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Published by steelefam5, 2016-02-05 01:42:24

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Kindergarten Curriculum CatalogDear Trivium Families, Join us in 2015-2016 as we travel back in time to explore Egyptian Pyramids, follow the rise and fallof the Roman Empire and investigate living organisms and their habitats, as we begin our 4 year cyclewith biology (science) and ancient times (history). As such, you'll find titles in our current catalog suchas, Biology: Life as We Know it, The Story of the World: Ancient Times and World History Detective toname a few. This year we are also excited to introduce “Storia”. Imagine having unlimited access to 2000 titlesthroughout the year for your children—access to your very own library from the comfort of your homeand NO FINES :)! Storia is Scholastic's digital library (ebooks) for schools and contains 2000 leveledfiction and nonfiction titles—stories and characters you know and love such as Frog and Toad, Biscuit,Ms. Frizzle, Fly Guy and Inkheart to name a few. There are numerous life science titles (e.g.Discovering My World and National Geographic books) as well as ancient times titles (e.g. Ms. Frizzle'sAdventures in Ancient Egypt). If you'd like to see other offerings go here: . In addition toStoria you will also be able to select from several literary works and literature guides that tie-in to ourancient history and life science focus. These novels can be used for family read-aloud time (K-8) orindependent student reading (3-8). These choices are described in our language arts section under“Trivium Literature Packages”. Stanford's gifted and talented online independent Math course has undergone a tremendous revision,if you are interested you can preview the materials at: Additionally, within this catalog, you'll find Trivium parent feedback on some of our curriculumchoices. Families were asked to rate for a given curriculum how much preparation was needed to deliverthe lesson, how useful were the teacher's guides, did a given curriculum require more or less parentinvolvement, etc. Thank you to all the families that took the time to give us your feedback! Your effort isappreciated! This information, when available, is listed near the links to additional reviews for eachcurriculum. Second, when available, I have provided links to various vendor resources that you may findhelpful as your educational adventure unfolds.If you'd just like to read about our new additions search “(NEW)” below in this document.Finally, on the last page of this document I have reproduced the Curriculum Builder Template if youwould like to use it to organize your curriculum choices for your students.The beauty of homeschooling, as you know, is that we can design programs that best fit our children.We hope these materials provide you with the tools to do so.Happy Exploring,Teresa ([email protected])p.s If you are new to Trivium and have not used our curriculum shop you may want to watch ourIntroduction to the Curriculum Shop at (click on “Introduction toCurriculum Shop” just under the books, excuse the elephant typing :) The one thing the video does notmention is to click on “use points” when you are finalizing your order—this will help to keep your pointinformation up to date.).p.p.s. I would also encourage you to browse our curriculum FAQ (at as itaddresses issues that may arise as you peruse this catalogue (i.e. “How many points do I have to “spend”?(400 points per child) “Where do I start?” “Do I have to use all of my points at once?” (no, you may placeorders until March 15th), “What am I supposed to purchase?”, etc.)

Language ArtsThe goal of a great language arts program is to produce strong writers, readers andcommunicators.Just how to achieve this goal can be as varied as ice cream flavors in your grocer's freezersection. And everyone can have a strong preference about which flavor is the best! Ourrecommendation is to browse through our choices and consider their features with respect to bothwhat works best for your child (i.e. Is your child a visual learner? Does he/she enjoy more orless independence?) and what works best for you. You do not have to order any of thesechoices through us. If you have a curriculum you prefer to purchase privately you are free to doso.A complete language arts program will deal in various degrees, depending on the age of yourchild, with writing and writing mechanics (spelling, grammar, vocabulary, handwriting) as wellas the literary (phonics, reading comprehension/literary analysis, composition) and oral elementsof language (speech, debate, oral presentations). You may want to put together a completelanguage arts curriculum using pieces of several different programs (e.g. Handwriting withoutTears + Explode the Code (A,B,C) + Bob Books + Wordly Wise K) or you may want topurchase one program that contains most everything your child will need for the year (Forexample, Time4Learning, provides both math and language arts curriculum in one program).The following Language Arts choices are arranged by topic (Handwriting, Phonics, Readers).Included, where possible, are general descriptions of the program (as well as publisher'srecommended grade level), links to samples pages, and reviews as well as results from our ownTrivium Curriculum Survey. If you are not sure which level is an appropriate one for yourchild, browse samples for several grades. In addition, many programs provide scope andsequence information for each grade level which can also be helpful when choosing materials.Keep in mind you can combine components from different grades. For example, if you have a10 year old (5th grader) that excels in spelling but struggles with writing you might chooseSpelling Workout F (6th grade) to use with Writing with Ease Level 4 (4th grade)).Handwriting (4 programs)1. Mead Writing FundamentalsFrom Publisher:Mead Writing Fundamentals are the fun, multi-sensory approach to learning life's essentials. Seehow each stage nurtures a foundation for writing success. Developed with and endorsed by aPediatric Occupational Therapist specializing in handwriting.For more information, click on “Explore the Stages” at: play the “demo” under Writing Essentials (under Classroom Essentials); it has a niceoverview of their products here: some fun lesson ideas on same page for example see “ Two facts and a fib”)Pre-writing:Hand-eye coordination, visual scanning and perception, sequencing and following directions arejust a few of the skills that children will practice with Connect with Color™.Connect with Color Points: 5

This 34-page workbook helps teach snipping and cutting skills in developmental progression.Builds fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination while introducing children to pre-writingshapes. The Snip It!™ product in our Mead® Writing Fundamentals line has been honored in aNAPPA (National Parenting Publications Awards) competition with a 2010 Gold Award -- itshighest honor -- under the \"Parenting Resources\" category!Snip-It Points: 9Handwriting:Features stories themed with letter groupings to help children learn each letter in a fun way. Thetablet is arranged in developmental progression to keep the child engaged. Explore dirt diggersand sky-writers with their colorful paper and bring letter formation to life.Lowercase Letter Stories Points: 7Designed to teach children proper number formation with engaging stories and early math skills.Uses multisensory \"everyday type\" math techniques and fun story cues. The unique paper avoidsnumber reversals in Number StoriesNumber Stories Points: 7Help your student or child master printing. This tablet features embossed See and Feel™Guidelines teaching students proper letter formation and to write within the lines.Learn to Letter with Guidelines Points: 5Reinforce shapes, letters, numbers, and early math skills with fun and rewarding activities.Includes shapes, addition, learning numbers, capital letters, and a drawing and writing sectionDry Erase Letters and Numbers Activity Board (NEW) Points: 10Description from Publisher:Workbook for beginning creative writing. Promotes proper word alignment on the line andencourages correct sentence structure. Closes the gap between learning letters and writingsentences and paragraphs by teaching idea generation, use of descriptors, and various sentencestructures; Provides idea flow to improve descriptive language and helps children add details totheir writing. Developed and tested by handwriting experts; Appropriate for Grade K-2 levelstudents.Idea Builders Points: 7Mead Resources:Mead Early Learning Tips: Awards or Quizes here: Reviews: Parent Ratings (10 families responded)Parent/Teacher Involvement (1-Low, 5-High): 1.5Lesson Prep Time (1-Minimal, 5-Extensive): 1.4Recommend to other families (1-Not at all, 5-Highly): 4.7

Helpfulness of Teacher Guides/Materials (1-Not at all, 5-Must have): N/A2. Handwriting Without Tears and Keyboarding Without TearsFrom the publisher: Handwriting Without Tears® aims to make legible and fluent handwritingan easy and automatic skill that students can master. Our dynamic curriculum design, teachingstrategies, and compelling lessons make it easy for parents to teach Handwriting Without Tearsin the home, in only 15 minutes per day. (Grade levels are suggested by the publisher.)The Keyboarding without Tears curriculum includes effective, game-based lessons, fitsperfectly into the developmental progression of writing, teaches pre-keyboarding andkeyboarding and addresses general computer readiness, digital citizenship, and digital literacyLetters and Numbers for Me (K) Points: 10Sample: Teacher's Guide Points: 11 for Me (K) Points: 10 Letters and Numbers for Me + Keys for Me Points: 17My Printing Book (1st) Points: 10 grade Teacher's Guide Points: 11 Keying Board (1st) Points: 10 My Printing Book + My Keying Board Points: 17Sentence School (K) Points: 65From publisher: Reinforce good handwriting habits as you teach students to form sentences andbecome confident writers. Daily lessons in the teacher's guide promote vocabulary and sentenceskills with the word cards and common objects found in the classroom.Builds vocabulary and sentence writing skills; Engages children in learning with active, hands-on lessons. Works with any language arts program; Takes only 10-15 minutes a day. Options:Wood Pieces Set for Capital Letters Points: 33 Chalkboard Points: 5 and Write Notebook Points: 4

