Rjc measurement with JEDEC 51-14 transient method Transient data plots for all test parameters in all tests modes Simple, automated instrument-calibration procedures Multiple text and graphics file formats for convenient exporting Continuous intelligent monitoring for errors and data validity Kelvin (4-wire) connections to eliminate test cable resistances effects Selection of automatic power-control by current, wattage, and ΔTj Standard and custom test fixturing available Windows 7 operating system
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