How to order online | FISC healthcare – 2016/17Order online in 8 easy steps …Step 1How to log in:Click ‘Customer Login’ on the top right hand side of the screen.Login Details:Enter your email address and password. 1
How to order online | FISC healthcare – 2016/17Step 2Product Search:To find products / equipment use either the coloured drop-down menu’s or the ‘search’ tab indictedbelow:Step 3Adding products to your basket:Once you have found the product you want, simply enter the ‘quantity’ required and click ‘Add toBasket’ 2
How to order online | FISC healthcare – 2016/17Basket total:Once you have added items to your basket, you will be able to see your basket total including VAT atthe top of the screen.Step 4Viewing your basket:Once you have completed your shopping, simply click ‘My Basket’ on the top of the screen to viewyour selected items.Checkout:Once you have successfully uploaded all your items you can then proceed to ‘Checkout’ shown atthe bottom of the screen. 3
How to order online | FISC healthcare – 2016/17Step 5Delivery Details:By pressing the ‘Checkout’ button this will bring you to the delivery screen, the system willautomatically have your details in, however if you wish to change the delivery address you can do inthis section. Once you have confirmed the delivery details are correct, press ‘Next’Step 6Extra Info:Complete the relevant information such as specific delivery instructions or a purchase order number.Once you are happy with the information, please ensure you read and understand our terms andconditions, tick the box shown below and click ‘Next’. 4
How to order online | FISC healthcare – 2016/17Step 7Payment Method:You can make payment in two ways, either by credit or debit card or pay on account. Tick the optionthe suits you then click ‘next’.Step 8Confirm Order:Once you have selected payment type, ensure all details are correct and the click ‘Place Order’ 5
How to order online | FISC healthcare – 2016/17Pay with debit or credit cardIf you have selected to pay with a debit or credit card, you will be redirected to Sage Pay where youwill be asked to enter your card details.‘Pay on account’ - Order acceptance screen:If you have chosen to ‘pay on account’ you will see the screen below to show that your order hasbeen accepted, keep a note of your order transaction reference. 6
How to order online | FISC healthcare – 2016/17‘My Account’ NavigationNavigation PanelThe online customer account provides a range of facilities to streamline the ordering process. Belowyou will find additional features you can access.Once you are logged into your account you will be presented with your Account details, such asAccount number, email address, delivery address and your last order details.Highlighted on the right-hand side of the screen you will see ‘My Account’ navigation panel.Display OrdersDisplay orders allows you to see all previous orders and repeat if required. 7
How to order online | FISC healthcare – 2016/17Product HistoryOn this page, you will see all previous products ordered through FISC within the last 12 months. Thiscan also be split per month.Favourite ProductsHow to mark as favouriteAs you browse the website you can mark products as favourites this makes these products easier tofind later. To do this find a product you wish to make a favourite and ‘click’ the star show below. 8
How to order online | FISC healthcare – 2016/17NavigationOnce you have selected a product or a group of products these will then appear in the ‘FavouriteProducts’ section on your account. You can access this by the navigation panel on the right-hand sidebelow the ‘news page’.Once you have ‘favourite products’ you are now able to add them to your basket, add them to aquote or simply delete them from your ‘favourite products’. 9
How to order online | FISC healthcare – 2016/17Saved BasketsHow to save a basketYour account login allows you to save your basket, this is particularly useful for saving part finishedorders. To save a basket, you access this through the ‘my basket’ section (see below). Once you havea range of products in your basket simply click ‘save basket’ shown below.Accessing Saved BasketsOnce you’re ready to finish your order simply use the navigation panel on the right-hand side of thescreen to access your saved baskets, from here you can add it to your order or replace your order. 10
How to order online | FISC healthcare – 2016/17User SettingsUser setting allows you to change your password. If you need to make any additional changes suchas account address or email address, then please call our team on 01772 425310. 11
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