Draw and Write Notebook (48 pages, Gr. K–1) with wide double lines, has room for studentpictures and creative writing. The first half has pages with drawing space at the top and 5 sets ofdouble lines below. The second half has the same pages on the left side. The right side pageshave 8 sets of double lines. The notebook may also be used for copying or journal writing.Blackboard with Double Lines Points: 9, Rap, Tap and Learn CD Points: 14 Resource links: Parent Ratings (20 families responded)Parent/Teacher Involvement (1-Low, 5-High): 2Lesson Prep Time (1-Minimal, 5-Extensive): 1.4Recommend to other families (1-Not at all, 5-Highly): 4.2Helpfulness of Teacher Guides/Materials (1-Not at all, 5-Must have): 3.4“Need to watch child form letters in K/1st to make sure they do it properly.”3. IEW's Primary Arts of Language (K/1)Primary Arts of Language consists of two programs: Primary Arts of Language (PAL) Readingand PAL Writing which are intended to be used concurrently. Together they appear to be acomplete Language Arts program (suggested for level K/1). Phonics is incorporated into boththe Reading and Writing portion. For example, as your child learns to write the letter c, s/he alsolearns its sound. Individual letters are introduced through letter stories.You can get a sense of this program by exploring here: here: program includes spelling, handwriting, phonics, reading, and grammar (incorporated intothe composition /writing portion of the program)).Primary Arts of Language Complete Reading Package Points: 69Using poetry, the reading portion of the Primary Arts of Language teaches phonics and wholewords. Students are introduced to letters through letter stories and discover the vowel andconsonant pairs that help us read. Daily games played during “Activity Time” reinforce thephonetic concepts so that a student can know them completely.Primary Arts of Language Complete Writing Package Points: 89The writing portion is divided into three parts: printing, copy work, and composition. Spelling isincluded throughout the course. The printing section provides an entire handwriting program toteach your student how to correctly form his letters. The copy work exercises will make printing

automatic in preparation for the composition lessons, which will gently teach your student towrite stories and paragraphs with style.IEW Resources: Parent Ratings (3 families responded)Parent/Teacher Involvement (1-Low, 5-High): 4.3Lesson Prep Time (1-Minimal, 5-Extensive): 3.6Recommend to other families (1-Not at all, 5-Highly): 3.5Helpfulness of Teacher Guides/Materials (1-Not at all, 5-Must have): 54. McRuffy Language Arts Program (McRuffy Kindergarten Traditional Handwriting Workbook)This program is described in more detail below. It includes the colorful Kindergarten TraditionalHandwriting workbook. For a sample go to: (8 choices)Two programs, the McRuffy Language Arts Program and the Primary Arts of LanguageComplete Reading and Writing Packages, incorporate handwriting and phonics within the sameprogram so you would not need to separately purchase a handwriting program. Time4Learningincorporates phonics and vocabulary as well as mathematics into one program but nothandwriting. Other programs, however, address mainly the phonics piece of a kindergartenlanguage arts curriculum and they are also listed here.1. McRuffy Language Arts ProgramDesigned by reading specialist Brian Davis, this easy-to-use phonics based program integrates allthe language arts. The kit includes:---Teacher's ManualThe Teacher's Manual includes daily lesson plans and reference material, making it ideal forhome school programs and classroom phonics. The lesson plans are easy to follow with lightscripting, thumbnail sketches of workbook pages, reduced-size pictures from the reading bookswith story text to allow you to follow along.---2 WorkbooksThese books provide over 175 colorful worksheets, including phonics activities. Activities coverspelling, phonics, reading comprehension, and weekly assessments.---Reading BooksTen First Step Color Readers are four-page books that give the child an easy and earlyexperience in reading a book.Twenty McRuffy Readers range from 8 to 15 pages. These humorous stories reinforce theweekly kindergarten phonics concepts. All books are printed in color with cardstock covers---Flashcards (which can be used for K and Grade 1)All comes packed in a sturdy storage kit. Workbooks are spiral bound for convenience and theteacher's manual is contained in a three-ring binder. Kindergarten students will learn about Ruffthe Dog, a fish named Sam and an interesting group of bats, cats, dogs, and hogs. Fun andeffective!---Handwriting Series: Traditional

McRuffy Language Arts Complete Package Points: 152Samples: Explode the CodeFrom the publisher: A phonics best seller for over 30 years, Explode The Code® has helpedmillions of students nationwide build the essential literacy skills needed for reading success:phonological awareness, decoding, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, and spelling. Thisresearch-based and teacher-tested program meets and exceeds “No Child Left Behind”requirements and National Reading Panel Standards.(Grade levels are suggested by the publisher)Teacher's Guide Books A, B, C (Gr. K-1) Points: 11sample: Teacher’s Guide, Books A–C, expands on the skills presented in the Get Ready, Get Set, andGo for The Code books, providing teachers with various options for instruction andreinforcement. The wide variety of activities may be adapted for whole-class, small-group, andone-on-one learning situations. Each lesson addresses the principles of effective readinginstruction and follows the same easy-to-use format: Quick Review, Phonemic Awareness,Phonics, Vocabulary, Completing Student Pages, Fluency, Comprehension, Writing,Reinforcement ActivitiesPrimers:Get Ready for the Code A (Gr. K-1) Points: 9Get Set for the Code B (Gr. K-1) Points: 9Go for the Code C (Gr. K-1) Points: 9For a sample of the Get Ready, Get Set, Go for series go to: the Code Primers Points: 25The Primers include all three Primers: Get Ready for the Code A, Get Set for the Code B, andGo for the Code C.Explode the Code Primer PACK – Books A,B,C Points: 36The PACK includes all three Primers: Get Ready for the Code A, Get Set for the Code B, and Gofor the Code C, as well as the Teacher’s Guide.

Supplemental Option:Picture Letter Cards (not required) Points: 17 of Explode the Code in General: of just the Primers (Get Ready, Get Set, Go For...) Parent Ratings (23 families responded)Parent/Teacher Involvement (1-Low, 5-High): 2.2Lesson Prep Time (1-Minimal, 5-Extensive): 1.2Recommend to other families (1-Not at all, 5-Highly): 4.6Helpfulness of Teacher Guides/Materials (1-Not at all, 5-Must have): 3.43. All About ReadingFrom the publisher:All About Reading is a fun and engaging program that starts with essential pre-reading skills andcontinues on to teach all five key components of reading. It contains everything your studentneeds to become a fluent reader for life! Powerful teaching methods are at the center of AllAbout Reading. Our multisensory approach makes it easy for kids to understand. Kids lookforward to reading lessons because of the motivating, hands-on activities. This mastery-based, building block program works with kids who have learning disabilities as well asthose who do not. Our explicitteaching guidance helps students succeed. All About Reading makes your job easy and stress-free. Everything is planned out for you with “open and go” lesson plans. Lessons are organizedand lightly scripted so you don't have to figure out what to teach next. You don't have to worryabout mising some critical element of teaching reading—it's all included.Each level has a short placement test to help you determine which level is best for your child.Scroll down to the middle of the page for placement tests:All About Reading PreReading Materials (K) Points: 80Includes Teacher's Manual,Student Packet, Activity Book, 2 Read Aloud BooksSamples: About Reading Level 1 Package (K or 1) Points 122Includes: Teacher's Manual, Student Packet, Activity Book, 3 Readers, Reading Interactive KitReader's Alone:Run Bug Run! A collection of short stories for level 1 vol. 1 Points 20The Runt Pig A collection of short stories for level 1 vol. 2 Points 20Cobweb the Cat A collection of short stories for level 1 vol 3 Points 20

All About Reading Level 1 Ziggy Supplement Points 20Resources from All About Reading: Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy LessonsFrom Publisher:* Is your child halfway through first grade and still unable to read?* Is your preschooler bored with coloring and ready for reading?* Are you worried that your child will become lost in overcrowded classrooms?* Did you know that early readers hold an advantage over their peers throughout school?* Do you want to help your child read, but are afraid you'll do something wrong?SRAs DISTAR® is the most successful beginning reading program available to schools acrossthe country. Research has proven that children taught by the DISTAR® method outperform theirpeers who receive instruction from other programs. Now for the first time, this program has beenadapted for parent and child to use at home. Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons is acomplete, step-by-step program that shows patents simply and clearly how to teach their childrento read.Twenty minutes a day is all you need, and within 100 teaching days your child will be reading ona solid second-grade reading level. It's a sensible, easy-to-follow, and enjoyable way to help yourchild gain the essential skills of reading. Everything you need is here -- no paste, no scissors, noflash cards, no complicated directions -- just you and your child learning together. One hundredlessons, fully illustrated and color-coded for clarity, give your child the basic and more advancedskills needed to become a good reader.Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons will bring you and your child closer together,while giving your child the reading skills needed now, for a better chance at tomorrow. (Alsosee Funnix which can supplement/extend the material in this book).Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons Points: 22Reviews and sample: (just a nice site to be aware of with planner templates, handwriting resources andmuch more): Parent Ratings (1 family responded)Parent/Teacher Involvement (1-Low, 5-High): 5Lesson Prep Time (1-Minimal, 5-Extensive): 1Recommend to other families (1-Not at all, 5-Highly): 5Helpfulness of Teacher Guides/Materials (1-Not at all, 5-Must have): 55. The Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching ReadingFrom the publisher:

A plain-English guide to teaching phonics. Every parent can teach reading; no experts needapply!Take charge of your child’s literacy with this jargon-free phonics guide. Too many parents watchtheir children struggle with early reading skills — and don't know how to help. Phonicsprograms are too often complicated, overpriced, gimmicky, and filled with obscureeducationalese. The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading cuts through the confusion,giving parents a simple, direct, scripted guide to teaching reading — from short vowels throughsupercalifragilisticexpialidocious. The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading is user-friendly, affordable, and easy to follow — supplying you with everything you need to teachreading in one book.Sample and Resources: Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading Combo Pack Points: 55Includes the book, flashcards, audio companion and 2 magnetic letter boards with a set of lettersThe Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading (Book Alone) Points: 30Reviews: Time for LearningFrom the publisher:Phonics is the understanding of how letters combine to make sounds and words, which is acrucial step toward learning to read.Teaching phonics builds on previously learned skills: ! Understanding the alphabet ! Knowing that words are made up of sounds which can be changed to create new words: h + at = hat, c + at = cat ! Distinguishing between similar sounds: \"three,\" \"free\" and \"tree\"Phonics success comes by progressing through these skills carefully with frequent reinforcementand review.Time4Learning systematically teaches phonics as part of an integrated reading and languagearts program. Our animated characters will engage your student while building a solid readingfoundation.Kindergarten Language Arts & Reading - Lesson OverviewThe kindergarten language arts section contains 199 learning activities, 12 worksheets and14 teaching materials that are primarily based on phonics, verbal comprehension, readingfluency, vocabulary building and following instructions.A foundation of beginning skills are taught, as kindergarteners learn through guided lessons,direct teaching and the exploration of fundamentals with specific focus on the alphabet and lettersounds, phonemic awareness, and rhyming words. Game-like activities, decodable stories, andthe “writer’s corner” isolate two letters at a time and allow students to explore all possiblesounds and blends, creating phonological and phonemic awareness.Through a series of pre-reading, reading, comprehension, and prewriting activities,students will further develop strategies such as recalling details, drawing conclusions, andsummarizing stories. Kindergarten culminates with a thorough review of phonics, highlighting

letter and sound recognition.One hundred and ninety-nine lessons are organized into eighteen chapters that introduceand cover: 1. \"Print Awareness\" - Teaches the alphabet, parts of a book and the fundamental concepts of print. 2. \"Active Listening and Sound\" - Develops active listening skills while teaching the concepts of rhyme, rhythm, pattern, and syllables . 3. \"The Sights and Sounds of m and s\" - Uses the nursery rhyme \"Mary Had A Little Lamb\" to teach the letters “m” and “s” using vocabulary, fluency, reading comprehension, phonological awareness, and phonics exercises. 4. \"The Sights and Sounds of d and a\" - Uses the nursery rhyme \"Hey Diddle Diddle\" to teach the long and short sounds of the letter “d” using vocabulary, fluency, reading comprehension, phonological awareness, and phonics exercises. 5. \"The Sights and Sounds of p and \"i\" - Uses the nursery rhyme \"Please Pudding\" to teach the sound of the letter \"p\" and the short sound of the letter \"i\" using vocabulary, fluency, reading comprehension, phonological awareness, and phonics exercises. 6. \"The Sights and Sounds of l and n\" - Uses a retold version of the nursery rhyme \"Little Red Hen\" to teach the letters “l” and “n” using vocabulary, fluency, reading comprehension, phonological awareness, and phonics exercises. 7. \"Phonics and Phonemic Awareness Review\" - Develops the understanding of the sounds of the letters “m”,“d”,“s”,“p”,“l”,“n” and the short sounds of the letters “a” and “i” through exercises that target recognition, phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, and phonics. 8. \"The Sights and Sounds of t and h\" - Uses an authentic piece of nonfiction titled \"Busy Baby Animals: Tiger\" to teach the letters “t” and “h” using vocabulary, fluency, reading comprehension, phonological awareness, and phonics exercises. 9. \"The Sights and Sounds of o and b\" - Uses a retold version of the nursery rhyme \"There Was an Old Woman\" to teach the short sound of the letter “o” and the sound of the letter “b” using vocabulary, fluency, reading comprehension, phonological awareness, and phonics exercises. 10. \"The Sights and Sounds of e and r\" - Uses the nursery rhyme \"It's Raining, It's Pouring\" to teach the sound of the letters \"e\" and \"r\" using vocabulary, fluency, reading comprehension, phonological awareness, and phonics exercises. 11. \"The Sights and Sounds of k and f\" - Uses the nursery rhyme \"Ride A Black Horse\" to teach the sound of the letters \"k\" and \"f\" using vocabulary, fluency, reading comprehension, phonological awareness, and phonics exercises. 12. \"Phonics and Phonemic Awareness Review 2\" - Develops the understanding of the sounds of the letters “t”, “h”, “f”, “r”, “k”, b”, “d” and the short sounds of the letters “o”, “a”, “e”, and “i” through exercises that target recognition, phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, and phonics. 13. \"The Sights and Sounds of Hard g and Short u\" - Uses the classic fable \"The Lion and the Mouse\" to teach the hard sound of the letter \"g\" and the short sound of the letter \"u\" using vocabulary, fluency, reading comprehension, phonological awareness, and phonics exercises. 14. \"The Sights and Sounds of Hard c and w\" - Uses an authentic piece of nonfiction titled \"My Cake\" to teach the letters the hard sound of the letter “c” and the sound of the letter w using vocabulary, fluency, reading comprehension, phonological awareness, and phonics exercises. 15. \"The Sights and Sounds of y and qu\" - Uses the nursery rhyme \"Little Girl and Queen\" to teach the letter \"y\" and the sound of the letter combination \"qu\" using

vocabulary, fluency, reading comprehension, phonological awareness, and phonics exercises. 16. \"The Sights and Sounds of v and x\" - Uses the classic fable \"The Fox and the Crow\" to teach the sounds of the letters \"v\" and \"x\" using vocabulary, fluency, reading comprehension, phonological awareness, and phonics exercises. 17. \"The Sights and Sounds of z and j\" - Uses an original story titled \"Jake and the Zany Zebra Show\" to teach the sounds of the letters \"z\" and \"j\" using vocabulary, fluency, reading comprehension, phonological awareness, and phonics exercises. 18. \"Phonics and Phonemic Awareness Review 3\" - Develops the understanding of the letters \"c\", \"z\", \"v\", \"w\", \"j\", \"g\", \"x\", \"y\" and their sounds, the letters \"i\", \"a\", \"u\", \"o\" and their short sounds, and the letter combination \"qu\" and its sound through exercises that target recognition, phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, and phonics.To see Time4Learning Language Arts K Lesson plans: personalized demo: overview of entire Kindergarten curriculum: math and LA) Points: 25 per mo.Time4Learning per month (no contract) subscription(includes math and LA)Resources: a Welcome to Homeschooling Guide here: Reviews: this review you will find people discussing whether time4learning is a complete curriculum): Parent Ratings (1 family responded)Parent/Teacher Involvement (1-Low, 5-High): 1Lesson Prep Time (1-Minimal, 5-Extensive): 1Recommend to other families (1-Not at all, 5-Highly): 5Helpfulness of Teacher Guides/Materials (1-Not at all, 5-Must have): N/AComputer-based phonics program

7. FunnixFrom the publishers:How The Program Was Developed:BEFORE FUNNIXThe roots of the Funnix program go back to 1969, when Zig Engelmann wrote the mostsuccessful school-reading program ever, Distar Reading, now called Reading Mastery, which isstill considered one of the best reading programs ever designed. This program is so effectivebecause it was field-tested and revised many times to make sure that it worked and worked wellbefore it was ever published.The next step that is related to the development of Funnix was a condensed version of ReadingMastery, titled Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons, which was published in 1982 andis still rated the best home-school beginning reading program ever.(If you are looking for an effective and economical print program for teaching reading, this is thebest one you can buy.)In 1997, Zig and his co-authors developed a different beginning reading program, Horizons. It isas highly rated as Reading Mastery but teaches things a little differently than Reading Masterydoes. Horizons teaches more words than Reading Mastery and focuses more on comprehensionskills.The work on Horizons began in 1993. The same shaping process that was used for ReadingMastery went into Horizons. After several field-tryouts and subsequent revisions of the field-testversions, the program met the very high standards that Zig and his co-authors require before aprogram is published.ENTER FUNNIXWhen Zig and his colleagues decided to develop a home-school computer program that taughtreading, they agreed that the best foundation was Horizons.So they proceeded to adapt Horizons to a more condensed, and more visual presentation for thecomputer. The work on Funnix started in 1998. It was completed in the summer of 2001.The program may not be perfect to us, but it is light years better than all other computerprograms for beginning readers. Funnix is not designed to primarily entertain, but you and yourchild will find it entertaining. It is not designed to be something your child does independently(like a video game), but you will find it easy to use. Most of all, Funnix is like the other productsthat Zig and his colleagues develop: it doesn't just work well, it works better than anything elseyou could use.For more information on Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons please a detailed description of Funnix's design: of the lessons have 4 main activities:Children identify sound and letter names.Children identify words.Children read a story.Workbook or Lined-Paper activities.For a more detailed description go here: Beginning Reading and Funnix 2 Material Points: 38*please note, if ordering the above, you will need to print material yourself from included files

Funnix Beginning Reading Student Workbook Points: 8Funnix 2 Hardcover Reader Points: 10Samples: Parent Ratings (2 families responded)Parent/Teacher Involvement (1-Low, 5-High): 3.5Recommend to other families (1-Not at all, 5-Highly): 4Helpfulness of Teacher Guides/Materials (1-Not at all, 5-Must have): 3Online Supplemental Options :1. Click-n-Read PhonicsFrom the Publisher: ClickN READ Phonics teaches the entire kindergarten to 3rd grade phonicscurriculum taught at USA public schools through 100 interactive cartoon animated onlinephonics lessons. Any child can learn English, and learn to read correctly, in a phonics game-likeenvironment that is great fun and easy to use. Our phonics program is designed for children as young as 4 years old learning to readEnglish for the first time, older children struggling to learn to read, learning disabled childrenand even adults learning English as a second language.1 year subscription Click-n-Read Phonics Points: 10For more detail see: a sample lesson: additional resources: Parent Ratings (2 families)Parent/Teacher Involvement (1-Low, 5-High): 2Lesson Prep Time (1-Minimal, 5-Extensive): 1Recommend to other families (1-Not at all, 5-Highly): 3Helpfulness of Teacher Guides/Materials (1-Not at all, 5-Must have): N/A2. Explode the Code Online K-4For a side-by-side comparison of the Explode the Code books and Explode the Code Online goto:

12 month subscription Explode the Code Online: Points: 65see student tutorial: Parent Ratings (1 family)Parent/Teacher Involvement (1-Low, 5-High): 2Lesson Prep Time (1-Minimal, 5-Extensive): 1Recommend to other families (1-Not at all, 5-Highly): 2Helpfulness of Teacher Guides/Materials (1-Not at all, 5-Must have): N/A“Students have to respond quickly at times in the course of the program and my son found thisvery frustrating.”3. Reading Eggs /Reading EggspressFrom the publisher:Reading Eggs:With interactive animations, fun games, great songs and lots of rewards, Reading Eggs is a greatplace to learn to read. Children are highly motivated to return again and again. At Reading Eggs,learning to read is enjoyable as well as very rewarding. Every lesson ends with a new book and anew critter to add to your growing collection.KindergartenThe program begins at an absolute emergent reading level, focusing on letter sounds, first sightwords and reading simple sentences. The site is simple to navigate and students are motivated tocomplete lessons. Use the colorful lessons with groups or the whole class as lesson starters thatreally focus your students’ attention.1st GradeStudents can take a placement test to ensure that they are working at a level that matches theirreadability ability, or teachers can move students to an appropriate level. The program can ensureall your students make progress, as it covers a wide range of phonic skills, essential sight wordsand comprehension skills in a highly motivating way.2nd GradeMany of the new features are excellent for 2nd grade students. Make the Story Factory part ofyour writing program; with its weekly contests, it is a great way to get kids writing. Additionally,the new Skills Bank focuses on Spelling, Grammar and Vocabulary development. Even yourstruggling readers can make real progress at Reading Eggs.SupportMany struggling and reluctant readers really enjoy working on a computer as it allows them toprogress at their own pace. The Reading Eggs lessons provide plenty of practice in developingkey reading skills and the interesting activities can be repeated as often as needed.What does a Reading Eggs lesson look like?Parts 1 and 2: The main lessonReading Eggs lessons are made up of a wide variety of interesting activities but each lesson has aconsistent format. The first 1 or 2 lesson parts are interactive animations led by our host/teacher,Sam the Ant, or another character. Sam, Jaz, Tom, or Meg model the new concept and then askthe child to complete an activity. The student needs to get seven correct responses to progress tothe next part of the lesson. Lessons introduce new concepts using constant interactivity whichkeeps children on-task as they practice and build confidence. New skills are reinforced usingcarefully designed activities that are highly motivating and promote reading success.Part 3 & Part 4: Dot-to-dots & letter recognitionThe dot-to-dot activities are a fun way for children to learn correct letter formation. As withdrawing the letter shape in the air, the physical act of doing this activity boosts student’s memoryfor the shape of each letter. It also helps counting skills! Activity 4, The Letter Grid buildsrecognition of both capital and lower case letters. In later lessons, this part is replaced by sight

word, phonics, or spelling activities.Part 5 & Part 6: Vocabulary & the e-booksThis vocabulary building activity ensures that children know the words used in the readingbooks. Part 6 is an electronic book, with audio support, that children can read online.Part 7: The egg hatchesYour students are rewarded for completing the lesson with a new creature that hatches andbecomes part of their online collection. Each Reading Eggs critter links to the content of thelesson.Why do children love learning with Reading Eggs?The computer environment is endlessly patient and each student can make real progress at theirown pace.Reading Eggs is infused with humor and students are actively engaged in the program. Theyenjoy the variety of game-like activities, the rewards, the memorable funny songs and theanimated characters that become like friends as they progress through the lessons.Each student can create their own avatar/online character.Each time a student completes a learning activity they are rewarded with Golden Eggs for theirEggy Bank.They can then use these Golden Eggs to buy fun and educational games from the Reading EggsGame Shop.Students get a real sense of achievement as they progress through each of the eight maps.They love collecting Critters – a new critter hatches at the end of every lesson.Best of all, they love mastering the skills of reading!Other Key Features of Reading EggsStudents can use the program at home and as at school.Once a lesson is complete, students can revisit it and repeat it as many times as they like or needto.Students receive a certificate after successfully completing the quiz at the end of every map.Reading Eggs provides teachers and parents with a simple “dashboard” to show each student’sreading progress.Your child can take a simple placement test that will ensure they start at a suitable leve.Reading Eggspress is for students aged 7-13. It is packed full of hundreds of great onlineactivities and games. Reading Eggspress is a great way for your child to continue developingtheir reading skills.System Requirements:Browser support/OS RequirementsIE 7.0 and up/Windows XP and newerFirefox 3.0 and up/Windows 2000 and newer or Mac OSX 10.4 and newerSafari 3.0 and up/Windows XP and newer or Mac OSX 10.4.11 and newerReading EggspressReading Eggspress builds reading and comprehension skills for students in grades 2–6. Thespinning world gets students involved and excited as soon as they enter.Reading Eggspress creates a unique learning environment and has a wide range of learningresources, lessons, motivational games, e-books, and reporting.The Stadium will test a student's skills in one of four areas: spelling, vocabulary, usage andgrammar. The Comprehension Gym includes 200 interactive comprehension lessons gradedover five broad levels from 2nd through 6th grade. The built-in placement test places students atthe correct level.

Each Comprehension Gym lesson includes pre-reading activities that model and teachcomprehension strategies. Reading passages are followed by a set of comprehension questionsthat assess a student’s factual, inferential, and textual understandings. The Library includes over600 e-books. E-books include illustrated chapter books, full color nonfiction books, and a rangeof classics.Motivational ElementsReading Eggspress is a highly motivating world for students to explore. They can earn a varietyof rewards including:-Golden Eggs -Games -Trading Cards -Personalized AvatorsReading Eggs Annual Subscription Points: 25Try a Sample Lesson: Parent Ratings (7 families)Parent/Teacher Involvement (1-Low, 5-High): 2Lesson Prep Time (1-Minimal, 5-Extensive): 1.3Recommend to other families (1-Not at all, 5-Highly): 4.2Helpfulness of Teacher Guides/Materials (1-Not at all, 5-Must have): N/AEase of Use (1-Not at all Easy, 5-VERY easy): 4.9Engaging for your student (1-Not at all, 5-Highly): 5“We LOVED it!”Additional Language Arts Resources1. Starting ComprehensionThe Starting Comprehension series is designed to promote reading for meaning in beginningreaders. The 12 workbooks in the series are divided into 2 strands, which correspond to 2 readingprocesses: Starting Phonetically and Starting Visually.Skilled readers use phonetic, semantic, and syntactic cues to predict, test, or confirm the meaningof a passage. Able readers can move flexibly from one cue source to another, as the situationdemands. Starting Comprehension is based on the assumption that children do not all learn to usethese cues in the same order, or with the same ease. While most students gradually develop abalanced repertoire of strategies, some children rigidly adhere to one strategy only.The 2 strands in the series reflect the 2 types of cues that beginning readers may gravitatetoward: phonetic cues (letter-sound patterns and phonetic rules) and semantic cues (pictures andword meanings). A student that starts phonetically learns sounds easily, but learns nonphoneticwords less easily. A student that starts visually has a strong visual sense and learns whole wordseasily, especially graphically unusual words with concrete meanings (e.g., pizza).How you use the strand may depend on your teaching philosophy and the needs of your students.One teacher may select the strand that will capitalize on a child's preferred reading strategies, orreading style. Another may wish to steer a student away from a rigid approach to reading anddirect attention to new cue sources. Students can alternate strands, as well.Children engage with texts and respond to questions on the semantic, literal, inferential, andorganizational levels. Therefore, students using this series develop comprehension of words,sentences, and short passages through 4 different types of exercises:

1. Vocabulary exercises introduce, in context, most of the words used in the workbooks. Studentscan refer to these pages if they are unsure of a word in a passage.2. Literal Comprehension exercises ask questions about factual details. On the most elementarylevel, this involves answering yes/no questions or using internal logic. At a more sophisticatedlevel, the student answers factual questions about a longer passage.3. Inferential Comprehension exercises ask students to identify the correct summary or recognizethe main idea of a selection.4. In Organizational Comprehension exercises, the student relates, or organizes, the informationin a passage. In the Starting Phonetically strand, students organize the information sequentially—what happened first, next, etc. In the Starting Visually strand, students organize theinformation by category—which items belong in the category.In the later books in both strands, the student identifies the main idea of the passage and selectsthe pertinent details to go with it.Most pages in both series contain writing activities that can be used at the discretion of theteacher, depending on students' individual differences.Levels 1-3 according to the publisher correspond to pK – 1st gradeLevels 4-5 according to the publisher correspond to 1st-2nd gradeLevel 6 corresponds to 2nd gradeStarting Phonetically Level 1 (pK-1st) Points: 14 Visually Level 1 (pK-1st) Points: 14 Phonetically Level 2 (pK-1st) Points: 14 Visually Level 2 (pK-1st) Points: 14 Phonetically Level 3 (pK-1st) Points: 14 Visually Level 3 (pK-1st) Points: 14's guide (for all levels) Points: 5sample: Parent Ratings (6 families responded)Parent/Teacher Involvement (1-Low, 5-High): 1.3Lesson Prep Time (1-Minimal, 5-Extensive): 1Recommend to other families (1-Not at all, 5-Highly): 3.8Helpfulness of Teacher Guides/Materials (1-Not at all, 5-Must have): 2.42. ReadersBob Books the Publishers:Bob Books Set 1 • Beginning Readers. is very simple. With only four letters in the first book,your child can sound out all the words, and read the whole book. Children are so excited withtheir success, they want to try more. With each book read, their confidence and desire to learngrows.Bob Books Set 2, Set 3, Set 4 and Set 5 build on each other, with enough repetition so readingbecomes comfortable and easy, and new material so the child stays interested. Numbering thebooks and boxes creates a sense of progress and accomplishment. The books themselves aresized perfectly for little hands. Children love the hilarious (and sometimes mischievous) storiesand pictures.If your youngster is not ready for reading, My First Bob Books build pre-reading skills. My FirstBob Books • Alphabet builds something called phonemic awareness - the ability to hear andseparate sounds - and tunes your child's ear to the sounds letters make. My First Bob Books •Pre-Reading Skills introduces shapes and patterns to build awareness of letter groups. Thisfoundation sets the stage for the magical moment when reading begins.The good news is that you don't have to know reading theory to use Bob Books. As you read thestories and talk about the books, your child is learning. So be silly, play with sounds and make ita game. You're having fun while teaching your child important reading and literacy skills thatwill last a lifetime. It's one of the best gifts you can give a child.My First Bob Books (Pre-Reading Skills) Points: 17 Points: 17Alphabet (My First Bob Books) Points: 17 Books: Sight Words – Kindergarten Points: 17 Points: 17 Points: 17BOB Books: Sight Words – First Grade Points: 17 Points: 17BOB Books Set 1 Beginning Readers Points: 17 Books Set 2 Advancing Readers Books Set 3 Word Families Books Set 4 Complex Words Books Set 5 Long Vowels Wordly Wise KFrom the Publisher:Explicit Oral Vocabulary InstructionWordly Wise 3000 Levels K and 1 develop key oral vocabulary that lays the foundation forliteracy success and prepares students for the content–area reading they will encounter in latergrades.K-1 Components: ! Student Books ! Teacher’s Resource Package ! Note: Teacher’s Resource Package is necessary for the implementation of each lesson.A World of Benefits:! Oral and visual focus meets K-1 developmental needs and supports both English language learners and struggling learners! Flexible lesson plan introduces and develops vocabulary in 20–25 minute lessons, 3–4 days a week! High-utility and content-area words selected from The Living Word Vocabulary † and The Reading Teacher’s Book of Lists††! Take-home materials practice and reinforce vocabulary! Formal and Informal assessments can be administered individually or in small groupsWordly Wise 3000 Book K 3rd edition Points: 12Wordly Wise Teacher's Resource Kit Points: 79Teacher’s Resource Kit includes: Teacher Resource Guide, Concept Cards and Picture CardsWordly Wise Kindergarten Pack Points: 91Kindergarten Pack includes:Student Workbook and Teacher’s Resource Kit (Teacher’s Resource Guide, Concept Cards andPicture Cards)sample (see Book 1 Unit 1, Lesson 3, shows 1st the student book and then the Teacher Resourcematerials) samples: (click on students for games and educators for free graphic organizers): Parent Ratings (19 families responded)Parent/Teacher Involvement (1-Low, 5-High): 3.6 (higher for younger grades, lower forolders)Lesson Prep Time (1-Minimal, 5-Extensive): 2 (again higher for K/1, low for 2nd and above)Recommend to other families (1-Not at all, 5-Highly): 3.7Helpfulness of Teacher Guides/Materials (1-Not at all, 5-Must have): 2.8Comments:“K was cumbersome”“My student worked best with 1 level lower than their actual grade.”4. WritingCheck out Sentence School (see Handwriting Without Tears above) and Idea Builders (seeMead above).5. Click-n-SpellFrom publisher:ClickN SPELL is a research based spelling program for PreK through 5th grade that teaches the800 most commonly used words in the English language. The program may also be used as anintervention curriculum for struggling spellers regardless of age or grade level. Mastering this list of words has been proven to be very successful in mastering English. Forexample, the most commonly spoken 800 words are used 13 times more frequently than thenext most common 800 words. ClickN SPELL therefore provides a solid foundation not just forspelling, but also for the English language in general. Authored by nationally recognized research professor, Dr. J. Ron Nelson author of our awardwinning ClickN READ Phonics program, we again offer the most powerful teaching tool of itskind. The unique instructional design used in ClickN SPELL makes spelling more fun and moreeffective than ever before. WE GUARANTEE IT!1 year subscription Click-n-Spell Points: 10 per studentFor more detail see: a sample lesson: had several Trivium families pilot this curriculum and the reviews were generally positive.Graphics are cartoonish and most enjoyed by grade 3 and younger students.6. Spelling CityFrom Publisher: Word study doesn't have to be boring. Transform any word list into a funactivity. Choose from over 30 learning games. The kids can play in a game show hosted by apenguin while studying their vocabulary. They can help a mouse sneak a piece of cheese whilelearning to spell! They'll have so much fun, they won't even realize they're learning!Activities available when and where you need them. VocabularySpellingCity can be used at yourchild's pace, for extra practice mastering the words assigned by his teacher each week. Want to

study vocabulary in the waiting room at the doctor's office? Or practice spelling words in thecar? Want to brush up on writing skills afterschool at grandma's house?No problem! With VocabularySpellingCity, you can access student activities on the web or onthe go using our app!Save time with helpful resources! Spending endless hours every week practicing spelling andvocabulary words? With VocabularySpellingCity, your child can direct his own learning! Yourchild can input any word list for use in any activity. Practice tests help quickly identify wordsthat need more study time. After taking a test, your child gets immediate feedback on results.You'll be pleased to observe your child's improvement and progress...while your child does thestudying.Spelling City Account (12 mos.) Points: 29To see videos, faqs: Resources: Trivium Literature Packages (K-2)These novels can be used for family read-aloud time and can be purchased separately or with aliterature guide. As we travel back in time we encounter ancient stories that were written foradults and children in the form of myths, legends, fables and folk tales. As such we includeseveral collections of fables and myths for you to share with your children. In science weexplore our living world and what better way to appreciate this world than through literature!Research suggests, “The single most important activity for building the knowledge required foreventual success in reading is reading aloud to children.” (p. 23 from Becoming a Nation ofReaders).Why not infuse your read aloud time with a discussion through one of these selections?Author Unit: Leo Lionni Bundle gentle fables beautifully illustrated to inspire emerging readers 5 picture books: Frederik, A Busy Year, It's Mine!, Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse andSwimmy plus literature guide Points: 44Literature Guide Only (Blackbird and Company) Points: 16Teaching with Aesops Fables Points: 10The Classic Treasury of Aesop's Fables (Book Only)Teaching with Aesop's Fables Literature Guide's%20Fables.pdfCommunities and Culture Bundle Points: 47 includes: Adventures in Ancient Egypt and Adventures in The Middle Ages plus Lit GuideLiterature Guide Only (Moving Beyond the Page) Points: 17resources: Change Over Time Bundle Points: 42 Points: 17Bundle includes: Weslandia and A Street through Time plus Lit GuideLiterature Guide Only (Moving Beyond the Page)Greek Myths Tell it Again! Read-Aloud Points: Free (select grade 2; Listening and Learning; Greek Myths)

Greek Myths Literature Guide Grade 2 Points: Free Great Kapok Tree Bundle (Book + Lit. Guide) Points: 20 Great Kapok Tree (Book Only) Points: 10The Great Kapok Tree (Literature Guide ONLY: Teacher Created Res.) Points: 10The Very Hungry Caterpillar (Book + Lit. Guide) Points: 10 Very Hungry Caterpillar (Book Only) Points: 7The Very Hungry Caterpillar (Literature Guide Only: Teacher Created Resources) Points: 17The Magic School Bus: Inside the Human Body Bundle Points: 17The Magic School Bus: Inside the Human Body (Book Only) Points: 7 Guide Only (Teacher Created Resources) Points: 10Donovan's Word Jar+ Literature Guide Blackbird and Co. Level 1 Points: 20's Word Jar (Book Only) Points: 5Donovan's Word Jar (Literature Guide ONLY Blackbird and Co. Level 1) Points: 16StoriaStoria is Scholastic's digital library (ebooks) for schools and contains 2000 leveled fiction andnonfiction titles—stories and characters you know and love such as Frog and Toad, Biscuit, Ms.Frizzle, Fly Guy and Inkheart to name a few. There are numerous life science titles (e.g.Discovering My World and National Geographic books) as well as ancient times titles (e.g. Ms.Frizzle's Adventures in Ancient Egypt). Additional series include the “I Can Read” leveledreaders, Math=Fun series, Sir Cumference and the Round Table series, the National GeographicKids series, and the Myths from Many Lands series (this is not an exhaustive list).If you'd like to see other offerings go here: reading levels are listed as preK - 6th grade, however here are some of the titles(unabridged) at the upper end of the reading range: Call of the Wild, Pride and Prejudice, HGWell's The Time Machine, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, TheAdventures of Huckleberry Finn and White Fang to name a few (there are numerous abridgedclassics as well). Additional Middle School titles include The Mysterious Benedict Society, TheName of this Book is Secret and Chasing Vermeer.A few of the books have videos linked to them or word play games. An age-appropriatedictionary provides students with definitions of texts, images and optional narration at the tap ofa finger (for selected titles). There are also reading challenge quizes at the end of every ebook.Storia Subscription (access through July 2016) Points: 358. 25 Read and Write Mini Books that Teach Word Families Points: 12From Publisher: Help children build essential reading skills with this collection of adorable mini-storybooks that give them practice reading and writing words from 25 different word families.Each book uses a few simple rhyming words to tell a lively and funny story. Includes ready-to-

photocopy pages and extension activities. For use with Grades PreK-1. 100 Sight Word Mini Books Points: 16From Publisher: No cutting or stapling—just fold and they're ready to use! These adorablereproducible books give emergent readers plenty of practice reading and writing each of the top100 sight words. Each mini-book teaches one high-frequency word and features an engagingrhyming poem that kids complete, then a word search to reinforce learning. Plus, teaching tipsand extension activities!, Talking Fingers: Read, Write and Type! (K-2) Points: 35From the Publisher: Innovative Phonics-to-Fluency Software for Hands-on Reading and SpellingThe Talking Fingers approach is based on a simple idea: text is speech made visible! We use ourmouths to talk, to make the sounds of words. We use our fingers (with a pencil or keyboard) torepresent those sounds on paper. When children learn to link speech sounds with letters, they canuse the alphabet code to write any word they can say. Their fingers are \"talking\"!Demo: (7 choices)We all want to use the best math curriculum. And if you ask ten different homeschool parentswhich math program is best you may get ten different answers! Such is the beauty andsometimes the frustration of homeschooling! So, how do you choose? What do we mean by“best”? Again, our recommendation is to browse through our choices and consider theirfeatures with respect to two perspectives:First, what works best for your child. Is your child a visual learner or kinesthetic learner? If thelatter than a more manipulative based program may be helpful. If colorful visual informationwill hold your child's attention you may want to consider Envision Math. Does he/she enjoymore or less independence? Perhaps an online or less parent intensive program would be best(e.g. Aleks, Time4Learning, Teaching Textbooks, or Thinkwell). Does your child master mathconcepts quickly and get bored with too many practice problems or build confidence with andwould prefer additional practice problems? If the former than a mastery-based program mightwork best in which chapters introduce a few topics and all of the lessons within that chaptercontain practice problems for just those topics, then review problems (which combinetopics/lessons) are done separately (e.g. Math-U-See, Singapore, Math Mammoth). If the latterthan a program that takes a spiraling approach in which each new lesson includes a few reviewproblems from previous lessons plus a few problems that focus on the new concept may workbest (e.g. Saxon).Second, and by no means less important, is what works best for you. How teacher intensive isa particular curriculum and what sort of teacher preparation is required. How confident do youfeel about the subject being taught? If you are less confident than you may want a more scripted

program to make sure you are covering all the bases. If a schedule makes you want to tear yourhair out you may want to choose a curriculum that has a less scripted, looser structure.Again, you do not have to order any of these choices through us. If you have a curriculum youprefer to purchase privately you are free to do so.The following Math choices are arranged in no particular order. Included, where possible, aregeneral descriptions of the program (as well as publisher's recommended grade level), links tosamples pages, as well as reviews. If you are not sure which level is appropriate for your childmany of the sites include placement tests. We encourage you to take advantage of thesematerials to best match the curriculum level to your child's abilities.Kindergarten Math (7 Choices)1. Saxon MathFrom the Publisher: Saxon is the nation’s most comprehensive and most thoroughly researchedhomeschool math program, with more than 30 years of proven success. Saxon mathematics forgrades K–12 is based on the teaching principles of incremental development, continualpractice and review, and cumulative assessment.When John Saxon created his original math text in 1979, his vision was for a teaching method tohelp students better understand math. Since then, the program has been augmented with featuresto help you at every level.Saxon’s K-3 program is designed to teach basic arithmetic concepts as well as geometry,patterns, time, and more. Each lesson is scripted for the parent, which takes the guesswork out ofteaching young learners. Manipulatives accelerate understanding of abstract math concepts, andworksheets provide cumulative review.Saxon Math for middle grades transitions students from manipulatives and worksheets to atextbook approach. The emphasis in the middle grades is on developing algebraic reasoning aswell as geometric concepts. Lessons include a new concept plus a review of previous concepts,and Investigations give students a more in-depth treatment of math concepts. Available formiddle and upper grades, a Solutions Manual gives step-by-step solutions for all problems in thebook.Saxon’s high school texts prepare students for college and beyond. Like the middle grades, theupper grades program offers a textbook, tests, and a Solutions Manual. Homeschool kits areavailable for Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry, Advanced Math, and Calculus.Homeschool Kit K Points: 78Manipulative Kit is also required for Kit K.sample: K-3 Manipulatives Kit Points: 70 you want to buy the pieces of the homeschool kit separately: Points: 17Meeting Book Points: 73Teacher's ManualResources

APPS: Placement Tests: Parent Ratings (4 families responded)Parent/Teacher Involvement (1-Low, 5-High): 4.5Lesson Prep Time (1-Minimal, 5-Extensive): 3Recommend to other families (1-Not at all, 5-Highly): 4.3Helpfulness of Teacher Guides/Materials (1-Not at all, 5-Must have): 3.5Comments:“Really Loved Saxon Combined with Aleks” (Levels for 6th and 7th grade)2. Singapore Math-Earlybird Kindergarten Mathematics Standards EditionFrom the Publisher:EarlyBird Kindergarten Mathematics Standards Edition is a comprehensive, activity-basedprogram designed to provide kindergarten students with a strong foundation in mathematics.Aligned with the Mathematics Framework for California Public Schools, the program aims toprepare young students for subsequent stages of mathematical thinking. In the Textbook,mathematical concepts are developed in a systematic, engaging and fun way. Hands-on tasks,meaningful activities and attractive illustrations rich in mathematical content engage students'active participation in the learning process. The series also provides easy-to-follow guidance invarious forms to allow for meaningful intervention by both parents and teachers.Features of the Earlybird Kindergarten Standards Edition Textbooks: ! Every unit comprises several lessons, each with a focused learning outcome ! The Big Book icon provides quick and easy reference to the corresponding Big Book ! Detailed teaching notes at the bottom of the pages provide guidelines to help teachers develop lessons and concepts systematically ! The Concrete> Pictorial>Abstract approach enables students to encounter math in a meaningful way through concrete activities before progressing to pictorial and abstract representations ! New mathematical concepts are introduced through a spiral progression that builds on concepts already taught and mastered ! Structured activities help to consolidate the mathematical concepts taught ! The pencil icon provides quick and easy reference from the Textbook to the relevant Activity Book pages ! Review pages at the end of each assess the students' mastery of key learning objectives ! Math at Home activities in tear-out sheets provide opportunities for meaningful family involvement in the students' learning process. Detailed, step-by-step instructions for parents are provided in the teaching notesA full year of kindergarten math consists of Textbook/Activity books A and

Textbook/Activity books B.Earlybird Kindergarten Mathematics Standards Edition Textbook A Points: 31sample: Kindergarten Mathematics Standards Edition Activity Books A Points: 23 Kindergarten Mathematics Standards Edition Textbook B Points: 31 Kindergarten Mathematics Standards Edition Activity Books B Points: 23 Kindergarten Mathematics Standards Edition Full Year Set Points:138The Full Year Set includes Textbooks A and B, Activity Books A and B, and Teacher ResourcePacks A and B.Additional Supplemental Materials:Earlybird Kindergarten Standards Edition Teacher Resource Pack A Points: 18 Kindergarten Standards Edition Teacher Resource Pack B Points: 18 of Singapore Math: Tests: resources: Math Levels 1-6 Parent Ratings (20 families responded)Parent/Teacher Involvement (1-Low, 5-High): 3.5Lesson Prep Time (1-Minimal, 5-Extensive): 2.3Recommend to other families (1-Not at all, 5-Highly): 4.4Helpfulness of Teacher Guides/Materials (1-Not at all, 5-Must have): 3.6Comments:“Good overall program, challenging”3. Math Mammoth

From the publisher:Math Mammoth books concentrate on conceptual understanding and are strong in mental math.The directions in the worktexts are written directly to the student, and are often self-teaching,thus requiring little preparation and involvement from the teacher.Math Mammoth Grade 1 Complete Curriculum is a complete math program for 1st grade. Itconsists of two student worktexts (A and B), a separate answer key for each, tests, cumulativereviews, and in the download version, an additional worksheet maker (Internet access required)to make extra practice worksheets when needed.The four main areas of study for first grade are:The concepts of addition and subtraction, and strategies for addition and subtraction facts(chapters 1-2; chapter 4);Developing understanding of whole number relationships and place value till 100 (chapter 3 andchapter 7);Developing understanding of measuring lengths as iterating length units (chapter 6); andReasoning about attributes of geometric shapes, such as the number of sides and the number ofcorners, and composing and decomposing geometric shapes (chapter 6).Additional topics we study in first grade are clock to the half hour (chapter 5) and counting coins(chapter 8).Please also see the table of contents for 1-A and 1-B (in the sample files), which will let you seethe topics covered in more detail.Some main features of Math Mammoth complete curriculum (Light Blue series) are:focuses on understanding of mathematical conceptsuses clear explanations, lots of visual exercises and pattern exercisesmastery oriented: concentrates fairly long on a topic, with fairly few topics per gradeemphasizes mental math and developing number sensevery little teacher preparation neededSamples: Mammoth Grade 1 Set Points: 53Set includes Grade 1A and 1B Worktexts, Grade 1 Test/Review worktext and Grade 1 AnswerKey.Math Mammoth Grade 1-A Worktext ONLY Points: 15Math Mammoth Grade 1-B Worktext ONLY Points: 15Resources:Placement tests: for Kindergarten Math:

Trivium Parent Ratings (2 families responded)Parent/Teacher Involvement (1-Low, 5-High): 2.5Lesson Prep Time (1-Minimal, 5-Extensive): 1Recommend to other families (1-Not at all, 5-Highly): 4.5Helpfulness of Teacher Guides/Materials (1-Not at all, 5-Must have): 4.5Student found it engaging (1-Not at all, 5-Highly) 5Comments:“I loved Math Mammoth but wish they had something geared a bit more to the K gradelevel (I used level 1).”4. Math U SeeFrom publisher:Math·U·See: Suggested 4-Step ApproachIn order to train students to be confident problem solvers, here are the four steps that I suggestyou use to get the most from the Math·U·See curriculum: 1. Prepare for the Lesson 2. Present the New Topic to the Student 3. Practice for the Student to Acquire Mastery 4. Proceed after the Student Demonstrates MasteryStep 1. Prepare for the LessonAs the teacher, watch the DVD/video to learn the concept yourself, and see how to demonstratethis concept with the blocks or fraction overlays. Also, read and study the examples in theTeacher Manual, along with the written explanations. The video and the Teacher Manual aredesigned to easily familiarize you with the new material. They are your multi-sensoryeducational tools. The older and more mature the student, the more useful the video and TeacherManual will be for them as well.Step 2. Present the New Topic to the StudentPresent the new concept to your students. Have the students watch the video with you, if youthink it would be helpful. Older students will benefit from watching the video. a. Build: Demonstrate how to use the blocks (or fraction overlays) to solve the problem. b. Write: Show the problems on paper as you build them, step-by-step. c. Say: Explain the “why” and “what” of the math you are doing.By using Build, Write and Say (also explained on the video), you are helping the students to usetheir eyes, ears and hands to learn. Do as many problems as necessary until the studentsunderstand. One of the joys of teaching is hearing a student say “Now I get it!” or “Now I seeit!”Step 3. Practice for the Student to Acquire MasteryUsing the examples and the Lesson Practice problems from the Student Text, have the studentspractice the new concept. Coach them through the building, writing and saying process. It is onething for students to watch someone else do a problem, it is quite another to do the samethemselves. Do enough examples together until they can do them without assistance.Note: Do as many of the Lesson Practice pages as necessary (not all pages may be needed) untilthe students remember the new material and gain understanding. Utilize the word problems,which are designed to apply the concept being taught in the lesson.

Step 4. Proceed after the Student Demonstrates MasteryOnce mastery of the new concept is demonstrated, proceed into the Systematic Review pages forthat lesson. Mastery can be demonstrated by having each student teach the new material back toyou. Let him build the problem with the blocks (or fraction overlays), write it as he progressesthrough the problem, and say what he is doing as he works the problem. The goal is not to fill inworksheets, but to be able to teach back what has been learned.Note: The Systematic Review worksheets review the new material as well as provide practice ofthe math concepts previously studied. The word problems are taken from material the student hasmastered in previous lessons as well as the new material. Remediate missed problems as theyarise to ensure continued mastery.Proceed to the lesson tests. These can be used as an assessment tool or as an extra worksheet.Limiting the time on a test is your decision, but be aware that it is often an unnecessary source ofstress, especially for younger children.Your students will be ready for the next lesson only after demonstrating mastery of the newconcept and continued mastery of concepts found in the Systematic Review worksheets.Confucius was reputed to have said, “Tell me, I forget; Show me, I understand; Let me do it, Iwill remember.” To which we add, “Let me teach it and I will have achieved mastery!”Length of a LessonSo how long should a lesson take? This will vary from student to student and from topic to topic.You may spend a day on a new topic before you reach the lesson sheets, or you may spendseveral days. There are so many factors that influence this process that it is impossible to predictthe length of time.By following the four steps outlined above, you, the teacher, will know when to proceed to thenext topic. Math must be taught sequentially, as it builds lesson by lesson on previously learnedmaterial. If you move from lesson to lesson without mastery in each lesson, the student willbecome discouraged. But by adhering to the suggested approach and moving at the student’space you will be helping to create a confident problem solver who enjoys the study of math.For scope and sequence, sample lessons, etc. see: Instruction Pack Points: 31The Primer Instruction Pack contains the Instruction manual, lesson-by-lesson instruction andanswer keys, and the DVD with lesson-by-lesson video instruction.Primer Student Text Points: 22The Primer Student text contains lesson-by-lesson worksheets and review pagesManipulative Block Set Points: 38The manipulative blocks are used in all of the Math·U·See levels from Primer to Algebra 1.There are 88 pieces in this colorful, base-10 set of stacking blocks used to teach all aspects ofarithmetic. The same blocks are used in conjunction with the Inserts to illustrate key algebra anddecimal concepts. The set consists of five each of the 2s, 3s, 4s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s, and 100s; seven5s, twenty units and twenty-one 10s.Skip Count CD & Book Points: 11These are songs on a CD to help the student learn the skip counting and addition facts. Theyinclude a booklet with the words and music. There are two versions of the songs on the CD, one

with Christian lyrics, and the other with with the lyrics taken from science and literature. Instock!Resources (worksheet generator and online drill page): reviews: Parent Ratings (9 families responded)Parent/Teacher Involvement (1-Low, 5-High): 3.2Lesson Prep Time (1-Minimal, 5-Extensive): 1.7Recommend to other families (1-Not at all, 5-Highly): 4.4Helpfulness of Teacher Guides/Materials (1-Not at all, 5-Must have): 3.8Comments:“Excellent, engaging instruction”; “Love the DVDs!”5. Time4LearningFrom the publisher:The kindergarten math curriculum contains 81 math lessons, 25 quizzes, 25 teaching materialsand 5 chapter tests. It constitutes a solid kindergarten math program, correlated to statestandards.Animated characters present the kindergarten math lessons in bite sized pieces, at the student'space. Kindergarteners are introduced to basic concepts of patterns and categories, spatial sense,number systems, operations, geometry, measurement, and probability through game-likeactivities.Eighty-one lessons are organized into six chapters that introduce and cover: 1. Tutorial - Teaches students how to use the math program. It teaches the functionality of buttons and shows students how to interact with and complete practice questions. 2. \"Under the Sea\" - Teaches how to sort and categorize based on similarities, differences, patterns and common attributes. 3. \"Playtime in the Park\" - Introduces shapes and basic concepts of spatial sense while reinforcing categorization skills. Students learn how to use positional words to describe locations and manipulate shapes from different locations. 4. “Let's Go On a Safari\" - Teaches the numbers 1-10, the concepts of quantity, counting objects, reading numbers, basic graphing and equivalence. 5. \"What's Cooking?\" - Teaches the basics of time, temperature, calendars and basic units and tools of measurement. 6. \"Numbers in the Neighborhood\" - Teaches the numbers 11-20, number patterns, counting by 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s, basic graphing and addition and subtraction.For a more detailed description of the kindergarten math lessons, please visit ourkindergarten math scope and sequence page. See Above ( Language Arts for Pricing andReviews and FAQ # 23)go here:

For free trial: Points: 25 per mo. overview of entire Kindergarten curriculum: Acct.: (includes math and LA)Time4Learning per month (no contract) subscriptionResources: a Welcome to Homeschooling Guide here: Reviews: this review you will find people discussing whether time4learning is a complete curriculum): Parent Ratings (1 family responded)Parent/Teacher Involvement (1-Low, 5-High): 3Lesson Prep Time (1-Minimal, 5-Extensive): 1Recommend to other families (1-Not at all, 5-Highly): 5Helpfulness of Teacher Guides/Materials (1-Not at all, 5-Must have): N/A6. Envision Math 2011(K)From the publisher:Envision a math program that engages your students as it strengthens their understanding ofmath. enVisionMATH uses problem based interactive learning and visual learning to deepenconceptual understanding. It incorporates bar diagram visual tools to help students be betterproblem solvers, and it provides data-driven differentiated instruction to ensure success for everystudent. The best part, however, is that this success is proven by independent, scientificresearch. Envision more, enVisionMATH!The Kindergarten Grade consumable student lessons, organized by math Topics include workmatand recording space to support daily, hands-on Interactive Learning. Daily lesson provides aVisual Learning Bridge that teaches math concepts step-by-step with purposeful, sequentialillustrations while connecting Interactive Learning with skill and problem solving practice.The Kindergarten Homeschool Bundle includes: Student Edition Worktext, MindPoint® QuizShow CD-ROM, and Teacher Edition CD-ROMPearson creates education materials for all types of learners. When creating a program, we ensurethat the material will be accessible to as many students as possible and as such, we create manyancillary products to fit specific situations to meet a variety of needs. While there are manycomponents to each of our overall educational programs, some of these ancillaries do not meetthe needs of homeschoolers, others do not make sense in a homeschool environment and somerequire an expensive technological infrastructure to deploy. The homeschool product

configurations, while selected from a larger program, are complete curriculum bundles designedfor your children to be engaged and to thrive, while being mindful of your budget. It is importantto note that at times there will be resources mentioned throughout your materials that are notincluded in your package, however this will not hinder your child's successful completion of thecourse.System RequirementsWindows: Minimum Processor: Pentium II 233MHz; Minimum System: Windows 2000(SP4/XP (SP2); Memory: 256MD; CD/DVD Speed: 8X; Hard Drive Space: 40MB (20MB forLite Version).Macintosh: Minimum Processor: Power Mac 200MHz; Minimum System: OS 10.3.9 (Classicmode required. Will not work on Intel based Macs.); Memory 256; CD/DVD Speed: 8X; HardDrive Space: 32MB (20MB for Lite version).*NOTE: Program does not work on Mac OS 10.6 and above.Envision Math Grade K Homeschool Bundle Points: 107Sample: Stanford's GiftedandTalented Math (ONLINE formerly EPGY) (UPDATED)From their website:This revolutionary mathematics course continually adapts and accelerates learning to ensure thatstudents receive material at just the right level of challenge and enrichment. Students are highlyengaged with interactive manipulatives, rich gameplay, and digital project based learningactivities themed around Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) careers.Over 500 instructional lessons and 15,000 problems ensure students develop deep conceptualunderstanding, build computation skills, and apply their learning in real world contexts.The course systematically develops the foundations for Algebra readiness including: numbersystems, fractions, computation, proportional reasoning, expressions and equations, and criticaltopics in geometry and measurement. view a “guided tour”: Mathematics (6 months) Points: 120 + 25 activation fee?Redbird Mathematics (9 months) Points: 180 + 25 activation fee?

Reviews: ResourcesTeacher Created Thematic Units (NEW)My Body Points: 8Describes body parts and their functions. Includes patterns for a life-size replica. This book hasbeen a classroom favorite for years!Sample: Senses Thematic Unit (e-book only-we'll send you link) Points: 10Five Senses provides lesson plans and cross-curricular activities based on the following pieces ofliterature: The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse, The Little Red Hen. This reproducibleresource is filled with ready-to-use lessons and cross-curricular activities. Also included aremanagement ideas, creative suggestions for the classroom, and a bibliography. Thematic Unit (e-book only-we'll send you link) Points: 10Bugs Thematic Unit is based on the following three pieces of literature: The Icky Bug CountingBook, Miss Spider's Tea Party, and The Very Quiet Cricket. This reproducible resource is filledwith ready-to-use lessons and cross-curricular activities. Also included are management ideas,creative suggestions for the classroom, and a bibliography.Sample: Thematic Unit (e-book only-we'll send you link) Points: 10Farm Thematic Unit is based on the following pieces of literature: Family Farm, My Farm. Thisreproducible resource is filled with ready-to-use lessons and cross-curricular activities. Alsoincluded are management ideas, creative suggestions for the classroom, and a bibliography.Sample: and Nutrition: Thematic Unit (e-book only- we'll send you link) Points: 10The Food and Nutrition Thematic Unit is based on the following pieces of literature: GrowingVegetable Soup; Bread Bread Bread; and Gregory the Terrible Eater. This reproducible resourceis filled with ready-to-use lessons and cross-curricular activities. Also included are managementideas, creative suggestions for the classroom, and a bibliography.Sample: Explorer: Leaf Collecting Album (NEW) Points: 12Learning to call everything by its right name can start from an early age.learning about thenatural world around us is quickly becoming a lost art. Give kids an easy to follow path to helpthem discover nature with the fun and engaging Backyard Explorer Kit.An identification guide will teach students how to identify more than 45 trees through the easilyrecognizable shapes of their leaves and needles. Chapters provide an introduction to trees, leafshapes, hints on identification, and plenty of hands-on projects. Photos and illustrations areincluded throughout. 96 pages, softcover, 3.5\" x 8\".The accompanying leaf collecting album is comprised of loose-leaf, three-hole-punched pageswith a cover that kids can stitch together themselves using the included string. Designed as aspace for student to put pressed and mounted leaves they've collected, they'll soon complete theirown comparative collection. Pages are 7.25\" x 8\".Tree of Life: The Incredible Biodiversity of Life on Earth (NEW) Points: 13If every known species on Earth were a leaf on a tree, that tree would have 1 750 000 leaves.Since humans count for just one leaf on the tree, we have a lot to learn about the millions ofother forms of life with which we share the world. A dazzlingly illustrated and child-friendlyintroduction to biodiversity, Tree of Life shows how living things are classified into fivekingdoms -- and how each has much to tell us about all aspects of life on our planet. Tree of Lifeis part of CitizenKid: A collection of books that inform children about the world and inspirethem to be better global citizens.Watch Me Draw: SeriesEngaging Stories + Drawing Lessons: Each storybook page is accompanied by a step-by-stepdrawing lesson, so children can see how to draw the characters in the story. A special flip-downdrawing pad includes unfinished drawings that children are encouraged to complete whilelooking at the step-by-step drawing lessons. 24-page book + 12-page drawing pad + 2 pages ofstickers.Watch Me Draw: Pets Points: 7 Me Draw: Zoo Points: 7 Me Draw: Dophins, Whales, Fish and More Points: 7 Me Draw: Dinosaurs Points: 7 Me Daw: Outer Space Points: 7 of the World: Ancients (NEW)Ancient Times (5000 BC to 400 AD)History is a story. Isn't it time you read it that way?

This engaging guide presents world history in a narrative format for elementary students.What terrible secret was buried in Shi Huangdi's tomb? Did nomads like lizard stew? Whathappened to Anansi the Spider in the Village of the Plantains? And how did a six-year oldbecome the last emperor of Rome?Click here to read a sample online!The Story of the World series has over 800,000 copies in print. Along with the ActivityBook(click here to view), the Story of the World, Volume 1, provides an entire year of history,literature, and geography study. (History doesn’t happen in a vacuum; it happens in real places,so we put lots and lots of maps in our history books.)Story of the World Vol 1 Ancient Times Points: 17Activity Book to Accompany Story of the World Vol. 1 Ancient Times Points: 35Classical Kids: An Activity Guide to Life in Ancient Greece and Rome(NEW) Points: 17Travel back in time to see what life was like in ancient Greece and Rome while having fun withhands-on activities such as making a star gazer; chiseling a clay tablet; weaving Roman sandals;making a Greek mosaic; creating Roman jewelry; throwing Greek pottery; casting a vote in aRoman-style election; and much more. Learn how these civilizations contributed to our present-day world by participating in art, math, cooking, science, and geography activities. Interestingfacts and trivia are included throughout. Helpful illustrations explain project steps.Student Planner2015-2016 Elementary Student Planner Character Series Points: 4From Publisher: This colorful planner is character-focused, covering a different theme eachmonth, to keep students thinking positively about themselves and others. Each day has fourSubjects: Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, & Social Studies. Key Features: Character-Themed Monthly Spreads; Literacy Link Section; Weekly Character Reflection Area; CharacterTheme with Words and Definitions; Daily Reading Minutes Log; Area for Parent/TeacherCommunication; Area for 25 Spelling Words; & Study Skills Pages Each month focuses on adifferent Caring and Sharing theme. August/September Respect; October Independence;November - Acceptance and Tolerance; December Confidence; January Commitment; February- Empathy March - Cooperation; April Integrity; May/June - Creativity and Curiosity. PlannerBasics: Dated from 7/20/15-12/18/15 & 1/4/16-6/17/16; Full-color Format; Plastic Coil Binding;Rounded Corners; 15-Point Laminated Front Cover; 20-Point Rigid Poly BackSample: Language (19 different languages) Points: FREEReview: few final thoughts

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